HomeMy WebLinkAboutRevision tile product approval 2020 codeFlorida Building Code Online WNW IIQS Wnne lua In Ilw naeJYRarmn Xoi inpa Su0n,1[Surtrurne SIaK dbpr 7��Produa Approval lI erect: a pp '�iJ .n Ai,nlOra Mom a p dwc at AM10 Sean % e_q�_ I APPIIueOn FL FL7B49-R14 Application Type Revision Code Version 2020 Applicabon Status Applied For Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Cornpliance Method Evaluation Entity Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Explradon Date Validated By Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence at Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Donal Roofing Page I of 5 IC Pkl'. b crri ui Wrs Sire wP tok E-mh 7575 Irvine Cent r Drive Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92618 (801) 380-6091 RobinAni ral.ca Anderson Robin Robin Anderson 10701 So. River Suite 300 So. Jordan, UT E (801) 380-6091 Parkway Rabin Anderson 7575 Irvine Cent r Dr. 4100, [rvl lie, CA 92618 (801) 380-6091 Roofing Roofing Tiles Evaluation R IAPMO Unirornl QAI Laboratone 12/31/2D25 Gary W. Walker validation C rL&49-9L. Standard ASTM C1492 ASTM E108 from a Product Evaluation Entity 'algatlan Services LLC. Hardcopy Received Y= 2009 2016 3/22/2021 Florida Building Code Online Product Approval Method Method 1 Date Submitted 02/15/2021 Date Validated Summary of Products Go to Page = 0 Page 2 of 5 0 as O Page 1 / 2 4 PL # Model, Number or Name, Oft riptlon 7849.1 Barcelona - Impact High Profile - Katy, TX Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Inst illation Instructions tructi Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes 7 4 II _.alit a dF 49 R+4, F� Impact Resistant: N/Anari �I �N_gh Wind Tile 11 t II t Manual " - - Other: Pressure: N/A Other: Verl ami led By: IAPMO Uniform Evaluation Services LLC. Cre ted by Independent Third Parry: Eva l ation Reports R14 AF FR-4t rofile lake Wales, FL 7849.2 Barcelona 900 High Limits of Use In Ilation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No 7 14 g85-Inshal Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes' 4 F High Impact Resistant: N/A pride Wlnd Tl I i Ila[i M 1 - h Other: Pressure: N/A Other: Ven ad By: IAPMO Unform Evaluatlon Services LLC. Crea ad b de y independent Third party: Eva] atlon Reports r 7 1 -R 412 tldf 7649.3 Barcelona 900 _ High roFlle - Lathrop, CA Limits of Use Ins IWtion Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: No FL7 11 '-Ins II 1 f Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes R34 11 Figrida H' h Impact Resistant: N/A Wind T' ! t t'o M I Van Design pressure: N/A Other: o d By: l PMO Uniform Evaluatlon Services LLC. Crea ed by Independent Third Party: Evel on Reports 7 9 R 4 AE.t}g5_EB'4 -f 7849.4 Bermuda Flat P ofile - Okeechobee, FL Limits of Use In lotion Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ No ELM-9 E14 11 EBS-Install-toi Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A 1178 4 I1. f tiryCp lle -High Wind Tnstall tl M - Design Pressure: N/A Ei Verifi n d BY: IAPMO Uniform Evaluation Services LiOther. Creat ld by Independent Third Party: Evelio Won Reports Ejj 9 R14 AE ,t k$ ER-41e off 7849.5 Cedadite 600 Fiat P file - Stockton, CA Limits of Use InSta lotion Instructions for use In NVHZ: Np Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes F .a aril e M - [{pI odf Rio Impact Resistant: N/A 1 B14 11 Flnndit Hfoh Wind Tie Instaltabon Manuat - F17 Design Pressure: N/A h E Verifi [ion rn, d By: IAPMO Uniform Evaluation Services I.I.C. Other: Crea t by Independent Thud Party: Evaiu lion Reports fL? 7849.6 Espana / Barcelona High P ofile - Rialto, CA Limits of Use Instal ation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: No 4 R14 17�5-in t Iltl oaf Approved for use outside Hi Yes ] R14 Impact Resistant: N/A 11 51 EllinLJ1nd ille [nstallA,l ion Manual h Other; OePressure: N/A r. Verifi By: IAPMO Uniform Evalpation Services LLC. Creat d by Independent Th ird Party: Evi don Reports ]899.7 Espana /Barcelona High Profile Henderson, N, Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Inafai FFU84 lion Inetructfons 19 Fy cithimallt -tlf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL784 R 4 'tla tl Impact Resistant•. N/A -H ph W' Tl 1 �t II t' M - 6th Edii Verih BY: IAPMO Unfri Evaluation Services LLC- https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_dtl.aspx?param=WG VXQwtDgtO4mGNBAA.,, 3/22/2021 Florida Building Code Online Page 3 of 5 Otsego Pressure: N/A Other' Cr led by Independent Third Party: Eva edition Reports —8I9-A€JlSS_:R_ 413r@2 7849.8 €spans 600/ Barcelona 600 Hilit Profile -Rialto, Ca Limits of Use Ins Ittation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No ELZc 0. 0 - nstalRinn odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes EU4 i4 it. Flodda High Mn d Tel Impact Resistant: N/A 1110 ,R Y t' II tlon Manual - n Design Pressure: N/A Other: Ver led By: IAPMO Uniform Evaluation Services LLC. Cre ted by Independent Third Parry: Eve Mtlon Reports r 7 4 1 ndl 7849.9 Estate "5" Low rpfile - Okeechobee, FL Limits of Use Inst elation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: No F 7 4 4 II 4 install [ df Approved for use Outside HVHZ: Yes Impact 49 R14 i Florida H!gh. Wind Tile In tallatl M ny� Resistant: N/A 6 n 0 0P1 cd By: IAPMO Uniform Evaluation Services LLC. Design Pressure: N/A Verl Other: Cre tad by Independent Thud Party: Eva! ation Reports ] VJ RI-1 AE UE' CR-4["df 7849.10 Galena Spanish "S" High ofile - Okeechobee, FL Limits of Use In IlatlOn Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FZ I Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: NjA F i r 49 R I FI r tl Hluh Wind [II I l r II t Id u I- t Vat -oR.04t ad By: IAPMU Umfnm Evaluation 5ervices LLC, OPressure: N)A Other;ther: Crea ad by Independent Third Party: Eve] ation Reports F RI4 AF of7849.11 Madera - 700 &90o Stockton, CALimits of Use n InstructionsApprovetl for use in HVHZ: No 4 L C d Itt Had - :L tB'14[�2Approved for use outside HVNZ: Yes 4 i7 - n I fImpact Reslstant:ure: N/A FStockWn, 4 rida Hoe Wind Tl - stall iMe u, Design Pressure: N/A Other:: IAPMO Uniform Evaluation 5ervices LLC. Independent Third Parry: Reports Kk-4l idr 7849.12 Mission 5 / Barceluna Hlgh rOfile - Phoenix, AZ Limits of Use Instal latlon Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No 7 4 n B -In f -In F Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes ft14 11 Florida M'�h Wind InsitatiltiQn Manual - Impact Resistant: N/A y);in It I ion lr Design Pressure: N/A Other: Vedfi d By: IAPMO Uniform Evaluation Services LLC. Crest d by Independent Third Party: Evalu stion Reports Ell_ R+ E_4E5 ER-4 LLB 71M9.13 Plantatinn Flat P Me - Okeechobee, FL Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Initial laden Instructions Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL78, 4 - stalla[iod odf 4 R14 II Elorlda H' h Wind Tiir incta0a ion Manual - EL Impact Resistant: N/A Din ct i r Design Pressure: N/A Other: Verdi d By: IAPMO Uniform Evaluation Services LLC. Creat d b Indep endent pendent Third Party: Evalu tlon Reports FIZ0 14 AF 'J.F ER-41� p jf 7849.14 Saxony- Country Shake, Country Flat file-Katy,!TX State, Country Split Shake, -Emlitsh Thatch, Impact, Shake &Slate Limits of Use Instal anon Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL70I Approved for use outside HVHZ: yes A FI dd H- h Impact Resistant: N/A _q_ Wind TileI C tall n Manual f Design Pressure: N/A Verih By: IAPMO Uniform Evaluation 5ervices LLC. Other: Crest d by Independent Third Party: EVblui Jon Reports 4 ]84P A14A '-jj 1 7849.15 Saxony - Shake & State Fiat Pr file - Phoenix, AZ https://www.floridabuilding.Org/pr/pr app_dtl.aspx?param=wG�VXQwtDgtO4niGNBAA_.. 3/22/2021 Florida Building Code Online Page 4 of 5 yr 'a Approved !or use in HVHZ: No No installation Instructions Approved for use outside Yes FL I849 R34 IS EB_S-I t II tl df Impact Resistant: N/A Ft 7849 Rt4 it Florida Mlah W d TI I t-Iiay_u� d ori--.--_S�_ t m _ Design Pressure: N/A Other. Ve Bed By: IAPMO Uniform Evaluation Services LLC. Cre led by Independent Third Party: Ev action Reports F 7 9 R14 gr.--UES ER-417.odf 7949.16 Saxony - Shake, Slate, Country Flat Profile -Denver, Co Slate, Split Old English Thatch e Impact Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No IDS Motion Instructions Approved forsis use outside NYHZ: Yes ELZ 4 RBS-Instailtion oGF Impact Resistant: N/A E 49 t FI - i td Tile [TI [ lal---i_ Ma 1 - Other: Pressure: N/A Other. I Ven on utlf led By: IAPMO Uniform Evaluation Services LLC. Cre ted by Independent Third Party: EVa hation, Reports EL7 43 R14_AE 7849.17 Saxony 600 - Slate, Shake ® Split Flat Mille - Stockton, CA Shake Limits Use Approved d for use in HVHZ: No In Ration Instructions Improved for aoutside HVHZ: Yes 7 4 4. E.@Sdi; 'da LI 7 Impact Resistant. : N/A 14 !I1 FI High yi� h - - M I I OLI��"^' Vea rt Design Pressure: N/A Other: ad By:: IAPMO Evaluation Services LLC. Crea d by Independent Third Party: Eral letion Reports J R_14 Af.-"E Lif _i j2. & 7849.18 Saxony 600 - Slate, Shake & Split Flat i file - Rialto, CA Shake Limits of use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Irish laton Instructions Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Pi-7 R14 - III n f F P. Impact Resistant: N/A R II KI Id Hial, Wand TII- I jldLlon Ma Buzz . Venn OPressure: N/A Other.ther: r d By; IAPMO Uniform Evaluation Serviriis C. LL Crea Rd by Independent Third Party: Evall Ition Reports ._ t).r lt4�S1E5 FR�.BLI1 7849.19 Saxony 700 - Shake, Slate & Split Flat P ffle - Stockton, CA Shake Limits of Use Approvefor use in HVHZ: No Insta lotion Instructions Approvedd for use outsitla HVHZ: Yes FLItlgg L78 R1q I1 E84I [ Ili' df Impact Resistant: N/A R14 it Fhonda H,uh yjlniJ Tle Installation _Manual _Ma _ Verifi Design Pressure: N/A Other. Ion odf d By: IAPMG Uniform Evaluation Services LLC. Creat d by Independent Third Patty: Evalu tip" Reports 1`1.7 4 AFR- 1�,Rcf 7849.10 Saxony 700 - Shake, Slate &Split Flat P le - Rialto, CA Shake Limits of Use Approved far use in HVHZ: No Instal .Dan Instructions A Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL7 4 q II EBS-lost Iltl n odF 4 FI rid Hi FL a Impact Resistant: N/A Wil d T le inStillijaian Man.,al t fith = Otsego Pressure: N/A Other. VeriFl By: IAPMO Uniform Evaluation Services LLC. Crea by Independent Third Party: Evalu on Reports 1/94 -Ell-AL U S -1t 4[2 if fn to vim... rpA 1D lD COMdCL:: 7r� a. . The Sate or pwrlaa Is an A,VEF0 emplaylc CO."on, rum-z�yr U Ilona. bw, emau aMressG me. puvlf, r¢CaNs. 11 you d. nq waM you• e^mep ado. rl to Ilrrs ¢ntRy. inYleatl, COMd[t It2 aM[e ay plbrr! ar Iry IiaN[rpn.l mall, t(yvlr ryaV! (th rbltla Staznlq ePec:rvv n[tp[!r 1, HI11, pmnslK Ilwnaaa uMler 4havtar 055, F.5 amalb pmnaed .y W use. rar r mcal mmmuM h1 tee llRns$e. IKnvever em.x o please pmvly IeinC eepsrtmeM WRn ee amaJ W. wRIN C.n Ln n,rr# aValiaLlY [a (ne ock on, 0 0 Page 1/ 2 0 0 3$ICIDip{:: 4:oeczh t+5 UNOIUW� IN m reepnse ro a nuuM1c-rc[aNz rgrylstI da riot senC ae¢r, S. NNa M, beparli ,i ri an em " adf Ysa �r neyMll.i,. a!5 M! arc PuW'rt `a if you av(W Woe to supwv if paramal iddrai o RetermlM x you am a Xren"-_ruder @abler 455, F.5, plena hops://www.floridabuilding.orglprlpr app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgtO4mGNBAA... 3/22/2021 Florida Building Code Online rxRKv —Lj Safe Page 5 of 5 https://www.floridabuilding.orglprlpr_app_dtl.aspx?param=%\-GCVXQwtDgt04mGNBAA... V22/2021 6th EDITION Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual FRSA-TRI Alliance December 31, 2020 (12-31-20) (f)SATTRI PREFACE The Tile Roofing Industry Alliance (TRI) in partnership with the Florida Roofing and Sheet Metal Contractors Association, Inc. (FRSA) have been working together for over two decades on the development of installation manuals that represent proper installation practices, industry standards and the latest code requirements of roof tiles for the Florida market. It was the consensus of a joint committee that we should re -write this manual in a way that addresses the latest wind codes, eliminates system designations, recognizes the latest products, reduces redundancy, adds drawings and paints a clear picture that provides clarity for contractors and inspectors regarding which prod- ucts and processes are acceptable in the High Wind regions. The committee also adopted the recommen- dations of several premium upgraded products and enhanced installation practices to improve the long-term performance of tile roofing systems. The culmination of the committee's efforts led to the creation of this 6th Edition Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual for High Wind Applications in Florida. LIMITATIONS ON USE AND DISCLAIMER FOR THE FRSA-TRI INSTALLATION GUIDE These file guidelines are a consensus document developed by a joint committee of the Florida Roofing and Sheet Metal Contractors Association, Inc. (FRSA) and the Florida Committee of the Tile Roofing Industry Alli- ance (TRI). It is important to recognize that these recommendations are neither warranties, explicit or implicit, or representative of the only method by which a tile system can be installed. Rather, they try to summarize for the designer, applicator or developer good roofing practices and some of the industry standards for the instal- lation of the roof tiles which have been developed over time from actual trade practice and the requirements of various building code agencies. These guidelines may not be applicable in all geographical areas. It is the re- sponsibility of those individuals who are referring to these guidelines to independently research and determine which method is best for their particular project. INTRODUCTION The recommendations contained herein address concrete and clay tile installations in Florida; however these recommendations may be utilized in other geographical areas designated as a High Wind region. The TRI offers installation manuals for basic Climate regions as well as Cold and Snow regions. For more information, visit the TRI website www.tileroofing.org or email info@tileroofing.org. The manner in which tile roofs are installed in High Wind regions makes them a highly -effective water shed- ding assembly that affords years of service and protection. The effectiveness of a tile roof system as a weather resistant assembly depends upon the proper installation of the tile roof components, because installing them properly is critical to the performance of the installed system. It should be noted that several formatting changes have been continued in this revision. First, the table for underlayment and flashings (see page 6) addresses the compatibility of one -ply and two-ply undedayments, attachment methods and flashing types, as well as the possible need for additional flashings and sealants. The second table is for hip and ridge attachment methods (see page 14) and denotes the various approved meth- ods for installing hip and ridge tiles, as well as the compatible weather blocking treatments. The implementa- tion of these tables will help reduce the likelihood of the inadvertent "mixing of systems." which can lead to a reduction in the life span of a tile roof system. This manual has been divided into two sections of content. The first contains text and tables, the second contains detailed drawings that supplement the text. Several new drawings have been added, while some that were found to be redundant or unnecessary in prior manuals were eliminated. Designers should be familiar with local codes and wind zone designations when choosing a file roof system. For more information, please contact the Tile Roofing Industry Alliance (TRI) or the Florida Roofing and Sheet Metal Contractors Association, Inc. (FRSA). Initial publication date 9/18, effective code date 12/31/20. FRSA-TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual - 64h Edition 12,3V20 TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIFICATIONS General Overview .......................................... 3 ............................................................... Products ................................................................................................. Underlayment & Flashings ............................................................6 ......................................... INSTALLATION Single -Ply System........................................................... Two -Ply System ..................................... 8 ........................................................................... Metal Flashings............................................... 9 ........................................................... Tile Installation...............................................................................................12 ...................... Hip and Ridge Installation...............................................14 ................................................... . APPENDIX A Roof Project Design Flow Chart and Examples ................................... .........................17-21 Uplift and Design Pressure Tables.......................................................... .......................22-31 ASCE 7-16 Wind Map For Exposure C............................ ............32 ......................................... APPENDIX B Drawings..............................................................................................................33-48 ............. APPENDIX C Glossary..................................................................... ...............49-53 ........................................ k FRSA-TRI c __ 2c 6th EDITION GENERAL OVERVIEW Related Work Specified Elsewhere —Other trades such as Rough Carpentry — Section 06 10 00, Roof and Deck Insulation — Section 07 22 00, Flashing and Sheet Metal — Section 07 60 00, and Roof and Wall Specialties and Accessories — Section 07 70 00, are not covered by these recommendations. Quality Assurance — Concrete roof tile shall be in compliance with ASTM C1492. Clay roof file shall be in compliance with ASTM C1167. Submittals — When required, submittals shall include the tile profile, color and manufacturer. Atypical sub- mittal package includes product descriptions, recom- mended installation procedures and a conforming Product Approval or current Compliance Report. Product Delivery, Storage and Handling — Distrib- ute stacks of tile uniformly, not in concentrated loads. When conditions warrant, install temporary battens to facilitate roof loading. Care shall be taken to protect the underlayment during the tile loading and stacking process. CIS A-TRI Job Conditions — Do not install underlayment over wet surfaces. Ensure other trades are aware and take the necessary precautions when loading materials, roofing and/or stacking of tile is taking place. Any damage that occurs to the underayment, (lashings or battens shall be immediately repaired with like materi- als. Ventilation — Ventilation or Sealed Attic Systems are required by the building codes. These requirements vary and should be verified by the local jurisdiction. They can be found in Section 1203 of the Florida Building Code and the International Building Code, and in Section R806 of the Florida Residential Code and the Int rnational Residential Code. Vents shall comply with ICC-ES AC132 and be installed as per manufacturer's written instructions. Warranty — Refer to specific manufacturer's limited warranty against defects in roof tile. PRODUCTS DISCLAIMER NOTICE — The FRSA and TRI Alliance rely on the c ponent industry's data to establish mini- mum physical properties standards for their products. The standard listed in the products section of this man- ual reflect that process. Refer to each manufacturer's Product Appr val(s) or Compliance Reports for additional information. Asphalt — Shall conform to ASTM D312, Type III or IV (Note slope requirements in the building code). Asphalt Plastic Roof Cement — Conforming to ASTM D4586, Type li, non -asbestos, non -running, heavy - body material composed of asphalt and other mineral ingredients. Asphalt Primer — Conforming to ASTM D41 Asphalt Saturated Roofing — Organic, Type II, com- monly called No. 30 or 30#, conforming to a minimum ASTM Standard D226, Type II organic saturated. Battens — Material to be decay resistant exterior grade. Battens should not be bowed or twisted. Hori- zontal battens shall be a nominal 1" x 2° x 4'. Elevat- ed or counter batten systems require a FBC Product Approval. Coatings + (Optional) Paint shall be color coordinated when pain ng tile, flashing and/or accessories. Sealer may be us, d on the point -up mortar. Tint Seal is color coordinated sealerfor staining tile or accessories. Refer to Paint or Sealer manufacturer's written appli- cation instructions. Eave Closure — Metal, concrete, clay, mortar and raised fascia are all approved. Flexible F shing Products — Conforming to ICC- ES AC-141 and conform to ASTM D4434, D4637 or ❑5019. Hip and Rip Metal — Shall be in compliance with the FBC. and Ridge Metal shall meet the test re- quirements of SSTD 11-99 and verified by third -party independent FBC approved laboratories. FRSA-TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual-6 h Edition 12'31,'20 -TRI Hip and Ridge Plastic Support Structure— Shall be in compliance with the FBC. Hip and Ridge Plastic Support Structure shall meet the test requirements of SSTD 11-99 and verified by third -party independent • FBC approved laboratories. Membranes — Organic Asphalt impregnated cot- ton membrane, minimum 4" wide. Inorganic Asphalt impregnated fiberglass membrane, minimum 4" wide conforming to ASTM D1668. Mineral Surface Roll Roofing —Shall be a minimum of seventy four pounds per roll commonly called 90#, conforming to ASTM D6380. Modified Bitumen Membrane — Shall conform to ASTM D6162, D6163 or 06164. Modified Bitumen Roofing Mastic —Shall conform to ASTM D3019, Type III. Mortar— Cement shall conform to ASTM C91 Type M. Sand shall meet ASTM C144, uniformly graded; clean and free from organic materials. Lightweight aggre- gate shall meet ASTM C332. All mortar used to fasten field tiles shall be factory premixed and bagged. Each mortar manufacturer shall have a FBC Product Ap- proval. All mortar used to fasten hips and ridges shall, in addition to having a FBC Product Approval, be test- ed in accordance with ICC-SSTD 11-99 data substan- tiating compliance. Job proportioned mixes Qob site mortars) may be used for cosmetic purposes and for "weather block" only, conforming to ASTM C270. Nailer Boards — Material to be decay resistant exteri- or grade. All fasteners shall be compatible with material used. Contact the fastener manufacturer for additional infor- mation. Nailer boards should not be bowed or twisted. Nailer boards shall be a nominal 2" x (sufficient height to satisfy conditions). Stacking of nailer boards will be allowed. Maximum thickness of 2° per additional nailer board. When installing trim tile with foam, stacked nailer boards must be attached 18" on center with approved fasteners. Polyurethane Foam Adhesives — Shall conform to the following specifications: • Density conforming to ASTM D1622. • Compressive strength conforming to ASTM D1621 • Tensile strength conforming to ASTM D1623. Water absorption conforming to ASTM D2842. • Moisture vapor transmission conforming to ASTM E96. • Dimensi nal stability conforming to ASTM D2126. • Closed I content conforming to ASTM D2856. • Surface burning characteristics conforming to ASTM E84. • Fire tests of roof coverings conforming to ASTM E108. Rake Fasteners — For trim tile, fasteners shall be of sufficient length to penetrate a minimum of 3/4" into the substrate or rafter. Nails shall be a minimum 10d nail, 11 gauge. Screws shall be a minimum #8 screw. Self -Adhered Membrane —Self-adhered products shall meet,IASTM D1970, underlayment thickness, minimum thickness 40 mils. Self -adhered products shall meet the following testing standards: • TAS 103, Item 7, wind uplift • TAS 103 Item 9, tear resistance • TAS 103 Item 10, breaking strength and elongation • TAS 103 Item 16, water vapor transmission • TAS 103 Item 19, slippage resistance • TAS 103 Item 20, cracking cycling • ASTM D 1970, Section 7.9 (satisfied nail seal -ability) • AC 48, Section 4.6, cycling and elongation • UV Exposure. minimum 90 days Sheathin — Material shall conform to APA-rated sheathingI Refer to building code wind load require- ments. Sheathing must be adequate to support the loads involved, but not less than nominal 1" thick lum- ber or 15/ 2" thick plywood or other decking material recognized in a code evaluation report or by the local building official. Soil Stacks — Lead for soil stacks shall be minimum 2-112 pounds per square foot. Lead weight flashing re- quirements, follow Lead Association recommendation. R FRSA-TRI 1 12:31!20 HS I M U34W. Tile Fasteners —Tile fasteners shall be compatible with treated materials. Nails — shall be corrosion resistant meeting a minimum ASTM A641 Class 1 and/or corrosion resistance equal (according to ASTM B117) of sufficient length to penetrate a minimum 3/4" into or through thickness of the deck. Ring shank nails shall be 10d ring shank corrosion resistant steel nails (3" long, 0.283" flat head diameter, 0.121" shank diameter with 18-22 rings per inch). Smooth or screw shank nails to be 10d corrosion resistant steel (3" long, 0.28" flat head diameter, 0.128" screw or 0.121" smooth shank diameter). Screws — Shall be corrosion resistant meeting ASTM A641 Class 1 and/or corrosion resistance equal (according to ASTM B117). Screws shall be into fleck. ASTM A641 Class 1 is a nail specifi- cation that can be converted to screw fasteners through performance based testing (ASTM B117). Eac fastener manufacturer is responsible for supp ying this support data. Minimum #8 course thre d. Tin Tags Shall be not less than 1-5/8" or greater than 2" in diameter and a minimum 32 gauge steel sheet metal. Underlayment Fasteners — Nails or Cap Nails shall be of sufficient length to properly penetrate 1" into or through ickness of deck, whichever is less. Minimum 12 gauge FRSA-TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual - + Edition 12/31/20 FRSA-TRI UNDERLAYMENT & FLASHINGS Inspection — Verify that surfaces to receive the underlayment are uniform, smooth, clean and dry. Proper ventilation is recommended on all tile applications. Verify ventilation requirements as set forth in the governing building code. When exposed ceilings are utilized, special precautions should be used. Roof Parameters — Use the table below to determine the type of roof that will be installed. Each parameter is dependent upon the next. Do not mix and match; follow the table as it flows from left to right. Battens Utilized Pitch of Field Tile Attachment Number of Plys Underlayment Application Metal Flashing Pre -formed Fiashings With it onal Flashings Roof Tile Fastener Roof Single Method Self -Adhered Type Pre-Fonned Returns or r it Returns Either equired Transitional Penetrations - 4.i2 Mechanical Cold Applied Pre -Formed Either Transitional - Yes and or Adhesive Two Heat Applied Pre -Formed Either Transitional Greater Hot Mopped Pre -Formed Either Transitional - Self -Adhered Pre -Formed Either Transitional - Single Self -Adhered Pre -Formed Wthout Returns - See note below Standard Without Returns - See note below Cold Applied Pre -Formed Without Returns - Sealed Standard Without Returns - Sealed 4:12 and Mechanical Heat Applied Pre -Formed Without Returns- Sealed Standard WithReturns Retus - Sealed Greater or Adhesive Two Hot Mopped Pre -Formed Wthout Returns - Sealed Standard Without Returns - Sealed Self -Adhered Pre -Formed Without Retums - See note below Standard Without Returns - See note below Single Self -Adhered Pm -Formed Without Returns- Sealed Standard - _ Sealed (;old Applied Pre -Formed Without Returns- Sealed Standard - - Sealed 3.12 No Less Mechanical Pre -Formed Without Returns - Sealed than orAdhesive Heat Applied Standard - - Sealed 4.12 Two Pre-Fonned Without Retums - Sealed Hot Mopped Standard - - Sealed Self -Adhered Pre -Formed Without Returns - Sealed Standard - - Sealed Single Self -Adhered Pre -Formed out Returns - Sealed Standard - - Sealed Pre -Formed Wthout Returns - Sealed Cold Applied Standard - _ Sealed 3:12 Less Adhesive Heat Applied Pre -Farmed Wthout Returns - Sealed Standard - - Sealed than Two 4:12 Pre -Formed Without RetReturns - Sealed Hot Mopped Standard - - Sealed Pre -Formed Without Returns - Seated Self -Adhered Standard - -j Sealed Note: Refer to the underlayment manufacturer's written Installation instructions or Product Approval. 12/31/20 FRSe44t—TRI SINGLE -PLY SYSTEM General — Single -ply Systems or One -ply are those methods of application where a self -adhered underlayment is applied directly to the deck. Minimum thickness of any self -adhered undedayment shall be 40 mil SBS, APP or Approved Equal. Valley and wall metals shall be standard or pre -formed. When using battens, pre -formed metals and transitional flashing are required. Transitional flashings are optional when battens are not used. Eave Metal — Prior to installing the eave metal, the deck to receive the eave metal must be primed with a com- patible primer or a separator sheet must be installed. When using a separator sheet, attach it to the decking at the eave with nails and tin tags, round cap nails or other fasteners to hold the separator sheet in place until the eave metal is installed. The separator sheet shall extend past the deck flange of the eave metal by a maximum of 2". Install the eave metal over the primed substrate or the separator sheet. The eave metal shall be fastened 6" on center with approved fasteners. All joints shall be lapped a minimum of 3" and sealed with compatible flashing cement, beads of sealant or solid coating at the lap. The eave metal shall be coated with compatible primer prior to the undedayment being installed. Since raised fascia and starter strips create the same type of water dam situation, they both require an anti- ponding system to allow water to flow off the roof at the eave. See Drawing FHW-14. Underlayment Application —Apply the single -ply underlayment sheet perpendicular to the slope of the roof and backnail it to the deck with nails and tin tags, round cap nails or other approved fasteners spaced 12" on center near the top edge of underlayment. Use a minimum 4" headlap unless limited by product design, and 6" side laps. Extend the underlayment sheet a mini- mum of 4" up vertical surfaces. Overlap hip and ridges a minimum of 6". Seal all laps. Valley Intersection — When using a single -ply under- layment at the valley intersection, choose one of the following installation methods. Be sure that the under- layment does not create a gap due to memory of the material. • Full Weave — Install underlayment to ensure all val- leys are woven past the centerline and through the succeeding course of underlayment on the intersecting deck to prevent a water lap. Ensure that each course of underlayment is overlapped by the succeeding course at the intersecting roof plane. Proceed up the roof to the ridge. See Drawing FH1AL04. • Center Cut Valley —Attach a 36" wide self -adhered underlayment of compatible material in the center of the valley. Install the underlayment to ensure the valley material is terminated at the center of the valley on both intersecting decks. Proceed up the roof to the ridge. See drawing FHW-04. Gable Metal — Once the single -ply undedayment instal- lation is complete, install the gable metal. Choose one of the following: • On Top of the Single -Ply — Secure the gable metal 6" on center with approved fasteners. All joints shall be lapped a minimum of 3" and sealed with compatible flashing cement, beads of sealant or solid coating at the lap. Continue from eave up rake/gable in same manner, ensuring water -shedding capabilities of all metal laps. Optional Securement: On the gable, the metal and underlayment sheet may be joined with a bed of flashing cement and a 4" strip of asphalt saturated cotton or fiberglass fabric. The fabric shall be fully embedded in the flashing cement. A self -adhered stripping ply of compatible material may be used instead of flashing cement and membrane. • Under the Single -Ply — Prior to installing the gable metal, the deck to receive the gable metal must be primed with a compatible asphaltic primer or a separa- tor sheet must be installed. When using a separator sheet, attach it to the decking at the gable with nails and tin tags, round cap nails or other fasteners to hold the separator sheet in place until the gable metal is in- stalled. The separator sheet shall extend past the deck flange of the gable metal by a maximum of 2". • Wrapped Gable — Choose one of the following: (Not recommended for flush finish. Rake tiles must be installed.) • Extend undedayment beyond rake/gable end. Fold down onto fascia or barge board. Secure with nails and tirj tags, round cap nails or other fasteners 6" on ce ter. Trim uhderlayment at fascia or barge board. Install a peel and stick undedayment, extending underlay- ment beyond rake/gable end. Fold down and seal onto scia or barge board. z m rr r O z FRSA 7 RI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay rile Installation Manual - 611h Edition 12/31/20 F . -4-TRI TWO-PLY SYSTEM General — Two-ply Systems are those methods of application where a base sheet is mechanically attached or self -adhered to the decking. The cap sheet shall be attached by hot asphalt, cold process, heat applied or self -adhered. Minimum thickness shall be 40 mil SBS, APP or approved equal. Base Sheet —The base sheet shall be self -adhered or mechanically attached to the deck with nails and tin tags, round cap nails or other approved fasteners spaced in accordance with the Underlayment Fas- tening Table 1 (Page 22 Appendix A). Self -adhered base sheets shall be installed per manufacturer's instructions. Extend the base sheet a minimum of 4" overlapped by the succeeding course at the intersect- ing roof plane. Overlap all hip and ridges by 6". On cap sheet;, cut any fishmouths and seal with flashing cement and membrane where applicable. When using pre -formed metals without edge returns, the cap sheet should terminate 1" from the water diverter to ensure adhesion to the primed metal. up vertical surfaces. Base sheet side laps shall 1- a minimum of 6" and headlaps shall be a minimum of 4". Install the base sheet to ensure all valleys are woven past the centerline and through the succeeding course of underlayment on the intersecting deck to prevent a water lap. Ensure that each course of underlayment is overlapped by the succeeding course at the inter- secting roof plane. Proceed up the roof to the ridge. Overlap hip and ridges a minimum of 6". Drip Edge —The eave and gable drip edge metal shall be installed over the base sheet. The metal shall be coated with compatible primer prior to the cap sheet being installed. The metal shall be fastened 6" on center with approved fasteners. All joints shall be lapped a minimum of 3" and sealed with compatible flashing cement, beads of sealant or solid coating at the lap. Continue from eave up the rake/gable in the same manner, ensuring water -shedding capabilities of all metal laps. Since raised fascia and starter strips create the same type of water dam situation, they both require an an- ti-ponding system to allow water to flow off the roof at the eave. See Drawing FHW-14. Cap Sheet — The Two-ply underlayment flashing option determines the cap sheet installation timing. Choose one of the following and proceed accordingly: • Under the Cap Sheet. See Metal Installation. See Drawings FHW-01 and FHW-02. • On Top of the Cap Sheet. Proceed to the next sec- tion. See Drawings FHW-01 and FHW-02. Cap Sheet Installation — Side laps shall be a mini- mum of 6" and headlaps shall be a minimum of 3" and backnailed 12" on center with approved fasteners. Install cap sheet to ensure all valleys are woven past the centerline and through the succeeding course of cap sheet on the intersecting deck to prevent a water lap. Ensure that each course of cap sheet is f RSF IRI Cap Sheet Attachment Method — Choose one of the following: • Hot Asphalt — Install the cap sheet with an applica- tion rate of 25 pounds per square t 15% mopping of asphalt. The cap sheet may come in contact with the base sheet, allowing felt to touch felt. • Self -Adhered — Over installed base sheet, apply one layer of self -adhered underlayment in compliance with the self -adhered underlayment manufacturer's recommendation. • Cold Process — Install cap sheet according to un- derlayment/adhesive manufacturer's recommenda- tions. For cold process systems in windy conditions, it may be necessary to spot nail cap sheet laps at a maximum of Ton center. • Heat Applied — Install cap sheet per manufacturer's instructions. Valley Intersection — When installing the cap sheet at the valley intersection, choose one of the following installation methods. Be sure that the underlayment does not create a gap due to memory of the material. • Full Weave — Install underlayment to ensure all valleys are woven past the centerline and through the succeeding course of underlayment on the intersecting deck to prevent a water lap. Ensure that each course of underlayment is overlapped by the succeeding course at the intersecting roof plane. Proceed up the roof to the intersecting roof plane. Proceed up the roof to the ridge. See Drawing FHW-04. Center Cut Valley —Attach a 36" wide sheet of com- patible rrlatenal in the center of the valley. Install the underlayment to ensure the valley material is termi- nated at the center of the valley on both intersecting decks. Proceed up the roof to the ridge. See Drawing FHW-04. 12/31/20 FRSA,-TRI METAL FLASHINGS General — Each roof parameter is unique and requires that the proper metals be used with the correct combi- nation of roof parameters. Do not interchange metal cations. Transitional Flashings —When battens are used, transitional flashings are required. Install flexible fleshings at all valley, ridge and wall transitions. Turn up a minimum of 1" to create a water diverter, ensuring water -shed- ding capabilities. See Drawing FHW-07. Single -Ply System — Pre -formed metals with edge returns shall be installed on top of the single -ply underlay- ment and secured with clips. Pre -formed metals without edge returns and standard metals shall be stripped in or sandwiched between a separator sheet and the self -adhered underayment. Transitional flashings are required when battens are utilized. See Drawing FHW-07. Two -Ply System — Pre -formed metals with edge returns shall be installed on top of the cap sheet and secured with clips. Pre -formed metals without edge returns and standard metals shall be stripped in or sandwiched between the base sheet and the cap sheet. Transitional metals are required when battens are utilized. Metal Flashings Installation —All metal surfaces that the underlayment adheres to must be primed with a compatible primer. If the metal is to be installed under a single -ply under- layment then, prior to installing the metal, a separa- tor sheet must be installed. When using a separator sheet, attach it to the deck with nails and tin tags, round cap nails or other fasteners to hold the separa- tor sheet in place until the metal is installed. Install the metal over the separator sheet. All metal flashings without edge returns shall be fas- tened 6" on center with minimum 12 gauge corrosion resistant roofing nails, or other approved fasteners of compatible metals near the outside edge of the metal. All joints shall be lapped a minimum of 6" and set in a bed of compatible flashing cement, beads of sealant or solid coating at the lap. See Drawing FHW-05. Valleys — Start at the lower portion of the roof and work up to ensure water -shedding capabilities. Where special conditions exist, it may be necessary to in- crease the width of the valley flashing. The entire width of the valley flashing shall overlap the drip edge. The center of valley flashing shall extend a minimum of 2" beyond drip edge. When battens are used, install transitional flashings or flexible flashing at all valley, ridge and wall transitions. Turn up a minimum of 1" to create a water diverter, ensuring water -shedding capabilities onto the valley. See Drawing FHW-07. Choose one of the following valley metals: (See Draw- ing FHW-05.) Pre -Formed Metals with Edge Returns — Select Open or Closed Valley. • Open — Valley metal shall be a minimum of 16" (24" stretch -out) with a minimum 1" high center diverter and minimum 1" metal edge returns. See Drawing FHW-06. • Closed — Valley metal shall be a minimum width of 16" (24' stretch -out) with a minimum 2-1/2" high center diverter and a minimum 1" metal edge returns. See Drawing FHW-06. When using valley metal with edge returns, secure with clips fabricated from similar or compatible ma- terial. Clip the 1" metal edge returns to the deck a maximum of 16" on center or at each tile course with approved fasteners. Trim metal at all valley/ridge junctions, ensuring water -shedding capabilities onto the valley. • Pre -Formed Metals without Edge Returns — Select Open or Closed Valley. • Open —Valley metal shall be a minimum of 16" (24" stretch -out) with a minimum 1" high twin cen- ter diverter. See Drawing FHW-06. • Closed — Valley metal shall be a minimum width of 16" (24" stretch -out) with a minimum 2-112" high center diverter. See Drawing FHW-06. • Pre -Formed Metals with Ribbed Water Diverters without Edge Returns — Select Open or Closed Valley. • Open —Valley shall be a minimum 1-112" high twin center diverter spaced 6" apart from each FRSA-TRIFloridaHighWindConcreteandClayTilelnstallaclonManual bthEdition 12/31!20 F A-TRI other and two ribbed water diverters designed with a minimum 318" ribs spaced 3" from the adjacent diverter and 3" apart from each rib with a 3-1/4" outside flange for terminating the metal to the undedayment. See Drawing FHW-05. • Closed — Valley metal shall be a minimum 1-1/2" high center diverter and four ribbed water divert- ers designed with minimum 318" ribs spaced at least 3" from the center diverter and at least 3" apart from each rib with a minimum 2-1/2" outside flange for terminating the metal to the underlay- ment. See Drawing FHW-05. Valley metal nailing flange shall be primed with compatible primer up to the outside diverter. The metal flange and the cap sheet shall be joined with hot asphalt or a bed of flashing cement and a 4" strip of asphalt saturated cotton or fiber- glass fabric. The fabric shall be fully embedded in the flashing cement. When the valley metal is installed on top of the cap sheet, a self -adhered stripping ply of compatible material may be used instead of flashing cement and membrane. Standard Rolled Valley Metal — Rolled valley shall be a minimum 16" wide. When the valley metal is to be installed under the cap sheet, the valley metal shall be primed with compatible primer and the cap sheet shall be joined with hot asphalt. When the valley metal is installed on top of the cap sheet, the metal and cap sheet shall be joined with a bed of flashing cement and a 4" strip of asphalt saturated cotton or fiberglass fabric. The fabric shall be fully embedded in the flashing cement. When the valley metal is installed on top of the cap sheet, a self -adhered stripping ply of compatible material may be used instead of flashing cement and membrane. See Drawings FHW-05 and FHW-08. Wall Flashing — Start at lower portion and work up to ensure water -shedding capabilities. The vertical wall flange shall be terminated with a bed of flashing ce- ment and a 4" strip of asphalt saturated cotton or fiber- glass fabric at the top edge of the vertical flange. The fabric shall be fully embedded in the flashing cement. If flashing cement is not used, a self -adhered stripping ply of compatible material may be used instead of the flashing cement and membrane for the termination of the vertical flange to the wall substrate. When a wall flashing terminates at the eave, the wall metal should extend past the eave a minimum of 1" and be cut to divert water away from the wall. See Drawings FHW-09 and FHW-12. The water diverter (sometimes referred to as a "kicker') is cut into the pan of the wall metal and tucked under the pan to create the water diverter. All water diverters shall be set in a bed of compatible flashing cement, beads of sealant or solid coating. Where special conditions exist, it may be necessary to increase the width and/or the height of the wall metal. In all cases, flashing shall be designed to adequately direct water flow. Choose one of the following: Pre -Formed Metal with Edge Returns — The wall metal flashing shall be a minimum of 5" x 6" "L" flash- ing with a minimum V metal edge return (12" stretch - out). When using wall flashing with edge returns, secure with clips fabricated from similar or compati- ble metal. Clip the 1" metal edge returns to the deck a maximum of 16" on center. Pre -Formed Metals with Two Water Diverter Ribs without Edge Returns — The wall metal shall be a minimum 5" x 6" "L" flashing with two 3/6" divert- er ribs spaced 2" from vertical wall flange with ribs spaced a minimum 1-1/2" apart and a 2" nailing flange (12" stretch out). When the wall metal is con- cealed under cap sheet, the metal shall be primed with compatible primer and the cap sheet shall be bonded to the metal. When the wall metal is installed on top of the cap sheet, the wall metal and cap sheet shall be joined with a bed of flashing cement and a 4" strip of asphalt saturated cotton or fiberglass fabric. The fabric shall be fully embedded in the flashing cement. When the wall metal is installed on top of the cap sheet, a self -adhered stripping ply of compatible material may be used instead of flashing cement and membrane. See Drawings FHW-11 and FHW-12. • Standard Wall Metals —The wall metal shall be a minimum of 4" x 4" "L" flashing. When the wall metal is concealed under cap sheet, the metal shall be primed with compatible primer and the cap sheet shall be bonded to the metal. When the wall metal is installed on top of the cap sheet, the metal and cap sheet shall be joined with a bed of flashing cement and a 4" strip of asphalt saturated cotton or fiber- glass fabric. The fabric shall be fully embedded in the flashing cement. When the wall metal is installed !c I-RSA-TRI 12- 31i20 FRSA.-TRI on top of the cap sheet, a self -adhered stripping ply stallation procedures. For self -curbing or prefabricated of compatible material may be used instead of flash- skylights, refer to skylight manufacturer's installation ing cement and membrane. See Drawings FHW-09 instructions. and FHW-10. Optional Counter Flashings at Wail Abutments — When installing optional counter flashing, lap top flange of wall flashing a minimum of 2-112". Lap joints a minimum of 6" and apply flashing cement, beads of sealant, solid coating or separator sheet between the laps. Mechanically fasten counter flashing near the outside edge a minimum of 6" on center or set counter flashing into reglets and seal thoroughly. The metal and vertical flange support shall be joined with a bed of flashing cement and a 4" strip of asphalt saturated cotton or fiberglass fabric. The fabric shall be fully embedded in the flashing cement. If flashing cement is not used, a self -adhered stripping ply of compatible material may be used instead of the flashing cement and membrane; metal surfaces to be primed with compatible primer. On framed walls, a vapor barrier may be installed by others over the vertical flange. Standard Curb Mounted Skylights, Chimneys, Etc. —Install in compliance with regular flashing in - Soil Pipes, Vents, Etc. — When applying directly to the deck, apply flashing cement around base of the protrusion and on the bottom side of metal flanges, sealing unit base flashing to deck- Nail and secure all sides of base flashing near the edge. Make certain base is flush to deck. If pipes, vents and/or turbines are installed after finished cap sheet, then the cap sheet and metal flange shall be joined with a bed of flashing cement and a 4" strip of asphalt saturated cotton or fiberglass fabric. The fabric shall be fully embedded in the flashing cement. If flashing cement is not used, a self -adhered stripping ply of compatible material may be used instead of the flashing cement and membrane; metal surfaces to be primed with compatible primer. Profile specific ventilators should be installed per manufacturer's installation instruc- tions. See Drawings FHW-20 and FHW-21. Attic Ventilators — Shall be installed per manufactur- er's installation instructions. FRSAd RI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual - 6qh Edition 12/31/20 FRSA-TRI TILE INSTALLATION Layout Horizontal — Chalk horizontal lines beginning one tile length from eave less desired overhang. Over- hang shall be 3/4", to 2" depending on tile type, use of a gutter or other functional requirements. All roof tile installations shall have a minimum 3" headlap unless restricted by product design. When battens are used, the top course should be held down approximately 1-1/2" from the ridge frame. Layout Vertical — Choose one of the following • Staggered/Cross Bond Tile installation. Gable Roofs — When using rake tile, chalk vertical lines one full tile and one half tile width plus I'to 2" from starting gable to accommodate the rake tile. When using a flush finish (point up), chalk vertical lines one full tile and one half tile width plus 14' from starting gable to accommo- date flush finish. Chalk additional lines if neces- sary to maintain alignment. Hip Roofs — Chalk vertical line 90 degrees from eave line. Chalk second line parallel to first to accommodate staggered/cross bonded tile. Chalk additional lines if necessary to maintain alignment. • Straight Bond Ilia Installation — Not recommended for flat/low profile tile. Gable Roofs — When using rake tile, chalk ver- tical lines one full tile width plus V to 2" from starting gable to accommodate the rake tile. When using a flush finish (point up), chalk vertical lines one full tile width plus 114" from starting gable to accommodate flush finish. Chalk additional lines if necessary to maintain alignment. Hip Roofs — Chalk vertical line 90 degrees from eave line. Chalk second line parallel to first to accommodate straight bond tile. Chalk additional lines if necessary to maintain alignment. Batten Installation — Horizontal battens shall be a maximum of 4' in length. The batten material may be longer in length provided there are 1/2" weep holes every 4'. Battens are optional for 4:12 pitch and above. Install top edge of horizontal batten to horizontal line. Horizontal battens to be a minimum nominal 1" x 2". Batten shall be fastened and secured a maximum 24" on center with fasteners of sufficient length to pen- etrate the sheathing a minimum 3/4" or through the thickness of the sheathing. If utilizing staples, then the battens shall be attached at 12" on center with staples 7/16" crown, No.16 gauge corrosion resistant allowing for 3/4" penetration into roof deck or through the sheathing whichever is less. Staples cannot be used with adhesive set systems. Leave 1/2" space between batten ends and between batten and metal edge returns. Fasteners shall be compatible with batten material. Note: Elevated or counter batten systems require FBC Product Approval. Contact the roof tile manufacturer for Product Approval and installation instructions. Tile Installation — Stack tile to facilitate installation and minimize tile movement. See Drawing FHW-27. Choose one of the following eave closures: • Metal Eave Closure — Install closure strip along eave. Fasten minimum 18" on center. If metal closure is inclusive of the drip edge, fasten 6" on center. See Drawing FHW-14. • Prefabricated Rubber Eave Closure — Install closure strip along eave. Fasten with minimum three fasteners per 36" strip. See Drawing FHW-14. Raised FascialWood Starter Strip — See Draw- ing FHW-14. Prefabricated Concrete or Clay Eave Closure — Apply per manufacturer's instructions, Mortar— Install mortar to elevate eave file on granular surfaced underlayments only. Apply mor- tar along the eave edge, applying enough mortar to elevate the eave end of the tile to be on plane with the remaining roof tile. Point and smooth fin- ish flush to eave line. A minimum 3/8" weep hole flush with the roof underlayment shall be formed at the spacing of not less than one weep hole per tile. Fastening Options for Adhesive Set Tile Instal- lations For roof slopes 2:12 up to and including 6:12, fasteners are not required in addition to the adhe- sives. c FRSA-TRI 12,31/20 For roof slopes greater than 6:12, and up to and including 7:12, fasten every tile in the first course and every third tile every fifth course in addition to the adhesive, preferably in through the nail hole closest to overlook of tile being fastened. For roof slopes greater than 7:12, fasten every file in addition to the adhesive, preferably through the nail hole closest to overlock of tile being fastened. When utilizing battens and tiles with protruding anchor lugs, fastening is not required in addition to the adhesive. Flat/Low, Medium and High Profile Tile —Tile shall be attached to resist the aerodynamic moment as determined when using the design pressures for the building and the attachment calculations set forth in the local building code. Starting at the eave, make certain the tile overhangs the drip edge uniformly along the first course. The tile shall overhang the eave line by at least 3/4" but not more than 2". Secure tiles with nails, screws, foam/ adhesive or mortar. See Allowable Uplift Resistance Values per Tables 1 & 2 in Appendix A. Cut/break file for proper staggering of tile courses when using staggered/cross bond method of installa- tion. Set tile in stepped course fashion or in a horizon- tal and/or vertical fashion when utilizing straight bond method. Lay succeeding courses of field tile in same manner. Cut/break field tile to form straight edge at center of hip/ridge. Valleys — It is not recommended to install trim tile in the valleys. It may be necessary to remove the lugs from the field tile at walls and valley flashings for proper positioning of cut field tiles. Choose one of the following: • Valley Metal without Water Diverters. • Closed Valley— Miter file to meet at center of valley. See Drawing FHW-06. • Open Valley — Chalk a line minimum 2" on both sides of valley center. Place bed of mortar along outside edge of chalk lines on granular surfaced underfayments only. Miter tile to form straight border and point mortar to finish. See Drawing FHV -06, • Valley Metal with Water Diverters. • Closed Valley — Miter tile to form straight border on either side of water diverters. See Drawing FHW-06. Open Valley — Miter file to form straight border on either side of the two water diverters. See Draw- ing FHW-06. FRSA-TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual - 6th Edition 12/31/20 FRSA-TRI HIP AND RIDGE INSTALLATION General —The following recommendations are only for products approved by the FBC and tested according to SSTD 11-99 via third -party independent FBC approved laboratories. They will determine the wind uplift limita- tions of the various hip and ridge attachment methods or by installation methods currently recognized in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ) section of the FBC. There are three basic attachment methods of hip and ridge tiles: mechanical attachment, adhesive -set and mortar -set attachment systems. The minimum head - lap when installing hip and ridge tiles is 2" unless restricted by product design. Any exposed fasteners should be covered with a UV resistant sealant. Field Tile Cuts at Hip or Ridge —All cut field tiles adjacent to a hip or ridge shall be attached to the cap sheet and/or the adjacent tile with an approved adhesive, mortar or mechanical fasteners and adhesive. The following table outlines the different parameters for the hip and ridge attachment options. See Drawings FHW-15. FHW-16 and FHW-17. 77, 1 �dTi - I e Attachment Structural Support Member Attachment Trim Tile Attachinew z T Metal Mechanical or Foam Foam Foam Coating Mortar Mortar Plastc Foam Foam roam Coating Mortar Mortar nMXn,�,] Foam Foam Coating Mortar Mortar Foam Wood H-Bracket Straps Mechanical with Foam Coating Flexible pry Adhesive Mortar Mortar Foam Mortar Mortar Mortar Mortar Mortar Mortar Hip and Ridge Attachment — Choose one of the following: Metal Member— Set member in plastic cement or compatible sealant. Fasten 6" on center on each side of the metal flange with minimum 1-1/4" ring shank roofing nails. If mechanical attachment of the mem- ber is not used, install the member with foam per the manufacturer's instructions. Plastic Member — Install the member with foam per the manufacturer's instructions. Wood Member— Fasten 18- on center with four #8 screws per metal strap or H-bracket. Each at- tachment point shall have two fasteners on each side of the wood member. The fasteners shall be spaced evenly on the metal strap or H-bracket with the attachment holes parallel to the hip or ridge. The straps and H-brackets shall be a minimum of 26 gauge. All materials must be compatible with each other. If mechanical attachment of the wood member is not used, install the member with foam per the manufacturer's instructions. • Mortar — When using foam or mortar field tile attach- ment, mortar can be used as a structural attachment. Place a full bed of pre -bagged mortar under the entire tile. Each tile must be fully embedded into the mortar. The field tile secured to the underlayment along with the mortar on each trim tile creates the structural bond. The entire cavity under the trim tile should be filled with approved mortar. See Drawing FHW-18. Starter Tiles —All starter files must be secured at both ends of the tile either with mechanical fasteners, mortar and/or adhesive. When the field tile is installed with foam or mortar, the starter tile may be installed with an approved mortar. c FRSA-TRI 12/31/20 If using a structural member, choose one of the follow- ing: Metal Member— Place foam under starter tile per manufacturer's recommendations or secure the head of the tile with one #8 screw and apply adhesive in the gap between the structural support and the tile. The member may need to be cantilevered to provide a base for the adhesive. The starter tile must make contact with the adhesive. See manufacturer's rec- ommendations. Plastic Member — Place foam under starter tile per manufacturer's recommendations. - Wood Member — Place foam under starter tile per manufacturer's recommendations or drill a hole in the lower third of the starter tile and secure with a mechanical fastener into the wood member a mini- mum of 1 ". Seal the head of the fastener with a UV - resistant sealant. Adhesive may be used in lieu of a fastener as long as the wood member has been cantilevered to provide a base for the adhesive. The gap between the structural support and the tile must make contact with the adhesive. See manufacturer's recommendations. Miter or point up the hip starter tile to match the inter- secting eaves. After the Starter Tile — Install the next tile centering over the structural support and/or the starter tile. Con- tinue in same manner working from the lowest point toward the highest point of the roof. At intersecting junctions (e.g., hiplridge, ridge/gable, ridge/valley), cut tile to form a solid fit and ensure the first and the last hip/ridge tile is securely fastened. Any exposed fasten- ers shall be sealed with a UV -resistant sealant. Foam must come in contact with the bottom of the tile and structural support member. Weather Blocking — Hip and ridge tiles need to have weather blocking. Choose one of the following. See Drawing FHW-16 for more details. Mortar— Pre -bagged or job -site mix is used to weather block the longitudinal edges of the hip and ridge tiles and provide aesthetics. A full bed of mortar is placed along the longitudinal edges of the hip and ridge tile either during the application of the hip and ridge tiles or may be packed in after the hip and ridge tiles are installed and the adhesive has cured. Install mortar to seal all voids between the field tile and the hip/ridge tile. Care should be taken to ensure enough mortar is used. The mortar should create a wedge to keep the mortar from dislodging from under the hip/ridge and the field tile junction. Ensure areas are sealed to prevent water entry. After the mortar is packed into place, then apply point up mortar to the ` desired finish. Foam — Is used to weather block the entire cavity of the adjoining planes of field tile to the sides of the structural support. This system uses foam as the weather blocking. There is no mortar placed along the longitudinal edges of the hip and ridge tile. Foam is placed where the field tile abuts the structural support. A bead of foam is placed parallel to the hip and/or ridge and the structural support to the junction to act as a weather block and is applied prior to the attachment of the hip and ridge tile. Install foam to seal all voids between the field tile and the structural support. Care should be taken to ensure all areas are sealed with adhesive to prevent water entry. Ap- ply a polyurethane compatible coating to protect the foam from UV exposure. Flexible Self -Adhered Membrane —This system can be used with a wood structural support. The flexible self -adhered membrane is applied in a continuous or step fashion, sealing to both sides of the adjoining field the a minimum of 2" prior to the mechanical attachment of the trim tile to the wood structural support. The flexible flashing may be visi- ble, but should not extend onto the field tile beyond the outside edges of trim tile. Rake/Gable — Choose one of the following: Rake Tile — Cut and install first rake tile the ex- posed length of first course of field tile with factory finish of rake tile towards the eave. Fasten rake tile with a minimum two 10d nails of sufficient length to penetrate the framing a minimum of 3/4. Abut each succeeding rake tile to the nose of the field tile above and maintain a constant headlap. See Draw- ing FHW-19. Mortar Finish — Place mortar bed along roof edge. Point smooth to a straight edge finish. Wall Abutments — It may be necessary to remove DRSA-TBi Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile insialial'on Manual - 6th Edition 12/31/20 FR-TRI lugs from the field tile and/or install batten extenders at wall Flashing for proper positioning of cut field tiles. For mechanically attached tile systems, tiles installed at wall abutment shall be attached with an adhesive. • The adhesive shall be installed to the underlayment or the tile below/next to the tile being installed to meet the required uplift. Cut the tile to fit within 1" of the base of finished wall. Point -up mortar is optional. See Drawing FHW-12. Plumbing Stacks/Soil Stacks — Choose one of the following: Pre -Formed Soil Flashing (with returns) —A lead skirt flashing or flexible flashing with minimum 181, x 18" base shalt be used. This flashing shall be woven in with the tile coursing. See Drawing FHW-21. Standard Flashing — Cut tile to fit close to plumbing stack; fill void with mortar and point to finish. See Drawing FHW-20. Coatings — (Optional) Sealer may be applied to ex- posed mortar. Color coordinated paint may be applied to metal flashings. �Q FRSDA-TRI Tile Replacement/Damaged Tile — Break out and re- place damaged roof tile. Do not disturb underlayment. Repair underlayment if necessary. The lugs of the the may need to be removed to position tile. Apply adhe- sive per adhesive manufacturer's recommendations. Immediately set replacement tile in position assuring proper contact. Small Valley and Hip Cuts — Elevate nose end of tile in course above small cut tile. Apply adhesive per ad- hesive manufacturer's recommendations. Immediately set tile in course above in a position which assures proper contact. For roof slopes greater than 7:12 on hip cuts only, mechanical fastening may be required. Clean Up — Remove all broken tile, debris and excess tile from roof. Miscellaneous Recommendations — Instructions shall be given to all parties involved cautioning against traffic of any kind on finished roof. Damage to roof tiles and/or sub -roof may result. 12/31/27 MIAMI•OMMM M MIAMI-DARE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION DEPARTMENTOF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES (RER) 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION Miami, Florida 33175-2474 T (786) 315-2590 F (786) .3 15-2i99 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE 1NOA) ww .miamidade.envleconorry Boral Roofing, LLC 7575 Irvine Center Drive, Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92618 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade County RER - Product Control Section to be used in Miami -Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section (in Miami -Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami -Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. DESCRIPTION: Saxony 900 Concrete Roof Tile LABELING: Each unit shall beat- a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official, This NOA revises :VOA No.19-0814.0I and consists of pages 1 through 12. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Freddy Semino NOA No.: 21-0107.02 Expiration Date: 04/26/22 Approval Date: 03/04/21 Page 1 of 12 ROOFING ASSEMBLY APPROVAL Category: Roofing Sub -Category: Roofing Tiles Material: Concrete Deck Type: Wood r. SCOPE This NOA approves a system using Saxony 900 (Slate, Shake & Split Shake) Concrete Roof Tile, as manufactured Boral Roofing LLC in Lake Wales, FL and described this Notice of Acceptance. For locations where the pressure requirements, as determined by applicable Building Code, do not exceed the design pressure values obtained by calculations in compliance with RAS 127 using the values listed in the installation section herein. The attachment calculations shall be done as a moment based system. 2. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Manufactured by Test Product Applicant Dimensions Specifications Description Saxony 900-Slate Length — 17" TAS 112 Flat profile.. interlocking, high-pressure extruded Width = 13" concrete roof tile with two nail holes. For direct deck, thickness = 1-5/32" batten, mortar set or adhesive set applications. Saxony 900 - Length = 17" TAS 112 Flat profile, interlocking, high-pressure extruded Split Shake Width = 13" concrete roof tile with two nail holes. For direct deck. thickness = 1-9/32" batten, mortar set or adhesive set applications. Top surface produced with 4 different configurations: 1. Complete tile brushed 2. Right half brushed (shown in drawing) 3. Left half brushed 4. No brush Saxony 900-Shake Length = 17" TAS 112 Flat profile, interlocking, high-pressure extruded Width = 13" concrete roof file with two nail holes. For direct deck. thickness = 1-9/32" batten, mortar set or adhesive set applications. Trim Pieces Length: varies TAS-112 Accessory trim, boosted Barcelona, concrete roof Width: varies pieces for use at hips, ridges and rakes. varying thickness NOA No.: 21-0107.02 Expiration Date: 04/26/22 Approval Date: 03/04/21 Page 2 of 12 2.1 PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED BY OTHERS Product Name Product Description 1CP Adhesives Potyset' AH-160 TILE BONDT'' Roof Tile Adhesive "Tile Tite" Roof Tile Mortar Two component polyurethane foam adhesive. Single component polyurethane foam roof tile adhesive. Premixed, pre -bagged roof tile mortar. Touch `N Seal StormBond` 2 Two- Two component polyurethane Component Polyurethane Roof Tile foam adhesive. Adhesive 2.2MANUFACTURING LOCATION 2.2.1 Lake Wales, FL 2.1 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED: Test Aeencv Test Identifier The Center for 94-084 Applied Engineering, Inc. 94-060A Rcdland Technologies 25-7183-6 25-7183-5 25-7214-1 25-7214-5 Project No. 307025 Test #MDC-77 7161-03 Appendix 11 & III Letter Dated Aug. 1, 1994 1717111iQ1Il P0402 Manufacturer (With Current NOA) TCP Adhesives and Sealants, Inc. DuPont de Nemours, Inc. Bermuda Roof Co. Inc. DAP Foam, Inc. Test Name/Report Date Static Uplift Testing May 1994 TAS 101 (Mortar Set) Static Uplift Testing March, 1994 TAS 101 (Adhesive Set) Static Uplift Testing TAS 102 Feb. 1995 (2 Quik-Drive Screws, Direct Deck) Static Uplift Testing TAS 102 Feb. 1995 (2 Quik-Drive Screws, Battens) Static Uplift Testing TAS 102 March, 1995 (1 Quik-Drive Screw, Direct Deck) Static Uplift Testing TAS 102 March, 1995 (I Quik-Drive Screw, Battens) Wind Driven Rain Oct. 1994 TAS 100 Wind Tunnel Testing Dec. 1991 TAS 108 (Nail -On) Wind Tunnel Testing Aug. 1994 TAS 108 (Nail -On) Wind Tunnel Testing July 1994 TAS 108 (Mortar Set) Withdrawal Resistance Testing of Sept. 1993 screw vs. smooth shank nails NOA No.: 21-0107.02 tyMi,�� Expiration Date: 04/26/22 . • • • • I Approval Date: 03/04/21 Page 3 of 12 Atlanta Testing & R1.894/R2.894/R3.894 Physical Properties Aug_ 1994 Engineering, Inc. TAS 112 Celotex Corporation 520109-1 Static Uplift Testing Dec. 1998 Testing Servicc 520111-4 TAS 101 520191-1 Static Uplift Testing March 1999 TAS 101 Walker Engineering, Evaluation Calculations 25-7094 February 1996 Inc. Evaluation Calculations 25-7496 April 1996 Evaluation Calculations 25-7584/25-7804b-8/25-7804-4 & 5 December 1996 25-7848-6 Evaluation Calculations 25-7183 March 1995 Evaluation Calculations Aerodynamic Multipliers 09/01/16 Calculations Two Patty Adhesive Set System April 1999 Evaluation Calculations Restoring Moments Due to Gravity 09/01 /16 American Test Lab of RT0617.04-16 TAS 112 06/29/16 South Florida PRI Construction COPO-002-02-12 TAS 101 10/12/2016 Material COPO-002-02-06 TAS 101 10/12/2016 COPO-002-02-05 TAS 101 10/12/2016 BORR-022-02-01 TAS 101 02/25/2019 BORR-022-02-02 TAS 101 02/25/2019 BORR-022-02-03 TAS 101 02/25/2019 BORR-022-02-04 TAS 101 02/28/2019 NEMO ETC, LLC 4c-DPBS-20-LSOTM-0LC.RI TAS 101 12/17/20 3. LIMITATIONS 3.1 Fire classification is not part of this acceptance. 3.2 For mortar or adhesive set tile applications, a static field uplift test shall be performed in accordance with TAS 106. 3.3 Applicant shall retain the services of a Miami -Dade County Certified Laboratory to perform quarterly test in accordance with TAS 112, appendix W. Such testing shall be submitted to the Building Code Compliance Office for review. 3.4 Minimum underlayments shall be in compliance with the applicable Roofing Applications Standards listed section 4.1 herein. 3.5 ;Mechanically attached tiles minimum slope 4/12. 3.6 30/90 hot mopped underlayment applications may be installed perpendicular to the roof slope unless stated otherwise by the underlayment material manufacturers published literature. 3.7 This acceptance is for wood deck applications. Minimum deck requirements shall be in compliance with the applicable Building Code. NOA No.: 21-0107.02 MIAMFMDE COUNTY Expiration Date: 04/26/22 • E 0 1 Approval Date: 03/04/21 Page 4 of 12 4. INSTALLATION 4.1 Saxony 900 (Slate, Shake & Split Shake) Concrete Roof Tile and its components shall be installed in strict compliance with Roofing Application Standard RAS 118, RAS 119, and RAS 120. 4.2 Data For Attachment Calculations Table 1: Average Weight (W) and Dimensions (I x w ) Tile Profile Weight-W (lbf) Length -I (ft) Width-w (ft) Saxony 900 Slate, Shake & Split Shake 10.9 1.417 1.08 Table 2: Aerodynamic Multipliers - X (ft3) Tile 2, (ft3) (w) Profile Batten Application Direct Deck Application Saxony 900 0.291 0.315 Slate, Shake & Split Shake Table 3: Restoring Moments due to Gravity - Mg (ft-lbf) Tile 2":12" 3":12" 4":12" 5":12" 6":12" 7":12" or Profile greater Saxony 900 Direct Deck Direct Deck Battens Direct Battens Direct Battens Direct Battens Direct Slate &, Shake & Deck Deck Deck Deck Split Shake 7.70 7.62 6.61 7.50 6.48 7.34 6.31 7.16 6.13 6.95 Table 4: Attachment Resistance Expressed as a Moment - Mf (ft-Ibf) for Mechanically Fastened Systems Tile Fastener Type Direct Deck Direct Deck Battens Profile (min 15/32" (min. 19/32" plywood) plywood) Saxony 9 00 2-10d Ring Shank Nails 30.9 38.1 17.2 Slate, Shake & 1-10d Smooth or Screw Shank Nail 7.3 9.8 4 9 Split Shake 2-10d Smooth or Screw Shank Nails 14.0 18.8 7.4 1 .#8 Screw 30.8 30.8 18.2 2 .#8 Screws 51.7 51.7 24.4 1-10d Smooth or Screw Shank Nail (Field 24.3 24.3 24.2 Clip) 1-10d Smooth or Screw Shank Nail (Eave 19.0 19.0 22.1 Clip) 2-10d Smooth or Screw Shank Nails (Field 35.5 1 35.5 34.8 Clip) �-I0d Smooth or Screw Shank Nails (Eave 31.9 31.9 32.2 Clip) NOA No.: 21-0107.02 Expiration Date: 04/26/22 Approval Date: 03/04/21 Page 5 of 12 Table 5: Attachment Resistance Expressed as a Moment Mf (ft.-Ibf) for Two Paddy Adhesive' Set Systems Tile Tile Application Minimum Attachment Profile Resistance Saxony 900 DuPont do Nemours, Inc. Slate, Shake & Split Shake TILE BONDT" Roof Tile Adhesive 632 TILE BONDTm Roof Tile Adhesive 651 ICP Adhesives and Sealants, Inc. 31.33 ICP Adhesives Pol set® AH-160 DAP Foam, Inc.Touch'N Seal 594 StormBond "2 Two -Component Polyurethane Roof Tile Adhesive 1 See foam adhesive manufacturer's component approval for installation requirements. 2 Dupont de Nemours, Inc TILE BONDT Roof Tile Adhesive one -component foam minimum weight per paddy 8 grams. 3. ICP Adhesives and Sealants Inc. ICP Adhesives Polyset® AH-160 two -component foam, minimum weight per paddy 8 grams. 4. DAP Foam, Inc. Touch 'N Seal StormBond' 2 Two -Component Polyurethane Roof Tile Adhesive two -component foam minimum weight per paddy 8 grams. 5. Dupont de Nemours, Inc. TILE BONDTm Roof Tile Adhesive one -component foam; Average weight per patty 16 rams. Table 6: Attachment Resistance Expressed as a Moment - Mf (ft-Ibf) for Single Paddy Adhesive Set Systems Tile Profile Tile Application Minimum Attachment Resistance Saxony 900 Slate, Shake &Split Shake - ICP Adhesives and Sealants, Inc. Polyset® AH-160 119, 115' 838 609 DAP Foam, Inc.Touch'N Seal Storm Bond" 2 Two -Component Polyurethane Roof Tile Adhesive 9310 6211 5 See Table 5 6 Large paddy placement of 45 grams of ICP Adhesives and Sealants, Inc. Pol set® AH-160 two -component foam. 7 Large paddy placement of 34 grams of ICP Adhesives and Sealants, Inc. Pol set® AH-160 two -component foam. 8 — Medium paddy placement of 24 rams of ICP Adhesives and Sealants, Inc. Pol set® AH-160 two -component foam. 9 Medium paddy placement of 18 grams of ICP Adhesives and Sealants, Inc. Pol set0 AH-160 two -component foam. 10 Large paddy DAP Foam, Inc Touch 'N Seal StormBond� 2 Two -Component Polyurethane Roof Tile Adhesive two - component foam minimum weight per paddy 45 grams. 11 Medium paddy DAP Foam, Inc.Touch 'N Seal StormBondO 2 Two -Component Polyurethane Roof Tile Adhesive two - component foam minimum weight per paddy 24 crams. NOA No.: 21-0107.02 W MIDADE COUNTY Expiration Date: 04/26/22 Approval Date: 03/04/21 Page 6 of 12 Table 7: Attachment Resistance Expressed as a Moment - Mf (ft.-Ibf) for Mortar Set Systems Tile Tile Minimum Attachment Profile Application Resistance Saxony 900 Mortar Set12 43.9 Slate, Shake & Split Shake 12 Bermuda Roof Co. Inc. Tile-Tite Roof Tile Mortar 5. LABELING 5.1 All tiles shall beau the imprint or identifiable marking of (lie manufacturer's name or logo as detailed below, or following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved". LABEL FOR BORAL SAXONY 900 TILES (LAKE WALES FL PLANT) LOCATED UNDERNEATH TILE 6. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS 6.1 Application for building permit shall be accompanied by copies of the following: 6.1.1 This Notice of Acceptance. 6.1.2 Any other documents required by the Building Official or applicable building code in order to property evaluate the installation of this system. NOA No.: 21-0107.02 Expiration Date: 04/26/22 Approval Dale: 03/04/21 Page 7 of 12 NAIL HOLES PROFILE DRAWINGS UNDERLOCK SAXONY 900 - SLATE 5/32" (Slate) COVERLOCK NOA No.: 21-0107.02 MIAMFDADE COUNTY Expiration Date: 04/26/22 Approval Date: 03/04/21 Page 8 of 12 PROFILE DRAWINGS 1-9/32" (Shake) Note: Available Top Surface Finishes 5. Complete tile brushed 6. Right half brushed (shown in drawing) 7. Left half brushed 8. No brush SAXONY 900 - SPLIT SHAKE NOA No.: 21-0107.02 M ANDADE COUNTY Expiration Date: 04/26/22 �. Approval Date: 03/04/21 Page 9 of 12 NAIL HOLES u PROFILE DRAWINGS SAXONY 900- SHAKE 1-9/32"(Shake) NOA No.: 21-0107.02 MIAM0EADE COUNTY Expiration Date: 04/26/22 Approval Date: 03/04/21 Page 10 of 12 Set _ Phowpph Interdependent: Two (2) beads/paddys; Attachment: minimum 1-in. x I -in. x 8-in.; minimum contact area of 16 0 each Type Interdependent SET IA Paddy Minimum Attachment Placement Min. Tile Contact Characteristic Resistance Expressed Area, in=per Tile Resistance Force, Ibf as a Moment, ft-Ibf invent: Two 12) heads/paddys, urn l-in. x l-in x 8-in. 32 57 ive Rates: 8 gram/paddy 63 NOA No.: 21-0107.02 nlnnsoAne r:ouNTy Expiration Date; 04/26/22 Approval Date: 03/04/21 Page 11 of 12 sec endent: Two j2) beads/paddys; Turn 2-in. x 2-In. x 4-in., starting 1' back from of underlying tile; ium contact area of R ml each SET 1B rM� ? Tile Material / -. _ -- Daddy _ Minimum I Attachment Profile Product Type I Placement Min. Tile Contact Characteristic Resistance Expressed Area, In"per The Resistance Force, Ibf as a Moment, ft-Ibf Attachment: Two 12) beads/paddys, Independent minimum 2- in- x2in x4in., starting 1' hack head underlying theL 16 61 65 Adhesivea Rates: 16 g gram/paddy --- — -- END OF THIS ACCEPTANCE NOA No.: 21-0107.02 MIAMIDADE COUNTY Expiration Date: 04/26/22 ""' r Approval Date: 03/04/21 Page 12 of 12