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The Princess Unit 703 - APPROVED Concrete Restoration
Page 1 of 16 CSM Engineering, LLC 208 SW Ocean Boulevard Stuart, Florida 34994 o: 772-220-4601 w: www.CSM-E.net Princess Condo Permit Package – Unit 703 Located At: The Princess Condominium Association 9650 South Ocean Drive Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Attn: Tim Erickson, Manager e: theprincesscondo@gmail.com o: 772-229-9690 Prepared For: The Princess Condominium Association, Inc. Directors/Board Members Charles A. Darden Jr. Florida Registered Professional Engineer #76910 Page 2 of 16 TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page 1 Table of Contents 2 Scope of Work 3-4 Scope of Work Attachments: Inspection Plan 5 Section 1 - Concrete Repair Specifications 6-8 Section 2 - Corrosion Inhibitor Specifications 9-10 Section 3 - Waterproofing System Specifications 11 & Attached Section 4 - Steel Reinforcement Protection Specifications 12 & Attached Section 5 - Sacrificial Anode Specifications 13 & Attached Section 6 - ICRI Standards 14 & Attached Section 7 - Dust Wall Specification Drawings 15 & Attached Section 8 - Unit Inspection Drawings 16 & Attached Charles A. Darden Jr. Florida Registered Professional Engineer #76910 Page 3 of 16 SCOPE OF WORK CONTRACTOR shall provide all labor, supervision, parts, materials, testing, tools, equipment, utilities, permits, temporary facilities, sanitary facilities, swing stages, and scaffolding, required for completion of the below described WORK in accordance with the applicable drawings, specifications, codes and standards. The WORK to be performed by CONTRACTOR includes: 1)Mobilization 2)Protection of Existing Conditions: a)Provide protection systems for existing site exterior components, including vegetation and private property of residents and visitors, which may be damaged as a result of CONTRACTOR’S performance of the WORK. Existing conditions of all site components that are in proximity to the WORK shall be surveyed and documented by CONTRACTOR prior to the commencement of work. 3)Railings and Screen, Shutter Systems, Sliding Glass Doors, Doors and Windows: a)Removal, protected storage and reinstallation of existing railings and screens, shutter systems, sliding glass doors, doors and windows as required for the WORK and as directed by ENGINEER. Where possible, the existing enclosures shall be left in place, rather than removed. b)All permanently installed fastener materials shall be stainless steel and shall be approved by ENGINEER. c)Removal and disposal of existing railings and screens, shutter systems, sliding glass doors, doors and windows as required for the WORK and as directed by ENGINEER. 4)Weather Walls: a)Installation, maintenance and removal of weather walls and protection systems for exposed building interior spaces and surfaces as directed by ENGINEER. 5)Tile Removal: a)Removal and disposal of existing tile and other floor finishes, including adhesives, as required for the WORK and as directed by ENGINEER. 6)Concrete Repairs: a)Investigation and excavation of deteriorated concrete and reinforcing steel shown on the below listed attached Inspection Spreadsheets and Inspection Drawings, and as directed by ENGINEER. Estimated quantities shown on the attachments are subject to revision based on the results of such investigation and excavation. b)Surface preparation of excavated areas. c)Restoration of oxidized reinforcing steel. d)Installation of Sika Galvashield XP+ galvanic sacrificial anodes as directed by ENGINEER. e)Patching and/or placement of concrete in the prepared areas to match adjoining surfaces. 7)Waterproofing System: a)Apply Degussa Protectosil (corrosion inhibitor) over the repaired concrete deck and edge on walkways and balconies that are not enclosed within a weather tight system. b)In locations specified by ENGINEER, install Sika Sikalastic, STO Decocoat, or BASF MasterSeal (formally Sonoguard) waterproofing system consisting of primer, base coat and top coat (aggregate and backroll) in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications. 8)Stucco Repairs: a)Prepare all damaged stucco surfaces and apply stucco finish to match existing adjacent stucco surfaces. 9)Painting: a) Preparation and painting (prime coat plus one finish coat) in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations of all repair areas and surfaces disturbed by CONTRACTOR to match the existing adjacent finish. 10)Demobilization Page 4 of 16 ATTACHED INSPECTION DRAWINGS Inspection Drawings: S-1 Cover, Map, & Key S-2 – S-2.3 Notes 703 Unit Inspection Drawings D-1 – D-2 Shoring Details D-3 – D-5 Concrete Repair Details D-6 Dust Wall Details W-1 Waterproofing Details ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS The above WORK shall be performed in accordance with the following attached Specifications and Drawings: Section 1 – Concrete Repair Specifications Section 2 – Corrosion Inhibitor Specifications Section 3 – Waterproofing System Specifications Section 4 – Steel Reinforcement Protection Specifications Section 5 – Sacrificial Anode Specifications Section 6 – ICRI Standards Section 7 – Dust Wall Specification Drawings Section 8 – Restoration Drawings Charles A. Darden Jr. Florida Registered Professional Engineer #76910 Page 5 of 16 ENGINEER OF RECORD INSPECTION PLAN GENERAL A.ENGINEER shall review any work underway, as appropriate. All structural repairs, including reinforced concrete repairs at each location require specific engineering inspections and approvals. Non-structural work, such as stucco, overlays, waterproofing, and all non-reinforced concrete placements do not require inspections and approvals at each phase of work but will be subject to ongoing engineering observations and approvals during the work. B.CONTRACTOR shall notify ENGINEER at least 2 business days prior to any required inspection. C.During the onsite inspections, ENGINEER shall review any work underway, regarding work locations, methods, shoring, forms, safety, property protection, concrete placements, proper curing of newly placed concrete, OWNER concerns, or any other items as appropriate. D.CONTRACTOR’s site superintendent shall maintain a set of inspection drawings and spreadsheets marked up to indicate the current work status. Theses shall be available for review by ENGINEER and OWNER upon request. E.ENGINEER shall submit a written report to the Building Department at the end of construction. CONCRETE RESTORATION A.ENGINEER shall identify and mark out all areas to be investigated and / or excavated by contractor prior any excavation being performed. B.EXCAVATION LIMITS: ENGINEER shall inspect and approve, as required, all limits of concrete removal and all steel reinforcement repairs. ENGINEER shall verify contractor measurements and approve or disapprove, as required, all contract chargeable quantities for all repairs. C.APPROVAL TO PLACE CONCRETE: ENGINEER shall inspect all areas prior to concrete placement and give approval, as required, for all concrete placements. ENGINEER shall inspect all prep work, including forms, shoring, safety, steel bar repairs, sheathing installation and any adjustments to excavation limits. D.PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE: All design mix truck placements of concrete require on site engineering and shall be inspected by ENGINEER during placements. Approval of design mix placement based on slump results, environmental conditions, etc. shall be at the discretion of ENGINEER. ENGINEER may also require inspections of bag goods concrete placements. E.FINAL: ENGINEER shall inspect and approve, as required, the completion of all repairs, including any correction or punch list items for each work area as appropriate. ASSOCIATED WORK A.ENGINEER shall approve all removal of existing rail and screen enclosures, exterior and interior glass systems and doors, shutter systems, tile and other floor coverings prior to any removal work being performed. B.ENGINEER, with OWNER’s approval, shall designate the disposition of all building components to be removed prior to its removal. C.CONTRACTOR shall document the condition and functionality of all building components to be removed and reinstalled and ENGINEER shall approve same prior to removal. D.ENGINEER shall inspect the reinstallation of existing building components to verify that it is in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and that the condition and functionality have not been degraded. ENGINEERING APPROVALS A.ENGINEER shall approve all work completed. B.ENGINEER shall approve or disapprove, as required, specifications for all contractor-supplied materials at least 7 days prior to planned material use or placement. C.ENGINEER shall determine any disputes regarding reasonableness of repairs involving structural integrity. CONTRACTOR’S DUTIES 1.The CONTRACTOR is totally responsible for the permit application and all costs, including renewing the permit in a timely manner before expiration, and close-out final, without cost to the Owner. 2.Upon receipt of permit, the CONTRACTOR shall transmit a copy of the permit showing the permit number to the Owner and Engineer of Record for correspondence with the building department. 3.The CONTRACTOR is responsible to request and submit the inspection dates to the building department as needed. 4.The CONTRACTOR is responsible to protect building, driveways, landscaping, and personal property. 5.The CONTRACTOR is to responsible to submit a Project Schedule prior to mobilization. 6.The CONTRACTOR is responsible to submit a revised Project Schedule with each Pay Application. Pay Applications are to be sent electronically to the ENGINEER for approval prior to approval/signing of hardcopy. 7.The CONTRACTOR is responsible to submit supplier lien releases with each Pay Application. END OF SECTION Page 6 of 16 SECTION - 1 CONCRETE REPAIR SPECIFICATIONS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK: A The scope of work to be performed under the terms of this contract includes furnishing of all materials, labor, services, utilities, permit fees, supervision, tools and equipment, required or incidental to the demolition, repair and replacement of the deteriorated concrete. The work will include, but is not limited to, the following elements: 1 Demolition, removal and disposal of deteriorated concrete and reinforcing steel as identified by ENGINEER. 2 Surface preparation and installation of repair materials of the deteriorated concrete and reinforcing as identified by ENGINEER. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A Contractor shall submit to ENGINEER for review and acceptance, concrete mix designs, manufacturer’s product information and manufacturer’s installation instructions for all materials specified. B Certification of non-reactivity of all aggregate. 1.3 SITE OBSERVATIONS A Surface preparation of all repair areas shall be observed and accepted by ENGINEER prior to placement of the repair materials. B Concrete surfaces shall be observed and accepted by ENGINEER prior to placement of balcony tile or other finish materials. C Engineer shall be notified a minimum of 24 hours prior to all observations. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 CONCRETE BAG MIX A MATERIALS 1 USE SIKACRETE 211 SCC Plus REPAIR MIX; STO Products are acceptable upon approval. 2 Water to be clean, clear, fresh water, with no additives. 2.2 ALTERNATE MATERIALS A Acceptance of alternate products and materials shall be considered at the sole discretion of ENGINEER. All repair materials shall be provided by a single manufacturer to the extent possible. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 CONCRETE MIX A Follow instructions from manufacturer. This will be monitored by Engineer. 3.2 CONCRETE TESTING A CONTRACTOR shall perform and maintain records on the composition, quantity, and slump test results for each batch mixed. B CONTRACTOR shall prepare test cylinders and arrange for testing by a certified testing agency as requested by ENGINEER and approved by OWNER. If cylinders pass such tests, the OWNER shall reimburse contactor for cost of testing. 3.3 SHORING A Contractor shall provide jacking, shoring and bracing to accomplish the Work and for all existing structural elements to remain until all structural modifications have been completed and accepted for their intended use. Contractor shall submit shop drawings for jacking, shoring and bracing for approval by ENGINEER prior to commencing shoring work. B Shoring design shall prevent movement of adjacent slab areas from the existing conditions. 3.4 CONCRETE REPAIR A Concrete repairs shall be provided for those areas identified with spalling, deterioration, and unacceptable concrete. B Remove all concrete surface coverings (stucco, decorative coatings, etc) along with loose, spalled, and unsound concrete in the area of the deterioration. Removal shall be performed with small pointed tools rather than wide chisel edges to prevent micro cracking and continued spalling of the concrete which is to remain. C The area of concrete to be removed shall extend along the length of the reinforcing, beyond the limits of the reinforcing deterioration a minimum of 2" into sound concrete. D Concrete shall be removed completely around the reinforcing steel providing a minimum clearance of 3/4" between the reinforcing and the concrete to remain. E Provide a ½" minimum depth saw-cut, perpendicular or slightly undercut to the concrete surface at the limits of the repair to prevent feathering of the patch material. Do not cut any reinforcing, except as accepted by ENGINEER. F Application of repair concrete shall not be less than ½" in depth. G Prepare all concrete surfaces to receive the repair material, including the saw-cut, to achieve a minimum surface profile depth of 3", where possible, with a new fractured aggregate surface to adequately anchor the patch material. H Remove all rust and scaling of the reinforcing thoroughly by media blasting and/or mechanical wire brushing. Page 7 of 16 I Thoroughly clean the exposed concrete surface to receive the patch of all traces of dirt, grease, oil, dust, and other contaminants which may prevent proper bonding of the repair materials. J The prepared concrete surface shall be saturated surface dry (SSD), but free of standing water. Apply a bond coat of slurry, prepared with the repair concrete, with a stiff bristle brush covering all exposed steel and all concrete surface areas. K While scrub coat is still wet, place repair concrete mix design in accordance with ACI 301 in a continuous pour and in accordance with ICRI. 3.5 CURING. A Apply water mist to repaired area (i.e. form work, patches) or burlap or carpet remnants to surface. Misting involves any method to maintain the exposed patch or repair area, in a wet condition to prevent surface cracks and reduce moisture loss during cure. B All concrete shall cure a minimum of 28 days prior to application of any coatings or finishes. C An observation shall be conducted by ENGINEER prior to application of any coatings on the concrete. Any cracks in the repair areas shall be repaired in accordance with the requirements for crack repairs. Repair of cracks shall be at no additional cost to the Owner. 3.6 REPAIR MORTARS A Repair mortars may be used in lieu of ready mix concrete for partial depth repair areas of less than one (1) cubic foot of material and as accepted by ENGINEER. 1 The prepared concrete surface shall be saturated surface dry (SSD), but free of standing water. Apply a scrub coat of slurry prepared from the repair mortar to all surface areas, filling all pores and voids. 2 While scrub coat is still wet, apply acceptable polymer modified cementitious repair compound in maximum lifts of 3" and 1-1/2" for use on vertical and overhead surfaces, respectively. If forms are to be used, depths well in excess of these can be achieved in any one application. For large and/or deep repairs, mechanical anchors, studs, reinforcing dowels, etc., shall be provided where existing reinforcing does not provide mechanical anchorage. The top surface of each lift shall be scratched and reprimed with slurry prior to application of subsequent lifts. 3 The use of aggregate is not allowed except as otherwise recommended by the manufacturer. 4 The following repair mortars may be used: a Sika – Sika Full Depth 211 SCC Plus. STO products acceptable upon Engineer approval. Page 8 of 16 3.7 REINFORCING PREPARATION AND REPLACEMENT A All reinforcing with deterioration of more than 15% of the original bar diameter, as determined by ENGINEER, shall be replaced. B To permit lapping of the new reinforcing steel, the concrete shall be removed along the length of the reinforcing, a minimum of 12" beyond the deterioration into sound concrete to permit splicing of the reinforcing. C After the reinforcing has been prepared, lap the new reinforcing beside the entire length of the exposed reinforcing, secure in place with tie wires. D Following all other procedures for the concrete repair as indicated. E Where the removal of concrete to achieve the required lap length is not practical as determined by ENGINEER, bar development can be achieved by embedding the reinforcing into existing sound concrete a minimum of 9" with: 1 Sika – Sikadur 32 (Preferred) 2 BASF - Concresive 1090 Liquid F Reinforcing steel shall be ASTM A615 grade 60 minimum. G Prime reinforcing steel prior to concrete placement with: 1 Sika – Armatec 110 EpoChem (Preferred) 2 BASF - EMACO P-24 3 BASF – Zincrich Rebar Primer 3.8 CRACK REPAIR A Crack repairs will be performed for all areas identified by ENGINEER. B Remove all loose and unsound concrete within and adjacent to the crack. C For all topside horizontal cracks, vee-notch the surface of the crack with a mechanical router or hand chipping tool to a maximum width of ¼". Remove loose debris. Substrate may be dry or damp prior to product application. Where accessibility to the underside of the concrete slab is available, seal all visible cracks with an epoxy resin adhesive paste or Portland cement-based quick setting compound to act as a dam to hold the liquid epoxy resin adhesive until cured. D Prime prepared substrate with neat Sikadur 35, Hi-Mod LV epoxy resin mortar. Strike off and level, finishing with a trowel. E Seal cured epoxy resin mortar with epoxy resin adhesive binder to provide additional moisture and chemical protection. F Maximum application thickness of epoxy resin mortar on interior substrates not to exceed 1½" per lift. G Use pressure injection equipment to seal cracks on underside and vertical faces of concrete beams, columns and corbels with: 1 EUCO 452 M.V. Epoxy System or 2 Sikadur 35, Hi-Mod LV epoxy resin mortar or 3 Seal ports and cracks with Sikadur 31, Hi-Mod Gel, or Sikadur 33 or 4 Simpson Strong Tie ETI Epoxy Injection System 3.9 SURFACE APPLIED CORROSION INHIBITOR A Apply Sika Ferrogard 903 in accordance with SECTION 2 to 28 day cured, exposed concrete surfaces identified by ENGINEER. END OF SECTION 1 Page 9 of 16 SECTION - 2 CORROSION INHIBITOR TREATMENT SPECIFICATIONS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A Section Includes: 1 Surface applied concrete steel reinforcement corrosion inhibitor: 2 Extended written warranty. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A Substitution requests must be submitted 14 day prior to bid date. B Product Data: Manufacturer’s specifications and technical data including the following: 1 Detailed specification of construction and fabrication. 2 Manufacturer’s installation instructions. 3 Certified test reports indicating compliance with performance requirements specified herein. C Quality Control Submittals: 1 Statement of qualifications. 2 Statement of compliance with Regulatory Requirements. 3 Manufacturer’s field reports. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A Manufacturer’s Qualification: Not less than 5 years experience in the actual production of specified products. B Installer’s Qualifications: Firm experienced in installation or application of systems similar in complexity to those required for this Project, plus the following: 1 Acceptable to or licensed by manufacturer. 2 Not less than 3 years experience with systems. 3 Successfully completed not less than 5 comparable scale projects using this system. C Product Qualifications: The corrosion inhibitor shall conform to the following characteristics: 1 Color: Slightly amber (fugitive dye may be added) 2 Density: 7.3 to 7.4 lbs/gallon 3 Nitrite content: less than 1% 4 Chloride content: less than 20 ppm 5 pH: 6.5 to 8 6 Material must reduce total corrosion of heavily corroding concrete rebar by an average of 90%, at an internal concrete relative humidity of 75% or greater. 7 Must reduce corrosion by 90% or greater using FHWA RD-98-153 test protocol on crack slab black bars subjected to 48 weeks of cyclic salt water ponding. 8 Must increase the resistance of chloride ions using AASHTO T277 “Rapid Determination of the Chloride Permeability of Concrete” by 90% minimum. 9 Note: A qualified independent laboratory must perform all corrosion and chloride data. D Regulatory Requirements: Products shall comply with State and local regulations regarding Volatile Organic Content (VOC). 1.4 DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING A Packing and Shipping: Deliver products in original unopened packaging with legible manufacturer’s identification. B Storage and Protection: Comply with manufacturer’s recommendations. 1.5 PROJECT CONDITIONS A Environmental Requirements: 1 Maintain ambient temperature above 40 degrees F during and 24 hours after installation. 2 Do not proceed with application on materials if ice or frost is covering the substrate. 3 Do not proceed with application if ambient temperature of surface exceeds 100 degree F. 4 Do not proceed with the application of materials in rainy conditions or if heavy rain is anticipated with 4 hours after application. Page 10 of 16 1.6 SPECIAL WARRANTIES A The system manufacturer shall furnish the Owner a written single source performance warranty that the concrete reinforcement corrosion inhibitor will be free of defects related to workmanship or material deficiency for a ten (10) year period from the date of completion of the work provided under this section of the specification. The following performance standards shall be specifically covered under the warranty: Using a device which employs linear polarization with a guard ring (device should be certified under SHRP) the corrosion current of the treated concrete shall be less then 0.5 µA/cm2 for the life of the warranty period. B The Corrosion Inhibitor Manufacturer shall be responsible for providing labor and material to retreat areas of the structure that does not comply with the warranty requirements. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A Inhibitor shall be ready-to-use, non-water-borne, surface applied product manufactured in an ISO 9002 certified facility, meeting or exceeding the physical and performance characteristics of the following approved product: 1 Sika Ferrogard 903 (Penetrating, corrosion inhibiting, impregnation coating for hardened concrete). PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A Verification of Conditions: Examine areas and conditions under which Work is to be performed and identify conditions detrimental to proper or timely completion. 1 Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION A Protection: 1 Unless inhibitor does not affect adhesion of sealants, paints and patching materials all adjacent surfaces shall be protected as necessary in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. 2 Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding condition of concrete surfaces before, during and after application. B Surface Preparation: 1 All caulking, joint sealants, repairing, and patching of concrete surfaces shall be installed and cured before application of inhibitor. If specified by ENGINEER, apply corrosion inhibitor to routed cracks prior to application of sealant. Confirm with Inhibitor Manufacturer compatibility of materials. 2 Prior to application of corrosion inhibitor, concrete surfaces shall be dry and cleaned of all dust, dirt, debris, grease, oil, grout, mortar, and other foreign matter. Concrete patches and all existing surfaces shall be prepared as recommended by the corrosion inhibitor manufacturer and acceptable to ENGINEER. 3.3 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A Test Applications: Before application of inhibitor will be accepted, a test panel will be applied to the concrete to verify performance under the warranty provisions. 3.4 APPLICATION A Product shall be applied as supplied by the manufacturer without dilution or alteration. B Corrosion inhibitor shall be applied in accordance with the use of either spray, brush, or roller as per manufacturer’s recommendations. Corrosion inhibitor shall be applied at a net coverage rate of 75-100 ft2/gallon, in two or three equal coats, with a minimum one hour dry time between coats. C Follow manufacturer’s recommendations concerning protection of glass, metal and other non-porous substrates. Contractor will be responsible to clean all surfaces that are contaminated by the corrosion inhibitor. D Follow manufacturer’s recommendation concerning protection of plants, grass and other vegetation. Contractor will be responsible for replacing all plants, grass or vegetation damaged by the corrosion inhibitor. 3.5 CLEANING A As Work Progresses: Clean spillage and overspray from adjacent surfaces using materials and methods as recommended by corrosion inhibitor manufacturer. B Remove protective coverings from adjacent surfaces when no longer needed. 3.6 COMPLETION A Work that does not conform to ENGINEER’s specifications shall be corrected and/or replaced as directed by the Owners Representative at the contractor’s expense without extension of time. END OF SECTION 2 Page 11 of 16 SECTION – 3 WATERPROOFING SPECIFICATIONS BASF MASTERSEAL SYSTEM (FORMALLY SONOGUARD) See attached Product Data Sheets VOC CONTENT • MasterSeal M 200: – Self-leveling grade: 196 g/L less water and exempt solvents – Flash/slope grade: 71.0 g/L less water and exempt solvents • MasterSeal M 205: 98 g/L less water and exempt solvents • MasterSeal TC 225: 209 g/L less water and exempt solvents. • MasterSeal TC 235: 95 g/L less water and exempt solvents Polyurethane waterprooing, trafic-bearing membrane systems for vehicular and pedestrian areas FORMERLY SONOGUARD® 07 18 00 Traffic Coatings7 PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS • Primer coat not typically required which helps to reduce labor and material costs • Waterproof which helps to protect concrete from freeze/thaw damage; protects occupied areas below from water damage • Excellent chloride resistance provides protection against chloride intrusion; extends the life of reinforcing steel • Seamless elastomeric membrane offers excellent durability and superior abrasion resistance, has no seams that may result in leaks • Provides skid resistance to increase safety and offers excellent durability and superior abrasion resistance • Multiple systems available, making MasterSeal Traffic 1500 ideal for various vehicular or pedestrian traffic solutions • Repairable and recoatable to extend the useful life of the system • Four standard colors: gray, charcoal gray, tan and dark tan MasterSeal® Traffic 1500 DESCRIPTION MasterSeal Traffic 1500 waterproofing systems are composed of: – MasterSeal M 200, a one-component, moisture-curing polyurethane, OR MasterSeal M 205, a low VOC, one component, moisture curing polyurethane. – MasterSeal TC 225, a one-component aliphatic moisture-curing polyurethane, OR MasterSeal TC 235, a low VOC, one component aliphatic, moisture curing polyurethane. – MasterSeal TC 225 Tint Base or MasterSeal TC 235 Note: MasterSeal TC 225 Tint Base and TC 235 Tint Base are intended for pedestrian use only and are not suitable for vehicular traffic. For projects requiring primer, two choices are available: – MasterSeal P 222, a one-component solvent-based primer and sealer, – MasterSeal P 220, a two-component waterborne epoxy primer and sealer. PACKAGING - MasterSeal P 222: 5 gallon (18.93 L) pails - MasterSeal P 220: - 4 gallon (15.14 L) units in - 5 gallon pails (18.93 L) - MasterSeal M 200, (self-leveling and slope-grade): - 5 gallon (18.93 L) pails - 55 gallon (208 L) drums - MasterSeal M 205: 5 gallon (18.93 L) pails - MasterSeal TC 225: - 5 gallon (18.93 L) pails - 55 gallon (208 L) drums - MasterSeal TC 235: 5 gallon (18.93 L) pails - MasterSeal 914: 1 pint (473 mL) cans - MasterSeal 915 (for recoat applications): 0.5 pint (236 mL) cans - MasterSeal 960 - 4" x 75' roll - 6" x 75' roll YIELD See chart on page 3 COLORS Gray, Charcoal, Tan, Dark Tan STORAGE Store in unopened containers in a cool, clean, dry area SHELF LIFE - MasterSeal M 200, M 205, TC 225, and TC 235: 5 gal pails, 1 year when properly stored 55 gal drums, 9 months when properly stored - MasterSeal 914, pint cans: 2 years when properly stored - MasterSeal 915: 1 year when properly stored - MasterSeal 960: 2 years when properly stored Master Builders Solutions by BASF www.master-builders-solutions.basf.us Technical Data Guide Weight per gallon, lbs (kg) 9.9 (4.5) 9.1 (4.1) ASTM D 1475 Base coat Wet mils (mm) 25 (0.64) 25 (0.64) 25 (0.64) Dry mils (mm) 20 (0.5) 20 (0.5) 20 (0.5) Coverage1 55–60 (1.35–1.5) 55–60 (1.35–1.5) 55–60 (1.35–1.5) Mid coat Wet mils (mm) None 20 (0.5) 25 (0.64) Dry mils (mm) None 15 (0.4) 20 (0.5) Coverage1 None 75–80 (1.83–1.97) 55–60 (1.35–1.5) Finish coat Wet mils (mm) 25 (0.64) 20 (0.5) 20 (0.5) Dry mils (mm) 20 (0.5) 15 (0.4) 15 (0.4) Coverage1 55–60 (1.35–1.5) 75–80 (1.83–1.97) 75–80 (1.83–1.97) Aggregate2 lbs per 100 ft2 (kg/m2) 18–30 (0.8–1.5) 23–40 (1.15–2.0) 23–40 (1.15–2.0) Coverage rates are approximate and may vary due to the application technique used. Actual coverage rate will also depend on finish and porosity of the substrate. 1 Coverage is ft2/gal (m2/L) 2 Combined amount of aggregate, mid & topcoat (16–30 mesh rounded silica sand or proportional equivalent) 3. Dynamic cracks and joints 1⁄16" (1.6 mm) and greater wide must be routed to a minimum of 4 by 4" (6 by 6 mm) and cleaned. Install bond breaker tape to prevent adhesion of sealants to the bottom of joint. Prime joint faces only with MasterSeal P 173 (see Form No. 1017962). Fill joints deeper than 4" (6 mm) with appropriate backer rod and MasterSeal SL 1™/ SL 2™ (slope grade or self-leveling) or MasterSeal NP 1™/ NP 2™ sealants. For cracks, sealant should be flush with the adjacent concrete surface. For expansion joints, sealant should be slightly concave. Once the sealant is cured the lines should be prestriped with base coat MasterSeal M 200 or M 205, overlap the joint 3" (76 mm) on each side. MasterSeal 960 tape can be used in place of the MasterSeal M 200 or M 205 prestripe. 4. Sealed joints 1" (25 mm) or less can be coated over with MasterSeal Traffic 1500. Expansion joints exceeding 1" (25 mm) wide should not be coated over with MasterSeal Traffic 1500 so that they can perform independently of the deck coating system. Test Data, cont. 2. Repair voids and delaminated areas with BASF branded cementitious and epoxy patching materials. For application when fast-turn repairs are required, MasterSeal M 265 can be used to repair patches up to 1" (25 mm) in depth. Please refer to Technical Service for proper application techniques. 3. All units must be applied within the specified pot life. SURFACE PRE-STRIPPING AND DETAILING 1. For nonmoving joints and cracks less than 1⁄16" (1.6 mm) wide, apply primer when required, followed by 25 wet mils (0.6 mm) pre-striping of MasterSeal M 200 or M 205. MasterSeal M 200 or M 205 must be applied to fill and overlap the joint or crack 3" (76 mm) on each side. Feather the edges. 2. MasterSeal 960 Tape can be used in place of pre-stripping for nonmoving joints and cracks less than 1/16" (1.6 mm) wide. Peel the paper backing from the tape and center it over the joint or crack. The tape should be smooth with no air bubbles or debris between it and the concrete. HOW TO APPLY SURFACE PREPARATION CONCRETE 1. Concrete must be fully cured (28 days), structurally sound, clean and dry (ASTM D 4263). All concrete surfaces (new and old) must be shot blasted to remove previous coatings, laitance and all miscellaneous surface contamination and to provide profile for proper adhesion. Abrasive shot blasting must occur after concrete repair has taken place. Acid- etching is not permitted. Proper profile should be a minimum of ICRI CSP-3 (as described in ICRI document 03732.) LIGHT TO MEDIUM HEAVY DUTY EXTRA HEAVY DUTY TRAFFIC & PEDESTRIAN (REFUSAL METHOD) (REFUSAL METHOD) INDUSTRIES/SECTORS • Stadiums • Balconies • Parking Garages • Commercial Construction • Building and Restoration • Plywood decks/balconies • Plaza decks Master Builders Solutions by BASF www.master-builders-solutions.basf.us 5. Where the coating system will be terminated and no wall, joint or other appropriate break exists, cut a 4" x 4" (6 x 6 mm) keyway into the concrete. Fill and coat keyway during application of MasterSeal M 200 or M 205. 6. Form a sealant cant into the corner at the junction of all horizontal and vertical surfaces (wall sections, curbs, columns). Prime with MasterSeal P 173 and apply a ½–1" (13–25 mm) wide bead of MasterSeal NP 1 or MasterSeal NP 2 sealants. Tool to form a 45 degree cant. Apply masking tape to the vertical surfaces 4–5" (102–127 mm) above the sealant cant to provide a clean termination of the vertical detail coat. After the sealant has cured, apply 25 mils (0.64 mm) of MasterSeal M 200 or M 205 over the cured cant up to the masking tape and 4" (102 mm) onto deck surface. 7. In locations of high movement such as wall and slab intersections, a reinforcing fabric is required. After the sealant cant bead is applied and cured, apply 25 wet mils of MasterSeal M 200 or M 205 (0.64 mm) over the sealant and embed MasterSeal 995 reinforcing fabric into the wet detail coat. 6" (15.2 cm) wide MasterSeal 960 Tape can be used in place of the MasterSeal M 200 or M 205 and embedded MasterSeal 955. Remove the paper backing and apply the MasterSeal 960 3" (7.6 cm.) up the vertical surface with the remainder of the tape on the horizontal surface. Smooth the tape well to both surfaces to ensure good adhesion. UNCOATED METAL SURFACES 1. Remove dust, debris, and any other contaminants from vent, drain-pipe and post penetrations, reglets and other metal surfaces. Clean surfaces to near white per SSPC-NACE2 and prime immediately with MasterSeal P 173. Provide appropriate cant with MasterSeal NP1/ NP2. Apply a detail coat of 25 wet mils of Masterseal M 200 or M 205 over the primed metal and sealant. PLYWOOD 1. All plywood must be smooth-faced, APA- stamped and exterior grade tongue and groove. Construction must conform to code, but plywood must not be less than 23⁄32" (20 mm) thick. Plywood spacing and deck construction must follow APA guidelines. 2. Surfaces must be free of contaminants. Priming is not necessary on clean, dry plywood. 3. All seams must be caulked with MasterSeal NP 1 or MasterSeal NP 2 sealants. Pre-stripe 4–6" (102–152 mm) wide with 25 wet mils (0.64 mm) of M 200. Reinforce all seams between plywood sheets and between flashing and the plywood deck by embedding MasterSeal 995 Reinforcing Fabric into the pre-striping. APPLICATION OF PRIMER PRIMER NOTE: When primer is required on a job, follow these steps. When applying Traffic 1500 without using a primer, proceed to Application. 1. After thoroughly vacuuming the surface, apply MasterSeal P 222 or P 220 to all the properly prepared deck surfaces at the rate of 200– 250 ft2/gal (4.9–6.1 m2/L). Using a roller pan and a short- to medium-nap roller cover, force the primer into pores and voids to eliminate pinholes. Do not apply over pre-striping. Use only solvent-resistant tools and equipment. 2. Allow primer to dry until tack-free. M 200 and M 205 must be applied the same working day. MASTERSEAL M 200 AND M 205 1. All preparatory work must be completed before application begins. Be certain the substrate is clean, dry, stable and properly profiled. Sealants and pre-striping should be properly cured. Apply the base, mid and finish coats with a properly sized squeegee to arrive at the required mil thicknesses. 2. Apply MasterSeal M 200 or M 205 at 25 wet mils thick (0.64 mm) using a proper notched squeegee to entire deck surface, and back roll, overcoating the properly prepared cracks, joints and flashings. For sloped areas, use slope-grade MasterSeal M 200. Do not coat expansion joints over 1" (25 mm) wide. 3. Allow curing time of overnight (16 hour minimum). Slightly extend the curing time in cool or dry weather conditions. The surface of MasterSeal M 200 and M 205 should have a slight tack. If the coating has been exposed for a prolonged period, consult Technical Service for recommendations. APPLICATION METHODS OF SYSTEMS MasterSeal Traffic 1500 can be installed in several configurations, depending upon the degree of traffic to which the system is exposed. In areas of extreme traffic (turning lanes, pay booths, entrances and exits), apply the Extra Heavy-Duty Traffic System. The following summary briefly describes each configuration. All coverage rates are approximate. LIGHT- TO MEDIUM- DUTY TRAFFIC & PEDESTRIAN SYSTEM 1. Prime concrete substrate (if required). 2. Apply 25 (0.64 mm) wet mils of MasterSeal M 200 or M 205 using a proper notched squeegee at 55–60 ft2/gal (1.35–1.47 m2/L). Immediately backroll to level base coat. Allow to cure overnight. 3. Apply 25 wet mils (0.64 mm) MasterSeal TC 225 or TC 235 using a proper notched squeegee at 55–60 ft2/gal (1.35–1.47 m2/L). Immediately backroll to level MasterSeal TC 225 or TC 235 material. While the coating is still wet, broadcast MasterSeal 941 or equivalent 16–30 rounded silica sand at 15–25 lbs/100 ft2/gal (0.75– 1.25 kg/m2), then backroll into the coating to fully encapsulate. HEAVY-DUTY TRAFFIC SYSTEM 1. Prime concrete substrate (if required). 2. Apply 25 (0.64 mm) wet mils of MasterSeal M 200 or M 205 using a proper notched squeegee at 55–60 ft2/gal (1.35–1.47 m2/L). Immediately backroll to level base coat. Allow to cure overnight. Technical Data Guide MasterSeal® Trafic 1500 5. Ensure there is no moisture on the surface of the aggregate/membrane before application of topcoat. Remove all loose aggregate, then apply 20 wet mils using a flat squeegee at 75–80 ft2/gal (1.84–1.96 m2/L). Immediately backroll to level MasterSeal TC 225 or TC 235. 6. For additional slip resistance, immediately broadcast MasterSeal 941 or equivalent at a rate of 3–7 lbs/ 100 ft2 (0.15–0.25 kg/m2) and backroll to encapsulate. IMPORTANT NOTE: All coverage rates are approximate and may vary due to the application technique used. Coverage rates are affected by substrate texture, choice and distribution of aggregate, intermediate coat aggregate load and environmental conditions. Application methods and conditions are not under the control of BASF. Ensure that an adequate amount of aggregate is utilized to achieve desired slip resistance. MOCKUP Provide mockup of at least 100 ft2 (9.3 m2) to include surface profile, sealant joint, crack, flashing and juncture details and allow for evaluation of slip resistance and appearance of MasterSeal Traffic 1500 system. 1. Install mockup with specified coating types and with other components noted. 2. Locate where directed by architect. 3. Mockup may remain as part of work if acceptable to architect. For recoat applications, see MasterSeal Traffic 1500 technical bulletin #24. CURING TIME Allow curing time of 72 hours before vehicular use and 48 hours before pedestrian use. Extend the curing time in cool-weather conditions. To reduce the time period in which MasterSeal Traffic 1500 might be vulnerable to inclement weather or to reduce the time between coats, use MasterSeal 914. 3. Apply 20 wet mils (0.51 mm) MasterSeal TC 225 or TC 235 using a notched squeegee at 75–80 ft2/gal (1.83–1.97 m2/L). Immediately backroll to level MasterSeal TC 225 or TC 235. The next step, #4, can utilize either method described in 4A or 4B. 4A. AGGREGATE TO REFUSAL METHOD Immediately broadcast MasterSeal 941 or equivalent 16–30 mesh, rounded silica sand into the wet coating at the rate of 20– 35 lbs/100 ft2 (1.0–1.75 kg/m²). Immediately after the aggregate broadcast and while the coating is still wet, blow any excess aggregate via a portable blower forward into the wet coating. Do not over apply aggregate; it is acceptable to have localized wet spots in the aggregate surface after completion of this method. This process requires coordination between all of the members in the work crew. The blower operator, wearing clean spiked shoes, should blow the excess aggregate forward towards the freshly applied and back rolled topcoat. In this method, the coating should not accept additional sand, minimal excess aggregate is on the surface, less aggregate is used and the textured appearance should be fairly uniform. 4B. BROADCAST AND BACKROLL METHOD Immediately broadcast MasterSeal 941 or equivalent 16–30 mesh, rounded silica sand into the wet coating and backroll to encapsulate the aggregate. Evenly broadcast aggregate at the rate of 15–20 lbs/ft2 (0.75–1.0 kg/m²). Allow to cure overnight. 5. Ensure there is no moisture on the surface of the aggregate/membrane before application of topcoat. Remove all loose aggregate, then apply 20 wet mils using a flat squeegee at 75–80 ft2/gal (1.84–1.96 m2/L). Immediately backroll to level MasterSeal TC 225 or TC 235. 6. For additional slip resistance, immediately broadcast MasterSeal 941 or equivalent 16–30 rounded silica sand at a rate of 3–5 lbs/100 ft2 (0.15–0.25 kg/m2) and backroll to encapsulate. EXTRA-HEAVY DUTY SYSTEM 1. Prime concrete substrate (if required). 2. Apply 25 (0.64 mm) wet mils of MasterSeal M 200 or M 205 using a proper notched squeegee at 55–60 ft2/gal (1.35–1.47 m2/L). Immediately backroll to level base coat. Allow to cure overnight. 3. Apply 25 wet mils (0.64 mm) MasterSeal TC 225 or TC 235 using a properly notched squeegee at the rate of 55–60 ft2/gal (1.35– 1.47 m2/L). Immediately backroll to evenly level topcoat. The next step, #4, can utilize either method described in 4A or 4B. 4A. AGGREGATE TO REFUSAL METHOD Immediately broadcast MasterSeal 941 or equivalent 16–30 mesh, rounded silica sand into the wet coating at the rate of 20– 35 lbs/100 ft2 (1.0–1.75 kg/m²). Immediately after the aggregate broadcast and while the coating is still wet, blow any excess aggregate via a portable blower forward into the wet coating. Do not over apply aggregate; it is acceptable to have localized wet spots in the aggregate surface after completion of this method. This process requires coordination between all of the members in the work crew. The blower operator, wearing clean spiked shoes, should blow the excess aggregate forward towards the freshly applied and back rolled topcoat. In this method, the coating should not accept additional sand, minimal excess aggregate is on the surface, less aggregate is used and the textured appearance should be fairly uniform 4B. BROADCAST AND BACKROLL METHOD Immediately broadcast MasterSeal 941 or equivalent 16–30 mesh, rounded silica sand into the wet coating and backroll to encapsulate the aggregate. Evenly broadcast aggregate at the rate of 15–25 lbs/100 ft2 (0.75–1.25 kg/m²). Allow to cure overnight. Master Builders Solutions by BASF www.master-builders-solutions.basf.us • Do not apply MasterSeal Traffic 1500 to concrete slabs on grade, unvented metal pan decks and split slab applications with a membrane between slabs. • Select the proper amount of aggregate to promote slip resistance. • The best method to ensure average wet film thickness is the use of a grid system. Divide the surface area to be coated into grids and calculate the square footage of each. For example, one pail of MasterSeal M 200 or M 205 applied at 55–60 ft2/gal should cover approximately 275–300 sq ft or a minimum grid of 16 x 16 ft at 25 wet mils. The wet film thickness can also be verified with a wet film thickness gauge. Verify coverage via site mockup. • Pre-stripe to level out recessed sealant joints (less than 1" [25 mm]) for optimal aesthetic appearance. • Avoid application of MasterSeal Traffic 1500 when inclement weather is present or imminent. • Do not apply MasterSeal Traffic 1500 to damp, wet, or contaminated surfaces. • MasterSeal Traffic 1500 is not suitable for use where chained or metal-studded tires will be used. • Proper application is the responsibility of the user. Field visits by BASF personnel are for the purpose of making technical recommendations only and not for supervising or providing quality control on the jobsite. • CAD & PDF deck coating details are available for download from our website; BASF Customer Service can direct you to the site. HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL Read, understand and follow all Safety Data Sheets and product label information for this product prior to use. The SDS can be obtained by visiting www.master-builders-solutions.basf.com, e-mailing your request to basfbscst@basf.com or calling 1(800)433-9517. Use only as directed. For medical emergencies only, call ChemTrec® 1(800)424-9300. MAINTENANCE 1. Portions of the membrane that exhibit wear are considered a maintenance item, and are not considered a warrantable item. 2. Surfaces may be cleaned with commercial detergents. BASF recommends that a maintenance agreement be established between the owner and applicator. 3. Periodic inspection and repair of damaged surfaces will greatly prolong the performance and life of the system. 4. Remove all sharp debris such as sand, gravel and metal on a regular basis to avoid damage to the coating. 5. When removing snow, avoid the use of metal blades or buckets that may damage the coating. CLEAN UP Clean all tools and equipment with MasterSeal 990 or xylene. FOR BEST PERFORMANCE • Concrete should have a minimum compressive strength of 3,000 psi (20.7 MPa) and be cured for a minimum of 28 days. • Do not apply to concrete that is out-gassing • Be sure to allow for movement in the deck by the proper design and use of expansion and control joints. • When applying sealants, use backing materials according to industry standards. • Do not apply when substrate temperatures are over 110° F (32° C) or under 40° F (4° C). • When applying MasterSeal 1500 at interior or contained spaces, provide adequate ventilation with a minimum of six air changes per hour. • When adequate ventilation for use of MasterSeal Traffic 1500 cannot be maintained, consider the use of MasterSeal 2500 Traffic coating system, Form No 1017917. • Be certain that all aggregate not properly encapsulated is thoroughly removed. • On steep ramps in excess of 15%, contact your local BASF representative. • Substrate temperature must be more than 5 degrees above dew point during application and cure. •MasterSeal TC 225 Tint Base and TC 235 Tint Base are intended for pedestrian use only and are not suitable for vehicular traffic. •MasterSeal TC 225 Tint Base or TC 235 Tint Base should be mixed with 2 BASF MasterSeal 900 color packs per 5 gallons in order to achieve the desired color tint. LIMITED WARRANTY NOTICE BASF warrants this product to be free from manufacturing defects and to meet the technical properties on the current Technical Data Guide, if used as directed within shelf life. Satisfactory results depend not only on quality products but also upon many factors beyond our control. BASF MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO ITS PRODUCTS. The sole and exclusive remedy of Purchaser for any claim concerning this product, including but not limited to, claims alleging breach of warranty, negligence, strict liability or otherwise, is the replacement of product or refund of the purchase price, at the sole option of BASF. Any claims concerning this product must be received in writing within one (1) year from the date of shipment and any claims not presented within that period are waived by Purchaser. BASF WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS) OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES OF ANY KIND. Purchaser must determine the suitability of the products for the intended use and assumes all risks and liabilities in connection therewith. This information and all further technical advice are based on BASF’s present knowledge and experience. However, BASF assumes no liability for providing such information and advice including the extent to which such information and advice may relate to existing third party intellectual property rights, especially patent rights, nor shall any legal relationship be created by or arise from the provision of such information and advice. BASF reserves the right to make any changes according to technological progress or further developments. The Purchaser of the Product(s) must test the product(s) for suitability for the intended application and purpose before proceeding with a full application of the product(s). Performance of the product described herein should be verified by testing and carried out by qualified experts. Technical Data Guide MasterSeal® Trafic 1500 DESCRIPTION: MASTERTOP 1090 is an economical floor sealer and primer based on an advanced solvent based epoxy resin. MASTERTOP 1090 provides high penetration into substrates with a glossy, easily cleaned, smooth finish, ideal for industrial applications. MASTERTOP 1090 is ideal for priming under MASTERTOP 1080 and SONOGUARD and can provide non-skid textures as required. RECOMMENDED FOR: •Workshops •Warehouse floors •Printing and light manufacturing facilities •New concrete that cannot be acid etched •Dust proofing FEATURES AND BENEFITS: •Equal parts •Pre-packaged and proportioned •Long pot life •Easy to apply •Easily cleaned •More durable than chlorinated rubber or acrylic systems ESTIMATING DATA: On smooth dense surfaces MASTERTOP 1090 will achieve 12m2 per litre. On surfaces that have been acid etched or are porous then 8-10m2 per litre will be typical. PACKAGING: MASTERTOP 1090 is supplied in 8 litre and 40 litre kits: 8 Litre 40 Litre Comprising Part A 4 Litre 20 Litre Part B 4 Litre 20 Litre 49 MASTERTOP®1090 Clear epoxy floor sealer and primer MasterSeal® M 200 (formerly known as Sonoguard basecoat) Trafficable Waterproof coating system for park decks, pedestrian areas and roofs DESCRIPTION MasterSeal M 200 is a liquid applied moisture-cure polyurethane seamless waterproofing membrane. As part of the MasterSeal Traffic 1500MD system creates a tough, continuously elastomeric properties achieve long term protection against water ingress. High skid resistance with aliphatic top coat ensures long life and suitability for public locations. RECOMMENDED USES Waterproofing exterior surfaces subject to light vehicle and pedestrian traffic loads. Skid resistant textures are incorporated for safety as required. Substrates include concrete and incidental metal on car park decks. Provides durable attractive membrane to:- Park Decks, Balconies, plaza decks, rooftops, plant rooms, and can be used to recoat old membranes and copings. FEATURES AND BENEFITS Waterproof - Protects occupied areas below from water damage slip resistant to Increase pedestrian and vehicular traffic safety. Seamless membrane - bridges existing cracks Top coat UV resistant – suitable for external applications Range of top coat colours available - Attractive, decorative appearance VOC Content-MasterSeal M 200 self- levelling grade: 196 g/L of VOC. PROPERTIES Property Base Coat Top Coat Test Method Hardness, Shore A 60 89 ASTM D 2240 Tensile strength MPa 5.2 17.2 ASTM D 412 Elongation, % 595 502 ASTM D 412 Tear strength, PIT 74 199 ASTM D 1004 Weight loss, % 16 17 Max 40 Weathering Resistance and Elongation Recovery (ASTM C957) Requireme nt Elongation Recovery System 94% Min 90 Tensile Retention System 151% Min 80 Elongation Retention System 94% Min 90 Abrasion resistance, mg lost 1 – (System passes) Requiremen ts- Max: 50 (CS17 wheel) 1,000 g/1000 cycles) Crack bridging System passes 1000 cycles Skid Resistance When applied in Top Coat Film with total coverage rate not exceeding 0.7 litres per metre square per coat. Aggregate must be MasterSeal Aggregate at 0.5kg/m2. Slip Resistance Wet – Coefficient 0.74 Slip Resistance Dry – Coefficient 1.05 Test Method: AS/NZS 3661.1 and Compliance requirement is 0.40 minimum. Chemical Resistance (ASTM C 957) Chemical Base Coat Top Coat Requirement s Ethylene glycol 88 92 Min 70 Mineral spirits 47 60 Min 45 Water 96 83 Min 70 MasterSeal® M 200 (formerly known as Sonoguard basecoat) ® = registered trademark of BASF group in many countries MasterSeal_M200 asean v1-0214 STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY The technical information and application advice given in this BASF publication are based on the present state of our best scientific and practical knowledge. As the information herein is of a general nature, no assumption can be made as to a product's suitability for a particular use or application and no warranty as to its accuracy, reliability or completeness either expressed or implied is given other than those required by law. The user is responsible for checking the suitability of products for their intended use. NOTE Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory responsibility. Suggestions made by BASF Construction Chemicals either orally or in writing may be followed, modified or rejected by the owner, engineer or contractor since they, and not BASF Construction Chemicals, are responsible for carrying out procedures appropriate to a specific application. BASF Construction Chemicals offices in ASEAN Singapore Tel :+65-6861-6766 Fax :+65-6861-3186 Malaysia Tel :+60-3-5628-3888 Fax :+60-3-5628-3776 Indonesia Tel: +62-21-2988-6000 Fax: +62-21-2988-5935 Thailand Tel :+66-2769-8564 Fax :+66-2769-8584 Vietnam Tel :+84-650-3743-100 Fax :+84-650-3743-200 Philippines Tel : +63-2-811-8000 Fax : +63-2-838-1025 Website : www.ap.cc.basf.com Base Coat Top Coat Supply form Liquid single pack Colour Standard (Grey) or Tint Application Temperature >5 to 35°C Specific gravity 1.19 1.09 Nonvolatiles,% (Solids by weight) ASTM D 1259 84 77 Viscosity, cps ASTM D 2393 4000-9000 2000- 4000 Flash point ASTM D 56 (°C) 40 40.5 STANDARDS AS/NZS 3661.1 Slip Resistance ASTM C957 UL 790 Class A Fire Rating ASTM E108 ASTM E84 APPLICATION For information on surface preparation, priming, methods of application etc, refer to “Application Guide for MasterSeal Traffic 1500 MD available from your local BASF Construction Chemicals representative. Systems available: 1.ROOF TOP SYSTEM (OCCUPIED SPACE UNDER) Primer Mastertop 1090 6-8m² litre MasterSeal M 200 1.2litres/ m² MasterSeal TC 225 0.65litres/ m² MasterSeal Aggregate – 1-2kg/ m² DFT 1.8mm+ 2. LIGHT TO MEDIUM TRAFFIC SYSTEM Primer Mastertop 1090 6-8m² litre MasterSeal M 200 0.7litres/ m² MasterSeal TC 225 0.65litres/ m² MasterSeal Aggregate – 2-3kg/ m² DFT 2.0mm 3.HEAVY DUTY TRAFFIC SYSTEM Primer Mastertop 1090 6-8m² litre MasterSeal M 200 1.0litre/ m² MasterSeal TC 225 1.0litre/ m² MasterSeal Aggregate – 2-4kg/ m² DFT 2.4mm 4.EXTRA HEAVY DUTY TRAFFIC SYSTEM Primer Mastertop 1090 6-8m² litre MasterSeal M 200 1.0litre/ m² MasterSeal TC 225 1.2litre/ m² MasterSeal Aggregate – 2-4kg/ m² DFT 3.0mm Do not start until you refer to application guide for installation instructions. ESTIMATING DATA One pail of MasterSeal M 200 will cover an area approximately 28 m2 or a grid 9 by 3 m at 0.6 mm. PACKAGING MasterSeal M 200 is available in 18.93 litre units. SHELF LIFE MasterSeal M 200 has a shelf life of 12 months. Store out of direct sunlight, clear of the ground on pallets protected from rainfall. PRECAUTIONS For the full health and safety hazard information and how to safely handle and use this product, please make sure that you obtain a copy of the BASF Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) from our office or our website. MasterSeal® TC 225 (formerly known as Sonoguard topcoat) A UV resistant coating for PU waterproofing membranes DESCRIPTION MasterSeal TC 225 is a liquid applied moisture- cure polyurethane seamless coating. MasterSeal Traffic Systems tough, alaphatic top coat ensures long life and suitability for public locations. RECOMMENDED USES Topcoat exterior surfaces subject to light vehicle and pedestrian traffic loads. Skid resistant textures are incorporated for safety as required. Substrates include MasterSeal Polyurethane Membranes. Provides durable attractive membrane to:- Carparks, Balconies, plaza decks, rooftops, plant rooms, over-coating of old membranes and copings. FEATURES AND BENEFITS • Impervious- Protects from chloride and salt intrusion • Skid resistant- Increased pedestrian and vehicle safety • Systems available - for various pedestrian and vehicular traffic situations. • Seamless membrane and crack bridging - No joints to cause leaks • Repairable and re-coatable - Extends the life of the system • Top coat UV resistant –Suitable for exposed conditions • Range of colours available - Attractive, decorative appearance • VOC Content-MasterSeal TC 225 209 g/L of VOC, less water and exempt solvents.- Environmentally responsible PROPERTIES Property Topcoat Test Method Hardness, Shore A 89 ASTM D 2240 Tensile strength MPa 17.2 ASTM D 412 Elongation, % 502 ASTM D 412 Tear strength, PIT 199 ASTM D 1004 Weight loss, % 17 Max 40 VOC content: g/L 210 (KH prod code P10-17) Weathering Resistance and Elongation Recovery (ASTM C957) Skid Resistance When applied in Top Coat Film with total coverage rate not exceeding 0.7 litres per metre square per coat. Aggregate must be MasterSeal Aggregate at 0.5kg/m2. Slip Resistance Wet – Coefficient 0.74 Slip Resistance Dry – Coefficient 1.05 Test Method: AS/NZS 3661.1 and Compliance requirement is 0.40 minimum. Chemical Resistance (ASTM C 957) Chemical Topcoat Requirements Ethylene glycol 92 Min 70 Mineral spirits 60 Min 45 Water 83 Min 70 Topcoat Supply form Liquid single pack Colour Standard (Grey) or Tint Application Temperature >5°C Specific gravity 1.09 Non volatiles,% (Solids by weight) ASTM D 1259 77 Viscosity, cps ASTM D 2393 2000- 4000 Flash point ASTM D 56 (°C) 40.5 STANDARDS • AS/NZS 3661.1 Slip Resistance • ASTM C957 • UL 790 Class A Fire Rating • ASTM E108 • ASTM E84 M asterSeal® TC 225 (formerly known as Sonoguard topcoat) APPLICATION All preparatory work must be completed before application begins. Be certain the substrate is clean, dry, stable and properly profiled. Sealants and pre-striping should be properly cured. Apply the base, mid and finish coats with a properly sized squeegee to arrive at the required thicknesses. The best method to ensure the proper wet film thickness is the use of a grid system. Divide the surface to be coated into grids and calculate the square meters of surface to be coated. Calculate the quantity of MasterSeal TC 225 needed for each grid to arrive at the required thicknesses. The thickness of all coats can also be verified by the use of a wet film thickness gauge. Apply 0.6 mm MasterSeal TC 225 using a proper notched squeegee at1.5 m2/L. Immediately back-roll to level MasterSeal TC 225 material and while the coating is still wet, broadcast MasterSeal broadcast aggregate or equivalent 16–30 rounded silica sand at 0.5–0.7 kg/m2, then back-roll into the coating to fully encapsulate. ESTIMATING DATA One pail of MasterSeal TC 225 will cover an area approximately 30 m2, or a grid 30 by 10 by 3 m at 0.5 mm thick. PACKAGING MasterSeal TC 225 is available in 18.93 litre units. MasterSeal Aggregate is available in 20kg bags. SHELF LIFE MasterSeal TC 225 has a shelf life of 12 months. Store out of direct sunlight, clear of the ground on pallets protected from rainfall. PRECAUTIONS For the full health and safety hazard information and how to safely handle and use this product, please make sure that you obtain a copy of the BASF Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) from our office or our website. = registered trademark of BASF group in many countries Master Seal TC_225 asean v1-0214 BASF Construction Chemicals offices in ASEAN Singapore Tel :+65-6861-6766 Fax :+65-6861-3186 Malaysia Tel :+60-3-5628-3888 Fax :+60-3-5628-3776 Indonesia Tel: +62-21-2988-6000 Fax: +62-21-2988-5935 Thailand Tel :+66-2769-8564 Fax :+66-2769-8584 Vietnam Tel :+84-650-3743-100 Fax :+84-650-3743-200 Philippines Tel : +63-2-811-8000 Fax : +63-2-838-1025 Website : www.ap.cc.basf.com STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY The technical information and application advice given in this BASF Construction Chemicals publication are based on the present state of our best scientific and practical knowledge. As the information herein is of a general nature, no assumption can be made as to a product's suitability for a particular use or application and no warranty as to its accuracy, reliability or completeness either expressed or implied is given other than those required by law. The user is responsible for checking the suitability of products for their intended use. NOTE Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory r esponsibility. Suggestions made by BASF Construction Chemicals either orally or in writing may be followed, modified or rejected by the owner, engineer or contractor since they, and not BASF Construction Chemicals, are responsible for carrying out procedures appropriate to a specific application. Page 12 of 16 SECTION 4 STEEL REINFORCEMENT PROTECTION SPECIFICATIONS See attached Product Data Sheet Product Data Sheet Edition07/02/2007 Revision no: 0 Identification No 01 03 02 01 001 0 000001 SikaTop®-Armatec 110 EpoCem® 1 1/3 Construction SikaTop®-Armatec 110 EpoCem® SikaTop®-Armatec 110 EpoCem® Bonding Slurry and Anti-Corrosive Rebar Coating Product Description Cement-based expoxy-modified three-component anti corrosive coating and bonding slurry. Uses As an anti-corrosion coating for reinforcement steel: n For repairs to reinforced concrete where there is corrosion of the underlying reinforcement steel n For the preventive protection of reinforcement steel in thin reinforced concrete sections As bonding slurry for use on concrete, mortar or steel: n For repairs to concrete using SikaTop patching and repair mortars n For bonding of new and old concrete Characteristics / Advantages n Excellent adhesion to steel and concrete n Acts as an effective barrier against penetration of water and chlorides n Contains corrosion inhibitors n Provides an excellent bonding coat for subsequent application of repair mortars, cement and epoxy based n Pre measured, ready-to-use packs n May be spray-applied n Frost- and de-icing salt resistant n Non-flammable Test certificates LPM, Laboratory for Preparation and Methology, Beinwil am See, Switzerland Ibac Aachen A 3119/3 Product Data Technical Data Colours Mix: Grey Comp. A: White liquid Comp. B: Colourless liquid Comp. C: Dark grey powder Packaging 20 kg units (A+B+C) Storage Storage Conditions Store at temperatures between +5 °C and +25 °C. Comp. C must be protected from humidity. Shelf life 12 months from date of production if stored properly in unopened original packing. 2 2/3 SikaTop®-Armatec 110 EpoCem® Mechanical/Physical Properties Density (+23 °C) Comp. A 1.05 kg/l Comp. B 1.03 kg/l Comp. A+B+C 2.00 kg/l (density of slurry when mixed) Bond strength (+23°C) On concrete (sandblasted): 2-3 N/mm2 On steel: 1 -2 N/mm2 E-Modulus (static) ~ 16.400 N/mm2 Index of resistance to diffusion of water vapour (μH2O) ~ 700 Index of resistance todiffusion of carbon dioxide (μCO2) ~ 40.000 Thermic coefficient of expansion ~ 18 · 10-6 per °C Application Details Mix ratio Parts by weight : A : B : C = 1.14 : 2.86 : 16 Parts by volume : A : B : C = 1.14 : 2.86 : 10 Pot life (8 kg) 3 hours (at an ambient temperature of +5 °C to +30 °C) Limitations Min. application temperature (ambient and substrate) : +5 °C Max. substrate temperature : +30 °C The recommended dosage must be strictly adhered to. On no account should water be added to the mix! Coverage As an anti-corrosion coating : ~ 2 kg/m2 for 2 coats, depending on method of application As a bonding slurry: Depending on substrate conditions, not less than 1.5 – 2.0 kg/m 2 Surface preparation Concrete, mortar, stone : Substrate must be clean, sound and free from all traces of loose material, laitance, grease and oil. Min. substrate roughness 2mm Steel : Surface must be clean and free from all traces of grease and oil, rust and mill scale. Degree of cleaning SA2. Application Instructions Mixing Shake component A and B vigorously before opening. Pour both liquids into a suitable mixing pan and mix for 30 seconds. Add Component C slowly while continuing to stir. Mix mechanically for 3 minutes, using a slow-speed electric stirrer (250 RPM) in order to entrain as little air as possible. Rest for 5 – 10 minutes, until the mixture exhibits a brushable low-dripping consistency. 3 3/3 SikaTop®-Armatec 110 EpoCem® Application When used as an anti-corrosion coating : Apply a coating of approx. 0.5 – 1 mm thick to the cleaned and derusted reinforcement, using a stiff paintbrush, roller or spray gun. Leave to dry for 2 – 3 hours (at an ambient temperature of +20 °C), then apply a second coat of similar thickness. Leave to dry for a similar period of time before applying patching mortar. It is inevitable that the anti-corrosion coating is applied as well on the surrounding concrete; this is by no means a disadvantage. When used as a binding agent for repair mortar or concrete: Wet down the prepared substrate (concrete) to saturated surface dry condition. Then apply a bonding coat not less than 0.5 mm thick, using a paintbrush, roller or suitable spray gun. For best results, work the bonding slurry well into the substrate to ensure complete coverage of all surface irregularities. Apply the freshly mixed patching mortar wet on wet to the bonding slurry. The application of slurry coat or patching mortar or may be applied wet in wet or up to a maximum waiting time of 6 hrs at +30 °C 5 hrs at +20 °C 4 hrs at +5 °C Freshly applied SikaTop-Armatec 110 EpoCem should be protected from pollution and rain until next coat is applied. Cleaning Use water to remove uncured material from tools and mixing equipment. Once cured, SikaTop-Armatec 110 EpoCem can only be removed mechanically. Imported Notes When SikaTop-Armatec 110 EpoCem is used as bonding coat between old and new concrete, it is necessary to install connecting reinforcement for shear strength transfer as per the relevant guide lines. Notes All technical data stated in this Product Data Sheet are based on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may vary due to circumstances beyond our control Local Restrictions Please note that as a result of specific local regulations the performance of this product may vary from country to country. Please consult the local Product Data Sheet for the exact description of the application fields. Health and Safety Information For information and advice on the safe handling, storage and disposal of chemical products, users should refer to the most recent Material Safety Data Sheet containing physical, ecological, toxicological and other safety-related data. Legal Notes The information, and, in particular, the recommendations relating to the application and end-use of Sika products, are given in good faith based on Sika's current knowledge and experience of the products when properly stored, handled and applied under normal conditions in accordance with Sika’s recommendations. In practice, the differences in materials, substrates and actual site conditions are such that no warranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either from this information, or from any written recommendations, or from any other advice offered. The user of the product must test the product’s suitability for the intended application and purpose. Sika reserves the right to change the properties of its products. The proprietary rights of third parties must be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always refer to the most recent issue of the local Product Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which will be supplied on request. Construction Sika Yapı Kimyasalları A.Ş. Çamçeşme Mah. Sanayi Cad. 34899 Kaynarca Pendik İstanbul Türkiye Tel +90 216 494 19 90 Faks +90 216 494 19 84 www.sika.com.tr Page 13 of 16 SECTION 5 SACRIFICIAL ANODE SPECIFICATION See attached Product Data Sheet Construction Innovation Forum • 43636 Woodward, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 • 248-409-1500 • Fax: 409-1503 • E-mail: info@CIF.org • www.CIF.org IMBEDDED GALVANIC ANODE 2003 Nova Award Nomination 12 Galvashield® XP Embedded Galvanic Anode Galvashield XP is a patented sacrificial embedded galvanic anode that provides localized galvanic corrosion protec- tion in reinforced concrete structures. The anode consists of a zinc core surrounded by an active cementitious ma- trix. The 63mm diameter x 28mm high embedded anode is quickly and easily fastened to reinforcing steel. Once installed, the zinc core corrodes preferentially to the surrounding rebar, thereby providing galvanic corrosion protec- tion to the reinforcing steel. In the mid 1990s, Vector Corrosion Technologies, through research and development and in partnership with Fos- roc International Limited, a UK company, developed the Galvashield XP embedded anode as a breakthrough in the corrosion protection of concrete structures. The design philosophy behind the Galvashield XP embedded anode was to create a simple product that could be incorporated within a patch repair to minimize ongoing corrosion and extend the life of concrete repairs. Without protection, corrosion continues in the reinforcing steel immediately ad- jacent to the repair and results in premature failure. The anode has been designed to focus protection in the narrow zone directly adjacent to the repair. The size and discrete nature of the anode makes it convenient to install in a wide variety of repairs, and provides the specifier with complete control when targeting the areas that should receive protection. The anode is suitable for large or small repairs; a large repair will simply require the incorporation of multiple anodes. The convenience of the anode makes it a cost effective method of extending galvanic protection to repair scenarios that were not practi- cal just a few years ago. The Galvashield XP embedded anode is a non-hazardous product. Manufactured of common construction materials it is installed simply without complex equipment or processes. Depending upon a project’s design parameters the anode will normally operate for a period of 10 to 20 years. Once installed its zinc is converted into a stable, non- hazardous zinc corrosion product. After its service life is complete, the anode remains are dormant and concealed within the concrete, having no maintenance or special disposal requirements. The Galvashield XP embedded anode has been in use in North America since 1998 in a wide variety of applica- tions: deck repairs, joint replacements, pre-stressed and post-tensioned repairs and interface applications between new concrete and existing chloride-contaminated concrete where accelerated corrosion can occur. The anode re- duces on-going corrosion activity and also reduces the effect of ring-anode corrosion commonly associated with concrete patch repairs in reinforced concrete. In order to verify the performance of the Galvashield XP embedded anode, periodic evaluation by various research and education foundations is conducted to provide an unbiased opinion of the effectiveness of this innovative tech- nology. In July 2001, following evaluation of the anode, The Concrete Innovations Appraisal Service issued CIAS Report 01-1 Galvashield Embedded Galvanic Anodes for Repair of Concrete. The principal use of this report is as neutral documentation to help technical committees of the American Concrete Institute (ACI) and users of the an- ode to better understand the technology. As stated in the report “The technology offers an easy-to-understand con- cept, which gives the client confidence in the capability of the repaired structure to perform its intended use.” In July 2002, the ASCE/CERF Highway Innovative Technology Evaluation Center (HITEC) commenced evaluation of the Galvashield technology. For many contractors and engineers perhaps the greatest benefit of the Galvashield XP embedded anode is the fact that installation requires little or no change from existing concrete repair practices, and only a minimal addition in cost. Normal patching procedures simply shift the corrosion reaction to adjacent concrete areas, thus creating a continual battle in which repair crews chase the corrosion problem around the structure. The Galvashield XP em- bedded anode prevents this from occurring by mitigating the corrosion problem using a maintenance-free, cost- effective strategy. Contact: David W. Whitmore • Vector Corrosion Technologies, Inc. • 417 Main Ave • Fargo, ND 58103 701-280-9697 • Fax 701-235-6706 • davidw@vector-corrosion.com • www.vector-corrosion.com Construction Innovation Forum • 43636 Woodward, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 • 248-409-1500 • Fax: 409-1503 • E-mail: info@CIF.org • www.CIF.org EMBEDDED GALVANIC ANODE 2003 Nova Award Nomination 12 Galvashield® XP Embedded Galvanic Anode Cut-Away of Galvashield® XP Anode Concrete Patch Repair – Anodes tied around perimeter of repair Concrete Girder Repair – Anodes tied to steel inside girder repair Bridge Widening Project – Anodes tied to reinforcing steel at joint between new and old concrete Page 14 of 16 SECTION 6 ICRI Standards See attached Product Data Sheet GUIDELINES TECHNICAL Prepared by the International Concrete Repair Institute December 2008 Guideline No. 310.1R–2008 (formerly No. 03730) Copyright © 2008 International Concrete Repair Institute Guide for Surface Preparation for the Repair of Deteriorated Concrete Resulting from Reinforcing Steel Corrosion 310.1R–2008 GuIDe foR SuRfaCe PRePaRatIon foR the RePaIR of DeteRIoRateD ConCRete ReSultInG fRom ReInfoRCInG Steel CoRRoSIon About ICRI Guidelines The International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI) was founded to improve the durability of concrete repair and enhance its value for structure owners. The identification, development, and promotion of the most promising methods and materials are primary vehicles for accelerating advances in repair technology. Working through a variety of forums, ICRI members have the opportunity to address these issues and to directly contribute to improving the practice of concrete repair. A principal component of this effort is to make carefully selected information on important repair subjects readily accessible to decision makers. During the past several decades, much has been reported in the literature on concrete repair methodsandmaterialsas they havebeendeveloped and refined. Nevertheless, it has been difficult to find critically reviewed information on the state of the art condensed into easy-to-use formats. To that end, ICRI guidelines are prepared by sanctioned task groups and approved by the ICRI Technical Activities Committee. Each guideline is designed to address a specific area of practice recognized as essential to the achievement of durable repairs. All ICRI guideline documents are subject to continual review by the membership and may be revised as approved by the Technical Activities Committee. Technical Activities Committee Kevin Michols, Chair Jim McDonald, Secretary Randy Beard Don Caple Bruce Collins William “Bud” Earley Don Ford Tim Gillespie Peter Golter Peter Lipphardt David Rodler Michael Tabassi David Whitmore Pat Winkler Producers of this Guideline Surface Preparation Committee Pat Winkler, Chair* Dan Anagnos Randy Beard Bruce Collins William “Bud” Earley Peter Emmons* Andrew Fulkerson Randy Glover Fred Goodwin* Kurt Gottinger Tyson Herman Dave Homerding Bob Johnson David Karins Ken Lozen* Jim McDonald Beth Newbold Jeffery Smith Sandra Sprouts Rick Toman Patrick Watson *Contributing editors Synopsis This guideline provides guidance on concrete removal and surface preparation procedures for the repair of deteriorated concrete caused by reinforcing steel corrosion. Removal geometry, configuration of the repair area, removal process, edge preparation, reinforcement repair, surface preparation and inspection necessary for durable repairs are discussed. Special considerations for concrete removal associated with column repair are included. Keywords anodic ring effect, bonding, bruising, corrosion, delamination, deterioration, reinforcing steel, structural repair, surface preparation. This document is intended as a voluntary guideline for the owner, design professional, and concrete repair contractor. It is not intended to relieve the professional engineer or designer of any responsibility for the specification of concrete repair methods, materials, or practices. While we believe the information contained herein represents the proper means to achieve quality results, the International Concrete Repair Institute must disclaim any liability or responsibility to those who may choose to rely on all or any part of this guideline. GuIDe foR SuRfaCe PRePaRatIon foR the RePaIR of DeteRIoRateD ConCRete ReSultInG fRom ReInfoRCInG Steel CoRRoSIon 310.1R–2008 Contents 1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1 2.0 Definitions .............................................................................................................................. 1 3.0 Exposure of Reinforcing Steel ................................................................................................. 1 4.0 Anodic Ring (Halo) Effect........................................................................................................ 2 5.0 Removal Geometry ................................................................................................................. 2 6.0 Configuration of Repair Area .................................................................................................. 3 7.0 Concrete Removal/Surface Preparation ................................................................. 3 7.1 exposing and undercutting of Reinforcing Steel .................................................................. 3 7.2 Preparation of the Repair Perimeter ................................................................................... 4 7.3 Cleaning of the Concrete Surface and Reinforcing Steel ..................................................... 4 8.0 Inspection and Repair of Reinforcing Steel ............................................................................. 5 9.0 Final Surface Inspection ......................................................................................................... 5 10.0 Special Conditions at Columns ............................................................................................... 6 11.0 Summary ................................................................................................................................ 7 12.0 References .............................................................................................................. 7 12.1 Referenced Standards and Reports ................................................................................... 7 GuIDe foR SuRfaCe PRePaRatIon foR the RePaIR of DeteRIoRateD ConCRete ReSultInG fRom ReInfoRCInG Steel CoRRoSIon 310.1R–2008 - 1 1.0 Introduction This guideline provides owners, design profes- sionals, contractors, and other interested parties with a recommended practice for the removal of deteriorated concrete caused by the corrosion of reinforcing steel, including the preparation of the removal cavity to provide a clean sound surface to bond a repair material. This guideline outlines removal geometry, configuration, removal process, edge preparation, reinforcement repair, surface preparation, and inspection prior to placing a repair material. An engineer should evaluate the impact of concrete removal on structural capacity prior to performing concrete removal and repair. The repair methods involve saw cutting and concrete removal using impact tools, hydrodemolition, and other removal techniques. Special caution should be taken to locate and avoid cutting or damaging embedded reinforcing bars, prestressing strands, post- tensioning tendons, or electrical conduits. Cutting into these items can be life threatening and may significantly affect structural integrity. This guideline also contains a discussion of concrete removal and preparation for the repair of columns where the concrete is in compression. Special consideration must be given to the repair of concrete in compression as the load-carrying capacity of the element may be permanently compromised during the concrete removal and preparation process. While the procedures outlined herein have been used to successfully remove concrete and prepare the removal cavity on many projects, the requirements for each project will vary due to many different factors. Each project should be evaluated individually to ascertain the applicability of the procedures described herein. Refer to ACI 506R-05, “Guide to Shotcrete” for surface prepar- ation prior to shotcrete application. 2.0 Definitions Anodic ring effect: Corrosion process in which the steel reinforcement in the concrete surrounding a repaired area begins to corrode preferentially to the steel reinforcement in the newly repaired area (sometimes referred to as the halo effect). Bruised surface (micro-fracturing): Asurface layer weakened by interconnected microcracks in concrete substrates caused by the use of high- impact, mechanical methods for concrete removal, and surface preparation; fractured layer typically extends to a depth of 0.13 to 0.38 in. (3 to 10 mm) and, if not removed, frequently results in lower bond strengths as compared with surfaces prepared with nonimpact methods. Carbonation: The conversion of calcium ions in hardened cementitious materials to calcium carbonate by reaction with atmospheric carbon dioxide. Carbonation reduces the pH of the concrete and its ability to protect reinforcing steel and embedded metal items from corrosion. Chloride contamination: Contamination of concrete with chloride ions commonly used in deicing salts and accelerating admixtures such as calcium chloride and sodium chloride. Chloride contamination above the threshold for corrosion can result in corrosion of the reinforcing steel. Chloride threshold: The amount of chloride required to initiate steel corrosion in reinforced concrete under a given set of exposure conditions; commonly expressed in percent of chloride ion by mass of cement. Corrosion: Degradation of concrete or steel reinforcement caused by electrochemical or chemical attack. Microcrack: Acrack too small to be seen with the unaided eye. Tensile pulloff test: A test to determine the unit stress, applied in direct tension, required to separate a hardened repair material from the existing concrete substrate. The test may also be used to determine the maximum unit stress that the existing concrete substrate is capable of resisting under axial tensile loading and the near- surface tensile strength of a prepared surface (refer to ICRI Technical Guideline No. 210.3– 2004 [formerly No. 03739] and ASTM C1583). Substrate: The layer immediately under a layer of different material to which it is typically bonded; an existing concrete surface that receives an overlay, partial-depth repair, protective coating, or some other maintenance or repair procedure. 3.0 Exposure of Reinforcing Steel The practice of completely removing the concrete (undercutting) from around the corroded reinforcement, no matter what degree of corrosion is found, is keytoachievinglong-termperformance of surface repairs. In most cases, complete removal of the concrete from around the reinforcing steel is the best practice, where protection of the reinforcing steel within the 2 - 310.1R–2008 GuIDe foR SuRfaCe PRePaRatIon foR the RePaIR of DeteRIoRateD ConCRete ReSultInG fRom ReInfoRCInG Steel CoRRoSIon repair cavity is achieved by providing a uniform chemical environment around the reinforcing steel. If noncorroded reinforcing steel is exposed and the concrete is chloride contaminated, removal of the concrete around the reinforcing should occur or other corrosion-reducing means should be considered. Reinforcing steel partially embedded in chloride-contaminated concrete is susceptible to future accelerated corrosion. If, for structural reasons, the concrete cannot be completely removed from around the corroded reinforcing steel or if a corrosion inhibiting system is not used, the repair may be compromised due to continued corrosion. If there is a potential trade-off between durability and structural capacity, structural capacity should always take priority. When reinforcing steel is not fully exposed through the concrete removal and preparation process, alternative corrosion inhib- iting systems should be considered. These systems may include use of corrosion inhibitors, sacrificial anodes, or cathodic protection. 4.0 Anodic Ring (Halo) Effect The existing concrete surrounding a repair area in chloride-contaminated or low pH reinforced concrete is susceptible to accelerated corrosion. This is due to the electrical potential differential between the chloride contaminated or low pH existing concrete and the chloride-free or high pH repair material. This anodic ring effect can result in accelerated corrosion of the surrounding reinforcing steel leading to future concrete deterioration. To assess existing concrete conditions beyond the repair area, chloride content and pH of the concrete at the level of the reinforcing steel should be determined. Where the chloride content exceeds the threshold level for the initiation of corrosion or where the reinforcing steel is susceptible to corrosion as a result of carbonation, a corrosion inhibiting system should be considered to minimize future corrosion. Other measures may also be considered, such as the application of sealers and coatings, to slow the corrosion process. In severely chloride- contaminated or carbonated concrete, the complete removal and replacement of the contaminated concrete at and beyond the repair area may be necessary to provide a successful long-term repair. 5.0 Removal Geometry Examples of the removal geometry for several different types of reinforced concrete elements are shown in Fig. 5.1 through 5.6. Repairs may be located on horizontal, vertical, and/or overhead surfaces. The removal in Fig. 5.5 and 5.6 is for columns where the removal will not affect the structural capacity of the column. Removal of concrete within the reinforcing or to expose the reinforcing (concrete in compression) is a special condition and is discussed in Section 10. Fig. 5.1: Partial depth repair, slab or wall, section Fig. 5.2: Full depth repair, slab or wall, section GuIDe foR SuRfaCe PRePaRatIon foR the RePaIR of DeteRIoRateD ConCRete ReSultInG fRom ReInfoRCInG Steel CoRRoSIon 310.1R–2008 - 3 Fig. 5.3: Beam or rib repair, elevation Fig. 5.4: Beam or rib repair, section Fig. 5.5: Column repair, elevation Fig. 5.6: Column repair, section 6.0 Configuration of Repair Area Deteriorated and delaminated concrete should be located and marked prior to starting the removal process. Delaminated concrete can be located using sounding or other suitable techniques. The repair area should extend a minimum of 6 in. (152 mm) beyond the actual delaminated concrete. Note that during concrete removal, repair areas can grow in size beyond the areas identified due to incipient delaminations that are not readily identifiable by sounding. Repair configurations should be kept as simple as possible, preferably square or rectangular with square corners (Fig. 6.1). This may result in the removal of sound concrete. Reentrant corners should be minimized or avoided, as they are susceptible to cracking. Fig. 6.1: Areas of deterioration and recommended removal configurations 7.0 Concrete Removal/Surface Preparation 7.1 Exposing and Undercutting of Reinforcing Steel Remove concrete from the marked areas and undercut exposed reinforcing steel (Fig. 7.1) using impact breakers, hydrodemolition, or another suitable method. Undercutting will provide clearance under the reinforcing steel for cleaning and full bar circumference bonding to the repair material and the surrounding concrete. Bonding 4 - 310.1R–2008 GuIDe foR SuRfaCe PRePaRatIon foR the RePaIR of DeteRIoRateD ConCRete ReSultInG fRom ReInfoRCInG Steel CoRRoSIon the repair material to the full circumference of the reinforcing steel will secure the repair structurally. Provide a minimum of 0.75 in. (19 mm) clearance between exposed reinforcing steel and surrounding concrete or 0.25 in. (6 mm) larger than the coarse aggregate in the repair material, whichever is greater. Sound concrete may have to be removed to provide proper clearance around the reinforcing steel. If impact breakers are used for partial depth concrete removal, the breaker should not exceed 30 lb (12 kg). A 15 lb (7 kg) breaker is preferred Fig. 7.1: Remove concrete to undercut and expose reinforcing steel and provide uniform repair depth Fig. 7.2: Saw cut perimeter to provide vertical edge Fig. 7.3: Abrasive blasting to clean substrate and reinforcing to minimize damage to the substrate, reinforcing steel, and surrounding concrete. Concrete removal should extend along the reinforcing steel until there is no further delam- ination, cracking, or significant corrosion and the reinforcing steel is well bonded to the surrounding concrete. Care should be taken to avoid significant and sudden changes in the depth of concrete removal, as the repair material is more susceptible to cracking at these locations. If noncorroded reinforcing steel is exposed during the removal process, care should be taken to not damage the bond to the surrounding concrete. If the bond between the reinforcing steel and concrete is broken, undercutting of the reinforcing steel is required. Remove all deteriorated concrete and additional concrete as required to provide the proper configuration and/or the minimum required thickness of repair material as required by the manufacturer of the repair material and/or the project specifications. 7.2 Preparation of the Repair Perimeter The perimeter of the repair area should be saw cut 0.75 in. (19 mm) deep to provide a vertical edge (Fig. 7.2) for the repair material. This will avoid featheredging of the repair material. Depending on the repair material selected, the depth of the existing reinforcing and the manufacturer’s recommendations, a saw cut depth less than 0.75 in. (19 mm) deep may be sufficient. Care should be taken to avoid cutting the existing reinforcing steel. 7.3 Cleaning of the Concrete Surface and Reinforcing Steel The use of high-impact, mechanical methods to remove deteriorated concrete will result in a surface layer weakened by interconnected micro- cracks in the concrete substrate. The fractured (bruised) layer can extend to a depth of 0.125 to 0.375 in. (3 to 10 mm) into the resultant concrete substrate and may result in reduced bond strength. Remove the bruised layer and bond-inhibiting materials such as dirt, concrete slurry, and loosely bonded concrete by oil-free abrasive blasting (Fig. 7.3) or high-pressure water blasting. The GuIDe foR SuRfaCe PRePaRatIon foR the RePaIR of DeteRIoRateD ConCRete ReSultInG fRom ReInfoRCInG Steel CoRRoSIon 310.1R–2008 - 5 saw-cut edge of the repair area should also be blasted to roughen the polished vertical surface caused by the saw-cutting. All concrete, corrosion products, and scale should be removed from the reinforcing steel by oil-free abrasive blasting or high-pressure water blasting. Verify that the reinforcing steel and concrete surface are free from dirt, oil, cement fines (slurry), or any material that may interfere with the bond of the repair material. Inspect the repair cavity to verify that all delaminations and deterioration have been removed. If hydro- demolition is used, cement fines (slurry) must be completely removed from the repair surface. A tightly-bonded light rust build-up on the reinforcing surface is usually not detrimental to bond. If a protective coating is applied to the reinforcing steel, follow the coating manufacturer’s recom- mendations for steel surface preparation. 8.0 Inspection and Repair of Reinforcing Steel Loose reinforcement should be secured in its original position by tying to secure bars or by other appropriate methods to prevent movement during placement of repair material. If reinforcing steel has lost cross-sectional area, a structural engineer should be consulted. Repair reinforcing steel by either replacing the damaged/deteriorated steel or placing supple- mental reinforcing steel in the affected section (Fig. 8.1). Supplemental reinforcing steel may be lap-spliced or mechanically spliced to existing reinforcing steel. The supplemental reinforcing steel should extend (lap length) beyond the damaged/deteriorated area in accordance with ACI 318, “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete.” 9.0 Final Surface Inspection Immediately prior to placing the repair material, inspect the repair cavity to verify that all bond- inhibiting materials (dirt, concrete slurry, loosely bonded aggregates, or any material that may interfere with the bond of the repair material to the existing concrete) have been removed. If bond- inhibiting materials are present, the repair cavity should be recleaned as previously described. To verify the adequacy of the prepared concrete surface and completeness of bond- inhibiting material removal, a tensile pulloff test (ICRI Technical Guideline No. 210.3–2004 or ASTM C1583) should be considered to evaluate the bond strength capacity and tensile strength of the existing concrete substrate. This test may also be performed after the repair is complete. The pulloff strength requirement should be established by the engineer and included as a performance specification for the repair. Fig. 8.1: Repair of damaged/deteriorated reinforcing 6 - 310.1R–2008 GuIDe foR SuRfaCe PRePaRatIon foR the RePaIR of DeteRIoRateD ConCRete ReSultInG fRom ReInfoRCInG Steel CoRRoSIon 10.0 Special Condition at Columns Fig. 10.1: Column load path Fig. 10.2a: Column repair Fig. 10.3: Column load path following repair Fig. 10.2b: Column section GuIDe foR SuRfaCe PRePaRatIon foR the RePaIR of DeteRIoRateD ConCRete ReSultInG fRom ReInfoRCInG Steel CoRRoSIon 310.1R–2008 - 7 Undercutting of reinforcement is a best practice in tensile zones of concrete. In columns, the primary loading condition is compression. From a design perspective, the concrete section contained within the reinforcing cage is considered to carry the compressive loads (Fig. 10.1). The concrete outside of the reinforcement is considered as protective concrete cover for fire and corrosion protection of the reinforcement. Removing the concrete within the column reinforcing steel (Fig. 10.2) can greatly increase the compressive stress in the reinforcing steel and the remaining concrete. Upon concrete removal, compressive load paths redistribute around the repair (deteriorated) sections (Fig. 10.3). Depending on the size of the concrete removal area behind the column steel, buckling of the column vertical reinforcing bars can occur. In the majority of cases, shoring systems will not unload the compressive stress in the column section. When new repair material is placed in the prepared area, the new material cures and most materials undergo drying shrinkage, which results in the new material being put into a tensile stress state. The new material will not carry compressive loads until the original concrete compresses further, forcing the repair material into compression. If further compression is beyond the capacity of the existing concrete, failure of the column may occur. This key concept affects the concrete preparation process. In normal concrete repair (other than columns), removal of the concrete surrounding the corroding reinforcement (also known as undercutting) is a normal and necessary process to provide for a long-term durable repair. To remove concrete around vertical reinforcing steel in a column (removing concrete inside the reinforcing bar cage) can cause the remaining concrete and/or reinforcement in the column to become overstressed. From a structural point of view, this condition may not be desirable. If concrete is to be removed inside the reinforcement cage, a qualified structural engineer should determine the impact of the repair on potential reinforcement buckling and overall structural capacity of the column. Note that the discussion in this section is also applicable in concept to compression zone portions of other structural members such as beams, slabs, and walls (with or without compression reinforcement) where on-going compressive stress exists and where adequate shoring cannot be installed prior to repairs topreventdisplacementsandcorresponding stress redistributions during repairs. 11.0 Summary The repair of deteriorated concrete resulting from reinforcing steel corrosion is necessary to extend the service life of the structure. Performing concrete repairs using industry-best practices will ensure the success and longevity of the repair. Understanding the existing conditions and cause of corrosion will assist the engineer in specifying the type and extent of the repair required, and the type of corrosion mitigation systems and/or preventative measures that should be considered to protect the structure from future deterioration. 12.0 References 12.1 Referenced Standards and Reports The following standards and reports were the latest editions at the time this document was prepared. Because these documents are revised frequently, the reader is advised to contact the proper sponsoring group if it is desired to refer to the latest version. American Concrete Institute (ACI) ACI 506R, “Guide to Shotcrete” ACI E706 (RAP 8), “Installation of Embedded Galvanic Anodes” American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM International) ASTM C1583, “Standard Test Method for Tensile Strength of Concrete Surfaces and the Bond Strength or Tensile Strength of Concrete Repair and Overlay Materials by Direct Tension (Pull- off Method)” International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI) ICRI Concrete Repair Terminology ICRI Technical Guideline No. 130.1R–2008 (formerly No. 03735), “Guide for Methods of Measurement and Contract Types for Concrete Repair Work” ICRI Technical Guideline No. 210.3-2004 (formerly No. 03739), “Guide for Using In-Situ Tensile Pull-Off Tests to Evaluate Bond of Concrete Surface Materials” 8 - 310.1R–2008 GuIDe foR SuRfaCe PRePaRatIon foR the RePaIR of DeteRIoRateD ConCRete ReSultInG fRom ReInfoRCInG Steel CoRRoSIon ICRI Technical Guideline No. 310.3–2004 (formerly No. 03737), “Guide for the Preparation of Concrete Surfaces for Repair Using Hydro- demolition Methods” ICRI Technical Guideline No. 320.2R–2008 (formerly No. 03733), “Guide for Selecting and Specifying Materials for Repair of Concrete Surfaces” These publications may be obtained from these organizations: American Concrete Institute 38800 Country Club Drive Farmington Hills, MI 48331 www.concrete.org ASTM International 100 Barr Harbor Drive West Conshohocken, PA 19428 www.astm.org International Concrete Repair Institute 3166 S. River Road, Suite 132 Des Plaines, IL 60018 www.icri.org 3166 S. River Road, Suite 132 Des Plaines, IL 60018 Phone: 847-827-0830 Fax: 847-827-0832 Web site: www.icri.org E-mail: info@icri.org Page 15 of 16 SECTION 7 Dust Wall Specification Drawings See attached Drawings ©CSM Engineering, LLC208 SW Ocean BoulevardStuart, Florida 34994772-220-4601www.CSM-E.netCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION: 29057THE PRINCESS Page 16 of 16 SECTION 8 Restoration Drawings See attached Drawings ©CSM Engineering, LLC208 SW Ocean BoulevardStuart, Florida 34994772-220-4601www.CSM-E.netCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION: 29057THE PRINCESSNTHE PRINCESSKEY:1-2-3-41 - AMOUNT OF DAMAGE2 - LOCATION OF DAMAGE3 - TYPE OF DAMAGE4 - HEIGHT OF DAMAGE (COLUMN AND WALL ONLY)EXAMPLE:LOCATION MAPBUILDING AERIAL VIEWPROJECT LOCATION ©CSM Engineering, LLC208 SW Ocean BoulevardStuart, Florida 34994772-220-4601www.CSM-E.netCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION: 29057THE PRINCESSSTRUCTURAL DESIGN CRITERIA:STRUCTURAL AND MISCELLANEOUS STEEL:CONSTRUCTION SAFETY: ©CSM Engineering, LLC208 SW Ocean BoulevardStuart, Florida 34994772-220-4601www.CSM-E.netCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION: 29057THE PRINCESSCONCRETE AND REINFORCING STEEL:SHOP DRAWINGS AND FORM WORK PLANS: ©CSM Engineering, LLC208 SW Ocean BoulevardStuart, Florida 34994772-220-4601www.CSM-E.netCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION: 29057THE PRINCESS ©CSM Engineering, LLC208 SW Ocean BoulevardStuart, Florida 34994772-220-4601www.CSM-E.netCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION: 29057THE PRINCESS UNIT 703©CSM Engineering, LLC208 SW Ocean BoulevardStuart, Florida 34994772-220-4601www.CSM-E.netCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION: 29057THE PRINCESSNUNIT 703 BALCONY ©CSM Engineering, LLC208 SW Ocean BoulevardStuart, Florida 34994772-220-4601www.CSM-E.netCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION: 29057THE PRINCESS ©CSM Engineering, LLC208 SW Ocean BoulevardStuart, Florida 34994772-220-4601www.CSM-E.netCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION: 29057THE PRINCESS ©CSM Engineering, LLC208 SW Ocean BoulevardStuart, Florida 34994772-220-4601www.CSM-E.netCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION: 29057THE PRINCESS ©CSM Engineering, LLC208 SW Ocean BoulevardStuart, Florida 34994772-220-4601www.CSM-E.netCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION: 29057THE PRINCESS ©CSM Engineering, LLC208 SW Ocean BoulevardStuart, Florida 34994772-220-4601www.CSM-E.netCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION: 29057THE PRINCESS ©CSM Engineering, LLC208 SW Ocean BoulevardStuart, Florida 34994772-220-4601www.CSM-E.netCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION: 29057THE PRINCESS WATERPROOFING - PLAN VIEWWATERPROOFING SECTIONENLARGED SECTION DETAIL©CSM Engineering, LLC208 SW Ocean BoulevardStuart, Florida 34994772-220-4601www.CSM-E.netCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION: 29057THE PRINCESS