HomeMy WebLinkAboutFILLED LANDS AFFIDAVIT - 11 LOS GATOS1, the llazm�ped; am the ownee bf t ' wing descri, bed Part of dhe fono I bfe applied to.St Lucie County for this FI�181 Developmailt.perail't, R? _?qunb,r I above de8oxibed proper4n and in accordance, Land Development Cdde, I shall be ZzZ—resp onsibip"m4edldtec6nantV&&L _NOT b -ad"rael graftting thijpaeznirf6r �Oj )pox liable to j..Co;.V. ._. . . . I .. Bi.eith -�. 1'00.rof, or-iraittainin any f6hm will not adversely affec, , ins! Development pm.,Mt, In accep �:, I acknowledge that as. owne Oaction 7.04.01(D), St..tucie Cot assuring adequate Me . . drainage so that further tekaowledge the TTY.; 31. Lucie Count yl . . xnejdvx-pblit -46te: drair-ai.e 0& ImypcopecEy *h; Mai thew J;,Vl e Property Owner Name Propevyowner sigliiture Date SrAT.SOFFLORMA.-coU,qSylbr--St-- �Lu�b:Le ACXKOWLEOC6D'SZ-FORZME-,V, I igy Mat t,h ne OR W140 WAS PIMOUM SYGNATUIPE OF moTA:py TYPE 6A (SEAL) UQROEiYANNSASK;N mycomm;;ON # HH 04543 NVW4 EXPIRES:Octob,,2,2o24 Of in 40B 0