HomeMy WebLinkAboutDuct Leakage0 • o. BY: ....................... DUCT LEAKAGE TEST FORM PROJECT ID: 15-0338.00 ea owoo PROJECT NAME: Fort Pierce, St. Lucie County BUILDER: GHO Homes COMMUNITY:" Meadowood, ADDRESS: 2694 Conifer Drive LOT #: 44 PERMIT #: r ( rr f Q I 04 001 Cj DATE: Thursday, November 16,2017 S M I T I W I TH I F S DAY: 16th WEATHER: TEMPERATURE: WIND: HUMIDITY: BRIGHT SUN CLEAR OVERCAST RAIN X BELOW 60 60-75 75-90 ABOVE90 X LOW MODERATE HIGH X Report No 1 LOW MODERATE X Duct Systems CFM's Total of All Systems: 19.15 System 1 19.15 Total Air Conditioned Square Footage: 1954 'System 2 Required Qn on Energy Caic: 0.06 System 3 Qn: 0.009 System 4 PASS❑X FAIL AUTHORIZED THIRD -PARTY R403.2.2 Sealing.(Mandatory), All ducts, air handlers, and filter boxes and building cavities that form the,primary air containment passageways for air distribution systems shall be considered ducts or plenum.chambers, shall be constructed and sealed in accordance with Section C403.2.72 of the Commercial Provisions of this code and shall be shown to meet duct tightness criteria below. Duct tightness shall be verified by testing to Section 803 of theRESNET Standards by either individuals as defined in Section 553.993(5) or (7), Florida Statutes, or individuals licensed as set forth in section 489:105(3)(f), (g), or.(iy, Rorida Statutes, to be "substantially leak free" by either of the following: 1. Post construction test: Total leakage shall be lesslhan or equal to 4 dm per 100 square feet of conditioned floor area when tested at a pressure differential of 0.1"inches w.g. (25 Pa) across the entire system,'including the manufacturers air handler enclosure. All registered boots shall be taped or olherwisesealed during the test. 2.._Rough-in test: Total leakage'shall be less than or equal to 4.cfm per 100 square feet of conditioned floor area when tested at a pressure differential of 0:1 Inches w.g. (25 Pa) across the system, including the manufacturer's air handler enclosure. All registers,shall be taped or otherwise sealed during the test. If the air handler is not installed at the time.of the test, total, leakage shall be less than or equal to 3 dm'per 100 squ a fe c i oned floor area. Exceptions: 1. The total leakage testis not required for ducts and airhandlers located entirely within the building the I en Id . 2. Dud 'n s t ndatory for building complying by Section 405 of this code. SIGNATURE: PRINTED NAME: Nathan Monreal COMPANY: GFA IrlternatibriaL,Inc. DATE:- 11/16/2017 CERTIFICATION; BPI ID# 5060035 Environmental • Geotechnical : Construction Materials Testing a Special.& Threshold Inspections • Plan Review & Code Compliance a Blower Door Testing Florida's Leading Engineering Source www.teamgfa.com