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Electrical Riser Diagram
MARTIN COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT 900 SE RUHNIM STREET STUART, FL 34994 (772)288-5916 ,y permitting@martin.fl.us Text:202-937-0892 ELECTRICAL RISER DIAGRAM NOT TO SCALE *Use for Temporary Construction Power Pole and Single Family Service Change Only For any other electrical applications apply Florida Building Code 107.3.5 Electrical 1. Wiring; Services; Feeders & Branch Circuits; Over Current Protection; Grounding; Wiring Methods & Materials; GFCI 2. Equipment 3. Special Occupancies 4. Emergency Systems 5. Communication Systems 6. Low Voltage 7. LoadCalculations 8. Design F1oodElevation 1. Size Service: I 2tc) 2. Conductor Size: 0 © cu ❑ ALUM ' 3, a. Meter Main; M ze Dual Electrodes or TestRequired b. Meter Can Only: ❑ CONSTRUCTION TYPE: Residential 6 —ItkAp `-)O\e ❑ Mobile Home ❑ New Installation ❑ Old Installation ADA Accessibility Disclosure Statement — This document may be reproduced upon request in an alternative format by contacting the County ADA Coordinator (772) 320-3131, the County Administration Office (772) 288-5400, Florida Relay 711, or by completing our accessibility feedback form atwww.martin.fl.us/accessibility-feedback. Rev. 06-21