HomeMy WebLinkAboutZoning Compliance - NAME CHANGE ,, .. _ PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES e 2300 Virginia Ave Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Phone: 772-462-2822-Fax: 772-462-1581 APPLICATION,EgqNAMEog�j;A� N F NL Y (Not Home Office Use) Permit Number: Date of A {ication: BUSINESS INFORMATION Name of Business: New Business Name (if changing): Name of Current Business Owner: Name of New Business Owner � Address of Business; ZOO 9 Us' !k2L-+y I State: _ �L • Zip: 3 Sa Name of Shopping Center, if applicable: G-(Zo S Property Tax ID#for Business Location: 1?Y I q- 0 1 -1?0 8--3*1 Description of Business: rv►i SG P.l#f.,'1 - p (include a detailed description) �' Name &Type of Previous Business at this Location: s-aLe rods CA S D "'Se- GLc.-} Attach a copy of the current,active copy of the Business Tax Receipt for the business/property. APPLICANT MAILING ADDRESS Name of Applicant: Address: Z State: Phone dumber: _ 1>0 - 4 p Y Email Address: 0&jn .e @ This application is only to update an owner name or business name. To qualify for this application,there must be an active business tax receipt for the businessiproperty;no change of use(change or modification of the character,type or intensity of an existing use or the Inclusion of additional uses)may be proposed; and no erection,alteration, construction, reconstruction or any type of development involving a building, structure,paved parking area, driveway connection, or Impact upon a protected natural habitat. I further understand that a site inspection may be required to ensure compliance with applicable land development,building safety,and property maintenance regulations. Applicant's Signature: f Date; OFFICE USE ONLY: Required Yes No Comments PODlnitials - i BUSInes-_ _STaxReceipt --- - - - - Revised:March 2019 y 'a CHRIS CRAFT 2020 - 20 21 TAX COLLECTOR St. Lucie County Local Business Tax Receipt ST. LUCIE CO_UTY Facilities or machines # Rooms # Seats # Employees # Receipt #1027603 Type of business 5999 MISC RETAIL (RETAIL SALES OF HEMP Expires SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 AND ORGANIC PRODUCTS) DBA name HEMP STATION Business HIGH SOCIETY LLC Mailing address: HIGH SOCIETY LLC Business location: 8019 S US 1 8019 S US 1 PORT SAINT LUCIE, FL 34952 PORT SAINT LUCIE, FL 34952 NEW BUSINESS St Lucie County Original tax: $13.78 3414-501-1808-301/09 L19000052079 Penalty: Collection cost: Total: $13.78 Paid 05/06/2021 13.78 0006-20210506-007388 Law requires this Local Business Tax Receipt to be displayed conspicuously at the place of business in such a manner that it can be open to the view of the public and subject to inspection by all duly authorized officers of the county. upon failure to do so, the local business taxpayer shall be subject to the payment of another Local Business Tax for the same business, profession or occupation, Pursuant to Florida law, all Local Business Tax Receipts shall be sold by the Tax Collector beginning)uly 1 of each year and shall expire on September 30 of the succeeding year. Those Local Business Tax Receipts renewed beginning October 1 shall be delinquent and subject to a delinquency penalty of 10 percent for the month of October. An additional 5 percent penalty for each month of delinquency Is added until paid, provided that the total delinquency penalty shall not exceed 25 percent of the Local Business Tax for the delinquent establishment. In addition to the penalty,the Tax Collector is entitled to a collection fee of$1 to$5, This fee is based on the amount of Local Business Tax, which will be collected from delinquent taxpayers after September 30 of the business year. This receipt is a Local Business Tax only. It does not permit the local business taxpayer to violate any existing regulatory or zoning laws of the state, county or city. It also does not exempt the local business taxpayer from any other taxes, licenses or permits that may be required by law. Pursuant to Florida law, Local Business Taxes are subject to change. HIGH SOCIETY LLC 8019 S US 1 PORT SAINT LUCIE, FL 34952 Ron D*Ssntis Mission: Governor To protect,promote 3 improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated Q Scott A.Rivkeea, M D state,county d community efiorta. HEALTH State Surgeon General St.Lucie Coutrtty Vision:To be the Healthiest State in the Nation Fee;10.00(0312018) HAZARDOUS WASTE SCREENING FOR A LOCAL BUSINESS TAX RECEIPT DATE ^J�( 2 ( Location: 3855 S US 1 Hwy, Ste.A,Fart Pierce,FL 34982 /+-- PLEASE PRINT 1. BUSINESS NAME: 2. BUSINESS OWNER(S): 3. BUSINESS PHONE:.Z7-)- sl�jO - f 7_ 1 a. BUSINESS ADDRESS: O!JJ (CITY) (STATE) (ZIP) 5. MAILING ADDRESS: U�Ci iJ L _ (CITY) (STATE) (ZIP) 6. NAME OF COMMERCIALlSHO,PPPIINlGICEENTER: -��o -1 7 7. PROPERTY/PARCEL ID# �[l T- '`� �JL'f( i / �7ZONING: 17, 8. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES: .5�2 417S O i- 9. DOES THIS BUSINESS OPERATE AT ANY OTHER LOCATIONS OR BUILDINGS IN THIS COUNTY �J OTHER THAN AT THE BUSINESS ADDRESS LISTED ABOVE? YES !;NO IF SO,WHAT LOCATION-.-) PLEASE CHECK THE FOLLOWING THAT APPLY TO THIS BUSINESS: MUST SE COMPLETED FOR APPROVAL) SEWAGE:/PUBLIC SIFINER OR SEPTIC TANK NATER SYSTt M: /PUDLIC V/ATER OR WELL DOES THIS BUSINESS GENERATE OR DISPOSE OF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING:PAINT PRODUCTS,SOLVENTS,BATTERIES,CLEANING SOLVENTS,PESTICIDES,USED OILS,PETROLEUMS,OR OTHER HAZARDOUS WASTE? -!YES ,$I NO DOES THIE BUSINESS GENERATE AND/OR DISPOSE OF MEDICAL WASTE? !.YES p'4V0 DOES BUSINESS CURF',Ctd I LY IiAV4 A LICLNSLD I-V,iULLI::/YLS N0 - WA 11 AGREE THAT THE BUSINESS ABOVE WILL COMPLY WITH ALL FkDEftAL,SLATE N AL HAZARDOUS WASTE LAWS, � PRINT NAME(AGENT FOR THE ABOVE BUSINESS) SIGN RE �....f1>>ti 1 1' E: Ir:LLL.Cli lti Lh,. HEALTH DEPARTFl,Etdl PEi'.fsif 3 RLQUIC:Eulf ..Y i PERMIT NUMBER: l ? -APR 21 2021 FDON In St LUde County ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL.TI4 F1vrI;l:,D:rti"c•r"iiiic:iii(f IiG3iiir•St.LurkG�:.�a:-y Division of Disease Control anJ I tt aiitr Proiec:ic rr Bureau of Environmental Health Location 3856 S US Hlgtwvayl Ste.A,Fart Plerca,FL 34982 rid Mailing 5150 NW Milner Drive,Port St;Lucie,FL 3490 H fted alth Oada�inmilt Phone 772-873-4931 Fax 772-595-1306 Florldittloslth,gati! JI Planning ;,-; Z. Building&Cock r ugulatlor Dh4sioa 2300 Virginia Avenue Permit #: 210"0 0 Fort Pierce,FL 34982 Phone:(772)4E2-155� Fa);:(772)!C2-157C Issue DatC: This is to Certify that the following discribed prope,!y is p;opody zoned foi: PET/,.,L SAES Oi l;LEV11 AKE) ORGAWii`. PRODUCTS `IL t ry AND t7�/�1 i T Type Of BUSIn@SS: BuSiness Name and Address: HEMP STATION 3019 S U31, PORIT 5T t UCIE, E[_34952 Parcel I[)Nc,: 3414-rC'i i� 5f_C CQde: 5499 COC Required? NO $i nature Date <.\ Fire Wra;rslial St.Lucie County Fire District Captain Paul Lang�f 5160 NW MILNER DRIVE 772-621-3382 Port Saint Lucie,FL 34983 : Y•' ;5' �y�:;_A�Yr• A2 -NEW BUSINESS IRiT-F-G TIO .A,664-10d Tc, �•.:�:Da.a. Date: 51-412021 12:00:00PM ir;,;�;rlutioi� HEMP STATION Address: 6019 S US 1 HWY $usi>>ass Phone: Port Saint Lucie, FL 34952 A fire isls octic i ,. , . . A �n cu�a�icte c Ise!iliCa�irc [�!�,rsl��;l s O _� on tli .ui,��,r:; at a ::c ti c�., rc:': :<. tic:: fv.:1r:iiiC: Viol-ations Date Found Dato C14 EM NO VIOLhTIOIj ?i0 rQl ailci�l FOUND $0.00 Standard: Long Desc: NO VIOLATION Signaturcs Recipient: SABRINA CATALANO Inspector SALOMON Rincon 7