HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL4111 Florida Building Coda Online Business & Professional Regulation :rA= MSS Ikwy Lop In Usew eapntraltOn 00 Tepfol Submit SurVwrga ;cats a Facts Psbptaru.n GWILACT Ua lill Saa ri V-5 Diii drDpr Product Approval USSR; Pi User BLGfatY . Appllutlan Lid Search Criteirle Refine Srarcrt Code Version 2020 FL# ALL Application Type ALL Product Manufacturer James Hardie Building Products Category ALL Subcategory ALL Application Status ALL Compliance Method ALL Quality Assurance Entity ALL Quality Assurance Entity Contract Expired ALL Product Model, Number or Name ALL Product Description ALL Approved for use In HVHZ ALL Approved for use outside HVHZ ALL Impact Resistant ALL Design Pressure ALL Other ALL Ralial RMeJh - A-111 afinna --� IKRO M{anufaciurar —� T Yrlidated ix � J F110477_-RB Revision James Hardie Building Products John Southard, P.E. I Approved !j HISLCLy Category: Panel Walls (352) 367-2526 Subcategory: Siding lames Hardie Building Products iusl21-M Revision John Southard, RE. Apprpved bow Category: Panel Walls (352) 367-2526 Subcategory: Siding James Hardie Building Products FL 132 ,o t-Q6 Revision John Southard, P.E. Approved Histo Category: Panel Walls (352) 367-2526 Subcategory: Siding John Southard, P.E. Approved FL13265-R6 Revision I James Hardie Building Products HistOLN Category: Panel Walls (352) 367-2526 Subcategory: Soffits FL19901-R4 Revision James Hardie Building Products John Southard, P.E. Approved " History Category: Panel Walls (352) 367-2526 Subcategory: Skiing FL32103-RI Revision James Hardie Building Products John Southard, P.E. Approved ' History Category: Panel Walls (352) 367-2526 Subcategory. Siding -nppovav oy uw n. ,apprvvais vy uern —.1 ve rrne..ev a.v ra— vy r.er 'y. contact Lis ; 2b01 Elair Stone Hoed. Teliehassee FL 32399 Phone: F The State of Flonda Is an Aai employer, COnvnp,ht 2D07-2013 State of Ficrldei Pnvuv Statemen tinder Fini law, email addresses art public records. Ff you do not want your el address released In response to a public -records request, do net send electronic mall to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by tradlilonal mall. If you have any questions, please contact 950.4a7.1395. -Pursuant to Section 15S.275(1), Florida Statutes, elfeRsve October 1, 2012, Ililicensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must Prorlde the Department with an email address if they have one- The emaas provided may be used for official communication rill the hceneee. However emaif addresses arc public record. if you do not wish to supply a personal address, ptease provide the Department with an Ill address which can be made available to the public. 7o determine If ynu are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., pal dick her. , Product Approval Aecapts: M ®®F� ■ Credit Card Sate https-11www,floridahuiiding.orglprlpr_app_Ist.aspx 111 Professional Regulation .. -- -,.d6 r Il�rrwwJ'r W' - - --',.- WS Home Loq In User Registration ' Hot TopkA Submll Surcharge Sins d Facts PLblwatkona Contact Us EIC1S SRe Map IJrnks 5, 1 r Product Approval USER - PubLc user Proautl Aoororal Menu a AppHutlon Detail FL * FL13192-R6 Application Type Revision Code Version 2020 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer James Hardie Building Products Address/Phone/Email 10901 Elm Ave Fontana, CA 92337 (909)641-0498 rathisba.sabaratnam@jhresearchusa.com Authorized Signature Rathisha Sabaratnam rathisha,sabaratnam@jhresearchusa.com Technical Representative Rathisha Sabaratnam Address/Phone/Email 10901 Elm Avenue Fontana, CA 90631 (909)641-0498 rathisha.sabaratnam@jhresearch usa com Quality Assurance Representative Rathisha Sabaratnam Address/Phone/Email 10901 Eim Avenue Fontana, CA 92337 (909)614-0498 rathisharsabaratnam@jhresearchusa.com Category Panel Walls Subcategory Siding Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the V. Andrew Tan Evaluation Report Florida License PE-81662 Quality Assurance Entity IntertekTesting Services NA, Inc. - QA Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2023 Validated By John Southard, P.E. Certificate of Independence Validation Checklist- Hardcopy Received a 11 1 !•-•-r.- Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Year ASTM C1186 2012 ASTM E330 2002 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 12/14/2020 Date Validated 01/05/2021 Date Pending FBC Approval 01/06/2021 Date Approved 02/09/2021 Summary of Products FL V Model, Number or Name 13192.1 Cemplank Lap Siding I Umlts of use Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: N/A Other: For use in HVHZ install in accordance with Mlami-Dade County Florida NOA 20-0730.06; for use outside HVHZ install In E: accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions. I I 13192.2 I HardiePlank Lap Siding Umlts of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: N/A Other: For use in HVHZ install In accordance with Miami -Dade County Florida NCA 20-0730.06; for use outside HVHZ install in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions. 13192.3 HardleShingle individual Shingles Umits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: N/A Other: 13192.4 HardieShingfe Panel Umits of Use Approved for use In HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHI: Yes j Irrfpad Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: N/A Other: Description fiber -cement lap siding Installation Instructions FL13192 R6 11 2001-10.2.1 HardiePlank A_nalysis.odf FL13192 R6 11 2001.10.2.2 HardieAank over WSP P�fysis.r�df FL13192 R6 II 2001-10.2.3 Plank Shingle over CMU Aoil1Y1II,Riif FL13192 R6 11 2001-1413 i Plank- P FL13192 R6 II Cem➢Lank-Install-Instr .ndf Verified By: V. Andrew Tan 81662 Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports FL13192 R6 AE 2001-10.2.1 HardiePlank Analvsis.isdf FL13192 R6 AE 2001-10.2.2 HardiePlank over WSP ARd1Y5I;i.ROf FL13192 R6 AE 2001-10.2.3 Plank Shingle over CMU AOa.lY515,R.0f FL13192 R6 AE 2001-14.3 NOA Hardie Plank -Panel - So fit.pd Created by independent Third Party: Yes fiber -cement lap siding Installation Instructions EL13192 R6_ 11 2001.10.2.1 HardiePlank Analysis.odf E113192 R5 11 2001-10.2.2 HardiePlank over W5P A11a1Y314.R3tf EL13192 R6 1E 2001-10.2.3 Plank Sh,ngle over CML) -AMYL po i W3192 R6 It 2001-14,3 NOA HQrdir Plank- Panel -Soff& Qjjf i FL13I92 R6 it HardiePlank-Instal - n r of Verified By: V. Andrew Tan 81662 Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports R6 A hargiePlank Analysis&& R6 AE 29gI-1Q.2.2HardWIank 90�1Y5.15..RSf1 i EL13192 R6 AE 2001-10.2.3 Plank Shingle over CMU i Aawy f i FL13192 R6 AE 2001.14.3 NOA Hardie Plank-Panel- Created by Independent Third Party: Yes fiber -cement Individual cladding shingles — — Installation Instructions j EL13192 R6 ]I 2001.10 2.4 Hardle$01Qc1 .6ULrsis.odf FILIJI32-R6 11 Hard leShing4p-111stall-Instr .Rli( Verified By: V. Andrew Tan 81662 Created by Independent Third Party: No I Evaluation Reports F -13192_Bf_A Hadie h IngjCADAjv_q5,W Created by Independent Third Party: Yes fiber -cement notched shingle panels (straight edge, staggered edge, half round edge) j Instaliation Instructions FLi3142 R6 I1 204 - In over CM E�192 R6 11 1001�,2.4 Hardle5hingy�AO�y�,p1([ FL13192 A6 Il Hardle5hlnq�]nstall-lns[r ,�df Verified By; V, Andrew TAn 01662 Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports FL13192 .sib, AE 200j-10.2.] Plank 5hinglr over CMU �i90IIiY315.RIIi FL13192 R6 AE 200114.2.4 HardteShingle Analy ILW Created by independent Third Party: Yes 13192.5 Prevail Lap Siding fiber -cement lap sidirq Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes EL13192 R6 11 2001-10.2,1 HardiePlank AnJj$.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL13192 R6 11 2001-10.2,2 HardiePlank over WSP Impact Resistant: N/A An81v515.Ddf Design PrlesSure: N/A FL13192 R6 It 2001-10.2.3_Plank Shingle over CMU Other: For use in HVHZ install in accordance with Miami -bade AnaEvsis,odf County Florida NOA 20-0730,06; for use outside HVHZ install in FL13192 R6 It 2001-14.3 NOA Hardie Plank -Pa I-S ifflt.Qdf accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions. FL13192 A6 It Prevail U -5idLng ns[a(1•Instr.odf Verified By: V. Andrew Tan 81662 Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports ;Z6 AE 2011irlardigRanArialyjai.22 FL13192 R6 AE 2001.10.2.2 HartlePtankaver WSP AnaMsis.11df FL13192 R6 AE 2COl-10.2.3 Plank Shingle over-CM.0 II A�31Yrsis.Ddf { FL13192 R6 AE 2g1-14 3 NOA Hardie Plank Panel - I Sofrit.Odf I Created by Independent Third Party; Yes 0 contact Us :: 2501 BlairPhone' 850-487-1HZ The State or nonoa is an AA/EEo employer. Copyright 2007-2013 Stale or nerds.:: pri,si Statement Accessebihty Statement 0.etund Statame^[ Under Florida law, email addresses are public records_ Ir you do not want your e-mail address reLased in response to a public -records request, do not send eleetropic maA to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phene or by traditional mail. If you have any 9uestons, please contact 850.487.1395. -Pursuant to Section 455.275(l Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, Ixens ies licensed under Chapter 455. F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The en ils provided may be used for offiaal communrtatlon with the licensee. Howeyer email Addresses are public record_ If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide me Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To dttermirx if you arc a rrcensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please cbck here . Product Approrat Ac"pts: "®®El■ Credit Card Safe CI*M James Hardie Bu4dii g Product. inc- CAE ErrgkwwbW Report No, 2001.10 22 OwcernOw 1, 2020 Papa 1 oft c.�ytw1 urar.N EVALUATION SUBJECT HATdfsPtank® Lop 31ding James Handle Product Trade Name■ covarod In this evaluation*. HerdleRank® Lap Siding CemnankA Skling, Pre,,wl n" Lap Siding EVALUATION SCOPE: ASCE 7. to 8 7.16 2017 Fkwwm 8010,49 Code(6lh Efton) and 2020 Flodda Building Code (71h Eddion) 2015 and 2015 Imarnntlonal Building CodsS EVALUATION PURPOSE: TrIH analysis Is to determine the maximum dssign 3.aacond gust wind speed to be resisted by an assembly of HardieRank (CemPfank. Preral Lap) siding Fastened to rood of metal ImmuV wood strudura# panels with nails or eclews- REFERENCE REPORTS: 1. Intndek Report 3148104COC-M2, Transvnrso load lasing on HardiePlank ant HerdiaPanel Fbor-Comanl parwls 2. Intartek Report 10OT17048C00-003, Transverse load testing on HeM.ePlank end HerdiaShingle TEST RESULTS: Table 1. Results of Transverse Load Twit Report Number 1149104COq-0a2 10071704ECO"03 Test A,)eAcy Inlanek Inlertek S,dlnq ThKknass in 0.3125 0.3126 03125 03125 Sidi,Widlh in 525 9.25 825 825 Frame and WSP Type Wood 2'x4'SPF w17f16' OSB sheathing Wood 2'x4-SPF w171T6' OSB nhealhmg Wood 2-x4-SPF w17116- OSB sheathmg Wood 2'x4'SPF w1 7116' OS8 sheathing Faslnner Spa ng tin ) 12 12 8 8 Fastener Type 48 .alerhead sera., 1- W'x 0. 375'l-ID $18 waferhaad straw, I. 5)8'x 0.375'HD 4d nog shank siting 15' x 0.090' x 0215' 4d nng shank siding 1.5"0.090'x 0215' Fastener Length mches 1.825 1 625 1.6 1 5 Fastening Method 8hnd screwed to OSB Blind screwed to 058 Bard screwed to OSB Blind screwed is OSS Ultimate Load 310.4 13e 6 752 198 Das n Load 51 103.5 46.3 5a7 156.0 Ettecit- TritiWarV Area 0 333 0.667 0 339 0.29I Fastener Lead , as tested (lGlfasiener) M.5 M.8 19.7 19.3 Adlusled withdrawal design bad (lb/fastener)', W 81a Bib 28.4 28.4 Not Fastener Panalr4uorr (in.), P 0.438 0 430 0.438 0.438 Wood Speofic Gravity". G 050 C 50 0.50 060 Nail Shank Diameter (in 7. O 0.164 0 164 0 090 0.090 W.thdrewaf design value per NDS 2018 (Vin ponet7abonf. W 1169 1169 40 5 40.5 Adlusled Design Load', psf No Adjustment No Adjustment No Adjustment No Ad}ustment 1, AJI-ble Design Load is the Ultimale Load dm,dad by a F8Gor of safety of 3 2. The siding product wrnplles wdh ASTM C1186, S7and.rd SpecAl ton for Grade 11, Type A Nan-msbeslos Fiber-Camen! Flat Sheets 3, The NDS feslonar adjusted withdrawal design values. W. are calculated using the following eeuadons W = Ci x 1800 x G' x D x P, Ca = 16 )deformed shank nails) C4-W.W laalenar rMhdr-ml m is Oaapared +eh t1a teat rfsua and tha - @xaeeat.. one lxta be used, W = Cd x 2850 x G' x D x P. Ca = 1.6 iwood screw) 4 Adjusted Design Load, when the fastener load from the testing exceeds the NDS Calmialed withdrawal CapaUty (W) = WIEBacina Trlhubry Area 5 The published specific gravity value for OSB In Table 12.3.38 NDS-201a n 0.50, 6. NOS Wdhd-1 aea-gn value (lbfinch Penelrabon). W Is calculated ea i-dows NDS Eq. 12 2-2 for wood screw, W = 2850 x G' x D NDS Ea 12 2-5 for deformed shank nails: W { 1800 x G' x 0 Hard,*Plsnkvv.m rnchae A S.2S h 0 167 -115.9 •19 3 625 +t u:nx -W6 ."13 7:5 f 02W -772 .1913 6 0 260 -74 1 -19 3 P 0 0'M •696 6.25 -ta! 6 0.292 a6.0 •1l.S t7: b 6 0 333 57 0 .19.3 A i 6 0 yi4 .56.1 •19.3 12 S 640 -43.1 -193 COOM lop liefrfe ekdo rg P+edkwks. IK CAL irtpYlaatlrgftWr1No, WI-t09P L' kvrt bm 1. n12D P".of4 For raises M b iC We Avow Nods sn calAadMM tw lrrtlbkwg the WAA-y W" b qt'h h om . , thm of y door 1c ad to wb fa.brwt W lv heel rt,rxW a !!1 tk W W �, axt at4laeabla d.6wn laws Ae .setaas rfaryl6pWl6 ea6ew end s1W opoic" cort lie d"I 0taO Tells k ANowable Doo" leads Bowdon CeneU WA rashnat Load, M we* haW -craws 0.37!' N0, 1661er:4n co—oafed Mlnd scrawl at W O.C. to VOP 6hea[trin0 only F•t S e5lnds waft FWg viPlAhk Design load s ugknsle fasure WWWQ4 - -310 4 pat: 3 • • 101.5 Pai EMP,'1 t b10Wsry a Itpksnk wktth esprwad 10 washer ( %slow st ,*Vv 144) a t(615.1 MI k 1"144 e 0 W sq fl r"imwr kW - ev.W kwd t oftAwv area • oW 5 -A (1. W + M i Lbutxlk For a 26 a1d1 "do t4anf~h Doew lead • uld"W" %a" boo 03 a • 136 6 Pell 3 • 461 W ERertM Wbutary a (T4w* *kOh aSvood to wootfwr X Iestrlr spaeirglit 441' tt9 25.1 11% K 12VIu • 0.667 04 R FasMwr Lard • day+ loW X w6inoy woa • 44 3.5 X 0.06 f . -s0.6 "oft III* hsslww k}*& ky all other plat* Vf wars answer k%pgp km Rnm the hid least MsW on P1wait width CeA rtMled I0Nad odrldNOn tYvided by stas ft a Wy for the �oru06nn to be.AL,"hid Hardw4°M mk Wldar 4 k 8 y a�0133Cf 5 d11F4 I: 1 6 It 2t 12 0 417 tl J13 6 '=4 i2 0500 -453 327 12 owl F23 324 12 0 tla Sa a 32 0 n:s 12 0M3 2.64 310 �'• 1" 0 it" 44 5 •v P +: 12 0do M6 -2P3 Table M Allowable 0"n Loads Based on Constant Fastener Lead, 4d ring shank Willing nail (1.S'sO.D!'.0. 215% fastenam concealed (bind ualll al!" O.G. to WSP 0941hmg only For 6 25 axi, urde t3.wU.P(ank D—p fowd - h—PM %&Nv )m6*08 • -152 poll 3 - -50.7 pat Enocbva tributary a {(Plank efdlh exposed to wsstlwr X IFAWW apoeingo 144) a ((6 25.1.25) )% OWt44 + 0,169 aq R, Faelenet bad + daa(gn bad X mbuesry area a 30.7 X 0-M6 •19.7 la 77u fammw bads kx el oFkx Plank width were tt ak,"ted baaW rxt it. same Iestanei toed K a&Wdted a04wa6le design kW • testelxr 1oec3 "W condIbon dtvkW by area mbtdary for the corKSW to be calculalecl Nwdmphm* Width x S 25 A 0i22 •eb-Y -19 7 A ".S 9 0175 -709 .19 7 725 13 033.) 59t -197 75 P 0:A7 567 -197 P F 0 175 52 5 -19 7 6.26 .152 6 0.Se6 59,7 .401 q 25 a 0 444 -44 3 -19.7 95 6 GAN -430 AP 12 6 0 597 -13 0 -19.7 Table 2C, Allowable Design Loads Based on Constant Fastelwr Load, Ad ring shark eldtrg nail (1.S"x0.00'a0.215"), fasteners concealed (blind nalll at 6" O.C, to WSP ahaalhing linty Far a 25 —h rMda Hewle Wank Design bad - uilkraate failure k adrFOS a -198 pay 3 e So.7 pef Eflectise 1nWlary' ItWa� w4dm aspOsed q weather X Iaeterlar eMGngy1441 • (l8 25.1 2S) K tly 141 e 0 292aq R Fastwwr Iced • d"lgn bad X tributary area a •66 X 0.292 - •1 B.3 Iba Th. fastener loads for all odtr plank wdth were c:ekWasd Naiad on the same Intoner load Catrullwd albwebis des- n load IaaiMer lost( tseied Carditknr dlndep by area Inrxstary for 1M raWit�ort b IH tali Weisel Chant: James Hardla Buedulg Product. Inc. CAE Englnearlrtg Report No 2001.102.2 December 1, 2020 Pape 3 Of 9 DESIGN WIND LOAD PROCEDURES: 'F oar-ramr it Mdarp tWWVDrw IOW specify (what load "pdCAyl 4 determined hfom transverse Iota Isel h accordance will, ASIM P330 or E72 as "ad in sawn, 4 Q M the CC E9 AC40, Aooefe-A C+Mrts for Flt w Cem.M 11i" Used as E4tadw Wall SkWq (apprvlad OchAier 2018), The albwade or drriyn rapalty bolo e1e testing Is haaad on a lKior O se" of 3 ■pll lorries tlarnaY feel load par ACDO The Wft bad vabeo are rMt.mtired lrum UW ASCI- 7 equ■Ikne Iinge ft aegwaWe design load M based an factor of surety of 3, allowable d"n loads on hbw-0enlarg alding 00rfWta d+rectiy 10 requlred design pressures la Aeo bla Strata oesgn, and thetwore s. ILA be used rrah cornbrvom b.dhg OW04Ww fa Allowable Slrns Design (ABU) (8y ull" it- can161r1o8ori baling awolions fix Ahowabls Stress Design tASD), Me, tested elk wat+le dssgn kud% fa 0bsr-tsinanl siding are aligned with Ms wild speed raqulremanh in ASCE 7.10 (Flgrr.e 20-S-IA, 26 5• IB end 26.6-I C) and ASCE 1.16 (Figures 26.5-IA to -10, 25 5-2A to -2DI. d the figures In"* building coda as spphrablo Equl(lon 1, q,-0W266'K,'1G'Kr-V (r.l ASCE 7-10Eq 303-1) q,a0.002S5'K,-K.-K.'K,1? (ref ASCE 7. 10 Ed 2a 10.1) cl, , vdIOCRV prawn at Might z K, , ft" pressure --VQ*u s coefficrant eivetualeld of height z K..lopograplk factor K. wind dsectionai ly faclor K. , ground elevation factor, permuted to take K, e 1 0 V , basic wind "od (3-sacood gust MPti) as determined from ASCE 7.10 Figures 26 S-'Al B, or C ASCE 7.18 Figures 20 5-IA, S. or 20.64A. B,C or 0 201515C Figures 11500.3(1). 11509 3e) Equation 2, V-vo (rot 2615 IBC 6 2017 FBC So aaen 1602 1 ds6nfflons) V,. , ultimaln desigh wind speeds (3-aecond goat MPH) delamined hwn 2017 FBC Figures 1609.3(1) • 1809 3(3), 2020 FBC Figures 169D 3(I l - 16M N41, Equation 3, p,dlj(GCwGG.) (rot ASCE 7.10 Eq. 30 4-1 or ASCE 7-f6 Eq 30 3- 11 q, . velocity pressure of mean roof height h GCx product of exlemal pressure wafhcisnl end gustbffmi factor GC" product of IMpnal pressure eoaglelonl end gual•eNect faclor p design pressure (PSF) for siding (ufowabie dasigo load for aidng) ro delarmu a design pvessino, suballfufa q, into Egvefipn 34 Equallon 4, p•0.002SB'K,'K.I(.- (GCpGC,f or paU 00750'K,'K.'iy'V,e1"(GC,rGC„I (rot 2015 6 20161BC) (ref 2017 end 2020 FBC) Akl "able Sfraes Design, ASCE 7-10 Sedion 2 4.1, toad combinshuo 7. Equation 8, 0.60 - 0 BW (ref ASCE 7.104 746 Sedkrl 24A Toed combinadbn 7) 0 . mad lose W w-nd load (toed due is wind pressure) To deloniiii the ARowabl. St»Se Oesfpn Pressure, apply the ked Iaclnr 16, W(Mod) from Equaboh 4 to p fdssign pressure) determined (film aquanon 4 Equation 6, p.,e' 0.VIp] Equation T. A„e-08.10 G0256'K,'I(„'Ke'V,a''(GC�rGCp,I Equaliun 7 is used to popufale Table 4. 5, and 6 To doles foa the allowable uftlmafe basic Mnd Speed for Hardie S1ding in Table T solve Equalled 7 for Vv,, Equation8, v,a.(pv.d00'0.00268'f(:Kn'W'IGC�GCedp" AIfl)1ltat" to malfxlds Vaciged 1n Excepaom 1 throWif 3 of (2015IBC. 2017 FBC) Secnnn 1a0g, r,1 , to defamltna Ora alkwable nOmIrw design wind speed (Vaadl for Hanna Stong r, T.bie 7, apply Equation e, Via a V.' ( er, (rat 2017 and 2020 FBC Eq. ll Vr a V' (0.6r r (ref 201.V2018 IBC Eq. 16-33) Vr , Nominal design wind Speed (34eednd gull mpn) V . Basic dospn wand speed (3-second gust. mph) Table 3 Coenlel"m and Constants used In D lanininling V and Hai hl tnI K Wall Zara 5 Exp B ASCE 1.16 F,p B E.p C Exp D K, G 0.15 0 57 0 7 0 85 103 h540 1 005 -1 4 0.1d 20 052 01 00 108 1 0AS -1.4 016 25 066 O r 004 1 12 1 085 -1 4 018 30 0 70 0 7 0 98 1 16 1 085 -1 4 0 18 35 073 073 101 1 ig 1 9.R5 -14 u 18 40 0.7e 078 104 122 1 085 -1.4 01a 45 0 T86 0 785 1 005 1 245 1 045 .14 (1 is 50 0.81 0.81 109 1 27 1 0.65 •1 4 C 18 55 O.a3 003 1 11 1 20 1 0 85 -1 4 D 16 60 065 0.85 111 131 1 085 .1.4 Die 100 0 90 0.99 1 26 1 1 43 h>60 1 O s5 •1 8 0 16 Ilia cbnlOrlants and constants haled in Table 3 nbove were Consistent fof ASCE 7-10 and ASCE 7.16 except for Nat Exposure B under 30 ft, where ASCE 7.10 Shows to use lower exposure coefficient Inal previous mdee used a moia conservative values (fesulled In higher design pressure)- For the simplicity of the tables, the tables in the 106owing shoal was populated uslrig the more Conservative ASCE 7.10 coefficients. Chant Jsmsa Mardis t31 MwV Products, Y1- CAE Enplrlealing R4gon No. 2001.10-2 2 06Calnbaf 1, 2020 Ps" 4 of 9 Tabh Allo"bls 3tm" Design -Cttm and Cl4ddsn C:C Pnraaury PSF to be Assisted at V4,AW& 1VIhd • -WWAlod laD"UPINCON41i YWd Spwd (3- 560000 100 106 110 115 120 130 140 150 1W 170 150 190 2D0 710 F1e R B 9 B a B B B B B B B B B B 0-15 -144 -15 9 011.5 -141 -20 8 -24.4 -28 3 42.5 37.0 41 7 •46.8 •52 1 •57.8 43 T 20 -144 -159 •17,5 -19.1 -20.8 -24.4 -283 32.5 37.0 4s7 46.8 521 -57,5 -63.7 25 -14 4 -150 .17.5 .191 -20 A •24.4 -28 3 .32.5 -37A .41 7 46 6 52 1 a7 6 43.T 30 -14,4 -159 •17.5 -141 -208 -244 -28.3 -325 37,0 417 468 521 -578 -63.7 35 .15.1 -16.6 -15.2 -19.9 -21 7 .254 -29.5 33 9 36 6 43 5 48 6 54 4 40 2 -W.4 40 -15.7 -17 3 -19 0 -20.T -22 6 •26 5 .307 -35 3 401 453 .508 .% 6 -62.7 49.1 45 -182 -11.9 -195 -21.4 •233 -2Ta 317 'U4 415 468 52-$ "9 449 .71.4 50 -16.7 •16 < -20.2 •22 1 •24 7 46.2 .32.7 316 42 8 48 3 .54.1 -80 3 46 6 -73.7 55 .17,1 -16.9 -20.7 •226 •24.7 -28 9 -33.6 -W 5 43 8 49 5 -55-5 51 6 -0 5 -75 5 60 .17.5 •19.3 -21.2 •232 1 -252 -296 1 J44 1 395 449 507 g6 X33 .701 -773 709 -256 -28.7 37.0 338 369 43.3 •502 -576 -6R -740 •629 -924 -1024 -1129 Tabia S. Allowable Sinus Des{ n - Coin nt and Cladding C\C Prime me JPSFJ to bs Reels tstl at 1Tadoue Wnd S • Wild Exposure Calog C Wind Speed (3- second st) 100 105M-22Z 115 120 130 140 150 I60 170 lea 190 200 210 14e hl 8 C C C C C C C C G C C C C 0-15 -17 5 -19 3 -23 2 -252 •29 6 -344 -39.5 4, 9 -50 7 -MA 43.3 .70" .773 20 -i6 9 -20.5 -246 -287 -314 364 -41.8 •47.5 537 .602 470 -74.3 419 25 -19A -214 .256 .279 -328 -380 -436 -49A -WD -628 .700 .77.8 455 .202 =22.3 -26.7 -291 -34 2 .39.6 455 .51 a SS4 .055 -730 40 9 -N235 -20.8 •23.0 •276 300 -352 408 469 -533 -602 -87.5 -752 .833 •919 40 •215 -23.7 -28.4 -30 9 36 3 42.0 48.3 -54 9 !2 0 59 5 -77 4 •8S 6 -91 6 45 -22.0 -24 2 -26.6 -29.1 -31 8 -37 1 431 49.4 .56.2 .635 •71,2 •79 3 •57 9 -t169 50 -22-5 -24.8 -27.T -29.7 32 4 -3811 44 1 50.11 -57.6 15 0 -72 9 41 2 49 9.2 55 -22.9 •25-2 -27.7 30.3 -33 0 38.7 44.9 51 5 -58.6 .2 -74 2 42 7 -01_6 -101.0 60 -23.3 -257 -20.2 365 -336 -394 45.7 52A -59-7 -674 -75,5 1 -841 -932 -102.8 100 -32.8 -35.9 -394 43,1 469 550 -638 -733 -834 -941 -1055 I •1178 I Al 1 •143,6 Tsb1e 6 Allowable Strns Dest n - Coin oneni and Claddin C&C Pnssurn PSF to ba Rnistsd al Variwa YMlnd Spsed. • VIA.d t:a C.tu.ry D Wind Speed (3- secord ust) 100 105 110 115 120 130 140 150 150 170 180 190 200 210 Height 0 D D D D D 0 D D D D D 0 D 0-15 •21.2 -23A .25.7 -26.1 -30 6 -35 9 -41 6 47.6 •54,4 .414 46.8 .76 7 -85 0 .937 20 -22.3 -24.6 •27.0 -29 5 32.1 .377 .437 •50 1 .57.0 44.4 .72.2 -60 4 49 1 48.2 25 -23,1 -25.5 -28.0 -30,6 -33.3 .39.0 45.3 -52,0 •59,1 -66.5 -74,9 434 -92.4 •1019 30 -23.9 -264 4W) -31.6 •34 5 404 46.9 .538 -61 3 -89.2 -77 5 •M 4 057 -1055 35 -24.5 •27.1 -28 7 -32.5 -35.3 41 5 48.1 .55.2 -62.8 •10 9 .79 5 •68 6 -96.2 -106 3 40 -252 .27.7 .30.5 -333 -38_2 42.5 -403 -M6 -64A -727 -815 •909 •1DO7 .1110 45 -25,7 -28.3 -31.1 34 0 -37.0 43.4 -50.3 37.5 45.7 •742 43 2 -921 .1027 •113.3 50 -26.2 -26.9 31.7 -3-4 6 37.7 44.3 -51.3 -mg $7 1 -75 7 -64 9 -94 8 -104 8 -115.5 55 -26.6 -29.3 •32.2 35.2 -W 3 450 -52.2 -59 9 -gal -76.9 -88 2 -90 1 .1084 -117 4 So .27.0 1 •29 9 1 -32.7 36 7 -38 9 45.7 0 -W 6 49.2 -76.1 •57 6 A7 $ -706 1 -119 2 10D -37.0 44 6 44 7 48,9 -53 2 -82 5 •725 .63.2 -94.6 -108 8 •119 A 1 -133 4 1 -147 9 1 -163-0 Tables 4, 5, and 6 era based on ASCE 7-10 and 7.16, and are consistent with the 20152018 IBC, and the 2017=20 Honda BuJding Code Liam imru Mardis 0,A*q Pmd�eY• Im. DacanEao 1 2020 Papa S d 0 BEE sommu �oommm®ammm .. nm®� am®� w�a�omomm��mmm mmnw m� ammm ammm aME= Amm:m ©mood®ma rmtmon ammm o®ommooa�¢saa� ammm mmmm nmmm m®®msiam?a®ammm �m.omom®��mmm �rroomm®��mmm ammm am®m �000mm®gym®tea ®o■rua�mmm��aa�m�ammm �oommm®ammm ammm ammm ®oommrr�m■®mammm m000000mmm® ammm ammm m0000®®mmrrromr mmaam�mommmasm ammm nmmm mmmm000mtmm aom�sm�oommmmmm ammm ammm 000®�®mmmmm ©omom®mm�m�mma mmmrmi mmmm o®mom®mmm®® mo®m®®®mmmm�nmmm �omommmmm�sm •ammm nmmm o®m®m®m�mmm ©®minim®m�mm® nmmm mmmm ©®mmmm��mmoa ®o®maw®m�mmm nmmm od®mtmmi+mrsamm ammm ammm nmmmn ®m®gym®ammm® oms�mmrr�or�mmasi ©min®®®ommaaa ammm ammm ommmmm�am�mama® min®a�oau�mmmmm�ammm �on�®�a��ammmm . ,ammm ammm �00��®0mm�n7 ammm nmmm mamm���amaaammaw o mm000a®a�amtmtaama amaa�m ammm ��a■unR®�a�mt�mmm amommmm ammm ammm araMraaa am■aus■mmoa�oarmrmanaasa omm:m nm�®tm r[:ntmmmm.®�we�mmt�n am■a�mm ®m■am,��mmasa�aams��m ■�aora�rm®�®mramm® •ammm ammm 0000®mrm�mmm adamarimaa®ate®® min® nmMM nmmm nm®m �amaa�®mo�mmaa� aaxa•attai000�amamm®am ■m�Qsommamo®mmm ammm mmm® m���oa�oo�mmm �rmrm®®oomarnma�a nmmm ammmm mmmmormao�maaa ommt�mrrm,®mmaa® nmmaFa mo®r�nm■oo�rma�m ammo® cbwt jww M WP IPID&M kx CAE FrgMrrp A*pon Ne. 200 -M22 oo rtlF' %, 2= pprt ?9 ��mmmmtmm@R:i�Q7 nm�� am M ©�mnn®mmtmmm�s am omm®minnt®mmmm om�m oo®Lm nm®M mm®�®�®mmm® ommmtm��mmmm m�m�■m�®mr�rmtc� �erc�s®ram nm®� o��raEam��mmm® mmm®®mommm®om®M mmmmm®mmmm om®� nm®nm ommnr■mm®mmmm mm■a�mrrten�m@r�rremr nmMM nm®m om®mm®mmmmm ©®�m.m®mmmmm nm®m nm�m o®�n�mi®mmm�sm mm®m®®mmMIm® nmMM nm�m �dm®mm®mmmmm om®m®��mm®m nm®m om®m om®�mm�mm®® ■�:n�■���mt�ammmm�om�nn • om®m� nm®m aim®mmmmmmm ��mmm®m�r..�mmm nm�em nm®m a���mmm®mmmmm �m�mm�mtm�mmmm om®m: nm®m �m®Mwo ,mmmm �m®�m�mmmm® omanm; am Mil �m®mmm mmmm awn m®mmmmnum nmMM! iamwmj a Imz �Muw omm®® �ss��—mmammt�rm�om��, �m®m��o®mmm • om�r�� om®�:, amim,®�mt�mm@mmr s��m��amtmmm® om®c�� nm®� o�®®mommmm ©®��rnmr�■ea®mmm omrnm. nmr�nm o®��Mtlmmmimm mmmm.m�rnmmKMKM em®m nm®m �sm�a�arrsmmmm omMM om®nm �sm�amrr�ramm®® srn®�nntoarsmQ,ar�®�nm®� mm�m.m,®mmmmm-. nm®EM a omm<m��mmmm �Mnw <mmReammmmm nMIMM nmMM amo��m��m@imm ■rr�mamm®mmmm nmenm nmrmm mrs�m®®mmmm ■�mr�m�mmm amp UMMM mmmm nm®m smmmi�®mmmkm �m�■mtm®mm®mi r�mn��®®m■�r�®® om�mm �ms��mt�mmmmm�nm�� m:amm�am®m@Rram • nmm4M oo����mm@wpm nm®� ommgm @m® iFi1®®® @mmm 007®® nmMm ��mtm��®mmmm a��m��■dmmmm nm®my nmMcm nmgMWm ms�mmmmmmom o���m��mmmm ©o�mm■ammmwm nmMM nmi®� am�namm�mm®m ���m�nw®�mwmmao�snlm �mn��®�mmmm�s • om�n� ■txn<m�m,m�am®mmm® nm®m n®Mnn romp®�s�®�nimmm Qn mm®n s a mmm mmmm o��mnsm�mmmm nmKnM UMIMMn UMMM o��mrmm�mmmm © �n�ra mw®mmmm MmMM omQa� o�n�n�®®�■�mnam �a�mm�mommm®e�dm®� CWt Jem.. wry. 9A.* P—MM. b� C,M Ery.,." Rpw p4. 2oc1.i3 u DO..Dw 1. = P.p7aI TABLE 7 . MAXIMUM WIND SPEEDS (MPH) HARVIEP wommmomwous OEM 811111111 am®ate ;al MEN mmm®mm��mmmm a®� nm®� ommm®m�mmma=a om n mm® m ®®®®mmmm ©m®m®m®mmmm nmatt� am ®NO ommm®®■ =MMIM ma�aa®®momm®m�ommIm �aa®®m®m®mmm . • om®m UM oaama;■mma�®mmm ma a�aa,m oar rmm�m n ommm mm ■o■aaaama®a�■xa�mrxama ®aama®aa,®mammas ommm ammRm omm®®®®®mmm mmm®mm®mmm® am®m nmmm so�m®®ma��mmmas ©®®®m®mmm®m nmmm au3m gm Qua a a �csa mason ����®OtQ®mmas�nmmm aaa�®®®mmmmm .. 0Rraaam nmmm �rrmamrmammmas Qmm��a�ws�■mm® ommm ommm mwamsm�®®®mmmas ■�m�m®®®mmmm ommm nm®rm wea■s MM �ma®m®mmmm® nmmm nmmm asw�mm®�m�mmasa ©®�maaa�m®m naamm ommm o�®®®m�astam.ma�rr�m mme®®m��mrm�mmmanm®m �®man.m®�mmr�wm . ,ommm ommm ®��mmaam r■mmm ©®�mm� mmmas nmimm ommm o®�maa��mmmm wmla�am■®®rmmmmmoa ammm nmmm om®mm�mmmmem mwr�m�■����amm� ommm ommm mm m��m�mme■m,m®aa omonm nmm,�m ommm®aaQs�awm®® m®®eaaoaaammm®ammo, �®®®®�■omn��armm ' ommm arm am, o®®�manamamsmmm ©ma a amaa,m�mMEMN ommm ommmm o®�m�s�■m�mmos m■�®marmo���mmos ommmm mmmm om®®m��r�mmm m�mm�a�ma��mmx nmmm ommmm ommm®m�pmmasm rr�r�rrmmo�mameas nmmm nmmm ��mA�w��o�mamas® mm®amosnaa�■masas�aammm �®®®®m�wasrmmas •ommm ommm o®®m®rastoammas ����ma�m�mmas ommm ommnm o��maomamwmmm ©�m�®mra�msaaoa nmmm ommm o®�®®mLammma�ras m®®®�mosmA�smr� a®mm aemmm o®oot® omam.maaias mw� wa: maws nmmm nmmm o �a�m®m aa�imrm® ammm �mo�aia�am.mmas ' nmmm nmmnm omo �a�ammmm ®m© r�®a�nrsamar mmmm uFmmm Amm mm mmm o�m�rmf�ma Rmmmm ammrm am, Imrm amlmmm mmm®a aim® mlw m nommm ommmm ��aa�a���sraamm oo®m r�r rim®m ou3mm am=m. ���rma �m®�asasan ■mn�+rmr� ���a�twnaasm�ammm uem 2wm Halle N"g P,uductr. I -- CAE E,ngel6u V NOW No IOO1-1022 Dilcowew 1.2020 Pap 0 of B 7A&LE 7-MAxIMOM WINO SPEE 09 (AMPHI HARM PLANK LAP 71OINGt 201MA20 FBC IUltlmah 2017 FOO 2070 FEU Daegn W1ed. Speed. 2011 IOC (Nalldrul V.'•, 2616 IBC lank Door Wind, sped 0ee16n VF v Speed, V•) V_"1 hppkxbk w weagae •gclMi b aerate low 1.1 r 2017 FOG, iat w 110 F s1m?, Y a6F Foe App—hill N nalpee• epe[1M ti U..V we 1 .—V.1 pa 6ec11m '4111c .1 02017 FK Sal Fac"loin RC Ceeleclue uW in 7bW 6 w.ed.ewn M V Wr1d e.�r cart lYrOe Fii+dxtl T`-J-1 f .tF"Ei) WCOt 1e1(ir1 Faawrr 7 FasiM1M Fe11� T TPee Fattlamr Sgawy ftimJ "drq hwow 1-1 6 C D 9 G O Faeealae awF Ip5F1 Fwa tm C EMU CC, GC, P15 I-M 157 142 13A 121 110 y 1 01 C65 t � +Yl 1 015 -t 41 c 1e 20 173 152 139 134 116 196 {il 07 00 ud 1 1 aes .'{ C'6 25 177 la9 137 1m 115 106 1] 1 0, 09r 112 1 a6$ -1 { 2X1 eta(a1 30 177 tab 1.4 134 113 10{ a31 07 0 M 116 '4d�41W 5f16 12 aWP eelr,e R a21S FIO IS klS long nae BIe1d lgied to WSF a 29 �- .leaf frerti„p, 711s- ar31 WSP 1Ma011q fi 1 Offi 35 169 tN 1>2 13i I11 l0] a3! 913 t 01 , •a 1 Md 1 Oae .ta 0•9 40 166 Ill 171 126 119 tOt .171 0.T6 1.p !2l 45 iW I40 1X1 126 106 100 i3.1 07K mm 12a5 I 6A1 , GK -1.4 -1l a,a a•6 56 161 136 126 12a 107 99 411 05' 1w !21 55 1% 137 127 123 106 1 W a31 0.61 111 ,29 1 095 { 0!a 6D 157 tad 125 121 105 1 93 -.11 O n 111 IT 1 c e5 - a oil 100 13C 115 10t 69 t 0K I 1m 1 1,0 -.00 0 -,■ 0to t- eweeKP, teal D• f aawrarlca wP.1611G nNre>�e TlCLG01i 2 Ferwr Iw¢1 a11e1 d +1Ac vn 4 Wewete D� t`de d tiv Visa flrrtliq bl' ae IKw IN• h Ir7s ell 3 MI thwdF 1a 1 Bu6ey11B 11e1gW=11rar, rocs nagN f6, leal or a b ddllg. umpt Ow ire he6lld N1a6 be used tar roof angle O lams thw w equal W 10' (2-12 mw slop). a. Yr -1d dergn —4 7pwe i V.= lood t. mw end speed 6, rd110 "MW 6fb h DWAl wmnpe pw Swaw• 30A d ASCE 740 ar1C ASCE 7.16c "I. K. 0.55. GJ' Ce�I A lkM). GC1.6 [r1a691. GC•-0.16 7 2917 and n20 F9C scram -33 1609.3.I Ea. 16. V, a V,496r' IL V e ere 000,, a is m 9. 2016 OCS SP, 16093-1 E>116,73, Vr=Y(0 are 1a r+sa att•p+ewle m.rn1.,6. h ,..00,■eur d INe aryeR arlperw em er1M a deep,letl to nlelq 61e n1al.etl loll wale m V,e loll.. LMAITATiONS OF USE: 11 In Hqp VW —Ay Hu M Za1n (HVHZ) ns ml pa id1a11114Gade Cavdy Fkom, NOA 17-0408.06