HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONij AII.APPUCABLE IN MU57'B COMPLETED i OR AOLlCAT[ONIM E,AGC,W.Ab Date:. $ I'... _ Pet0fNumber IYJ� 7 a >?� a -e --::K; Building Permit iplicaEt Planning and-DeuetaprriertE Services - - " w: Burtdrngand;CodeRegulat�onaivisio» Comrnercla'� RE51d811L1d:%. 2300111rginrd.Aventie" _F 4' Prerce FL 3:49V Phone (772):46z=1553 Fam.Oli): I-1578 Address Site Plan' Name . J Jln]►1 In W1.. 1\115 V. N.ewIlectrical'.Meter .SecondElectricat.Meter, Lai No Block No_._ ff"ro F/A , . � MW—w-n Add1tional.vuork to be performed under this`permt cheek ati that appiy _Mechanical _Gas, Tank' _^Gas Piping Shutters WindawVbbas_ Pond. Electric _ R(umbing SDnnklers Generator Rool Pitch --, Total Sq; Ft of Construction: t Sq Ffof First°Fiagr:, tt C6�t df Construction:` $ Utii ties* Sewer Septic: Building Height e 0�11/IUER/LESSEE: CaNTRACTOR: !{Jame, <eA114.I , I.. kk<—1 Ax^ .,;, Name•. /M -"/i r /&-,7Da J Company: art- � ': °u cc State: F� "Address S. S v, i J . - ;Zip Code 3 �f .93 Fax:: Cityt:.�1't V Y'. Stater l?hane:No077 aZip Codex . L l tJ'. Fax: E Mail �??. 1.r wSC`��%•Q� Phone No/� al,a `,f� -? y� Fill in fee simple Title Molder.0n next page{ if diffQ.rent; E-Mai! frnrnthe Owner listed Aw"e? State or.County Ucense C✓l G. i"Z S Cn If value of construction is Z50Q or more, a RECdRt [dD Notice ot'Comritence.men . [s required; 'if Value of,.HAVC.is.$7;50t) ormare,' a RECORDED Notice o#Commencement Wrequtred: QWNER CONTRAORAFFIDUIT:=Appticatowdntwmt �tndicated, t.cerd thatnowork::orinstailatton,fiascommenced,pn�orto:theissuancecf'apermi.: wrucNrwt�. u tawNtR. Xourfadure to,Record a Notice of Commencement mi tsuit rn paying twice for irnprotiements to your property A Notice of Commencement must be recorded m the,pubHc records of Str Lucie County and posted orn the jobsrte;before"the first rnsPectian If Xou.intend=to obtain financrn,,, rroc�sul€' vurth lendero`r.'arrattorne `bef6' 'cdmmdndn ;woricor:cecord'n :':dur:Notrceof-Comrriencement: 51` nature: _ ner/ Lessee/ContFactvrasAgentfor Ownec 5tgnature.o _ontr cjllcense Holder STATE OF FLORIaA - STA'fF"OF,'PLOfIDA C0 TY":oF : �'t � COUNTY Elm wom to or a rrtne )art su scn. e e are me v-: 5w n to;{or affirmed) and subscr+bed be ore me of __ _ _ Physical Presence or. Qnlme Notarization Piiysrcal Presence or OnUne Notariztiort this; j day of 202 . by this, day of 2aZ� fly Kk Narneofperson , akingstatement. m':o ame.of;personmaking ,tatemettt, �; m R'JQ N , Resonaliy!(nown•.. OR Produced idendficatton',`.ersonalayKnown C)RProducetl,`identitcation_ Cjrpe of Identif cadQit �, a �'ype of identification ►- , Produced L i o: F "o.Fodu ed o . _ w; z.� • �1AT {Signature of Notary Public- t a orf y (Signature of Notary ) � Pu" i Stale of FI , da: ). 0 >Cordi tsslon No. - . _ - _ �5ealj .� i3 Comrriission;No K (ea ; tiEVitUt75 FRONT ZONING S-URERVIS,OR PLANS UEG,ETATION SEA TU)TLE MANGRQVE. CQUf)ITER :REVIEW REVIt1fU : REVlEUU- ; REV(EIN REVIEW REVIEIIV _ . :DATE RECEIVED -.COMPLETED.