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Truss Drawings
Lumber design values are in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1 section 6.3 These truss designs rely on lumber values established by others. MiTeko RE: 503897 - BSE - Leo res. MiTek USA, Inc. Site Information: Tamp Parke East Blvd. Tampa,FL 33610-4115 Customer Info: BSE Construction Group Project Name: Leo Residence Model: Lot/Block: Subdivision: Address: 2311 N. 44th Street City: Fort Pierce State: FL Name Address and License#of Structural Engineer of Record, If there is one,for the building. Name: License#: Address: City: State: General Truss Engineering Criteria & Design Loads(individual Truss Design Drawings Show Special Loading Conditions): Design Code: FBC2014/TPI2007 Design Program: MiTek 20/20 8.0 Wind Code: ASCE 7-10 Wind Speed: 160 mph Roof Load: 37.0 psf Floor Load: N/A psf This package includes 26 individual,Truss Design Drawings and 0 Additional Drawings. With my seal affixed to this sheet, I hereby certify that I am the Truss Design Engineer and this index sheet conforms to 61G15-31.003, section 5 of the Florida Board of Professional Engineers Rules. No. Seal# Truss Name Date No. Seal# Truss Name Date 1 1 T10508453 1 CJ01 2/23/17 118 1 T10508470 1 H10 2/23/17 12 1 T10508454 1 CJ01 A 1 2/23/17 119 1 T1 0508471 1 H 11 1 2/23/17 1 13 1 T10508455 1 CJ03 1 2/23/17 120 I T10508472 I J01 1 2/23/17 14 1 T10508456 1 CJ03A 1 2/23/17 121 I T10508473 I J02 1 2/23/17 15 1 T10508457 1 CJ05 1 2/23/17 122 I T10508474 I J05 1 2/23/17 16 1 T10508458 1 CJ06 1 2/23/17 123 I T10508475 I J06 1 2/23/17 1 17 1 T10508459 1 CJ07 1 2/23/17 124 I T10508476 I J07 1 2/23/17 18 1 T10508460 1 CJ09 1 2/23/17 125 I T10508477 I T01 1 2/23/17 19 1 T1 0508461 1 H01 1 2/23/17 126 I T10508478 I T02 1 2/23/17 110 1 T10508462 1 H02 1 2/23/17 Ill I T1 0508463 1 H03 1 2/23/17 112 1 T10508464 1 H04 1 2/23/17 113 1 T10508465 1 H05 1 2/23/17 114 1 T10508466 1 H06 1 2/23/17 115 1 T10508467 1 H07 1 2/23/17 116 1 T10508468 1 H08 1 2/23/17 117 1 T10508469 1 H09 1 2/23/17 e,��uuvo��s�� The truss drawing(s)referenced above have been prepared by MiTek �ve��L1US. USA,Inc. under my direct supervision based on the parameters �� •��G E N g�.••. '��� provided by Tibbetts Lumber Company-Palm Bay. a Truss Design Engineer's Name: Lee, Julius :• N 9 My license renewal date for the state of Florida is February 28,2019. IMPORTANT NOTE: The seal on these truss component designs is a certification ATE OF . �/� that the engineer named is licensed in the jurisdiction(s)identified and that the � Q,•:���� designs comply with ANSI/TPI 1. These designs are based upon parameters <� '• O R 1 V.•'GN000 shown(e.g.,loads,supports,dimensions,shapes and design codes),which were 'ions ••• C1 00 filereferenlce kAny ponlyct,and was notecific on into account ined is theITeWs reparation of ',o1,111 NAi,�,%%s purpose Y P P these designs. MiTek has not independently verified the applicability of the design Julius Lee PE No.34869 parameters or the designs for any particular buildin o e us 3 bu n MITek USA,Inc.FL Cert 6634 should verify applicability of design parameters an rip ,rl ncrate h�'Jest 6904 Parke East Blvd.Tampa FL 33610 into the overall building design per ANSIJTPI 1,Chapter ,�} � Date: February 23,2017 Lee,Julius 1 of 1 Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply BSE-Leo res. T10508453 503897 CJol Corner Jack 9 1 Job Reference(optional) Tibbetts Lumber Co, Palm Bay,FL 8.030 s Jan 23 2017 MiTek Industries,Inc. Thu Feb 23 11:48:49 2017 Page 1 I D:Jnl l YrMNOG9SnRpP4VkfYuzkcF6-aPRGA7p12geXZ?kb6EXvhq R9jgG9AN EOZg FX5YziGLy -1-0-0 1-0-0 1-0-0 1-0-0 Scale=1:6.5 3 r 5.00 r12 2 m 6 r o r 0 4 2x4= 1-0-0 1-0-0 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.10 Vert(LL) 0.00 5 >999 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.01 Vert(fL) -0.00 5 >999 180 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(TL) 0.00 4 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2014/TP12007 Matrix-MP Wind(LL) -0.00 5 >999 240 Weight:5 lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 1-0-0 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 3=9/Mechanical,2=118/0-8-0,4=1/Mechanical Max Horz 2=56(LC 12) Max Uplift 3=-5(LC 9),2=-128(LC 12) Max Grav 3=11(LC 17),2=118(LC 1),4=19(LC 12) FORCES. (lb)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(lb)or less except when shown. NOTES- 1)Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=160mph(3-second gust)Vasd=124mph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDL=6.Opsf;h=15ft;B=45ft L=24ft;eave=oft;Cat. Il;Exp C;Encl.,GCpi=0.18;MW FRS(directional)and C-C Exterior(2)zone;cantilever left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces&MW FRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip D0L=1.60 2)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3)'This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s)for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)3 except Qt=lb) 2=128. ®WARNING-Verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERANCE PAGE Mll-7473 rev.1010312015 BEFORE USE. � Design valid for use only with MITekO connectors.This design Is based only upon parameters shown,and is for an Individual building component,not a truss system.Before use,the building designer must verify the applicabUity of design parameters and properly incorporate this design Into the overall building design. Bracing Indicated is to prevent buckling of Individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek' is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal Injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication,storage,delivery,erection and bracing of misses and tn1SS systems,seeANSI/TPI1 Quality Criteria,DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute,218 N.Lee Street,Suite 312,Alexandria,VA 22314. Tampa,FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type ` Oty Ply BSE-Leo res. T10508454 503897 CJ01A Corner Jack 1 1 Job Reference(optional) Tibbetts Lumber Co, Palm Bay,FL 8.030 s Jan 23 2017 MiTek Industries,Inc. Thu Feb 23 11:48:49 2017 Page 1 I D:Jnl1 YrM NOG9SnRpP4VkfYuzkcF6-aPRGA7pl2geXZ?kb6EXvhgRADgGBAN EOZ9FX5YziGLy 1-0-0 1-0-0 Scale=1:6.5 5.00 12 2 1 0 o r 0 3 2x4= 1-0-0 1-0-0 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.01 Vert(LL) -0.00 4 >999 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.01 Vert(TL) -0.00 4 >999 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(TL) -0.00 3 Na n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2014/TPI2007 Matrix-MP Wind(LL) 0.00 6 >999 240 Weight:3lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 1-0-0 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 1=37/0-8-0,2=20/Mechanical,3=17/Mechanical Max Horz 1=22(LC 12) Max Uplift 1—11(LC 12),2=15(LC 12),3=7(LC 12) Max Grav 1=37(LC 1),2=20(LC 17),3=17(LC 17) FORCES. (lb)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(lb)or less except when shown. NOTES- 1)Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=160mph(3-second gust)Vasd=124mph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDL=6.opsf;h=15ft;B=45ft;L=24ft;eave=4ft;Cat. II;Exp C;Encl.,GCpi=0.18;MW FRS(directional)and C-C Exterior(2)zone;cantilever left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3)'This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4)Refer to girder(s)for truss to truss connections. 5)Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)1,2,3. ®WARNING-verily design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERANCE PAGE MII-7473 rev.1010312016 BEFORE USE Design valid for use only with MITek8 connectors.This design is based only upon parameters shown,and Is for an individual building component not a truss system.Before use,the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design Into the overall building design. Bracing Indicated is to prevent buckling of Individual truss web and/or chord members only.Additional temporary and permanent bracing {MiTek" is always required(or stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal Injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication,storage,delivery,erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems,seeANSI/TPI I Quality Criteria,DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute,218 N.Lee Street,Suite 312 Alexandria,VA 22314. Tampa,FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply [BSE-Leo res. T10508455 503897 CJ03 Corner Jack 9 1 Job Reference o tional Tibbetts Lumber Co, Palm Bay,FL 8,030 s Jan 23 2017 MiTek Industries,Inc. Thu Feb 23 11:48:50 2017 Page 1 I D:Jnl1 YrM NOG9SnRpP4V kfYuzkcF6-2c?eNTpwpemOA9Jngy28D 1_KLEbyvgU9op?4d_ziGLx -1-0-0 3-0-0 1-0-0 3-0-0 Scale=1:10.8 3 v 0 8 5.00 12 r; 0 N 2 1 4 2x4= 3-0-0 3-0-0 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.11 Vert(LL) -0.00 7 >999 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.11 Vert(fL) -0.01 4-7 >999 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(TL) -0.00 3 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2014/TP12007 Matrix-MP Wind(LL) 0.01 4-7 >999 240 Weight:11 lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-0-0 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Installation uide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 3=64/Mechanical,2=172/0-8-0,4=35/Mechanical Max Horz 2=100(LC 12) Max Uplift 3=-53(LC 12),2=-123(LC 12) Max Grav 3=66(LC 17),2=172(LC 1),4=50(LC 3) FORCES. (lb)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(lb)or less except when shown. NOTES- 1)Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=160mph(3-second gust)Vasd=124mph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDL=6.Opsf;h=15ft;B=45ft;L=24ft;eave=4ft;Cat. II;Exp C;Encl.,GCpi=0.18;MWFRS(directional)and C-C Exterior(2)-1-0-0 to 2-0-0,Interior(1)2-0-0 to 2-11-4 zone;cantilever left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces&MW FRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psi bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3)'This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s)for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)3 except Qt=lb) 2=123. } ®WARNING-Vertry design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERANCE PAGE M11.7473 rev.10/03/2015 BEFORE USE. Design valid for use only with TAITek®connectors.This design is based only upon parameters shown,and Is for an individual building component,not H` a truss system.Before use.the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design Into the overall building design. Bracing indicated Is to prevent buckling of individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek' Is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal Injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication,storage,delivery,erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems,seeANSI/TPI I Quality Criteria,DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute,218 N.Lee Street,Suite 312 Alexandria.VA 22314. Tampa,FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Dry Ply BSE-Leo res. T10508456 503897 CJ03A Corner Jack 1 1 Job Reference(optional) Tibbetts Lumber Co, Palm Bay,FL 8.030 s Jan 23 2017 MiTek Industries,Inc. Thu Feb 23 11:48:50 2017 Page 1 ID:Jn11YrMNOG9SnRpP4VkfYuzkcF6-2c?eNTpwpemOA9Jngy28D1_K6EaOvgU9op?4d_ziGLx 3-0-0 3-0-0 Scale=1:10.8 2 5.00 t 2 • i n 0 N 1 3 I 2x4= i 3-0-0 3-0-0 i LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0; Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.13 Vert(LL) -0.00 3-6 >999 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.o i Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.14 Vert(fL) -0.01 3-6 >999 240 BCLL 0.0 ` Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(TL) -0.00 2 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0i Code FBC20141TPI2007 Matrix-MP Wind(LL) 0.01 3-6 >999 240 Weight:9lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (Ib/size) 1=109/0-8-0,2=68/Mechanical,3=40/Mechanical Max Horz 1=66(LC 12) Max Uplift 1=34(LC 12),2=-60(LC 12),3=-3(LC 12) Max Grav 1=109(LC 1),2=70(LC 17),3=52(LC 3) FORCES. (lb)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(lb)or less except when shown. NOTES- 1)Wind:ASCE�7-10;Vult=160mph(3-second gust)Vasd=124mph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDL=6.opsf;h=15ft;B=45ft;L=24ft;eave=oft Cat. 11;Exp C;Encl.,GCpi=0.18;MW FRS(directional)and C-C Exterior(2)zone;cantilever left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3)`This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s)for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)1,2,3. i ®WARNING-Verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERANCE PAGE MIF7473 rev.10/03,2015 BEFORE USE. Design valid for use only with MITek®connectors.This design is based only upon parameters shown,and Is for an Individual building component not a truss system.Before use,the building designer must verily the applicability of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design into the overall building design. Bracing Indicated Is to prevent buckling of Individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek' Is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal Injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication,storage,delivery,erection and bracing of trusses and taus systems,seeANSI/TPII Quality Criteria,DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute,218 N.Lee Street.Suite 312,Alexandria,VA 22314. Tampa,FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type = City Ply BSE-Leo res. T10508457 503897 CJ05 Corner Jack 4 1 i Job Reference(optional) Tibbetts Lumber Co, Palm Bay,FL 8.030 s Jan 23 2017 MiTek Industries,Inc. Thu Feb 23 11:48:51 2017 Page 1 I D:Jnl1 YrM NOG9SnRpP4V kfYuzkcF6-W oZObpgZaRuFoJu_EfZN mFX05esdeHj 11 SkdARziGLw , DO 500 1-0-0 5-0-0 Scale=1:14.9 3 0 5.00 FIT B yr O N O N 2 4 3x4= 5-0-0 5-0-0 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/dell Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.43 Vert(LL) -0.03 4-7 >999 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.40 Vert(TL) -0.07 4-7 >827 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(TL) -0.00 3 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0� Code FBC2014lFP12007 Matrix-MP Wind(LL) 0.06 4-7 >990 240 Weight:17lb FT=20% LUMBER- I BRACING- TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-0-0 oc pudins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 3=115/Mechanical,2=242/0-8-0,4=62/Mechanical ,Max Harz 2=144(LC 12) 'Max Uplift 3=-102(LC 12),2=-141(LC 12) Max Grav 3=118(LC 17),2=242(LC 1),4=88(LC 3) i FORCES. (lb)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(lb)or less except when shown. NOTES- 1)Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=160mph(3-second gust)Vasd=124mph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDL=6.Opsf;h=15ft;B=45ft;L=24fh eave=4fh Cat. II;Exp C;Encl.,GCpi=0.18;MW FRS(directional)and C-C Exterior(2)-1-0-0 to 2-0-0,Interior(1)2-0-0 to 4-11-4 zone;cantilever left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces&MW FRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3)'This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s)for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)except(jt=lb) 3=102,2=1411. i i ®WARNING-Verily design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERANCE PAGE MII-7473 rev.1010312015 BEFORE USE. Design valid for use only with MITek®connectors.This design Is based only upon parameters shown,and Is for an Individual building component,not a Truss system.Before use,the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design into the overall v building design. Bracing indicated Is to prevent buckling of Individual truss web and/or chord members only.Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek' Is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal Injury and property damage. For general guldance regarding the fabrication,,storage,delivery,erection and bracing of Trusses and truss systems,seeANSI/7PII Quality Criteria,DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute,218 N.Lee Street.Suite 312,Alexandria,VA 22314. Tampa,FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply BSE-Leo res. T10508458 503897 CJ06 Diagonal Hip Girder 2 1 Job Reference o tional Tibbetts Lumber Co, Palm Bay,FL 8.030 s Jan 23 2017 MiTek Industries,Inc. Thu Feb 23 11:48:52 2017 Page 1 ID:Jnl1 YrMNOG9SnRpP4VkfYuzkcF6-_70o9rBLI06QTSAoN5cIS3cn1 CZNfJSF6UBitziGLv -1-5-0 5-2-9 9-10-1 1-5-0 5-2-9 4-7-8 Scale=1:21.2 4 1 Io 3.54 ri2 13 3x4 3 m 12 v O CJ N it q� 2 d 1 14 15 7 16 6 2x4_ 2x4 11 4x5=5 5-2-9 9-8-9 9 d 41 5-2-9 4-6-0 0-1-8 LOADING (psf), SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.37 Vert(LL) -0.03 6-7 >999 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.42 Vert(rL) -0.07 6-7 >999 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.36 Horz(TL) 0.02 6 n/a n/a BCDL 10.01 Code FBC2014lrP12007 Matrix-MS Wind(LL) -0.03 7-10 >999 240 Weight:41 lb FT=20% LUMBER- i BRACING- TOP CHORD 20 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 9-7-3 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 4=122/Mechanical,2=487/0-10-15,6=350/Mechanical Max Horz 2=189(LC 8) Max Uplift 4=114(LC 8),2=-265(LC 8),6=-102(LC 8) FORCES. (lb)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-912/275 BOT CHORD 2-7=-372/831,6-7=372/831 WEBS 3-7=0/268,3-6=-880/394 NOTES- 1)Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=160mph(3-second gust)Vasd=124mph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDL=6.Opsf;h=15ft;B=45ft L=24ft eave=oft;Cat. 11;Exp C;Encl.,GCpi=0.18;MW FRS(directional);cantilever left and right exposed;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2)This truss is not designed to support a ceiling and is not intended for use where aesthetics are a consideration. 3)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4)`This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5)Refer to girder(s)for truss to truss connections. 6) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)except Qt=lb) 4=114,2=265,6=102. 7)Hanger(s)or other connection device(s)shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s)87 lb down and 18 lb up at 1-4-15,87 lb down and 18 lb up at 1-4-15,102 lb down and 71 lb up at 4-2-15,102 lb down and 71 lb up at 4-2-15,and 131 lb down and 127 lb up at 7-0-14,and 131 lb down and 127 lb up at 7-0-14 on top chord,and 20lb down and 3 lb up at 1-4-15,20 lb down and 3 lb up at 1-4-15,14 lb down at 4-2-15,14 lb down at 4-2-15,and 36 lb down at 7-0-14,and 36 lb down at 7-0-14 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s)is the responsibility of others. 8) In the LOAD;CASE(S)section,loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front(F)or back(B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead+Roof Live(balanced):Lumber Increase=1.25,Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads(plf) Vert:1-4=-54,5-8=-20 Concentrated Loads(lb) Vert:12=-2(F=-1,B=-1)13=-78(F=-39,B=39)14=7(F=3,B=3)15=17(F=-9,B=-9)16=-68(F=-34,B=-34) ®WARNING-Verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MrTEX REFERANCE PAGE Mll-7473 rev.1010312015 BEFORE USE. Design valid for use only with MITek®connectors.This design is based only upon parameters shown,and Is for an Individual building component,not a truss system.Before use,the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and properly incorporate this design Into the overall building design. Bracing indicated Is to prevent buckling of individual truss web and/or chord members only.Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek Is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal Injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication,storage,delivery,erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems,seeANSI/TPI1 Quality Criteria,DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute,218 N.Lee Street.Suite 312,Alexandria,VA 22314. Tampa,FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type city Ply BSE-Leo res. T10506459 503897 CJ07 Diagonal Hip Girder 2 1 Job Reference(optional) Tibbetts Lumber Co, Palm Bay,FL 8.030 s Jan 23 2017 MiTek Industries,Inc. Thu Feb 23 11:48:52 2017 Page 1 ID:Jnll YrMNOG9SnRpP4VkfYuzkcF6-_70o9rBL1060TSAoN5clS3W M1 AMNkzSF6UBitziGLv -1-5-0 3-9-9 7-0-2 1-5-0 3-9-9 3-2-8 i Scale=1:16.2 3 0 i 3.64 rl2 9 M N 'T N O N 8 2 1 - 10 11 4 3x4= 7-0-2 7-0-2 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.72 Vert(LL) -0.11 4-7 >752 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0, Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.56 Vert(TL) -0.29 4-7 >287 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.00 Horz(TL) 0.01 2 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2014/TP12007 Matrix-MS Wind(LL) 0.13 4-7 >621 240 Weight:24lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2.4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 3=165/Mechanical,2=343/0-10-15,4=95/Mechanical Max Harz 2=144(LC 8) Max Uplift 3=-131(LC 8),2=214(LC 8) Max Grav 3=165(LC 1),2=347(LC 25),4=126(LC 3) FORCES. (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(lb)or less except when shown. NOTES- 1)Wind:ASCE.7-10;Vult=160mph(3-second gust)Vasd=124mph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDL=6.Opsf;h=15ft B=45ft L=24ft;eave=oft;Cat. ll;Exp C;Encl.,GCpi=0.18;MW FRS(directional);cantilever left and right exposed;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3)'This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s)for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)except Qt=lb) 3=131,2=214. 6)Hanger(s)orother connection device(s)shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s)87lb down and 18 lb up at 1-4-15,87 lb down and 18 lb up at 1-4-15,and 102 lb down and 71 lb up at 4-2-15,and 102 lb down and 71 lb up at 4-2-15 on top chord,and 20 lb down and 3 lb up at 1-4-15,20 lb down and 3 lb up at 1-4-15,and 14 lb down at 4-2-15,and 14 lb down at 4-2-15 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s)is the responsibility of others. 7) In the LOAD,CASE(S)section,loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front(F)or back(B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1)Dead+Root Live(balanced):Lumber Increase=1.25,Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads(plf) Vert:1-3=-54,4-5=-20 Concentrated Loads(Ib) Vert:9=2(F=-1,B—1)10=7(F=3,B=3)11=17(F=9,B=-9) ®WARNING-verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERANCE PAGE M11-7473 rev.1010312015 BEFORE USE Design valid for use only with MITekO connectors.This design is based only upon parameters shown,and Is for an Individual building component,not a truss system.Before use,the building designer must verity the applicability of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design into the overall WVE building design. Bracing indicated is to prevent buckling of individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek" is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal Injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication,storage,delivery,erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems,seeANSI/TPI I Quality Criteria,DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute,218 N.Lee Street,Suite 312,Alexandria.VA 22314. Tampa,FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply BSE-Leo res. T10508460 503897 CJ09 Diagonal Hip Girder 1 1 Job Reference(optional) Tibbetts Lumber Co, Palm Bay,FL 8.030 s Jan 23 2017 MiTek Industries,Inc. Thu Feb 23 11:48:53 2017 Page 1 I D:Jn11YrMNOG9SnRpP4VkfYuzkcF6-SBhnOVsp638z1 d1 ML4crrgch6RW b6BDbUmDkEJziGLu -1-5-0 3-9-9 7-0-2 1-5-0 3-9-9 3-2-8 Scale=1:16.2 3 j 10 3.64 F12 9 m N q N O N B 2 1 10 11 4 3x4= 702 702 LOADING (psf), SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI, DEFL. in (loc) Well Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.72 Vert(LL) 0.30 4-7 >281 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.56 Vert(fL) -0.29 4-7 >287 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.00 Horz(TL) -0.01 3 ri/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2014/TP12007 Matrix-MS Weight:24 lb FT=20% LUMBER- i BRACING- TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 3=165/Mechanical,2=343/0-10-15,4=95/Mechanical Max Horz 2=144(LC 8) Max Uplift 3=-153(LC 8),2=-348(LC 8),4=-101(LC 8) Max Grav 3=165(LC 1),2=343(LC 1),4=126(LC 3) FORCES. (lb) Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(lb)or less except when shown. NOTES- 1)Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=160mph(3-second gust)Vasd=124mph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDL=6.Opsf;h=15ft B=45ft L=24fh eave=4ft Cat. II;Exp C;Encl.,GCpi=0.18;MW FRS(directional);cantilever left and right exposed;porch left exposed;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3)'This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s)for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)except Qt=lb) 3=1 53,2=348,4=1 01. 6) Hanger(s)or other connection device(s)shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s)87 lb down and 18 lb up at 1-4-15,87 lb'down and 18 lb up at 1-4-15,and 102 lb down and 71 lb up at 4-2-15,and 102 lb down and 71 lb up at 4-2-15 on top chord,and 75 lb down and 3 lb up at 1-4-15,75 lb down and 3 lb up at 1-4-15,and 69 lb down at 4-2-15,and 69 lb down at 4-2-15 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s)is the responsibility of others. 7)In the LOAD CASE(S)section,loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front(F)or back(B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead+Roof Live(balanced):Lumber Increase=1.25,Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads(plf) Vert:1-3=-54,4-5=-20 Concentrated Loads(lb) Vert:9=-2(F=1,B=-1)10=7(F=3,B=3)11=17(F=-9,B=-9) ®WARNING-Verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERANCE PAGE MY-7473 rev.1010312016 BEFORE USE. Design valid for use only with MITek0 connectors.This design Is based only upon parameters shown,and Is for an individual bullding component,not a truss system.Before use,the building designer must verity the applicability of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design into the overall building design. Bracing indicated Is to prevent buckling of individual truss web and/or chord members only.Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek' Is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal Injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabricalion,storage,delivery,erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems,seeANSI/TPI1 Quality Criteria,DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety information avdfoble from Truss Plate Institute,218 N.Lee Street,Suite 312 Alexandria.VA 22314. Tampa,FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply BSE-Leo res. T10508461 503897 H01 Hip Girder 1 1 Job Reference o tional Tibbetts Lumber Co, Palm Bay,FL 8.030 s Jan 23 2017 MiTek Industries,Inc. Thu Feb 23 11:48:54 2017 Page 1 ID:Jnl l YrMNOG9SnRpP4VkfYuzkcF6-xN E9 DgtRtMGgfmcZvo74Nt9tFrsvrTQljQzHmmziGLt n n ��-7-d 18-0-12 23-8-0 1 30-8-0 31-8-q 1-0-0 7-0-0 5-7-4 5-5-8 5-7-4 7-0-0 Scale=1:53.2 t 6x6= 2x4 11 3x10= 5x5= 5.00 12 3 17 18 4 19 20 2122 23 245 25 26 6 m 7 1 2 8 l4 0 6 12 27 28 11 29 30 31 3210 33 34 9 4x8= 4x8= 2x4 I I 8x12 MT20HS= 2x4 11 5x5= 7-0-0 12-7-4 18-0-12 23-8-0 30-8-0 7-0-0 5-7-4 5-5-8 5-7-4 7-0-0 Plate Offsets(X Y)-- f2:0-1-1 Edgel f3:03-4 0-2-81 17:0-1-1 Edgel f9-0-2-0 0-3-81 f11:0-6-0 0-4-81 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) Udefl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.63 Vert(LL) -0.34 10-11 >999 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.01 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.55 Vert(TL) -0.79 10-11 >468 240 MT20HS 187/143 BCLL 0.01` Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.71 Horz(TL) 0.18 7 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0: Code FBC2014fTP12007 Matrix-MS Wind(LL) 0.45 10-11 >825 240 Weight:177lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2x4 SP M 31 'Except` TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-10-3 oc pur ins. 3-6:2x6 SP DSS BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 4-11-3 oc bracing. BOT CHORD 2x6 SP DSS WEBS 1 Row at midpt 5-9 WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2=2415/0-8-0,7=2440/0-8-0 ;Max Horz 2=114(LC 7) .Max Uplift 2=-1096(LC 8),7=-1123(LC 8) FORCES. (lb),-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(lb)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3—5705/2435,3-4=-7278/3229,4-5=7257/3211,5-6=-5191/2343,6-7=-5771/2504 BOT CHORD 2-12=2114/5213,11-12=-2111/5178,10-11=-3056/7268,9-10=3056/7268, 7-9=2178/5273 WEBS 3-12=67/733,3-11=1049/2460,4-11=-763/639,5-10=0/473,5-9=2414/1005, 6-9=-505/1698 NOTES- 1)Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2)Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=160mph(3-second gust)Vasd=124mph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDL=6.Opsf;h=15ft B=45ft;L=31ft;eave=Aft;Cat. II;Exp C;Encl.,GCpi=0.18;MW FRS(directional);cantilever left and right exposed;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4)All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 5)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 6)'This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 7) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)except(jt=lb) 2=1096,7=1123. 8)Hanger(s)or other connection device(s)shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s)140 lb down and 172 Ib up at 7-0-0,140 Ili down and 165 lb up at 9-0-12,140 lb down and 165 lb up at 11-0-12,140 lb down and 165 lb up at 13-0-12,140 lb down and 165 lb up at 15-0-12,140 lb down and 165 lb up at 15-7-4,140 lb down and 165 lb up at 17-7-4,140 lb down and 165 lb up at 19-7-4,and 140 lb down and 165 lb up at 21-7-4,and 204 lb down and 317 lb up at 23-8-0 on top chord,and 390 lb down and 111 lb up at 7-0-0,85 lb down at 9-0-12,85 lb down at 11-0-12,85 lb down at 13-0-12,85 lb down at 15-0-12,85 lb down at 15-7-4,85 lb down at 17-7-4,85 Ib down at 19-7-4,and 85 lb down at 21-7-4,and 390 lb down and 111 lb up at 23-7-4 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s)is the responsibility of others. 9)In the LOAD CASE(S)section,loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front(F)or back(B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard ontin ®WARNING-Verity design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERANCE PAGE MII-7473 rev.10103,2015 BEFORE USE Design valid for use only with MiTek®connectors.This design Is based only upon parameters shown,and Is for an individual building component not a truss system.Before use,the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design Into the overall building design. Bracing indicated is to prevent buckling of Individual truss web and/or chord members only.Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek' Is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal Injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication,storage,delivery,erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems,seeANSI/TPI I Quality Criteria,DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East BNd. Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute,218 N.Lee Street.Suite 312,Alexandria,VA 22314. Tampa,FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply BSE-Leo res. T10508461 503897 H01 Hip Girder 1 1 Job Reference o tional Tibbetts Lumber Co, Palm Bay,FL 8.030 s Jan 23 2017 MiTek Industries,Inc. Thu Feb 23 11:48:64 2017 Page 2 I D:Jnl1 YrMNOG9SnRpP4V kfYuzkcF6-xN E9DgtRtMGgfmcZvo74Nt9tFrsvrTQljQzHmmziGLt LOAD CASE(S) ;Standard 1)Dead+Roof Live(balanced):Lumber Increase=1.25,Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads(plf) Vert:1-3=-54,3-6=-54,6-8=-54,2-7=-20 Concentrated Loads(lb) Vert:3=-111(F)6=-1 57(F)12=-390(F)9=390(F)17=-111(F)18=-111(F)19=111(F)21=-111(F)22=-111(F)24=111(F)25=111(F)26=-111(F)27=-67(F) 28=-67(F)29=67(F)30—67(F)31=67(F)32=-67(F)33=67(F)34=-67(F) I I I I ®WARNING-Verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED M1TEK REFERANCE PAGE M11.7473 rev.1010312015 BEFORE USE. Design valid for use only with MITek®connectors.This design Is based only upon parameters shown,and Is for an individual building component,not a truss system.Before use,the building designer must verity the applicability of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design Into the overall building design. Bracing indicated Is to prevent buckling of individual truss web and/or chord members only.Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek' Is always required(or stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication,:storage,delivery,erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems,seeANSI/TPII Quality Criteria,DSB-89 and SCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute,218 N.Lee Street.Suite 312,Alexandria,VA 22314. Tampa,FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type �Qty Ply BSE-Leo res. T10508462 503897 H02 Hip 1 1 Job Reference o tional Tibbetts Lumber Co, Palm Bay,FL 8.030 s Jan 23 2017 MiTek Industries,Inc. Thu Feb 23 11:48:55 2017 Page 1 I D:Jnl l YrM NOG9SnRpP4V kfYuzkcF6-PZoXRAt3egOhHwBITVeJw5h38F8Zazgux4i rJCziGLs �7 0 Q 5 8 11 9-0-0 15-4-0 21-8-0 24-11-5 , 30-8-0 31-8-Q 1-0-0 5-8-11 3-3-5 6-4-0 6-4-0 3-3-5 5-8-11 1-0-0' Scale=1:53.2 4x5= 3x8= 4x5= 5.00 12 4 22 23 5 24 25 6 2x4 2x4 7 21 3 26 27 d 20 8 d11 2 9 lv 0 0 13 12 11 10 4x4= 3x8= 3x4 2x4 11 3x8= 4x4= 9-0-0 15-4-0 21-8-0 30-8-0 9-0-0 6-4-0 6-4-0 9-0-0 Plate Offsets(X Y)-- f2'0-2-14 Edgel [8:0-2-14 Edge] LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TOLL 20.0, Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.56 Vert(LL) -0.17 11 >999 360 MT20 2441190 TCDL 7.0' Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.78 Vert(TL) -0.38 11-13 >978 240 BCLL 0.0; ` Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.52 Horz(TL) 0.12 e n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2014/TPI2007 Matrix-MS Wind(LL) 0.22 11 >999 240 Weight:145lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-9-0 oc pudins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 5-2-14 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2=1189/0-8-0,8=1189/0-8-0 'MaxHorz 2=143(LC 11) 'Max Uplift 2=-583(LC 12),8—583(LC 12) FORCES. (lb)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(lb)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=2249/1460,3-4=-2021/1291,4-5=-185311250,5-6=1853/1250,6-7=2021/1291, 7-8=-2249/1460 BOT CHORD 2-13=1230/2021,11-13=-1237/2260,10-11=-1237/2260,8-10=-1242/2021 WEBS 3-13=-256/324,4-13=-238/523,5-13=-574/357,5-1 0=-574/357,6-1 0=-238/523, 7-10=257/324 NOTES- 1)Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2)Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=160mph(3-second gust)Vasd=124mph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDL=6.Opsf;h=15ft;B=45ft;L=31ft;eave--tft;Cat. 11;Exp C;Encl.,GCpi=0.18;MW FRS(directional)and C-C Exterior(2)-1-0-0 to 2-0-13,Interior(1)2-0-13 to 9-0-0,Exterior(2)9-0-0 to 26-0-1,Interior(1)26-0-1 to 31-8-0 zone;cantilever left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces&MW FRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5)'This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)except Qt=lb) 2=583,8=583. I ®WARNING-Verity design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERANCE PAGE MI1-7473 rev.10103/2016 BEFORE USE. Design valid for use only with MiTek®connectors.This design is based only upon parameters shown,and Is for an Individual building component,not a truss system.Before use,the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design into the overall building design. Bracing indicated Is to prevent buckling of individual truss web and/or chord members only.Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek' Is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal Injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication,storage,delivery,erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems,seeANSI/TPII Quality Criteria,DSB-89 and SCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute,218 N.Lee Street.Suite 312 Alexandria,VA 22314. Tampa,FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply BSE-Leo res. T10508463 503897 H03 Hip 1 1 Job Reference o tional Tibbetts Lumber Co, Palm Bay,FL 8.030 s Jan 23 2017 MiTek Industries,Inc. Thu Feb 23 11:48:56 2017 Page 1 ID:JnllYrMNOG9SnRpP4VkfYuzkcF6-tmMveWuhP_WYv4mx1 D9YTIEF2fU?JUg2AkSOreziGLr �0 0 5 9 14 11-0-0 15-4-0 19-8-0 24-10-2 30-8-0 1-0 0 5-9-14 5-2-2 4-4-0 4-4-0 5-2-2 5-9-14 1-0-0 Scale=1:53.2 4x5= 3x4= 4x5= 4 23 5 24 6 v 5.00 12 3x4 — E':�� 25 3x4 22 7 3 a 2 21 6 8 �1 2 9 la o 14 13 12 11 10 0 4x4— 2x4 I I 3x8= 3x4 3x8= 2x4 II 4x4= 5-9-14 11-0-0 19-8-0 24-10-2 30-8-0 5-9-14 5-2-2 8-8-0 5-2-2 5-9-14 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.48 Vert(LL) -0.16 11-13 >999 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.1Zt Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.70 Vert(TL) -0.48 11-13 >772 240 BCLL 0.0' Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.28 Horz(TL) 0.12 8 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2014/TP12007 Matrix-MS Wind(LL) 0.18 11 >999 240 Weight:151 lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-8-6 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 5-4-7 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Installation quide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2=1189/0-8-0,8=1189/0-8-0 Max Horz 2=-172(LC 10) Max Uplift 2=-583(LC 12),8=583(LC 12) FORCES. (lb)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(lb)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=2310/1396,3-4=-1885/1188,4-5=-1701/1172,5-6=-1701/1172,6-7=-1885/1188, 7-8=-2310/1396 BOT CHORD 2-14=1178/2080,13-14=-1178/2080,11-13=-952/1811,10-11=1190/2080,. 8-10=-1190/2080 WEBS 3-13=472/374,4-13=-200/462,5-13=-278/213,5-11=-278/213,6-11=-200/462, 7-11=-474/373 NOTES- 1)Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2)Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=160mph(3-second gust)Vasd=124mph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDL=6.Opsf;h=15ft;B--15fh L=31ft;eave=oft;Cat. 11;Exp C;Encl.,GCpi=0.18;MW FRS(directional)and C-C Exterior(2)-1-0-0 to 2-0-13,Interior(1)2-0-13 to 11-0-0,Exterior(2)11-0-0 to 24-0-1,Interior(1)24-0-1 to 31-8-0 zone;cantilever left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces&MW FRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3)Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5)`This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)except Qt=lb) 2=583,8=583. ®WARNING-Verity design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERANCE PAGE MI1-7473 rev.101032015 BEFORE USE. Design valid for use only with MITek0 connectors.This design Is based only upon parameters shown,and Is for on Individual building component,not a truss system.Before use,the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design Into the overall building design. Bracing Indicated is to prevent buckling of individual truss web and/or chord members only.Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek' Is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication,storage,delivery,erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems,seeANSI/TPN Quality Criteria,DS8-89 and BCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information available from Truss Plate Ins1IMe.218 N.Lee Street,Suite 312.Alexandria,VA 22314. Tampa,FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply BSE-Leo res. T10508464 503897 H04 Hip 1 1 Job Reference o tional Tibbetts Lumber Co, Palm Bay,FL 8.030 s Jan 23 2017 MiTek Industries,Inc. Thu Feb 23 11:48:67 2017 Page 1 ID:Jnll YrMNOG9SnRpP4VkfYuzkcF6-LywHrsvJAHfPW EL7awgn?W mPL2sE2t6BPOByN5ziGLq 1 0 0 6 9 14 13-0-0 17-8.0 23-10-2 30-8-0 1-8- 1-0-0 6-9-14 6-2-2 4-8-0 6-2-2 6-9-14 1 0 0' Scale=1:53.2 • 4x8= 4x5= 422 23 24 525 1: 5.00 FIT 3x4 21 26 3x4 3 6 m 2 - 20 7 2 7 1 B Iv 0 0 13 12 11 10 9 4x4— 2x4 11 3x4= 3x4 3x8= 2x4 11 4x4= 6-9-14 13-0-0 17-8-0 23-10-2 30-8-0 6-9-14 6-2-2 4-8-0 6-2-2 6-9-14 Plate Offsets(X Y)f4:0-5-4 0-2-01 LOADING (psf), SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0, Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.57 Vert(LL) -0.13 12-13 >999 360 MT20 244/100 TCDL 7.01 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.58 Vert(TL) -0.34 12-13 >999 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.52 Horz(TL) 0.12 7 rVa n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2014ITP12007 Matrix-MS Wind(LL) 0.17 12-13 >999 240 Weight:151 lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-8-5 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 5-6-9 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2=1189/0-8-0,7=1189/0-8-0 Max Horz 2=200(LC 11) Max Uplift 2=-583(LC 12),7=-583(LC 12) FORCES. (lb),-Max.Comp./Max Ten.-All forces 250(lb)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=2278/1331,3-4=-1705/1094,4-5=-1518/1094,5-6=-1705/1094,6-7=-2278/1331 BOT CHORD 2-13=1108/2044,12-13=1108/2044,10-12=-722/1517,9-10—1119/2044, 7-9=1119/2044 WEBS 3-13=0/251,3-12=-629/428,4-12=119/387,5-10—140/387,6-10=-630/428,6-9=0/251 NOTES- 1)Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2)Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=160mph(3-second gust)Vasd=124mph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDL=6.Opsf;h=151t;B=45ft;L=31ft eave=4fh Cat. II;Exp C;End.,GCpi=0.18;MWFRS(directional)and C-C Exterior(2)-1-0-0 to 2-0-13,Interior(1)2-0-13 to 13-0-0,Extedor(2)13-0-0 to 22-0-1,Interior(1)22-0-1 to 31-8-0 zone;cantilever left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5)'This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)except(jt=lb) 2=5831 7=583. s r ®WARNING-Verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERANCE PAGE Mll-7473 rev.1010312015 BEFORE USE. *�*� Design valid for use only with IAITek8 connectors.This design is based only upon parameters shown,and Is for an Individual building component,not i �R a inrss system.Before use,the building designer must verity the applicability of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design Into the overall building design. Bracing Indicated is to prevent buckling of individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek' Is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possmle personal injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication,storage.delivery,erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems,seeANSI/TPII Quality Criteria,DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute,218 N.Lee Street.Suite 312,Alexandria,VA 22314. Tampa,I'L 33610 Job Truss Truss Type aty Ply BSE-Leo res. T10508465 503897 H05 Hip 1 1 Job Reference o tional Tibbetts Lumber Co, Palm Bay,FL 8.030 S Jan 23 2017 MiTek Industries,Inc. Thu Feb 23 11:48:58 2017 Page 1 I D:Jnl1 YrM NOG9SnRpP4VkfYuzkcF6-pBUg3CwywbnG8OwK8dCOYjJbAS6pnF8Ke2xVvXziGLp 15-8-0 24-11-5 1 0 0 7-9-14 15-0-0 1$-4-Q 22-7-2 23-10-1 27-5-12 30-8-0 $1-8-q 1-0-0 7-9-14 7-2-2 0-4-0 6-it-2 1-3-0 1-1-4 2-6-7 3 2 4 1 0 0 0-4-0 Scale=1:54.1 6x8 MT20HS= 4 5.00 FIT 26 27 3x4 2x4 II 5 4x6 3 6 8x10= 7 6x8 8 14 13 28 25 0 2 Bx12= 9� T 1 tOlo o V 0 18 17 16 15 12 11 4x4= 2x4 11 3x4 3x10= 3x4 11 3x4 II 4x4= 4x5= 7-9-14 15-0-0 15-4-0 22-7-2 24-11-5 , 27-5-12 30-8-o 7-9-14 7-2-2 O'410 7-3-2 2-4-4 2-G-7 ' 3-2-4 Plate Offsets(X Y)-- f4:0-3-4 0-1-121 (7.0-3-4 0-3-41 f9'0-1-14 Edgel LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.51 Vert(LL) -0.37 14 >986 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 1.00 Vert(fL) -0.84 15 >437 240 MT20HS 187/143 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.85 Horz(TL) 0.38 9 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0, Code FBC2014fTP12007 Matrix-MS Wind(LL) 0.49 14 >758 240 Weight:168lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2x4 SP M 31 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-9-14 oc pudins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2'Except' BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 1-4-12 oc bracing. 13-14:2x4 SP M 31 WEBS 1 Row at midpt 3-16,4-14 WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Installation quide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2=1176/0-8-0,9=1201/0-8-0 Max Harz 2=-231(LC 10) Max Uplift 2=-579(LC 12),9=588(LC 12) FORCES. (lb)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(lb)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-2164/1167,3-4=-1494/909,4-5=-3681/2161,5-6=-3710/1991,6-7=-6156/3158, 7-8=5862/2973,8-9=-1904/1024 BOT CHORD 2-18—943/1930,16-18=-943/1930,5-14=-319/446,13-14=2019/4254,11-12=-140/284, 9-11=-826/1684 WEBS 3-18=0/283,3-16=-739/491,14-16=-453/1168,4-14=-1418/2435,6-14—1063/460, 11-13=-785/1613,8-13=-1634/3778,8-11=-1122/612,4-16=2/319,6-13=-1063/2088 NOTES- 1)Unbalanced'roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2)Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=160mph(3-second gust)Vasd=124mph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDL=6.Opsf;h=15ft;B=45ft;L=31ft;eave=4ft Cat. 11;Exp C;Encl.,GCpi=0.18;MW FRS(directional)and C-C Exterior(2)-1-0-0 to 2-0-13,Interior(1)2-0-13 to 15-4-0,Extedor(2)15-4-0 to 19-8-1 zone;cantilever left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces&MWFRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3)All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 4)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5)`This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)except Qt=lb) 2=579,9=588. r ®WARNING-Vedfy design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERANCE PAGE M11-7473 rev.1010 312 0 15 13EFORE USE. Design valid for use only with MITek®connectors.This design Is based only upon parameters shown,and Is for an individual building component,not a truss system.Before use,the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design Into the overall r building design. Bracing Indicated is to prevent buckling of Individual truss web and/or chord members only.Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek` is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication,storage,delivery,erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems,seeANSi/TPI I Quality Criteria,DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute,218 N.Lee Street,Suite 312,Alexandria,VA 22314. Tampa,FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply BSE-Leo res. T10508466 503897 H06 Roof Special Girder 1 1 Job Reference o tional Tibbetts Lumber Co, Palm Bay,FL 8.030 s Jan 23 2017 MiTek Industries,Inc. Thu Feb 23 11:48:59 2017 Page 1 I D:Jnl l YrM NOG9SnRpP4VkfYuzkcF6-H L22GYwahvv7mYV W i Lj F4xsmksa3W VrUsig2Szzi GLo -1-0-0 5-0-0 7-7-0 9-3-0 12-7-0 1-0-0 5-0-0 2-7-0 1-8-0 3-4-0 Scale=1:23.1 4x8= 4x4= 3 13 4 l� 5.00 FIT 2x4 11 2x4 I I 9 in N dD 2 IIN 7 a 7 14 6 2x4 I 3x4= 5 3x4= 6x8= 5-0-0 7-7-0 9-3-0 12-7-0 5-0-0 2-7-0 1-8-0 3-4-0 Plate Offsets(X Y)-- r3:0-5-4 0-2-01 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0, Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.45 Vert(LL) 0.06 6-7 >999 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0' Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.49 Vert(TL) -0.09 5-6 >999 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.06 Horz(TL) 0.03 5 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0' Code FBC2014/TP12007 Matrix-MS Weight:57lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-10-14 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 except end verticals. Except: WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 4-5-0 oc bracing:4-5 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-4-7 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 5=724/0-8-0,2=782/0-8-0 Max Horz 2=180(LC 24) Max Uplift 5=-456(LC 8),2=530(LC 8) FORCES. (lb)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(lb)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3—1340/914,3-4=-1292/965,4-5=1441/995 BOT CHORD 2-7=-823/1188,6-7=-826/1200,5-6=-863/1283 NOTES- 1)Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2)Wind:ASCE'7-10;Vult=160mph(3-second gust)Vasd=124mph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDL=6.Opsf;h=15ft;B=45ft L=24ft;eave=oft;Cat. 11;Exp C;Encl.,GCpi=0.18;MW FRS(directional);cantilever left and right exposed;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3)Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5)`This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)except Qt=lb) 5=456,2=530. 7)Graphical purlin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the purlin along the top and/or bottom chord. 8)Hanger(s)or other connection device(s)shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s)80 lb down and 139 lb up at 5-0-0,and 62 lb down and 134 lb up at 6-7-8,and 197 Ib down and 299 lb up at 7-7-0 on top chord,and 117 lb down and 84 lb up at 5-0-0,and 48 lb down and 95 Ito up at 6-7-8,and 117 Ito down and 84 lb up at 7-6-4 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s)is the responsibility of others. 9) In the LOAD,CASE(S)section,loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front(F)or back(B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1)Dead+Roof Live(balanced):Lumber Increase=1.25,Plate Increase=125 Uniform Loads(plf) Vert:1-3=54,3-4=-54,4-5=54,5-10=-20 Concentrated Loads(Ib) Vert:3=-61(F)4=-150(F)7=-108(F)6=-108(F)13=61(F)14=-42(F) ®WARNING-Verity design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERANCE PAGE Mll-7473 rev.1010312015 BEFORE USE. Design valid for use only with MiTek®connectors.This design Is based only upon parameters shown,and Is for an Individual building component,not a fnrss system.Before use,the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and property Incorporate this design into the overall V building design. Bracing Indicated Is to prevent buckling of individual truss web and/or chord members only.Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek' Is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal Injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication,storage,delivery,erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems,seeANSI/TPI1 Quality Criteria,DS8-89 and BCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute,218 N.Lee Street,Suite 312,Alexandria.VA 22314. Tampa,FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply BSE-Leo res. T10508467 503897 H07 Hip Girder 1 1 Job Reference o tional Tibbetts Lumber Co, Palm Bay,FL 8.030 s Jan 23 2017 MiTek Industries,Inc. Thu Feb 23 11:49:00 2017 Page 1 I D:Jnl l YrM NOG9SnRp P4V kfYuzkcF6-IXcQUuxCSC1 zNh4iG2EUd8OunGykFD 1 d5MQc_PziGLn F1 0 0 5-0-1 2 + 7 2 8 12-3-0 15-4-0 18-5-0 23-5-8 25-7-4 30-8-0 31-8-q 1-0-0 5-0-12 2-1-12 5-0-8 3-1-0 3-1-0 5-0-8 2-1-12 5 0 12 1 0 0 Scale=1:53.2 4x8= 2x4 11 4x5 2x4 11 4x8= = 5.00 12 3x8 4 25 26 5 27 28 6 29 30 7 8 3x8 3 9 Cl) 10 1 2 111� v 0 0 18 17 31 32 16 33 15 34 35 14 13 12 4x5—' 2x4 11 3x4= 6x8— 3x4— 6x8— 3x4= 2x4 11 4x5— 5 0-12 7-2-8 12-3-0 18-5-0 23-5-8 25-7-4 30-8-0 5-0 12 2-1-12 5-0-8 6-2-0 5-0-8 2-7-12 5 0-12 Plate Offsets(XY)-- f4:0-5-4 0-2-0J (8:0-5-4 0-2-01 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0, Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.69 Vert(LL) 0.17 16-17 >999 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.G Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.33 Vert(TL) -0.15 16-17 >999 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.64 Horz(TL) -0.04 14 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2014lfP12007 Matrix-MS Weight:158lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-7-12 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP M 31 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 5-3-9 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2`Except' MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing 3-18,9-12:2x6 SP No.2 be installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2=1202/0-8-0,14=2470/0-8-0,10=181/0-8-0 Max Horz 2=11 B(LC 7) Max Uplift 2=-1281(LC 8),14=2308(LC 8),10=261(LC 25) Max Grav 2=1212(LC 17),14=2470(LC 1),10=571(LC 14) FORCES. (lb)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-2377/2474,3-4=-1878/2039,4-5=-1271/1466,5-6=-1271/1466,6-7=-1159/1254, 7-8=-1159/1254,8-9=893/517,9-10=-982/400 BOT CHORD 2-18=-2171/2143,17-18=-2171/2143,16-17=-1750/1752,14-16=-331/193, 13-14=464/786,12-13=-356/873,10-12=356/873 WEBS 3-18=-490/448,3-17=-575/620,4-17=-671/600,4-16=-582/561,5-16=-521/507, 6-16=-1664/1570,7-14=-357/320,8-14=-1031/729,8-13=-59/282,9-13—323/235, 6-14=1925/2028 NOTES- 1)Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2)Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=160mph(3-second gust)Vasd=124mph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDL=6.Opsf;h=15ft;B=45ft;L=31ft;eave=4ft;Cat. 11;Exp C;Encl.,GCpi=0.18;MW FRS(directional);cantilever left and right exposed;porch left exposed;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5)'This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide Will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at Joint(s)except Qt=lb) 2=1281,14=2308,10=261. 7)Hanger(s)or other connection device(s)shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s)137 lb down and 197 Ib up at 7-2-8,114 Ib down and 189 lb up at 9-0-12,114 lb down and 189 lb up at 11-0-12,114 lb down and 189 lb up at 13-0-12,and 114 lb down and 189 lb up at 15-0-12,and 114 lb down and 189 lb up at 17-0-12 on top chord,and 450 lb down and 483 lb up at 5-0-12,88 lb down and 78 lb up at 7-0-12,88 lb down and 78 lb up at 9-0-12,88 lb down and 78 lb up at 11-0-12,88 lb down and 78 lb up at 13-0-12,and 88 lb down and 78 lb up at 15-0-12,and 88 lb down and 78 lb up at 17-0-12 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s)is the responsibility of others. 8)Irythe LOAD CASE(S)section,loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front(F)or back(B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard .nntintipti on Mae 9 ®WARNING-Verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERANCE PAGE MII-7473 rev.1010312015 BEFORE USE. Design valid for use only with MiTek®connectors.This design Is based only upon parameters shown,and Is for on Individual building component,not a truss system.Before use,the building designer must verity the applicability of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design Into the overall Inv 21' building design. Bracing Indicated is to prevent buckling of Individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek' is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication,storage,delivery,erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems,seeANSI/TPI I Quality Criteria,DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute.218 N.Lee Street,Suite 312,Alexandria.VA 22314. Tampa,FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type city Ply BSE-Leo res. T10506467 503897 H07 Hip Girder 1 1 Job Reference o tional Tibbetts Lumber Co, Palm Bay,FL 8.030 s Jan 23 2017 MiTek Industries,Inc. Thu Feb 23 11:49:00 2017 Page 2 I D:Jnl1 YrM NOG9SnRpP4VkfYuzkcF6-IXcQUuxCSC1 zNh4iG2EUd8OunGykFD1 d5MQc_PziGLn LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1)Dead+Roof Live(balanced):Lumber Increase=1.25,Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads(plf) Vert:1-4=-54,4-8=-54,8-11=-54,19-22=-20 .Concentrated Loads(lb) Vert:4=-1 14(B)18=-450(B)17=-57(B)6=-114(B)25=-114(B)26=-114(B)27=-114(B)30=-114(B)31=-57(B)32=57(B)33=-57(B)34=-57(B)35=-57(B) i II ®WARNING-Verily design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERANCE PAGE M71-7473 rev.1010312015 BEFORE USE. MMM Design valid for use only with MITek®connectors.This design Is based only upon parameters shown,and Is for an Individual building component,not a truss system.Before use,the building designer must verity the applicability of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design Into the overall wvfa k building design. Bracing indicated Is to prevent buckling of individual truss web and/or chord members only.Additional temporary and permanent bracing Is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal Injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication,storage,delivery,erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems,seeANSUTPII Quality Criteria,DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety information available from Truss Plate Institute.218 N.Lee Street,Suite 312.Alexandria,VA 22314. Tampa,FL 33610. Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply BSE-Leo res. T10508468 503897 H08 Hip 1 1 Job Reference o tional Tibbetts Lumber Co, Palm Bay,FL 8.030 s Jan 23 2017 MiTek Industries,Inc. Thu Feb 23 11:49:01 2017 Page 1 I D:Jnl1YrMNOG9SnRpP4VkfYuzkcF6-Dj9ohEygDW 9q?rfvpmljAMx5_fBa_iznK099WsziGLm G_11_15 o_�_a 15-4-0 21-5-8 24-8-1 30-8-0 31-8-q 5-11-15 3-2-9 6-1-8 6-1-8 3-2-9 5-11-15 1 0 0 Scale=1:53.2 4x4= 3x8= 4x4= 5.00 12 4 2223 5 2425 6 2x4 2x4 3 7 21 26 N 27 d 20 1 �1 2 9 lv 0 13 12 11 10 4x4= 3x8= 3x4= 2x4 I I 3x8= 4x4= 9-2-8 15-4-0 21-5-8 30-8-0 9-2-8 6-1-8 6-1-8 9-2-8 Plate Offsets(X Y)-- (2:0-2-14 Edgel (8-0-2-14 Edgel LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CS1. DEFL. in (loc) I/defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.53 Vert(L-) -0.16 11 >999 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.81 Vert(TL) -0.39 10-19 >944 240 BCLL 0.0 ' Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.46 Horz(TL) 0.12 8 ri/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2014,rFP12007 Matrix-MS Wind(LL) 0.21 11 >999 240 Weight:145lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-9-2 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 5-3-4 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2=1189/0-8-0,8=1189/0-8-0 Max Horz 2=146(LC 11) Max Uplift 2=-583(LC 12),8=583(LC 12) FORCES. (lb)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(lb)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-2233/1447,3-4=-2000/1282,4-5=-1832/1239,5-6=-1832/1239,6-7=-2000/1282, 7-8=-2233/1447 BOT CHORD 2-13=1215/2005,11-13=-1201/2200,10-11=-1201/2200,8-10=-1226/2005 WEBS 3-13=-265/331,4-13=-247/527,5-13=-536/338,5-10=-536/338,6-10=246/527, 7-10=266/331 NOTES- 1)Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2)Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=160mph(3-second gust)Vasd=124mph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDL=6.Opsf;h=15ft;B=45ft;L=311111;eave=oft;Cat. 11;Exp C;Encl.,GCpi=0.18;MW FRS(directional)and C-C Exterior(2)-1-0-0 to 2-0-13,Interior(1)2-0-13 to 9-2-8,Exterior(2)9-2-8 to 25-9-9,Interior(1)25-9-9 to 31-8-0 zone;cantilever left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces&MW FRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5)'This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)except(jt=lb) 2=583,8=583. ®WARNING-verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MTTEK REFERANCE PAGE MII-7473 rev.10/03/2015 BEFORE USE. Design valid for use only with IvIlTekr)connectors.This design is based only upon parameters shown,and Is for an Individual building component,not a truss system.Before use,the building designer must verify the applicabillty of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design Into the overall building design. Bracing Indicated Is to prevent buckling of Individual truss web and/or chord members only.Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek` is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal Injury and property damage. For general guidance regarc ing the fabrication,storage,delivery,erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems,seeANSWII Quality Criteria,DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute.218 N.Lee Street,Suite 312,Alexandria,VA 22314. Tampa,FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply BSE-Leo res. T10508469 503697 H09 Hip 1 1 Job Reference o tional Tibbetts Lumber Co, Palm Bay,FL 8.030 s Jan 23 2017 MiTek Industries,Inc. Thu Feb 23 11:49:02 2017 Page 1 I D:Jnl1 YrM NOG9SnRp P4VkfYuzkcF6-ivjAvazS_gHhd?D5NTGyiZU H03Y_jCpwYgvj2lziGLl r1 0 a 5 11 2 11-2-8 , 15-4-0 + 19-5-8 24-8-14 30-8-0 31-8-Q r1-0-0 5-11-2 5-3-6 4-1-8 4-1-8 5-3-6 5-11-2 1-0-0 Scale=1:53.2 � 45= 3x4= 4x5= 4 23 5 24 6 1 5.00 12 3x4%22 25 3x4 3 7 0 N 21 2s s 2 s yI1 o Ia o 14 13 12 11 10 4x4= 2x4 11 3x8=3x4= 3x8= 2x4 11 4x4= 5-11-2 11-2-8 19-5-8 24-8-14 30-8-0 5-11-2 5-3-6 8-3-0 5-3-6 5-11-2 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/dell Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.49 Vert(LL) -0.14 11-13 >999 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.6 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.67 Vert(TL) -0.43 11-13 >863 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.30 Horz(TL) 0.12 8 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2014/TPI2007 Matfix-MS Wind(LL) 0.17 11 >999 240 Weight:152lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-8-6 oc pudins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 5-4-15 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2=1189/0-8-0,8=1189/0-8-0 Max Harz 2=175(LC 11) Max Uplift 2=-583(LC 12),8=-583(LC 12) FORCES. (lb)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(lb)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-2309/1387,3-4=-1865/1176,4-5=1681/1162,5-6=-1681/1162,6-7=-1865/1176, 7-8=-2309/1387 BOT CHORD 2-14=-1169/2078,13-14=-1169/2078,11-13=-921/1777,10-11=-1180/2078, 8-10=-1180/2078 WEBS 3-13=-490/379,4-13=-198/455,5-13=264/196,5-11=-264/196,6-11=198/455, 7-11=-493/379 NOTES- 1)Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2)Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=160mph(3-second gust)Vasd=124mph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDL=6.Opsf;h=15ft;Bf15ft;L=31ft;eave=41t;Cat. 11;Exp C;Encl.,GCpi=0.18;MWFRS(directional)and C-C Exterior(2)-1-0-0 to 2-0-13,Interior(1)2-0-13 to 11-2-8,Exterior(2)11-2-8 to 23-9-9,Interior(1)23-9-9 to 31-8-0 zone;cantilever left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces&MW FRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3)Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5).This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Ops1 on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)except(jt=lb) 2=583,8=583. ®WARNING-Verity design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERANCE PAGE Mll-7473 rev.1010312015 BEFORE USE. Design valld for use only with MITek®connectors.This design Is based only upon parameters shown,and Is for an Individual building component,not a truss system.Before use,the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and properly incorporate this design Into the overall building design. Bracing Indicated is to prevent buckling of Individual truss web and/or chord members only.Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek' is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal Injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication,storage,delivery,erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems,seeANSI/TPI I Quality Criteria,DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute,218 N.Lee Street,Suite 312,Alexandria.VA 22314. Tampa,FL 33610 Job Truss�=Hrups s Type city Ply BSE-Leo res. T10508470 503897 H10 1 1 Job Reference o tional Tibbetts Lumber Co, Palm Bay,FL 8.030 s Jan 23 2017 MiTek Industries,Inc. Thu Feb 23 11:49:03 2017 Page 1 I D:Jnl l YrM NOG9SnRpP4VkfYuzkcF6-A6HZ6v_417PYE9oHxBnB FnOQbTwfSb73nKeGbkziGLk r1 6-11-2 14-9-A 17-5-8 23-8-14 30-8-0 31-8-Q r0-0 6-11-2 6-3-6 4-3-0 6-3-6 6-11 2 1 0 0 Scale=1:53.2 ` 48= 4x5= 4 22 23 5 5.00 12 3x4 21 24 3x4 3 6 0 v� 25 20 _ 2 7 8 dI1 16 0 13 12 11 10 9 4x4= 2x4 I I 3x4= 3x4= 3x8= 2x4 11 4x4= 6-11-2 13-2-8 17-5-8 23-8-14 30-8-0 6-11-2 6-3-6 4-3-0 6-3-6 6-11-2 Plate Offsets(X Y)-- (4:0-5-4 0-2-01 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.59 Vert(LL) -0.13 12-13 >999 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.58 Vert(TL) -0.35 12-13 >999 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.55 Horz(TL) 0.12 7 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2014/TP12007 Matrix-MS Wind(LL) 0.1712-13 >999 240 Weight:151 lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-8-5 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 5-6-13 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Installation quide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2=1189/0-8-0,7=1189/0-8-0 Max Horz 2=203(LC 11) Max Uplift 2=583(LC 12),7=-583(LC 12) FORCES. (lb)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(lb)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=2274/1324,3-4=-1686/1082,4-5=-1499/1083,5-6=-1687/1082,6-7=-2274/1324 BOT CHORD 2-13—1099/2039,12-13—1099/2039,10-12=-706/1498,9-10=-1111/2039, 7-9=-1111/2039 WEBS 3-13=0/258,3-12—644/436,4-12=124/383,5-1 0=-1 501384,6-10—645/436,6-9=0/257 NOTES- 1)Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2)Wind:ASIDE 7-10;Vult=160mph(3-second gust)Vasd=124mph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDL=6.Opsf;h=15ft B=45ft L=31ft;eave=oft Cat. 11;Exp C;Encl.,GCpi=0.18;MW FRS(directional)and C-C Extedor(2)-1-0-0 to 2-0-13,Interior(1)2-0-13 to 13-2-8,Exterior(2)13-2-8 to 17-5-8,Interior(1)21-9-9 to 31-8-0 zone;cantilever left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces&MW FRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5)'This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)except Qt=lb) 2=583,7=583. ®WARNING-Verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MMEK REFERANCE PAGE MI1-7473 rev.1010312016 BEFORE USE. Design valid for use only with MITek®connectors.This design Is based only upon parameters shown,and Is for an Individual building component,not a fruss system.Before use,the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design Into the overall building design. Bracing Indicated is to prevent buckling of individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek Is always required for stability and 10 prevent collapse with possible personal Injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication,storage,delivery,erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems,seeANSI/TPI I Quality Criteria,DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute,218 N.Lee Street,Suite 312,Alexandria,VA 22314. Tampa,FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type =,YP, BSE-Leo res. T10508471 503897 H11 Hip Job Reference(optional) Tibbetts Lumber Co, Palm Bay,FL 8.030 s Jan 23 2017 MiTek Industries,Inc. Thu Feb 23 11:49:03 2017 Page 1 I D:J nl l YrMNOG9SnRpP4VkfYuzkcF6-A6HZ6v_417PYE9oHxBnBFnOPvTu9SW F3nKeGbkziGLk 15-5-B -1-0.0 7-11-2 15-2-8 15 0 22-8-14 30-8-0 31-8-0 1-0-0 7-11-2 7-3-6 0-- 7-3-6 7-17-2 0-1-8 Scale=1:53.2 4x6= 4 5.00 F12 19 20 3x4� 3x4 3 5 18 21 6 1 2 7 jv 0 0 11 10 9 8 4x4= 2x4 11 3x4= 3x8= 2x4 11 4x4= 15-5-8 7-11-2 15-2-8 15 4 0 22-8-14 30-8-0 7-11-2 73-6 0-' 7-3-6 7-11-2 0-1-8 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSL DEFL. in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.70 Vert(LL) -0.13 8-9 >999 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.67 Vert(fL) -0.36 8-9 >999 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.86 Horz(TL) 0.12 6 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2014/TPI2007 Matrix-MS Wind(LL) 0.17 8-9 >999 240 Weight:140lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-6-12 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 5-11-8 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2=1189/0-8-0,6=1189/0-8-0 Max Harz 2=232(LC 11) Max Uplift 2=-583(LC 12),6=-583(LC 12) FORCES. (Ib)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=2210/1185,3-4=-1525/929,4-5=-1525/929,5-6=-2210/1185 BOT CHORD 2-11=-959/1972,9-11=-959/1972,8-9=-971/1972,6-8=-971/1972 WEBS 3-11=0/290,3-9=-756/501,5-9=758/501,5-8=0/290,4-9=-3011734 NOTES- 1)Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2)Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=160mph(3-second gust)Vasd=124mph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDL=6.Opsf;h=1511;B=45ft;L=31ft;eave=4ft;Cat. 11;Exp C;Encl.,GCpi=0.18;MWFRS(directional)and C-C Exterior(2)-1-0-0 to 2-0-13,Interior(1)2-0-13 to 15-4-0,Exterior(2)15-4-0 to 19-8-1 zone;cantilever left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces&MW FRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4)'This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)except Qt=lb) 2=583,6=583. ®WARNING-Verily design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERANCE PAGE 111II-7473 rev.1010312015 BEFORE USE. Design valid for use only with MITek6 connectors.This design is based only upon parameters shown,and is for an Individual building component,nc a Inks system.Before use,the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and properly incorporate this design into the overall building design. Bracing Indicated Is to prevent buckling of individual truss web and/or chord members only.Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek Is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication,storage.delivery,erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems,seeANSI/TPI I Quality Criteria,DSB-89 and SCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute,218 N.Lee Street,Suite 312-Alexandria.VA 22314. Tampa,FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply BSE-Leo res. T10508472 503897 J01 Jack-Open 10 1 Job Reference o tional Tibbetts Lumber Co, Palm Bay,FL 8.030 s Jan 23 2017 MiTek Industries,Inc. Thu Feb 23 11:49:04 2017 Page 1 I D:Jnl1 YrMNOG9SnRpP4VktYuzkcF6-el rxKF_i W RXPsJ N UVulQn_ZXrIEM BAxDO_Op7BziGLj 1-0-0 7-0-0 1 0 0 7-0-0 Scale=1:19.2 3 5.00 FIT o co g d cr B a 2 1 4 3x4= 7-0-0 7-0-0 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.88 Vert(LL) -0.10 4-7 >823 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.67 Vert(rL) -0.29 4-7 >291 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(TL) -0.00 3 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2014fTP12007 Matrix-MS Wind(LL) 0.18 4-7 >452 240 Weight:23lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD '2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-2-0 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 3=165/Mechanical,2=315/0-8-0,4=87/Mechanical Max Horz 2=189(LC 12) Max Uplift 3=-149(LC 12),2=162(LC 12) 'Max Grav 3=170(LC 17),2=315(LC 1),4=125(LC 3) FORCES. (lb)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(Ib)or less except when shown. NOTES- 1)Wind:ASIDE 7-10;Vult=160mph(3-second gust)Vasd=124mph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDL=6.Opsf;h=15ft;B=45ft;L=24ft;eave=4ft Cat. Il;Exp C;Encl.,GCpi=0.18;MW FRS(directional)and C-C Exterior(2)-1-0-0 to 2-0-0,Interior(1)2-0-0 to 6-11-4 zone;cantilever left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces&MW FRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3)`This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s)for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)except Qt=lb) 3=149,2=162. r ®WARNING-Verity design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERANCE PAGE MI1-7473 rev.10/03/2015 BEFORE USE. Design valid for use only with MiTeM connectors.This design Is based only upon parameters shown,and Is for an Individual building component,not a truss system.Before use,the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and properly incorporate this design Into the overall building design. Bracing Indicated is to prevent buckling of Individual truss web and/or chord members only.Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek Is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication,storage,delivery,erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems,seeANSI/TPI I Quality Criteria,DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute,218 N.Lee Street.Suite 312,Alexandria,VA 22314. Tampa,FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Oly Ply BSE-Leo res. T10508473 503897 J02 Jack-Open 5 1 Job Reference(optional) Tibbetts Lumber Co, Palm Bay,FL 8.030 s Jan 23 2017 MiTek Industries,Inc. Thu Feb 23 11:49:05 2017 Page 1 ID:JnllYrMNOG9SnRpP4VkfYuzkcF6-6UPJXb?LHIfGUTyg2cgfKC6m1 HcRwdBMFe7NfdziGLi 1-0-0 5-0-0 1-0-0 5-0-0 Scale=1:14.9 3 5.00 12 8 O N O N 2 1 4 3x4= 5-0-0 5-0-0 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.59 Vert(LL) 0.13 4-7 >444 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.56 Vert(TL) -0.07 4-7 >827 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(TL) -0.00 3 r1/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2014ffP12007 Matrix-MP Weight:17lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-0-0 oc pudins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Installation quide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 3=115/Mechanical,2=242/0-8-0,4=62/Mechanical Max Horz 2=144(LC 12) Max Uplift 3=-118(LC 12),2=-236(LC 12),4=-75(LC 12) Max Grav 3=115(LC 1),2=242(LC 1),4=88(LC 3) FORCES. (lb)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(lb)or less except when shown. NOTES- 1)Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=160mph(3-second gust)Vasd=124mph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDL=6.Opsf;h=15ft;B=45ft;L=24ft;eave=oft Cat. II;Exp C;Encl.,GCpi=0.18;MW FRS(directional)and C-C Exterior(2)-1-0-0 to 2-0-0,Interior(1)2-0-0 to 4-11-4 zone;cantilever left and right exposed;porch left exposed;C-C for members and forces&MW FRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3)'This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girders)for truss to truss connections. 5)Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)4 except Qt=lb) 3=118,2=236. ®WARNING-verity design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERANCE PAGE MII-7473 rev.1010312015 BEFORE USE. * Design valid for use only with MITekn connectors.This design is based only upon parameters shown,and Is for an Individual building component,not aE.�Ej a inrss system.Before use,the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design Into the overall building design. Bracing indicated is to prevent buckling of individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek' Is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication,storage,delivery,erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems,seeANSI/TPil Quality Criteria,DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information available from Truss Plate institute.218 N.Lee Street.Suite 312,Alexandria,VA 22314. Tampa,FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply BSE-Leo res. T10508474 503897 J05 Jack-Open Girder 1 1 Job Reference o tional Tibbetts Lumber Co, Palm Bay,FL 8.030 s Jan 23 2017 MiTek Industries,Inc. Thu Feb 23 11:49:05 2017 Page 1 I D:Jnl1 YrM NOG9SnRpP4VkfYuzkcF6-6U PJXb?LHIfGUTyg2cgfKC6q W Ha9wdZM Fe7NfdziGLi -1-0-0 5-0-0 7-2-8 1-0-0 5-0-0 2-2-8 Scale=1:16.5 4x4= 3x6 11 • 3 9 10 4 ' 5.00 12 2 1 , 6 11 5 2x4 I I 3x4= 2x4 11 5-0-0 7-2-8 5-0-0 2-2-8 Plate Offsets(X Y) f2:0-2-5 Edgel LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.37 Vert(LL) 0.23 6-8 >365 240 MT20 2441190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.70 Vert(TL) -0.21 6-8 >402 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.04 Horz(TL) -0.08 4 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2014/TPI2007 Matrix-MS Weight:35 lb FT=20 LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2x6 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2=381/0-8-0,5=362/Mechanical,4=107/Mechanical Max Horz 2=148(LC 8) Max Uplift 2=385(LC 8),5=-394(LC 8),4=-111(LC 5) Max Grav 2=381(LC 1),5=362(LC 1),4=111(LC 18) FORCES. (lb)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(lb)or less except when shown. NOTES- 1)Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2)Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=160mph(3-second gust)Vasd=124mph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDL=6.opsf;h=15ft;B=45ft L=24fh eave=4ft;Cat. II;Exp C;Encl.,GCpi=0.18;MW FRS(directional);cantilever left and right exposed;porch left exposed;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5)'This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6)Refer to girder(s)for truss to truss connections. 7)Refer to girder(s)for truss to truss connections. 8) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)except at=lb) 2=385,5=394,4=111. 9)Hanger(s)or other connection device(s)shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s)79 lb down and 138 lb up at 5-0-0,and 62 lb down and 133 lb up at 6-1-1 on top chord,and 117 lb down and 131 lb up at 5-0-0,and 49 lb down and 56 lb up at 6-1-1 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s)is the responsibility of others. 10) In the LOAD CASE(S)section,loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front(F)or back(B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead+Roof Live(balanced):Lumber Increase=1.25,Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads(pit) Vert:1-3=54,3-4=-54,2-5=20 Concentrated Loads(lb) Vert:3=-61(F)6=-108(F)9=-62(F)11=42(F) a ®WARNING-Verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERANCE PAGE Mll-7473 rev.1010312015 BEFORE USE. Design valid for use only with MITek®connectors.This design Is based only upon parameters shown,and Is for an Individual building component,not a truss system.Before use,the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design into the overall building design. Bracing Indicated is to prevent buckling of Individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing M!Tek` Is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal injury and properly damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrlcallon,storage,delivery,erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems,seeANSI/TPI I Quality Criteria,DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety information available from Truss Plate Institute,218 N.Lee Street,Suite 312.Alexandria.VA 22314. Tampa,FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Oty Ply BSE-Leo res. T10508475 503897 J06 JACK-OPEN 1 1 Job Reference(optional) Tibbetts Lumber Co, Palm Bay,FL 8.030 s Jan 23 2017 MiTek Industries,Inc. Thu Feb 23 11:49:06 2017 Page 1 I D:Jnl1 YrMNOG9SnRpP4V kfYuzkcF6-ahzhkxOz22n75cXscJ LutPe_Ug_Ff3RW TItwB3ziGLh 1_0_0 7-0-0 2$ 1-0-0 7-0-0 0-2-8 Scale=1:18.8 3 5.00 12 i 6 N 5 2 1 4 4x4= 3-9-6 7-2-8 3-9-6 3-5-2 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/dell Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.42 Vert(LL) 0.32 2-4 >254 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.39 Vert(TL) -0.21 2-4 >394 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(TL) -0.00 3 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2014/TPI2007 Matrix-S Weight:24lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2x4 SP M 31 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP M 31 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. All bearings Mechanical except Qt=length)2=0-8-0. (lb) Max Horz 2=193(LC 12) Max Uplift All uplift 100 lb or less at joint(s)4 except 3=-173(LC 12),2=-318(LC 12) Max Grav All reactions 250 lb or less at joints)3,3,4 except 2=331(LC 1) FORCES. (lb)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(lb)or less except when shown. NOTES- 1)Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=160mph(3-second gust)Vasd=124mph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDL=6.Opsf;h=15ft;B=45ft;L=24ft;eave=4ft;Cat. 11;Exp C;Encl.,GCpi=0.18;MWFRS(directional)and C-C Exterior(2)-1-0-0 to 2-0-0,interior(1)2-0-0 to 7-1-12 zone;cantilever left and right exposed;porch left exposed;C-C for members and forces&MW FRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3)'This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide Will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s)for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)4 except Qt=lb) 3=173,2=318. ®WARNING-Verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERANCE PAGE M11-7473 rev.1 010 312 0 15 BEFORE USE. Design valid for use only with MITek®connectors.This design Is based only upon parameters shown,and Is for an individual building component,not a truss system.Before use,The building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and properly incorporate this design into the overall MiTek' building design. Bracing indicated is to prevent buckling of Individual truss web and/or chord members only.Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek" is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication,storage,delivery,erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems,seeANSI/TPI1 Quality Criteria,DSB-89 and SCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Informalion available from Truss Plate Institute,218 N.Lee Street,Suite 312,Alexandria,VA 22314. Tampa,FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply BSE-Leo res. T10508476 503897 J07 JACK-OPEN 5 1 Job Reference(optional) Tibbetts Lumber Cc, Palm Bay,FL 8.030 s Jan 23 2017 MiTek Industries,Inc. Thu Feb 23 11:49:07 2017 Page 1 I D:Jnl l YrMNOG9SnRpP4VkfYuzkcF6-2tX3yH 1 bpMv-jm62AOs7Pd B9D4KTO W hfiycU kVziGLg 1-0-0 7-2-8 728 Scale=1:19.3 3 5.00 12 i 6 N rJ 2 1 4 44= 7-2-8 7-2-8 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/dell Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.42 Vert(LL) 0.32 2-4 >254 240 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.39 Vert(TL) -0.21 2-4 >394 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(TL) -0.00 3 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2014lTP12007 Matrix-S Weight:24lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2x4 SP M 31 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP M 31 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 3=168/Mechanical,2=331/0-8-0,4=77/Mechanical Max Horz 2=193(LC 12) Max Uplift 3=-173(LC 12),2=-318(LC 12),4=-97(LC 12) Max Grav 3=168(LC 1),2=331(LC 1),4=128(LC 3) FORCES. (lb)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(lb)or less except when shown. NOTES- 1)Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=160mph(3-second gust)Vasd=124mph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDL=6.Opsf;h=15ft;B=45ft L=24ft;eave=4fh Cat. 11;Exp C;Encl.,GCpi=0.18;MW FRS(directional)and C-C Exterior(2)-1-0-0 to 2-0-0,Interior(1)2-0-0 to 7-1-12 zone;cantilever left and right exposed;porch left exposed;C-C for members and forces&MW FRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent With any other live loads. 3)`This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s)for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at Joint(s)4 except Qt=lb) 3=173,2=318. ®WARNING-Verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERANCE PAGE MI1-7473 rev.1010312015 BEFORE USE. Design valid for use oNy with MiTek®connectors.This design Is based only upon parameters shown,and Is for an Individual building component,not a truss system.Before use,the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design into the overall building design. Bracing indicated Is to prevent buckling of individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek" Is always required for stability and to prevent collapse wilh possible personal Injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication,storage,delivery,erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems,seeANSI/TPI I Quality Criteria,DSB-89 and SCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute,218 N.Lee Street.Suite 312,Alexandria,VA 22314. Tampa,FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply BSE-Leo res. T10508477 503897 T01 Common 2 1 Job Reference(optional) Tibbetts Lumber Cc, Palm Bay,FL 8.030 s Jan 23 2017 MiTek Industries,Inc. Thu Feb 23 11:49:07 2017 Page 1 I D:Jnl l YrMN OG9SnRpP4VkfYuzkcF6-2tX3yH 1 bpMv_j m62AOs7Pd B514GEOJ NfiycU kVziGLg 1-0-0, 7-11-14 15-4-0 22-8-2 30-8-0 31V 1-0-0 7-11-14 7-4-2 7-4-2 7-11-14 1-0-0 Scale=1:52.4 4x5= 4 5.00 12 19 20 3x4% 3x4 3 5 18 21 2 6 7 dI1 ja 0 0 11 10 9 8 4x4= , 2x4 11 3x4= 3x8= 2x4 11 4x4= 7-11-14 15-4-0 22-8-2 30-8-0 7-11-14 7-4-2 7-4-2 7-11-14 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.64 Vert(LL) -0.13 9-11 >999 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.66 Vert(TL) -0.35 8-9 >999 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.85 Horz(TL) 0.11 6 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2014/TP12007 Matrix-MS Wind(LL) 0.17 9-11 >999 240 Weight:1401b FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD ,2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-6-9 cc puffins. BOT CHORD .2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-1-7 cc bracing. WEBS 12x4 SP No.2 MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Installation guide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2=1189/0-8-0,6=1189/0-8-0 Max Horz 2=233(LC 11) Max Uplift 2=-583(LC 12),6=583(LC 12) FORCES. (lb)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(lb)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-2203/1136,3-4=-1519/892,4-5=-1519/892,5-6=-2203/1137 BOT CHORD 2-11=-897/1965,9-11=-897/1965,8-9=921/1965,6-8=921/1965 WEBS 4-9=-299l741,5-9=-759/475,5-8=0/290,3-9=757/475,3-11=0/290 NOTES- 1)Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2)Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=160mph(3-second gust)Vasd=124mph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDL=6.Opsf;h=15ft;B=45ft;L=31ft;eave=oft;Cat. II;Exp C;Encl.,GCpi=0.18;MW FRS(directional)and C-C Exterior(2)-1-0-0 to 2-0-13,Intedor(1)2-0-13 to 15-4-0,Exterior(2)15-4-0 to 18-4-13 zone;cantilever left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces&MW FRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4)-This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 5) Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)except(jt=lb) 2=583,6=583. i ®WARNING-Verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERANCE PAGE Mll-7473 rev.1010312015 BEFORE USE. Design valid for use only with MITek®connectors.This design is based only upon parameters shown,and is for an individual building component,not a truss system.Before use,the building designer must verity the applicability of design parameters and properly incorporate this design Into the overall building design. Bracing indicated is to prevent buckling of Individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek' is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication,storage,delivery,erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems,seeANSI/TPI1 Quality Criteria,DSB•89 and SCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute,218 N.Lee Street.Suite 312,Alexandria,VA 22314. Tampa,FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type aty Ply BSE-Leo res. T10508478 503897 T02 Roof Special 1 1 Job Reference(optional) Tibbetts Lumber Co, Palm Bay,FL 8.030 s Jan 23 2017 MiTek Industries,Inc. Thu Feb 23 11:49:08 2017 Page 1 1 D:J nl1 YrMNOG9SnRpP4VkfYuzkcF6-W 35S9dl Dag 1 rLwhFkkNMygkLrUgf7z6pxcM 1 GyziGLf 1-0-0 6-3-8 1 7-3-0 12-7-0 1-0-0 6-3-8 0-11-8 5-4-0 Scale=1:23.0 4x5= 3 4x4 3x4 11 = 4 6 5.00 12 12 11 0 N 2 11 7 3x4= 2x4 I 5 5x8= 6-3-8 1 7-3-0 12-7-0 6-3-8 0-11-8 5-4-0 Plate Offsets(X Y)-- (5:0-8-0 0-1-01 LOADING (pst) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.36 Vert(ILL) -0.02 5-7 >999 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.33 Vert(TL) -0.07 5-7 >999 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.05 Horz(TL) 0.01 5 rVa n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC20141TP12007 Matrix-MS Wind(LL) 0.03 7-10 >999 240 Weight:55lb FT=20% LUMBER- BRACING- TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins, BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.2 except end verticals. WEBS 2x4 SP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 9-1-1 oc bracing. MiTek recommends that Stabilizers and required cross bracing be installed during truss erection,in accordance with Stabilizer Installation quide. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 5=443/0-8-0,2=527/0-8-0 Max Horz 2=154(LC 12) Max Uplift 5=-210(LC 12),2=-279(LC 12) FORCES. (lb)-Max.Comp./Max.Ten.-All forces 250(lb)or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-645/373,3-4—534/387,4-5=-533/413 BOT CHORD 2-7=404/540,5-7=-405/542 NOTES- 1)Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2)Wind:ASCE 7-10;Vult=160mph(3-second gust)Vasd=124mph;TCDL=4.2psf;BCDL=6.Opsf;h=15ft;B=45ft;L=24ft eave=4ft;Cat. 11;Exp C;Encl.,GCpi=0.18;MW FRS(directional)and C-C Extedor(2)-1-0-0 to 2-0-0,Interior(1)2-0-0 to 6-3-8,Exterior(2)6-3-8 to 7-2-10 zone;cantilever left and right exposed;C-C for members and forces&MW FRS for reactions shown;Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4)This truss has been designed for a 10.0 lost bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5)`This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6)Provide mechanical connection(by others)of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s)except Qt=lb) 5=210,2=279. 7)Graphical puffin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the puriin along the top and/or bottom chord. WARNING-Verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERANCE PAGE M11-7473 rev.10/03/2015 BEFORE USE. Design valid for use only with fAlTek®connectors.This design Is based only upon parameters shown,and Is for an Individual building component,not a truss system.Before use,the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design Into the overall ICE' building design. Bracing Indicated is to prevent buckling of individual truss web and/or chord members only.Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek" Is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal Injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication,storage,delivery,erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems,seeANSUTPII Quality Criteria,DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute,218 N.Lee Street,Suite 312 Alexandria,VA 22314. Tampa,FL 33610 Symbols Numbering System General Safety Notes PLATE LOCATION AND ORIENTATION 3 " Center plate joint unless x,y 6-4-8 dimensions shown In ft-in-sixteenths Failure to Follow Could Cause Property /4 offsets are indicated. � (Drawings not to scale) Damage or Personal Injury Dimensions are in ff-in-sixteenths. Apply plates to both sides of truss 1 2 3 1. Additional stability bracing for truss system,e.g. and fully embed teeth, TOP CHORDS diagonal or X-bracing,is always required. See SCSI, 1 c1-2 cgs 2. Truss bracing must be designed by an engineer.For 4 wide truss spacing,individual lateral braces themselves WEBS may require bracing,or alternative Tor I T O �l n p bracing should be considered. = c �� 3 p O 3, Never exceed the design loading shown and never astock materials on inadequately braced trusses. 4. Provide copies of this truss design to the building For 4 x 2 orientation, locate O c�-s cea cs� 0 designer,erection supervisor,property owner and plates 0-1/0 from outside BOTTOM CHORDS all other interested parties. edge of truss. 8 7 6 5 5. Cut members to bear tightly against each other. 6. Place plates on each face of truss at each This symbol indicates the JOINTS ARE GENERALLY NUMBERED/LETTERED CLOCKWISE joint and embed fully.Knots and wane atjoint required direction of slots in AROUND THE TRUSS STARTING AT THE JOINT FARTHEST TO locations are regulated by ANSI/TPI 1. Connector plates. THE LEFT. 7, Design assumes trusses will be suitably protected from CHORDS AND WEBS ARE IDENTIFIED BY END JOINT the environment In accord with ANSI/TPI 1. "Plate location details available in MiTek 20/20 NUMBERS/LETTERS. software or upon request. 8. Unless otherwise noted,moisture content lumber shall not exceed 1990 at time of fabrication. PRODUCT CODE APPROVALS 9. Unless expressly noted,this design is not applicable for PLATE SIZE ICC-ES Reports; use with fire retardant,preservative treated,or green lumber. The first dimension is the plate 10.Camber Is a non-structural consideration and is the 4 X 4 width measured perpendicular ESR-131 1, ESR-1352, ESR1988 responsibility of truss fabricator.General practice Is to to slots.Second dimension is ER-3907, ESR-2362, ESR-1397, ESR-3282 camber for dead load deflection. the length parallel to slots. 11.Plate type,size,orientation and location dimensions indicated are minimum plating requirements. LATERAL BRACING LOCATION 12.Lumber used shall be of the species and size,and In all respects,equal to or better than that Indicated by symbol shown and/or Trusses are designed for wind loads in the plane of the specified. by text in the bracing section of the truss unless otherwise shown. 13,Top chords must be sheathed or purlins provided at output. Use T or I bracing spacing Indicated on design. if indicated. Lumber design values are in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1 section 6.3 These truss designs rely on lumber values 14.Bottom chords require lateral bracing of 10 ft.spacing, 9 Y or less,if no ceiling is installed,unless otherwise noted. BEARING established by others. 15.Connections not shown are the responsibility of others. Indicates location where bearings 16.Do not cut or alter truss member or plate without prior (supports)occur. Icons vary but ©2012 MiTek®All Rights Reserved approval of an engineer. reaction section indicates joint number where bearings occur. 17.Install and load vertically unless Indicated otherwise, Min size shown is for crushing only. � 18.Use of green or treated lumber may pose unacceptable ENenvironmental,health or performance risks.Consult with project engineer before use. Industry Standards: ANSI/TPI1: National Design Specification for Metal 19.Review all portions of this design(front,back,words Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction, and pictures)before use.Reviewing pictures alone DSB-89: Design Standard for Bracing. Nil 0 is not sufficient. BCSI: Building Component Safety Information, 20.Design assumes manufacture in accordance with Guide to Good Practice for Handling, MiTek ANSI/TPI 1 Quality Criteria. Installing&Bracing of Metal Plate ^ Con,pected Wood Trusses. MiTek Engineering Reference Sheet: MII-7473 rev. 10/03/2015 a