HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED Truss Layout - Carlton(1)A=LIFE SAFETY WARNING This symbol identifies Life Safety Warnings that should be read given special attention by all persons installing trusses. 5PAGING NOTE i ALL TRU55ES ARE TO HE SET A7 z'-0- ON CENTER EXCEPT AS NOTED MULTIPLE PLY TRUSSES MUST BE ASTENED TOGETHER PER ENGINEERING BEFORE SETTING. REFER TO ENGINEERING DRAWING TO DETERMINE A IF MULTIPLE PLY. A F DON'T LIFT TRUSSES WITH SPANS LONGER THAN 30' BY THE PEAK. 30' Span or less A 0 degrees or less 0 1 /2 --► I Tag Line span approx. REFER TO BCSI Truss must be set this way if crane used - Truss is an example, your truss may not matCh- nsist crane operator sets truss this way- 30' to 60' Span A /Toy F— Approx 2/3 to --,-io, Line 1 /2 of Span REFER TO BCSI iss must t)e set this way if crane used. This is an example, truss may not match - Insist crane operator sets truss this way. All load bearing walls, headers, beams & lintels must be in place at indicated height before trusses are installed. A I R H A" 10 lL IE= F2 N 4--7 T IE= UNLESS NOTED ELSEWHERE ON THIS LAYOUT, THESE TRUSSES ARE NOT DESIGNED FOR AIR HANDLERS IN THE ROOF OR FOR ANY OTHER AfC REQUIREMENTS. THIS MAY BE IN CONFLICT WITH BUILDING CODE AND A/C DESIGN REQUIREMENTS. CONSULT WITH BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND A/C CONTRACTOR. U REFRE SENT S A HANGER For Truss to Truss Connections see hanger/connector schedule in engineering package. Carrying Girder Nails must be as shown. Guide tabs of Dome angle nails. Truss SEAT PLATES BY CHAMBERS A m INDICATES LOAD BEARING WALL REQUIRED BY TRUSSES SUPPLIED BY BUILDER AT A HEIGHT OF 8'-1" ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR 12 4.00 7--- upset--1/4" heel=315116" PLUMB CUT END 2 x 4 Top Chord WALL HEIGHT &-1" TYPICAL END DETAIL 4.00 F 12 - r 12 2.00 IV upset=114" heel=315116" PLUMB CUT END 1' 2 x 4 Top Chord WALL HEIGHT 8'-1" END DETAIL : A A ARRANGE WITH CRANE OPERATOR IN ADVANCE FOR A SPREADER BAR OF 17'- 23'IN L=.NGTH A Do not stand on trusses until they are braced per BCSI & properly nailed to straps & hangers IN " GARAGE LEFT The Architect's or Architect's representative's shop drawing approval is NOT a "double clack" of the contractor. The contractor shall remain responsible for checking field measurements and other construction criteria. Architect's approval covers general roof shape, review of truss strapping, and loading on structure from gravity and uplift loads and their rasp ve locations. Appraved Bv: 3-23-21 Lute.- l Hraden raden A.I.A. P.A. 4" I. 51-4" GARAGE RIGHT FABRICATION AGREEMENT' 7RUNN CANNOT BE STAliTi:D UNTIL THIS AGREEMENT IS SIGNED a RETURNED The lanai desc iption of the property where the trusses wOl be Installed Is. 1:, Ttussee wfil be made -In strict ec=dwxe with tills truss placement diagram layout, whkh is the sole authority for determfning.suceessfN fabrication of the trusses. dimensions in this fayaut have been verifted by the undersigned, S. Llnfes'a wl'fllgn notks Is pravlded by der#fled mall tv Chambers Truss within fend p] days as delivery the undetslgned agrees that nv backcharges w!I! bs s#Ivwed. • In the avant such wr#lten notice is fumisbed Chambers Truss shall have three {3] bu ness days in which to begin repairs required, or to strbatituJs athet trusses, at Chambers opt n. 4. The undersigned admowledges receipt of'BCSI f-03" summary sheaf by TPI & WTCA_ $. Delh+ery €a fa Jab site k Ia the buyaes'reeponsiblflry to n3a[re the ]ob eke suitable Ter delivery, Chamfers Truss has Ilia sole authority tv determine the sufteblAty of the job site oP a ponlvn o;ere Job opts for delivery, Chambers Truss will be respansibie;ar dump delivery only. The buyer is responsible for addltrvnal dellva; r @upenses if Chambers Tn�ss has to redeliver because job eke Is riot prepared for delivery ar buyer is not prepared fw delivery of trusses. Buyer Ia responelble !o Chambers 'truss for towing costa due to site wndllfvns, B. Prtoe as shown lrt paragraph 7 below is subfect tv mange ff any changes are- made hi #ifs, Iaybtit A $6p per hour No for revlstons may be charged by Chambers Truss. 7: Thle Is a PURCHASE ORDER to Chambers, Truss of the sum agreed to, or If n4. spreemant a removable price. Invoice wlfl be made on defdvery and pald within tens of net' bn delvery. Invoice may. bs made at scheduled date of delivery if buyer cannel sccepi delivery of fabricated trusses. The undsmIgned agrees to pay Chambam.Truss masona bid attorneys fee tat daliectibnB In event of payment not timely made.1.1/2 r% per month semjce et►arpe wilt be added for all sums not pafdwithln terms. t3. Slnnature or Initlels anywhere on this sheet constkutes agreement to all tens herein. p: In oonalderatlon of Chambers Truss extending credit for this material the undersigned uncondbfcnally guarantees payment when due of any and all Indebtedness owed to Chambers Truss by any entity racelvfnp material and the anderslnned agrees to pay such Indebtedness lncdur.�Ing attpmeys fees, K default In payment for materiel be made by the '10. In the event of any IitlgeOn conceming this agreement, the items furnished hereunder or payments referred to herein, the. parties agree that the sole venue for any such actlon wilt be Saint Wals County, FD AW@. ! 1. Design respvns1hi110e6 are per" National Standard And Riftmmended Guldefines On lta'sponsibigtles For Carfsvucdon Using Metal Bate Connected Wood Trusses ANSVTPIIWTCA 4 -2002' DATEq SIGNED , FOP,— w v AspreaderbarmaybempeewsI.W,bpreventiryca<��damage, :. Multiple ply trusses must be fastened together per engineering before they are set, fallure to dO so can result -in roof collap>e. Temporary and permanent bracing are required and can save life and property, and Is the r+asponsibllity of the buss erector. 'Study the contents of the Information packet Included on delivery before setting trusses. 7m mustbei*and braced par hlsdesign b tad hjW?+ Trusses must be set plumb and square Do rtotaet bunks or stack of plywood, roofing material or any other Lobbentn ited loads on trusses, this can cause collapse. DO, NOT SET TRUSSES USING THIS LAYOUT USE LAYOUT DELIVERED WITH TRUSSES TO SE7 TRUSSES CNA1Pl8ERS TRUSS INC 3106 Oleander Avenue Fort Plercei Florida 34582-6423 800-551-5932 Fort Pleme 77248E-2012 Fax 77i4*6.8711 -.Vero Beach 772-589-2012 Stuart '772-286-3302 t%U A %X 0 awaTo I I_C�'(%A. M 92.a/912 M11EK 4.2 DESIGN CRITERIA County SAINT LUCIE Building Department SAINT LUCIE COUNTY Wind Design Criteria ASCE 7-2010 Wind Design Method MWFRS/C-C hybrid Wind ASCE 7-10 Roofing Material Shingle or Shake a Pj Loading in PSF Roof R.D.L. N — Top Chord Live 20 -2-r Top Chord Dead 7 4.2 Bottom Chord Live 1 ❑ Non -Concurrent Bottom Chord Dead 10 3 az' " TOTAL Load 37 7.2 a Duration Factor 1.25 u m Wind Speed 165mph N Top Chord C.B. Sheeting by builder. Bottom Chord C.B. Sheeting by builder. 0 y; Highest Mean Height 14r-0" Building Type ENCLOSED Building Category Il:Non Restrictive Exposure Category C Barrier Island No Conforms to FBC 2017 13 TRUSS DRAWINGS ARE ATTACHED TO LAYOUT K.U.L.=Kestrainincl Ueaa LOW U.tl.=[:ontinuous Bracln Verify DESIGN CRITERIA shown above with the building department and your engineer. Design Criteria is the responsibility of the Buildinq Desi ner and/or En ineer of Record. Chambers Truss Inc. Drawing Name: M11323 Scale: 1/4 = 1' 72 total trusses, 13 different trusses. MI 4: SAE ACAD: SAE Reviewed By: Date: 04/24/12 Revised: 02/21/18 FOR Revised: 3/05/2020 WYNNE BUILDING CORP. DESCRIPTION: CARLTON PAGE 1 of 1 CUSTOMER INITIALS EACH PAGE M 11323