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7/712021 Florida Building Code Online OF fi7- tl t�i RegulationProfessional . BCIS Home Log In User Registration I Hot Topics I Submit Surcharge Stats & Facts Publications I Contact Us BCIS Site Map links Search dbor .Product Approval IUSER: Public User Product Approval Menu > Product or Application Search > Application List > Application Detail FL # FL5979-R18 Application Type Editorial Change Code Version 2020 Application Status Approved *Approved by DBPR. Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission if necessary. Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Simonton/Ply Gem Windows Address/Phone/Email 5020 Weston Parkway Suite 300 Cary, INC 27513 (800)542-9118 Ext413596 luanne.harris@cornerstone-bb.com Authorized Signature Luanne Harris luanne.harris@cornerstone-bb.com Technical Representative Luanne Harris Address/Phone/Email 1 Cochrane Ave Pennsboro, WV 26415 (614) 532-3596 luanne.harris@simonton.com Quality Assurance Representative AAMA Address/Phone/Email 1827 Walden Office Square Suite 550 Schaumburg, IL 60173 (847)303-5664 webmaster@aamanet.org Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Sliding Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing Certification Agency American Architectural Manufacturers Association Validated By American Architectural Manufacturers Association Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Year AAMA 506 2016 AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 2008 ASTM E 1896 2013 ASTM E 1996 2014 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect FL5979 R18 Equiv FL5979 Equivalency.pdf https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvHz5YE31uuVS1gNPIQf85sAP2dGh4KM8W6ibqAoavO3A%3d%3d 1/2 7/7/2021 Florida Building Code Online Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A Date Submitted 06/04/2021 Date Validated 06/04/2021 Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 06/08/2021 Summary of Products FL At Model, Number or Name Description 5979.1 06-05 ProFinish Brickmould w/SafePolnt Storm, Contemporary Vinyl 2-Panel Sliding Patio Door Limits of Use Approved for use In HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: +50/-50 Other: 95x80 - Missile Impact Rating: C Certification Agency Certificate FL5979 R18 C CAC 06-05 2P SGD Imppact 95x80-R50 pdf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 01/30/2022 Installation Instructions FL5979 R18 II IN0548-R2 pdf Verified By: American Architectural Manufacturers Association Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports FL5979 R18 AE EvalReport-IN0548-R2 pdf _ Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 5979.2 11-11 StormBreaker Plus, 8000, PerfeXion Impact 2-Panel & 3-Panel Sliding Patio Door Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: +50/-50 Other: 71x79, 71x95, 95x79, 95x95, 107x79, 107x95, 143x79, 143x95 - Missile impact Rating: D Certification Agency Certificate FL5979 R18 C CAC 11-11 3P SGD Impact 107x79 R50.12df FL5979 RIB C CAC 11-11 3P SGD Impact 307x95 R50 pdf FL5979 R18 C CAC 11-11 3P SGD Impact 143x79 R50 pdf FL5979 R18 C CAC 11-11 3P SGD Impact 143x95 R PG50.pdf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 07/09/2021 Installation Instructions FL5979 R18 II IN0371-117 pI;Lf Verified By: American Architectural Manufacturers Association Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports FL5979 R18 AE EvalReport-IN0371-R7 pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Back Next Contact Us :: 2601 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850-407-1824 The state of Florida Is an AA/EEO employee Coovrioht 2007-2013 State of Florida :; PriVacv Statement :: Accessibility Statement :: Rn and Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your a -mall address released in response to a public-recods request, do not send electronic mall to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by tr4dMonal mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. "Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide Me Department with an email address If May have one. The smalls provided may be used for official communication with Me licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an small address which can be made available to the public. To determine a you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please dick bsra. Product Approval Accepts: T1 © ® ¢Coal im Credit Card Safe https:l/www.floridabuilding.org/prlpr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wC,EVXQwtDgvHz5YE3[uuVSlgNPIQf85sAP2dOh4KM8W6!bgAoavO3A%3d%3d 212 A•L•1 (Val idator / Operations Administrator) Simonton Windows 1 Cochrane Dr. Pennsboro, WV 26415 Attn: Tina Seese AAMA CERTIFICATION PROGRAM The product described below is hereby approved for listing in the next issue of the AAMA Certified Products Directory. The approval is based successful completion of tests, and the reporting to the Administrator of the results of tests, accompanied by related drawings, by an AAMA Accredited Laboratory. 1. The listing below will be added to the next published AAMA Certified Products Directory. SPECIFICATIONS RECORD OF PRODUCT TESTED AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-08 AAMA 506 R-PG50-2724x2013(107x79)SD Missile Level: D CPD SERIES MODEL & COMPANY AND CODE Rating: +50/-50, 107x79 NO. PRODUCT MAXIMUM SIZE TESTED Wind Zone: 4 Rating above conforms DESCRIPTION 11-11 SGD FRAME (mm) PANEL (mm) Simonton Windows to the requirements of: 9877 (PVC)(OXO)(OG) 2724 x 2013 918 x 1943 Code: SIM ASTM E1886 (INS TEMP/PVB LAM GL) (11 11" x 67') (3'0" x 6'5") and E1996 (MODIF)(REINF)(ASTM) 2. This Certification will expire July 9, 2021 (extended from July 9, 2016 per AAMA 103.15) and requires validation until then by continued listing in the current AAMA Certified Products Directory. 3. Structural Test & Report By: Architectural Testing, Inc. Report No: C0842.01.109-47 Date of Report: July 30, 2012 (Revised August 2, 2012) Date: March 28, 2016 Cc: AAMA JIGS ACP-14 (Rev.1/11) Missile Impact Test & Report By: Architectural Testing, Inc. Report No: C0843.01-109-47 Date of Report: September 27, 2012 Validated for Certification 'h' A oci ted Laboratories, Inc. Authorized for Certification Ameri Architectural Manufacturers Association (Validator / Operations Administrator) Simonton Windows 1 Cochrane Dr. Pennsboro, WV 26416 Attn: Tina Seese AAMA CERTIFICATION PROGRAM AUTHORIZATION FOR PRODUCT CERTIFICATION IMA The product described below is hereby approved for listing in the next issue of the AAMA Certified Products Directory. The approval is based successful completion of tests, and the reporting to the Administrator of the results of tests, accompanied by related drawings, by an AAMA Accredited Laboratory. 1. The listing below will be added to the next published AAMA Certified Products Directory. SPECIFICATIONS RECORD OF PRODUCT TESTED AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-08 AAMA 506 R-PG50-2724x2419(107x95)-SD Missile Level: D CPD SERIES MODEL & COMPANY AND CODE Rating: +501-50, 107x95 NO. PRODUCT MAXIMUM SIZE TESTED Wind Zone: 4 Rating above conforms DESCRIPTION 11-11 SGD FRAME Imml PANEL fmml Simonton Windows to the requirements of: (PVC)(OXO)(OG) 2724 x 2419 916 x 2346 Code: SIM ASTM E1886 2534 (INS TEMP/PVB LAM GL) and E1996 (MODIF)(REINF)(ASTM) (8'11" x 7'11") (3'0" x 7'8") 2. This Certification will expire July 25, 2021 (extended from July 25, 2016 per AAMA 103-15) and requires validation until then by continued listing in the current AAMA Certified Products Directory. 3. Structural Test & Report By: Element Materials Technology Report No: ESP010622P-5 Date of Report: August 10, 2012 Date: March 28, 2016 Cc: AAMA JGS ACP-14 (Rev.1/11) Missile Impact Test & Report By: Element Materials Technology Report No: ESP010622P-6 Date of Report: August 10, 2012 Validated for Certification 'h' oci ted Laboratories, Inc. Authorized for Certification AmeOJ Architectural Manufacturers Association (Validator / Operations Administrator) Simonton Windows 1 Cochrane Dr. Pennsboro, WV 26415 Attn: Tina Seese AAMA CERTIFICATION PROGRAM AUTHORIZATION FOR PRODUCT CERTIFICATION The product described below is hereby approved for listing in the next issue of the AAMA Certified Products Directory. The approval is based successful completion of tests, and the reporting to the Administrator of the results of tests, accompanied by related drawings, by an AAMA Accredited Laboratory. 1. The listing below will be added to the next published AAMA Certified Products Directory. SPECIFICATIONS RECORD OF PRODUCT TESTED AAMA/WDMAICSA 101/I.S.2/A440-08 AAMA 506 R-PG50-3639x2013 (143x79)SD Missile Level: D CPD SERIES MODEL & COMPANY AND CODE Rating: +501-50, 143x79 NO. PRODUCT MAXIMUM SIZE TESTED Wind Zone: 4 Rating above conforms DESCRIPTION 11-11 SGD FRAME /mm) PANEL (mm) Simonton Windows to the requirements of: 10223 (PVC)(OXO)(OG) 3639 x 2013 1245 x 1934 Code: SIM ASTM E1886 (INS TEMPISGP LAM GL) (1I'll 1" x 637") (4'1" x 6'4") and E1996 (MODIF)(REINF)(ASTM) 2. This Certification will expire October 31, 2021 (extended from October 31, 2016 per AAMA 103-15) and requires validation until then by continued listing in the current AAMA Certified Products Directory. 3. Structural Test & Report By: Architectural Testing, Inc. Report No: C3517.01-50147 Date of Report: January 11, 2013 Date: May 26, 2016 Cc: AAMA JGS ACP-14 (Rev. 1/11) Missile Impact Test & Report By: Architectural Testing, Inc. Report No: C4265.01-10947 Date of Report: January 21, 2013 Validated for Certification 'h' A oci ted Laboratories, Inc. Authorized for Certification Ameri Architectural Manufacturers Association (Validator / Operations Administrator) Simonton Windows 1 Cochrane Dr. Pennsboro, WV 26415 Attn: Tina Seese AAMA CERTIFICATION PROGRAM AUTHORIZATION FOR PRODUCT CERTIFICATION This authorization is based on the successful completion of tests. and the reporting to the AAMA Validator of the results of the tests by an AAMA Accredited Laboratory. The product information below will be added to the next update of the AAMA Certified Products Directory. SPECIFICATIONS RECORD OF PRODUCT TESTED AAMANVDMAICSA 101/I.S.2/A440-08 R-PG50-3639x2419 (143x95)-SD AAMA 506 Missile Level: D CPD SERIES MODEL & COMPANY AND CODE Rating: +50/50, 143x95 NO. PRODUCT MAXIMUM SIZE TESTED Wind Zone: 4 Rating above conforms DESCRIPTION 11-11 SGD Simonton Windows to the requirements of: (PVC)(OXO)(OG) FRAME (mm) PANEL (mm) 3639 x 2419 1222 x 2350 Code: SIM ASTM E1886 10602 (INS TEMPI and E1996 SGP LAM TEMP GL) (1I'll 1" x 7'11") (4'0" x 7'9") (MODIF)(REINF)(ASTM) This Certification will expire March 11, 2022 (extended from March 11, 2017 per AAMA 103-15) and requires validation until then by continued listing in the current AAMA Certified Products Directory. Structural Test & Report By: Architectural Testing, Inc. Report No: C6575.01-501.47 Date of Report: April 3, 2013 JGS/JTS ACP-14 (Rev.6/16) Missile Impact Test & Report By: Architectural Testing, Inc. Report No: C6573.01-109-47 Date of Report: April 3, 2013 Evaluated for Certification: October 7. 2016 'h' A oci ted Laboratories. Inc. Authorized for Certification: October 7, 2016 America rchitectural Manufacturers Association Z n N a o W a a o a o a0 U M U a a = W= wt6�Z n n mmN N M ov oe WW cU WQ \ N m m N N z n n \ \ �O O y�j M M i - J j m LL V 2 a O O O rci U yy K .0 d r R F LL F K 0 I�zmU Z N io 6 f NWNO J o o � w o 3 3 i w W i mi 2E u n �gF2 W NO w w �WWY Yo 0,e. . D , O mm J m J '� OWW y OJW J6N p3niN iuyiJO oc�omm oo;:. �yJy.. US—NUNU O Q m U O W Y _ w wN w ¢O w F j J ~ Y W OZ V O¢ w Z_ ? 2 W x V p p W a O O W V Q y V_ a 6 f F pj Y a C O Gm J 0 O U m K x J yS. p y y m f O 1V F Z p u P F O m ¢ O_ O LL w U O p F V y_ £ N j 6 V w O O N z z o f �� X. oyy Wyzap J�9 `ar 'a wz oaY �- LL o '~J I�I OY Q F O z_ a m i i w Y w w a Z i ✓� m o m x w y Y 0 N W y O V 6 F W Op Y O O Q Z Y 2 O_ p6 S y� J y d' ZO J y p W N T O Y F �' Z O g u H O LL W 6 LL J Z Q i W C J U o j O W Q LL W W N T W V y O m O J W y �} y2_� h N zz O Q w a O P Q N O K Z F y y y Y W W W W y a y Q 8£ n L Z U z p mF y K F Q F Y K N 3 w O w�_ a N Q W y y O w T F C W w m~ F Q J y m O J= Y U O Q a p W O y p y O L N F O 'VJ S a O z Q F Q 2 J 1 Q F o N 3 N C I Y= m y W F N y J. O 2 O m a z p C w a p P m K f J 6 d F m i Q X W 2 j O O O U F O W Q~ Z J W � V U c F \ ¢ J N WO Q ~ m p w i o w n rc z Z. i a Z. w LL 2 W � m 7 C Ypp m V O 2 :p • u y W_ LL Z awWFWy yoay_oC "oa xm_W¢i= 6ia-yaaan u% O g a% = r W o o w a z z W pp y. O N ZO T U y Z J x O C W G S K x y Q C W 4 f V Q1 O w l x 4 f W y F z YwK� O w x �Ky w f V Q n 2 y F S F Q N£ Z 1yy Z F a J 2 j Q Q LL Z O O W F y •3 f Jy ! a% 6 y J N F m 2 W y Z N O Y z .z p o i W i F i o w 6 o F e a a i �-a iw�- W rc py0 a�-' u J yaT LpY m o 'F mo w m x x w p T o a y e E a z Q a o T z F z w .. a i $in y z a i O NIOd m 16 1� m P Z Lm I,„ Mara g ro'o zI Y z;P. gg Zp�<3 Y� ; Z_ s OPT O s �=a a c F 0 p 33 ul WW i H 808WN +gym wax m 8m x;� ,Z=� ytl �W�"a `a' ` wZoe �33� Q > Y @ �ILIU s 3 z z z 1- 2€ N x F ?? z �diW N =8Eo" m m z «° o rc 5 o o u�ap `a"$ wax tpqa p YN d�* IIz_ a>Y ZKw Yip wz III t LI6 NIW 6? n7w a( 11N6 �lu i « '116L336 � 4 'NIW �w URNER ENGINEERING & CONSULTING, INC. 2428 Old Natchez Trace Trl. Camden, IN 38320 Ph. 941-380-1574 FBPE C.O.A. #29779 Evaluation Report IN0371-R7 December 8, 2020 Product Description: Sliding Glass Door Series 11-11, XO, OX, or OXO configurations Manufacturer: Simonton Windows, 1 Cochrane Ave., Pennsboro, WV Statement of Compliance: This report evaluates the above -listed product per the requirements of FAC Product Approval Rule 61G20-3.005 (4). This product complies with the requirements of the 7" Edition (2020) Florida Building Code outside the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. The product testing standards performed are outlined below. Technical Documentation: 1) This report, prepared by Lucas A. Turner, P.E., at 2428 Old Natchez Trc Trl, Camden, TN 2) Installation drawing IN0371-R7, signed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, P.E. 3) Test Reports C0842.01-10947-R1, C0843.01-10947-r0, C3517.01-501-47-r0, C4265.01- 10947-r0, C6573.01-109-47-r0, C6575.01-109-47-r0, from Architectural Testing, Inc., Springdale and York, PA, and ESP010622P-5 and ESP010622P-6, by Element Materials Technology, Wausau, WI, with testing performed: AANL /WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440- 05/08, ASTM E1886-05, and ASTM E1996-09 4) Supplemental Calculations to support IN0371-R7, signed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, P.E. Installation: Units must be installed according to installation drawing IN0371-R7. Limitations of Use: This product: • May be used in the configurations, DP, product sizes, and with glazing as indicated in IN0371-R7 • Is large missile impact resistant (missile level D, wind zone 4) and does not require the use of shutters in windbome debris regions • May not be used in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone • Requires Eastman (Solutia) Saflex HP PVB interlayer in laminated glass • Requires white SimEx, Inc. PVC extrusions with current listing as an AAMA Certified Profile Licensee under AAMA 303 Certification of Independence: I do not have, nor do I intend to acquire, nor will I acquire, a financial interest in Simonton Windows or in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which this report is being issued. I do not have, nor do I intend to acquire, nor will I acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the testing or approval process of this product. v vw l No.58201 Lucas Turner iW= 12/8/2020 2020.12.08 Qi * I8/ Z Lucas A. Turner, P.E. 14:36:35-06'00' STATE OF f:Z FL PE #58201