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APPROVED Structural-Analysis-Report
TES Project Number: 105956 Page 1 April 27, 2021 Phone (972) 483-0607, Fax (972) 975-9615 1320 Greenway Drive, Suite 600, Irving, Texas 75038 Structural Analysis Report Existing 250 ft Central Tower Self Supporting Tower Customer Name: SBA Communications Corp Customer Site Number: FL17050-A Customer Site Name: TC SR-70 Carrier Name: T-Mobile (App#: 150703, v2) Carrier Site ID / Name: A2P0309M / SFL880-3_200-GTP Hwy 70 Site Location: 24880 Okeechobee Road Ft. Pierce, Florida SAINT LUCIE County Latitude: 27.376600 Longitude: -80.578800 Analysis Result: Max Structural Usage: 49.2% [Pass] Max Foundation Usage: 44.7% [Pass] Additional Usage Caused by New Mount/Mount Modification: +0.2% Report Prepared By: Ram Kodali TES Project Number: 105956 Page 2 April 27, 2021 Introduction The purpose of this report is to summarize the analysis results on the 250 ft Central Tower Self Supporting Tower to support the proposed antennas and transmission lines in addition to those currently installed. Any modification listed under Sources of Information was assumed completed and was included in this analysis. Sources of Information Tower Drawings Central Tower, Dwg # SS-1366-1, dated 8/10/03 Foundation Drawing Not available Geotechnical Report Morrison Hershfield Corporation, Project SR70, dated 8/1/03 Mount Analysis TES, Project # 105661, dated 4/1/21 Analysis Criteria The feasibility analysis was performed in accordance with the requirements and stipulations of the TIA- 222-H. In accordance with this standard, the structure was analyzed using TESTowers, a proprietary analysis software. The program considers the structure as an elastic 3-D model with second-order effects and temperature effects incorporated in the analysis. The analysis was performed using multiple wind directions. Wind Speed Used in the Analysis: 151 mph (3-Sec. Gust) (Ultimate wind speed) Wind Speed with Ice: No Ice Service Load Wind Speed: 60 mph + 0” Radial ice Standard/Codes: TIA-222-H / 2018 IBC / Florida Building Code, 7th Edition (2020) Exposure Category: C Risk Category: II Topographic Category: 1 Crest Height: 0 ft Seismic Parameters: SS = 0.051, S1 = 0.028 This structural analysis is based upon the tower being classified as a Risk Category II; however, if a different classification is required subsequent to the date hereof, the tower classification will be changed to meet such requirement and a new structural analysis will be run. TES Project Number: 105956 Page 3 April 27, 2021 Existing Antennas, Mounts and Transmission Lines The table below summarizes the antennas, mounts and transmission lines that were considered in the analysis as existing on the tower. Proposed Carrier’s Final Configuration of Antennas, Mounts and Transmission Lines Information pertaining to the proposed carrier’s final configuration of antennas and transmission lines was provided by SBA Communications Corp. The proposed antennas and lines are listed below. See the attached coax layout for the line placement considered in the analysis. Items Elevation (ft) Qty. Antenna Descriptions Mount Type & Qty. Transmission Lines Owner - 248.0 6 CellMax CMA-BDHH/6520/E0-8 - Panel Connect-It Wireless (3) VF13-XX-96 (3) 1.24" Hybrid (6) 7/8” T-Mobile - 3 Andrew DBXNH-6565B-A2M - Panel - 3 Nokia FRIE - 3 Nokia FXFB - 3 Nokia FRIG - 1 Raycap ASU9338TYP01 Items Elevation (ft) Qty. Antenna Descriptions Mount Type & Qty. Transmission Lines Owner 1 248.0 3 Commscope FFVV-65C-R3-V1 - Panel Site Pro (3) VFA12-HD-S (2) 1.24" Hybrid (3) 1.996" Hybrid T-Mobile 2 3 Andrew DBXNH-6565B-A2M - Panel 3 3 CellMax CMA-BDHH/6520/E0-8 - Panel 4 3 Nokia FRIE 5 3 Ericsson Radio 4480 6 3 Ericsson Radio 4460 7 1 Raycap ASU9338TYP01 TES Project Number: 105956 Page 4 April 27, 2021 Analysis Results The results of the structural analysis, performed for the wind and ice loading and antenna equipment as defined above, are summarized as the following: Tower Component Legs Diagonals Horizontals Max. Usage: 46.2% 49.2% 13.2% Pass/Fail Pass Pass Pass Foundations Compression (Kips) Uplift (Kips) Shear (Kips) Original Design Reactions 785.4 700.7 73.1 Analysis Reactions 441.1 355.1 44.1 Factored Reactions* 1060.3 945.9 98.7 % of Design Reactions 41.6% 37.5% 44.7% * Per section 15.6.2 of the TIA-222-H standard, factored reactions were obtained by multiplying a 1.35 factor to the original design reactions. Actual installed foundation information is not available for the analysis of the existing foundation. Since the reactions calculated from the current analysis are less than those indicated on the original structural design drawing, the foundations are assumed to be adequate to resist the reactions from the current analysis. TES Project Number: 105956 Page 5 April 27, 2021 Service Load Condition (Rigidity): Operational characteristics of the tower are found to be within the limits prescribed by TIA-222 for the installed antennas. The maximum twist/sway at the elevation of the proposed equipment is 0.1464 degrees under the operational wind speed as specified in the Analysis Criteria. Conclusions Based on the analysis results, the existing structure was found to be adequate to safely support the existing and proposed equipment and meet the minimum requirements per the TIA-222 Standard under the design basic wind speed as specified in the Analysis Criteria. TES Project Number: 105956 Page 6 April 27, 2021 Standard Conditions 1. This analysis was performed based on the information supplied to (TES) Tower Engineering Solutions, LLC. Verification of the information provided was not included in the Scope of Work for TES. The accuracy of the analysis is dependent on the accuracy of the information provided. 2. The structural analysis was performance based upon the evidence available at the time of this report. All information provided by the client is considered to be accurate. 3. The analyses will be performed based on the codes as specified by the client or based on the best knowledge of the engineering staff of TES. In the absence of information to the contrary, all work will be performed in accordance with the latest relevant revision of ANSI/TIA-222. If wind speed and/or ice loads are different from the minimum values recommended by the ANSI/TIA-222 standard or other codes, TES should be notified in writing and the applicable minimum values provided by the client. 4. The configuration of the existing mounts, antennas, coax and other appurtenances were supplied by the customer for the current structural analysis. TES has not visited the tower site to verify the adequacy of the information provided. If there is any discrepancy found in the report regarding the existing conditions, TES should be notified immediately to evaluate the effect of the discrepancy on the analysis results. 5. The client will assume responsibility for rework associated with the differences in initially provided information, including tower and foundation information, existing and/or proposed equipment and transmission lines. 6. If a feasibility analysis was performed, final acceptance of changed conditions shall be based upon a rigorous structural analysis. Type:Self Support Site Name:TC SR-70 Height:250.00 (ft) 4/27/2021 Page: 1 Base Shape:Triangle Base Width:25.00 Base Elev:0.00 (ft) Structure: FL17050-A-SBA Top Width:4.00 Basic WS:151.00 Basic Ice WS:0.00 Operational WS:60.00 Code:EIA/TIA-222-H Section Properties Sect Leg Members Diagonal Members Horizontal Members SAE 5X5X0.3125 1-2 SOL 5 3/4" SOLID SAE 4X4X0.375 3 SOL 5 1/2" SOLID SAE 4X4X0.25 4 SOL 5 1/4" SOLID SAE 3.5X3.5X0.3125 5 SOL 5" SOLID SAE 3X3X0.375 6 SOL 4 3/4" SOLID SAE 3X3X0.25 7 SOL 4 3/4" SOLID SAE 2.5X2.5X0.3125 8 SOL 4 1/2" SOLID SAE 2.5X2.5X0.25 9 SOL 4 1/4" SOLID SAE 2.5X2.5X0.1875 10 SOL 4" SOLID SAE 2.5X2.5X0.25 11 SOL 3 1/2" S0LID SOL 1 1/8" SOLID SOL 1 1/8" SOLID12SOL 2 1/2" SOLID SOL 1" SOLID SOL 1" SOLID13SOL 2 1/4" SOLID Discrete Appurtenances Attach Elev (ft) Force Elev (ft)Qty Description 250.00 1 Beacon250.00 250.00 1 Lightning rod250.00 248.00 3 FFVV-65C-R3-V1248.00 248.00 3 VFA12-HD-S248.00 248.00 3 DBXNH-6565B-A2M248.00 248.00 3 CMA-BDHH/6520/E0-8248.00 248.00 3 FRIE248.00 248.00 3 Radio 4480248.00 248.00 3 Radio 4460248.00 248.00 1 ASU9338TYP01248.00 Linear Appurtenances Elev From (ft) Elev To (ft)Qty Description 0.00 250.00 1 Safety Cable 0.00 250.00 1 Step bolts (ladder) 0.00 250.00 1 W/G Ladder 0.00 248.00 2 1.24" Hybrid 0.00 248.00 3 1.996" Hybrid Base Reactions Max Uplift: Max Down: -355.08 Leg Overturning 441.10 Max Shear:44.08 Moment:8902.08 Total Down: Total Shear: 89.78 74.49 (kips )(kips )(kips ) (ft-kips) (kips) (kips) Copyright © 2021 by Tower Engineering Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved. 4/27/2021 Page: 2 Structure: FL17050-A-SBA Type:Self Support Site Name:TC SR-70 Height:250.00 (ft) Base Shape:Triangle Base Width:25.00 Base Elev:0.00 (ft)Top Width:4.00 Basic WS:151.00 Basic Ice WS:0.00 Operational WS:60.00 Code:EIA/TIA-222-H Copyright © 2021 by Tower Engineering Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved. Type:Self Support Site Name:TC SR-70 Height:250.00 (ft) 4/27/2021 Page: 3 Structure: FL17050-A-SBA - Coax Line Placement Copyright © 2021 by Tower Engineering Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved. Loading Summary Structure:FL17050-A-SBA Site Name:TC SR-70 Height:250.00 (ft) 4/27/2021 Page: 4 Code:EIA/TIA-222-H Exposure:C Gh:0.85 Base Elev:0.000 (ft) Crest Height:0.00 Site Class: IIStruct Class: D - Stiff Soil Topography:1 Discrete Appurtenances Properties IceNo Ice Attach Elev (ft)Description Qty Weight (lb) CaAa (sf) Weight (lb) CaAa (sf) Len (in) Width (in) Vert Ecc (ft) Depth (in)Ka Orientation Factor Beacon 1 36.00 2.720 3.00075.00250.00 28.000 17.500 17.500 0.0001.00 1.00 Lightning rod 1 50.00 3.000 2.26026.00250.00 120.000 1.000 1.000 0.0001.00 1.00 FFVV-65C-R3-V1 3 183.40 21.120 0.0000.00248.00 95.900 25.200 9.300 0.0000.90 0.72 VFA12-HD-S 3 630.79 18.900 20.925900.00248.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000.75 0.75 DBXNH-6565B-A2M 3 54.00 8.250 0.0000.00248.00 73.400 11.900 7.100 0.0000.90 0.80 CMA-BDHH/6520/E0-8 3 62.00 9.050 0.0000.00248.00 64.600 15.900 5.000 0.0000.90 0.70 FRIE 3 55.00 2.810 0.0000.00248.00 19.300 17.500 5.300 0.0000.80 0.67 Radio 4480 3 93.00 2.700 0.0000.00248.00 21.800 15.400 7.500 0.0000.80 0.75 Radio 4460 3 109.00 2.150 0.0000.00248.00 17.000 15.110 11.900 0.0000.80 0.80 ASU9338TYP01 1 19.00 3.200 0.0000.00248.00 20.400 18.900 5.800 0.0001.00 1.00 2,801.00 10Number of Appurtenances : Totals:3,666.5724 Copyright © 2021 by Tower Engineering Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved. Loading Summary Structure:FL17050-A-SBA Site Name:TC SR-70 Height:250.00 (ft) 4/27/2021 Page: 5 Code:EIA/TIA-222-H Exposure:C Gh:0.85 Base Elev:0.000 (ft) Crest Height:0.00 Site Class: IIStruct Class: D - Stiff Soil Topography:1 Linear Appurtenances Properties Weight (lb/ft) Width (in) Pct In Block Spread On Faces Bundling Arrangement Elev. From (ft)Description Elev. To (ft)Qty Cluster Dia (in) Out of Zone Spacing (in) Orientation Factor Ka Override 0.00 250.00 Safety Cable 0.38 100.00 3 Individual NR 1 0.27 N 1.00 1.00 0.00 250.00 Step bolts (ladder)0.63 100.00 3 Individual NR 1 1.04 N 1.00 1.00 0.00 250.00 W/G Ladder 2.00 100.00 1 Individual NR 1 6.00 N 1.00 1.00 0.00 248.00 1.24" Hybrid 1.12 100.00 1 Individual NR 2 1.10 N 1.00 1.00 0.00 248.00 1.996" Hybrid 2.00 100.00 1 Individual NR 3 1.10 N 1.00 1.00 Copyright © 2021 by Tower Engineering Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved. Structure:FL17050-A-SBA Site Name:TC SR-70 Height:250.00 (ft) 4/27/2021Code:EIA/TIA-222-H Exposure:C Base Elev:0.000 (ft) Section Forces Page: 6IIStruct Class:Topography:1Gh:0.85 Crest Height:0.00 Site Class:D - Stiff Soil Sect Seq qz (psf) Total Flat Area (sqft) Ice Round Area (sqft) Sol Ratio Cf Df Wind Height (ft)Dr Ice Thick (in) Eff Area (sqft) Linear Area (sqft) Ice Linear Area (sqft) Total Weight (lb) Weight Ice (lb) Struct Force (lb) Linear Force (lb) Total Force (lb) Ice Dead Load Factor:0.00 1.2D + 1.0W 151 mph Wind at Normal To Face Wind Load Factor:1.00 Total Round Area (sqft) Wind Importance Factor:1.00 Dead Load Factor:1.20 Ice Importance Factor:1.00 1.2D + 1.0W Normal WindLoad Case: 42.14 61.075 0.00 0.16 2.72 1.00 1 10.0 1.00 0.00 70.05 18.73 0.00 12,228. 1 0.0 6828.64 540.40 7,369.0419.20 48.69 56.479 0.00 0.17 2.71 1.00 2 30.0 1.00 0.00 65.13 18.73 0.00 11,819. 1 0.0 7302.05 624.48 7,926.5219.20 54.22 41.574 0.00 0.14 2.79 1.00 3 50.0 1.00 0.00 49.62 18.73 0.00 10,641. 2 0.0 6380.79 695.38 7,076.1718.36 58.20 37.997 0.00 0.15 2.78 1.00 4 70.0 1.00 0.00 45.75 18.73 0.00 8,397.1 0.0 6289.28 746.42 7,035.7017.53 61.36 30.154 0.00 0.14 2.81 1.00 5 90.0 1.00 0.00 37.58 18.73 0.00 7,876.9 0.0 5510.87 786.98 6,297.8516.69 64.01 23.238 0.00 0.13 2.84 1.00 6 110.0 1.00 0.00 30.37 18.73 0.00 7,133.8 0.0 4696.15 820.94 5,517.0915.86 66.30 20.664 0.00 0.14 2.81 1.00 7 130.0 1.00 0.00 27.78 18.73 0.00 6,162.8 0.0 4393.86 850.32 5,244.1815.86 68.33 15.170 0.00 0.14 2.82 1.00 8 150.0 1.00 0.00 22.05 18.73 0.00 5,568.4 0.0 3613.08 876.33 4,489.4115.02 70.16 13.213 0.00 0.15 2.77 1.00 9 170.0 1.00 0.00 19.93 18.73 0.00 4,762.9 0.0 3294.12 899.73 4,193.8514.19 71.82 11.409 0.00 0.17 2.69 1.0010190.0 1.00 0.00 17.99 18.73 0.00 4,025.4 0.0 2956.25 921.05 3,877.3013.35 73.35 9.941 0.00 0.21 2.58 1.0011210.0 1.00 0.00 16.12 18.73 0.00 3,405.7 0.0 2587.81 940.66 3,528.4711.68 74.77 0.000 0.00 0.17 2.69 1.0012230.0 1.00 0.00 8.47 18.73 0.00 2,363.9 0.0 1446.86 958.85 2,405.7114.58 75.77 0.000 0.00 0.16 2.72 1.0013245.0 1.00 0.00 3.95 7.99 0.00 999.1 0.0 693.14 422.16 1,115.306.82 85,384.4 0.0 66,076.59 Sect Seq qz (psf) Total Flat Area (sqft) Ice Round Area (sqft) Sol Ratio Cf Df Wind Height (ft)Dr Ice Thick (in) Eff Area (sqft) Linear Area (sqft) Ice Linear Area (sqft) Total Weight (lb) Weight Ice (lb) Struct Force (lb) Linear Force (lb) Total Force (lb) Ice Dead Load Factor:0.00 1.2D + 1.0W 151 mph Wind at 60° From Face Wind Load Factor:1.00 Total Round Area (sqft) Wind Importance Factor:1.00 Dead Load Factor:1.20 Ice Importance Factor:1.00 1.2D + 1.0W 60° WindLoad Case: 42.14 61.075 0.00 0.16 2.72 0.80 1 10.0 1.00 0.00 57.83 18.73 0.00 12,228. 1 0.0 5637.84 540.40 6,178.2319.20 48.69 56.479 0.00 0.17 2.71 0.80 2 30.0 1.00 0.00 53.83 18.73 0.00 11,819. 1 0.0 6035.63 624.48 6,660.1019.20 54.22 41.574 0.00 0.14 2.79 0.80 3 50.0 1.00 0.00 41.30 18.73 0.00 10,641. 2 0.0 5311.48 695.38 6,006.8618.36 58.20 37.997 0.00 0.15 2.78 0.80 4 70.0 1.00 0.00 38.15 18.73 0.00 8,397.1 0.0 5244.62 746.42 5,991.0517.53 61.36 30.154 0.00 0.14 2.81 0.80 5 90.0 1.00 0.00 31.55 18.73 0.00 7,876.9 0.0 4626.48 786.98 5,413.4616.69 64.01 23.238 0.00 0.13 2.84 0.80 6 110.0 1.00 0.00 25.73 18.73 0.00 7,133.8 0.0 3977.57 820.94 4,798.5115.86 66.30 20.664 0.00 0.14 2.81 0.80 7 130.0 1.00 0.00 23.65 18.73 0.00 6,162.8 0.0 3740.22 850.32 4,590.5415.86 68.33 15.170 0.00 0.14 2.82 0.80 8 150.0 1.00 0.00 19.01 18.73 0.00 5,568.4 0.0 3115.83 876.33 3,992.1615.02 70.16 13.213 0.00 0.15 2.77 0.80 9 170.0 1.00 0.00 17.29 18.73 0.00 4,762.9 0.0 2857.43 899.73 3,757.1614.19 71.82 11.409 0.00 0.17 2.69 0.8010190.0 1.00 0.00 15.71 18.73 0.00 4,025.4 0.0 2581.29 921.05 3,502.3413.35 73.35 9.941 0.00 0.21 2.58 0.8011210.0 1.00 0.00 14.13 18.73 0.00 3,405.7 0.0 2268.56 940.66 3,209.2211.68 74.77 0.000 0.00 0.17 2.69 0.8012230.0 1.00 0.00 8.47 18.73 0.00 2,363.9 0.0 1446.86 958.85 2,405.7114.58 75.77 0.000 0.00 0.16 2.72 0.8013245.0 1.00 0.00 3.95 7.99 0.00 999.1 0.0 693.14 422.16 1,115.306.82 85,384.4 0.0 57,620.63 Copyright © 2021 by Tower Engineering Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved. Structure:FL17050-A-SBA Site Name:TC SR-70 Height:250.00 (ft) 4/27/2021Code:EIA/TIA-222-H Exposure:C Base Elev:0.000 (ft) Section Forces Page: 7IIStruct Class:Topography:1Gh:0.85 Crest Height:0.00 Site Class:D - Stiff Soil Sect Seq qz (psf) Total Flat Area (sqft) Ice Round Area (sqft) Sol Ratio Cf Df Wind Height (ft)Dr Ice Thick (in) Eff Area (sqft) Linear Area (sqft) Ice Linear Area (sqft) Total Weight (lb) Weight Ice (lb) Struct Force (lb) Linear Force (lb) Total Force (lb) Ice Dead Load Factor:0.00 1.2D + 1.0W 151 mph Wind at 90° From Face Wind Load Factor:1.00 Total Round Area (sqft) Wind Importance Factor:1.00 Dead Load Factor:1.20 Ice Importance Factor:1.00 1.2D + 1.0W 90° WindLoad Case: 42.14 61.075 0.00 0.16 2.72 0.85 1 10.0 1.00 0.00 60.89 18.73 0.00 12,228. 1 0.0 5935.54 540.40 6,475.9319.20 48.69 56.479 0.00 0.17 2.71 0.85 2 30.0 1.00 0.00 56.66 18.73 0.00 11,819. 1 0.0 6352.23 624.48 6,976.7119.20 54.22 41.574 0.00 0.14 2.79 0.85 3 50.0 1.00 0.00 43.38 18.73 0.00 10,641. 2 0.0 5578.81 695.38 6,274.1918.36 58.20 37.997 0.00 0.15 2.78 0.85 4 70.0 1.00 0.00 40.05 18.73 0.00 8,397.1 0.0 5505.79 746.42 6,252.2117.53 61.36 30.154 0.00 0.14 2.81 0.85 5 90.0 1.00 0.00 33.06 18.73 0.00 7,876.9 0.0 4847.58 786.98 5,634.5616.69 64.01 23.238 0.00 0.13 2.84 0.85 6 110.0 1.00 0.00 26.89 18.73 0.00 7,133.8 0.0 4157.21 820.94 4,978.1515.86 66.30 20.664 0.00 0.14 2.81 0.85 7 130.0 1.00 0.00 24.68 18.73 0.00 6,162.8 0.0 3903.63 850.32 4,753.9515.86 68.33 15.170 0.00 0.14 2.82 0.85 8 150.0 1.00 0.00 19.77 18.73 0.00 5,568.4 0.0 3240.14 876.33 4,116.4715.02 70.16 13.213 0.00 0.15 2.77 0.85 9 170.0 1.00 0.00 17.95 18.73 0.00 4,762.9 0.0 2966.60 899.73 3,866.3314.19 71.82 11.409 0.00 0.17 2.69 0.8510190.0 1.00 0.00 16.28 18.73 0.00 4,025.4 0.0 2675.03 921.05 3,596.0813.35 73.35 9.941 0.00 0.21 2.58 0.8511210.0 1.00 0.00 14.62 18.73 0.00 3,405.7 0.0 2348.37 940.66 3,289.0311.68 74.77 0.000 0.00 0.17 2.69 0.8512230.0 1.00 0.00 8.47 18.73 0.00 2,363.9 0.0 1446.86 958.85 2,405.7114.58 75.77 0.000 0.00 0.16 2.72 0.8513245.0 1.00 0.00 3.95 7.99 0.00 999.1 0.0 693.14 422.16 1,115.306.82 85,384.4 0.0 59,734.62 Sect Seq qz (psf) Total Flat Area (sqft) Ice Round Area (sqft) Sol Ratio Cf Df Wind Height (ft)Dr Ice Thick (in) Eff Area (sqft) Linear Area (sqft) Ice Linear Area (sqft) Total Weight (lb) Weight Ice (lb) Struct Force (lb) Linear Force (lb) Total Force (lb) Ice Dead Load Factor:0.00 0.9D + 1.0W 151 mph Wind at Normal To Face Wind Load Factor:1.00 Total Round Area (sqft) Wind Importance Factor:1.00 Dead Load Factor:0.90 Ice Importance Factor:1.00 0.9D + 1.0W Normal WindLoad Case: 42.14 61.075 0.00 0.16 2.72 1.00 1 10.0 1.00 0.00 70.05 18.73 0.00 9,171.0 0.0 6828.64 540.40 7,369.0419.20 48.69 56.479 0.00 0.17 2.71 1.00 2 30.0 1.00 0.00 65.13 18.73 0.00 8,864.3 0.0 7302.05 624.48 7,926.5219.20 54.22 41.574 0.00 0.14 2.79 1.00 3 50.0 1.00 0.00 49.62 18.73 0.00 7,980.9 0.0 6380.79 695.38 7,076.1718.36 58.20 37.997 0.00 0.15 2.78 1.00 4 70.0 1.00 0.00 45.75 18.73 0.00 6,297.8 0.0 6289.28 746.42 7,035.7017.53 61.36 30.154 0.00 0.14 2.81 1.00 5 90.0 1.00 0.00 37.58 18.73 0.00 5,907.7 0.0 5510.87 786.98 6,297.8516.69 64.01 23.238 0.00 0.13 2.84 1.00 6 110.0 1.00 0.00 30.37 18.73 0.00 5,350.4 0.0 4696.15 820.94 5,517.0915.86 66.30 20.664 0.00 0.14 2.81 1.00 7 130.0 1.00 0.00 27.78 18.73 0.00 4,622.1 0.0 4393.86 850.32 5,244.1815.86 68.33 15.170 0.00 0.14 2.82 1.00 8 150.0 1.00 0.00 22.05 18.73 0.00 4,176.3 0.0 3613.08 876.33 4,489.4115.02 70.16 13.213 0.00 0.15 2.77 1.00 9 170.0 1.00 0.00 19.93 18.73 0.00 3,572.2 0.0 3294.12 899.73 4,193.8514.19 71.82 11.409 0.00 0.17 2.69 1.0010190.0 1.00 0.00 17.99 18.73 0.00 3,019.1 0.0 2956.25 921.05 3,877.3013.35 73.35 9.941 0.00 0.21 2.58 1.0011210.0 1.00 0.00 16.12 18.73 0.00 2,554.2 0.0 2587.81 940.66 3,528.4711.68 74.77 0.000 0.00 0.17 2.69 1.0012230.0 1.00 0.00 8.47 18.73 0.00 1,772.9 0.0 1446.86 958.85 2,405.7114.58 75.77 0.000 0.00 0.16 2.72 1.0013245.0 1.00 0.00 3.95 7.99 0.00 749.3 0.0 693.14 422.16 1,115.306.82 64,038.3 0.0 66,076.59 Copyright © 2021 by Tower Engineering Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved. Structure:FL17050-A-SBA Site Name:TC SR-70 Height:250.00 (ft) 4/27/2021Code:EIA/TIA-222-H Exposure:C Base Elev:0.000 (ft) Section Forces Page: 8IIStruct Class:Topography:1Gh:0.85 Crest Height:0.00 Site Class:D - Stiff Soil Sect Seq qz (psf) Total Flat Area (sqft) Ice Round Area (sqft) Sol Ratio Cf Df Wind Height (ft)Dr Ice Thick (in) Eff Area (sqft) Linear Area (sqft) Ice Linear Area (sqft) Total Weight (lb) Weight Ice (lb) Struct Force (lb) Linear Force (lb) Total Force (lb) Ice Dead Load Factor:0.00 0.9D + 1.0W 151 mph Wind at 60° From Face Wind Load Factor:1.00 Total Round Area (sqft) Wind Importance Factor:1.00 Dead Load Factor:0.90 Ice Importance Factor:1.00 0.9D + 1.0W 60° WindLoad Case: 42.14 61.075 0.00 0.16 2.72 0.80 1 10.0 1.00 0.00 57.83 18.73 0.00 9,171.0 0.0 5637.84 540.40 6,178.2319.20 48.69 56.479 0.00 0.17 2.71 0.80 2 30.0 1.00 0.00 53.83 18.73 0.00 8,864.3 0.0 6035.63 624.48 6,660.1019.20 54.22 41.574 0.00 0.14 2.79 0.80 3 50.0 1.00 0.00 41.30 18.73 0.00 7,980.9 0.0 5311.48 695.38 6,006.8618.36 58.20 37.997 0.00 0.15 2.78 0.80 4 70.0 1.00 0.00 38.15 18.73 0.00 6,297.8 0.0 5244.62 746.42 5,991.0517.53 61.36 30.154 0.00 0.14 2.81 0.80 5 90.0 1.00 0.00 31.55 18.73 0.00 5,907.7 0.0 4626.48 786.98 5,413.4616.69 64.01 23.238 0.00 0.13 2.84 0.80 6 110.0 1.00 0.00 25.73 18.73 0.00 5,350.4 0.0 3977.57 820.94 4,798.5115.86 66.30 20.664 0.00 0.14 2.81 0.80 7 130.0 1.00 0.00 23.65 18.73 0.00 4,622.1 0.0 3740.22 850.32 4,590.5415.86 68.33 15.170 0.00 0.14 2.82 0.80 8 150.0 1.00 0.00 19.01 18.73 0.00 4,176.3 0.0 3115.83 876.33 3,992.1615.02 70.16 13.213 0.00 0.15 2.77 0.80 9 170.0 1.00 0.00 17.29 18.73 0.00 3,572.2 0.0 2857.43 899.73 3,757.1614.19 71.82 11.409 0.00 0.17 2.69 0.8010190.0 1.00 0.00 15.71 18.73 0.00 3,019.1 0.0 2581.29 921.05 3,502.3413.35 73.35 9.941 0.00 0.21 2.58 0.8011210.0 1.00 0.00 14.13 18.73 0.00 2,554.2 0.0 2268.56 940.66 3,209.2211.68 74.77 0.000 0.00 0.17 2.69 0.8012230.0 1.00 0.00 8.47 18.73 0.00 1,772.9 0.0 1446.86 958.85 2,405.7114.58 75.77 0.000 0.00 0.16 2.72 0.8013245.0 1.00 0.00 3.95 7.99 0.00 749.3 0.0 693.14 422.16 1,115.306.82 64,038.3 0.0 57,620.63 Sect Seq qz (psf) Total Flat Area (sqft) Ice Round Area (sqft) Sol Ratio Cf Df Wind Height (ft)Dr Ice Thick (in) Eff Area (sqft) Linear Area (sqft) Ice Linear Area (sqft) Total Weight (lb) Weight Ice (lb) Struct Force (lb) Linear Force (lb) Total Force (lb) Ice Dead Load Factor:0.00 0.9D + 1.0W 151 mph Wind at 90° From Face Wind Load Factor:1.00 Total Round Area (sqft) Wind Importance Factor:1.00 Dead Load Factor:0.90 Ice Importance Factor:1.00 0.9D + 1.0W 90° WindLoad Case: 42.14 61.075 0.00 0.16 2.72 0.85 1 10.0 1.00 0.00 60.89 18.73 0.00 9,171.0 0.0 5935.54 540.40 6,475.9319.20 48.69 56.479 0.00 0.17 2.71 0.85 2 30.0 1.00 0.00 56.66 18.73 0.00 8,864.3 0.0 6352.23 624.48 6,976.7119.20 54.22 41.574 0.00 0.14 2.79 0.85 3 50.0 1.00 0.00 43.38 18.73 0.00 7,980.9 0.0 5578.81 695.38 6,274.1918.36 58.20 37.997 0.00 0.15 2.78 0.85 4 70.0 1.00 0.00 40.05 18.73 0.00 6,297.8 0.0 5505.79 746.42 6,252.2117.53 61.36 30.154 0.00 0.14 2.81 0.85 5 90.0 1.00 0.00 33.06 18.73 0.00 5,907.7 0.0 4847.58 786.98 5,634.5616.69 64.01 23.238 0.00 0.13 2.84 0.85 6 110.0 1.00 0.00 26.89 18.73 0.00 5,350.4 0.0 4157.21 820.94 4,978.1515.86 66.30 20.664 0.00 0.14 2.81 0.85 7 130.0 1.00 0.00 24.68 18.73 0.00 4,622.1 0.0 3903.63 850.32 4,753.9515.86 68.33 15.170 0.00 0.14 2.82 0.85 8 150.0 1.00 0.00 19.77 18.73 0.00 4,176.3 0.0 3240.14 876.33 4,116.4715.02 70.16 13.213 0.00 0.15 2.77 0.85 9 170.0 1.00 0.00 17.95 18.73 0.00 3,572.2 0.0 2966.60 899.73 3,866.3314.19 71.82 11.409 0.00 0.17 2.69 0.8510190.0 1.00 0.00 16.28 18.73 0.00 3,019.1 0.0 2675.03 921.05 3,596.0813.35 73.35 9.941 0.00 0.21 2.58 0.8511210.0 1.00 0.00 14.62 18.73 0.00 2,554.2 0.0 2348.37 940.66 3,289.0311.68 74.77 0.000 0.00 0.17 2.69 0.8512230.0 1.00 0.00 8.47 18.73 0.00 1,772.9 0.0 1446.86 958.85 2,405.7114.58 75.77 0.000 0.00 0.16 2.72 0.8513245.0 1.00 0.00 3.95 7.99 0.00 749.3 0.0 693.14 422.16 1,115.306.82 64,038.3 0.0 59,734.62 Copyright © 2021 by Tower Engineering Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved. Structure:FL17050-A-SBA Site Name:TC SR-70 Height:250.00 (ft) 4/27/2021Code:EIA/TIA-222-H Exposure:C Base Elev:0.000 (ft) Section Forces Page: 9IIStruct Class:Topography:1Gh:0.85 Crest Height:0.00 Site Class:D - Stiff Soil Sect Seq qz (psf) Total Flat Area (sqft) Ice Round Area (sqft) Sol Ratio Cf Df Wind Height (ft)Dr Ice Thick (in) Eff Area (sqft) Linear Area (sqft) Ice Linear Area (sqft) Total Weight (lb) Weight Ice (lb) Struct Force (lb) Linear Force (lb) Total Force (lb) Ice Dead Load Factor:0.00 1.0D + 1.0W 60 mph Wind at Normal To Face Wind Load Factor:1.00 Total Round Area (sqft) Wind Importance Factor:1.00 Dead Load Factor:1.00 Ice Importance Factor:1.00 1.0D + 1.0W Normal WindLoad Case: 6.65 61.075 0.00 0.16 2.72 1.00 1 10.0 1.00 0.00 72.00 18.73 0.00 10,190. 1 0.0 1108.21 85.32 1,193.5319.20 7.69 56.479 0.00 0.17 2.71 1.00 2 30.0 1.00 0.00 67.41 18.73 0.00 9,849.2 0.0 1193.28 98.60 1,291.8819.20 8.56 41.574 0.00 0.14 2.79 1.00 3 50.0 1.00 0.00 51.99 18.73 0.00 8,867.7 0.0 1055.57 109.79 1,165.3618.36 9.19 37.997 0.00 0.15 2.78 1.00 4 70.0 1.00 0.00 47.94 18.73 0.00 6,997.5 0.0 1040.51 117.85 1,158.3617.53 9.69 30.154 0.00 0.14 2.81 1.00 5 90.0 1.00 0.00 39.61 18.73 0.00 6,564.1 0.0 917.12 124.25 1,041.3816.69 10.11 23.238 0.00 0.13 2.84 1.00 6 110.0 1.00 0.00 32.21 18.73 0.00 5,944.8 0.0 786.34 129.62 915.9515.86 10.47 20.664 0.00 0.14 2.81 1.00 7 130.0 1.00 0.00 29.65 18.73 0.00 5,135.7 0.0 740.38 134.26 874.6415.86 10.79 15.170 0.00 0.14 2.82 1.00 8 150.0 1.00 0.00 23.68 18.73 0.00 4,640.4 0.0 612.70 138.36 751.0615.02 11.08 13.213 0.00 0.15 2.77 1.00 9 170.0 1.00 0.00 21.27 18.73 0.00 3,969.1 0.0 554.84 142.06 696.8914.19 11.34 11.409 0.00 0.17 2.69 1.0010190.0 1.00 0.00 19.02 18.73 0.00 3,354.5 0.0 493.55 145.42 638.9713.35 11.58 9.941 0.00 0.21 2.58 1.0011210.0 1.00 0.00 16.67 18.73 0.00 2,838.1 0.0 422.54 148.52 571.0611.68 11.80 0.000 0.00 0.17 2.69 1.0012230.0 1.00 0.00 8.47 18.73 0.00 1,969.9 0.0 228.44 151.39 379.8314.58 11.96 0.000 0.00 0.16 2.72 1.0013245.0 1.00 0.00 3.95 7.99 0.00 832.6 0.0 109.44 66.65 176.096.82 71,153.7 0.0 10,855.01 Sect Seq qz (psf) Total Flat Area (sqft) Ice Round Area (sqft) Sol Ratio Cf Df Wind Height (ft)Dr Ice Thick (in) Eff Area (sqft) Linear Area (sqft) Ice Linear Area (sqft) Total Weight (lb) Weight Ice (lb) Struct Force (lb) Linear Force (lb) Total Force (lb) Ice Dead Load Factor:0.00 1.0D + 1.0W 60 mph Wind at 60° From Face Wind Load Factor:1.00 Total Round Area (sqft) Wind Importance Factor:1.00 Dead Load Factor:1.00 Ice Importance Factor:1.00 1.0D + 1.0W 60° WindLoad Case: 6.65 61.075 0.00 0.16 2.72 0.80 1 10.0 1.00 0.00 59.78 18.73 0.00 10,190. 1 0.0 920.19 85.32 1,005.5219.20 7.69 56.479 0.00 0.17 2.71 0.80 2 30.0 1.00 0.00 56.12 18.73 0.00 9,849.2 0.0 993.33 98.60 1,091.9319.20 8.56 41.574 0.00 0.14 2.79 0.80 3 50.0 1.00 0.00 43.67 18.73 0.00 8,867.7 0.0 886.73 109.79 996.5318.36 9.19 37.997 0.00 0.15 2.78 0.80 4 70.0 1.00 0.00 40.34 18.73 0.00 6,997.5 0.0 875.57 117.85 993.4217.53 9.69 30.154 0.00 0.14 2.81 0.80 5 90.0 1.00 0.00 33.58 18.73 0.00 6,564.1 0.0 777.49 124.25 901.7416.69 10.11 23.238 0.00 0.13 2.84 0.80 6 110.0 1.00 0.00 27.56 18.73 0.00 5,944.8 0.0 672.88 129.62 802.5015.86 10.47 20.664 0.00 0.14 2.81 0.80 7 130.0 1.00 0.00 25.52 18.73 0.00 5,135.7 0.0 637.18 134.26 771.4415.86 10.79 15.170 0.00 0.14 2.82 0.80 8 150.0 1.00 0.00 20.64 18.73 0.00 4,640.4 0.0 534.19 138.36 672.5515.02 11.08 13.213 0.00 0.15 2.77 0.80 9 170.0 1.00 0.00 18.62 18.73 0.00 3,969.1 0.0 485.89 142.06 627.9414.19 11.34 11.409 0.00 0.17 2.69 0.8010190.0 1.00 0.00 16.74 18.73 0.00 3,354.5 0.0 434.35 145.42 579.7713.35 11.58 9.941 0.00 0.21 2.58 0.8011210.0 1.00 0.00 14.68 18.73 0.00 2,838.1 0.0 372.13 148.52 520.6511.68 11.80 0.000 0.00 0.17 2.69 0.8012230.0 1.00 0.00 8.47 18.73 0.00 1,969.9 0.0 228.44 151.39 379.8314.58 11.96 0.000 0.00 0.16 2.72 0.8013245.0 1.00 0.00 3.95 7.99 0.00 832.6 0.0 109.44 66.65 176.096.82 71,153.7 0.0 9,519.91 Copyright © 2021 by Tower Engineering Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved. Structure:FL17050-A-SBA Site Name:TC SR-70 Height:250.00 (ft) 4/27/2021Code:EIA/TIA-222-H Exposure:C Base Elev:0.000 (ft) Section Forces Page: 10IIStruct Class:Topography:1Gh:0.85 Crest Height:0.00 Site Class:D - Stiff Soil Sect Seq qz (psf) Total Flat Area (sqft) Ice Round Area (sqft) Sol Ratio Cf Df Wind Height (ft)Dr Ice Thick (in) Eff Area (sqft) Linear Area (sqft) Ice Linear Area (sqft) Total Weight (lb) Weight Ice (lb) Struct Force (lb) Linear Force (lb) Total Force (lb) Ice Dead Load Factor:0.00 1.0D + 1.0W 60 mph Wind at 90° From Face Wind Load Factor:1.00 Total Round Area (sqft) Wind Importance Factor:1.00 Dead Load Factor:1.00 Ice Importance Factor:1.00 1.0D + 1.0W 90° WindLoad Case: 6.65 61.075 0.00 0.16 2.72 0.85 1 10.0 1.00 0.00 62.84 18.73 0.00 10,190. 1 0.0 967.20 85.32 1,052.5219.20 7.69 56.479 0.00 0.17 2.71 0.85 2 30.0 1.00 0.00 58.94 18.73 0.00 9,849.2 0.0 1043.32 98.60 1,141.9219.20 8.56 41.574 0.00 0.14 2.79 0.85 3 50.0 1.00 0.00 45.75 18.73 0.00 8,867.7 0.0 928.94 109.79 1,038.7318.36 9.19 37.997 0.00 0.15 2.78 0.85 4 70.0 1.00 0.00 42.24 18.73 0.00 6,997.5 0.0 916.81 117.85 1,034.6617.53 9.69 30.154 0.00 0.14 2.81 0.85 5 90.0 1.00 0.00 35.09 18.73 0.00 6,564.1 0.0 812.40 124.25 936.6516.69 10.11 23.238 0.00 0.13 2.84 0.85 6 110.0 1.00 0.00 28.73 18.73 0.00 5,944.8 0.0 701.24 129.62 830.8615.86 10.47 20.664 0.00 0.14 2.81 0.85 7 130.0 1.00 0.00 26.55 18.73 0.00 5,135.7 0.0 662.98 134.26 797.2415.86 10.79 15.170 0.00 0.14 2.82 0.85 8 150.0 1.00 0.00 21.40 18.73 0.00 4,640.4 0.0 553.81 138.36 692.1815.02 11.08 13.213 0.00 0.15 2.77 0.85 9 170.0 1.00 0.00 19.28 18.73 0.00 3,969.1 0.0 503.12 142.06 645.1814.19 11.34 11.409 0.00 0.17 2.69 0.8510190.0 1.00 0.00 17.31 18.73 0.00 3,354.5 0.0 449.15 145.42 594.5713.35 11.58 9.941 0.00 0.21 2.58 0.8511210.0 1.00 0.00 15.17 18.73 0.00 2,838.1 0.0 384.74 148.52 533.2511.68 11.80 0.000 0.00 0.17 2.69 0.8512230.0 1.00 0.00 8.47 18.73 0.00 1,969.9 0.0 228.44 151.39 379.8314.58 11.96 0.000 0.00 0.16 2.72 0.8513245.0 1.00 0.00 3.95 7.99 0.00 832.6 0.0 109.44 66.65 176.096.82 71,153.7 0.0 9,853.69 Copyright © 2021 by Tower Engineering Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved. Structure:FL17050-A-SBA Site Name:TC SR-70 Height:250.00 (ft) 4/27/2021Code:EIA/TIA-222-H Exposure:C Base Elev:0.000 (ft) Force/Stress Compression Summary Page: 11IIStruct Class:Topography:1Gh:0.85 Crest Height:0.00 Site Class:D - Stiff Soil Member Force (kips)Load Case Len (ft) Bracing % KL/R Fy (ksi) Mem Cap (kips) Leg Use %ControlsX Y ZSect Top Elev LEG MEMBERS SOL - 5 3/4" SOLID -434.60 1.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind 6.51 100 100 100 54.34 941.58 46.2 Member X50.00120 SOL - 5 3/4" SOLID -394.57 1.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind 6.51 100 100 100 54.34 941.58 41.9 Member X50.00240 SOL - 5 1/2" SOLID -354.90 1.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind 6.51 100 100 100 56.81 844.36 42.0 Member X50.00360 SOL - 5 1/4" SOLID -317.66 1.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind 6.51 100 100 100 59.52 751.87 42.2 Member X50.00480 SOL - 5" SOLID -282.99 1.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind 6.51 100 100 100 62.49 664.08 42.6 Member X50.005100 SOL - 4 3/4" SOLID -250.51 1.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind 6.51 100 100 100 65.78 581.14 43.1 Member X50.006120 SOL - 4 3/4" SOLID -219.95 1.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind 6.51 100 100 100 65.78 581.15 37.8 Member X50.007140 SOL - 4 1/2" SOLID -190.94 1.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind 6.51 100 100 100 69.44 503.05 38.0 Member X50.008160 SOL - 4 1/4" SOLID -163.26 1.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind 6.51 100 100 100 73.52 429.95 38.0 Member X50.009180 SOL - 4" SOLID -136.14 1.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind 6.51 100 100 100 78.12 361.93 37.6 Member X50.0010200 SOL - 3 1/2" S0LID -107.85 1.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind 6.59 100 100 100 90.42 238.12 45.3 Member X50.0011220 SOL - 2 1/2" SOLID -77.14 1.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind 3.21 100 100 100 61.60 167.37 46.1 Member X50.0012240 SOL - 2 1/4" SOLID -15.35 1.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind 3.08 100 100 100 65.78 130.40 11.8 Member X50.0013250 Splices Load CaseSect Top Elev Force (kips) Cap (kips) Bolt Type Num Bolts Use % Force (kips) Cap (kips) Use % Top Splice Bottom Splice Bolt Type Num Bolts Load Case 1.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind120 403.27 0.00 0.0 442.15 0.001.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind 1.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind240 363.20 0.00 1 1/8 A325 120.0 403.27 0.001.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind 1.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind360 325.24 0.00 1 1/8 A325 120.0 363.20 0.001.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind 1.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind480 289.95 0.00 1 1/8 A325 120.0 325.24 0.001.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind 1.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind5100 256.97 0.00 1 1/8 A325 120.0 289.95 0.001.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind 1.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind6120 225.96 0.00 1 1/8 A325 120.0 256.97 0.001.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind 1.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind7140 196.52 0.00 1 1/8 A325 120.0 225.96 0.001.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind 1.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind8160 168.59 0.00 1 1/8 A325 80.0 196.52 0.001.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind 1.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind9180 141.28 0.00 1 1/8 A325 80.0 168.59 0.001.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind 1.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind10200 113.53 0.00 1 1/8 A325 80.0 141.28 0.001.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind 1.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind11220 83.69 0.00 1 1/8 A325 60.0 113.53 0.001.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind 1.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind12240 20.02 0.00 1 1/8 A325 60.0 83.69 0.001.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind 1.2D + 1.0Ev + 1.0Eh13250 0.36 0.00 1 1/8 A325 60.0 20.02 0.001.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind Force (kips)Load Case Len (ft) Bracing % KL/R Fy (ksi) Mem Cap (kips) Num Bolts Num Holes Shear Cap (kips) Bear Cap (kips) Use %ControlsX Y Z HORIZONTAL MEMBERS MemberSect Top Elev 1 20 0.00 0 0 2 40 0.00 0 0 3 60 0.00 0 0 4 80 0.00 0 0 5 100 0.00 0 0 6 120 0.00 0 0 7 140 0.00 0 0 8 160 0.00 0 0 9 180 0.00 0 0 10 200 0.00 0 0 11 220 0.00 0 0 12 240 SOL - 1 1/8" SOLID 1.2D + 1.0W 60° Wind 4.00 100 100 100 119.45 15.20 0 0 11.2 Member X-1.71 36.00 13 250 SOL - 1" SOLID 1.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind 4.00 100 100 100 134.40 9.82 0 0 13.2 Member X-1.29 36.00 Copyright © 2021 by Tower Engineering Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved. Structure:FL17050-A-SBA Site Name:TC SR-70 Height:250.00 (ft) 4/27/2021Code:EIA/TIA-222-H Exposure:C Base Elev:0.000 (ft) Force/Stress Compression Summary Page: 12IIStruct Class:Topography:1Gh:0.85 Crest Height:0.00 Site Class:D - Stiff Soil Force (kips)Load Case Len (ft) Bracing % KL/R Fy (ksi) Mem Cap (kips) Num Bolts Num Holes Shear Cap (kips) Bear Cap (kips) Use %ControlsX Y Z DIAGONAL MEMBERS MemberSect Top Elev 1 20 SAE - 5X5X0.3125 1.2D + 1.0W 90° Wind 24.31 50 50 50 146.74 40.28 1 1 34.78 39.1 5 35.7 Bolt Shear -12.4 1 36.00 2 40 SAE - 5X5X0.3125 1.2D + 1.0W 90° Wind 23.67 50 50 50 142.86 42.50 1 1 34.78 39.1 5 33.3 Bolt Shear -11.5 7 36.00 3 60 SAE - 4X4X0.375 1.2D + 1.0W 90° Wind 21.84 50 50 50 166.27 29.61 1 1 39.14 46.9 8 34.1 Member Z-10.0 9 36.00 4 80 SAE - 4X4X0.25 1.2D + 1.0W 90° Wind 20.02 50 50 50 151.10 24.32 1 1 39.14 31.3 2 36.0 Member Z-8.76 36.00 5 100 SAE - 3.5X3.5X0.3125 1.2D + 1.0W 90° Wind 18.23 50 50 50 158.48 23.82 1 1 35.34 34.8 0 31.6 Member Z-7.53 36.00 6 120 SAE - 3X3X0.375 1.2D + 1.0W 90° Wind 16.46 50 50 50 168.19 21.35 1 1 35.34 41.7 6 30.1 Member Z-6.42 36.00 7 140 SAE - 3X3X0.25 1.2D + 1.0W 90° Wind 14.72 50 50 50 149.20 18.51 1 1 35.34 27.8 4 29.8 Member Z-5.52 36.00 8 160 SAE - 2.5X2.5X0.3125 1.2D + 1.0W 90° Wind 13.04 50 50 50 160.03 16.32 1 1 27.05 30.4 5 28.4 Member Z-4.64 36.00 9 180 SAE - 2.5X2.5X0.25 1.2D + 1.0W 90° Wind 11.43 50 50 50 139.62 17.47 1 1 27.05 24.3 6 22.9 Member Z-4.00 36.00 10 200 SAE - 2.5X2.5X0.1875 1.2D + 1.0W 90° Wind 9.01 50 50 50 111.94 19.68 1 1 27.05 18.2 7 20.8 Bolt Bear -3.81 36.00 11 220 SAE - 2.5X2.5X0.25 1.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind 7.87 50 50 50 102.16 28.78 1 1 27.05 24.3 6 17.2 Bolt Bear -4.19 36.00 12 240 SOL - 1 1/8" SOLID 1.2D + 1.0W 90° Wind 5.13 50 50 50 98.43 19.34 0 0 27.7 Member X-5.36 36.00 13 250 SOL - 1" SOLID 1.2D + 1.0W 90° Wind 5.05 50 50 50 109.09 13.60 0 0 33.0 Member X-4.49 36.00 Copyright © 2021 by Tower Engineering Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved. Structure:FL17050-A-SBA Site Name:TC SR-70 Height:250.00 (ft) 4/27/2021Code:EIA/TIA-222-H Exposure:C Base Elev:0.000 (ft) Force/Stress Tension Summary Page: 13IIStruct Class:Topography:1Gh:0.85 Crest Height:0.00 Site Class:D - Stiff Soil Member Force (kips)Load Case Fy (ksi) Mem Cap (kips) Leg Use %Controls Top ElevSect LEG MEMBERS 1 20 SOL - 5 3/4" SOLID 357.06 0.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind 50 30.6 Member1168.5 1240SOL - 5 3/4" SOLID 328.52 0.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind 50 28.1 Member1168.5 1360SOL - 5 1/2" SOLID 300.10 0.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind 50 28.1 Member1069.1 1480SOL - 5 1/4" SOLID 272.85 0.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind 50 28.0 Member974.16 5 100 SOL - 5" SOLID 246.57 0.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind 50 27.9 Member883.58 6 120 SOL - 4 3/4" SOLID 221.69 0.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind 50 27.8 Member797.45 7 140 SOL - 4 3/4" SOLID 197.92 0.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind 50 24.8 Member797.45 8 160 SOL - 4 1/2" SOLID 174.77 0.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind 50 24.4 Member715.68 9 180 SOL - 4 1/4" SOLID 152.37 0.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind 50 23.9 Member638.37 10 200 SOL - 4" SOLID 129.81 0.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind 50 23.0 Member565.47 11 220 SOL - 3 1/2" S0LID 105.99 0.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind 50 24.5 Member432.95 12 240 SOL - 2 1/2" SOLID 78.79 0.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind 50 35.7 Member220.89 13 250 SOL - 2 1/4" SOLID 16.86 0.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind 50 9.4 Member178.92 Splices Load CaseSect Top Elev Force (kips) Cap (kips) Bolt Type Num Bolts Use % Force (kips) Cap (kips) Use % Top Splice Bottom Splice Bolt Type Num Bolts Load Case 0.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind120 328.03 0.00 0.0 357.0 6 0.000.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind 0.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind240 299.53 0.00 1 1/8 A325 120.0 328.0 3 721.29 45.50.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind 0.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind360 272.34 0.00 1 1/8 A325 120.0 299.5 3 721.29 41.50.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind 0.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind480 246.17 0.00 1 1/8 A325 120.0 272.3 4 721.29 37.80.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind 0.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind5100 221.31 0.00 1 1/8 A325 120.0 246.1 7 721.29 34.10.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind 0.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind6120 197.58 0.00 1 1/8 A325 120.0 221.3 1 721.29 30.70.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind 0.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind7140 174.48 0.00 1 1/8 A325 120.0 197.5 8 721.29 27.40.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind 0.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind8160 152.11 0.00 1 1/8 A325 80.0 174.4 8 480.86 36.30.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind 0.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind9180 129.59 0.00 1 1/8 A325 80.0 152.1 1 480.86 31.60.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind 0.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind10200 105.80 0.00 1 1/8 A325 80.0 129.5 9 480.86 26.90.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind 0.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind11220 78.54 0.00 1 1/8 A325 60.0 105.8 0 360.65 29.30.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind 0.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind12240 16.79 0.00 1 1/8 A325 60.0 78.54 360.65 21.80.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind 13 250 0.00 0.00 1 1/8 A325 60.0 16.79 360.65 4.70.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind Member Force (kips)Load Case Fy (ksi) Mem Cap (kips) Num Bolts Num Holes Shear Cap (kips) Bear Cap (kips) Use %Controls Top ElevSect HORIZONTAL MEMBERS B.S. Cap (kips) 1 20 - 36 0 00.00 2 40 - 36 0 00.00 3 60 - 36 0 00.00 4 80 - 36 0 00.00 5 100 - 36 0 00.00 6 120 - 36 0 00.00 7 140 - 36 0 00.00 8 160 - 36 0 00.00 9 180 - 36 0 00.00 10 200 - 36 0 00.00 11 220 - 36 0 00.00 12 240 SOL - 1 1/8" SOLID 1.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind 36 0 0 5.4 Member32.211.74 13 250 SOL - 1" SOLID 1.2D + 1.0W 60° Wind 36 0 0 5.0 Member25.451.28 Copyright © 2021 by Tower Engineering Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved. Structure:FL17050-A-SBA Site Name:TC SR-70 Height:250.00 (ft) 4/27/2021Code:EIA/TIA-222-H Exposure:C Base Elev:0.000 (ft) Force/Stress Tension Summary Page: 14IIStruct Class:Topography:1Gh:0.85 Crest Height:0.00 Site Class:D - Stiff Soil Member Force (kips)Load Case Fy (ksi) Mem Cap (kips) Num Bolts Num Holes Shear Cap (kips) Bear Cap (kips) Use %Controls Top ElevSect DIAGONAL MEMBERS B.S. Cap (kips) 1 20 SAE - 5X5X0.3125 0.9D + 1.0W 90° Wind 36 1 1 34.78 29.36 42.5 Blck Shear86.1112.25 28.82 2 40 SAE - 5X5X0.3125 0.9D + 1.0W 90° Wind 36 1 1 34.78 29.36 39.9 Blck Shear86.1111.50 28.82 3 60 SAE - 4X4X0.375 0.9D + 1.0W 90° Wind 36 1 1 39.14 35.23 37.9 Blck Shear78.0110.00 26.42 4 80 SAE - 4X4X0.25 0.9D + 1.0W 90° Wind 36 1 1 39.14 23.49 49.2 Blck Shear53.108.67 17.62 5 100 SAE - 3.5X3.5X0.3125 0.9D + 1.0W 90° Wind 36 1 1 35.34 25.56 34.6 Blck Shear56.727.47 21.60 6 120 SAE - 3X3X0.375 0.9D + 1.0W 90° Wind 36 1 1 35.34 30.67 29.0 Blck Shear55.086.33 21.85 7 140 SAE - 3X3X0.25 0.9D + 1.0W 90° Wind 36 1 1 35.34 20.45 37.3 Blck Shear37.805.44 14.56 8 160 SAE - 2.5X2.5X0.3125 0.9D + 1.0W 90° Wind 36 1 1 27.05 21.75 28.4 Blck Shear37.444.57 16.09 9 180 SAE - 2.5X2.5X0.25 0.9D + 1.0W 90° Wind 36 1 1 27.05 17.40 30.9 Blck Shear30.673.98 12.87 10 200 SAE - 2.5X2.5X0.1875 1.2D + 1.0W 90° Wind 36 1 1 27.05 13.05 38.4 Blck Shear23.313.70 9.65 11 220 SAE - 2.5X2.5X0.25 0.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind 36 1 1 27.05 17.40 30.5 Blck Shear30.673.93 12.87 12 240 SOL - 1 1/8" SOLID 1.2D + 1.0W 90° Wind 36 0 0 16.4 Member32.215.27 13 250 SOL - 1" SOLID 1.2D + 1.0W 90° Wind 36 0 0 17.7 Member25.454.49 Copyright © 2021 by Tower Engineering Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved. Seismic Section Forces Structure:FL17050-A-SBA Site Name:TC SR-70 Height:250.00 (ft) 4/27/2021Code:EIA/TIA-222-H Exposure:C Base Elev:0.000 (ft) Page: 15IIStruct Class:Topography:1Gh:0.85 Crest Height:0.00 Site Class:D - Stiff Soil Dead Load Factor 1.20 1.00 Load Case: 1.2D + 1.0Ev + 1.0Eh Seismic Load Factor R 3.0000Seismic Importance Factor S1 SsSds Sd1 W1 0.054 40.044 832.20 45 0.0510 0.0280 1.00 Fv Fa 1.6000 2.4000 Vs 2.2446 Kg Ke 1.3057 0.0000 T 1.1114 TL 8.0000 Cs 0.0300 f1 0.8997 Sect # Elev (ft) Lateral Fsz (lbs) Wz (lb) Vertical Ev (lbs) 10.00 1 17.6710190. 05 110.92 30.00 2 70.979849.2 3 107.21 50.00 3 120.568867.6 7 96.53 70.00 4 137.306997.5 5 76.17 90.00 5 175.366564.0 9 71.45 110.00 6 200.235944.8 5 64.71 130.00 7 205.735135.6 6 55.90 150.00 8 217.244640.3 7 50.51 170.00 9 208.603969.1 1 43.21 190.0010 193.633354.5 3 36.52 210.0011 177.392838.0 5 30.89 230.0012 124.011969.9 2 21.44 245.0013 395.944499.1 5 48.98 Dead Load Factor 0.90 1.00 Load Case: 0.9D + 1.0Ev + 1.0Eh Seismic Load Factor R 3.0000Seismic Importance Factor S1 SsSds Sd1 W1 0.054 40.044 832.20 45 0.0510 0.0280 1.00 Fv Fa 1.6000 2.4000 Vs 2.2446 Kg Ke 1.3057 0.0000 T 1.1114 TL 8.0000 Cs 0.0300 f1 0.8997 Sect # Elev (ft) Lateral Fsz (lbs) Wz (lb) Vertical Ev (lbs) 10.00 1 17.6710190. 05 110.92 30.00 2 70.979849.2 3 107.21 50.00 3 120.568867.6 7 96.53 70.00 4 137.306997.5 5 76.17 90.00 5 175.366564.0 9 71.45 110.00 6 200.235944.8 5 64.71 130.00 7 205.735135.6 6 55.90 150.00 8 217.244640.3 7 50.51 170.00 9 208.603969.1 1 43.21 190.0010 193.633354.5 3 36.52 210.0011 177.392838.0 5 30.89 230.0012 124.011969.9 2 21.44 245.0013 395.944499.1 5 48.98 Copyright © 2021 by Tower Engineering Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved. Support Forces Summary Structure:FL17050-A-SBA Site Name:TC SR-70 Height:250.00 (ft) 4/27/2021 Page: 16 Code:EIA/TIA-222-H Exposure:C Gh:0.85 Base Elev:0.000 (ft) Crest Height:0.00 Site Class: IIStruct Class: D - Stiff Soil Topography:1 Load Case FX (kips) FY (kips) FZ (kips)(-) = Uplift (+) = DownNode 1 0.00 441.101.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind -44.08 1a 13.98 -175.66 -15.20 1b -13.98 -175.66 -15.20 1 -5.11 218.871.2D + 1.0W 60° Wind -20.64 1a -20.43 218.87 5.89 1b -31.64 -347.96 -18.27 1 -6.25 29.931.2D + 1.0W 90° Wind -1.67 1a -32.23 364.39 15.10 1b -29.67 -304.54 -13.42 1 0.00 433.230.9D + 1.0W Normal Wind -43.65 1a 14.34 -182.95 -15.42 1b -14.34 -182.95 -15.42 1 -5.12 211.210.9D + 1.0W 60° Wind -20.22 1a -20.07 211.21 5.68 1b -32.00 -355.08 -18.48 1 -6.26 22.450.9D + 1.0W 90° Wind -1.25 1a -31.86 356.59 14.88 1b -30.03 -311.70 -13.63 1 0.00 46.261.2D + 1.0Ev + 1.0Eh 11.45 1a 11.61 22.17 -6.83 1b -11.61 22.17 -6.83 1 0.00 38.760.9D + 1.0Ev + 1.0Eh 11.90 1a 11.99 14.70 -7.05 1b -11.99 14.70 -7.05 1 0.00 91.481.0D + 1.0W Normal Wind -8.35 1a 1.29 -8.33 -1.90 1b -1.29 -8.33 -1.90 1 -0.86 55.591.0D + 1.0W 60° Wind -4.52 1a -4.34 55.59 1.52 1b -4.17 -36.37 -2.41 1 -1.03 24.941.0D + 1.0W 90° Wind -1.41 1a -6.27 79.17 3.03 1b -3.84 -29.29 -1.62 Max Reactions Max Uplift: Max Down: -355.08 Leg Overturning 441.10 Max Shear:44.08 Moment:8902.08 Total Down: Total Shear: 89.78 74.49 (kips) (kips) (kips) (ft-kips) (kips) (kips) Copyright © 2021 by Tower Engineering Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved. Analysis Summary Structure:FL17050-A-SBA Site Name:TC SR-70 Height:250.00 (ft) 4/27/2021 Page: 17 Code:EIA/TIA-222-H Exposure:C Gh:0.85 Base Elev:0.000 (ft) Crest Height:0.00 Site Class: IIStruct Class: D - Stiff Soil Topography:1 Max Reactions Max Uplift: Max Down: -355.08 Leg Overturning 441.10 Max Shear:44.08 Moment:8902.08 Total Down: Total Shear: 89.78 74.49 (kips) (kips) (kips) (ft-kips) (kips) (kips) Anchor Bolts Interaction Ratios: 0.33 Bolt Size (in.):Number Bolts:1.38 12 Tensile Strength (Ksi):Yield Strength (Ksi): Length: 105.0081.00 1.00 0.35Tensile:Compression: UnGroutedType: Max Usages Max Leg: 46.2% (1.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind - Sect 1) Max Diag: 49.2% (0.9D + 1.0W 90° Wind - Sect 4) Max Horiz: 13.2% (1.2D + 1.0W Normal Wind - Sect 13) Load Case Elevation (ft) Deflection (ft) Twist (deg) Sway (deg) Max Deflection, Twist and Sway 0.9D + 1.0Ev + 1.0Eh - Normal To Face 246.54 0.0670 0.0001 0.0384 250.00 0.0694 0.0001 0.0406 0.9D + 1.0W 151 mph Wind at 60° From Face 246.54 1.4922 0.0206 0.9002 250.00 1.5453 0.0204 0.8904 0.9D + 1.0W 151 mph Wind at 90° From Face 246.54 1.5103 0.0242 0.9065 250.00 1.5633 0.0242 0.8895 0.9D + 1.0W 151 mph Wind at Normal To Face 246.54 1.5641 -0.0225 0.9224 250.00 1.6180 -0.0227 0.9124 1.0D + 1.0W 60 mph Wind at 60° From Face 246.54 0.2387 0.0003 0.1427 250.00 0.2470 0.0003 0.1408 1.0D + 1.0W 60 mph Wind at 90° From Face 246.54 0.2415 0.0003 0.1437 250.00 0.2499 0.0003 0.1410 1.0D + 1.0W 60 mph Wind at Normal To Face 246.54 0.2500 0.0003 0.1464 250.00 0.2585 0.0003 0.1447 1.2D + 1.0Ev + 1.0Eh - Normal To Face 246.54 0.0671 -0.0001 0.0385 250.00 0.0695 -0.0001 0.0407 1.2D + 1.0W 151 mph Wind at 60° From Face 246.54 1.4945 0.0206 0.9018 250.00 1.5477 0.0204 0.8920 1.2D + 1.0W 151 mph Wind at 90° From Face 246.54 1.5126 0.0243 0.9082 250.00 1.5658 0.0242 0.8912 1.2D + 1.0W 151 mph Wind at Normal To Face 246.54 1.5665 -0.0225 0.9242 250.00 1.6205 -0.0227 0.9142 Copyright © 2021 by Tower Engineering Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved.