HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL EXTERIOR DOORS (2)Florida Building Code Online aCIS Home Log In User Registration ' Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats & Facts Publications Contact Us SC1S Site Map Links Search ba ;� Product Approval pr { �` USER: Public User Product Aooroval Menu > product or Auolicahinn Search > Aoolicatinn I ict > Application Detail FL # FL15279-R6 Application Type Revision Code Version 2020 Application Status Approved *Approved by DBPR. Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission if necessary. Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory 13 Clopay Building Products Company 8585 Duke Blvd. Mason, OH 45040 (513) 770-6062 mwester-field@cfopay.com Scott Hamilton sh a mi Ito n @cl opa y. co m Exterior Doors Sectionaf Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing Certification Agency Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. Validated By Gary Pfuehler 0 Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Year ANSI/DASMA 108 2005 ANSI/DASMA 115 2005 ASTM E1886 2002 ASTM E1996 2002 ASTM E330 2002 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect FL15279 R6 Enuiy 2fl200812 -FBC ASiM lSf3�-t995 Pq ii�.v nif FL15279 R6 Fguly 2020081,2 - FBC - DASMA lQ8 ASTM F330eQuiv nrif file:ll/C/UserslBrent.heilman/DesktopiWeb%20page%2016'/20garage%20door.htrnl[411912021 3:16:41 PMJ Florida Building Code Online Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A Date Submitted 12/11/2020 Date Validated 12/29/2020 Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 12/29/2020 Summary of Products Go to Page rFL # Model, Number or Name 15279.1 001 W3-09 DSIE-1A171: 2050, 2051, 2053, 4050, 4051, 4053, 62, 64, 65, 62G, 62LG, 64G, SDP38, SFL38, SRP38, 134, 135, 136, 6130, 6131, 6133 Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: +20 PSF/-20 PSF Other: The OPTIONAL glazing available for this product meets the wind load requirements of the building code but DOES NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. The product without glazing DOES comply with the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions (ref 1609.1.2 FBC). 15279.2 002 W3-09 DSIE-1A471: GD1SP, GR1SP, GDILP, GR1LP, ARISP, AR1LP, ED1SP, ED1LP, 4132, 2132, 6132, SFC38, MFC38 Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: +20 PSF/-21 PSF Other: The OPTIONAL glazing available for this product meets the wind load requirements of the building code but DOES NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. The product without glazing DOES comply with the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions (ref 1609.1.2 FBC). 15279.3 003 W3-09 DSIU-1A171: 9130, 9131, 9133, HDP13, HDPF13, HDPL13, 7130, 7131, 7133, 8130, 8131, 8133 Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: +20 PSF/-20 PSF Other: The OPTIONAL glazing available for this product meets the wind load requirements of the building code but DOES NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. The product without glazing DOES comply with the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions (ref 1609.1.2 FBC). 15279.4 004 W3-16 DSIE-1A171: 2050, 2051, 2053, 4050, 4051, 4053, 62, 64, 65, 62G, 62LG, 64G, SDP38, SFL38, SRP38, 134, 135, 136, 6130, 6131, 6133 00 Page 1/800 Description 1-3/8" Double -skin Insulated EPS (exterior skin 27 ga. min.; interior skin 29 ga. min.) Single -Car (up to 9'0" wide) WINDCODE@ W3 Garage Door Certification Agency Certificate F 1'; 79 R6 C CAC' tt•pith ancof of contract and Ar of of inspection,nd F 15 79 R6 C CAC W3 Listing I t rtek ndf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/21/2028 Installation Instructions EL15279 R6 II 101655-Revh ndf Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: Gallery/Artistry/Expressions: 1-3/8" Double -skin Insulated EPS (exterior skin 27 ga. min.; interior skin 27 ga. min.) Single -Car (up to 9'0" wide) WINDCODE@ W3 Garage Door Certification Agency Certificate EL15279 R6 C CAC I paec with proof of rnntract and rp oof of ingpection.ndf E1.15,279 R6 C CAC Wa 1'e ing Intertek df Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/21/2028 Installation Instructions ELIS279 R6 II 10-49 -R 0'3 ndf Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: Double -skin Insulated PUR (exterior skin 27 ga. min.; Interior skin 27 ga. min.) Single -Car (up to 9'0" wide) WINDCODE® W3 Garage Door Certification Agency Certificate Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/21/2028 Installation Instructions FL15279 R6 II 104175-Re'04 ndf Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 1-3/8" Double -skin Insulated EPS (exterior skin 27 ga. min.; Interior skin 29 ga. min.) Double -Car (9'2" to 16'0" wide) WINDCODE@ W3 Garage Door file:IIICIUsersA rmt.heilman/DesktoptWeb%20page%2016'%20garage%20dwr.hhnl[411912021 3:16:41 PMI Florida Building Code Online Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: +20 PSF/-21 PSF Other: The OPTIONAL glazing available for this product meets the wind load requirements of the building code but DOES NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. The product without glazing DOES comply with the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions (ref 1609.1.2 FBC). 15279.5 005 W3-16 DSIE-1A471: GD1SP, GRISP, GD1LP, GR1LP, AR1SP, AR1LP, ED1SP, ED1LP, 4132, 2132, 6132, SFC38, MFC38 Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: +20 PSF/-21 PSF Other: The OPTIONAL glazing available for this product meets the wind load requirements of the building code but DOES NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. The product without glazing DOES comply with the impact resistant requirement for windbome debris regions (ref 1609.1.2 FBC). 15279.6 006 W3-16 DSIU-1A171: 9130, 9131, 9133, HDP13, HDPF13, HDPL13, 7130, 7131, 7133, 8130, 8131, 8133 Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: +20 PSF/-21 PSF Other: The OPTIONAL glazing available for this product meets the wind load requirements of the building code but DOES NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. The product without glazing DOES comply with the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions (ref 1609.1.2 FBC). Certification Agency Certificate Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/21/2028 Installation Instructions FI15279 R6 If 101870-R v15 df Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: Gallery/Artistry/Expressions: 1-3/8" Double -skin Insulated EPS (exterior skin 27 ga. min.; interior skin 27 ga. min.) Double -Car (97' up to 16'0" wide) WINDCODE® W3 Garage Door Certification Agency Certificate FI IS279 R6 C CAf I ett r yjth proof of rnntract -rid b o f Of insoection odf FI 15279 R6 C CAC W3 Listing Intetk, df Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/21/2028 Installation Instructions FI 15279 R6 II 104028-R v03 df Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: Double -skin Insulated PUR (exterior skin 27 ga. min.; Interior skin 27 ga. min.) Double -Car (9'2" to 16'0" wide) WINDCODE® W3 Garage Door Certification Agency Certificate FL15279 R6 r rAC'it %with oro f f ont -rt and nroof of insoectlon.odf FLIS279 R6 C A z Listing Int rt k odf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/21/2028 Installation Instructions FLIS279 R6 II 1ft4168-R v03 odf Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 15279.7 007 W3-16 PAN-2F153: 73, 1500, Steel Pan (min. 25 ga.) Double -Car (97'to 16'0" wide) 75, 190, 84A, 94, 42, 48, 55, 42B, WINDCODE® W3 Garage Door 48B, SSS, 4RST, 6RST, 4RSF, 6RSF Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: +20 PSF/-21 PSF Other: The OPTIONAL glazing available for this product meets the wind load requirements of the building code but DOES NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. The product without glazing DOES comply with the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions (ref 1609.1.2 FBC). 15279.8 008 W4-09 DSIE-1F171: 4300, 4301, 4310, 4400, 4401, HOG, HDGL, HDGF, 66, 66G, 67, 67G, 68, SP200, SF200, SE200, 6200, 6201, 6203 Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +28 PSF/-29 PSF Other: The OPTIONAL glazing available for this product meets the wind load requirements of the building code but DOES NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris Certification Agency Certificate EL15279 R6 C A tt r with proof of contra& and proof of MS29CYlnn odf EL15 79 R6 r CAC W3 I 'sting Intertek,pdf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/21/2028 Installation Instructions ELISZZ9 R6 II Inl 08-RevlI odf Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: z" Double -skin Insulated EPS (exterior skin 27 ga. min.; interior skin 27 ga. min.) Single -Car (up to 9'0" wide) WINDCODE® W4 Garage Door Certification Agency Certificate FLIS279 R6 C CACI etter Imitt, nroof of contract and proof of inspection odf FL15279 R6 C CACWq I isrno In[ rtk odf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/21/2028 Installation Instructions FLIS 79 R6 II 1016 -B-R 1 .ndf file:IIICIU e.Ibmt.h6hnan/Desktop/Web%20page%2016%20garageYo20door.b=1[411912021 3:16:41 PM] Florida Building Code Online regions. The product without glazing DOES comply with the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions (ref 1609.1.2 FBC). 15279.9 009 W4-09 DSIE-11`471: GD2SP, GR2SP, GD2LP, GR2LP, AR2SP, AR2LP, ED2SP, ED2LP, 4302, HDGC, 6202, SFC68, MFC68 Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +28 PSF/-29 PSF Other: The standard glazing available for this product meets the wind load requirements of the building code but DOES NOT meet the Impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. 15279.10 010 W4-09 DSIU-1F171: 9200, 9201, 9203, HDP20, HDPF20, HDPL20, 7200, 7201, 7203, 8200, 8201,8203 Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: +28 PSF/-29 PSF Other: The OPTIONAL glazing available for this product meets the wind load requirements of the building code but DOES NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for windbome debris regions. The product without glazing DOES comply with the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions (ref 1609.1.2 FBC). 15279.11 011 W4-09 DSIUO-1K479: Canyon Ridge/Brookstone Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: +28 PSF/-29 PSF Other: The OPTIONAL glazing available for this product meets the wind load requirements of the building code but DOES NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. The product without glazing DOES comply with the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions (ref 1609.1.2 FBC). 15279.12 012 W4-09 PAN-21`151: 73, 1500, 75, 190, 84A, 94, 76, 42, 48, 55, 42B, 48B, 55S, 4RST, 6RST, 4RSF, 6RSF, 2RST, GD5S, GDSSV, GRSS, GR5SV, ARSS, ARSSV, EDSS, EDSSV Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +25 PSF/-32 PSF Other: The standard glazing available for this product meets the wind load requirements of the building code but DOES NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. 15279.13 1013 W4-09 PAN-2F441: G4S, GS4, Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: Gallery/Artistry/Expressions: 2" Double -skin Insulated EPS (exterior skin 27 ga. min.; interior skin 27 ga. min.) Single -Car (up to 9'0" wide) WINDCODE@ W4 Garage Door Certification Agency Certificate Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/21/2028 Installation Instructions EL152Z9 R6 II 10396 -B-R v04 df Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: Double -skin Insulated PUR (exterior skin 27 ga. min.; interior skin 27 ga. min.) Single -Car (up to 9'0" wide) WINDCODE@ W4 Garage Door Certification Agency Certificate F1 IS 79 R6 C CAC I ettel with omof of rontract and proof of incnection.odf f 15 79 R6 C CAC W4 Listiog Intertek odf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/21/2028 Installation Instructions FLIS279 R6 II 104183-R 03 0, df Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: Double Skin Insulated PUR (exterior skin 27 ga. min.; interior skin 27ga. min.) with Overlay Single -Car (up to 9'0" wide) WINDCODE@ W4 Garage Door Certification Agency Certificate FL15279 R6 C CAC I P=E Wltb oro f of contract and proof of inspection odf EL15279 R6 C CAC W4_.LjstjBo Intet,k,ndf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/21/2028 Installation Instructions EL15279 R6 IT 1044r6-Rev02,pdf Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: Steel Pan (min. 25 ga.) Single -Car (up to 9'0" wide) WINDCODE@ W4 Garage Door Certification Agency Certificate FL15279 R6 C CACLetter with proof of contract and proof of ineoeetion odf FL15279 R6 C CAC W4 Listing In�odf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/21/2028 Installation Instructions EL15279 R6 II 300159-B-R v17 odf Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: Gallery/Artistry/Expressions: Steel Pan (min. 24 ga.) Single -Car file:IIICIUSUsluenLheilmmWesktop/Web%20page%2016'%20gamge°h20door.html[4l19R02I 3:16:41 Phil Florida Building Code Online G4L, GL4, GD4S, GD4L, GR4S, GR4L, G4SV, GS4V, G41_V, GL4V, GD4SV, GD4LV, GR4SV, GR4LV, E4S, E4L, ED4S, ED4L, E4SV, E4LV, ED4SV, ED4LV, SS4, SL4, AR4S, AR4L, SS4V, SL4V, AR4SV, AR4LV Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +25 PSF/-32 PSF Other: The standard glazing available for this product meets the wind load requirements of the building code but DOES NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. 15279.14 I014 W4-09 SPO-2F449: Grand Harbor, Stone Manor Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: +25 PSF/-32 PSF Other: The OPTIONAL glazing available for this product meets the wind load requirements of the building code but DOES NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. The product without glazing DOES comply with the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions (ref 1609.1.2 FBC). 15279.15 015 W4-16 DSIE-1F171: 4300, 4301, 4310, 4400, 4401, HDG, HDGL, HDGF, 66, 66G, 67, 67G, 68, SP200, SF200, SE200, 6200, 6201, 6203 Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +25.5 PSF/-25.5 PSF Other; The standard glazing available for this product meets the wind load requirements of the building code but DOES NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. 15279.16 016 W4-16 DSIE-IF471: GD2SP, GR2SP, GD2LP, GR2LP, AR2SP, AR2LP, ED2SP, ED2LP, 4302, HDGL, . 6202, SFC68, MFC68 Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +25.5 PSF/-25.5 PSF Other: The standard glazing available for this product meets the wind load requirements of the building code but DOES NOT meet the Impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. (up to 9'0" wide) WINDCODE@ W4 Garage Door Certification Agency Certificate FL 1 S779 R6 C CAC I etteE with proof of contract and proof f inspection odf FL15 79 R6 C CAC W4 Listing In_errt k odf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/21/2028 Installation Instructions FL IS279 R6 II I014R6-B-Rev09 odf Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: Steel Pan (min. 24 ga.) with Overlay Single -Car (up to 9'0"wide) WINDCODE® W4 Garage Door Certification Agency Certificate F I r279 R6 C CAr I Ptterwith proof of contract and ron of of inspection.pdf F 15 79 R6 C A W4 Listino Int rtk odf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/21/2028 Installation Instructions FLlq279 R6 II lQ3542-9eyQ8,nrtf Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 2" Double -skin Insulated EPS (exterior skin 27 ga. min.; interior skin 27 ga. min.) Double -Car (97' to 16'0" wide) WINDCODE@ W4 Garage Door Certification Agency Certificate FLIS 7 R6 AC I ettel• lth proof of rontract and proof of inspection odf FL15279 136 C CAC W4 List' no Intertk odf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/21/2028 Installation Instructions FL15279 R6 II 101481-B-Rev14 odf Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: Gallery/Artistry/Expressions: 2" Double -skin Insulated EPS (exterior skin 27 ga. min.; interior skin 27 ga. min.) Double -Car (9'2" up to 16'0" wide) WINDCODE@ W4 Garage Door Certification Agency Certificate EL152Z9 R6 r CAC I P=1with proof of contract and groof of inspection odf EL152Z2 R6 C CAC-W4 Listilig Intrtk df Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/21/2028 Installation Instructions F 1 S 79 R6 If 1040 -8-R0S df Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 15279.17 017 W4-16 DSIEO-1F479: Double Skin Insulated EPS (exterior skin 27 ga. min.; interior Coachman/Settlers/Affinity skin 27ga. min.) with Overlay Double -Car (up to 16'0" wide) WINDCODE@ W4 Garage Door Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Certification Agency Certificate EL152Z2 R6 C CACI etter with proof of rontract and proof of insoection.pdf file:IIICNsers/brentheit..IDesktop/Web%20pege%2016'%20gerage%20door.h=l[4A912021 3:16:41 PM] Florida Building Code Online Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: +25 PSF/-25 PSF Other: The OPTIONAL glazing available for this product meets the wind load requirements of the building code but DOES NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. The product without glazing DOES comply with the impact resistant requirement for windbome debris regions (ref 1609.1.2 FBC). 15279.18 018 W4-16 DSIU-1F171: 9200, 9201, 9203, HDP20, HDPF20, HDPL20, 7200, 7201, 7203, 8200, 8201, 8203 Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: +25.5 PSF/-25.5 PSF Other: The OPTIONAL glazing available for this product meets the wind load requirements of the building code but DOES NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. The product without glazing DOES comply with the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions (ref 1609.1.2 FBC). 15279.19 019 W4-16 DSIUO-IK479: Canyon Ridge/Brookstone Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: +25.5 PSF/-25.5 PSF Other: The OPTIONAL glazing available for this product meets the wind load requirements of the building code but DOES NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. The product without glazing DOES comply with the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions (ref 1609.1.2 FBC). 15279.20 020 W4-16 PAN-21F153: 73, 1500, 75, 190, 84A, 94, 42, 48, 55, 411ST, 611ST, 4RSF, 6RSF, GD5S, GD5SV, GRSS, GR5SV, ARSS, ARSSV, ED5S, EDSSV Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +24 PSF/-24.5 PSF Other: The standard glazing available for this product meets the wind load requirements of the building code but DOES NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. Go to Page = Contact The State of Florida Is an MIEEO employer EL15229 136 C CAC W4 Listing Intertk odf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/21/2028 Installation Instructions EL152Z9 R6 II 101046-Rev08.ndf Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: Double -skin Insulated PUR (exterior skin 27 ga. min.; interior skin 27 ga. min.) Double -Car (97" to 16'0" wide) WINDCODES W4 Garage Door Certification Agency Certificate FI ISM R6 r. CAC I elteE with proof of Contract and proof f inspection odf EL15222 R6 C CACW4 Listing Intertek odf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/21/2028 Installation Instructions ELISM R6 II 104169-Pav0l,prif Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: Double Skin Insulated PUR (exterior skin 27 ga. min.; interior skin 27ga. min.) with Overlay Double -Car (9'2" to 16'0" wide) WINDCODEO W4 Garage Door Certification Agency Certificate Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/21/2028 Installation Instructions FL15279 R6 II 1044S7-Rav03.nr1f Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: Steel Pan (min. 25 ga.) Double -Car (9'2" to 16'0" wide) WINDCODE@ W4 Garage Door Certification Agency Certificate FL115279 R6 C CAC Letter with proof of contract and proof of inspection.odf F Is 79 R6 C C4 W I sting Intertek df Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/21/2028 Installation Instructions FL15279 R6 II 101711-B-R v16, df Verified By: Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 00 Page l/800 Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mall to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. *Pursuant to Section 455.275(I), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address If they have one. The smalls provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please dick bCCC. file:IIICIUnnlbrent.heilmaNDesktopfWeb%20page%2016%20guage%2Odow.htrol[41l912021 3:16:41 PM] Florida Building Code Online Product Approval Accepts: m cl ® R^,rr.F m Credit Card Safe blel//CNsers/bmntheilmmIDesktop/Web%20page%2016'%20gamgeMo20door.hhnl[41l920213:16:41 PM] Lntertek Total Quality. Assured. Issue Date: December 10, 2020 Mr. Scott Hamilton, P.E. Clopay Building Products Company 8585 Duke boulevard Mason, CH 45040 Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. Tel+1-608-836-4400 841 Murphy Drive Fax+1-608-831-9279 Middleton, WI 52562 www.intertek.com Letter Report No: 104527767MID-001a Email: shamilton@clopay.com Subject: Intertek Listings that support FL15279 for compliance with the Seventh Edition of the Florida Building Code (2020J Dear Mr. Hamilton, This letter represents the results of Intertek's review of the Intertek Listings that currently support Clopay Florida Product ApprovalFL15279. Intertek affirms that the Intertek Listed products included in Florida Product Approval FL 15279 maintain compliance with ASTM E330-14, ASTM E1886-13a, and ASTM E1996-17 as referenced in the Seventh Edition of the Florida Building Code (2020). Intertek has verified that the referenced certification documents are currently under surveillance services with Intertek for the Florida Building Code. Attached is the current Certification Agreement between Intertek and Clopay Building Products. This agreement also may be referenced as a CIA contract that bears no expiration date and as such does not expire except upon its termination and is valid indefinitely. Sincerely, INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES NA, INC. Reported by: John Schachtner Project Engineer- Evaluation Services Reviewed by: Andrew Holstein, Ph.D. Sr. Project Engineer— Evaluation Services Intertek This report is for the exclusive use of InteratWo Client and is provided pursuantto the agreement between Inform, and its Client. Intents limited to the terms and coMitions of the agreement. Imarlek assumes no liability to any party. other than to the Ckerd in accordance i expense or damage occeWoned by the use of this report. Only the Client is authorized to permit copying or distribution of this report: use of the Intertek name or one of its marks for the sale or advertisement of the tested material. product or service must fire[ be app observations and test results in this report are relevant only the sample tested. This report by itself does not imply that the materiel. I been under an Intertek rnmficafion program. Page 1 of 1 r.] % Intertek Intertek responsibility and liability are The .or Intertek Total Quality. Assured. Certification Agreement for Applicants and Manufacturers THIS AGREEMENT made the 24th day of November .20 20 _ by and between: INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES NA, INC. having offices at 545 E. Algonquin Rd. Arlington Heights. IL 60005 USA ("Intertek") and "Company", having principle place of business at Company Legal Entity Name Clopay Corporation Street 8585 Duke Blvd City. State/Province. Postal Code Mason. OH 45373 Counhy USA Company is entering the Certification Agreementas a(n): N Applicant* M Manufacturer*. * See definitions below. If the entity is both the Applicant and Manufacturer, please check both boxes. If the Applicant and Manufacturer are different please check the box that is applicable. RECITALS Intertek provides a service for evaluating whether products provided by the Applicant comply with designated standards or specified requirements. Subject to the terms of this Certification Agreement. products found to be in compliance by Intertek may be eligible for inclusion on a list maintained by Intertek for Products to display a Certification Mark owned by Intertek. The Applicant desires to submit or has submitted certain devices. equipment. materials. or systems manufactured by the Applicant or the Manufacturer if different. to Intertek for evaluation in order that the product may be considered for Listing and Labeling by Intertek. If the submitted product is found to be eligible for Certification. this Certification Agreement shall be executed by Intertek and the Applicant (and the Manufacturer. if applicable) setting forth the terms and conditions to which the parties hereto must adhere. NOW THEREFORE. for and in consideration of the mutual covenants herein expressed and other lawful and valuable consideration. the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. DEFINITIONS 1.1 Applicant. The term Applicant shall mean the company who submitted the product for evaluation and certification and owns rights to Listing Reports. 1.2 Manufacturer. The term Manufacturer shall mean the company who carries out or controls certain stages in the manufacture. assessment. handling. and storage of a product that enables it to accept responsibility for continued compliance of the product with the relevant requirements and undertakes all obligations to apply the certification labels. 1.3 Company. The term Company shall mean both Applicant and/or Manufacturer. 1.4 Authorization to Mark. The term Authorization to Mark ("ATM") shall mean a written document from Intertek that authorizes the Manufacturer to apply an Intertek certification mark to a specific product. 1.5 Certification Mark. The term Certification Mark ("Mark") shall refer to any common law or registered trademark owned by Intertek. or its affiliates. used in the certification of Product. 1.6 Follow-up Service. The term Follow-up Service shall refer to the process of monitoring the Company's compliance with the Intertek Requirements. Page 1 of 7 SFT-ETL-OP-19e Revised 8 May 2018 Intertek Total Quality. Assured. Certification Agreement for Applicants and Manufacturers 1.7 Intertek Requirements. The term Intertek Requirements shall mean (a) the requirements contained in the Listing Report; (b) the standard(s). if any. applicable to the Product; (c) the terms of this Certification Agreement; and (d) any third party requirements separately applied as a condition of the Listing. 1.8 Labeling. The term Labeling shall refer to the process of applying the Mark to the Product. whether the Mark is applied to the Product by a separable label. directly on the product. or by other media as authorized by Intertek. 1.9 Listing. The term Listing shall mean the process of preparing and including the Product in the published directory of Intertek certified products. 1.10 Listing Report. The term Listing Report shall mean the document prepared by Intertek. also known as Constructional Data Report (CDR). which identifies the Company. the Product. the requirements specific for the Product. including but not limited to. identification of standard(s). test protocols and the type and form of Mark which must be used on or in connection with the Product and related information. 1.11 Product. The term Product ("Product") shall mean an Applicant's device. equipment. material. or system that has been submitted for testing or evaluation. and found to be in compliance with Intertek Requirements and approved for Listing. 3 2.1 Testing and Evaluation. Intertek is an independent laboratory providing testing and evaluation services to determine whether representative samples of a product comply with designated national and international standards. specifications. and/or codes. Intertek does not publish standards. specifications. and/or codes. or warrant to the Company that the standard used for the evaluation is adequate. Company understands and agrees that Intertek has only tested or evaluated the submitted Product samples and does not guarantee or warrant the quality or compliance of all units of the Product manufactured or produced by the Applicant and/or the Manufacturer. Company further acknowledges that as an independent laboratory. Intertek assumes no responsibility for the design of the Product. 2.2 Company Obligations. Company understands its obligations pursuant to this Certification Agreement in order to maintain eligibility for Listing. and warrants that it shall comply with the following provisions: (a) Company agrees to notify Intertek. without delay. of changes that may affect its ability to comply with this Certification Agreement or maintain eligibility for Listing. Changes may include. but are not limited to: • Modifications or changes to the Product such that the Product no longer meets the requirements of the Listing Report for the Product • Modifications to the Production Method • Changes to the legal. commercial. organizational status or ownership • Changes to Company or Manufacturer address • Major Changes to the Quality Management System of the Company If the Company wishes to make such modifications or changes. the Company must first either obtain the approval of Intertek or discontinue use of the Mark. The Product may no longer be eligible for Listing if the above modifications or changes to the Product. or the Company. have occurred after Intertek's testing or evaluation. (b) Upon request. the Company agrees that it shall retain or make available a sample of the certified Product from the most current production. (c) Company agrees to notify Intertek in writing of any product recall or reports that it receives of serious personal injury or property damage involving the Product. (d) Company shall notify Intertek of any labeled Product which has left the control of the Company that does not comply with Intertek Requirements. (e) Company warrants that a quality control program is. or will be. established and maintained to ensure Product compliance with the Intertek Requirements. (f) If re-evaluation and/or investigation of the product is required as a result of modification to the Product without prior notification by the Company and approval by Intertek. the Applicant shall Page 2 of 7 SFT-ETL-0P-19e Revised 8 May 2018 Lntertek Total Quality. Assured, Certification Agreement for Applicants and Manufacturers be subject to applicable fees for these services. (g) If the company provides copies of the certification documents to others. the documents shall be reproduced in their entirety. (h) Company agrees to fully cooperate with Intertek in any investigation of complaint including. but not limited to. promptly providing sample(s). photograph(s). schematic(s). and documentation related to product production. inventory. and shipment. (i) Company shall maintain written records of all complaints made known to it relating to compliance with certification requirements and the actions taken with respect to such complaints and any deficiencies found in products that affect compliance with the requirements for certification. Company will promptly provide these records to Intertek upon request. 2.3 Reservation of Rights. Intertek reserves the right. upon reasonable written notice to the Applicant. to reevaluate the Product at the Applicant's expense. This re-evaluation may be the result of Follow- up Service (Variation Notice). a revision of the applicable standard (Standard Update Notice ("SUN")). new information regarding the characteristics of the material used in the Product. or other information (including administrative changes) that raises a question concerning the conformance of the Product to Intertek Report Requirements. Such reevaluation may require Intertek to review the Listing Report. reevaluate the product and update our records and be subject to applicable fees. 2.4 Revision or Withdrawal of the Intertek Requirements. Intertek reserves the right. upon reasonable notice to the Applicant. to revise or withdraw the Intertek Requirements to the extent required by applicable statutory guidelines or standards. If the Intertek Requirements are revised. the Company shall be entitled to continue Listing and Labeling of the Product upon a demonstration to the satisfaction of Intertek that the Product complies with the revised Intertek Requirements. If the Intertek Requirements are withdrawn. the Company's right to the Listing and Labeling of the Product shall terminate pursuant to the terms of Article 6 of this Certification Agreement. In the case of a revision or withdrawal of Intertek Requirements. Intertek shall provide a notice specifying a reasonable date by which the Product must meet the revised Intertek Requirements or for such termination. 2.5 Third Parties. Applicant agrees that Intertek has entered into a contractual relationship with the Applicant to perform testing or evaluation services on the Product. Intertek agrees to perform such services with due care. Intertek does not guarantee or warrant that third parties will accept or recognize the results obtained by Intertek or the Intertek certification of the Product. 3. LISTING AND LARELING 3.1 Ownership of the Mark. Ownership of the Mark and all trademark rights in the Mark remain in Intertek. even if it is used on the Product. The Mark shall only be applied to a Product that complies with the Intertek Requirements and such Mark shall be applied as specified in the Listing Report. The Mark may be applied only to those models and brands that are specifically named in the Listing Report at the factory receiving active Follow-up Service and as noted on the Authorization to Mark. Except as provided herein and as indicated in Article 3.2. any other use of the Mark. or the Intertek name. on the Product is expressly prohibited. 3.2 Advertising. Intertek shall allow the Company to refer to Intertek and the Mark in advertising and promotional material for the Product. contingent upon the Company obtaining the prior. express. written approval of Intertek. 3.3 Follow-up Service. As a part of the Listing and Labeling of the Product. the Company shall cooperate with the Intertek representatives who conduct Follow-up Service and make all necessary arrangements for the participation of observers. Follow-up Service may include factory audits at any time during business hours and such Intertek representatives. shall have free. unannounced. and immediate access to the Company's premises wherein the Product. or components thereof. may be fabricated. processed. finished. stored. or located. Intertek representatives shall comply with factory policies as required while on premises. Follow-up Service is intended to allow Intertek to monitor the Company's compliance with maintaining continuing conformity of the Product to the Intertek Requirements. and to control the use of Intertek's Marks. The factory audits are not intended to Page 3 of 7 SFT-ETL-OP-19e Revised 8 May 2018 untertek Total Quality. Assured. Certification Agreement for Applicants and Manufacturers satisfy or otherwise replace Company's responsibility to maintain its quality control program and to ensure that the Product remains in compliance with the Intertek Requirements. Follow-up Service may also include Company questionnaires. and/or the Company's warranty of conformity. �,. ,„ ., r 4.1 Indemnification. Company agrees to hold Intertek harmless and to defend and indemnify Intertek against any liability. loss. or damage from claims. demands. costs (including legal fees). or judgments arising out of any negligent or intentional acts of the Company. or claims from third parties relating to the Product or arising from the use of the Mark. 4.2 Liability. Intertek will not. under any circumstances. be liable to the Company for any indirect. special. punitive. or consequential damages. or any third party claims which may arise as a result of the services provided in this Certification Agreement. The maximum aggregate liability of Intertek for damages in connection with this Certification Agreement shall not exceed the latest annual fee paid to Intertek by the Company. 5. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH INT RT K REQUIRIEMIENTS 5.1 Remedial Action. In the event that Intertek detects any deviation or variance in the Product from Intertek Requirements. or improper or unauthorized use of the Mark or Intertek name. Intertek will notify the Applicant and require the Company. at its own expense. to undertake corrective action to ensure that the Product complies with Intertek Requirements. Intertek reserves the right. in its sole discretion. to take additional actions as it deems necessary. including but not limited to: (a) Suspension or revocation of the Listing and the right to label the Product; (b) Withdrawal of the supply of labels and removal of the Mark from non -conforming or unauthorized products; (c) Payment of penalty fees (as defined in general information package) and any costs associated with the product investigation by the Applicant; (d) Removal of the Product from the published directory of Intertek certified products; (a) Termination of this Certification Agreement pursuant to Article 6; (f) Notification of regulatory authorities and the public; (g) Compliance with any applicable statutes. rules. or regulations. 6.2 Injunctive Relief. Company acknowledges that the manufacture. sale. delivery. shipment. distribution. or promotion of the Product utilizing a Mark would mislead or endanger the public if such Product is not eligible to use the Mark or does not comply with the Intertek Requirements. Company further acknowledges that a breach of this Certification Agreement cannot be adequately compensated by money damages. Company agrees that in the event of a breach of the Certification Agreement. Intertek shall have the right to seek a temporary restraining order to the Company. together with an action for a preliminary and permanent injunction. and such other and furtherrelief as may be provided by law. 5.3 Suspension. Upon Company's failure to comply with any of the requirements of this Certification Agreement or Listing Report. Intertek may issue a letter of suspension which shall notify the Applicant of the nature of the failure and the period of suspension of the Company's right of Labeling. The Applicant is obligated to notify its Manufacturer of the suspension and insure both the Applicant and Manufacturer adhere to all requirements in the letter of suspension including remedial actions. A reinstatement fee may be applied. In the event that the Company fails to take corrective action to resolve the cause of suspension. this Certification Agreement shall be terminated pursuant to Article 6. 5.4 Public Notice. In the event that Intertek has confirmed evidence that the Product in the marketplace has a significant non -conformity. Intertek will contact the Applicant and act in support of remedial steps taken by the Company to address the nonconformity. including. if necessary. public notification and/or a product recall undertaken by the Company. In the event that the Company does not take action to address a significant non -conformity related to the Product. Intertek reserves the right to contact appropriate government agencies. other parties in the supply chain and/or issue Page 4 of 7 SFT-ETL-OP-19e Revised 8 May 2018 Intertek Total Quality. Assured. Certification Agreement for Applicants and Manufacturers public notifications advising of the non -conformity pursuant to Article 5.1(f) above. 6. TERMINATION OF THE AGREEMENT 6.1 Termination By Either Party. Either party may. for any reason. terminate this Certification Agreement. as to any Product. upon not less than sixty (60) days written notice to the other party. Such notice shall designate a termination date and the notice period shall be deemed to commence upon the date of mailing of the notice to the other party by registered or certified mail. return receipt requested or by courier with confirmed delivery. 6.2 Intertek Right To Terminate. Intertek may terminate this Certification Agreement. as to any Product. without prejudice to any other rights or remedies that Intertek may have. upon either of the following: (a) Immediately upon written notice. if Intertek determines that the Product fails to comply with the Intertek Requirements and such defect was not cured within a reasonable period of time; (b) Company is in default pursuant to Article 7.3; (c) Thirty (30) days after the Company receives written notice in the event of: (i) the filing of a voluntary or involuntary petition in bankruptcy by the Company; (ii) the making of any arrangement or composition with creditors by the Company; (iii) the appointment of a receiver for the Company; or (iv) the voluntary or involuntary liquidation of the business of the Company. The Company will notify Intertek within seven (7) days of notice of one of these events. 6.3 Company Obligations Upon Termination. Upon termination of this Certification Agreement. Company shall: (a) Discontinue the use of the Mark on the Product or Company's promotional material or advertising. (b) Allow Intertek to perform a final factory inspection to record final production status and to recover all unused Intertek Certification Marks upon notification of termination of the Authorization to Mark. Fees for a final inspection will be billed in accordance with Article 7.3 of this Certification Agreement. (c) Promptly return to Intertek all Marks. Labeling material. and the Listing Report. and warrant in writing the date of last use of the Mark. (d) Continue to honor the terms of Article 4 of this Certification Agreement concerning indemnification and liability. which terms shall survive the termination of this Certification Agreement. (e) Pay any remaining outstanding charges owing to Intertek immediately. (f) Applicant is obligated to notify its Manufacturer of the termination and insure both the Applicant and Manufacturer comply with all requirements in this section. 7. ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS 7.1 Confidentiality. Without written authorization from the Applicant. Intertek will not voluntarily disclose to third parties confidential and proprietary information which Applicant provides to Intertek. This obligation shall not apply to information which is already available to the public. or acquired from other sources without confidentiality restrictions. or is required to be disclosed by Intertek to Regulatory Authorities responsible for the acceptance of the Product. Intertek agrees that this obligation to maintain confidentiality shall survive the termination of this Certification Agreement. 7.2 Subpoena. If Intertek is served with a Subpoena. Court Order. or similar document requesting the disclosure of confidential or proprietary information supplied to Intertek by the Company. Intertek shall promptly notify the Applicant. In the event that the Applicant chooses to contest the request. Intertek shall cooperate with the Applicant. The responsibility for contesting the request shall rest solely with the Applicant. If the Applicant declines to contest the request or is not successful in contesting the request. Intertek will provide the requested information. Any costs incurred by Intertek in responding to the request. including reasonable attorney's fees. shall be reimbursed by the Applicant immediately upon invoicing by Intertek. Page 5 of 7 SFT-ETL-OP-19e Revised 8 May 2018 Intertek Total Quality. Assured. Certification Agreement for Applicants and Manufacturers 7.3 Fees. Certification fees will be prepaid or billed to the Applicant or a designated payor. Payment shall be due upon presentation of invoices. The Applicant shall be considered in default if the charges are not paid within thirty (30) days. unless other payment terms have been agreed upon. Intertek reserves the right to adjust the billing rate for Certification. and to issue reasonable charges in the event additional costs are incurred by Intertek as a result of Company's failure to adhere to the Intertek Requirements. Additional costs include. but are not limited to. penalty fees for misuse of Mark and costs associated with the product investigation. Certification fees are non-refundable. 7.4 No Assignment. The rights running to the Company under this Certification Agreement may not be assigned to or acquired by any other person or corporation without Intertek's written authorization. 7.5 Term. This Certification Agreement shall continue in effect for a period of one (1) year from the date first above written and shall automatically be renewed thereafter for periods of one (1) year. unless the termination rights provided for in this Certification Agreement are exercised. 7.6 Jurisdiction. This Certification Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with and governed by the laws of the jurisdiction within which the Intertek office stated in the opening paragraph is located. If the Client is located in China. any dispute or claim arising from or in connection with this Certification Agreement. its breach. its performance or non- performance shall be submitted to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission ("CIETAC") Beijing Office for arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance with the Commission's arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral tribunal shall consist of three (3) arbitrators. Intertek on the one part and the Client on the other part shall each appoint one arbitrator. The parties shall appoint the third arbitrator. If the parties fail to agree on the third arbitrator within fifteen (15) days from the date on which the respondent receives the notice of arbitration. the parties hereby designate the Chairman of CIETAC as the appointing authority hereunder provided that the Chairman shall select an arbitrator who satisfies the qualifications in the preceding sentence. The language to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be Chinese and English. Each version shall have the equal validity and legal effect. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties. This Agreement is accepted and duly executed by Intertek Certification Partner or Page 6 of 7 SFT-ETL-OP-19e Revised 8 May 2018 intertek Total Quality. Assured. Certification Agreement for Applicants and Manufacturers 7.3 Fees. Certification fees will be prepaid or billed to the Applicant or a designated payor. Payment shall be due upon presentation of invoices. The Applicant shall be considered in default if the charges are not paid within thirty (30) days, unless other payment terms have been agreed upon. Intertek reserves the right to adjust the billing rate for Certification, and to issue reasonable charges in the event additional costs are incurred by Intertek as a result of Company's failure to adhere to the Intertek Requirements. Additional costs include, but are not limited to, penalty fees for misuse of Mark and costs associated with the product investigation. Certification fees are non-refundable. 7A No Assignment. The rights running to the Company under this Certification Agreement may not be assigned to or acquired by any other person or corporation without Intertek's written authorization. 7.5 Term. This Certification Agreement shall continue in effect fora period of one (1) year from the date first above written and shall automatically be renewed thereafter for periods of one (1) year, unless the termination rights provided for in this Certification Agreement are exercised. 7.6 Jurisdiction. This Certification Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with and governed by the laws of the jurisdiction within which the Intertek office stated in the opening paragraph is located. If the Client is located in China, any dispute or claim arising from or in connection with this Certification Agreement, its breach, its performance or non- performance shall be submitted to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission ("CIETAC") Beijing Office for arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance with the Commission's arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral tribunal shall consist of three (3) arbitrators. Intertek on the one part and the Client on the other part shall each appoint one arbitrator. The parties shall appoint the third arbitrator. If the parties fail to agree on the third arbitrator within fifteen (15) days from the date on which the respondent receives the notice of arbitration, the parties hereby designate the Chairman of CIETAC as the appointing authority hereunder provided that the Chairman shall select an arbitrator who satisfies the qualifications in the preceding sentence. The language to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be Chinese and English. Each version shall have the equal validity and legal effect. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties. This Agreement is accepted and duly executed by: Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. Authorized Intertek Signatory Print Name For Jean -Philippe Kayl Title Vice President- Global Certification Date I12/9/20 Company Clopey corporation By Proprietor, Partner or Authorized fficer Sig r ature Print Name L. L E i 5 Title v WF, £,vcr 6£$r ✓C Date 2 _ _ Z� t a Page 6 of 7 SFT-ETL-OP-1 ge Revised 8 May 2018 ntertek Total Quality. Assured. Certification Agreement for Applicants and Manufacturers Addendum A Certification and Follow -Up Service Program Fees Acceptance. by signature. of the Certification Agreement further signifies acknowledgement of the ongoing fees for the program. Invoicing will commence upon Certification being granted. and will thereafter occur at the beginning of each Quarter. If a Purchase Order is required in order to secure payment. please enter you PO number below. The fees for our Certification Program are as follows, and are per Manufacturing Location: ONE TIME SET-UP FEE: ANNUAL LISTING FEE (1-5 Listings): ADDITIONAL LISTING FEE (more than 5 Listings): QUARTERLY CERTIFICATION FEE (includes Certification, Inspection*, and expenses): United States & Canada: Asia Pacific and South America (including Mexico) Middle East Europe Africa Add UK Notified Body Certificate for CPR Europe: $190.00 $1,165.00 $555.00 $815.00 $1,255.00 $1,425.00 $2,350.00 $2,070.00 $1,085.00 (Annual) *NOTE: For locations that have more than Quarterly Inspections, the following fees will apply for additional Inspections and will be invoiced separately (includes expenses) United States & Canada $465.00 Asia -Pacific and South America (including Mexico) $905.00 Middle East $1.075.00 Africa $2,000.00 Europe $1.720.00 Annual Direct Imprint Fee (if applicable): $665.00 Annual Quality Assurance Fee (per QA program): $555.00 Multiple Listee arrangements. if applicable. are charged $830.00 annually per Multiple Listee. Should our Engineering Services determine there are non -certified components deemed critical in the products meeting test requirements. ongoing Verification Testing may be required. This is determined during the Testing and Listing Development process. and will be specifically noted in the Listing Report. These fees will be quoted separately. Any Technical changes to reports to address Vanance/Variation items or Standard Updates may incur additional charges. These fees will be quoted separately. upon instance. *Certification fees are subject to slight annual increases For further clarification on Fees. or to determine total costs. please contact the Building Products Certification Help Desk at npcerthalpdesk@in(ertek.com or via phone at (855)944-2378. PO#: This information is for the exclusive use of Intertek's Client and is provided pursuant to the Certification Agreement between Intertek and its Client. Intertek's responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the Agreement. Intertek assumes no liability to any party. other than to the Client in accordance with the Agreement, for any loss. expense. or damage occasioned by the use of this information. Page 7 of 7 SFT-ETL-OP-19e Revised 8 May 2018 Report prepared for public access on 12/28/2020 3:22:00 PM DIRECT r;,a-._s _ottertek Intertek Total Quality. Assured. LISTING INFORMATION OF Clopay WINDCODE® W4 Sectional Doors SPEC ID: 32602 Clopay Corporation 8585 Duke Blvd. Mason. OH 45040 United States This report is for the exclusive use of Intenek•s Client and is provided pursuant to the agreement between Intertek and its Client. Intertek's responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of Me agreement. Intedek assumes no liability to any party. other than to the Client in accordance with he agreementfor any lossexpense or damage occasioned by the use of this repod. Only the Client is authorized to permit copying or distribution of this report and then only In its enbrety. Any use of the Intertek name or one of its malls for the sale or advertisement of the tested material. product or service must first be approved in writing by Intedek. The observations and test results in this report are relevant only to the sample tested. This report by used does not imply that the material. productor service is or has ever been under an Intertek ratification program. Clopay Corporation 132602 1 Rev: Dec 28 2020 2:45PM I Uncontrolled Copy Page 1 of 4 Report prepared for public access on 12/28/2020 3:22:00 PM LISTING INFORMATION WIND LOAD RESISTANT DOORS Clopay WINDCODE® W4 Sectional Doors DIRECT " P:,.w-a vitertek ® Clopay WINDCODE W4 Sectional Doors Impact Rating Max Width Design Pressure Pos. Design Pressure Deg. Single Car Double Skin EPS NO 9'-0" +28 PSF 29 PSF Single Car Double Skin EPS Gallery/Artistry /Expressions NO 9'-0" +28 PSF 29 PSF Single Car Double Skin PUR N/A 9'-01, +28 PSF - 29 PSF Single Car Double Skin PUR with Overlay N/A 9'-0" +28 PSF - 29 PSF Single Car Steel Pan NO 9'-0" +25 PSF - 32 PSF Single Car Steel Pan Gallery/Artistry/Expressions N/A I 9'-01, +25 PSF 32 PSF Single Car Steel Pan with Overlay N/A 9'-01, —F +25 PSF - 32 PSF Double Car Double Skin EPS NO 16'-0" +25.5 PSF 225.5 PSF Double Car Double Skin EPS Gallery/Artistry /Expressions NO ��� 16'-0" +25.5 PSF 25.5 PSF F Double Car Double Skin EPS with Overlay N/A 16 '-0" +25 PSF -25 PSF Double Car Double Skin PUR N/A 16'-0" + 25.5 PSF 25.5 PSF Double Car Double Skin PUR with Overlay N/A 16'-0" + 25.5 PSF - 25.5 PSF Double Car Steel Pan NO 16'-0" +24 PSF -24.5 PSF Double Car Steel Pan Gallery/Artistry /Expressions NO ���� 16'-0' + 25 PSF 125 PSF Double Car Steel Pan Gallery/Artistry /Expressions(2) DO ���� 16'-0" +25 PSF 25 PSF Double Car Steel Pan with Overlay N/A 167-0" +24 PSF -24.5 PSF Double Car 18ft YES without Double Skin EPS glazing 18'-0' ��� +25 PSF 25 PSF Double Car 18ft Double Skin EPS Gallery/Artistry/Expressions Double Car 18ft NO ���� 18'-0' +25 PSF 25 PSF Double Skin PUR Double Car 18ft N/A ���j 18'-0' +25 PSF 125 PSF Double Skin PUR with Overlay N/A ���� 18'-0" +25 PSF 25 PSF Double Car 18ft Steel Pan NO 18'-0- +25 PSF -25 PSF Double Car 18ft Steel Pan Gallery/Artistry /Expressions(1) NO 18'-0" +25 PSF -25 PSF Double Car 18ft Steel Pan Gallery/Artistry /Expressions(2) NO 18'-0" +25 PSF -25 PSF Clopay Corporation 132602 1 Rev: Dec 28 2020 2:45PM I Uncontrolled Copy Page 2 of 4 Report prepared for public access on 12/28/2020 3:22:00 PM DIRECT " rcros::_ o ntertek (Double Car 18ft Steel Pan with Overlay INA 18'-0" +25 -PSF-2-5 PSF Clopay WINDCODE® W4 Sectional Doors Impacgt Ratin Max Width Design Pressure Pos Design Pressure Ne Solid without glazing or with Double -Skin Impact optional Impact Glazing (123) Yes ��F� 9-'0" +2g pSF 29 PSF Car Double Skin EPS [Doublwe lid ithout glazing or with optional Impact Glazing 24) Yes ���� 16'-0' +25.5 PSF -25.5 PSF 1 ft Double Car Double Skin EPS Solid without glazing or with optional Impact Glazing (125) Single -Car Steel Pan Solid without glazing or with optional Impact Glazing 1(126) Double -Car Steel Pan Solid without glazing or with optional Impact Glazing 1(127) Single -Car Steel Pan Solid without glazing or with optional Impact Glazing (128) Single Car Double Skin EPS G.A.E. Solid No Glazing (129) [Yes Yes ��1 Yes ���F-245 Yes Yes ���� 18'-0' ��F-25 9'-01. 16'-0' 18'-0" 9'-0" +25 PSFPSF +25 PSF +24 PSFPSF +25 PSF +28 PSF 32 PSF 25 PSF 29 PSF Single Car Pan G.A.E. IYes Solid No Glazing (130) 9'-0" ���Steel +25 PSF 32 PSF 18 ft Double Skin EPS G.A.E. Solid No Glazing (131) Yes ���� 16'-0' +25 PSF 25 PSF Double Car Steel Pan G.A.E. Solid No Glazing (132) Yes �'�� 16'-0' +25 PSF 25 PSF Double Car Steel Pan G.A.E. Solid No Glazing (133) Yes ���� 16'-0' +24 PSF 24.5PSF 18 ft Steel Pan G.A.E. Solid No Glazing (134) Yes ���� 18'-0' +25 PSF 25 PSF 18 ft Steel Pan G.A.E. Solid No Glazing (135) Yes F 18'-0" +25 PSF 25 PSF Clopay WINDCODE® W4 Desi n Desi n g Secional pact ing [at Max Width Pos sure Nreessure Doors 9 Clopay Corporation 132602 1 Rev: Dec 28 2020 2:45PM I Uncontrolled Copy Page 3 of 4 Report prepared for public access on 12/28/2020 3:22:00 PM Single Car Double -skin PUR Gallery/Artistry/Expressions No 914" +28 PSF 29 PSF Double Car Double -skin PUR Gallery/Artistry/Expressions No ���� 16'-0" +25.5 PSF -25.5 PSF (16ft) Double Car Double -skin PUR Gallery/Artistry/Expressions (18ft) Single Car Double -skin PUR Yes I 18'-0" I +25 PSF I -25 PSF Ga I Iery/Artistry/Expression s Double Car Double -skin PUR Yes 9'-0" +28 PSF -29 PSF Gal I e ry/Artistry/Expression s Yes 16'-0" +25.5 PSF 25.5 PSF Products Florida Product Approval No. Clopay WINDCODE® W4 Sectional Doors FL # 15279 Attribute Value Criteria ASTM E330 (2002) Criteria ASTM E1886 (2005) Criteria ASTM E330 (2014) Criteria ASTM E1996 (2009) Criteria ASTM E1996 (2017) Criteria ASTM E1996 (2020) Criteria ASTM E1886 (2019) Criteria ASTM E1886 (2013a) CSI Code 08 30 00 Specialty Doors and Frames Intertek Services Certification Listed or Inspected LISTED Listing Section WIND LOAD RESISTANT DOORS SpeclD 32602 Test Original Issue Date 2012-01-26 DIRECT'ro,a::::a tntertek Clopay Corporation 132602 1 Rev: Dec 28 2020 2:45PM I Uncontrolled Copy Page 4 of 4 Nz- 1e Yn aN 1�m_ �zyi gO��s pia �� Fm Is v5mw$ n r 4 i\ s oLL �� i tletl�a g �log 63� s€ EH yF N n Bi gp is 607 9 0 I � jlaa $` auk m Etl $ o $ � oil z a � 2 � itl Pd � eeee� b d F0, b f 202Onsuo tl n tee: Y Fww¢ A Lo zzz E E�BFR moon n z E# Z p ¢ P W ¢ Q Y jR dd prikS gggC d z d ggg UZ a 6�_ tl� ary € om EF • $ � n �umox xom . u«r oxweo f � om unw wm - uew a.weo � 3 e gig N ,P c o F 9 `I� a dZ e OWIN d jig 1/ c009 N �R 3P�ff RaW W�pillof . kiWa i egn k u g pp d le P ERRig P log .a at'19 ip°pgs} i pp�{ 2§ c� �q$niwEpg$ E 11 q y qQ -it3 tl8p, j 39kEd 8 tt