HomeMy WebLinkAboutInstallation Instruction; Model 1101 V Series All Steel Foundation System Pan & ConcreteOLIVER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR FLORIDA MODEL 1101 "V" SERIES ALL STEEL FOUNDATION SYSTEM PAN & CONCRETE (revision 5/1 Sl PATENT# 6634150 & OTHER PATENT PENDING REVISED4 By,SEAN SWONOEP, at 6:32 am, BOWS' REVIEW D, . By SEW SWONGERat 6:33 am, win t� RatrarirreQ�,�P �k.)��a�® J 0M e• ee e e 6 e 00 � l nn • J/�� ,0^ /j 2 ,!• STATE OF NAt "44,11,1001*0 Aug 24, 2016 FILE -COPY 4. Choose one of the approved longitudinal tube installations; either Dia, diagram for appropriate pier height at support location or cut and' drill PiER HEIGHT 1.25" 1.50" (400 Min. - 45' Max.) Tube Length Tube Length •, ��is 7 3/4" to 25" 22" 18" . 243/4,'to321/4 32" 18 33"to4i" 44" 467 Swan Ave a Hohenwald, TN 38462 • (800) 284-7437 • www.oiivertechnologies.com • FaX (931) 796-8811 OLIVER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. FLORIDA IidSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE MODEL 1101 "V" SERIES ALL STEEL FOUNDATION SYSTEM - MODEL 11 01"V" (Steps 1-14) LONGITUDINAL ONLY: Follow Steps 1-9 LATERAL ONLY: Follow Steps 1-3 and Steps 10-14 ENGINEERS STAMP FOR CONCRIETE APPLiCA4IONS: Follow/'Steps 15-18 ENGINEERS STAMP 1. SPECIAL CiRCUMSTANCES: ffthe following conditions occur - STOPI Can#act OliverTechhologies at 1-800-284-7437: a) Pier height exceeds 48" c) Roof eaves exceed 16" e) Location is within 1500 feet of coast b) length of home exceeds 76' d) 5idewall height exceed 96" 1 StAL L ATION OF GROUNQ PAN 2. Remove weeds and debris in an approximate two foot square to expose firm soil for each ground pan (C) 3. Place ground pan (C) directly below chassis 1-beam. Press or drive pan firmly into soil until flush or beiovt soil.then install pier. per manufacturer's instructions or per Florida Regs. j SPECIAL NOTE; The longitudinal W" brace system may also serve as a pier under the home and'should be loaded as any other pier, It is recommended that after leveling piers, and one-third inch (1 /3") before home is lowered completely on to piers, complete steps 4 through 9 below then remove jacks. e NOTE -.WHEN INSTALLINGTHE LONGITUDINAL SYSTEM ONLY, A MINIMUM OF 2 SYSTEMS PER FL( USED TO -DETERMINE CORRECT TYPE OF ANCHOR PER SOIL CLASSIFICATION. iF PROBE TEST REA BE USED. IF PROBE TEST READINGS ARE BETWEEN 276 & 356 A 4 FOOT ANCHOR fUTAY BE USE STABILIZER PLATES EVERY 5'4" .VERTlCALTIES ARE ALSO REQUIRED ON HOMES SUPPLIED WITH or B. Then select the correct square tube (E) length from the aake'tube to achieve appropriate length. PIER HEIGHT 1.50" 2'1 nn1e7 (40' Min. - 60' Max.) Tube Length del;"l 101 !_-V ) CT16N IS REQUIRED. SOILTEST PROBE SHOULD BE ARE BETWEEN 175 & 275 A 5 FOOT ANCHOR MUST GROUND ANCHORS WITH DIAGONALTIES AND :ALTIE CONNECTION POINTS (PER FLORIDA REG.). 467 Swan Ave a Hohenwald, TN 38462 • (800) 284-7437 • www.oiivertechnologies.com • FaX (931) 796-8811 OLIVER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. FLORIDA IidSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE MODEL 1101 "V" SERIES ALL STEEL FOUNDATION SYSTEM - MODEL 11 01"V" (Steps 1-14) LONGITUDINAL ONLY: Follow Steps 1-9 LATERAL ONLY: Follow Steps 1-3 and Steps 10-14 ENGINEERS STAMP FOR CONCRIETE APPLiCA4IONS: Follow/'Steps 15-18 ENGINEERS STAMP 1. SPECIAL CiRCUMSTANCES: ffthe following conditions occur - STOPI Can#act OliverTechhologies at 1-800-284-7437: a) Pier height exceeds 48" c) Roof eaves exceed 16" e) Location is within 1500 feet of coast b) length of home exceeds 76' d) 5idewall height exceed 96" 1 StAL L ATION OF GROUNQ PAN 2. Remove weeds and debris in an approximate two foot square to expose firm soil for each ground pan (C) 3. Place ground pan (C) directly below chassis 1-beam. Press or drive pan firmly into soil until flush or beiovt soil.then install pier. per manufacturer's instructions or per Florida Regs. j SPECIAL NOTE; The longitudinal W" brace system may also serve as a pier under the home and'should be loaded as any other pier, It is recommended that after leveling piers, and one-third inch (1 /3") before home is lowered completely on to piers, complete steps 4 through 9 below then remove jacks. e NOTE -.WHEN INSTALLINGTHE LONGITUDINAL SYSTEM ONLY, A MINIMUM OF 2 SYSTEMS PER FL( USED TO -DETERMINE CORRECT TYPE OF ANCHOR PER SOIL CLASSIFICATION. iF PROBE TEST REA BE USED. IF PROBE TEST READINGS ARE BETWEEN 276 & 356 A 4 FOOT ANCHOR fUTAY BE USE STABILIZER PLATES EVERY 5'4" .VERTlCALTIES ARE ALSO REQUIRED ON HOMES SUPPLIED WITH or B. Then select the correct square tube (E) length from the aake'tube to achieve appropriate length. PIER HEIGHT 1.50" 2'1 nn1e7 (40' Min. - 60' Max.) Tube Length del;"l 101 !_-V ) CT16N IS REQUIRED. SOILTEST PROBE SHOULD BE ARE BETWEEN 175 & 275 A 5 FOOT ANCHOR MUST GROUND ANCHORS WITH DIAGONALTIES AND :ALTIE CONNECTION POINTS (PER FLORIDA REG.). 30" to 40 40" t0 413" 54" Part E Diagram A „ 75- � Diagram B 5. install (2) of the 1.50" square tubes (E} into the "(1" Ybracket (1), insert carriage bolt and leave nut loose for final adjustment. 6. Place I-beam connector (F) loosely on the baftom flange of the I-beam. 7. (For Diagram A installation) Slide the elected 1.25" tube (E) into a 1.50" tube (E) and attach to I-beam connectors (F) and fasten loosely with bolt and nut. (For Diagram.B installation) Attach the selected 1.5"tubes (E).to the I-beam connectors (F) and fasten loosely with bolts and nuts. 8. Repeat steps 6 through 7 to create the "V" pattem.of'the square tubes loosely in place. 9. Using standard hand tools tighten all nuts and bolts. (For Diagram A installation only, secure 1.25" and 1 .50" tubes using four(4)1 X-14 x 3/4' self -tapping screws in pre -drilled holes.) ro. INSTALLATION OF LATEiI;AL TELE5COPING TRANSVERSE ARM SYSTEM (Modell 101 T "V") THE MODEL 1101 "V" (LONGITUDINAL & LATERAL PROTECTION) ELIMINATES THE NEED FOR STABILIZER PLATES & FRAMETIES. NOTE: THE USE OF THIS. SYSTEM REQUIRES VERTICAL TIES SPACED AT 5W'. FOUR FOOT (4') GROUND ANCHOR MAY BE USED EXCEPT WHERE THE HOME MANUFACTURER SPECIFIES DIFFERENT. 10. Install remaining vertical tie -down straps and 4` ground anchors per home manufacturer's instruct -tons. NOTE: Centerline anchors to be sized according to soiltorque condition. Any manufacturer's specifications for 5idewall anchor loads in excess of 4,000 lbs. require a 5' anchor per Florida Code. 11. Select -the correct square tube brace (H) length for set-up lateral transverse at support location. The lengths come in either 60" or 72" lengths, (With the 1.50" tube as the bottom tube, and the 1.25" tube as the inserted tube.) 12. Install the 1.50 transverse brace (H) to the ground pan connector (D) with bolt and nut. 13. Slide 1.25" transverse brace into the 1.50" brace and attach to adjacent I-beam connector (1) with bolt and nut. 14. Secure 1.50" transverse arm to 1.25" transverse arm -using four (4)1 /4" -14 x 3X' self -tapping screws in pre -drilled holes. Paae PATENT# FhRd1 Sit A 11THFR PATENT PFNn1Nt; �� �� Revision �2311 E INSTALLATION USING CONCRETE.RUNNERI FOOTER 15. A concrete runner, footer or slab may be used in place of the steel ground pan. a) The concrete shall be minimum 2500 psi mix. b) A concrete runner may be either longitudinal or transverse, and must be a minimum of 8" deep with a minimum width of 16 inches longitudinally or 18 inches transverse to allow proper distance between the concrete bolt and the edge of the concrete (see below). c) Footers must have minimum surface area of 441 sq. in. (i.e. 21" square), and must be a minimum of 8" deep. d) If a full slab is used, the depth must be a 4 minimum, Special inspection of the system bracket installation is not required. Footers must allow for at least 4" from the concrete bolt to the edge of the concrete. NOTE: The bottom of all footings, pads, slabs and runners must be per local jurisdiction. LONGITUDINAL; (Model 1101 LC "V"I 16. When using Part# 1101-W-CPCA (wetset) simply install the bracket in runner/footer OR When installing in cured concrete use Part# 101-D-CPCA (dryset). The 1101 (dryset) CA bracket is attached to the concrete using. (2) 5/8" x3" concrete wedge bolts (Simpson part # S162300H 5/8" X 3" or Powers equivalent). Place the CA bracket in desired location. Mark bolt hole'locations, then using a 5/8" diameter masonry bit, drill a hole to a minimum depth of 3". Make sure all dust and concrete is blown out of the holes. Place wedge bolts into dri)le holes, then place 1101 (dry set) CA bracket onto wedge bolts and start wedge bolt nuts. Take a hammer and lightly drive the wedge bolts down by hitting the nut (making sure not to hit the top of threads on bolt). The sleeve of concrete wedge bolt needs to be at or below thr top of concrete. Complete by tightening nuts. 1 �H,e 17. For wet set (part # 1101-bU TACA) installation simply install the anchor bolt into rG' er/footet For dry set installation (part # 1101-D TACA mark bolt hole locations, then using a 5/8" diam. masonry bit, drill a hole to a -minimum depth of 3" Make sure all dust and concrete is blown out of the hole. Place wedge bolts (Simpson part #51 b2300H 5/8" X 3" or PoWersequivalent) into (D) concrete dry transverse connector and into drilled hole. If needed, take a hammer and lightly drw.e.the wedge bolts down by hitting the, nut (making sure not to hit the top of threads on bolt), then remove the nut. The sleeve of concrete wedge bolt needs to be at or below the top of concrete. 18. When using part# 1101 CVW (wetset) or 1101 CUD (dryset), installper steps„17;& 18. a` Notes:. 1. LENGTH OF HOUSE IS THE ACTUAL" BOX SIZE 2. t ; ­= LOCATION OF TRANSVERSE BRACING ONLY 3 Z,-,: =.LOCATION OF LONGITUDINAL BRACING ONLY 4. K3.-T, = TRANSVERSE ANDLONGITUDINAL LOCATIONS ALUW1DTI S AND LENGTHS UP TO 52' � �I- I !' ALL WIDTHS AND LENGTHS OVER 52' TO 80" I i II i 1 'I 1. fit- HOMES WITH 5/12 ROOF PITCH REQUIRE: PER FLORIDA REGULATIONS 6 systems for home lengths up to 52' and 8 systems for homes over 52' and up 80'. PATENT# 6634150 & OTHER PATENT PENDING Pie FILE coova/23/1E I -Transverse Arm, l-Beam Connector D - PanTransvorse H -Transverse Arm /Top (1.25') Bottom 051 C - Ground Pan I -Transverse Arm. I -.Beam Connector I Cement Block Omitted "'� r LFor Clarity •-/ D - Concrete � ,y Connector C-Concrete 51 _ Footer f Part I101-D-TACA H -Transverse Arm Part z 1101- W - TACA.not shown /Top(1.25°) Bottom (1-5 1 I CMU -Pier Omitted 1 LFor Clardy Belts 16" Max. Model # 1101 T "V" :=>y. Model # 1101 TC "V" Florida approved 4` ground anchors may be used in all locations except where home manufacturers specifications for sidewall straps are in excess of 4,000 lbs. These locations require a 5' anchor. Per Florida code. C = GROUND PAN / CONCRETE FOOTER OR RUNNER 4„ D = GROUND PAN / CONCRETE U BRACKETS TRANSVERSE CONNECTOR (connects with grade 5{�: 1/2 . '2" 1/2"carriage bolt and nut) E = TELESCOPING V BRACE TUBE ASSEMBLY (1.5" TUBE BOTTOM AND 1.25" TUBE INSERT) 4R 1'S' TUBE F ="V"BRACE I -BEAM CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY „ H = TELESCOPING TRANSVERSE ARM ASSEMBLY I = TRANSVERSE ARM t-BEAM CONNECTOR (connects with grade 5 -1 /2" x 2" F7 /2" carria'ge`bolt and nut) J =V PAN BRACKET (connects with grade 5 -1/2"x 2" 1/2"carriage botO, cl nut) x' 4 • �Sai J I -Transverse Arm,! -beam Connectart:. F - "V" Brace I -Beam Connectors H Transverse Arm / Tap (1.25") J Bottom (1S"} D - Pan Transverse Connector / Concrete Transverse Bracket C-Ground Pan J' Concrete Footer - Pan V Bracket I 1 Concrete V Bracket E • "V" Brace Tube (1.5"} � ^--. 1 1 Model # 1101 "V" PATENT#.6634150 & OTHER PATENT PENDING Part 11L'1 D-CPCA �j Parts 1101 W-CPCA not spawn Model # 1101 C "V" Revision 08/23/10 FILE COPY HANDRAIL GRIP SIZE 4-m"- � 710tlCOtCV4AR CeTCUlAR RECESSED LI1311b.63TyPeD IR311.563TYKIII AeF 9x'o-ei Pamp'w.+6�' 'HANDRAIL HEIGHT, MEASURED VERTICALLY FROM THE SLOPED PLANE ADJONIHG THE TREAD NOSING OR FINISH SURFACE OF RAMP SLOPE. SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN 34 INCHES AND NOT MORE THAN 3B INCHES. 'HANDRAIL SHALL BE PROVIDED ON AT LEAST ONE SIDE OF EACH CONTINUOUS RUN OF TREADS OF FLIGHT WITH FOUR OR MORE RISERS. 'HANDW L ASSEUSUES AND WARDS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO RESIST A LOAD OF 50 PLF APPLIED IN ANY DIRECTION AT THE TOP AND TO TRANSFER THIS LOAD THROUGH THE SUPPORTS TO THE STRUCTURE. 'HANDRAILS FOR STAR WAYS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS FOR THE FULL LENGTH OF THE FLIGHT. FROM A POINT DIRECTLY ABOVE THE TOP RISER OF THE FLIGHT TO A POINT DORECTLY ABOVE THE LOWEST RISER OF THE FLIGHT. HANGRAIL ENDS SHAM BE RETURNED OR SHALL TERMINATE IN NEWEL POSTS OR SAFETY TLRRENALS HANDRAILS ADJACENT TO A WALL SHALL HAVE A SPACE OF NOT LESS THAN 1-1/2 INCHES BETWEEN THE WALL AND THE HANDRAILS. j; Dlglta Mgndby MarkV R finer DP&cUS.—Umffiliatd. .y= O 477E00000166821D037E ivNw -OOV Richter uo. Datc2071.04.05129S:14-04'OD' 2 X 2 BALUS MIN. (3) SIMPSON'S SDS 1/4" X 4-1/2" — WOOD SCREWS FOR RIM JOIST TO POST CONNECTION, (5) 1Ed NAILS OR EQUIVALENT P.T. STEP LANDING FLOOR FASTENED TO HOST FLOOR MEMBERS USING SIMPON'S 1/4" X 3-1/2" SDS WOOD SCREWS OR EOUIV. AT 12" O.C. STAGGERED SCREW PATTERN ftiARD DETAIL 2X6 P.T. LANDING CONSTRUCTION 16" O.C. FLOOR JOISTS USING (5) 16d NAILS OR EQUIVALENT AT EACH JOIST TO RIM JOIST CONNECTION. .NJ OPENINGS SHALL NOT ALLOW 30" GROUND ANCHOR na THE PASSAGE OF A 4' DIAMETER SPHERE W/ TIE DOWN STRAP STRAP TO WRAP AROUND P.T. 2 X 6 TIGHTLY (DO NOT OVER TENSION STRAPS) OPENINGS SHALL NOT ALLOW (EACH SIDES OF LANDING) THE PASSAGE OF A 4" DIAMETER SPHERE N 1.) HANDRAIL ASSEMBLIES AND GUARDS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO RESIST A CONCENTRATED LOAD OF 200 POUNDS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 4.5.1 OF ASCE 7. 2) IMMEDIATE RAILS, BALUSTERS, AND PANEL FILLERS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO RESIST A CONCENTRATED LOAD OF 50 POUNDS IN AC T N 4. 1 A 7. STAIR TREAD AND RISERS MAXIMUM RISER HEIGHT SHALL BE 7-3/4 INCHES. THE RISER ALL BE MEASURED VERTICALLY BETWEEN LEADING EDGES OF THE IACENT TREADS. THE GREATEST RISER HEIGHT WITHIN ANY FLIGHT STAIRS SHALL NOT EXCEED THE SMALLEST BY MORE THAN 3/8 INCH. :N RISERS ARE PERMITTED PROVIDED THAT THE OPENINGS LOCATED MORE 'N 30 INCHES, AS MEASURED VERTICALLY, TO THE FLOOR OR GRADE DO NOT !MIT THE PASSAGE OF A 4-INCH DIAMETER SPHERE. . MINIMUM TREAD DEPTH SHALL BE 10 INCHES. THE TREAD DEPTH SHALL 3E 1SURED HORIZONTALLY BETWEEN THE VERTICAL PLANES OF THE FOREMOST PROJECTION ADJACENT TREADS AND AT A RIGHT ANGLE TO THE TREAD'S LEADING EDGE. GREATEST TREAD DEPTH WITHIN ANY FLIGHT OF STAIRS SHALL NOT EXCEED THE \LLES7 BY MORE THAN 3/8 INCH. : RADIUS OF CURVATURE AT THE LEADING EDGE OF THE TREAD SHALL BE NO GREATER ,N 9/16 INCH. A NOSING NOT LESS THAN 3/4 INC7- BUT NOT MORE THAN 1-1/4 INCHE tLL BE PROVIDED ON STAIRWAYS WITH SOLID RISERS. A NOSING IS NOT REQUIRED WHERE : TREAD DEPTH IS A MINIMUM OF 11 INCHES. THE GUARDS MAYBE WOOD, ALUMINUM, VINYL, OR EQUIVALENT. `0' -0' MAX T. 5/4" X 6 BOARD RAIL CAP OPENINGS SHALL NOT ALLOW -HE PASSAGE OF A 4" DIAMETER SPHERE [1"-:O.�LANDING NDING HEIGHT = 5 STEPS (MIN.) NDING HEIGHT = 7 STEPS (MIN.2 X 4 TOP & BOTTOM ATTACHED TO HEIGHT = 8 STEPS (MIN.) TO POSTS WITH (2)$3 WOOD SCREWS ON INSIDE FACE. OPENINGS FOR REQUIRED GUARDS ON THE SIDE OF STAIR TREADS SHALL NOT ALLOW A SPHERE 4-3/8" TO PASS THROUGH. STAIR AND LANDING ILLUMINATION REQUIRED ATTACH BALUSTERS W/ IN. (1)TBOTTOM #8 WOOD SCREW OR EOUIV. K7ANCHORS OPTION: T. 2X6 ARE INSTALLED ON EXISTING CONCRETE, THE GROUND PATIO PAVERS (2" THICKNESSAND TIEDOWN STRAP CAN BE OMITTED. OR EQUAL 4 X 4 POSTS SHALL BE ANCHORED TO THE EXISTING E SLAB USING SIMPSON'S L-BRACKET OR EQUIVALENT. MIN. UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOAD - STAIRS = 40 PSF (1) 2 X 6 P.T. ATTACHED TO POSTS USING (5) 16d NAILS OR EQUIVALENT AT EACH 2X6 TO POST CONNECTION. (3) 2 X 12 P.T. STAIR STRINGERS ATTACHED TO P.T. LANDING USING SIMPSON'S LSC ADJUSTABLE STAIR STRINGER OR EOUIV. 1/8" GALVANIZED CABLE COIL (7 X 7 OR 7 X 19 CONSTRUCTION) MAYBE USED INSTEAD OF THE 1-1/4" WIDTH TIE -DOWN STRAP NOTE: CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ALL STAIR COMPONENTS TO BE PRESSURE TREATED LUMBER ALL FASTENERS IN CONTACT WITH P.T. LUMBER TO BE HOT DIP GALVANIZED OR STAINLESS STEEL THIS ITEM HAS BEEN ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED AND SEALED BY MARK V. RICHTER, P.E. #56196 ON THE DATE AND/OR TIME USING A DIGITAL SIGNATURE. PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT CONSIDERED SIGNED AND SEALED AND THE SIGNATURE MUST BE VERIFIED BY THIRD PARTY CERTIFICATE AUTHORITY ON ANY ELECTRONIC COPY. (FAC 611315-23.004) 04-02-2021 SENYB ENGINEERING, LLC CA LIC. NO: 30244 V ULT -ULTIMATE DESIGN WIND SPEED. 16D MPH VASD -NOMINAL DESIGN WIND SPEED. 124 MPH (TABLE 16093.1) (3 semen Dusts) 50 W. Central Ave., Ste. B Lake Wales, FL 33853 Office: 8635895980 Fax 1-866565-2044 4 VERTICAL VIXY'L SRUMING ( components & installation 1i1}ALL i MP. ftK_ ;. s AT.- AG KE® wore �a •nCa1 �CRQwS Ib"�AR�RY 77 FLOOD ,. 5 Nw�s `rN �'o 's�av Bearit t Mtt�&9 Sic��ws ^tea PANEL CwTS V TEp PAW' L---.--`..�,. < 3.9 Q ft Fco'r, „ r�� �BtocK s��atiRT Ei wro SEtult�8 •¢ v � +�rtrbN �3a7"�6cAi�P E�r{GK AMD to f VW *4 INGN SCACWS :9LL PANELS 412G C) so ACK ATTAc�t�La T,D Gt,2�4w,1�;�' , I, YJ�TK 9i'Coo d3AWJkOJIZEp "NiAiL, l9'rpG cIF SA+L IS Sw�toY THE1d Q�i."ac� • i f 0210212018