HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL ASPHALT SHINGLESU1 021 Florida Building Cody Online 505 Hors* Log In L-W RagiStretion Hat TopICS Submit Surrherge Stwa 6 Facb dbProduct Approval pr LKNIM: Pudic LKer ,� pr8tlu+`! JLoer�+eal Menu } Wpd,ft or AopUuMan Search > JQR11caftign L, :• Appl icatign lie EaiI FL * FL10674-I116 Application Type Revision Code Verslon 2020 Application Status Pending FBC Approval Colnrnent'g Archived L/-"L71 PvWSt5gnS CDMtad Us &M She Nap L Product Manufacturer Owens Coming AddressfPhone/Ernail One Owens Coming Parkway Toledo, ON 43654 (740) 404-7829 greg. keeiertbawensco rning _corn Authorized Signature Greg Keeler gmg. keA"owen scorninEg_com Technical Representative Mel Sancrant Address/Phone/Erriall t Owens Corning PKWY Toledo, OH 43659 (419) 376-8360 mel.sanora ntfvwenscornig, com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Roofing Subcategory Asphalt Shingles Compliance Method Evaluation Report frgm a Florida Registered Architect or a Lice Professional Enqlneer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Robert I.M. Nierninen Evaluation Report Florida License PE-59166 Quality Assurance Entity PRI Construction Materials Technologies, LLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 01/0112099 Validated By )ohn IM_ Knexevieh; PE Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) FL14t?4 R'S c-CI 20?6 nt COI NIEMINEN_adf Standard ASTM D1970 A5TM D3161 ASTM D3462 Yee r 2015 2016 2010 Mips-ffwww!lariddwilding-org/F `pr_aff dLIAtpx'..'parsrm--wiiINXQw1DqLRNb&'Y5V%2boQ7'%2b6w7ahRegl('I ucR6ixFAlp4)jcKl'wwbw%M%3d lie U131=1 Hafida Building Code Online ASTM D7258 2019 Equivalence of Product Standards Certitled By Sections from the Cade Product Approvai Method Method 1 Option d Date Submitted 22/11/2020 Date Validated 12/17/2020 Date Pending FSC Approval 1212612020 Su_ Tmary of Products i - FL Model, Number or NaFne Desciipbon 10674,1 I Owens Corning Asphalt k0ofirig 3-tab, 4-tab, laminated, starter and hip & ridge ShIi shingles and Starters Limits of use Approved for wSe in HVHZ: N.r) Approved for use Outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design pressure: N/A Other: ..n r :o ER, Section 5. The st*te of Florida iS on AIyfFeG emWyer Installation Instructions VefrFed By, Robert J. M- N6eminen PE - 59166 Created by Independent Third Party. Yes Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 0 Under Flbridp Iawr &mad addre$S!# acre pub11G regards. IF you do not want your a mad address rele,7yp¢ in rftp4nSe to a publiC-record} reqUet, do not mad to thdS entity- Irigeod. GBntaid V5e ¢iTiS; bV phone 12F by tthditi0 nal rnai i. Ir y6u have a" gtKrstmns, please c0n;pS4 8512.407-1M. 'PyP&J*o[ to sei Florida Statptey, eReCtive ❑Ctnber 1, N17, f:4erlee% li enW under Ehapber 455. F.5 must provide the DcpitrtmenL wrth an emkri ppdreu if they have provided nW he used for oFFlaat MnWnunh=Hon will IM licensee. However email addresses 3m pal¢IK reord. IF y" do not w*h to $4Jpv4y a pemonal provide the Depprtment with an emEil addeess whieh can he made aval able to the puril,c Tq deunnine if ytiu aFe h IiKefdee under Chpptar 4S5, F.S., p Pr oG urt Apprpw al Accrp[!= IT-1E Safe haps tfwww.flortd:foul)dine,rrrglPrfRr R+P_d11.�lspx'.`Q�rafn vi�6VXQw'togtRNb Yj;V%2hoQr%2b6w7ahReglCQ&xR&%EAlp1)jcKTwWbrw%3d%3d I+2 OO E;"d6INEER EVAtU+;.TC Tv�,i NEMG I etc. Certificate ofAuthorrzotion #3245$ 353 ChrlStlan Street, Unit 413 Oxford, CT D6479 (2031 262 -5245 CONSULT Owens Corning Evaluation Report 037940.02.12-R11 One Owens Corning Parkway FL10674•R16 Toledo, OH 43659 (740) 404-7829 Date of Issuance: 02/06/2012 Revision 11: 12 f 11 f 2020 SCOPE; This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 61G20-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Florida. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Hobert Nieminen, P-E_ for use of the product under the Florida Building Code. The product described herein has been evaluated for compliance with the 7t` Edition (2020) Florida Building Code sections noted herein. 0ESC?IP'rloN: Owens Corning Asphalt Roof Shinoes LAsEuNG: Labeling shall tke in accordance with the requirements of the Accredited Qu�illty Assurance Agency noted herein and FHC 1507.2.7.1 f R905.2.6.1 CMMNUED COMPUANCE. This Eva l6iation Report is valid until such time as the named prod uct(s) changes, the referencDed Quality Assurance or production facility locations) changes, or Code provisions that relate to the products) change_ Acceptance of our Evaluation Reports by the named client constitutes agreement to notify MEMO ETC, LLC of any changes to the product(s). the Quality Assurance or the production facility Iocation(S)• NEWID ETC, LLC requires a complete review of its Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requ iorem ents with each Code Cycle. ADYERT15EmENT, The Florida Product Approval Number (FL#) preceded by the words 0NEIuM01etc. Evaluated" may be displayed in adveftising literature. If any portion of the Ewalt,ation Report is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: Upon request, a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shaII be available for inspection at the job Site at the request of the Building Miicia1, This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through ILO. Prepared by: y „ ' ; r i Wmhorued by Pabert Robert J.M. Nierninen, P.E. hrfcsmie�eM+pperru ad H�ernintn. P.E. an 12f1112M. Thlr don mt S" Is W Florida Reyistratran No. 59166, Ficrido DGA ANE1993 A;��� el*Qronit� tired dacwnert. CEWMCAMN OF INDMMMM, 1. NEMO ETC, LLC does not have, nor does Lt intend to acquire or will it acquire, a Financial interest in any Cprepany manufacturing or distributl rig products it evaluates. 2, NE MO ETC, LLC it not owned, operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 3. Robert Maminen, P.E. does root have nor will acquire, a financial interest in eivy company manufacturing or distributing products for which the evaluation reports are being issued. 4. Robert NiLminen, P.E. does Flat helve, riot will acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved In the approval process of the product. 5. This is a building Code evaluation- Neither NEMO ETC, LLC nor Robert Nieminen, P-E- firer irk any way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous vemlons thereof, is/was used for permitting or de$V guidance unless retained speciFcally for that pu rpose. C 2028 N EMO ETC, LLC ON EMO I etc. ROOF IN(5 SYSTEMS EVALUATION; Prod uit Category: Ropfing sub -Category: Asphalt Shingles Compliance Statement: Owens Corning Asphalt Roof Shingles, as Produced by Owens Corning, have demonstrated compliance with the following sections of the 71" Edition (2020) Florida Building Code through testing in accordance wittl the following Standards. Compliance is subject to the Installation Requirements and Limitations / Conditions of Use set forth herein. ■ ■ Section Prorsertw Standir Year 1507-2-4, RJ45-1.3 Physical Properties m5TM 01970 2015 3S07-2-5, R905.2.4 Material standard ASTM U3452 2010 1507.2.7.1, 13905.2.6.1 Wind Resistance ASTFA p3161 2016 1507.2.7.1, R985,Z,6.1 wind iiesistante ASTM 07255 2019 Owens Conking pet aratiorr Equivalemy Declaration 08IW2019 PRI MT5978j ASTM D1970 0CF•382-02-01 1012412017 UL LLC (CER96a6) Physicals & Wlwl Resistance Pile R2453, Vol. 3 02/1SP= UL LLC (CER96261 Physicals Wind Resistance 20120516-P2453 05/16/2012 UL LLC (TS796281 Physical Prooertles 06CA20263 WAV2005 UL LLC (TST96281 Wind Resistance 11CMA308 02/18/2012 UL LLC (Tg%28) Physicals & Wind Resistafive 471R6093137 02101/2014 UL LLC UST9628) Wind Resistance 4796126532 1321IW2014 UL LLC (TST9628) Physical Properties Classffication letter 0212312014 U L LLC {TS79626} "dial Properties Classification letter 1Q/02/2015 PRI (QUA9110) Quality Control Service Conflrmation 04/0512020 PRI(QUA9110) Qualitycontrol florlida 6CIS CUrrerlt PRWUCTDESCRIPrTION- TABLE 1; iA5PHALT SHINGLE COMPONENTS Typ, Materlal Descrip#ion Probutt Pla,rl#{x} Standard Accessory Starter Strip Shi a H-TOR A5TM D3462 starter strips for asphalt roof shingles Starter Strip PIu5 MN, OR SAS Tn Shield Starter Mtn, OR Starter Strips Starter Shingle FVI NH A57M 0.1970 +nr,oral-swia€ed,fiberglass•relnfocoed, Akf -adhefling SBS modified bitumen starter Supreme GA, CA, CO, I-T1r NJ, CH, TN, QR IL ASTM P34b2 fibeass relnforce�d 3rtab asphalt rgl roof shirr Ies rkshire� MN ASTM D3462 fi bergiass reinforced, 4-tab asphalt roof shin les Duration' Premium CA, OR M ration' Premium COOL I CA Asphalt Shingles ASTM DM62 flbergJass reinforfledr laminated a5phiolt roof shingles Trupefinition' Duration IN, CA CA), I -TX, FL, N1, OH, MN OR, GA, IL, TN Truaefinitlan' Duraiion' pesi rrer Color Col lection Oakridge• GA, IN, CA, CO, H-TK, I -Tx, FL, NJ O H, TN TruDefinition`Oakri H-Tx, I -Tx 4YeatherGuard' HP TN MEMO ETC, U11 Evaluation Report 037940. 02.12- R 11 G"JkiGoJAL4hXW DJPR4 5 71" FDITFDN;202b) F6C NOIN-HVH2 EVALUATION rL10674 RIG Owens [puking Asphalt Roof ShiTigM9 Revision 11. 1211112020 Page 2 OF 10 *NEMO I etc. TABLE 1, AsPHALT SHINGLE COMPONENTS Type Product Material Plant(s) Des€ription Standard Berkshire; Hip and Ridge Shin es with Sea9ant MN Du ra Ridge" Nil) and Ridge 511ia es with Sealant Hlpand Rldge Shingles MN G✓<4 CA, OH, OR ASTM D345 fihergiassreinforced, hip and ridge asphalt roof shingles Prof e* WeatherGuard' HP Hip and Riche 5hinides TN 5- DMPTATiOW 5,1 This is a building code evaluation- Neither MEMO ETC, LLC nor Robert Nieminen, P.E- are, in arty way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, istwas used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose_ 5.2 This Evaluation Report is. not for use in FBC High Velocity Hurricane Zone jurisdictions (i,e„ Broward and Miami - Dade Counties)- 5.3 This Evaluation Report pertains to above -deck roof components_ Roof decks and structural member, shall be in accordance with FOC requirements to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. 5.4 This Evaluation Report does not include evaluation of fire classification- Refer to FBC 1S05 for requirements and limitations regarding roof assembly fire classification. Refer to FBC 26433 for requirements and limitations concerning the use of foam plastic insulation, 5=5 Wind Classification= Refer to Sec' o- 6 for installation requirements to meet wind classifications - TABLE ZA: WJND CLASSIRcATI4M5, AsPKAL7 SHINGLES Product fBCTim ble 1507-2-7.1 or R905.2.G.I 5upreme Derkshire buraticm' Premium Duration` Premium COOL TruOEzfiinition' Duration` ASTM D3162(F) & A5TM p7IS81H) TruclOnition' Duration' Designer Color Collection Oakridge' TruDeflnIftn' Oakridge' WeatherGuafd' FIG 5.5.1 ClassMeation by ASTM D7153 ASTM 07158,Class Hap;)Iles onIVtoexposurecategory 8orCandabuiWing heightof60fee tarIess. Calculations by a qualified design professional are required for conditions outside these limitations. Contact the shingle manufacturer for data specific to each shingle. NEW ETC, Ur a al Wation Report 037940.02.12-R1 i CortrJFmeeOA�rharom ko#32455 7`" EDITION [20201 1:K NON•NVN2 EVALUATION FLi0674-R16 Owens (:prning Asphalt Rnof Shingles Revision 21: 1Tj11120I0 Pal* 3 04 10 NNF-mo I etc. TABLE 21B. WIN[) CtA5$IFICAT101Y5, STARTED STRIP5 ANr) IHIP &a RlaGE Type PFDdurt SRC Table 1507,2-7-1 gr R905.2.6.1 Starter 51rip �khirYgl6 Starter St rkps Starter Strip Plus ASTM D3161, Class F 5R5 TopShield Starter 9Serkshire' Hip and Ridge Str Ingles with Sealant Hip &RIdgp DureRidge'Hlpand Ridge Shingles with 5ealarrt ,g5Thl1 D3161, Gass F Sh.M.6It's ProEdge• weatherGuard' HP Hip and Ridge Shingles 5.5.2 Refer to Dwens Corning published information on wind resistance and installation limitations, 5.6 All components in the roof assembly shall have quality assurance audit in accordance with F.A.C. Rule 61Gi43. Refer to the Product Approval of the cvmponErit manufacturer for components that are produced by a Product Manufacturer other than the report holder on Page 1 of this Evaluation Report_ 6.1 GENERAL: 6,IL. i Roo( deck, slope, underlayment and fasteners shall comply with FBC 15071 / R905.2 and the shingle man ufacturerrs minimum requirements, 6.1.2 Underlayment shall be acceptable to the shingle manufacturer and shall hold current Florida Statewide Product Approval, or be focally Approved per Rule 61G20-3, per FBC Sections 1507.2.3, 150724 or R905.2.3. 6.1.3 Fasteners shkil be in accordance with the shingle manufacturer's published requirements, but not less than FBC 1507.2.6 or R905.2.5. Staples are not permitted - 6-1.4 Owens Corning asphalt shingles are acceptable for use in reroof (tear-offI or recover applications, subject to the limkations set forth in FBC Section 1511 or R909 and published installation instructions. 6.2 ► wEssaRr 51-Afmms: 621 Installation of Starter Strip Shingle, Starter Strip Plus and SRS TopShleld Starter shall comply with the Owens Corning curn2-t published .-nstructions, using minirrum five (S) nails per strap. FaN godm9apnY[ DWIL SW€MIN"d � �YYiiYLrk* Drip rdw FliM wdxm Y-Y lraan •+r. ICY � swum !4 ir5 rrr� Jr a�1h owe* NIP rri ,gM or +Ii1Y4 r^-F ft*%E* WEWiwrNMI"W-hw rigurf 1. Minimum Nailing„ Starter Strip Figure Z, Min irnum Nalllrl9, Starter Strip Plus MEMO ETC, LLi Eva luatioel Report 037W-02.12-Fti1 Cr,tfkaarofAifihW of WT#324M 7EDITION 1202615BC MOP#-HVHZEVALUATION FL10674-R16 Owens Corning Asphalt RQnf Shims$ Revislon III iZfiij2020 Page A of 10 ONEMOletc. 6.2.2 Installation of Starter Shingle boll $hall Comply with the Owens Corning current pubJ,sheo mstructions. edw Sle W WOO RGfi whyad &" to wdvwfrw# W pirred drP edge Figure 3; Starter Shingle Roll 6.3 ASPHALTSHiMGLu, 6.3.1 Installation of asphalt shingles shall comply with the Owens Corning current published instructions, using minimum four (4) nails per shingle in accordance with F6C 1547-2.7 or R905.2-6, with the fallowing exceptions; Berkshire' shingles require minimum five (5) nails per shingle. WeatherGuard' HP shingles require minimum six (6) nails per shingle - Where the roof slope exceeds 21 units vertical in 12 units horizontal, special methods of fkstening are required Refer to Owens Corning published information on wind resistance and installation limitations- 5-up re rr e_ fao l Morraf.dU. Ar"pf*f Wind ArM# Wah Wind d"vonox Y Ar" Fart v,rnto, naFnAmj" Amami v" ,tot &*JrFMs y' ~ JAIt , �ti17- + � E RPo�br� Fi�oJricidn Figure 4; Minirnurn Nailin9r Supreme IStandard 5,zO fNMMhl �Ymrr" or Arm Ws Wind*}Iy AMEN •..w,i dNfive"a K Ar" Wra YIMtPs nonfNdIPP Aft" j+fanram luarn/ l#F-- 1. l r- TL7 �12 • F + i' d 6J8' Expasw• lzpnrlcldn Figure 5! Minimum Nailing, Supreme (m exrk Sizel NEM(> ETc,1LC Evaiu aS ian Upon 037940-02- 124 11 0"), WMofAvENYL h&M Ir32455 71" EDmoph 120201 Fac NCYN-HVHX EVALUATION Fkx*74•R1s Ourens Carob MOialt RoM Sh4ngle# Rewkiae 11. lZfI112070 Pale 5 Of 10 5,3,1.2 Berkshire#' aNho " LAfbMdPMMMW Y— i� i� j��itt- IIr J FWJFe 6: 5-Nifl Pattern, $erkihire NNEMC I etc. Figure 7- 6-Nail Pattern, Berkshire &oYr"* e iY I wr �r t r 1.� 4 F - j '•r 1 to �� � 4.�+whn•li`�rs+w.m 4 aan!o- � hcha ds rsai a Figure B= Man5ard or Steep Slope PBttemr Berkshire NEM10 ETC, LLC fwl woWn FtL part 0$79MID2.12-Rii [era{kae1` EDITION [2020� FBC NON-NVHZ EYALUAT10N Ftidi79-R16 pwbnf 4:4rning Aaphall Roof Shindy$ RewWon 11:1711Ilmn PW 6 of 10 tONEMO I etc. Uuration° Premium, TruDeMitionO Duration, Duration" Premium COOL & 'tuUi�fmltion' Duration' Designer Color Collection 4-Nail Fastening Pattrm Stele t�nlrq anFF,..urn 1' 1Y F1�' 6ilY Figure 9: Sun4ard 4-Nait Pa ttern, OLrration 6-Nail Fastening Pattern $ r NaM ras wn-nQ arM WWM r Nzd� r 17, Figure 10: 6-Nail Pattern. ❑WFajign Figure 11: Mansard or Stepp Slope Pattern, Duration REMO EM, LLJL evalu4ktion RL port 487"tL0f.12-Rii CfFtiflCar* afA44hW40Wi J3244M 7' EDMON 120201 Fat NON-1IVH2 EVALUATION FL10674-R1b DvwM Corning Al Ph a It RncfSMreL ks Revision 11: 1212112020 Page 7 of 10 Tim Definition'Oakridfze*.OakrIfte•_ 4 NA milm f%Pmfta0w4;Q**I Ir r ir --lH w 6 a1q 1 paWR N,N NEW Esp+suh► �+araairnd�661Fy,rg Gym E+,posafue�r[761�FwY¢ Figure 12' 5ta ndard 4-Nail Pattern, Wicridge 6.3.'-.5 Wea he.r uard• HP: I I l 1� '# � ka DON Urr74 TV S+1 rr tsMW: i N fture 15:6-Nall Pattern, WeatherGuard HP ON Eno I etC. & N.a Nam ERPW N tong claw o- ,- r ti a SSW tgpm^ y as 5 51, Eipr # pfta" & F 54; brppv reiaa dr s srr ,ryi Figure 1�=: 6,NaiI Rattern, Oakridge SNei Eswatra M i IAWN Fkd fi 1'B' 1rDm boom al MIa¢r care a 6 1, 9 de Ir # FaMws pQFTI Inoww do i fair i mi Id, Fas V Spaa bal lyt M . Cam pfaa#1r & R mmm do** 14 arm fr f i Figure if;_ Mansard or Steep -Slope Pattern. weatherGuard HA NEW ETC. LLC Eraluatio n A#port 037W.GL124R11 0"j.w*o{,4�rh fkarivoAU 5 7'" EIDITON j7030) FEIC NON-HVHZ EVALuAT1ON FLUw7"16 CKY"!, Coning Asphalt Ruoff Shingles 1EowWon 11' 1?{31PM Pace 9 al' 10 N N E o l etc. 16.6 HIP ArMMDGESHMLU: 6.4.1 Installation of asphalt shingles shall comply with the Owens Corning current published instructions_ Berkshire' Hip and Ridge Shingles with Sealant and DuraRidge• Hip and Ridge Shingles witty SEGIGnt require minimum two (2) nails per shingle, > WeatherGuard' HP Hip and Ridge Shingles and ProEdge" require minimum four (4) nails per shingle, Refer to Owens Corning published information on wind resistance and installation limitations_ 6.4.1_1 Serkshlr2• KD and Ridge with Seclant and DuraRldlee' Flip and Ridge Shing_I.gwtth Sealant, Fig. Ak F4erai Iinig Wi nd Q rw I ion Dire€uon del viento predominance Figure 27, Isom etricView, SerkshiFe and puraRidge WeatherGuard° HP Hitr and Ridge Shin-gles: Fig. A s ■+w 1wp — OIACt41Y A �. Wells A I I I � Pig. B iop View VIita supe1for 1' Mal Crw Ows Cwri* #laall�i' I 9 I� �I 51c �I u IIr I I I Figure in: Plan View, Berkshire and DuriRidge Fig. C Hip Ridge Shingle Fastening top v km ON Mal" r 2' 2 � igaw� r � # 2 rigure 19; Isometric View, Weath e rG Li a rd HP Hip and Midge Figure 24): Plan View. Weathf!fGuard Hp Hip and Ridge MEMO ETC, 1 UC Evaluation Report 0.37 W0.02.12411 CwbfimteofAurho tioo4PS.ASS 2' EdFWNI2ozu}FacNQM-HVH2EVALuATION FL10674"1E Owerlt Corning "ilt Rml Shl nglfs Revis`ori 11=12111/21M Pop 9oi14 ProEdge° Preva1lll nq Wind erection Se4sot6" 6' E,posurt FMMM 7%, cow LWWW Fa—wsWkh fa: comew Figyre 21: 15gmetrir View, ProEdge NNEMOjetc. $�pnile ril _ Fa si�ry� ny ' Pa tlern i2' ant 4 Figure 22- Plan View, Pro Edge +1s ec:i, ea by the Building Official or Authority Having JuriSdi#ion to properly evaluate the installation of this product. 8. MAN UFACTURI:NG PLANTS' Contact the named QA entity for manufacturing facilities covered by F.A.C. Rule 62GZG-3 QA requirements_ Refer to Section 4 herein far products and production locations having met codified material standards- i PRl Construction Mater als Technologies, LLC- QUA4110 ; (13) 621,5777, bwilson@orJcmt.com END OF EVALUATION REPORT - NEW ETC, UJ[ Evaluation Report 037940,02-12•R31 Ce+7ijlemO}AuahwM06an+U3M55 7'" EDITIp4N (zo2i)j F9L NOhI NW2 FVAiUATION R1467493$ Owens Coming AsphaN Roof $h inglts Ihwlbbn 11=17jt1%IA21) P42e 10 C4 i0