HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubcontractor Agreement i PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PL.ftt.lvivING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building& Code Compliance Division R , BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be (Company Name/bndividtial Name) / the j.*'dt-Y7�.c� __Sub-contractor for (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at )&,— _ b "000l (Project Street Address or Property'I'ax ID#t) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Chan e of Sub-contractor notice. � A, CO-NTRACT I Tt tE(Qualifier) SUIT-C.ONTRAC.TOIt S NATURE(Qualifier) 1 , �1. ,- PRINTINAr I PR NTN:t\IE G C © S j� � COUNTY CC IFICATION`N1 Y MOOR COUNTY CLRTIMCATION NUMBER y �tG / State of Florida,Cnunt of �G��_ ►�4� f1 State of ttln da,CnnutY �1 a ( r The foregoing hislrument was signed before me tlt any of The roreguing insirument wns signed before me thin 44 day or 20_,by/L /10 t'►lily 3!1I�IrT: -+Zil✓<76y- fv �tg who Is personally known rfor h.produced o a� who Is personally known bas produced as s id tIII lion. s idc rarfion > 5'rAbiP W A1Y" S-IRAW VULTAGGio Si n rc of oh y L'ubbc Sip,11�Fu a orNntary�u1)is a Mom% Notary PUbIle-State of ffatfda r' / ► Commisslon#ff 913593 My Comm.Expires Aug 27.2011 PrintNamc orNotary Public p�mu \,_P`rtn Nxrtfe gfNo ar Public 8e+tdedtfuoughNatlprtaiNotarypssn ,r, RabeC�a �� ExPltes'. Sa�atonNotaN ,�, � 9onded btu Revised 11/16/2016 "741 PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING t& DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ,:. Building &c Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Ridgeway Plumbing, Inc. has agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the Plumbing Sub-contractor for GHO Homes (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at,-(, an jvCfi //_-S!5L/ - f5 - cool— oco (Project Street Address or Property T ID#) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Chan of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACT 7�041-e-- Qualifier) SUB-CONTRACT NATURE(Qualifier) 41 Gary Kozan P TNT NAME PRINT NAME i COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County of Gr tz-• �� State of Florida,County of Palm Beach The foregoing instrument was signed before me this i day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 29th day of � .20�,by March.2017,by Gary Kozan who is personally known ZC or has 21denfierka liy known f has produced a ' produced a LI(A n. as identification. l .••"r,'��,,, ANNA-LESA MARIA PENAS —.✓ STAMP a<d' Nnt�ty Put$tCAl�tO of Florida Signatur fNotaryPublic Commission#Q6 01644B Wo" My Comm.Expires Nov 26,2020 - Anna-Lem Penas - 8cndatfthroupA IV1Iionai Notaty Assn Print Name of otary Public Print Name of Notary Public Rebecca pim87G 1 1 GGt1 Comm �a11UaN� 202i Revised]1l16/Z016 'y �o�` � gwad thru n Notary 0 PERMIT ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMM NIT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be an ""a, Name) Nc, flcryje �) theSub-ConLractor flor I yPe of Trade (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 3 q -,0 4- 1p 00 ®Do- (Pro ectStreot Address or Property`/ax[Ij-P It is understood that, if there is any In change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of S b-contractor notice. ;Ed-.NT1 ACrOR SIGN ailfier) SIM-CONIT CMYO I IGMIJUIRF-,(Qualirser) Z CO(NIT UUMFICATfON NUMBUt COONTYCEIMFICATIaN NUMBER stateur Flarida,County of State of 11orida,County The foregoing instrument wits signed before me this of The foregoing instrument was signctt berore we this Ifily of dp ,20-9by—W—ZLI J(.j(&tl fU 1 20-11 by--'�4-vDIr:'n 11-hill, -1z I JA%rhuis Personally known A Z-1-s produced u ✓ An is Personally known r has produced a as-iftntirl STAMP �/� "N".i.-Y PdNfc�-� giy ature of Nox-Ary PublicL t5, tk, (i) Print Nihime ofNotury Public Print Name of Notary Public ,.;hE;Y Pt Rebecca Dima CHRISTINE M KOSAKOWSKI Commission#GOM76 N MY COMMISSION N GGODIS03 -�*g Expires: January 9, 2021 EXPIRES Jun.13,2020 ReviSed 1111612010 FV Bonded thru Ann Notary 14G71314-015j FiwI"NMV6IvbD.=m 7F'ERtvllT;: i-fSSUE DATE PLANNING �� DEVELOP;MENT SERVICES Buildinc; & Carle Compliance Division st.=tt-crt -ni,%r.•rcttt a;ut,ratr`r have agreed to be (Coll any f`al Individual N: ic; Elie _ l/ G _ Sub-COnU'xciar fiir (Type u(Tradc) 1/--�� (Prinuiry Contraciori For dle p —ram f project located ate t Wrgje_l5tree+.:lddressur !ax I It is understood that, if there is an):change Of itit,us Mir part1Cip ition kvilh dic above mentioned project,the Building and Code RCgUlV6on Divi.siDn rail St. I_ticie County will be dvised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-conp•aclor 110 ice. l coven L-i ;v :ING(t :, wri J—� - {TI-(�r)\1ILIC"('OKti{GY�ri ?nacrEr{ z �. _.. 2`1I�Z.. COUNT% tarrirlc:,�ttrt��t,,tur'z ��_-T 7or�rvrTarPu-'lr-.tT)o,.uanif'It '— Stale of Florida.County of =�~(•�. C� - Saar of I-10riJlk.f:nunly of ''•f c oin�tr nwais n as ai n d beiu rr mr dli. E ��,�.�y JQ' i I'hr.tnrrpniu;; n,tnnocut t,•aa sinntJ bete/t'r ItiC 111R�ti v u( 2U�( 3' t1.L.�R�t 1�+ fit) who It )rrsm Lily knott•a_or has prudueed of all is pert na11'kncmit—ur ha,protlurett a as iJcnl cat ilt'' ! -, y{,�...� r �. j•- w`-' t / $ S{dnlureor\own )lie SignvoreafNol Ir R /• ', Priu Nom w a Name •r i/'�' Mill a a or t r rittilic i pt!rvn�9C... LAURA VEGUERIA .•'p.�`A<•' LAURA EGUERIA ?• t� a MyCOIvt>AISSION#FF143206 tR:. MY COMtAiSSION#FF143206 Rct-xcd I IiIlJ2i1�5 `.; ypnn`i EXF'iFiES Jul �O.2Ot 8 i•?Ate'o n Y ti.;?Fo.n EXPIRES JUIY 2O,2018 narkmNatilrySENICe.com (407)35n•0153 rloridaNutaryService.com 06/5/2017 13 : 13 PM PDT TO: 17724621578 FROM:5616880909 Page: 1 • • PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building&L Code Compliance Division ]BUILDING PERMIT SU13-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the Sub-contractor forte {Typeof'1'rade) (PrimaryContmetor) —�- For the project located at �C � 3�>q 504 � '(Project Street Address fir Property Tax ID h) ©v, It is understood that,if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St,Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Chan e of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACT I Tt 2E(Qualifier) SUB-CONTRACTORS NATURE(Qualifier) j . Z-1 i 1� PRINT IN,0 B PA NT N:t�4E COUNTY CC frICATION(N�,UMBER COUNTI'CERTIFICATION N !NMER State of Fto dR,Couuty oL i L&i`Z,— �i State of Florida,County of �C'� 4C 'ncccfforegoiing Instrument was signed before me 1)ti�tiny of _'Tyh�e rorego�ingfinstrument trns rigged born/re me this _day or ,20—,by/f l''1,f b7��Tf r✓ �1L�GC.�=t �211�7yby Lif It — who is perrssonnlly known ✓nr her produced n_ who Is personalty known/ or has produced a /as id tilt lion. s�dc cation r _ �--— S'1'A�1P ^-'� H a4 Y°d'•, ORAW VULTA6610 Si a re of o y_Eabbc tii a a nfNntary�ublic r p +� Notary Pilbk•State of Florida �) —� Am., COmmISSIOn#/Ff 913593 t. 7 ',��v GflMy Comm.ExPIM Aug 27.2011 tncName ofPlotary Public ooa _ xme gfNo ni Public Ba�Edt(FfoughNatlorlalNptaryAsbti �� ~ixpliss'.Ja aeon�ot�ry Revised 11/16/2016 06/5/2017 13 : 13 PM PDT TO: 17724621578 FROM:5616880909 Page: 2 PERMIT# 1 ISSUE DATE Kfi yt U �; PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building &Code Compliance Division ti � :UM BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Ridaeway Plumbing.Inc. has agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the Plumbing Sub-contractor for GHO Homes (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at,-6, V o,j � -� 6 — coo — 000- (Project Street Address or Property T ID##) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Cade Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing lofaJChanof b-contractor notice. CONTRACr NA E(Qualifier) SUB-CONTRACT NATURE(Qualifier) ✓ Gary Kazan P INTf�NAME ,�y // PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County ofY'J State of Florida,County of Palm Beach The foregoing instrument was signed 7befolre/me this 3 day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 29th day of ZO Zby %)C�t✓ March.2017,by Gate Kazan who is personally known X or has who is ersonally knownoFhas produced a ��^ produced a NA as identilica on. as Identification. I 3iaRY +++.,, A*NNA-LESA MARIA PENAS STAMP �"""�-• Notary PutftAr0te of Florida si re•ot ota• ubI' Signatur t Notary Public Commission�l GG 016448 My Comm.Expires Nov 26,2020 G � Anna-Le a Pcnas 00ndedthrough National NotatyAssn Print Name of otary Public Print Name otNotary Pubtic ' Rebecca Dim apS7G �___ Bxpifes. `�Awn�otarl Revised 11/16/2016 Bonded Nu '��tuuOFsP•`�'`