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Building Permit Application
Q ► ®1 ► 1� ill � I 9M T-E9 €99 APN9AT191Y 39 99 A-0:9PTIEu Date: 1a` �1 �� " Permit Number:a4.\d -4 5 1 O, T �_ yyyJ �yyy 6 JIM-PgYMJtA OCT Algnnln9 9n# Bpyplq, nt § fylm§ T. Lucle County, Permitting PYINing nn# f®dP RegylgPon Plykign 99 ylVinigAyLeny, F9ft AIefpa FE 44-99 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 -Commercial Residential X PERMIT APP�I_CA.TION FOR: " Ili + PROPOSE[ IaM 0`VEMENTLOW.0 -Address- Legal Description:. 9A§- 1/9.pF-SN-VON 1-.T9Wh@H P WS QLE 99 Property Tax ID 9. )§9141 149914994 Lot No.' Site Plan Name: OWNT9Y @'L99 V&L Block No. Project Name: Setbacks fronts' : Back: g9- -Right Side: Left Side:: V DETAILED DESCR'IPTION'OF WARK: MOM FAMILYR1,8I05405 . 3 0JEEMO9LM = 22BATHL§ - 1 1/-'0ARA0,56 . . N9 6KA1 WILL 0- IMUT OFF REAR -OF HOME CONSTRUCTION IN`FORMATI(?N AdditionalWorkto e , e orme -. under t is -permit.— c ec a apply:- - ❑✓ HVAC Ei Gas Tank Gas Piping' i in Shutters Windows Doors. ❑ P g Q. / . Electric . �✓ Plumbing.. �Sprinkle.rs � Generator ' . - �� Roof :Total Sq.- Ft of Construction: 2,494 Sq.- Ft. of First 2-404 Cost of Construction: $ ;59;999 Utilities: SewerElSepiic Building Height: 'bW'NER/LESSEE:_... CONTRACTOR. N a m e WYNME: NU LOW EPAXTMENT N .A77NEW M 1 �W�ir N, N- am e• . Address:9999 SOUTH US.iFJ�ll�,': 'I -SU TJ=412 Company: �WYi iAN—EDJEVELOAM-E�4T:O0,R,,PO,RAlTilON ' City: POR, ' ST• 'FUME - State: RL IWh Address: 8999 SOUTH LU,YI - SyJTE- 92 Zip Code: -349 2 Fax: �t77g) 878e76W Ti City: PORST. L '01€ . State: J=L. . Phone.No. i772).979-5,6a3 Zip Code: 340-2- _ Fax: 072) 878-76-66 E-Mail: Phone No. i(772)87"-510 Fill In -fee §JmpJe: Trtle J•Jlowr on next page t If Offerent E-Mail.: froin the Owner. fJs1 .abov) State or County License: rr va a or co mtru,09n as W 599 or un9rs, a MCORVED J'w19UM mK9J."T"nsemem �s resastir9sr. SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW,INE DESIGNER/ENGINEM _ Not Applicable . Name: 'BRADEN&BRADEN Address: 41TCOCONUT,AVE. City: STUART State: FL Zip: 34996 Phone: ,(7,72)287-8258 FEE. SIMPLE TITLE. HOLDER: = Not Applicable Name: Address: .city: Zip: 'Phone: IRMATION; MORTGAGE.CQMPANNot Applicable Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone:. I30I11DINd CoM ANY No Applicable . Name: Address: City: Zip: Phone: I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of.a permit. St: Lucie County makes.no representation that is granting a permit will authorize the permit holder build the subject.structure. which is in conflict with any applicable Home Owners Association rules, bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure. Please consult with your Home. Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. Inconsideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that l will, in all respects,- perform the work Jn'.accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessoryuses to another non:residential use WARNING T�:d�11P1 NER, Your failure to IRec M a Notice aof il�raam encem ent rrmy result in your ;pal fang twice fo r improvements to .your property. A. Notice of Commencement must be recorded and.posted on the jobsite before the first 'inspection. If.you intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or an attorney before commencing worK or recording vour njouce oT LOMmen _ Signature of Owner,/ Lessee/Agent S .Signature of Contractor/License Holder STATE OF FLORIDA I.STATE OF FLOM, A C.o1 Nty OF - , . C rig COUNTY OF Ste. c t r= The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before. me this 2 day of 0C'TDAIM . 20 a.�by this 7. day of ©C71X�6eR 20 by (Name of person acknowledging) (Name of person acknowledging) (Signature of Nota ublic- State of Florida) Personally Known ✓. OR Produced Identification Type of IdentificaQ22j;gL IrW �Gr±> (Signature of Nota ublic- State of Florida ) Personally Known -f OR Produced Identification Type of Identi€�^ Q1 ndi ror{ < � DOROTHYANN BASKIN. iQ` ° � F% DOROTHYANN �SQIq,�, Commission No. � '": MISI )HH045443 Commission ? COMMISSION#HHM13 EXPIRES:Odtober2,2024 �,�P`• EXPIRES:October2,2024. evlsed 07,,11512-01y4 REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW . DATE COMPLETE INITIALS