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Blower Door Test
I NOV2017 e"l 17 /34 Qy. ''FRiNAr�0 FLOWER DOOR.'TEST,FORM DATE: Thursday; November 16,,2017 PROJECT ID: 15-0338.00 ea owoo S M T W TH� F & PROJECT NAME.. Fort Pierce,:St. Lucie County DAY: 16th BUILDER: OHO.Homes BRIGHT SUN• CLEAR =OVERCAST RAIN COMMUNITY: Meadowood WEATHER: X BELOWi60' 60-75 75=90' ABOVE:96 ADDRESS: 2694,Conifer Drive 'TEMPERATURE: X LOW MODERATE' " HIGH LOTS#: 44' WIND: X' Repotl Noi PERMIT #:: _ 1 I �� C�y '— LOW MODERATE HUMIDITY: X' CFM(50) = 1874 VOLUME = 18230 8 ACH(.50)=,CFM(50) X 6.01 VOLUME .= 4:954' PASS Orl FAIL I hereby_certifythat the -above: Air Infiltration Test results,dernonsfrate compliance with FloridaEnergy:Code requirements in.accordanee with the.-Florida.Building Code -Energy Conservation R402A'1_12,5th Edition (201.4): SIGNATURE:. PRINTED'NAME:. Nathan Monreal COMPANY: G.FA International, Inc. DATE:: '11116/20;1`7 CERTIFICATION; ;BPI 0#5060035 Environmental •;Geotechnical •.C.onstruction Materials Testing. . Special & Threshoid'Inspections • Plan Review& -Code Compliance:• BlowerpoorTesting Florida's LeadingEngineering Source. www:teamgiiixom.