HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVALd.w.amt!t Appreval �>a x44.FL .. r'fype Co ev rswn stoats 7eMnk2f PAPmentative Add�Pf Cornp}ianee Medw FI389-R1p' Revision 2020 Approved American Shutter systems Aston, Eno. 4268 weroads chive WtSt Palm Beach, FL 33407 Cs61) Zo9-8z63 .carst Bill Fefty h*d .c+otn Evawoon Report from a Florida pegisft Ar vted or a uwm6d porida Professioral Engineer ErAQUM RWft - Hardcopy R+eceNed Ardit!et Warne who developed the Walter A.. 7 r'lilt, 3r. P.B. Florida 1k6m PE-"167 4ualty Am range En ty Nadmal A=vdit Uw and Managers mt instit m QUaft Amwanm ONead &pir"w Date 12/31nO21 Vnlidaw ®Y Sohn NOW Kampmanri 3r. 1rdWWon oedft - mardwpy Reoetved Cie of zrweper� Wemwed Standard and Year (of Standard) ASTM L-7.686 ASTM E-1996 ASTMEM -MS 201, W7, 2p3 6qt Wally= Gf PnDCitsCt Standaft Cw rkd By M= 2412 2012 2M 2994 SeCft= from the CRde Code Produet Approval Method Method 100on D OM subn%=ed _ 10115/2= Date VWdabed 11/061=0 Date ftWbn FBC Approval 11106R024 GMM=rr of_PradUctc FL* • Moel4 Mun6er or Mum Dese"Gon 389.1 BOVA MV Aeflordidn Shutter - Blade Bdrvded akrmhwm iniatibeidng Wades retained by tracks (top 3 - (Nan gvFm - Drwg 20-igs and boftm) for storm PMbxz n Lloft cif Lille Irastadarport � Approved flD' un In if11L$2: IVO RiQ SI- i3RHIiNG_ ASSA 81A0>=3.ndf APProved for use outside HWIZ: Yes YerfW 8y: Anwican Test Lab of South Florida, Dr- Rmfisbwt Yes Created by matt Third Party: Yes Ded9nPeessure: WA 6YaUuMon Repwts OUM—. Large MWOe kew-d "CY•.Max span IS 12'-3" for 40 psf M 389 RIOAE PER_A35A, Sf 6p .0df positive ASO la¢td and 13`-0" for 35 W negative ASD load She ceatad by independent Third Party: Yes i1V3 bkde w/o window Made,V r for 130 psf ASD load for HY3 blade w/o wh-Abw blade and i -11,1 fbr 62 0, 9 -II" fbr 55 p0Mn blade w/4ndbw bMe working in unfoon.Max span for M blade w/o vftknr blade fbr IrMltadons U tb Metal Stud vmft Is 79' for trmoc. ASD prewure rating of +72, 72 and 84" for +%-6 pd. See st►eet 5 for other spans and ASD pressures. 399.2 Bertha W Accordion Shutbwr Blade I Extruded atur ft= kr�g blades retairrod by t:"adcs (tap Only-.(Non-MVFtZ)- Drwg 20-I64 and bodom) fbr sbwm pr+otwdon LhTkift of use Insdtffation Insb uedarss Appeo+re 1 for we is MVKL- So Appeo�red for an oubdde HVfM Yes VwWad By: Anterfcart Test Lab of South FkwICia, Tbr- Resicbme Yet CreaLGd by leper der t'raird Party: Yes Design Prowum wA Odd. Lwp MbOe iCMet "D". iYF= Span is 15'-4" fur 30 p.&f evafnaLbn PApmts n tive AM load depending on oerftrnates and loWng rod awwd try lndependertt Thkrd Partyt Yes for ttte M blade► 8'-0' for +64, -72 p.&f. A.S.D. load far FN Made for Keysbwrte mourdfngs 7-0" ps.f, for mebft Sled moiftings and V-O" for I la ps.f. for HVIA worldtlg in unison. Sm Owvft 7, I1 and 20 reWcthElY of 'installation drawings for other spans and pressures. ' Bertha MV Asordon Shntbwr- Bdavdled ahsmhxtm lnterlodGtt9 blade5 retained by tracks (top .3 ' COMBO- (Won-MVHZ)- Dtwg 20-163 and boftm) far storm pevbKbOn 13m3t4 of Me tas:a>t�toa Instructlow 24Q RIO 20 AS^rsA 0A2l_2.Ddf Approved for we in i %W-* MO Approved fbr tutu *utdde HVM Yes S N VerMW By: Amoican TeA tAb of South Florida, iM Yes Created by indepdtdertt Third Party: Yes beftn Proem= rile, &ahsaMm Rq)Gr Outer. Large Mft'Ie. flax. 161-V spate at 30 p.s f ASD lead for B� 1 andlr'-0" for Blade 2. See schedules on sheet 12, RM RIQ AE EM Created by Independent 1 hit irdrC/ Yes 25 and 28 respedrlvely Sib : o Rsn.as� sass. shesmarRmwisanAvmambyG ° `M= Lk�dv t°;afde har, aeta8 a6a�ss ors pie neooeds If ya+ do rat s yeir a- addrass n�ieaurd in rrspolne Sa a Pam` n'R OC not send ek n>a>> m rids � Ynstead, CO�C7: She aA7o' by pta� a t» Cadltlotwl matt. Sf ypr have mr1 a�� zMM oa+aa 9y0,407.xs+s.455=-7, Ftorld'� Sf +�'+a�*+-� �- �O°�• °e°1°""' °°� "rout aaptK a4s, �.`. >r>� p+'Ovbc � � � � addse.� iFtaeY Dave eon. Tha tl+e� +r to MW �+R made avaCsbte to tl�e a lb r�wo aUm ° wmiw ���. ProduaApprOMM ®® !R® - Cimdt Card Safe 1