HomeMy WebLinkAboutLease-Change-Of-OwnershipTV6 Holdings LLO SBA OWNERSHIP CHANGE FORM (flame Change) October 22. 2020 Submitted By,. Andrea Carly Please ohenge the Ground Lessor inSormatIon as noted below on the lalloyiin-q Site- 5ile Name; TC 5R-70 site ID, FL17050-A-0 Previeus Owner Payee AROOO of St. Lucia, Inc- & Address: Attn: lMlc#rael L. Adams P.Q. Box 12909 Ft. Pierce, FL 34979 VendorlD= ID0042 New owner Payee; Adams Ranch, Ino, New Payee l-andlard & P,O- Banc 12909 Remit lv Address; Fort Pierce, FL 34979 New Telephone, (772) 461-6321 New Cell; N; A New Fax. (772) 461-6874 New E-rnall= deonnaadarnsrartchggrnail-coin New Oantavl: Michael L. Adams, Presidenl New W-9; Yes Revenue SherIng- No Printable Status; Yes Revised COI Submitted: Yes Notes (it necessary): Per the allac had merger does, please update P M D to relied "Adams Ranch. Inc." as Owner Payee - Silo Administratlon Approval. 54lLIron HLAV'ghton ial22l2 Sharon Haughton Data Approved vta EMAU - AttAchO Nancy Caecavale Date SBA OWNERSHIP CHANGE REQUEST FORM Rear.* rotaro kris form along with ttta "ested docunwntation, # any, to the address istod Wow, To expedite this matter. You may fax doournents to Andrea Carty, David Pfovenclier or Jessica Breau In Site Administration at fax number (5611 226-3501 cr email tv &tarty 5basi#e,aom, dprovencher@sbasite,corn or abreau@sbasita. Mdillnfl Address: SBA Communications and its Subsidiaries, Ater Site Administration 0051 Congress Avenue, So= Raton, FL 33457-1307 SfTE ID: 1'LIMO-A-G _ _ _ SITE RAAJ TC SR-70 Sr EADDRESS: 24BBO OkevChobea Raa4 PL Pieroe, FL 3MS- ARCCO of S. LW Inc , as " prevfts mmff(s) of the proWy referemed 40ove is fegL*stinq lima SBA Update 1hPir re+corm to re+fW the ohange in ownership. effective IMI0 202U (DATE), Please stlach Ikea fdiowiig required applicable docurraengsj. W-9 Forme Lamar 1 Briar Cwrwe irtfarrnatianr Name AROCO of St LuCie Inc. Address number, sines, etc. Athr, Michael Lm Adam-, P-0, fd m 12900 Stale and Zip Cove Ft Pierce, FL U970 Horne andior O fiae Phone # I -- Mmw Chrr" ininrrnmKhm Name Adorns Ratrioli lnc, Address nwbar, sl etc P O Box 12909 Cil , Slate and Zip, Code Fort P FL U979 772 14321 P h one# Cel Phone# Fax # 772 -461-687 4 Email Address dflnnnaadamsranch email -cam If tie sigma n is a barfnpas rspresamarrve, pease -ndicare the title of Hw signarory under the "FWm !+lama'' Una Print Name. Michael L. Adams Title (if applicab le j Fre sutr n # signed — Print Nam,_ y TRIO (if applicable). Date: 10)21) 2020. - __.-- ARTICLES OF MERGER The fol1mving -.irlicks of merger um vub,nittrd irk :wcvedunve %vith 1h4 1.1krida 13uxin g Cnrporation Act. pips-s av to ;:ttiion 60 7. 11 US, l Iciriklu 5takka o- FIRST: The r5.triw mid jur6diciimi ol'4hc mirti'ivinL tinkilv-- J [Ifisdicfio l 1?11tily TYM DA MS RANCH, INC. Florida Corporation SYCIiNDf 'r1ic rianic acid juri-ilickion uI-cwh mi•roici r!crig ibiv vatity: hLm JtIrisdivLitill ARCCO OF ST. L U IE, LLC Fiorlda E y-I`n Lim iled Uability Cyr rripanv [irk non dappik-Alc) 586 09CL1111011 Nunn r Nr kir,u�n�appi�c:,hl�M L1 COO 41033 jAU kq1-� T1u mLC: �vr wits-Lppnpv%. l 1w eitch C101 lcsk.ic mcrgi11 CWTHIn.[iilml In ix-iunlumt with ,,(307.1 101( IXh). F.., and lry 1hc-L-Wnic Iaw gowniing Ilic other jzrrtkm W the r erpr- F00WI'll: P11,W 0WVk tYnC 411 1hC b1-W!S INA aihirly %s Sut'I#in edici - 171i Lnlit}'v0sls t>m.-fiore Ihk: juergerand is ticrinuslit 1iligvnli y. Q 'i`alis trlsity exists Ix-ron; N. nherger tlkw es IWI atHNpfi d to t unsaket him ift-Li ill Florida. Q I`hii L!ulity* ct4ls l rJ+rC lhL rKkerger and is :I dorftslir 1iIh�;cntet}�.:u�[l its }�rticltSoJ'�rl�[srlxtrJliUrl art: lk�rl� -jowk od irk iLllauIhul' 0 1WS enfitV k M3LOO tx'tlx IhltrVLrand i5:r vkxileslic LorpOw;ativn,u„d the rlrtiJcsol'Iiworixsralion ade all:lcltttd Th'.q 4rvtrly iS U tTrle,J"Ji4' L:ILihi C11ttLu and k Hot a dcnsc.iic frow7wr OkIll Milt] Is bcinr. Pine ded in cunim-cllon w4h alris raxrgr:r a-; arrarllo& Q This tn1l4r is a dorlicAlic cligiblc colity Wing ertawd as v msull oflhc niergcr. Tiv. puirlle nrpn,c record ol'the surviwrr is w1actwd_ -Phis I.7,kl v is errrl-d by llrc ni rgur and is dornailc adotllolic Ijai ued Iialrilinr parsnurship_ its swiohicilr rfifquoliiicniion ix azwbod. FlFr1l: I'IcaLv cbeLk otte c,fthe br w!i thm opfAp Lo dCrmLsiiE crrrpar:nit>tla; 113 pinll ul`n1 r Nn w7as iipprrn'&:cl by Lax Shnrchslkimaim I L`ach selxarllc vnisig tpAp &r. required, O I'h4 talan OIL nx i-Svr did nrlt mgtrir: approval by IhL ehnreholdcrs, IXTIt. I`iV-,L'; e1WA box hebvw ifalpplivabli IQ (mvign caqartlions The Nnicipwiotrorthe rumigil c;orllao:16411L WtKduly akiftrind ill VC0PrdiMCC Id Ill TIT tl1M1ira1iool'5 organic I; WSr SF_Afk1l�^III: I 11cow rrhCCk ho-, Is lkrxt if 3ppii4%Ab1L to dODWStic ix fiwciSmi orssn corporaiiuiiU), ❑ Parlieipalionorthedauxsticar foreign umcorptxalion(s) wLm duly Lilo >griyptd in weryrrrlmiceWidledCil.Of SLK11 cli�il~Ic t oriruc t'ft%y, &G}i'r'fi: If o[kcr dRUI dM! date of G li% th-e deImyed rf eefiwe date of the merger, which c anm be pnor Io nor moFr ihm 94 dsys after the date this 4neumem is filed by the I-Mda Drptutmcm of Mate. sum #fdw dmic insemcd in this blocR dms not mmi the applicable s[a[w[ory Ming requirmtms, tW5 date will no[ be I is[e+d ms dte docmim's c lTcOve dote on the Dcpu=nt of Slatc't accords_ INILliTIS: Sipatuts{sj for EW, P"; — — T�jed or P6mcd Dame of En6tyf0rvudxuiwt sgn ore s : Nrrx of lndn•rduzi: ADAMS RANCH, I, INC. �� . � MIC"AEL L. aa►US.Prff3Wmn ARCCO OF ST. LU IE, LLC ADAMS RANCH, INC., Manager and Sole Member 8y_b11GHAn L ADWS,Prns►GMl Corpmt6mR Crcncrel pamc[Ships Florida L=iiod Parmerships: Nron-Florkdo.Limiled ftr=rships: i,inuud Liabiliry Companira' Ch6mmn, Vivr Chi7imm-6 NgSiden[ rvOffj r f{fr?r,sYpunridre y/�»ee,rfroraror_1 Sigrteturc pf geoCrel Pttr[ner Or aulhori3.ed POM Signuures of all veneraJ P=Ncrs SigArOnat Df 8 8CnC7al PaJSnCF iignmure of an au[honxed person