HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubcontractor Agreement PERMIT y^� 1v/ , ISSUE DATE } I'LAt ,G &DEV'IElGd3PNE&TR�r'I�ES .- - wildiDg 8`.Code.Complialle Division BlJ1LDLNG PE"!1T i SUS C0NTICTOR XGREEiViG . have.agreed to be ' (Campanv NelTnti iv,dual i;atne) . the .-LL-yam, ►�. ' Stub contractor for 00 (Type of Trade) (Primary Contrkto). For the project located.at, , . . (Pco�ect Street t3ddress or PrapertyTaxD ff) It-i-s understoocl:that,if there is any change of status regarding our partiic>paton with the above mentioned i" . project,the Building pid Code'Regulation Division of 'St.Lucie County of fl.be advised pursuant to"tht titinci.of a Change of Sub-contiactor-notice, . s V . 1. CONMRACTO SI ti URE(Qualifier) SUB=CO.< RACPURSIGNATURr Qtialifierj' 77 r l C7 YN£ PRIi'r NA,VtE, � COCiV 1 C RT I IG�tiSit)Y NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUN EE[ R ' State of Florida`County otz q State or norida County of The turepaaing instrument vas"signed before me this day of The foregoing Instrument+gas signed before me this Q drp of. L'f 1 who persgttalSy known !or has produced a who t. 4so^ "Haft know + o'r`bas Produced a 1 dctentiticatiati> as idenhtieattuiit Sf 1M1iP ST44tP ig acute aro#3cry Pub gat .of Notary Pu,ce i Print-tiamsoE`fotaryrUDUe Prtnt(rauieofvotaryy.Pty. tit Lp�{{ptittAINGRAM RA}iflu N 6 GG •' _.EXPIRES tiecemW 20,2r' ;'sr Notary Public State of rlonda '•o. g°.tlot dSii>ti!#ot tYP taUnac 'GhriS L Woolley RevisediIh64M16 � ,""' yCommiWonGG185865 M - Expires02/2612022 t: