HomeMy WebLinkAboutREVISION OFFICE USE ONLY: DATE FILED: PERMIT# 2,0 1'Z-—O 44-406 REVISION FEE: RECEIPT# PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING&CODE REGULATION DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE,FL 34982-5652 (772)462-1553 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT REVISIONS RECEIVED PROJECT INFORMATION LOCATION/SITEIa� ADDRESS: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT REVISIONS: cD Ckto !, s c. - ar•h 9 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: STATE of FL REG./CERT. #: ST. LUCIE CO CERT. #: BUSINESS NAME: QUALIFIERS NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHONE(DAYTIME): FAX: ' OWNER/BUILDER INFORMATION: NAME: D-&_0 us ADDRESS: R CITY: F•I<- r: y STATE: /=f ZIP: '3 y.9 PHONE(DAYTIME: -7 7 Z - `7 0 1-2 FAX: ARCIIITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHONE (DAYTIME): FAX: SLCCC: 9123109 ? Revised 06130117 �� FORM R405j?-020 RESIDENTIAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE DOCUMENTATION CHECKLIST Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation Simulated Performance Alternative (Performance) Method Applications for compliance with the 2020 Florida Building Code,Energy Conservation via the Residential Simulated Performance Alternative shall include: his checklist -Z Fqq"R405-2020 report ZIn, t summary checklist that can be used for field vetcation (usually fourpages/may be greater) Energy Performance Level(EPL)Display Card(one page) /�Hl/ C system sizing and selection based on ACCA Manual S or per exceptions provided in Section R403.7 Mandatory Requirements(five pages) Required prior to CO: ❑ Air Barrier and insulation inspection Component Criteria checklist(Table R402.4.1.1 -one page) ❑ A completed 2020 Envelope Leakage Test Report(usually one page);exception in R402.4 allows dwelling units of R-2 Occupancies and multiple attached single family dwellings to comply with Section C402.5 ❑ If Form R405 duct leakage type indicates anything other than "default leakage" then a completed 2020 Duct Leakage Test Report-Performance Method(usually one page) 00 7/1/2021 8:46:39 AM EnergyGauge®USA 7.0.00-FlaRes2020 FBC 7th Edition(2020)Compliant Software Page 1 of 1 FORM R405 2020 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation - Residential Performance Method Project Name: PETE DEBUS Builder Name: Street: CARLTON ROAD Permit Office: PORT ST LUCIE City,State,Zip: PORT ST LUCIE,FL, Permit Number: Owner. Jurisdiction: Design Location: FL,Fort Pierce County: St.Lucie(Florida Climate Zone 2) 1. New construction or existing New(From Plans) 10. Wali Type$1476.0 sgft.) Insulation Area 2. Single family or multiple family Detached a.Concrete Block-Int Insul,Exterior R=4.1 1476.00 ftz b.WA R= ftz 3. Number of units.if multiple family 1 c.NIA R= ftz 4. Number of Bedrooms 3 d.N/A R= ftz 5. Is this a worst case? Yes 11_Ceiling Types (1562.0 sgft.) Insulation Area a.Under Attic(Vented) R=30.0 1562.00 ftz 6. Conditioned floor area above grade(ftz) 1562 b.NIA R= ftz Conditioned floor area below grade(ftz) 0 c.NIA R= 'ftz T Windows(130.5 sgft.) Description Area 12.Ducts R ftz a.Sup:Attic, Ret:Main,AH:Main 6 142.4 a. U-Factor. Dbl,U=0.96 130.50 ftz SHGC: SHGC=0.42 b. U-Factor. WA ftz 13.Cooling systems kBtu/hr Efficiency SHGC: a.Central Unit 35.0 SEER:16.00 c. U-Factor. N/A , ft2 SHGC: 14.Heating systems kBtu/hr Efficiency . Area Weighted Average Overhang Depth: 5.831 ft. a.Electric Strip Heat 31.0 COP:1.00 Area Weighted Average SHGC:- 0.420 8. Skylights Area c. U-Factor.(AVG) N/A ftz 15.Hot water systems SHGC(AVG}: NIA ,:a;Natural-Gas Tankless:. Cap:1 gallons 9. Floor Types (1562.0 sqft.) Insulation Area EF:0.590 a.Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulation R=0.0 1662.00 ftz b. Conservation features b.N/A R= ftz None c.N/A R= ftz 16.Credits Pstat Glass/Floor Area: 0.084 Total Proposed Modified Loads: 53.77 PASS Total Baseline Loads: 54.20 I hereby certify that the.plans and specifications covered by Review of the plans and '135 ST,gx this calculation are in complia a with the Florida Energy specifications covered by this p� Code. r�, calculation indicates compliance ,,,, ---- with the Florida Energy Code. ti`u:„ °•� ";,{ PREPARED BY: Before construction is completed 0 DATE: this building will be inspected for C7 a,.. compliance with Section 553.908 I hereby certify that this building,as designed,is in compliance Florida Statutes, f* . with the Florida Energy Code. �QD WE OWNER/AGENT: BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: DATE: - Compliance requires certification by the air handler unit manufacturer that the air handler enclosure qualifies as certified factory-sealed in accordance with R403.3.2.1. -Compliance requires an Air Barrier and Insulation Inspection Checklist in accordance with R402.4.1.1 and this project requires an envelope leakage test report with envelope leakage no greater than 7.00 ACH60(R402.4.1.2). i 7/1/2021 8:46 AM EnergyGauge@ USA 7.0.00-FlaRes202O FBC 7th Edition(2020) Compliant Software Page 1 of 4 FORM R405-2020 INPUT SUMMARY CHECKLIST REPORT PROJECT Title: PETE DEBUS Bedrooms: 3 Address Type:' Street Address Building Type: User Conditioned Area: 1562 Lot# Owner Name: Total Stories: 1 Block/Subdivision: #of Units: 1 Worst Case: Yes PlatBook: Builder Name: Rotate Angle: 270 Street: CARLTON ROAD Permit Office: PORT ST LUCIE Cross Ventilation: County: St.Lucie Jurisdiction: Whole House Fan: City,State,Zip: PORT ST LUCIE, Family Type: Detached FL, New/Ebsting: New(From Plans) Comment CLIMATE / Design Temp Int Design Temp Heating Design Daily Temp v Design Location TMY Site 97.5% 2.5% Winter Summer Degree Days 'Moisture Range FL,Fort Pierce FL_VERO BEACH_MUNI 39 90 70 75 299 62 Low BLOCKS Number Name Area Volume 1 B1ook1 1562 14058 SPACES Number Name Area Volume. Kitchen Occupants —Bedrooms Infil ID Finished Cooled Heated 1 Main 1562 14058 Yes 6 3 1 Yes Yes Yes FLOORS s # Floor.Type Space Perimeter R-Value Area Tile Wedd Carpet 1 Slab-On-Grade Edge lnsulatio Main 164 ft 0 1562 ft2 0 .0 1 ROOF Roof Gable Roof Rad Solar SA Emitt Emitt Deck Pitch v # Type Materials Area Area Color Barr Absor. Tested Tested Insul. (deg) 1 Hip Metal _ 1692 ft2 0 ftZ UnFinishe N 0.96 No 0.7 No 0 22.62 ATTIC # Type' Ventilation Vent Ratio(1 in) Area RBS 1RCC 1 Full attic Vented 150 1562 ft2 N N CEILING # Ceiling Type Space R Value Ins Type Area Framing Frac Truss Type 1 Under Attic(Vented) Main 30 Blown 1562 ft' 0.11 Wood 7/1/2021 8:46 AM EnergyGauge®USA 7.0.00-FlaRes202O FBC 7th Edition(2020) Compliant Software Page 2 of 4 FORM R405-2020 INPUT SUMMARY CHECKLIST REPORT WALLS ace I Adjacent Cavity Width Height Sheathing Framing Solar Below .4 nr Ja_ XNA Tipp S P R-Va1ua _FL- In Ft In Area _._ R_Vnhip PraCtion fibs r-. I. N=>W Exterior Concrete Block-Int Insul Main 4.0999 52 9 468.0 ft2 0 0.75 0 2 E=>N Exterior Concrete Block-Int Insul Main 4.0999 30 9 270.0 ft2 0 0.75 0 3 S=>E Exterior Concrete Block-Int Insul Main 4.0999 52 9. 468.0 ft2 0 0.75 0 4 W=>S Exterior Concrete Block-Int Insul Main 4.0999 30 9 270.0 ft2 0 0.75 0 DOORS # Omt Door Type Space Storms U-Value Ft In In Ft WidthArea 1 S=>E Insulated Main None .46 3 6 8 20 ft2 WINDOWS Orientation shown is the;entered orientation(=>.)changed to Worst Case. Wall Overhang V # Ornt ID Frame Panes NFRC U-Factor SHGC. Imp Area Depth Separation Int Shade Screening 1 N=>W 1 Metal Double(Tinted) Yes 0.96 0.42 N 40.0 ft2 10 ft 0 in 0 ft 6 in None None^ 2 N=>W 1 Metal Double(Tinted) Yes 0.96 0.42 N 7.5 ft2 10 It 0 in 0 ft 6 in None None 3 N=>W 1 Metal Double(Tinted) Yes 0.96 0.42 N 15.0 112 10 ft 0 in 0 ft 6 in None None 4 S=>E 3 Metal Double(Tinted) Yes 0.96 0.42 N 15.0 ft2 2 ft 0 in 1 ft 0 in None None 5 S=>E 3 Metal Double(Tinted) Yes 0.96 0.42 N 30.0 ft2 2 ft 0 in 1 ft 0 in None None 6 S=>E 3 Metal Double(Tinted) Yes 0.96 0.42 N 15.0 ft2 2 It 0 in 1 ft 0 in None None 7 S=>E 3 Metal Double(Tinted) Yes 0.96 0.42 N 8.0 ft2 2 ft 0 in 1 ft 0 in None None INFILTRATION # Scope Method SLA CFM 50 ELA EgLA ACH ACH 50 1 Wholehouse Proposed ACH(50) .0004 1640.1 89.98 168.93 .1324 7 HEATING SYSTEM r # System Type Subtype Speed Efficiency Capacity Block Ducts 1 Electric Strip Heat/ None COP:1 31 kBtu/hr �1 _w sys#1 COOLING SYSTEM # System Type Subtype Subtype Efficiency Capacity _ .Air Flow SHR Block Ducts 1 Central Unit None Singl SEER:16 35 kBtu/hr 1050 cfm 0.75 1 sys#1 HOT WATER SYSTEM # System Type SubType Location EF Cap Use SetPnt Conservation 1 Natural Gas Tankless Main 0.59 1 gal 60 gal 120 deg None 7/1/2021 8:46 AM EnergyGauge®USA 7.0.00-FlaRes2020 FBC 7th Edition(2020) Compliant Software Page 3 of 4 ....__.......... FORM R405-2020 INPUT SUMMARY CHECKLIST REPORT SOLAR HOT WATER SYSTEM FSEC Collector Storage Cart # Company Name System Model# Collector Model# Area Volume FEF None None ft' DUCTS J —Supply--. --Return— Air CFM 25 CFM25 HVAC# # Location R-Value Area Location Area Leakage Type Handler TOT OUT QN RLF Heat Cool .a__..�. 1 Attic 6 142.4 ft Main 78.1 ft' Default Leakage Main (Default) (Default) 1 1 TEMPERATURES Programable Thermostat:Y Ceiling Fans: CoolingJan ( ]Feb Mar A r Ma Jun [[XX]]Jul Aug Se [ ]Oct ki Nov Dec Heatin Jan [X]Feb Mar WApr L May [ ]Jun ( ]Jul Aug Sep [ ]Oct Nov HDec Ventin Jan [ ]]Feb X Mar A r [ Ma [ ]]]Jun [[ 1111 Jul Au Se [X]Oct Nov Dec Thermostat Schedule: HERS 2006 Reference 4^� µ Hours Schedule.Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Cooling(WO) _ AM 78 78 78 78 78 78 _ 78 —78_ 80 80 80 80 PM 80 80 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 Cooling(WEH) AM 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 PM 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 Heating(WD) AM 66 66 66 66, 66 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 PM 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 66 66 Heating(WEH) AM 66 56 66 66 66 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 PM 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 58 68 66 66 MECHANICAL VENTILATION Type Supply CFM Exhaust CFM Fan Watts HRV Heating System Run Time :Cooling System None 0 {l 0 1-Electric Strip Heat 0% 1 -.Central Unit MASS Mass Type — Area Thickness w Furniture Fraction Space " Default(8 lbs/s .ft. 0 ftZ 0 ft 0.3 Main II 7/1/2021 8:46 AM EnergyGauge(D USA 7.0.00-FlaRes2020 FBC 7th Edition(2020) Compliant Software Page 4 of 4 FORM R405-2020 ENERGY PERFORMANCE LEVEL (EPL) DISPLAY CARD ESTIMATED ENERGY PERFORMANCE INDEX* = 99 The lower the EnergyPerformance Index, the more efficient the home. CARLTON ROAD, PORT ST LUCIE, FL, 1. New construction or existing New(From Plans) 10. Wall Type and Insulation Insulation Area 2. Single family or multiple family Detached a.Concrete Block-Int Insul,Exterior R=4.1 1476.00 ftz b.WA R= ftz 3. Number of units,if multiple family 1 c.WA R= ftz 4. Number of Bedrooms 3 d. N/A R= ftz 5. Is this a worst case? Yes 11.Ceiling Type and insulation level Insulation Area a.Under Attic(Vented) R=30.0 1562.00 ftz 6. Conditioned floor area(ftz) 1562 b.N/A R= ftz c.NIA _ z 7. Windows" Description SH U=0.GC=0.42 130.50 ftz Area 12.Ducts,location i;<insulation level R R ftz SHGC: a. U-Factor. a.Sup:Attic,Ret:Main,AH:Main 6 142.4 b. U-Factor. WA ftz SHGC: 13.Cooling systems kBtu/hr Efficiency c. U-Factor: WA ftz a.Central Unit 35.0 SEER:16.00 SHGC: d. U-Factor: N/A ftz 14.Heating systems kBtulhr Efficiency SHGC: a.Electric Strip Heat 31.0 COP:1.00 Area Weighted Average Overhang Depth: 5.831 ft. Area Weighted Average SHGC: 0.420 8. Skylights Description Area 15.Hot water systems a. U-Factor(AVG): WA ftz a.Natural Gas Cap: 1 gallons EF:0.59 SHGC(AVG): NIA b. Conservation features 9. Floor Types Insulation Area None a.Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulation R=0.0 1562.00 ftz Credits(Performance method) Pstat b.N/A R= ftz c.N/A R= ftz I certify that this home has complied with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code for Building 111ES� Construction through the above energy saving features which will be installed (or exceeded) A in this home before final inspection. Otherwise, a new EPL Display Card will be completed �X based on installed Code compliant features. 14 .r , � •-'', Builder Signature: Date: Address of New Home: City/FL Zip: *Note: This is not a Building Energy Rating. If your Index is below 70, your home may qualify for energy efficient mortgage(EEM)incentives if you obtain a Florida Energy Rating. For information about the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, contact the Florida Building Commission's support staff. **Label required by Section R303.1.3 of the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, if not DEFAULT. 7/1/2021 8:46 AM EnergyGauge®USA 7.0.00-FlaRes2020 FBC 7th Edition(2020) Compliant Software Page 1 of 1 ._......._.......... Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, 7th Edition (2020) Mandatory Requirements for Residential Performance, Prescriptive and ERI Methods ADDRESS: CARLTON ROAD Permit Number: PORT ST LUCIE,FL, MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS -See individual code sections for full details. SECTION 11401 GENERAL R401.3 Energy Performance Level(EPL)display card(Mandatary). The building official shall require that an energy performance level(EPL) display card be completed and certified by the builder to be accurate and correct before final approval of the building for occupancy.Florida law ❑ (Section 553.9085,Florida Statutes)requires the EPL display card to be included as an addendum to each sales contract for bath presold and nonpresold residential buildings.The EPL display card contains information indicating the energy performance level and efficiencies of components installed in a dwelling unit.The building official shall verify that the EPL display card completed and signed by the builder accurately reflects the plans and specifications io s submitted to demonstrate code compliance for the building.A copy of the EPL display card can be found in Appendix RD. SECTION R402 BUILDING THERMAL ENVELOPE ❑ R402.4 Air leakage(Mandatory). The building thermal envelope shall be constructed to limit air leakage in accordance with the requirements of Sections R402.4.1 through R402.4.5. Exception: Dwelling units of R-2 Occupancies and multiple attached single family dwellings shall be permitted to comply with Section C402.5. ❑ R402.4.1 Building thermal envelope The building thermal envelope shall comply with Sections R402.4.1.1 and R402.4.1.2.The sealing methods between dissimilar materials shall allow for differential expansion and contraction. ❑ R402.4.1.1 Installation. The components of the building thermal envelope as listed in Table R402.4.1.1 shall be Installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and the criteria listed in Table R402.4.1.1,as applicable to the method of construction.Where required by the code official,an approved third party shall inspect all components and verify compliance. R402A.1.2 Testing. The building or dwelling unit shall be tested and verified as having an air leakage rate not exceeding seven air changes per hour in Climate Zones 1 and 2,and three air changes per hour in Climate Zones 3 through 8.Testing shall be conducted in accordance with ANSI/RESNET/ICC 380 and reported at a pressure of 0.2 inch w.g.(50 pascals).Testing shall be conducted by either individuals as defined in Section 553.993(5)or(7),Florida Statutes,or individuals licensed as set forth in Section 489.105(3)(f),(g)or(i)or an approved third party.A written report of the results of the test shall be signed by the party conducting the test and provided to the code official.Testing shall be performed at any time after creation of all penetrations of the building thermal envelope. Exception: Testing is not required for additions,alterations,renovations,or repairs,of the building thermal envelope of existing buildings in which the new construction is less than 65 percent of the building thermal envelope. During testing: 1.Exterior windows and doors,fireplace and stove doors shall be closed,but not sealed,beyond the intended weatherstripping or other infiltration control measures- 2-Dampers including exhaust,intake,makeup air,backdraff and flue dampers shall be closed,but not sealed beyond intended infiltration control measures. 3.Interior doors,if installed at the time of the test,shall be open. 4.Exterior doors for continuous ventilation systems and heat recovery ventilators shall be closed and sealed.. 5.Heating and cooling systems,if installed at the time of the test,shall be turned off. 6.Supply and return registers,if installed at the time of the test,shall be fully open. R402.4.2 Fireplaces. New wood-burning fireplaces shall have tight-fitting flue dampers or doors,and outdoor combustion air.Where using tight-fitting doors on factory-built fireplaces listed and labeled in accordance with UL 127,the doors shall be tested and listed for the fireplace.Where using tight-fitting doors on masonry fireplaces,the doors shall be listed and labeled in accordance with UL 907. R402.4.3 Fenestration air leakage. Windows,skylights and sliding glass doors shall have an air infiltration rate of no more than 0.3 cfm per square foot(1.5 Us/m2),and swinging doors no more than 0.5 cfm per square foot(2.6 Us/m2),when tested according to NFRC 400 or AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 by an accredited,independent laboratory and listed and labeled by the manufacturer. Exception: Site-built windows,skylights and doors. 7/1/2021 8:46 AM EnergyGauge®USA 7.0.00-FlaRes202O FBC 7th Edition(2020) Compliant Software Page 1 of 5 MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS - (Continued) ❑R402.4.4 Rooms containing fuel-burning appliances. In Climate Zones 3 through 8,where open combustion air ducts provide combustion air to open combustion fuel burning appliances,the appliances and combustion air opening shall be located outside the building thermal envelope or enclosed in a room, isolated from inside the thermal envelope.Such rooms shall be sealed and insulated in accordance with the envelope requirements of Table R402.1.2,where the walls,floors and ceilings shall meet not less than the basement wall R-value requirement.The door into the room shall be fully gasketed and any waterlines and ducts in the room insulated in accordance with Section R403.The combustion air duct shall be insulated where it passes through conditioned space to a minimum of R-B. Exceptions: 1. Direct vent appliances with both intake and exhaust pipes installed continuous to the outside. 2. J Fireplaces and stoves complying with Section R402.4.2 and Section R1006 of the Florida Building Code, Residential. R402.4.5 Recessed lighting. Recessed luminaires installed in the building thermal envelope shall be sealed to limit air leakage between conditioned and unconditioned spaces.All recessed luminaires shall be IC-rated and labeled as having an air leakage rate not more than 2.0 cfm(0.944 Us)when tested in accordance with ASTM E283 at a 1.57 psf(75 Pa)pressure differential.All recessed luminaires shall be sealed with a gasket or caulk between the housing and the interior wall or ceiling covering. R403.1 Controls. SECTION R403 SYSTEMS ❑ R403.1.1 Thermostat provision(Mandatory). At least one thermostat shall be provided for each separate heating and cooling system. R403.1.3 Heat pump supplementary heat(Mandatory), Heat pumps having supplementary electric-resistance heat shall have controls .that,except during defrost,prevent supplemental heat operation when the heat pump compressor can meet the heating load. ❑ R403.3.2 Sealing(Mandatory) AIi ducts,air handlers,filter boxes and building cavities that form the primary air containment passageways for air distribution systems shall be considered ducts or plenum chambers,shall be constructed and sealed in accordance with Section C403.2.9.2 of the Commercial Provisions of this code and shall be shown to meet duct tightness criteria below. Duct tightness shall be verified by testing in accordance with ANSURESNET/ICC 380 by either individuals as defined in Section 553.993(5)or (7),Florida Statutes,or individuals licensed as set forth in Section 489.105(3)(f),(g)or(i),Florida Statutes,to be"substantially leak free"in accordance with Section R403.3.3. R403.3.2.1 Sealed air handler. Air handlers shall have a manufacturer's designation for an air leakage of no more than 2 percent of the design airflow rate when tested in accordance with ASHRAE 193. R403.3.3 Duct testing(Mandatory). Ducts shall be pressure tested to determine air leakage by one of the following methods: 1. Rough-in test:Total leakage shall be measured with a pressure differential of 0.1 inch w.g.(25 Pa)across the system, including the manufacturer's air handler enclosure if installed at the time of the test.All registers shall be taped or otherwise sealed during the test. 2. Postconstruction test:Total leakage shall be measured with a pressure differential of 0.1 inch w.g.(25 Pa)across the entire system,including the manufacturer's air handler enclosure.Registers shall be taped or otherwise sealed during the test Exceptions: 1. A duct air leakage test shall not be required where the ducts and air handlers are located entirely within the building thermal envelope. 2. Duct testing is not mandatory for buildings complying by Section 405 of this code.Duct leakage testing is required for Section R405 compliance where credit is taken for leakage,and a duct air leakage Qn to the outside of less than 0.060(where Qn= duct leakage to the outside in chn per 100 square feet of conditioned floorarea tested at 25 Pascals)is indicated in the compliance report for the proposed design. A written report of the results of the test shall be signed by the party conducting the test and provided to the code official. R403.3.5 Building cavities(Mandatory). Building framing cavities shall not be used as ducts or plenums. R403.4 Mechanical system piping insulation(Mandatory). Mechanical system piping capable of carrying fluids above 1057(41°C) or below 55°F(13"C)shall be insulated to a minimum of R-3. R403.4.1 Protection of piping insulation. Piping insulation exposed to weather shall be protected from damage,including that caused by sunlight,moisture,equipment maintenance and wind,and shall provide shielding from solar radiation that can cause degradation of the material.Adhesive tape shall not be permitted. R403.5.1 Heated water circulation and temperature maintenance systems(Mandatory). If heated water circulation systems are installed,they shall be in accordance with Section R403.5.1.1.Heat trace temperature maintenance systems shall be in accordance with Section R403.5.1.2.Automatic controls,temperature sensors and pumps shall be accessible.Manual controls shall be readily accessible. R403.5.1.1 Circulation systems. Heated water circulation systems shall be provided with a circulation pump.The system return pipe shall ❑ by a dedicated return pipe or a cold water supply pipe.Gravity and thermosiphon circulation systems shall be prohibited.Controls for circulating hot water system pumps shall start the pump based on the Identification of a demand for hot water within the occupancy.The controls shall automatically turn off the pump when the water in the circulation loop is at the desired temperature and when there is no demand for hot water. R403.5.1.2 Heat trace systems. Electric heat trace systems shall comply with IEEE 515.1 or UL 515.Controls for-such systems shall automatically adjust the energy input to the heat tracing to maintain the desired water temperature in the piping in accordance with the times when heated water is used in the occupancy. 7/1/2021 8:46 AM EnergyGauge(D USA 7.0.00-FlaRes202O FBC 7th Edition(2020) Compliant Software Page 2 of 5 MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS = (Continued) ElR403.5.5 Heat traps(Mandatory). Storage water heaters not equipped with integral heat traps and having vertical pipe risers shall have heat traps installed on both the inlets and outlets.External heat traps shall consist of either a commercially available heat trap or a downward and upward bend of at least 3'/2 inches(89 mm)in the hot water distribution line and cold water line located as close as possible to the storage tank. R403.5.6 Water heater efficiencies(Mandatory). ❑ - R403. Automatic controls. Service water-heating systems shall be equipped with automatic temperature controls capable of adjustment from the lowest to the highest acceptable temperature settings for the intended use.The minimum temperature setting range shall be from 100'F to 140°F(38"C to 60°C). ❑ R403. Shut down. A separate switch or a clearly marked circuit breaker shall be provided to permit the power supplied to electric service systems to be turned off.A separate valve shall be provided to permit the energy supplied to the main burner(s)of combustion types of service water-heating systems to be turned off. ❑ R403.5.6.2 Water-heating equipment Water-heating equipment installed in residential units shall meet the minimum efficiencies of. Table C404.2 in Chapter 4 of the'Florida Building Code,Energy Conservation,Commercial Provisions,for the type of equipment installed. Equipment used to provide heating functions as part of a combination system shall satisfy all stated requirements for the appropriate water-heating category.Solar water heaters shall meet the criteria of Section R403. ❑ R403. Solar water-heating systems. Solar systems for domestic hot water production are rated by the annual solar energy factor of the system.The solar energy factor of a system shall be determined from the Florida Solar Energy Center Directory of Certified Solar Systems.Solar collectors shall be tested in accordance with ISO Standard 9806,Test Methods for Solar Collectors, and SRCC Standard TM-1,Solar Domestic Hot Water System and Component Test Protocol.Collectors in installed solar Water-heating systems should meet the following criteria: 1. Be installed with a tilt angle between 10 degrees and 40 degrees of the horizontal;and 2. Be installed at an orientation within 45 degrees of true south. ❑ R403.6 Mechanical ventilation(Mandatory). The building shall be provided with ventilation that meets the requirements of the Florida Building Code,Residential,or Florida Building Code,Mechanical,as applicable;or with other approved means of ventilation including Natural, Infiltration or Mechanical means.Outdoor air intakes and exhausts shall have automatic or gravity dampers that close when the ventilation system is not operating. ❑ R403.6.1 Whole-house mechanical ventilation system fan efficacy. When installed to function as a whole-house mechanical ventilation system,fans shall meet the efficacy requirements of Table 11403.6.1. Ili Exception: Where an air handler that is integral to tested and listed HVAC equipment is used to provide whole-house mechanical ventilation,the air handler shall be powered by an electronically commutated motor. ❑ R403.5.2 Ventilation air. Residential buildings designed to be operated at a positive indoor pressure or for mechanical ventilation shall meet the following criteria: 1. The design air change per hour minimums for residential buildings in ASHRAE 62.2,Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality,shall be the maximum rates allowed for residential applications. 2. No ventilation or air-conditioning system make-up air shall be provided to conditioned space from attics, crawlspaces,attached enclosed garages or outdoor spaces adjacent to swimming pools or spas. 3. If ventilation air is drawn from enclosed space(s),then the walls of the space(s)from which air is drawn shall be insulated to a minimum of R-11 and the ceiling shall be insulated to a minimum of R-19,space permitting,or R-10 otherwise. R403.7 Heating and cooling equipment. R403.7.1 Equipment sizing(Mandatory). Heating and cooling equipment shall be sized in accordance with ACCA Manual S based ❑ on the equipment loads calculated in accordance with ACCA Manual J or other approved heating and cooling calculation methodologies,based on building loads for the directional orientation of the building.The manufacturer and model number of the outdoor and indoor units(if split system)shall be submitted along with the sensible and total cooling capacities at the design conditions described in Section R302.1.This Code does not allow designer safety factors,provisions for future expansion or other factors that affect equipment sizing.System sizing calculations shall not include loads created by local intermittent mechanical ventilation such as standard kitchen and bathroom exhaust systems.New or replacement heating and cooling equipment shall have an efficiency rating equal to or greater than the minimum required by federal law for the geographic location where the equipment is installed. TABLE R403.6.1 WHOLE-HOUSE MECHANICAL VENTILATION SYSTEM FAN EFFICACY FAN LOCATION AIRFLOW RATE MINIMUM MINIMUM EFFICACY a AIRFLOW RATE MAXIMUM (CFM) (CFM/WATT) (CFM) HRV or ERV Any 1.2 cfm/watt Any Range hoods Any 2.8 cfm/watt Any In-line fan Any 2.8 cfm/watt Any Bathroom,utility room 10 1.4 cfm/watt <90 I� _ Bathroom,utility room 90 2.8 cfm/watt Any For SI:1 cfm=28.3 Umin. a. When tested in accordance with HVI Standard 916 7/1/2021 8:46 AM EnergyGauge®USA 7.0.00-FlaRes202O FBC 7th Edition(2020) Compliant Software Page 3 of 5 MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS - (Continued) R403.7.1.1 Cooling equipment capacity. Cooling only equipment shall be selected so that its total capacity is not less than the calculated total load but not more than 1.15 times greater than the total load calculated according to the procedure selected in Section R403.7,or the closest available size provided by the manufacturer's product lines.The corresponding latent capacity of the equipment shall not be less than the calculated latent load. The published value for AHRI total capacity is a nominal,rating-test value and shall not be used for equipment sizing.Manufacturer's expanded performance data shall be used to select cooling-only equipment.This selection shall be based on the outdoor design dry-bulb temperature for the load calculation(or entering water temperature for water-source equipment),the blower CFM provided by the expanded performance data,the design value for entering wet-bulb temperature and the design value for entering dry-bulb temperature. Design values for entering wet-bulb and dry-bulb temperatures shall be for the indoor dry bulb and relative humidity used for the load calculation and shall be adjusted for return side gains if the return duct(s)is installed in an unconditioned space. Exceptions: 1. Attached single-and multiple-family residential equipment sizing may be selected so that its cooling capacity is less than the calculated total sensible load but not less than 80 percent of that load. 2. When signed and sealed by a Florida-registered engineer,in attached single-and multiple-family units,the capacity of equipment may be sized in accordance with good design practice. R403.7.1.2 Heating equipment capacity. ❑ R403. Heat pumps. Heat pump sizing shall be based on the cooling requirements as calculated according to Section R403.7.1.1,and the heat pump total cooling capacity shall not be more than 1.15 times greater than the design cooling load even if the design heating load is 1.15 times greater than the design cooling load. ❑ R403. Electric resistance furnaces. Electric resistance furnaces shall be sized within 4 kW of the design requirements calculated according to the procedure selected in Section R403.7.1, R403. Fossil fuel heating equipment. The capacity of fossil fuel heating equipment with natural draft atmospheric burners shall not be less than the design load calculated in accordance with Section R403.7.1. R403.7.1.3 Extra capacity required for special occasions. Residences requiring excess cooling or heating equipment capacity on an intermittent basis,such as anticipated additional loads caused by major entertainment events,shall have equipment sized or controlled to prevent continuous space cooling or heating within that space by one or more of the following options: 1. A separate cooling or heating system is utilized to provide cooling or heating to the major entertainment areas. 2. A variable capacity system sized for optimum performance during base load periods is utilized. R403.8 Systems serving multiple dwelling units(Mandatory). Systems serving multiple dwelling units shall comply with Sections ❑ C403 and C404 of the Florida Building Code,Energy Conservation—Commercial Provisions in lieu of Section R403. ❑ R403.9 Snow melt and ice system controls(Mandatory) Snow-and ice-melting systems,supplied through energy service to the building, shall include automatic controls capable of shutting off the system when the pavement temperature is above 50°F(10°C),and no precipitation is falling and an automatic or manual control that will allow shutoff when the outdoor temperature is above 40°F(4.8°C). ❑ R403.10 Pools and permanent spa energy consumption(Mandatory). The energy consumption of pools and permanent spas shall be in accordance with Sections R403.10.1 through R403.10.5. ❑ R403.10.1 Heaters. The electric power to heaters shall be controlled by a readily accessible on-off switch that is an integral part of the heater mounted on the exterior of the heater,or external to and within 3 feet(914 mm)of the heater.Operation of such switch shall not change the setting of the heater thermostat.Such switches shall be in addition to a circuit breaker for the power to the heater.Gas-fired heaters shall not be equipped with continuously burning ignition pilots. ❑ R403.10.2 Time switches. Time switches or other control methods that can automatically turn off and on according to a preset schedule shall be installed for heaters and pump motors.Heaters and pump motors that have built-in time switches shall be in compliance with this section. Exceptions: 1. Where public health standards require 24-hour pump operation. 2. Pumps that operate solar-and waste-heat-recovery pool heating systems. 3. Where pumps are powered exclusively from on-site renewable generation. 7/1/2021 8:46 AM EnergyGaugeO USA 7.0.00-FlaRes202O FBC 7th Edition(2020) Compliant Software Page 4 of 5 i R403.10.3 Covers. Outdoor heated swimming pools and outdoor permanent spas shall be equipped with a vapor-retardant cover on or at the water surface or a liquid cover or other means proven to reduce heat loss. Exception: , Where more than 70 percent of the energy for,heating,computed over an operation season,is from site-recovered energy,such as from a heat pump or solar energy source,covers or other vapor-retardant means shall not be required. ❑ R403.10.4 Gas-and oil-fired pool and spa heaters. All gas-and oil-fired pool and spa heaters shall have a minimum thermal efficiency of 82 percent for heaters manufactured on or after April 16,2013,when tested in accordance with ANSI 21.56. Pool heaters fired by natural or LP gas shall not have continuously burning pilot lights. R403.10.5 Heat pump pool heaters. Heat pump pool heaters shalt have a minimum COP of 4.0 when tested In accordance with AHRI 1160,Table 2,Standard Rating Conditions-Law Air Temperature.A test report from an independent laboratory is required to verify procedure compliance.Geothermal swimming pool heat pumps are not required to-meet this standard. -R403.11 (Mandatory).Portables as p ( ry) The energy consumption of electric-powered portable spas shall be controlled b P p P by the requirements ofAPSP-14. R403.13 Dehumidifiers(Mandatory If installed,a dehumidifier shall conform to the following requirements: 1. The minimum rated efficient ofthe dehumidifier shall Y s a be greater than 1.7 liters/kWh if the tots[dehumidifier capacity for the house is less than 75 pints/day and greater than 2.38 liters/kWh if the total dehumidifier capacity for the house is greater than ore equal to 75 ints/da _ 2. The dehumidifier shall be controlled b a sensor that in an 9 q P Y Y t is stalled. a location where it is exposed to mixed house air. 3. Any dehumidifier unit located in unconditioned space that treats air from conditioned space shall be insulated to a minimum of R-2. 4. Condensate disposal shall be in accordance with Section M1411.3.1 of the Florida Building Code,Residential. ❑ R403.13.1 Ducted dehumidifiers. Ducted dehumidifiers shall,in addition to conforming to the requirements of Section R403.13, conform to the following requirements: 1. If a ducted dehumidifier is configured with return and supply ducts both connected into the supply side of the cooling system,a backdraft damper shall be installed in the supply air duct between the dehumidifier inlet and outlet duct. 2. If a ducted dehumidifier is configured with only its supply duct connected into the supply side of the central heating and cooling system, a backdraft damper shall be-installed in the dehumidifier supply duct between the dehumidifier and central supply duct. 3. A ducted dehumidifier shall not be ducted to or from a central ducted cooling system on the return duct side upstream from the central cooling evaporator coil. 4. Ductwork associated with a dehumidifier located in unconditioned space shall be insulated to a minimum of R-6. SECTION R404 ELECTRICAL POWER AND LIGHTING SYSTEMS D R404.1 Lighting equipment(Mandatory). Not less than 90 percent of the lamps in permanently installed luminaires shall have an efficacy of at least 45 lumens-per-watt or shall utilize lamps with an efficacy of not less than 65 lumens-per-watt. R404.1.1 Lighting equipment(Mandatory). Fuel gas lighting systems shall not have continuously burning pilot lights. 7/1/2021 8:46 AM EnergyGauge®USA 7.0.00-FlaRes2020 FBC 7th Edition(2020) Compliant Software Page 5 of 5 2020 -AIR BARRIER AND INSULATION INSPECTION COMPONENT CRITERIA TABLE 402.4.1.1 AIR BARRIER AND INSULATION INSPECTION COMPONENT CRITERIA a Project Name: PETE DEBUS Builder Name: Street: CARLTON ROAD Permit Office: PORT ST LUCIE City,State,Zip: PORT ST LUCIE,FL, Permit Number: 1 Owner Jurisdiction: w Design Location: FL,Fort Pierce = U COMPONENT AIR BARRIER CRITERIA INSULATION INSTALLATION CRITERIA General A continuous air barrier shall be installed in the building envelope. Air-permeable insulation shall requirements The exterior thermal envelope contains a continuous air barrier. not be used as a sealing material. Breaks or joints in the air barrier shall be sealed. Ceiling/attic The air barrier in any dropped ceiling/soffit shall be aligned with The insulation in any dropped ceiling/soffit the insulation and any gaps in the air barrier shall be sealed. shall be aligned with the air barrier. Access openings,drop down stairs or knee wall doors to unconditioned attic spaces shall be sealed. Walls The Junction of the foundation and sill plate shall be sealed. Cavities within comers and headers of frame walls The junction of the top plate and the top of exterior walls shall be shall be insulated by completely filling the cavity sealed. with a material having a thermal resistance of R-3 Knee walls shall be sealed. per inch minimum. Exterior thermal envelope insulation for framed walls shall be installed in substantial contact and continuous alignment with the air barrier. Windows,skylights The space between window/door jambs and framing,and and doors skylights and framing shall be sealed. Rim joists Rim joists shall include the air barrier. Rim joists shall be insulated. Floors The air barrier shall be installed at any exposed edge of Floor framing cavity insulation shall be installed to (including insulation. maintain permanent contact with the underside of above-garage subfioordecking,or floor framing cavity insulation and cantilevered shall be permitted to be in contact with the top side floors) of sheathing,or continuous insulation installed on the underside of floor framing and extends from the bottom to the top of all perimeter floor framing members. Crawl space walls Exposed earth in unvented crawl spaces shall be covered with Where provided instead of floor insulation,insulation a Class I vapor retarder with overlapping joints taped. shall be permanently attached to the crawlspace wall Shafts,penetrations Duct shafts,utility penetrations,and flue shafts opening to exterior or unconditioned s ace shall be sealed. Batts in narrow cavities shall be cut to fit,or narrow Narrow cavities cavities shall be filled by insulation that on installation readily conforms to the available cavity spaces. Garage separation Air sealing shall be provided'between the garage and conditioned spa as. Recessed lighting Recessed light fixtures installed in the building thermal envelope Recessed light fixtures installed in the building shall be sealed to the finished surface. thermal envelope shall be air tight and IC rated. Plumbing and wiring Batt insulation shall be cut neatly to fit around wiring and plumbing in exterior walls,or insulation that on installation readily conforms to available space shall pipirla and vVirind. Shower/tub The air barrier installed at exterior walls adjacent to showers and Exterior walls adjacent to showers and tubs shall: on exterior wall tubs shall separate them from the showers and tubs. be insulated. Electrical/phone box or The air barrier shall be installed behind electrical or communication exterior walls boxes or air-sealed boxes shall be installed. HVAC register boots HVAC supply and return register boots that penetrate building thermal envelope shall be sealed to the sub-floor,wall covering or Concealed When required to be sealed,concealed fire sprinklers shall only be sprinklers sealed in a manner that is recommended by the manufacturer. Caulking or other adhesive sealants shall not be used to fill voids between ver DWes and walls or ceilinas a.In addition,inspection of log wa11s shalt be in accordance with the provisions of ICC-400. 7/1/2021 8:46 AM EnergyGauge®USA 7.0.60-FlaRes2020 FBC 7th Edition(2020) Compliant Software Page 1 of 1 Envelope Leakage Test Report (Blower Door Test) Residential Prescriptive, Performance or ERI Method Compliance 2020 Florida Building Code, EnergyConservation 7th Edition , Jurisdiction: Permit#: Job Infrslatrilr x Builder: Community: Lot: NA Address: CARLTON ROAD City: PORT ST LUCIE State: FL Zip: SET�.. dC� fTtS ReSItS F' ssrrtg rxittmumeet Qifhet` F'erfarlmance,Prescnptttrer orRt Jlde#rrid s� PRESCRIta"�t1=MlrTft4[7-Ttse building tar drlilag unit sttatt tie iesT mitt vOr4 as having an s tr Leakage gate tsF Kt>[exoeedu 7 att cYranges l rt+ur afi a pressr reof 0 2 rrtt is i�r tst f's c>ets}�r}Clftrtat��s arxt 2 PERF't'�tlf�t4#;l��EJZt If�l�"t'tfE1<R'�hetawldig��tettlrtg urirt-shalt tie tester#a�uerr[�i as ttaving an air Leakage.rate of nt�Esxcssding ttte selected ACH{�0�vitas,as stltal+!ltYori I+oma R4E}a 202{�tf?erfffrrrran }or Ft40ta 202 ��{,t},secfran tab�ted as rtfiitratiprr�sub-sett A�ktSta: ' Aft{St3�sp�crfred can farm fi4t1�217�Q-Ene E ats trr'R�ttG�t �� 7 QQ0 x 60 14058 = Method for calculating building volume:' CFM(50) Building Volume ACH(50) O Retrieved from architectural plans ❑ PASS •Code software calculated ❑When ACH(50)is less than 3, Mechanical Ventilation installation O Field measured and calculated must be verified by building department. R402.4.1.2 Testing.Testing shall be conducted in accordance with ANSURESNET/ICC 380 and reported at a pressure of 0.2 inch w.g.(50 Pascals) Testing shall be conducted by either individuals as defined in Section 553.993(5)or(7),Florida Statues.or individuals licensed as set forth in Section 489.105(3)(f),(g), or(i)or an approved third party.A written report of the results of the test shall be signed by the party conducting the test and provided to thecode official.Testing shall be performed at any time after creation of all penetrations of the building thermal envelope. During testing: 1.Exterior windows and doors,fireplace and stove doors shall be closed,but not sealed,beyond the intended weatherstripping or other infiltration control measures. 2.Dampers including exhaust,intake,makeup air,back draft and flue dampers shall be closed,but not sealed beyond intended infiltration control measures. 3.Interior doors,if installed at the time of the test,shall be open. 4.Exterior doors for continuous ventilation systems and heat recovery ventilators shall be closed and sealed- 5.Heating and cooling systems,if installed at the time of the test,shall be turned off. 6.Supply and return registers,if installed at the time of the test,shall be fully open. I f Company Name: Phone: I hereby verify that the above Air Leakage results are in accordance with the 2020 7th Edition Florida Building Code Energy Conservation requirements according to the compliance method selected above. Signature of Tester: Date of Test: Printed Name of Tester: License/Certification#: Issuing Authority: 7/1I2021 8:46:48 AM EnergyGauge D USA 7.0.00-FlaRes2020 FBC 7th Edition(2020)Compliant Software Page 1 of 1 ................. Residential System Sizin Calculation a Summary Project Title: CARLTON ROAD PETE DEBUS PORT ST LUCIE, FL 7/1/2021 Location for weather data: Fort Pierce, FL - Defaults: Latitude(27.48) Altitude(25 ft.) Temp Range(L) Humidi data: Interior RH 50% Outdoor wet bulb 78F Humidity difference(62 r.) Winter design temperature(TMY3 99%) 40 F Surrimer design temperature(TMY3 99%) 91 F Winter setpoint 70 F Summer setpoint 75. F Winter temperature difference 30 F Summer:temperature difference 16 F Total heatling load calculation 28250 Btuh Total cooliin :load calculation 32018 Btuh Submitted heating capacity %of cale Btuh Submitted cooling capacity, % of calc Btuh Total(Electric Strip Heat) 109.7 31000 Sensible(SHR= 0.75) 98.6 26250 Latent 1611 8750 Total 109.3 35000 WINTER CALCULATIONS Winter Heating Load for 1562 sqft) Load component Load ._0aI s) Window total 131 sqft 3758 Btuh ceiiings(539fi) Wall total 1326 sqft 5934 Btuh Door total 20 sqft 276 Btuh wind°w5(�a3ns) Ceiling total 1562 sqft 1492 Btuh Floor total 1562 sqft 5806 , Btuh Floors(ZO.el6) Infiltration 50 cfm 1637 Btuh Duct loss 9346 Btuh " Subtotal 28250 Btuh Ventilation 0 cfm 0 Btuh Doors(l 0% 4. !` TOTAL HEAT LOSS 28250 Btuh InfiL(58%) ��'"" Duds(n m) SUMMER CALCULATIONS Summer Cooling Load for 1562 s Load component Load Window total 131 sqft 6362 Btuh Wall total 1326 sqft 4016 Stuh Geilings(70%) Door total 20 sqft 285 Btuh WaEls(125%) Ceiling total 1562 sqft 2239 Btuh } Floor total 0 Btuh Doors(0.9% Windows(19.9%1 Infiltration 37 cfm 655 Btuh Internal gain 5780 Stuh I 9 Infii(S9%) ` Duct gain 7286 Btuh Sens.Ventilation 0 drn 0 Btuh __ Blower Load 0 Btuh '� Latentint(3,7%) Total sensible gain 28622 Btuh � . Latent gain(ducts) 2628 Btuh r Latent gain(infiltration) 1569 Btuht Latent gain(ventilation) 0 Btuh 0ucts(31.0%} ''tntGein(18.1%) C- Latent:gain(ntemalloccupants/other) 1200 Btuh Total latent gain 5397 Btuh TOTAL HEAT GAIN 32018 Btuh EnergyGauge® ys 1 1 g � 8th Edition ' PREPARED B . DATE: EnergyGauge®LUSRCZB v7.0.00 Summer Residential Load - Room by Room COm one t Details Project Title: CARLTON ROAD PETE DEBUS PORT ST LUCIE, FL 7/1/2021 Reference City: Fort Pierce, FL Temperature Difference: 16.OF(TMY3 99%) Humidity difference: 62gr. s calculation is for Worst Case.The house has been rotated 90 degrees. rees.9 Comolrterll Loads Rcalln#1 Matl t -00 Type* Overhang I Window Area(sqft) HTM Load Window Panes SHGC U InSh IS Ornt Len Hat I Gross Shaded Unshaded Shaded Unshaded 1 2 NFRC No No E , 1 O.Of 0.5ft : 40.0 40.0 0.0 24 56 974 Btuh 2 2 NFRC 0.42,0.96 No No E 10.Of 0.5ft 7.5 7.5 0.0 24 56 183 Btuh I 3 2 NFRC 0.42,0.96 No No E 10.Of 0.5ft 15.0 15.0 0.0 24 56 , 365 Btuh 4 2 NFRC 0.42,0.96 No No W i 2.Oft 1.0ft 1 15.0 2.0 13.0 24 56 € 779 Btuh i i 5 2 NFRC 0.42,0.96 No 1 No W 2.Oft 1.0ft 30.0 4.0 26.0 24 56 1558 Btuh, 6 2 NFRC No No W i 2.Oft 1.Oft 15.0 2.0 13.0 24 56 779 Btuh 7 2 NFRC 0.42,0.96 No 0 N W 2.Oft 1.Oft 6.0 1.3 6.7 24 56 407 Btuh Window Total 131 (sqft) 5044 Btuh Walls, Type U-Value R-Value Area(sqft) HTM Load Cav/Sheath 1 ConcreteBlk,Hollow-Ext 0.15 4.110.0 405.5 3.0 1228 Btuh 2 ConcreteBlk,Hoilow-Ext 0.15 4.110.0 270.0 3.0 818 Btuh 3 Concrete Blk,Hollow-Ext 015 4.1/0.0 380.0 3.0 1151 Btuh 4 i Concrete Blk,Hollow-Ext 0.15 4.1/0.0 270.0 3.0 818 Btuh :Wall Total 1326 (sqft) 4016 Btuh Doors Type Area(sqft) HTM Load 1 Insulated-Exterior 20.0 14.3 285 Btuh Door Total 20 (sqft) 285 Btuh Ceilings ;Type/Color/Surface U-Value R-Value Area(sqft) HTM Load 1 Vented Attic/Light/Metal 0.032 30.010.0 1562.0 1.43 2239 Btuh Ceiling Total 1562(sqft) 2239 Btuh Floors Type _ R-Value Size HTM Load j 1 Slab On Grade 0.0 1562(ft-perimeter) 0.0 ` 0 Btuh Floor Total 1562.0 (sqft) ! 0 Btuh Zone Envelope Subtotal: j 11584 Btuh Infiltration Type Wholehouse ACH Volume(cuft)Wall Ratio CFM= Load Natural 0.16 14058 1.00 37.2 655 Btuh Internal Occupants Btuhloccupant Appliance Load gain 6 X 230 + 44UU 5780 Btuh Sensible Envelope Load: 18018 Btuh Duct load `Average sealed,Supply(R6.0-Attic),Retum(R6.0-Cond.) (DGM of 0.377) 6789 Btuh y Sensible Zone Load 24808 Btuh EnergyGauge®/USRCZB v7.0.00 Page 1 Manual J Summer Calculations Residential Load - Component Details (continued) Project Title: Climate:FL VERO_BEACH_MUNICIPAL A CARLTON ROAD PETE DEBUS PORT ST LUCIE, FL 7/1/2021 --- The"follQwtnttrittt IciEcuriort wlll b assged t4 the system toads Windows July excursion for System 1 1318 Btuh Excursion Subtotal: 1318 Btuh Duct load 496 Btuh Sensible Excursion Load 181. 4 Btuh 3 EnergyGauge®!USRCZB v7.0.00 Page 2 Manual J Summer Calculations Residential Load - Component Details (continued) Project Title: Climate:FL VERO_BEACH_MUNICIPAL_A CARLTON ROAD PETE DEBUS PORT ST LUCIE, FL 711/2021 HCfLE Ht3LFSE 4TA�S _. . ...... Sensible Envelope Load All Zones 19336 Btuh Sensible Duct Load 7286 Btuh Total Sensible Zone Loads 26622 Btuh Sensible ventilation 0 Btuh Blower 0 Btuh Whole House Total sensible gain 1 26622 Btuh Totals for Cooling Latent infiftration gain(for 62 gr. humidity difference) 1569 Btuh Latent ventilation gain 0 Btuh Latent duct gain 2628 Btuh Latent occupant gain(6.0 people @ 200 Btuh per person) 1200 Btuh Latent other gain 0 Btuh Latent total gain 6397 Btuh TOTAL GAIN 32018 Btuh 4UIPMIt 1.Central Unit # 35000 Btuh `Key: Window types(Panes-Number and type of panes of glass) (SHGC-Shading coefficient of glass as SHGC numerical value) (U-Window U-Factor) (InSh-Interior shading device:none(No),Blinds(B),Draperies(D)or Roller Shades(R)) - For Blinds:Assume medium color,half closed For Draperies:Assume medium weave,half closed For Roller shades:Assume translucent,half closed (1S-Insect screen:none(N),Full(F)or Half('/z)) ' (Omt-compass orientation) version 8 EnergyGauge®1 USRCZB v7.0.00 Page 3 ,114/2021 Florida Building Code Online T _ _ BCIS Home I Log In ( User Registration I Hot Topics I Submit Surcharge I Stats&Facts I Publications I Contact Us I BCIS Site Map I Links ( Search I Florida �I - ! Product Approval USER:Public User tars�c 6 ' Product Approval Menw>Ptod'uctor Applicatiom Search_>Appiicatioo List,>Application Detail FL# FL32502 Application Type New Code Version 2020 { Application Status Approved i Comments Archived I Product Manufacturer Ply Gem Siding Group Address/Phone/Email 2405 Campbell Road Sidney,OH 45365 (937)498-6720 alan.hoying@plygem.com I I _ Authorized Signature Alan Hoying alan.hoying@plygem.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email a i i Category Panel Walls Subcategory Soffits 1 i a Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida , Professional Engineer Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Allen Reeves Evaluation Report Florida License PE-19354 P i Quality Assurance Entity Intertek Testing Services NA,Inc.-QA Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2023 Validated By Ted Berman,PE Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received 4 Certificate of Independence L 'R;q P007 ?0-2,0I,3C-QG1 Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year i AAMA 1402 2009 ASTM D3679 2017 i i Equivalence of Product Standards ii Certified By ®� Sections from the Code �� i Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr ap'p_dti.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquMtWf6FvK8%2f8ZLFJCsjM%2bUmxlRGV%2bjFoktCxiRwRJ4tQ%3d%3d 1/2 1/4/2021 Florida Building Code Online Date Submitted 07/13/2020 Date Validated 09/30/2020 Date Pending FBC Approval 10/01/2020 Date Approved 12/16/2020 Summa of Products FL# ,Model,Number or Name Description 32502.1 i Mastic Soffits Vinyl and Aluminum Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No 1`02502 ,RO 'II 2020iFBC-Installation`Detail—?Mastic Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes .Soffit;pdf j Impact Resistant:N/A Verified By:Allen Reeves 19354 f Design Pressure:N/A Created by Independent Third Party Yes Other:See Product Evaluation Report for Product Design r'Evaluation Reports Pressures. _ 02 P, = tL,,!Tf3»,FC, P-_,d x n­v IFE;C_ Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Coovriaht 2007-2013 State of Florida.:: riv Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395..*Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,,please ? provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please click here. Product Approval Accepts: e ERR ® EGheek 5 . I 4 Credit Card Safe https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_dU.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquMtWfBFvK8%2f8ZLFJCsjM%2bUmxlRGV%2bjFoktCx!RwRJ4tQ%3d%3d 2/2 717-846-3747 Fax 717-84&0355 HR HR,Engineering, .Lnc. 1541 E: Market St; York, PA 17-403 4 June 2020 Alan.F.Hoying,.Code&Regulatory Manager Ply gem Siding Group 2405 Campbell Road Sidney;.Ohio 45365-9529 RE Florida Evaluation.Report;'Mastic Soffits,,FBC 2020 Dear:IVIr. Hoying GENERAL This Florida Evaluation Reportcontains all of the 28 `soffit:products manufactured by I P1yGem :/ Mastic Home Exteriors. .The report is.divided.into 2 .different soffit types; aluminum soffits.and:vinyl_soffits. All of the work here is in conformance withthe,202- Florida Building Code.and.the:.2020 Florida.Residental Code. ALUMINUM SOFFITS k The following 14 PiyGem l Mastic.Home:Exteriors aluminum soffit products; Envoy double:6,.Envoy single 6, Endurance l2";,Envoy 12",Envoy quad 4, Endurance double 1. 6, Economy triple:4,Economy quad 4, PGP.0 double 6;:PGPC triple 4, PGPC quad 4, PGPC 12'I 0: 1. PGPC triple 4, and..0:013" PGPC triple 4 have been tested and analyzed in conformancewith the requirements of AAMA 1402 `as stated in Florida Building Code 2020, Section 1404 5.1: For material; 'soft. type; .effective width; configuration,thickness,vent,and net free area,see tables on,pages 2 and 3 of this report. ), The-net.free-areas stated in the:tables are,in-;conformance with.the requirements of FBC 2020, Section 1709.10. Structual'wind load testing in conformance-.with;Section 1404:5'.1 of the FBC 2020 has been,performed at Architectural Testing, Inc. located at 130 Derry .Court, York;:-PA 17406. Testing with nails for shortpwdh was"to Protocols A202-94 and I' TAS. 203-94 as reported in ATI report 15934 (test date 06/01/95) :and AV, report 75862.01 (test dates 08/17/07 and 09/19/075.. Testing .witli nail's.for,short span_ eave. SN widths was to ASTM D 5266'as:reported iri,ATI report 75997.03 (test date 11/01707). Testing,with staples for short'span eave"widths was'to,ASTM D"5206 as..reported IhATI report 75997.04(test date 11/23/07): Testing.with nails for long span eave widths was to A8TM-F,,,330 as reported iri ATI report'C•1573.U1: � 4 1 I Mastic Som.ts Page 2 PLYGEIVi/MASTICSQFFIT TABLE MATERIAL(, SOFFIT TYPE EFFECTIVE; CONFIGURATION THICKNESS VENT NET:]FREE, WIDTH' Aluminum AREA EnvoyDouble 6 12" Double 6" SdG12N10, O:OI9" Solid 0 SVGl2V20 Fwl1. 15:0 Aluminum Envoy Single 6 -6„ SVG6N,SVG6V Single 6" 0;019" Solid p Aluminum Eadtuunce:12" Full _ 7.5 12 Double 6" 0.016" Solid 0 SAS12216, LFAS12216, Full 10:6 SAS 122316, Triple" 4" LCAS122316, 0.016" Solid. 0: LFAS122316 Center 4.4 Aluminum Envoy 12" • 12 Hill 132 SAS12219, Double"6" 00:19"` Solid 0 LFASI2219: Full 10.6 PVd SAX12214T, Solid 0 PVC'LFAX I221 9T Full. 'SAS12319 Triple 4" 11,0. Q019" Solid 0 - I::CAS12319,LFAS12319 Center 4:4 :Full 1 Aluminum Envoy Euvoy Quad 4 16" Quad 4"° 'Q:019" Solid p SAS16419,, LCAS1,6419 Cen ter 1 1:9 Aluminum Endurance Double 6 12" Double:6" SVGN420144,. 0.016" ,. Solid 0, SVGV420144 Full 1$.0 _ Aluminum " Triple 4" 013 0. ��Y 12 " Solid p SAS12313, LCAS12313, C :4 IXASI.2313 enter 4 Aluminum F-ponomyHilt 13.2 SAS16413, 16" �'4" 0.013"_ So$d 0 LFAS16413, Hill 5.1 . .Vinyl v - entura 10" ". Tri ..WOO 3 1/3 P 0:044 HVS10N'HV Solid S10 0 V VinYI P.ro-Series Beaded g� Hidden •9.19 Triple 2 2/3 0.040" Solid P]3S8QN,PBS80V' 0° Vinyl. D5 ho=Series 10" Full 154 Double 5'•' 0.046" Solid p PSSION2PSSIOV V�ttYl T4 Pro-S�ies 12,• " Full 7.53 PTS12N; Triple 4 0.040 Solid. 0 PTS12CV PTS12V C .1.96 vin.K T4 Universal 12" Full 5.87 . UVS12N Tripl@4" 0:036"' Solid 0 UVSI2CP, Center 1,96 UVS 12P Full 5:87 Vinyl RMS ON 10" 0 Double 5" 0 . T 040" Solid I( TRMSIOV Full. 7.53I 'Vinyl Protect Plus 10" Double 5"PTS10N, 0.040°f Solid p 1 F PTS10V Full. 7:53 .Page 3 PLYGEMPERFORMANCE COLLECTION p Q SOFFIT TABLE MATERIAL SOFFIT TYPE EFFECTIVE CONFIGURATION THICKNESS VENT NET FREE WIDTH, AREA. 1QV?/FTs Aluminum Double 12" Double 6"•' 0.019" Solid 0• AAS12219, AFASI-2219: Full 10:6 Aluminum.. Tnple4.`- 12 Triple.4" 0:019" Solid 0 i4AS12319, - ACAS 12319, Center 4- , AFAS12319 Full 112 Aluminum. Quad 4" 16" Quad 4" 0 0:19" .:Solid 0 AAS161419A, ACAS 16419A Center: 9.7 Aluminum Double 6 12" Double 0:016" Solid 0' AAS12216' AFAS12216 Full, 10:6" Aluminum Tnple 4 l2" Triple 4" 0.016" Solid,- 0 AASi2316, ACAS12316, 'Center 4.4 AFAS12316 Full 13.2 Aluminum; . Triple,4"' 12" Triple 4" 0.013". Solid 0 AAS12313, ACAS 12313, -Center 4,4 i AFAS 12313 Full 13:2 j Vinyl Triple'3 1/3" 1:0"' Triple 11/3" 0:044 Solid 0 Vin1 VST3N,VST3V._ Hidden 9.19 Beaded 8" 8".. Y Triple 2'2/3" 0.040."- � . Solid' 0 VSB223N, Full' 1:54 VSB223V Premium .10" Dopble 5" 0:046" Solid" 0 VSD5N,VSD5FV Y _ Tri le4"' 0:040" 7.53 Vinyl' Prermum' .'12" p 'Solid 0 VST4N,VST4CV, Center 1:96 VST4FV Full.. 'S:87 Vinyl EcoaomY 12':' Triple V 0 036" Solid 0 EVS12N, Deafnfer 1.96. EVSI2CP,EVS12P. Solid- 5.87 Vinyl Economy Double 5"' 0,040"EVSD5N, Solid 0' EVSD5V- Full 7:53 " Vinyl Double 5" 10" Doubles" 0.042" Solid" 0' I� SVSD5N, Full SV$DSFV 7:53 f . t r 6 L 1 Mastic Soffits Page,4 I have performed a combination of rational and comparative=analyses-on these products. The 4110wable design wind,Pressures for all of these products have:been determined'in a separate 32. page 'structural analyses titled ALUMWUAd AND VINYL SOFFITS INSTALhATION`DESIGNS 2020 FLORIDA EVALUATION,. The allowable design�wind pressures for all of these products are listed,in 6 tables shown on 3 installation drawings, 11"x-17",. titled:MASTIC SOFFITS-FLORIDA attached to this evaluation report, The. required'installation details to achieve the allowable design wind pressures are.shown,on the same installation drawings and are in conformance with:Section 1709.10 of the 2020 FBC. Minimum interlock between panels must be 3/81?. The allowable designwind,pressures shown in the tables on the installation drawings.of this evaluation:report can be compared directly to.the required wind loads in Chapter 16 of the Florida.Building Code 2020. 'The 2020 Florida Building,Code in Section 1609.1 and the 2020 Florida Residential ;Code in-Section R703:1.2.1 directly mandate that the design wind,pressures on soffits;are to be the same_as ad'onun walls.. I trust J g t that this information is sufficient for your needs. VINYL SOFFITS The following 14 P1yGem/ Mastic Home Exteriors vinyl soffit products; Ventura, Pro- Seiries.;Beaded,D5'Pro-Series,-T4 Pro-Series, Universal, Trade.lVlark,Protect Plus;PGPC T3-1/3 PGPC Beaded 8",PGPC D5 Premium,PGPC T4 Premium,PGPC D5 Economy, PGPC T4 Economy,and PGPC:D5, have been tested and analyzed in conformance with the�-requirements of Chapter 14, Section 3.0 'of the;2020 Florida Building .Code. For material', soffit-type, effective width, configuration,thickness,vent, and net free area,;see tables on pages,-2 and 3 of this report. The net free areas ;stated in the tables are in conformance with the requirements of FBC 2020,Section 1709.10.1. The vinyl soffit.overall product standard is ASTM D 4477; and it is the referenced document in the Florida building Code. Within this document ASTM D 3679 is listed as an associated document. ASTM:D 3679 lists ASTM,D.520.E as the assoeiated:document for structural testing. In Annex Al. of ASTM D 3679 it states that a factor of safety of 1,5 will be used in calculating_design pressures .based on the structural testing-done in ASTM D 5206.: This is the same factor of safety that is required in 2020 FBC, Chapter 14 Paragraph.,and Chapter 17 Section 1709.10.1. Structural testing was done at Architectural Testing Inc.'s and Intertek's laboratory d£ located at 130 Derry Court, York, PA .17402, and reported in 75992.02 (test .dates- ` 10/03/07 thru 10/09/07), 75993.02 (test dates- 10/04/07 tluu.'10/11/07), 75994.02 (test dates-10/04/07 thru 10/08/07), 01-49361.01 (test date-02/03/04),,and C1512-01 (test date- ' 08%10/1-2), K4767,.ol-10940 (test date-12/11/1.0), and K4770.01-109-40 (test date- 12/13/19). The material (physical)properties test ASTM D 635, Test Method for Rate of Burning and/or extent and Tame of Burning of Plastics in a Horizontal Posrion, as f r Mastic Soffits Page5 required by ASTM, D' 3679 was done at, an AMA accredited 1"aboratory, Polymer: Diagnostics, Inc..located at 33587 Walker.Road;Avon Lake, .Ohio 44012 in Project_PT 21754{test date=04/02%07). All,other materials (physical properties:festirigas.requized by ASTM D 3679 was done at.Architectural Testing, iric.'s main-laboratory located.at 130 Derry' Court, York, PA 17402 :as .reported .in project A5538.017103=77 (test date_ 04/07/11)•. . , I have performed a combination,_of rational and comparative analyses on these:products. `The.,allowable design wind pressures for all of these soffits Have been determined in.a " separate .32 page structural analyses titled. �4LU11fI1VUM AND VINYL: SOFFITS INSTALLATION DESIGNS 2020 FLORIDA EVALUATION. The,allowable design-wind pressures-'for all of these products:are 1"'We d;in 6 tables shown on 3-installation drawings, l! 11"x17", titled MASTIC SOFFITS FLORIDA` attached, to 'this:evaluation report._ The required;installation details to=achieve the all design wind pressures.are.shown on the same installation drawings and are in conformance with Section ;1709:1.0:1 of the` 2020 FBQ'. The`-pressure equalization factor was not used..at any-time to determine allowable design.wind;pressures for these soffits. The allowable design wind pressures shown.in the tables on the'installahon drawings.of this evaluation report can be compared directly to:the required"wind loads m.Chapter 1.6 of the"Florida Buildmg'Code 2020. "The Florida Building Code-in Section 1609.1 and the 2020;Florida Residential Code in Section R703:1.2.1 directly mandate that the design wind pressures on soffits are to be the same as adjoining walls. I trus"t that this information_is sufficient for:your needs. Sincerely yours; mob` �� �•� ,E�Ff/J,'�.,� 3 Allen N.Reeves,'P.E:, SECB �`. F •s Structural Engineer No. 15354 •. �. Florida.License No. 193554 _ nSTATE OF = '' ANR:rlh, Cc 2005.0001 o R lyeN1q'�'�l`\`��� i ' 4 4 s' P� {rh 4: ALLOWABLE DESIGN WINE)PRESSURES IN PSF SNORT SPAN TABLE MASTIC EAVR WIDTH IN INCHES `A.S7 NeR�•' /N 4ACN; IVA:/,a .HEM..,'pi9RE /'1a.ry}.GAIG. ROOF/N6 ,� SOFFITTYPE 10. - 12" 16^ :NA/t,S; WLTK '/i •J//AN/(S .AND ENVOY(ALUMMMO 12-,NAILS +169.1 +1353 +96.6 !i Lo c LEGS AA/D•. /6 GAG£ SEE 7-ABLS• ' SVG12N20,9VO12VIO -169.1 -1353 -96.6 IG E - ENVOY(ALUMINUM Ir,STAPLES +169.1 +1353 +96.6 SVO12MO.SVGI2V20 ... - -177.0 - -141.6 -101.1 � ......-. ,T/HA?ER.. . .. ......:. ...:. : ENVOY(ALUMENUM)6•,NAILS +338.2 +270.6 +193.3 t FRAMwG-":.., :. svc6x sv66v -338.2 -270.6 -1933 ENVOY(ALUMUMM1)6%STAKES +3382 +270.6 +193.3 SVG6N,SV06VFi06C'7A. .. � . .354.0 -2832 -202.3 Pxg F., Zx¢ ENDURANCE(ALUMINUM Ir,NAILS +142.4 +113.9 +81.4 BOAAD '�',`�wou •�! .�OA.PD weob SVON420144,SVGV420144 '•,y/6¢XZ -142A -113.9 -81.4 rwreoxlQTe. WALL .rwx�0pjl03c ENDURANCE(ALUMENUMl)►r,STAPLES +142.4 +113.9 +91.4 •. FASC/a - svaN420144,svcv420144 -177.0 -141.6 -101.1 Woav TipIM i5?fF/j FNvoY(ALUMINUM)Ir.NAILS +169.1 +135.3 +96.6 ... - :"':. .✓ESE TAatES .. SAS122t9,LFASt2219,SAS12719,ICA512319, -169.1 -1353 -96.6 bR, SaFFYT - _• - IFA512319 SAX12219i IkATC122197 METAL SSE: TAaLes ' f-AsTeNERS SAMC AS AT'-_ ENVOY(AWMIINUrd)W.STAPLES 4-169.1 +1353 +96.6 ,.. - SAS12219/LFAS12219,SAS12319,LCAS12319, T'A/M -- FASC)q ... ,BLOt:N WALL rFAS123I9 sAXt22197 IFA7C122t97 -177.0 -141.6 -101.1 . ENVOYQUAD(ALUMINUM9J IF,NAILS +126.8- +101.5 +725 EA'1�E+ WIDT 'EBV,E�W/vTN -. .. SA916419,LCAS16419, ° _T P_m TABLE.T ' -126.8 -101.5 -72.5' .. ... ,,•..., AAP SE 4 9' L ENVOY QUAD(AUMORLIM)16-,STAPLES +126.8 +101.5 +725 SAS164E9.LCAS16419, -132.8 -1062 -75.9 SOFT/TS lt//TH MASDA/RY :B�OC/<. WALLS ENDURANCE(ALI7MffilUM1)Ir,NAILS +142.4 t113.9 t81.4 _ SAS12216,LFAS12216,SAS12316,LCAS12316, -142.4 -113. .. ..'.'. .: N 07' ,TO S C A 4.E. .. LFAS12316 9 -61.4 ;) g ENDURANCE(ALUMINUM)Ir,STAPLES +142.4 +1139 +81.4 - r SASI2216,IFA31EFA 12316 16,LCAS12316, _-177.0 .• -141.6 -1061 - . 'e r4*4/F.Ik4 T EACH.MAIL, ..-Ti M@ER, FRAM/MG YY IFAs12316 - - /Q. ECONOMY(AUIMINUM)SOFFIT 12-,NAILS +115.7 +92.6 +66.1 // E/THEN /s66PTNuG @2sLop14AN, SAS12313,IFA8123I3,ICAS12313 -115.7 -92.6 -66.1 .FAd-rCNCAS AT SAGA NA/L. HEM / NA/iS W/{.{•�'1� - ' ECONO24Y(ALUMILiUM1)SOFPli 12`,STAPLE +115.7 +92.6 +66.1 - ,eITN�ER;y,Iy LOMG AOA FIN SA3123I3,LFAS D ' _ _ SIyANX•t..A b 3�Sn�1/ b�. 12313,ICAS123U -177.0 -141.6 -101,1 svq/A.r WiTH y4'�SNA)J•KS' - '/I - - ECONOMY(AIUMOIUM)SOFFIT W.NAILS +86.9 •+69A +49.6 S O B ��,5'T11P/..ES. .!)I/Tp.=�_ I SA916413,IFA816413, AMD (b'NEAOS�- .O,IQ 86.8 -69A -49.6 A 90F,LOOS,,AA/v 1,otX2 . ECONOMY(ALUMm4UM)SOFFIT I6",STAPLE .86.8 +69A 449.E STAPLES WlTA� •� / SASi6'413,IFA516413 �oA/G LEGS AND 6 GAG.•, ,SQL' 132.8 -1062 -75.9 T/MBER ;T-R�4�S; ¢p� Z �► y /6GACt��� -FR4/v/ING CDA4;NAlL P VENTURA-(VRM)IV,NARs +2273 +181.8 +129.9 /s . •: . 11VS10V,HVSION. -80.1 -64.1 -45.8 SEE TA6E£S : - •- - VENTURA-(VMM)IT.STAPLES +2273 +181.8 +129.9 /k2 FASCIA NvsloV,trvstox -95A -76.3 -54.5 PRO-SERIES BEADED(VINYL)8-.NAILS +206.6 +1653 +118.1 <l oARo PBseox,rBssov -91.0 -72.9 -52.0 PRO-SmtD'S BEADED(VENYL)8^,sTAP1Es +206.6 +1653 +118.1' FACIA-••--� WAS ;FiOSGIR, WAIL' PBSSON.PBSSOV -108.4 -86.8 -62.0' T.flp •'Sp FE-/T $f'E'TAAL FS - p PRO-SERIES(VINn)IV,NAILS +237.6 +190.1 +135.8 PSS10N•PSSI0V -83.7 47.0 -47.9 so T {p PRO-SERIES(VWn)IV.STAPLES. +237.6 +190.1 +135.8 -E VE W/DTN ,ram,TAGrfiS - r PSSION.PSSEOV _ - _ SMVrWr(SPAuuG VE LW/OTH SEE TABLES .. .. I' -99.8 -79.8 r57.0 SEE TARA. ppp PROSBRIE.S(VWn)1r,NAILS +206.6 +1653 +118.1 - SAME A,f AT FASOIq PESI2N.PES12V,PTSI2CV -60.7 483 - -34.7, SOFT/T W&n WOOD FRAMELP WA I.I. - .SOFF/T' fiyry pOnF -,r9AA1 Mt(;..-. PRO-SERIES(VINYL)Ir,STAPLES +206.6 71653 +119.1 NOT TO XCAL& ND r TV SC4 L E _ 4 PTSIZN.PTS12V M12CV ... C -72.3 -57.8 413 UNIVERSAL(VINYL)IT',NAHS +185.9 +148.8 +106.3 ``"tpWnEwrrinl /�i UVSI2N.UVSI2P,UVSI2CP -54.6 43.7 -31.2 - ``�Q�����GN • � �i��i�i�� . oxivRRsal.(Vwu)Ir,STAPLES i +185.9 +148.8• +1063 E N ��;��G 11VS12N,LEvs12P,11VSE2CP -65.1 -52.1 --37.2 No.19354 •.�,', TRADE MARK(VDM)10",NAILS .+206.6 +1653 +118.1 TRMstoN,rRMstOv -72.8 -583 -41.6 .9;• '� ;Lr r TRADEMARK(VWn)10%STAPLES• 4206.6 +1653 +118.1 711MSION,7IIMSIOV ��' STATE OF 86.8 69.4 49.6 Allen N.Reeves,P_E. Structural eer Florida License#19354. 'O••. PROEECIPLUS(VINYL)t0^,NAELS +206.6 +1653 +118.1 %� 'F/0RVO-• z�` nSION,rrS10V RSV,/S�l'VNI[ Zgz0' 20D5 Oa0/ - q�FS;••........•• G`��. -ns ss.3 41.6 PROTECTPLUS(VWn) 0",STAPLES +206.6 t165.3 +118.1 HR Engineering,Ine. DATE•%6 •IVOV d0/2 PROJECT NOJI/00020�7 SHEET OF 3 /iq//aONAI- �O PTSION,PI'SIOv � REEVES �.�� yUD IIEIEE� • -86.8 ,•b9.4 -49.6 DUpLyGtM/MASTIC BY• `A PRQIECTNAME:MASf/C S OFP/TJ-FLORIDA Dd&M*d .dm WbmbI;9 on Shad lor3 • - - - .Zt ✓vy,1=.29i� . - ALLOWABLEDESIGNVV IDPRF6SURESINPSF LONG SPANTABLE ALLOWABLE DESIGN WIND PRESSURES IN PSF . GENERAL PTOTES MASTIC RAVE WmTHiNINCHES MULTI SPAN TABLE(EXTERIOR CEILINGS) SOFFIT TYPE 12" is- 18" 21" 24" MASTIC 1B•NVOY(ALUblMbl)1r;NAILS +288.0 .+170.4 +112.5 +79.8 +59.5 sva12N20,sv1n2v20 -2753 -162.9 .107.6 -76.3 -56.9 SOFFIT TYPE DESIGNPRESSURES LISTED INTABLES AREBASEDONCOMPARATIVE ENVOY(A1 ubmNubO Ir.srAPtEs +288.0 +170.4 +112.5 +79.8 +59.5 AND RATIONAL ANALYSES DONE IN HR PROJECT 17090003.AND ARE SVOl2N20,SVGI2V2o -2753 -1629 -107.6 -76.3 -56.9' Beaded(Vinyl)8",Neils - +/-55.0 IN CONFORMANCE.WrrH.THE2020FiORIDABUH DING CODE AND THE ENVOY(ALWALNUM)6'.NAILS -+576.0 - +340.8 +225.0. +159.6 +119.0 Solid-PBSBON Vented-PBS80V 2020 FLORIDA RESIDENTIAL CODE. SVG6N,SYO6v Beaded(Vi)a-,Staples " +/--55.0 x -550.7 -325.8 -215.1 -152.5 -113.8 Solid-PBSBON Vented-PBS80V ENVOY(AL s,STAPLES +576.0 +340.8 +225.0 +159.6 +119.0" TIIE2020PIARIDABUIIDING CODE IN SECTION 1609.1 AND THE 2020 svG6N,SVG6v 550.7 '-325.8 -215.1 -152.5 -113.8 Pro-SauSSIOle5(nted-PSIOVs +/-50.6 FLORIDA RESIDENTIAL CODE IN SECTION R703.1.2.1 DIRECTLY MANDATE Solid es Double Vented IV SIOV THAT THE DESIGN WIND PRESSURES ON SOFFITS ARE TO HE THE SAME t InNDURAxce( uH>Q•RIIN)1r,NABs +242.5 +1435 +94,7. N•67.2 +50:1 pro-Series Doubts 5(vmyn 10",Staples .+/-50,6 svG042ot41,,svav42o144 -231.9 --137.2 -90.6 -64.2 -47.9 Solid-PS910N Vented-PSS10V ASTHEADJOININGWALLS. EMURANCE(ALUMINLM 12",STAPLES +2425 +143.5 +94.7 +67.2 +50.1 Pao-Series Triple 4'(Vinyl)1r,Nails +A36.7 , SVGN420144 SVGV420144 WHERE -231.9 - -137.2 40.6 -64.2 -47.9 Solid-PTS12N CcnterVent-PTSI2CV.Fu11Vcut-PTS12V ENVOY(ACUMINUbO 12",NAILS +2¢8.0 +170.4. +1125 +79.8- +595 'Pre-Series Triple 4(Vmyn 12",Staples.. +/-36.7 VALUES GOVERN AND SHOULD BE USED IN INSTALLATION DESIGNS. SAS12219,IFAS12219 SAS123f9,IEAS12319, _ -2J5,3 -1629 -107.0 - -76.3 - -56.9 S.Hd-PTS12N'Ced.Veat-PTS12CV Foil Vent-P1S12V LPAs12319'sAxthi9TLPAR12P191' Trade Mark Double 5(vmy 1)10",Nails, ' .+/44.0 ENVOY.(AL'UIPM Ir,STAPLES. +288.0 +170.4 +112.5 '+79.8 +59.5 SOBd-TRMSION VcaW-TRMSIOV SASN2219,1PAS12219•.9A512319•LCAS12319• -275.3. -162.9 -107.6 -76.3 -56.9. Trade Made Double 5(VW)Ir,Staples +/-44.0 1FAS12H9 SAXI3219T'IFAx122I9T Sogd-TRMSION Vented-TRMSIOV ENVOYQUAD(A I6",NA14R +216.0• t127.8- . +84A +59.8 -+44.6 Protect Plan Double s(Virrynl0",Nails +/-04.0 SAS16419;ICAS16419..... -26&5 '-122.2 -80.7 -57.2. -42.7 ;Solid-PTSION Vented-PTSIOV- ENVOY QUAD( ... 16",STAPIES +216.0 +127.8 '+84.4 +59.8 +44.6 protect Plus-Double 5(Vhryn 10",Staples +/44.0 SAS164I9;LCAS16419; -206.5 -122.2 -80.7 -57.2. -42.7 Solid-PTS10N Vented-PTSIOV. £ ENDURMCE(ALVhVt1EVd):=.NAILS +242:5 .+143.5: +94.7 +672 +50.1 V®tmaFMUple3 V3,(Vlgynl0",Nails. +/48.4 SkIZEI6•LPAS12216,SASI2316•LCAS12316, -231.9 r1372 ' -90.6 -64.2. -47.9' Solid-BVSION VentedHVSIOV " •.LFAS12316 -VenhaaTM Triplc3 Ui.(yW)I0".StspIcs +/-08A LEGEND ENDURANCR(ALVMRRIAUY2";'STANeS +242.5 +143.5 +94.7 +67.2 +50.1 Solid-HVSION Vented=HVS10V •SASMIO,,IFAS12UC SAS12316;LCASI2116, -231.9 -137.2 -96.6 -64.2 -479 Universal le 4 12";Nails +/-33.0 Double 6 hn.9I%-grooves every 6"across width, .LFASIblti, Trip (Vinyl) ECONOMY(ALUMINUL.))SOFWl2",NABS +197.1 +116.6 +77.0 +54.6 +40.7 Solid-UVS12N Center Vent-UVSI2CP FuRVent-UVS12P and each panel is Ir wide. SA317313;L1*1S12313;FGAS12313; -188.4 111:5 '-73.6 -52.2' -3&9 1Universal Triple 4(vigyn 12",Staples. +/-33.0 ECONOMY(AI.UMQNUb•!)- FFIr:l2",STAPLES 197.1 +116:6 •+77A +54.6 +40:7, Solid-UVS12N Centa Ven6wS12CP,FaUVent-UVS12P Triple 4 or T4 has"W grooves every 4"across wldth,,� SASt2313,PAS123I3:LCAS123I3 The detail for this table on Sheet 2 oF3 ' and each panel is 12"wide.. -18&4, 4ILS 73.6.. -52:2 -38.9 ECONOMY(AIJUMINU60 SOFFIT IV.NAIS: . • +147.8 +87A +57.7 +40.9 +30.5." T/MOBER FRAME Qnad4has"V groovesevery4"acrosswidth [ SAS16413,LFAS16413 .1413......'.=63.6: '-55.2` -39.1 29.2 1XZ BATTENS @ L=O"MAd/nfJM SPACING andeachpamlisl6^wida. 1O OMIT(ALimmaUM)SOFPrr16'.STAeLBs..,. .+14T8 +874. +57.7 +40.9 +30.5 A7TAexEI TO s •.SAS16413,LFAS16413 '.' 1413 ,83cb -55.2. 39.1 -29.2 EACH fRAWAG s VBNIVRA++r(VRaYL)1V NAILS. 141.1 -55... +91.1 -29.2+68:0. MEM,@ER µr/TN Triple t-25 has"V"grooves evety2-2/3"across FIVS10V;l .,.,N =73.8 -56.8. -46.1 -38.8 -33.6 FBX a WOOD /-Au" vo•ve•ROOF/N6 wid0yand each panel is8"wide. VENIURA1 ( 10",STAI?IPS': <-+329,2:: +194:8. +128.6 +91.2 +68.0 SCREWS NA/LSJ OR STAPLEd w1rN Double Br 5"across width, Ilvst'ovn sION -763. 49..7 -47.1 •40.2 -34.7 /"LONG 1.9C5X7.°(/G $10OV� ay PRO-SERIES BEADED YL)a(YIN NAM3-: .+374.1 .+221.4 +146.1. +103.6 +773 -:GAGS) IN EACN NA/A.N>TM aad each panel is 10"wider FBSSaN,PBS80V -83.9 '-64:5 r52.4 -44.1 38.1 PRO-SERIES BEADED(VINYL)r,STAPLES +374.1. +221A +146.1 .+103.6 +773 FASC/A Single 6 or S6 has"V"grooves.e very 6"across r'B38ON,PBSSOV -86.76 -66.7 -54.2- . -453' ' -39.4 SOAR C width,and eachpanal is 6"wide. PRO-SERIES(VINYL)IV,NAILS, +344,2. +2033 .+134A +95.3' -+71.1 WA LL TSSlotyPSSIDV -77.2 -59.4 48.2 -40.6 -ni Triplewidt has ea grooveseverywide. PROSERLES(VINYL)1o",STAPLES +344.2 +203.7 +134A +95.3 +71.1 FASCIA across width,and each panel is 10"wide. PSSION,PSSIov Tk/M MASTIC -79.8 -61.4 49.9 -42.0 -36:3 soFFf.T,a't.E ' pRrLet:nrgc(yINyL)Ir,NA1L4, _' +249.4E-443.0 -+97.4 - +69.1 +51.5 A7uI711PAN TABLE f 2/. 2., - FASTgN6RS '�1�ltrltuNllugf//// P1312N,MIZV,PISI2CV- 55.9 . 35:0. 29.4 25.4 MAX. MA1`PROsmt�s��)1PIs1z STAPLES +2498 36.20.4 263 AFT�ATT�NS :`QC SVE WforH L/N4fMl7ED UNIVERSAL(VINYL)Ir,NAIL4 +224.5 +87:7 +62.2 +46A' .19354.Uvs12N,uvsl2P,wsucP -503 -31.5. -26.5 -22.9UNIVERSAL(VINYL)tr.STAPLES +2245 +87.7 +62 2 +46.4UVSI2N,UVSI2P,UV912CP -52.1 32.5 -27.4 +123.7 0,�, STATE OF Tuao3MnRx(vINYL)io",NALs +2993 +1T7.1 +116.9 +g29 +61.8 S'0,49 FOA WIDF- EAVES ANO EXT&IRIOK CE/L/AIGS TRMSION,TRMSIOV -67.1 -51.6 .41.9 -35.3 -305 NOT TO .I CALd i�� '/OR1Q� TRADEMARK(VRM)10",STAPLES +2993 +177.1 +116.9 +82.9 +61.8 � Ss�O ••••E�G`��� TRMSION.TRMSIOV -69A -53A -43.4 -36.5 -31.5 Allen N.Reeves,P.E. Structural Engineer 'Florida License#19354 ap/ NAL PR07P.CTPLUS(VINYL)Ir.NAES +299.3 +177.1 +116.9 +82.9 +61.8 ffm nl oral PTSION.PISJOV -67.1 -51.6 -41.9 -35.3 -30.5 RGv,/.S JuNiL 2ozr. 2005 ono/ PROTETIPLUS(VINYL)lo^. APtEs +2993 +177.1 +3169 +829 +61.8 HR Engineering,.Inc. DATE:/�NOR 20/2__. 'PROJECT NO.///00020-7• SHEET z OFF 2'3 A G. 2O PrsION,P13}ov 69.4 53A 43.4 36:5 -31.5 CLIENTpLY§AMZA7ASTIc gy A. _ __ _REEVES_ PROJECT,NAMEMAStfC JOFP/TS "FLOR/OA DcbTe mat rsilhmistabk ere tbaad an Shed l or3 ALLOWABLE DESIGN WIND PRESSURES IN PSF ALLOWABLE DESIGN WIND PRESSURES IN PSF SHORT SPAN TABLE LONG SPAN TABLE 'ALL0 WABLE.DESIGN WIND PERFORMANCE COLLECTION PGPC EAVE WIDTH IN INCHES rFSOFFIT ZOLLECTION PGPC RAVE WIDTH IN INCHES ._PRFS$[1RIaS PBI+ SOFFIT TYPE 10" 12" 16" T TYPE 12" IS" 1S" 21" 24" DOUBLE 6"(AL W,NAILS +169.1 +135.3 +96.6 MINI0 12-,NAILS +288.0 +170A +112.5 +79.8 +595 �TY SPAN TABLE AAS12219,AFAS12219 -169.1 -135.3 -96.69,AFAS12219 -275.3 -162.9 -107.6 -76.3 -56.9 ORCEII.INGS DOUBLE 6^(ALUMINUM)12",STAPLES +169.1 +1353 +96.6 INUM)u",STAPLPs +268.0 +170.4 +112.5 +79.8 +59.5PERF'ORMANCE COLLECTION PIG AAS12219,AFAS12219 -177.0 -141.6 -101.19•AFAS12219 SOFFIT TYPE ? 275.3 162.9 -107.6 76.3 56.9 DOUBLE 6^(ALUMINUM)t2",NAILS +142.4 +113.9 +81.4 DOUBLE s'(ALUMINW I2^.NAILS +242.5 +143.5 +94.7 +67.2 +50.1 (V g^,Nei14 +/-55.0 AA3122I6,APAS122I6 -142.4 -113.9 -81.4 AAS12216,AFAS12216 ` Heeded j 231.9 -137.2 -90.6' -642 -47.9 Solid-VSB2T3N Voted=.VSB213V DOUBLE 6"(ALUMINI M)12".STAPLES +142.4 +113.9 +81,4 DOUBLE 6`(ALUMINUMQ 12",STAPLItS +2425 +143.5 +94.7 +67.2 +50.1 Beaded AAS12216,APAS12216 -177.0 441.E '101.1 -- AAS12216,AFAS12216 (Vinyl)9"..Saplcr.. +/-55.0 ' 231.9 437.2 -90.6 -64.2 -47.9 Solid-VSB223N Vented-VSB223V TRIPLE a^(A117MINOnI)t2".NAILS +169.1 +135.3 +96,6 " TRIPLE 4^(ALUMINUM)I2',NAILS +298.0 +170.4 +112.5 +79.g +59.5 - Prmli�Double 5(Vhryl)10";Naile�- +/-50.6 ! AASI2319,ACASi2319,AFAS12319 -169.1 -1353 -96.6 AA512319,ACAS 12319,APASI2319 -275.3 -162.9 -107.6 -763 -56.9 So11d=VSDSN Vartod,'VSDSFV i TRIPLE 4"(AWMI?aMi)u',STAPLES +169.1 +1353 +96.6 TRIPLE 4"(ALUMINUM)u";siAPtEs +288.0 � +170A +112.5 +79.8 +59.5 Premflw D0ab1e5(Vhgl):10;,Staples +/-50,6. AAS12319,ACAS12319,AFAS12319 -177.0 -141.6 -101.1 AAS12319,ACAS12319,AFAS12319 _ Solid-VSDSN Vented-.VS) ' 275.3 -127.8 +84.4 59. 56.9 Prearilm Triple 4(Vinyl)12 Nails +/36.7 QUAD 4^(ALUMINUM)19 ,AAS1641,NAILS +126.8 +101.5 +72.5 QUAD a"(ALUMINunn t6^,NAI[S +216.0 +127.8 +84.4 +59.8 +44.6 AAS16419A,ACAS16419A -126.8 -101.5 -72.5 AAS16419A.ACAS16419A Solid-VST4N Cmter*V V$WCV. 206.5 4222 -80.7 -57.2 -42.7 FaRVent-VST4 QUAD 4"(ALUMINUM) STAPLES +126.8 +101.5 +72.5 QUAD 4^(ALUMMUM)W.STAPLES +216.0 +127.8 +84.4 +59.8 +44.6 AAS16419A,ACAS16419A -132.8 -106.2 -75.9 AAS16419A.ACAS16419A PcemtamTriple (Vmryl) "'Steplta +/-36.7 206.5 _122,2 -80.7 -572 -42.7 Solid-VSr4N C®taVent-VSr4CV TRIPLE 4^(ALUMINUM)I2",NAILS +142A +113.9 +81 A TRIPLE 4"(ALUMINUMT)lz",NAILS +242.5 +143.5 +94.7 +672 +50.1 Fdl Vent-VST4PV AAst4-(ALUMINUM) 142.4 113.9 81.4, AA3123t6,ACASu3t6,AFAS123t6 231.9 -137.2 -90.6 -64.2 -47.9 EommatyDouble5(Vin l)10ails;• +/44A 6 4"(ALUMmtvM)12".STTAPLES +142.4 +113.9 +81.4 !KWL.s4"(A1t1MRWN*12'.STAPLES +242.5 +143.5 +94.7 +67.2 +50.1 Solid-EVSD5N Vented- TRIPLE t AAS12316.ACAS12316,APAS12316 -177.0 -141.6 -101.1 AAS12316,ACASI2316,AFAS12316 F.cohomyDoable5(Vmyl)'10';S les +/-0rI,O Y -231.9 -137.2 -90.6 -64.2 -47.9 TRIPLE 4^(ALUMwUM)SOFFIT tx^,wtls +115.7 +92.6 +66.1 TRIPLEa"(AWMINUMD SOFFIT I2',NAILS +197.1 +116.6 +77.0 +54.6 +4D.7 •Solid-EVSDSN vented-EVSD5V AA512313,ACAS 12313,AFAS123U -115.7 -92.6 -66.1 AAS12313,ACAS12313,AFASI2313 -188.4 -111.5 -73.6 -52.2 -38,9 "Triple 3113;(Vbryn 10,Nails - +/-48.4 S Solid'-VS13N VeNed.�Y373V TRIPLE a"(A1.IIMINUM)sortrl'1r,srAPlrs +115.7 N92.6 +66.1 TRIPLE 4^(ALtLMnvuM)soF'F17'1x',STAP1Es 197.1 +116.6 +77.0 +54.6 +40.7 AAS12313,ACASI2313,APAS12313 AAS12313,ACAS12713,AFAS12313 Tnple37/i,(Vh"10',S*las. .+/48A_227.3 -141.8 -129. 329. 111.5 128. -522 38.9 Solid-vMN Vented-V813V . 7RIPIE31l3^(VLNYL)to",NAILER +2273 +I81,8 -45.8 rRIPIE31S7.3N,(VINYL) NAILS +329.2 +194.6 +128.6 #912 +68.0 Economy Triple 4(Vin'yl) :;Nails' +A33.0 3-(N,Vs'reV -80.1 -64.1 -05.8 VS73N,vsT3V -73.8 Z6.8 -46.1 -38.8 -33.6 Solid-BVS12NCcWcr.Vcnt-EVS12CP j TttIPIE3 V (VI VS1 V STAPLES +2273 +181.8 +129.9 TRIPLE31/3"(VINYL)io'.SIAPLES +329.2 +194.8 +128.6 +912 +68.0 - •`.FORVent-RVS12P. •.'.'.. . VSI3N,VST3V VSr3N,VS73V -763 -58.7 -07.7 -002 -34.7 'Economy Triple4(VW)12";Staples' :. +/33.0' 95.4 76.3 -54.5 I BEADED(VINYL)8".NAILS +206.6 +1653 +118.1 BEADED(Vwn.)a NANAMS +374.1 +221.4 +146.1 +103.6 +77.3 Sotd-EVS12N Ca tei Vmt-L+VSI2CP. VSB223N,VSB223V -91.0 -72.8 -52.0 VSBT23N•VSB223V FoIlVenir EV812P, ' -83.9 -64.5 -52A -44.1 -38.1 BEADED(VINYL)s",STAPLES +206.6 +1653' +116.1 BEADED(VINYy 8",STAPLES Doable S.Nigyi) 0",Nail,' +/-96.2 ' +3746 -66.7 . +146.Y +103.6 +77.3 Spy_ SN FoRVcnt-'SVSb5FV VSB223N,vsazz3v -108.4 -86.8 -62.0 VSEz23x,vsB223V -86.76 -66.7 -54:2 45.7 -39.4 DOUBLE 5"PREMIUM(VINYL)10",NAILS +237.6 +190.1 +135.8 DOUBLE 5"Pmmw(VINYL)30',NAILER +344.2 +203.7 +134.4 +95.3 +71.1' Solid PoR Vent-SVSDSFV vMmN,vsDmv 83.7 67.0 47.9 vsOSN'vsDSPv -77.2 -59.4 -48.2 40.6 -35.1 The detail for this We on'Sheet2of3 DOUBLE s^PREMIUM(SDNYL)io sIAPLEs +237.6 +190.1 +135.8 DOUBLE 5"PRB=WiVv1 W)LO",STAPLES +344.2 +203.7 +134A +95.3 +71.1 � DIN'�DS� -99.8 -79.8 -57.0 -79.8 -61.4 -09.9 -02.0 36.3 PREMIUM TRIPLE 4"(VINYL)12",NAIS +206.6 +165.3 +119.1 PREMIUM TRIPLE 4"(VINYL)12^,NAUS +249.4 +147.6 +97.4 +69.1 +51.5 VST4N,VST4FV,VST4CV VST4N,VST4FV,VST4CV -60.7 -08.5 ''-34.7 -55.9 -03.0 -35.0 -29.4 -25.4 � PREMIUM TRIPLE 4"(VINYL)12",STAPLES +206.6 +165.3 +118.1 PREMIUM TRIPLE 4"(VIM)12 STAPLES +249.4 +147.6 +97.4 +69.1 +51.5 ! VSraN,VST4FV,VST4CV -72.3 -57.8 41.3 VSr4N.VST4FV,VST4CV -57.8 44.5 -362 -30.4 -263 ECONOMY TRIPLE 4"(VINYL)12",NAILS +185.9 +148.8 +106.3 ECONOMY TRIPLE 4"(VINYL)12",NAIS n ) +224.5 +132.8 +87.7 +62.2 +46.4 EVS12N,13VSIZP,EVSI2CP -54.6 -03.7 -31.2 EV512N,EVSL2P,13VSI2CP ' ECONOMY TRIPLE 4"(VINYL)12%STAPLES +185.9 +148.8 +1063 ECONOMY TRIPLE 4"(VINYL)iz-,STAPLES -50.3 -38.7 -31.5 -26.5 -22.9 +224.5 +132.8 +87.7 +62.2 +46.4 EVSIZN,BVSIZP,EV31zCP - -65.1 =52.1 -372 EVSI2N,EVS12P,EVSI2CP -52.1 40.0 -32.5 -27.4 -23.7 _ I ``�a(tunum°nw/i,, ECONOMY DOUBLE 5-WINYL)10".NAILS +206,6 +1653 +118.1 (V[MT,)10",NAILS .o��N. ecoNOMYt)olltEr +299.3 +177.1 +116.9, +82.9 .+61.8 ��`��, .• ' '. EVSDSN,EVSDSV -72.8 -58.3 -41.6 MDSN.EVSD5V -67.1 -51.6 -019 -35.3 -30.5 p�'.•�\G Eh1•S�.F�% ECONOMY DOUBLE 5^(VINYL)to",sraelEs +206.6 +165.3 +119.1 ECONOMY DOUIE 5"(VINYL)10".STAPLES 4299.3 ''+177.1 +116.9 +82.9 +61.8 *5 EVSDSN•BVSD5V gygp6N,by3DSV No.19354 -86.8 69.4 49.6 -69.4 -53.4 -43A -36.5 31.5 - DCUDLE5"(VINYL)IO',NAIS' +216.9 +173.5 +124.0 DOUBLE 5-CANYL)10%NAILS +314.3 +185.9 +122.8 SVSD5N,SVSDSFV 11 +87.1 +64.9 SVSDSN,SVSDSFV 76.5 612 43.7 -70.5 -54.2 -44.0 -37.1 -32.5 gTATE DOUBLE s(VINYI,)10 srAaLEs.- +216.9---- - N-173.5 +124.0 DOUBLE 5^(VINYL)t0",STAPLES +314.3 +185.9 +122.8 +87.1 +64.90 SVSDSN,SVSDSFV SVSD5N.SVSDSPV -91.1 -72.9 -52.1 -72.9 -56.1 -45.5 -38.4 -33.1 !4 F '• O R I... Details that go with this table appear on Sheet 1 of 3 Details that so with this table are folmd on Sheet 1 of 3 11zs/,O'NIALt� �����` Allen N.Reeves,P.E. Structural Engineer Florida License#19354 AFV,'/B J i%Ng 2020 HR Engineering,InC. DATE 27 MARcH 2a15 PROJWTND/503000/ SHEET 7 OF 3 Zp ✓&,01C.2.6z 0 " CLiev. GE4,MB3'T1C. BY• A. REEVES pR(XIWTNAME:MAST/C SOFT/TS- F[ot/oA I{ kev. ''--JW4 .2a24; a09So0o: H, In@@�111 InC DATE /,y d: T, 2072 PROJECT`NO.Ii/a oo2a-7 SHEET 3 9 9� oF ,3 CLIENT-PL G&M sT/G BY A._:RE EYE S PROJECT NAME:A2'j y6Hy :Sorp r Tiy1F bES fL /ZF Sr�R/ESgs12:N, s r V J_ r f P� 364j 3 1 ! r k � - - f '. } U� y� 03 �� } } GK� 44E 3jA1.- T¢+. �! !/.r/2 /� !/t/.5'/Z/° Uc�.!`_1ACp, i f EVrap } V�Nr >i ! + ►� (fNt"v LTlSPAN� } J°?k07"r-_cT ID .�P7-VJ� P)'� Prjb6Vj �� 'EV.S'bSX.j oEW 'fl. g'i� t I I ( I l a, E ' ?1��K L f .SfOFF/TS f '�.-:°J 0' •©.9t Z�• MU,LI'FI�SPR/Vf I ,. , f i I i(� AN a3.A:TT_�IN A T l'A 44 MA Y To,' l�"JC=A lvj i a: - - - sRAOMd i Z' Q `X /� Q" MAX Pr ,S.�,o Prl�X:2.� o�'X 1.06T;� i - TRr O '!2;* , Y1/ M 1¢1! C1TAQ>:� 11249f -;i cd vcLvs�oH;P art "Al x 2'� Inuobb' XtRE W.S L _. .. _. ._. .._. ��. .,.. _. .M,pX/-^�vM_ _SPA -4, OU'la P-926 U HR Engineering, InC. DATE: /9 Ocr,; 20/2 -PROJECT NO./110 00ZO-7 OF 3.I _5HEET_ 'CLIENT, pLY GIEM/MAS71c BY: A. RELVES PROJtOTNAME:Al, Zorrl?r M-97', NVL; sor.F.1 A cl!W'(t I v u�vi- �pAiv, iz An ca7ZAJ-10I!-¢off r-3 j 0 �Si,4 V 67d.VA L trtsrsl 6A'1VAE-& 1 Ph 0-71,CW AM C�q NA"I'L R,-r X, 4, S;;-.V 1A1 C)i jVDiT -9"__ av • • WzA 7' A US , 7 Z)p 4 14 0,1�1'71 J' J(i ------ �.v _AA vLr/ �c Y A • 4Z Arr• .............. SbFF 7$, 0,% ON 16 8A;b?Rb A Tp Ao 4� itsi _j bluc. 6,7k !k 73,;7c, 75- �HR;Ertc ring, Ihit : DATE z_ M A Ocm z4i PROJECT NO /!/0:4a2� 7SHEET" 30' ;OF 3 2 CLIENT=Pt 'G.LM Adf E BY: A`. kEEk&S P_ROACT,NAME;Bt VLivet-ao'Pfax lion. CEs L - r - i� ` p P l. 4 . SWSbSN;.., b5 l.t0�1'Di ! s1.V S;: W OS, y�EnrT a A ! 2f - 6 .9 PSFi Z8.3X1�alolrj��:l� �3 .i1 RaF` t 21 t6hVE! ( 2 1p 1 i I pp Li- C�¢ t N!415' 15¢NEaOE l31'S�Rair�; 1wA/�.s; ; bp=S X of X 1 x,313 �-F 1�549 !: - f fpA_1_ s, ,3 k 1 -3 fi. Jl ii .'2 • j1('o¢ IF� t ' ( pasirtvEi LOADS !Wrrk sr,�P�E_S1PR 7`rkk; 'R > ► S_ r r , t al s �.W _ l :•Q�,-(�ox1� 1X''= +' { 1 � 8av£ (I!c s��H�.� sTAPd , b,P 24.r Psi - IS" apt£ __ ,13 'srAa� 1 rT�JOLE -24i1k'• i ST E ' -�DP�--12� / +4Y ti'/c7 S,iAN iArl, S { R94. ,�.J (� .2ozofJaSDOj. HR Engineering, Inc. DATE: 19 Dcr. 2 012 PROJECT NO.//10 aaZ0-7 SHEET 2-'-? OF 3 Z CLIENT AV CAM /Mm:`p;G BY:. A. r§E E V E S PROJECT NAME:AG ylNyL ;SoFF/T.0.INST, 'pa FG 'p • «�? Afl RMS/ N+� 1 - .....� t +- 33 t IDas PsF71 r s rA NA lrLV X ;x t i t �f$ . Av� , lldfi�si°A,r '_IwA1�L f ,o =. —X •°- x�I 3. 9Fi 1 I I • t 1 i ".JrjQA = , -- g4V o."srw>v 1 /NA./LSI I �,#DP1= ,a,¢a �2 a 3k3�.. 193. 3 Ar ._ • i3 t bP _.asap Pas�>rtW Logos dyv� w- STA)'A__9 g ... X1� ..•.s� oil . I , Y'g S �f' w._2 p 17 lot f_;'...i . I t • I ' - : s '_-&AvE ' t I ' � ; { � I i � t I i I • { ;18; ,fi'Av . .1� sPA � seer}cEs —pP.� 2g�lk.o � (1a�s8��l��f� -- ' bp! . . 2 lZrr AYG` t /O" .rp.,w)3 I.StA 'C $ DP. = 2$l ,1' 'Q�a/ �S HR Engineering, InC. DATE: 18 OCT, 201?- PROJECT NO. M-0 002-0-7,SHEET--L.—SOF-9-2, CLIENT: pl./-CI4*MAS-r1C BY. P FS F-MS PROJECT NAME: A L IVINXL so-Fo d I Nr r; oz A-L Z, • AI '/2iV : VY YZ V.S it C!P- z spq 14 OR 2:It V4 A. L X ?,Z LS A5F, 71 Xl A13 7 )p? ,3A k'1113 iz +1 Jj 2, SPA A44S 7 -rA 0,5 0/1 ip4l)' x ot : 23.3 d r0'471�" .,lf. f - Ds tw ikj'-A& r rA 21, x p A gl A PIP.& ir 18/' -r-A VE -*JA41. jr. jL ;iZ JS" 4 V -4 v"C ��.rpAN 14 IL&-J-i 36 -xx 0 a' HR Engineering, lnc- DATE: ig acr, levlz PROJECTNO.IlloO.02-p-7 SHEET-..?_70F 2.'> CLIENT 04-Y G9141MASTIC i3y- A, REF-vF-.c PROjEQT NAME: AL �_ IL V------ - ----- -- -------- 2 & /, VlrTf�ry AL P 1p !_6 2.2. V ... ........ fo 1z, X1 %IPSF L3 ppx x, bp 7. z�Ti NIF ;- PU 2- X- 7 ArF )VAJ! S' 14.X ov.3 _ g?.�.o x IoA A ir '1---7 'z_ J bVI 144-­ A+14t J. =j 4AV U4.2�Pi!r OIL 0 lk - ';7 ov r— a LN>r.2cza H'R Engineeri g, Inc DATE 1 8 :OCT .ZoIZ PROJECTNO IH& O2a-7SHEET 2 6" OF Z :CLIENT P�.YE/`Mlv1A:Shit BY: A: R.EgVES OKOJECT"NAME:AL_ ,v�V� sDFFiTSNs• T W. V11V L.r ,50+FFI?s: /O"�( } •Q�6 .� iCONG ' SfA/�l S,S { ' , NAriLS� 0*0lC16X ,Ss �' �`r,7 LRsf A✓E /.G" 34. rF' � ! , "XrOQ,Oy�IDIC��/f:l`�!� _Q+B 2 RsFi ,a '1'.� V1.�3�1� toil, •- � /Z SAW (f7D; spAN /ifYl �.S { - f.z X. y 31 , z r 77 I � 1 _ __• I _ i � ;. I i I { llJ t I Pasr�v '« L® � ,qr�,s �1�i'JTN 3- _ _7.19f" t;S-_ fLRE._ I _ . ...> i�5/'A7V� sT'f AS b� ;;-2`�.Ik.�y !�_�ok •71 " ; -k-il v l ¢ .r°SF I(!oX 9,. '��I - z h As g;94 i O- l5E4 1,,,`�rfi%v�' S?'�f" �' A DP 4.l X `��6 : I . C '12�' 6AVE �Ia'! 1p ,✓ AI'�. S' " D 'o¢l. _ .aka-+liQXS���'!¢' • REV. . vUN p-.202d. 2.QOS ODQ� HR Engineering, Inc DATE: /B Qr-L 10/2- PRQJECTNO. 1110bozo-7SHEET 2 S OF 3Z CLIENTBLV 'EN]I MASyG BY:- A... RgEVES PROJECT NAME:AL V c SOFF/TS'/NST. bB:r, FL , ! �1my i so 'fITS� ERlE 4417 1 S €fjibED ■i■a7`. .(1 AA I 1(2 "sp�N ;' NA 1 L S � � . 'fl o,?C x_ ' � IS x /1 3 38,1Sf z _ Ro � 2N� I - p 316. °S F1 � 3�3 zr - - - - 1 - DP[ 43i ? : SS,pAJV3j, N�/LS ;CDR— zx d a 12a � { }lSjr. EAI� " �3Y�SPAN�; N#91,LS ! I' !�f ID/P� z ` X kI 9�3.3 I 2-j2 4 ,sr -- ,a¢aJ.VA Cg6,�s) 64 _ I zi , , 93,i3X!�a�' gxis� PsF` I ' i p•a,s�IrlPZ L La,e'0s; �;�,/� kS7A,P�Es A-)?'t ?r!A: i sAME GIs g;R©VE, _. I II, rsF ,�'I�` �AK� i . �191�,�iFRN �.Sl'A/'GE�,S � -•17l?-.-Z¢:/X '�°¢6 8' l4 ¢5;'7 �°sF • i 4 STAPLES • Ids ,29.�X ,(8't��� *� ps .tea•- #- a S(Ak 41 A bs�� (g-9 7 Ash , I ' , HR Engineering, Inc 2oiZ ' PROJECT..NO �0 oza� ' 4cv .'JriN� 202¢ :DATE /] d.C7" 0-7 SHEET 2 f OF _ CLIENT:P4: .G F--MZMA aTl C ® . A. REEVFS' PROJECT NAME: V1N L SoFF/Ts '/Ns7C hre- ,,-• 4 i u -J /ii 1� �,'¢N 'I�LD!►�G JIP A( ' r f I f I a V;tf�Tf1/V 4 A%A1 Ll } IDp _ 1 ,��+..:- k �2 3 �'S.D ps 7 _ a- zz..- 9yao , f 1-- '. ,:.. i � y�_ I -.�� ��• 3,., t i z/,''tlarrf2 qYt. k -F 9 jr. /uAl`�.1 f fDR --- �C f3, ISI" �av4E spafX,� - p } NAB -SQ39 Lr ?4T1J_ � 1 p yyf' s_IIT!'V LD'Rt3s W�T/,r STAPLzES s1l? `TtIL� �AN1 qS' fj pI N , az'' ! p_.!, •l , ..J(ldX.tr) 19�� sF f 1 Pn(�/3r•,Si� ' iST/1Ls :.bPI -2g IX'•° f wr�' -f- -, , �; '•f .o���1ex-9•��Jf�" 4�0 � pis � 18/,Eci9�f f /�GY SlA �, ;SfAI+L�S �� q� t , , , I Al _. _ f' �4 I XU6AVlt tl0Sl f S i/ G, b 1114{p., HR Engineering, Inc. DATE; _4- JUN foa A e2 PROJECT NOAQea opal SHEET 23 A OF 3 2 CLIENT; G6P?IMASTIG BY: A. kE EVES PROJECT NAME:Al- yL nwr)ts JNJ7 ties �L E -T.. _ � I o s psi 1 I _ .. �' •I•i�-�•'!1_ �_ L CJ ' ., pk�v,.___I L � ,:x;SP d 4 ¢'o. kvo ! _ Ysl"cave (` 161 ,sfr 1 �!..__ b � .s; i ►tlbrl : � x, AI Soto' 4s��.n �s ! *jf:)� l 1 AV ! 1 r3" s�Anv { f f I- I �fiIDR=� x' x1.3'b:� i S`7. JFJ { �-l-- _ + I L5 r i t } � , ( ' � ( - i - �_ � I ��I 2 ��� •,did- 7.,�... 8 -� 8.. � f , f ki j. } I fi } ,r� f� s t __. j. ~jY_. ��•1.. F'---}.__,._ ,..._is i ._., ....:....•..�—-I -.I.... f 1 I 1 I i i , ,t % i f- ,j _ ' i ! i + t f _..'.... I '_ ���'• t ! � f I....' � .t, s —.. ._.l _( _ j ' } � i� t I �l HR Engineering, Inc.- DATE: /7 Oc-r LO/?- PROJECTNO.-1//009020.-7 SHEETS OF 32 CLIENT Ply G N1...MAzri,c BY: A. ,ag-Ves PROJECT NAME:.RLdVZVI- c-&E/Ts /,vxr oy f� L!iJA??fii�U�rL S6rFI'TS,E .` IZ. ' i ,O/13 - - E GaMOM ! ( Sps1�3/!3} `'�'FA:r/23/3' !4iCps12$!3` p l2I3l3, '�ACAS1i3i3 s rZa EAVB; `22'�rpgN� .�13; ,?� . p.'U. fOti71°SF Uhl + �/9"SpAn}� /gZ� r 4/31 k c f I ¢ " OJ 2 , I �Z4� C713 ;J 2.; .-, �. N '#' 77 0�9 Y. 13 � � ' u ' 1 i ' � .�olp I• -� { I i I A A I S 'h D p x—r !(S4 4 I ! i f I i � f k_a _ � I I 4s L L , I I� AF �f'':s.l 1.✓/'LL_��.. �fl� l sR�C" As I114ea I I I f , I 1j u RICK 4 U N 4 2 02-6 aoosood.t HR Engineering, Inc. DATE: 17 6C'r. ZalZ - PROJECT NO. /lIODOZO-7 HEET--zl OF CLIENT GEMZ&AjZl_Q_ BY. A. 1?,F-EVF-S PROJECTNAME:AL Vi, L So is df Fl" �e q C NDy A C F— sASI/n/d �P'�S)221141 . -1- - .- -J. �0.' -.�14 -4 �e ad i,-t4 -A(A' ,5.�Z7j AF 'Sj2il.C ,4lAS!l?314' AcAS'12-3jg 4FAY12 oj(1 42 k2L - x 7 X 78s 17- 44 OF- 1 �. C'/9wSPAN� _ 11� 1�5 '-� DP g oic X.y �.,o o f�'7. /lsF OT6­ 4 Awl oil --p 0 Arr' Son iLl D! X 714 - 1-77— j Z:' I SO oi, I=,' + /* 7. 1 S-tAk-it be 71W E M HR Engineering, Inc. DATE: /7 ocr, zoJ2 PROJECT NO.JJJ000zo-7 SHEET-_k_-L OFF CLIENT: A-K G EMIMASTJ C BY: A. 8t F_VEs PROJECT.NAME:'A[#Ywc Sortfrs J,✓sr. Qrs. Fl. • `I , 1; rJMI/1(Cl . F1 OI9,n /1 S��7 Ir As - - - E�v-o ��►o I Iq fi(sa$J .gr9; 4AS/6jt l_ . : A_JS 16 f I d1 A. - I lil i.. f N I I I 2g2 om/7' isa:AN) 7( X.�6 xso.6 I I _ X 12/i�EgvE (l9 /V} NA114 !+IOf'' l9 x'� %6 X6`o.b SiS.g p�F ¢7,4 S?.Zi I .. - - _ - .Si $,47 Psr� 15'r�EgvE ' SIVAIN HAMS l-e'� .Eoql V8._ _(Job' PRv� . .1 NAJ'.S`- f DPi_ , �Q •a�`k z 119 ED,O .7 ao I ST_Ap F !DPS . .W/LL.,. .-E _ T/JE !SA.MC A,'r 'h'E!P6 _.:p- I. I I , I ' • i I ' ., i � i � i � I I I � I , I •� I I RE . d LINE 90 65r 060t HR Engineering, Inc. DATE: /7 oc7-, 2o12 PROJECT NO.No 6020-7-SHEET zo OF 3,2- CLIENT X-Y 6,kM1MAr7'J:C BY A. Rgte�&S. PROJECT NAME:AL V),!y Vt- Sor4rl rS JYXJI Der I'L 0. 4�,k I m;-. /-.rx 'E-Al,IA a S.V6,(-Ay. 15 -4- 17 .3. • L7 J J Aiv� / A•IC.S Y-1�P- l9 �1-7 1---. F 7 Of + tA V 4 s, 6.12 rp/T, 5 7.s 7 !. . .. It S. ve iwx iT Zj- .0 J f--a. 1p, s . 6, < Ira x if X t's - jz 11- DM-- X; 60 k -7d 0' I ix X f7. T�-A As.J.L.L.I.B.!& 7- JA j J REV. t/Ns°2o2' ZDoS oob, HiR.Engineering, inC. DATE: /7 OCT_ Zo/Z PROJECTNO.1/Idoo2o_T7 SHEET CLIENT.ply. acm 1AX7') c BY A. AEEVES PRQJECTNAME:ALL Vw t raFFrrs JNrT. .G£s. FL t AiLMi/lu!UM_ ENI/D�' P V. Jzivz®�.�. CCSUWOO (AaS1 .2?`9 'AF'AS1z 19 db . EnrvoY 7r¢ OD`6(SAsj1 iz19 %23f9 -iF S-I 3!•9 .�A�1Z2f9=rii A,Oail9r C`-p_c Aof cis 1?�14�RfA�123)q-� z 5 " £Awl NAI; LS vp 0,6 + x x •cE9 .X !2 9`47 g, EA V E (/q"srA,v� Nd1J ; ._ 'f `b1� F R.1= x=1 X 5oj p ? -- 47 z .419 2 _ t�P a,6 s� �t X;4 7 8: � 76. ,IBA EKV� �1�"SI►/D{(/f/ —_/�1A1L:'S l 7' + :�' fl� � � �4J9. ,1Z; .K ���D,� �� -.-. , f 6 , TM1 spAn�.. ' NA1�_S D�1 F .aiq A x a 150 °; f asp �z ) I i 21 A.r ff � 3 A.vt 0:; ��A NA] J ;f ;bp i 1(!51) 0` I ,� + 28 ,O psF 9 D77 RE. `r6R 'MA IV si , i i t , I � I p I I , ;-- t-•, i; G REV dLJN%' 2620 2aoSaoo.il HR Engineering, Inc. DATE: /5 oar. 2.0/2- PROJECT NO.I/146oz0-7 SHEET /�OF� CLIENT;R4-,Y BY: .4. REtlE:S PROJECT NAME:Ate y�vl corn-irs idsr. b c..F�: ;A i 0ml N vM .'0 F 7.i` (�L o�/� ,s"'Ams tC7F A7"l1 Cys 3k 0/I-'/o !EJ1Jv 2.�rR`�iNG N1ijl.S l.�Twi- X. , ' i �' NAIA.-#�APi,o ! � Y�nJS.. ?Ol9• ' M&asak�d O�lG 1 I 4'•( N WA/G Ps" o`pyF !(Na'FAi1CYJ�Pfs `7gsr rorro i , I ! ;A r<1p L Pos.1r/v S_.WILL! T�Nb !_/NT�l�lo•-ai ToGig7'NEA',( i *43A.T/Vt Gl s ' GV(Li�_ 'T�`M;}j I 76. .f'l1cL I iA�7.61,R. QCXj. Jq.Pf�RT -- '- - _• , I i 'TN�R�F�RE _ WISE, �Cl.c�llrlcA�.,,. I __I __ � --•fi_ _- 1 -I - i• , `lf _D_ I P i 1• i L 'v,d R�% �✓ r>;+ _ p A - .Sf't1J S!Q�,gK�G .. iPA:TI o F;• __ I ! . i , I_ i _ `Lvli oTH s_' ANv 7N✓��k�r�aas�a !�', � _ � i i � i SlatG`E'i ASTOFZ 7/eA4L �.L:41EAEKTj' WA)J.1S .AND, s'T,9.ACESi W/LG! RA i :/ml yl4_' , 0,677-' ` LD_.1Vq .S,-ANSJ Z9••.� il_I /8 _. 1s /2 EAl VF,. W/tar//.Sr ,l 1��L.->• c�Is 72 -1 'Lq l-7 �A, I 3 Q i J,T 9 101#A t (TJ:Sns ou I .31..TIF-s r-1 s f'c/.im t t T1re-E 4t."' Nb!�lINAL 177l1,GkNE,�s s M'EA�fv.R��7 ,!03g�', JVA/ �,!Ejc%J .0ir / ''/Pao,�/,1/G- I N�ilt sal / " EAc%Ic NAJL NEl►'�� , 1 ' _! i f bP -! 65•,Q,r✓/, _ !-f 5�3,3 P.Sp -(N' o' F�4 44, U/z 7"Ks 7. '7'o rP Ep� A" ,- . .: ` .. }/ RA,T/o :0- SPAi+I�i' ¢v!A tJ',- R"l"J'1 QS' i i b {W 1-1>17 ..A,�+D I T'NI.0 Kitr c G/ . � - LpiD.lL hA - 213T > • f � j i I I j ! i i' i f - i top Fo,R, TAIQLis' SAS A1.or E s' rE _AX-J7 ;FR- ET `5 . ' .STAPZES FAV4CD' W IT ! Sjp ' ! _- � . ' . 'vs�.-.SAND_.u'A.4vE,.,gs..�.sy:oR•T �Si'NN_ -��.1 �t�•AgX `iM'aD�o�'�..' HR Engineering, 100 DATE: 4048 20 0: PROJECTNO20At6d?bE SHEET .. 17 OF 3Z, .CLIENT k . GEM` ' l m I BY: a. REE!VFu PROJECT NAME:A"VJNyZ. SDfFIrS iui"T:DFc:, F'c y�l ,L s'Q �r .— 10'', ;_' . o¢� (1sNclr� s► N► ' __i t. } t G = I�SN soc.to , SV.5.m5'FW-D � N 'ED r I ( ' {. ! t »� � i I' I T f � 'I 4 } .�• ' _-_ � 1 I "I 9 .� I I 'i (S�'SlAN�_,-! / Rlt}31C.J!0,3. _3¢ � _' -t 21!6,_� ':p�F , I- - _-_ _ `.. .,_ { .._ .! _:' ,...- •'--•�'- , ' .gip ����.��c,� ,����� cr��=_R7_+���_r�sF, I .bp s j� .p� X 10 3 t I �. 1 I r ` 2.•A1✓E C1 s� trArv,� p _ X I .3:.3 c, p x a f f .. 1 F I i ♦ 1 4 I ' f I � y - t A . _ 1d"EAV(� iSsl'A:r( .. st4raslpp( SA44t}, A's pkqou �' r A kig DP i i 4 i t I I 6 �E4v ._. ' (�l4"SpA u�� STppc,>rtt -FOP 'sAmit _A-i 0 , t Plop _ a � r !, — ' E l s I REV. *. .a UNE 2b20 ao 000:? HIR Engineering, Inc. DATE: IS OGT -2O1Z PROJECT NO.///00620-7SHEET IC OF CLIENT FLy -GEM NIA S.T K BY A AF-E yEs PROJECT NAME:A 1/ s .r- `�}Jlv�►� . ! ,s'faF �7'S; a¢. 1of'N._ Qs' SDD'O 7�M/,r1ov _�rFM • tTk��E; T� � s' �' . •.. ; PIL .UJS : b D rSC�.117� l°T.S.%.�? YIE Mirt0� P_.G P' " _ E�rs.bSN� ' EAYE �8�'sr,av NAJLs DPI g x kl'fl3, i 2io�� .ps1� �g of _ - I / •" Av f _. /�"sr,ax� I /�AIL.S 4 1I 5.3;1° l o$ y i I I /"- 117. I I • i I t .. tAvt ; /*'' ISP49,N� 11dA �S - a .�> X �.X /b3 l ! 1 8•/psF' 4 I i I i � •- - -- ' x 16" al/E 4f DP SA!�1 -- a� • i I } �p _ 2 a - AI 2.L 8 l�sf _ r � i , i , I o"s'rAiv ' S TIa '�,es = 4aP = SAME his ,q;g&VI � �-116,�j 3 FSjF 'A spN�: 3" AAGS I <'117P1Als p8ol/� 'f° .1a�`/ �°SF , 4 E ji • , _ L: ACV "Juwa &oZ10 S000/ HR Engineering, inC. DATE: 7$ vc'r; ZO14 PROJECT NO. 111o0oLo-7SHEET OF I ?- CLIENT-24 GEMb4Ar'rlC BY: A, RriZVEX PROJECT NAME:AL UNJ•/EfSA(r (OVIS I7 N =-T9- iSoi!/ J 'UV'J[`/,P f'Utl. l/EM7, (JI/.S�•/ic/� CFNTF IIE,IVT EVs 12N '� It +1 E Y+ I 11 , �'Y.S It ! Jr My 64V }a ' PS I�.v11c�t xis x' /03;3 i 8 J 8 sf �. P If -- ` N4 i'LS i-- X/03,E + I 0 6,3 AFF ' .C,4a _ a63G . I %0 AAl Vk I C$.ts�,AM, �7-A Lk3. ! �Oplc ;SAMIE !A-i A,96V4 fir I /2� V tr/O"sr',�. :'-57gpL-1s 4,61p AS _ - DPi = -�9��11X'� jzxis,�/i = ts2.l.PsF; ;!6"ARV" 't l°l N S7"AFL9S 'F Of' SAMr, !AS' B© E /O `_.' J¢ _. _. _�,.-. - - A V .3 psi I I I I I i t � I ' � t � �t � • f I. REV, '24domr,2020 HR Engineering, InC. DATE:—IS.Dr-7. 2012. PROJECT NO. J/10 002D-7�SHEET--!±---OF 2- CLIENT.PLY GEM ZAI),qS-TYc BY:� A. IQEEV.ES PROJECT NAME':AL IMY.4L S1061-1 7-S hvxr. F-L A 71-1 J .Ll b 1 PK W1 p-',Li ri Vlr ivs, Q. 6 if 1AP' /Lf� .l; X 1031,1 / .7aC ,-yu. &L-j Vt 10 SPA PL LIES 1+4#. SA�4 00 jg te' bp v04 • 2Do5Dab,( . HR Engineering, Inc: DATE: /2 OcT, z 012. PROJECT;NO.2 10�bZC'y SHEET J 3 OF 3 2 CLIENT /° 41M A sye .,BY- A. q E E-V,, 'S PROJECT NAME;A L i' V1 N vz t OFFI rl JW. fL , I I U✓N,rpL �0�'FJ TES' � loci j ���Gia y i(sW aR7�' ,SPd N � I i ' � °f " I , ! /i"EqVic' . f (g., ,Sr N� NAlL,t fbF -16 iX/off 31 -- tz3'7.'G IP A ' I F ?!2"gaYla" sPp/v g NIA S X ',--�a';X ri I o©4-; hy psi .a , ion l —6 'SAYE ;X 103 _. , o u /A, . . bPST 7 i�Z�' �'�� C�/o'sr°Ay� '^'Sr�arc. ,s !-F 't�p �Af%►'I .�4S ? ov _._ f I i - :; zi t . 1 ( • t _ . , f _ lr S, S i Riev. ? .9ulyA; Z010 Z06,T ODO.I HR Engineering, Inc. DATE: !2 acT. 2olz PROJECTNO. //JQ4`7Z0-7 SHEET /2 OF39 CLIENT: EA7/M.9-Sr)c BY: A• REEVES PROJECT NAME:AL A Viay j saFs°irs iNSJ:DEs.F� i �iShH04jr ' -r-� ;!'h'A �� /E'S I ,�Ei9G,E • I8" 'D! P�B .� gION ", Ti2�'G) ! 1�7G1r7 '...P/S'S�ot! _;I� �tITE ! lit lid" EAv f$��sPAN.�' -I Ai iL-t I t�"pf?�' lib x�49Q X � 7,y..�.' �? 204L6,;ese - I I t d ��.7 914 ps i ! �.2tA!u ��a SPN ' l! Al� I ;t bPc Jt' 1•d31:3' - - IDP,_ —17 _ -i:7 ! !`Ir���ISPpN RA.' I- I I �- �R t i I I I f I 7. 10" I fAy8�{ sPA�Jr S`TPzs I , D U 21 Eh vL� _ O�!`r!°!JHl. !_._'STA. � s . .I I-! P' SA�?C� ,q..s.l_..;S d V L ,D m& As!_AA'ov ' i 1 i . I a , I I I t L RfV. L J 41.1V r 2`e2q 8 ogoo p . HR.Engineering, iid. DATE tt OcT 2 0/ pROJECTNO 00020- 7 SHEET OF 32 CLIENT PL. .GEM iv1A.ST/C BY A.,REEVE 5 PRO;IEET NAME:44# I Y ! t 1 I�114!yL S p T$ 4 7` xl/�/ 7'� /4 T f i /!/S Od' T � /DDE!✓ ;(/ NT�i ��!SfON T SSDL. V I 4 �-�:� �' - €-- ! fr i�ST�1F '_ �!/ i i► € �1l , NS� �?„�/V, � ,� � '� />0��' AV'E '' 8�� .t`pa n/ '1 L� ►�P� �l_6 1116 ¢ 1r114 +�y�ry l 1/a 4 f. Awl —3 £ - i ! I _ fi P 17. X`�- Clox.4 �11A Dto ks I /# 7 k € • Y I z i € I r/a� R v, (8 sPR.Iv) �S T,�pr1 Es f bP sl d Zf t ; xm�.c s; !7�C)P" .�A/�r'G AJ 1p�P�io�g{ *• ¢ 8�'a 8!f4F 4 AT S?�Q,/°LES'.... Df, f SAM'� _. . _ __ ' - - 'I - { i — { - -, ! rbHO;• _ _ /. PTAad . I 1 1 r , I c - 3 RE V. St URI E. 2 02 v HR Engineering, Inc. DATE: '! SeP7' .200 PROJECTNO.170goocg SHEET /O —OF _32 CLIENT: PL GEM s BY. A R E EVE S PROJECT NAME:A L III V"V c So'rF1 rsr I'V"r7 D6.f F` ) um N S '' r / _ 1 I I 1 1 j .: — T`T < . , . 1.. __ __.. ••VAS - - --� , 71 i ; --•,- €-- ; -�- --�- ; - -� �- -�_-hl�� --�--�--! ��°- ~ -9•s--'�171. T 0'3 ff . 1L1�, • lL2i__ _' 6'X i 1.4.._i 6AU'�P-r ! i . � � �_ `'_ i I,i � �.�— � i --1. 1 :__i._•( i_ — � �i '' i , 1 i1i jr--=�- t, I . s- - -- k+r� 'f �,�=i sA� A• _I 4j. VEi if i _ i— i' i[_ti?' 6.AI�L-f_ /1O"S AN;j�JL- t5'�_7;iL4s i `-i if !/�t- /.tom j x �!C-; (-. / ' t ; : - f - ; i - I - - i Vi'— i- 1'-• - .—' -i ;!�!.�..!A rll ^Az bv!G_;� I IT 49 if/•+r! �� is Vd 1 i ! � i i i 1 ; � I i-�I�i -j i '_ _-_;_-i,_-_..i.— A-T•- , -; ---�•- ,T I ! t ' _-'{--_E-_.j ' { _�- _� -i F: i^ ` -- _I • it�_SI;���� ! I--- T` Jr,!`/�.S�r•T t ! i--f _i *•- _ ! i ( I i_ i -� �_ 1. —!-•-`-•-, ;- ;•�F,V-�.. �.�... -' r _ I i I- Imo.;— i �•- -_# � � -'- r 1 i .. _ $ r. r R w, :+ At 2020 Z so .OG:p j HR,Engineering,,Inc. DATE t OCT', 201z PROJEUM 111 000 20-7 SHEET Ib' 'OF 3�. CLIENT, RLy6EI']IMASTIC BY A 1?Etye. PROJECT NAME AL'91.4/N C SOFFITS Lkgf DfL } A.L,t✓r�1�vM _:SDFf/�s` / �.�_b!_�__ �'BlC.�_.:�sh'QRX_ _�pA_•N�- , , fA.S>lz1al i LAR.T1�.3`13�.' ; GiAl I131,8� '/4 t!4�)'►4 3 j, �.�_'` 3 ._' 4 i. € i s �Q n�A'v��_._+ .r •. �'S''spou N�/_C..S ; . , ; �-O p � ,o�,;:.0�3 X_c g.s �-�g_s asp TM a J�tE {1Z" AV'E �__►c14��`ff+A�'�� �/A�1L1C f 27p ~ -� dpl JC6S9 . 5�6. S, Ulf 4 9 L p rr _,b. g�SK=� I S�� � .� Z•�Fo J°„S b,.•� 6 fi :��, /4 sp.ylr� JVA%1.,s t bl� X�-- �C GBcs {1�;��I��V .. ;g!lSPAN ',5Tp3°1,� 5` 1.7 •_ 1,S/l!'1E ;RS '... V t ' - + I f IIZ," q►� ;. 10�'s?AN I t [ _ S MIE Y Jq/Q0vt t•... ' ! ` ! . � , , � ' LAP_ �9 �/rC1�_x�,�/¢"9. I— f '°� l�I /�f'•s4F` + I, I } _ Rev. �-�drJ� 2ozlo 2moSoar�/. HR Engineering, Inc. DATE:_// OGT,. 2d12, PROJECTNO. 1//00020-7 SHEET 9 OF 3 2 CLIENT PL M T!C BY:-. p. R.Er VGS PROJECT NAME:AL VLlyftt- _tVMTs. jNr7: DEX F� A.€v 11 jy Ni' o�'f 1-Ts l ,Ql 6�' _THE c;+ Je' T_ p , E dvce L4AI9-2 C.)R I s V G /�DIf/R�Q1��� S�+sl22y6 LFjlSl 2I6 pG � :.' b6`� T4 I47rS1Z2�6,'R A 1 2Cr4,!AI�cl#St23/G! FA.v'12IIj ;) I _ 11ti%Zr1aVE g�d;S' 'A N9;�t,5 t 'D!Px`wo16'K6S� � '47'9 t�1s �): 2.�1'i ... I �1 sPax, �!�/A/l.lE i dkX k� aS +7�.3 Vats /13. i I � i I I •`: i I i i I I I by V.0 f4 ev2_ k6 „�I SS,RlI,cs iIL I ' f I I i - '• --' 'Dp� - I 4{ , , 14 b,E S AIMS 1 t , ' } I (�tos ,au� ! �rp4�L s ! i ¢b1 SI�M ors A=goy ; f j1;3..9 rs�' - - --- I I I f I : I I , •1 i I � F 1 I Y : /b �i r AIVE I �'$�rsPax� 574 it 1 �fCi2x,7Ik i, • •I _ i I e ........... i ' t I I , } I,. r _ I Rev:: *}JUNE. 'Zo ®SOool,: 1-IR En It1�e1'In Inc., DATE: 'll -DC . , o PROJECT NO.114002#-: 9 . g� _ .. T � l2 � SHEET CLIENT T'�y�EM�MAsr)C. BY: A- Y?E-LVES PROJECT WE:A L4 V!NLL xvrrirr air, Dot L mum'.'' F T �� i i. �19 7—S I CX :�.5'lle e -(SA #,��:.�x�_:_','QuAQ¢`C'Rn�slb��l9�J_ A:�A:_� /64,�9:A�)--' � ._ ..{ - - - -' � • � I /d.. 'EdNNA;1 I •. � .019� LS .XbB� _ - } - �.flIG.2 usF if i AU . � I 2'1 l �� i I sT D 0l. $; 2 t f l �A+V (loS�Aa '` �/i4 . �.�. 7`'1Jl° �?l k� �3�.ust Dl 3i _Af �6{ . G�►�f ,.. (I i`SP✓+ly� [vglLS X b8:566. "vaF f 12" sF i , I f ►0/} 7; Y + , I i I + I : pl I ; _ Awl.. %E 1/c7F 1 _V ` aa";sAgp +` TAPES• �`aP ,` fA',>.?; r� E ! ` 'oJ,_ r '..--. a t,_.,. _i I � # ,. + _ t e.- .I -!.. __ -•I .._I i..- i l t �, /b by �l9- = -f"q A's AaovE �74. J ; ' ' I ; � t a l i r l l l ' � I j• i , I , F I I f • � I � �� i I , � I 1 • # I. f` t tEV ..+j)V)()E 240t 0 aooS 0100.1 HR Engineering, inc.- DATE: 0.C-r,. .2 7- PROJECTNO.Mago Zo--.7 SHEET OF 3 1 .CLIENT A GkM I/4Arric BY:: PROJECT NAME:AL 0-vw$e4. -romrs imxr; per. ........... 40 A " , F—I Al Via te xl, h4s;5"-=� +Yjc,t +-3-1z.i-,141 AL:X; 3! X- Dp lip .1 M -4L.f i US4 t.j 113 1 psaF AW4 7' -.4 1Y- -jpA s f 2-7; TA Al 4,V!,E J; 2i k -7- a9:a�000�. HR:Engineering, hC. DATE:.//-,:0- r... ZD 2_ PROJECTiNO LL66020-'8HEET CLIENT' BY: A.' -AEtVES, PROJECTNAME:.AL�T/NyL- surrin J#zr,'oEsyf�' t ^0`19`r PA. (A /z;v�_o:J..L�� �AAS/22171 AFASlZ2jlgG?G: . t /I :.t psP.2.21.9�'SRS1Z3�9�,46P.SI23?J9� ' Dm.��P� `,:l ; ,- �'`Aps►t'3/�}AcRs�2:��9 �?F,�S11t�14�Tt� i '_ I � .� I + S{$�srvN h�1 -t7P � .:.ao ;x'6�5'*ftt�aurE+�F19,I. +p.ri I a i _�y -LCV. oil tdP I , ' t VO!,_4AVd: ¢`'srq u A/AY� —_ r .. q .... ' _ ._ ..... -_ I { I S 4 l 4 j 17 z ko � + ' � 1 _ q I � _; r t I I' � 1. • s/?.N�l} �"1�, ce� i i -�aP ; JM' _►9s �IJ° l - - p I � � � I• '� � '£ { I ;� �. s .+ ! I. i. .' '..., i,. .i._ a +._ i.._ ' �� � 4...-.a._ fI6I'E'4✓i `� X!A Ae R84✓ { I YX i7x Oa! !rP 1 i ktill ------------ R&V- '¢ JON E UP ado,000 FIR Engineering, Inc. DATE: ll* -OGr. 2o12 PROJECT NO. /I1 pop 2o-7 SHEET _OF 32 1 CLIENT PLY GC fr C BY: A. Rt EV E S PROJECT NAME:&L vwYc, SOPPI73 usr U AFL V N LI SOFf1TS, f - ,err' 7s9�2,IazA. .� .! .. DIP ;, I 2d, ��r 5 T1.P,� PsF,. Fax /'2°� ��" ,0�3,!/' T/+�` '• ATi 7s9�30y 2-0.o i { I. { f I " A '/ 737 vzR " 31;7 'roe I�"x16� /cK I NA Loq p p. �- -/;o X ,o x 16 !� 27.E .. ,� I 2T�ST / � _ _ 3��._ _ 5t i � --I_I"� a_ £� o : 1/,JTE�p1'��::_._ Pc+tz,ov�,� ,Gv.as FI�>1u �Ft..-Fok.. ALL �s.a�Fc/x��NQ� x77 0l-�rod 4o._' vP i r -- -_� l i_ { DAi4 �'RoCEDUREsI _U+fA h'ANGkS. AWE+ ' I � p�tcNds.i )m SoutH RM. 1(47,Wrl.i T t RaO�!-NC3 /Y9lLS�I:;�,b 0 ,_•8Sl/! a 1�`R�'/ LrMi?EbI�y N?lt..! _��_-J _.s I�IJB !9 Wl7�1 - N, Via, ✓; 93 I;7 �7 lJf�} R'!T t� r�rxJ1G ? �/SE 17.7i �"✓rvA1L -AV : , vvi,, v A(:7i: (°z ?4f�+=8' �?� ►1 G.rf I �- ! I t I if � I , � I ' I ! S I I 7 � I •I i '* �', � SS - fi�l�hr�'✓� SO,f�/-_7',S ..:1�►r/�7',+,!I $''T�TE.�'I (`s,ya�T 's�Aj✓� lo„ �Z,� 1��,� �Avt 1.✓lorNJs� � ` i i t -. If I l x I i f raj -70�-_±dN `•. . .S-�_. _ J 33C/�-S ,-- ¢3.3 psF `! .FbR 8 x /o � •10�o..rc�cck. Z A� 10 0 !. JVAJ:L .�IJ✓/ Tex lW,V.r FdILUX'Eox •ALA 3 SPEC/M�1 - Li/NiCH__ls N_o. !►'l,4L,.� } clock prJzt�zr§!N sodrNM pIN G=,SF�1 :2C� ttil�r11 ! .062�'� F6 IGAGs',l /�4 TA049i 2.12 L 2.ix _�- /1 r. W ix.9S'Xl.GX/9 AbOr C1'traa I: 1 Rfv, ��NE xoz.v aQcsoo0j. HR Engineering, Inc. BATE: t o OCT. 201 PROJECTNO; WOPo2v-7 SHEET--�_OF 3 2 CLIENT, PLY GEM MASTIC BY: A. RIPE VES PROJECTNAME:AL YIYPL SOFFJTS JMS' DES.,FL , .SOF/ 1"/ Lrl �*/� 'NA 6 � ifoNTIAl p (Sf/oRr sP'A,v'.s LL;, ei 7` /p IQ HO's 2 0").fit i.�. i I��'"o f- .;,02 f►�8'� E i�1.B ECM NT �1, (7-AFL A'I-L vGV A 8L'C- MA i L OR D, rs � CIS A , , , , ALv /NV` : SIaPfr / I .._ TAP � - opT RyS l0u I "M EAVt w/aTXS,� - 1 :A&I-OkIAS Lr 4LOADS (✓/e.L' .e�E; THE 'SA m;c AI!AIL-S j`QECgvs , ! ! LCAb,s C7.0 No7' ?P, s 'TNRo�cIH. F'AS �iJvit _R'',S" ATI• �S`A? ,o H t Gi � 7d ..¢.. A7'I VE o p1NG �'P• -.'-' .7- ' �P712' i 1 1.'S ! p �P F'n.'f i J : ._ ,. ... _. .. '�..�Z��•STfIf?l.� SrRC/IJGJ /6 GA'CL�' ' S?"Ap � -.YNTD AvC� 'J'lti£-� � hv V-X,F- .A!44L 47�f'LE'_PU[.LO0177 ' G+AkE�P_I - _. T;vN,✓ 0; .Grl oa b. I IA' U,sE A'ULL. !PE-1VA -,eA b_ ,�L.�S_ j?g" , G;= n.S"S' Icy; �jl. = 16-04z-7.ol? 14. ! gZLat�tL a4L LOAC5 k.�sp��+A 1 S� ►l/TN ' AIAJL, (s�rvie7 . J'Ak Jt?Os/T lr - '.Lv� aVN-G ATI 7.s 99zA_Z•. D�'P�= .f 1.6l8,!31/., PapX�'ck. i. Olt d ;AT/ 7.�99 62 d7. 2 �IS.�.�ff•S —` +t'%o3.y� PsJr 6�� A I } 7' ick -ASP ! 7W CR t ! WARE' NO_I FA/z v.'J��s '',E llll'1►�E1YT lW�,v; . ;76 !M' Q . T- _- - - ('RPAc(-ry- Pv 4LL' 9. 74 XT 'OXE QP,=. '+ 1 03'.3' PxF w. H, cK i. REv. .q.r�l'�N�� 202o apog000l HR Engineering, Inc. DATE: l0 6c7'. 20)Z. PROJECTNO.///0002o-7 SHEET-2--OF 12, CLIENT ,01Y G I M /C W A. RE EV c S PROJECT NAME:AL sot d i7's _ fR.s C/A• ( i AM i TELMt A .. i _... _ I a i AA.t_T. rtl�R�. 411-1 CA6VJ�o7 — - '� JD��/iT J,✓A2L. i •SOS1:a_ �.IIGr •�'N�.�''�_ f I J✓ I� i EA VIE Waotly G I I b iP_QSIT}�I£ tiA 1J ..7E.S`7s OrV.' bTH A.LtJlvl JNVMi ANfl f vfN�Y .. -oAr-/17 ! 4 r n i E -- oyA� /v_ T �'A7L.ul E'o_._ A44 - VT�M�TJ 0 7'A`ls�J°.o,�1T�YE ! --- L.-.o_AD/N-G` TP-. -'FA/L ✓SCE .E1+/blv.'P..A-r TJf N A v7 v fi L! 7'E T J' NA J4..S A'Nl�' S`7w-"04 I lAlt: y V'Z �LbAb .trt,S S; did Al,VM/n/�i + ! I A I 7" /''? HAVE .1-�IriEhJ.c7 k 171;LAlGAGtsMiN-' , A-rl -A V-44Y.9E,s _ ' F�sr �tls>4-�.._Arl./o" 12" . /6,._ • dv s• I 'G7 /N?} RLQCk. AT /2 /.i'" Yg" '2/,� `.2g °i C,a!vit ' a r. �. W41'GA7/Vt LoA/p' 'TE. TS .tW' V_INyz. . A WA'-? ' FA/G. '�]T THL i 4, � A4— , fr ' p-- -41L dA' ! MAXIJS/G .. S9 %°Ro.4'1 bL .S/IA?1L .9n(,� SAS ' iA .TLC 4A-il � i C ( c9tL' Ql L M;1N vy✓1. I S`c!, riT.s _i¢,�'E 11.oS '7- -r .-..F,� ,,�: AllA J11 vA4 D' )v Mlti✓, f'rjr k s • : AkvAvmvM ' SW-FITS! WITH NA14S 'A 1-I59,35z. . DA!Q.E :o►u�rT ,rrAT/e Cyc4zv ;IMST-t AC,�/tvcio ! t 6S.S AXA- _.;�V./7� .�1`� Tull l4{N ss '/11VD '10 s"/AtV., %F',WEL,A'T1Y'�. I1-bkP ;IC' /s ' , I ArJ.- �Sr19 ,03 }, X /2 , l:z A'�I�/ i __. FArLu,�E Iv1o� oU .e .t'/DEs F�4dri!t 3� J: SFF EQA7 j'E�IJI FL'ORJD,%i Ns'Trg1.LA_l._ �ti. WJ ch �(T,f{oNCtX THAN I -o, REV: -t0umz: .2040 HR Engineering, Inc. DATE: /0 Oc7. zoa PROJECT NO.MOUP20-7 'SHEET 3 OF CLIENT- 6Qj1,NA5'TZC BY: A; REEVES PROJECT NAME: 0 VI#VYL -rdArlrS )Alsr ----- -- ----- .............. o tv o,E 7 ig-t.q r t VC, Ji G7rV I 9 w 7 tX7� PLri- zi o V.0-9 t,v-A' i e- '4 1 C7� t �AP F-JNR t JIVS?A L L. 0 VY 10R'A-W.l WG W-A W&J- D or .444 S, 4A V� ow 0 v F. A CELoicl .4 V A;L bAT76WRAPO&7' ; A� A 44 vr-i -�v o rqr, o F4>A 12. 'i 7- �'V4�7"44: 4A7 QM 7- WA ;F V T)Vov-7- 0-k W111W, -60-t-R M E'O I'!A F- Supip 1 07- I-V -AAS! af x I? T A.k b4Sji!Z#* T&T WILL...�LytE 71-5TIWG �Iwl V4 VAlbr-A_PRO ECTS J b 159-94- AL i FOR VMINUM sorp�+L v OA S' 75-717. 39 �F4MIilAl S.oFr17$ 11 . I - - -- ..- -f --Or' A17M I. - - . � - - -0 PS-Wird WO.- 73-1?1-0�FOR A 40MINUM Sa�rr7 7-.r.,-44o �Ds 'A 4 j WrIq FP t L u,A4?k(It;? � FF/Tsil So hAlDS 72 4 01 41,19 VIVVL SVrri rx -4.Ncs ksij r VL ,TbFf)77-; L 4'P S tVlrhl M4 4. 1, K 4.79 7. 01 -'o 01-jo9- ltb' -AN U., h - REV, A' ,J4JN4,' 2oza �A.D9oba.J HR Engineering, Inc. DATE: /o OCT, P.OI? PROJECT NO.J/looa2o-7 SHEET / OF 32 CLIENT:_ PL4 G ZA/bt S C BY: A. REEVED" PROJECT NAME:�L_i Vvb t SoneI TS /NST. DES-Ft - i G '--i 4`2'j7 F `.'-4 R:.1 Di.&' '�'v A°L u'.A ?;ION! I' I ' I ' t I 1- llil ! l�2 ' x T_$_ I : ; _ 1'INZ : ' - 'O'H' i i ! g L. - I - '*S'T1�?'U`C T_ 'U•R'pIL I i ��tttti � I ISN ' '' i ice; �'�' �•� i I '`'` •� �� - _ ' . . - - - - ; I NZ 53-64 j j• i._ ' _ '_ .... '..'�ii����/raj��i AA:: i t