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Energy Code
FORM R405-2020 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILOING COMTRUCTION Florida Department of Business and Professionpt Regulation - Residential; Performance Method Project Nam Builder Name-. Street: C, 6-0. r o (Z. a Permit Office: 'City; State. Zip-, F P , ermitkurr iber: Owner. lurisdiction". Design Location:. County: IndiamRiver(Florida QfimateZon*e.2) 1. New coWniction or existing New N romPl6pt) 4 Wolf Types(13 4;0: sqft) Insulation Area ,2 S! I ngle family or multiple family Detached a. Concrete Block- ExtInsuI,:Ext6rioiR=4. 1 1344X6 fe-� 3. Number of' units,,if. Multiplefamily 1 b..N/A. c. N/A R= tt R= ft Numberof 2 d. N/A R= AF 5.- is this a'worst case? . 'No 1,1.. Ceiling Types(.1 722.0 s.qft,- 'Insulation Area f? B. Conditioned floor area above grade (W) 11,22 0. Und16r.Attjq,,(,Vqnted) 6 NA' R=30'.10 172120.0 Rq It Con0ftioned floor area below 6radio,'(W) NIA, R= 1. Wilridows(l 17.6 sqt) Description Area, 12. Ducts. location & insulation level R U-Factor: Sglj U'#0-65 117;57-Y a.a. Sup" Attic, Ret* Attic;AH: : UTILITY 6 '175 SH,GC,sHGG=0.25 b' b. b-Factor: N/A fe c. SHOd.; 13. coollftgZystems kBtulhr tMiciericy c.'V-Factor: NfA. A 8. Central Unit 29.0 SEER:16,100 SHGC-, Area :Weighted-,Avemge-.Overhang Depth: 8:065,ft Area Weighted. AVe�ag&:'SHGC- 0: 50, 14, Heatiqg,systoms: kBtu/hr Efficiency & Skylights, Description Area P E,116dricvStrip Heat 4, 27 Q COP100 LP0actor:(AV.(j) NiA 1AR SHGQ(AVO): N/A I& Hot Water Systems 9. Floor Types insulation Area a. Electric 'dap: 50. gallons a. Stab-06=0,rade:Edgo. Insulation R= '0;'0 17,22.00 ff. ER: , G.gk b. NIA R= ftz b. Conservation featores- c. N/A R fir. None 16. Credits 'None Total Proposed M6dified'Zoads: 45.20 'Loads- Total. Baseline 47.47 'PASS I- hereby certifk,t hatthe plans and: specifications covered. by Review of thespians and this, calculatlomare in compliance with the Florida Energy Code, specifications covered by this cOjcqlafioh indicates compliance liance C. X/ with .the Florida Energy Gode. 41. PREPARED: BY: Before construction is: completed �DATE: : thisbuilding will be,, in§pebt.6d:for comp'liance:with: Section,563.008 Florida, Statutes. I h&ebydertify theitthi§,buildin.g,.,,gt"d6sighe.di'is in compliance with the Florida Energy Code, OWNER/AGENT: BUILDING OFFICIAL. . ........ . ....... . A DATE:: DATE Coroliani:e.fequitgscpmfit,atiot.i by the air handler unit maiiueturer:that;the.air'bandier enclosure qualdMas certified factory -seated in accordance with R403. - 12.1. Complianceithz proposed:*dur A Qivr. Ieakaqee.quires:a PERFORMANCE,Dudt1eakgge TastReport confirming duct leakage -t0outd o .,aq:Q.,00Q:Qn fqr w'hoJah.o0,s*,. Compliance -ri3quires'.an Air. 6-auldr!and4intulation Inspection Chob1clist 16 accotdanqowith: R402,.4.1.1'and-this.project` requires;a PERFORMANCeonvelopoloikag'etestrapor.twith ."envelope ,leakape.no!qreater-than'5*.IOOAC�H60(R409�4.1 6115/2021 11-10V AM' OlsrgydaugeO.OM .7;606- FlaRes2626 ObC11 79T E61' ti&f (2020')compliant So Pane"1. 0 PROJECT Title:. " 141, =ESIDENCE Address:type: StreetAdclre�ss I BuildingType?"user Bedrooms: 2 Lot Owner: ConditlonedArea- 1.72-7 I I 1310q'SubDivislon- to, : af Stories: 1: PlatBooEc 130de.rName: *Oisi Case: No Street: +.Or-' 0`6 raf, t o trice, rotate Angie: 0 Courity: L 3-`LjC Jurisdiction: Crossventilbtiovy. No City; State,.Zlp-, FamilyType Detached WNo FL, t4ew/Existlhg: New (From Plans) Terrain: Suburban YearConstruct Shielding: Suburban Comment 'CLIMATE", Desigh De'sigh Teinip Int Design Terno Heating Design 'Pallyternp Locafioa TwSite 97.51/6 16%f Winter Slimmer Degree Day,$, Moisture " Range; ' 9 FL,:VERO -BEACH MUN(CfP FL VERO..BEACq,_MqNICIPA 45 90— To 75, 269 64 Medium, BLOCKS VINumbe'r Name Area, Volume Eriffre.House 1722 13776' SPACES 7 7,, Name Area Volume Kitchen. Occupants Bedrooms Finished, Cooled Heated 1 UTILITY 126 1024 fiiol 0 Yes Yes: -yes MASTER BATH- 4k 882 No 0 Yes yei: yes, CLOSET 72 576 :No Yes Yes �%y6s - MASTER BEDROOM 351) .0 2�04 No' 0 Yes YesKITCHEN —4 24 . 0 100 Xes 0 'Yes Yes; -Yes 6. OFFICE to -720 No 1 yes Yds Yes 7 LIVINGROOM 489,, .3912 Wo 0 Yes 'Yos. Yes 8 BATH 9.1 .6148 No 6 Yes Yes Yes 9 BEDROOM 168 1344 11 1 Yes; Yes Yes FLOORS (TOW Exposed Area = 1722sq,.%) 77 moorType" Space Exposed'Perim FIerlmeterR-Value Area U-Factor Joisf I R-VAlue T . lie. Wood Carpet: 1 Slab -Oh-06d -E e Ins UTILITY ... . ..... . ......... . . 7--7 24- 0 --- - --- 128 ft OA73 0.00 4.00. .006 Sizib-&-' rad,eEdge.ins WASTER'PAT-H 8, 0 b.4a 0 'Abo 3 Slab -Oft -Grade Edge ins CLOSET a- 0. 72 ff 11.473 0.00 too 0.00 4 Slab -On -Grade Ed gb Ins 1I BEDROOM 37 0 350. ft 0.473 o;oo 1.00 1000 — S. Slab-bh-Grbde Edge Ins KITCHEN 1 16, 0 24 . 0A OA73 1:100 -:0.06 fE —6 Stab-On-Gradedge Ins OFFICE 4d A .0.473 6.bI5 t6o om Slab-On-,Gradd Edge Ins LIVINGROOM 18 0 489ft OA73 0,00 1.00. 0;00 —7 8 Slab -On -Grade Edde Ins BATH 9 0 = 811-2 0.473 Uo - 1.0.0 O.Pq 9 SIEd I fn�- ge BEOROOM 27 0 U8 W 6.413 6.00 1 ;00 6/15/26211,1,10 . :17,AM'. EnergYGaugo§ . USA7 - 0,00Fla[I F121134th F.ditlori:(2026):'Compliant-Sofhjvare Page,2. FORW�'R405;2020 c, R"' INPUTSUMMARYCHE KLISTREPO , I ROOF Roof Gable Roof Rad Solar $A Emitt Emitt 'Deck Pitch V# Type Materials Area. Area C.6for :Barr Absor. Tested Tested, Insul, (deg) I Hip Metal 1815-W. tbffiished,Ealvanlz&l 0.5- No 0.7 No 18.43 'ATTIC 7-#Type Venfilation Vent Ratio 110 Area RES IR . CC 1 Foil attic Vented 160 172212 :N N CEILINO (,TQta1,Ex0s'6d Area`1722S J V# 'Cellih9TY116 Space R7V-?Iqe Ihs.Typ6D Area U-Factor FraMMg.Fr6c. TrimsTyi)6 1 UnderAttic(Vented) UTILITY 30.0 Blown 128.Oftz 0.053 010 Wood _ 2' UnclerAtk(yentecl) WASTER':BATH 30,0 Blown 104.Qft- 0,.053 0,10 Wood 8 Underktic(V6ri6d), CLOSET 30,10 Blown 72.ofv ovos 1 3 0.10 TO wood.'. 4 UnderAttie(Vented) : .0 MAS.TEIZ BEDROOM 210 Blown1,2 , �60,01 1 0.05 21 6.16 Wood 5 UnderAtfic(Vented) KITCHEN 30.0 Wown .24& '0 It . 0.053 0.10 Wood 6 Und6rAttld(Vdnted)' OFFICE 30:0, Blown 90.0112 0.OP' 0.10 Wood 7- UhderAldc(V.Onted) LIVINGRPOM 30.0 Bfq*,n 489iOlIF. 0.05 .0.10 Wood UnclerAttic(Vented) :Wl� 30.0.gjpwn 8ki.oft, 0,063 0110 Wood, _0 9 Under Attic(Ve�nted . BEDROOM 30-,0 Blown Wood: WALLS (Total 'Exposed Area 1344 lsqc Adjacent Cavity Width `ln Height Area, U- Sheath Ftm.,tolar bellm Vft Orrit Td - Wdll'Type Space R-Vafue Ft Ftin sq-ft. Fictdr R-Value FrAc. Absor. Grad& I N ' Exterior Conc',.Blk-Ext (ns, UTILITY 4.1 8.01 01 8.6 0; :1' 60.131 6 0 6,66 6 % Exterior Conc. Elk -.Ext Ins UTILITY 4.1- 16.0- 0 8.13 0 128.0 0.131 a o b:60 6% 3 N Exterior Conc, B k - Exfjns ! MAS R:BA`rH AA TE :8.0 0 8.0 0 64.0 0.131 0 0 0.60, �.0 % 4 N Exterior .., Co Extlns� CLOSET 4.1 81y� 01 .,801 0. 64.0 0.131 jol 6 _0 6.01 N Exterior. Conc,:Bfk - Ext.hn� MASTER BEbkoom 4.1 21.0' 0 '8.0 0: 168:D 0.131 0 .0 '0;60 O% 6 E Eiteribe Cbnc;.6lk-Ext'.lns -MASTER BEDROOM. 4A 16.01.0 0 128.0 0.131 . 0 0 om 0 �j. 7 nI E E or: Exterior " 06nc;* Elk - Ext . Ins KITCHEN 4.1 16;0 0 8.0 .0 128.0 QA31 0 .0 0.60 O% N t ,.Exterior qonc.1Blk--ExtIns OFFICE. 4.1 6.0 .6, 8:10 0. _46-A GJ3,1. !O 0 1 50 0% -6. '9 S . Exterior:, Conc. Elk. - Ext Ins 0 1 FFICE AA 15.0 0 8.0 01 120.0 0AM 0 0 0.60 -d % 101S E5derfor- Cond. Elk- Ext Iris LIVJNG:ROOM 4A 18,0 0 8.0. _0 144.0 0.131 0 0 '0.60 0 1% 11 W Exterior. Cone: I 811k . --Ext Ins BATH 4.1' 9.0 q 8.0 6 72-0: 0.131 0 0, ozo. q% __12 It Exterior . Conc. Elk - Ext:111s . BuMom BEDROOM 4:1 . 0, ju or, 8.6 0A'31 0 0 0.60 .0% I , 3 S Exterior. C " bno.*,Blk m'Ex'Unsr BEDROOM , 41 1 . 2. 0 0, 8.0. 9 96,0 ,, 0 .01 0.06 14 W 'Eiterlor Cono. Elk - Ext Ins BEDROOM 4:1 14;0 0 &0 0 112.0 0.131 0. 0 U0 0% .QOORS, Area 41 sqA) ✓# Space Storms U-Vdlue Width Height Ft In Ft 16 Area Ornt Adjacent To DoorTypp I W, Wood UTILITY None 0.39 10 11 0- 0. T.0 1 0 Q 21.0ft' 72 S.. tnsblated LIVING RQON1 None 0.39 .100, 8 20.0ft' 6fil 5/20211 10-17 AM: 546tgyG.bilgfiGUSA '!..O,.I 0-FibRi5s202QFB'C,7ihr--'dili P jiant8b Pbge_,3 WINDOWS Natal Exposed Area, = '118 sq ft.). Wall # Omt ID Frame Panes NFRC U-Factor SHOO Imp Storm Area Depth Separation IhteriorShade Screening 1 'N 3 Metal Low-E.Sirtgle Yes 0.65025 N N VIP 8.0 it is in 1:0 ft 5-in None None ~_ 2 N 5 !Metal Low-'E Single Yes 0.65 0 2s N N 16.2ft2 8.0,110 in 1.0 X5 in None Nolle 3 E 6 Metal Low,-ESingie Yes 0:6.a 0.25 N N 162tt 8.0 fit0 in 1.0 ft51n None None 4 E 7 Metal Low-ESingie Yes G.'65. 0.28 N N 16.3ft2 8.0'ft0ill 1<0*5,in None None 5 S 9, Metal Low-E Single Yes 0.65 0:25 R N 16.2ft? 8.0.it2 in 1.0 ft 5 in. None None 6 S 10 Metal Low'E Single Yes 0.65 025N N 13.6fi' TO ff 2 in 1.0 ft 5-in None None 7 S 13 Metal Lori-E Single, Yes 0.65 0.25 N N 16.2f6l 8 0--ft 2 in 1:0 It 6 in None None w 14 Metal LowESingle Yes 0,66. 0215 N N 16.,3ff k6 k0:in. 1',0ft6fn None. None tNFILT TiCb i.. ' # Scope Method SLA CFM50 ELA EoLA ACH ACH50 Space(s) _ 1 .fi Wholehouse ProposedAGH(56). 0:00025 1148 62'.98 118.24 0.0980 5 0 All MASS # Mass Type Area• Thickness FurnitureFraction Space . u- 1 Default.(81bs/sq.ft;). O:ft2 a ft 0 ;30 UTILITY 2 Default(Bjbs/sq.it:) O ft' tLft 0,30 MASTER BATH 3' Default(8ttis/sg ft) 0 Rz Q.ft t),30 CLOSET 4 Default(8'Ibs/sq 4) 0 ft= 0 ft 0:30 -MASTER BEDROOM 5 Default(8lbs/5q.1ts 0 W -0 ft 0.30 KITCHEN 6 Default(8lbslsq.it.) b ft= 0 ft 0,,3t} OFFICE- 7 Default(81bs1sq.11;)' , O:ftx . 0'ft 0.30 LIVING ROOM . 8 Defautt(8lbs1s4.fL) 0 W 01t 0.30 BATH _ '9 Default(Sibslsq:ft.) 0.ft? 04t 0.30. ,EEDROOU- ` BEA 1NYSTEM #f System Type Subtype AHRi- EfiidIency Capacity - GeothertnalHeatPump--- 'Gurrent Ducts Block kBtuihr lEntry Power' Volt -1 Electric Strip Fleat None CQP:A.00 27:0 0.00 0.00 0.00 sys#1 1 COOLING SYSTEM #: SysiemTYPe. Subtype!Speed• AHRi 0 Effioiency Capacity Afr.'Flow SHR Duct" Block Wtuihr cfm _ , 4 Central'Unit .._...... _--A_ SpiitlS)hgle SEER16.0 29;0 0 0:70 sys#1 1 HOT ATER' SYSTEM it System Type Subtype. Location EF{UfrF} Cap 'U§s& Setf'nt' Fixture Flow '`Pipe Ins. Pi(i?ietigth: 1 Electric. None- - Exterior J 0:95'{093)' SO;OO gal 61 ral 120 deg Standard , None 93 Recirculation RecticControt toop. Branch Pitmp DWHR Facilities. Equal OWHR Other Credits System Type, _ length length>, power Connected Flow Eff 1 No NA. Nei N.A.. 'No NA NA NA, None wgyGeuge`� USA'7;0:00. FIaRi�d20201 BG7tti.Edition (2020) Cbtrplli�nt Softwaro- Page`4 FORM RO�-�020 INPUT SUMMARYCHECKLIST REPORT DUCTS He P.(J'Jan: -eb "Mar ].Apr :f ]-May [)-Jon jul HearIN - ^ - 6/15/202111:1.0.1,7 AM 2020 - AIR BARRIER -AND INSULATION INSPECTION COMPIONENT CRITERIA TABLE 402.4.1.1 AIRIBARRI,ER AND. INSQLATION INSPECTION COMPONENT CRITERIAa PeoJqqt'-Nbfne- P-A-v..' Build6r, Name: Street: Permit-.0f.fice: 40 Ack CMck City; State, Zip* ir5_,�_-g Oenmimumben. . T." SL_ t -qrJurisdictiow OW hek: Design Location: Cdqnfy; Indian Riveir(Florida ClimaWZbne 2) COMPONENT AIR BARRIER CRITERIA INS(JLATION.INSTALLAtioN''bklTERIA- General 'A contnuous, -air barriershall be installed in the building envelope.. Air-pernipabi.eins;ulatiortshalI requirements The extenorthermal envelope contains a continuous air barrier. not be used as_asealinp,matorial. Breaks orjoints.in the.or barrier shall.be sealed, The 'air, refer iin�anydropped ceilingAoffit shall be aligned wish the insulatio'n in any.drop I pe. d . ceiling/soffit Ceiling/attic the insulation and any gaps in the-alrbadierlsha'll be sealed: shall'bealigned with the air barrier. :Access openings, drop down stairs or knee Wall doors1o' unconditioned attib spaces halfbe's6aled; Thejunction of,the*Foundatlion and sill plate hall be sealed. Cavities within corners and headers.of frame walls The junction of the top ,plate and the,t6p of'exteriorvvallsshall be shall be Insulated bycompletelyfillingAhe cdvitywith sO-aled.' a material'having !,thermal resistance o,f R� per Knee walls:shall be sealed. inchminimum LAeriaritiermal envelope Insulation for framed walls, shall b6.installed in sbbstantial'odritact'6nd co.rifinuousaligirimentwith the air barridr. Windows.s I kylig ht& The space,behveenviindov4door.jambs.and 'framing; and and'doors 5*,lights'and framinq.sball be seated. Rim joists Rim joists shall inclu de-*'.aiitarrier_ Room :the air barrier shall be installed at any exposed edgwof Floor framinq'caVity insulation shall be Initialled to (inchdirig insulation, tnairitainobrrntin�-nt,cohtitt-willi the un'dersideof 6bove-garage, subfloordecking; orfloor framing cavity insulation and'cantilevered shall be.,perrhitted to.be1n contact with theJopside floors) of sheathing, or continuous insulation installed on the bridei-side' of floor frirbing And'extends frorn'the bottom to the top of"all rerli-riefbir floor fr6rninb CraWlsoace'walls Exposed earth in unvei * ited crawl 90aces'shbil be+covered Where provided ins,i instead of insulation, WithgGlass I vapdr. retarder with overfappiqgjoJrrts1hped. shall be permanently attached to the crawispace,walls. Shafts,penetrafibns Duct shafts; Will . typenet rations; and hue shafts opening to exterior or unconditioned space shall be sealed. Narrow cavities• Batts in narrow cavities shall be cutle fit, or narrow, 'i'lled cavities shallbe by insulation that on ,- J installation readily conforms tothe available cavity spaces Garage separation. Air seafing,,sharf, be:provided between the garage and co.n.ditiongd.spaces., Recessedllghting lightfixtures installed in (4 1 ebuilding thermal Recessed . right I fi I xtur.4.s.installedi6tfie6u!l'ding,, envelope -shall be sealed tothe finished surface, thermalonyplope'shall be,@Ir fight and IC rated. Plumbihg'an'd wiring 8aft insulation shall be'.cut heatlyto fit a�bund wiring and plumbing in;exteriorwalis, or insulatiQnthat,on installation readily conforms to available space shall Xte extend andwiring., The air barrier installed .at Oxi prwOs 0ilj6cp6t. to showLns txi6dorwalls adjacent to showera andtubs shalA ,:pRex!ed0rWaIl and tubs shall separate them from the showers and tubs. b6insulafed. Electrical/phonebox The airbarfier shall be instaIW behind electrical or, opextiriorWalls commiinic6tion'boxes or air-s&alecl boxes shalt be installed', AvAcregisterbootc: HVAC supplyand return registerboots that penetrate building lhermal envelope shall be seated to the sub-Abor,W611 covering 6rc.0116j,p6netrated by the boat. Conceaied- When.requiredtobesealed, concealed fire sprinklers shall only sprinklers be sealed:iri 6 manner that is recommended by-the.manufacturer. Caulking or other -adhesive sealantsishall riot be used t6fill.0ids Vold. between fire sprl'nklo�roverplates ;and .walls ,oicallings, a4 (nadditibri, inspection of tog. walls shall be in accordance with the proviiiians.of ICC-400i 611512021 11 10A7 AM EftergyGauqe@ USA 7.0- RaRes2020 FBC 7th,Edition (2020) PomPliaht. Software Page; 1 FORtv1 R405-2'020 The lower the: EnergyOerformanceAndex, the more efficient the:home. 1. New canstruction.orexisting 2.Single :family or multiple+family 3. Number of:units,.ifmultiple .family 4. Number: of Bedrooms 6. 'is;this a worst case? 6, Condittoned1floorarea. above grade (W Cohditfoned floor "area below grade' (W) 7. Windows" Description :a'. U-Factor. Sgl, U :0.fi5 SHGC; SHGG=0:25 b'. U=Factor. N/A' $HGC: c, U-Factor N/A SHGC:. Area Weighted Average ;Overhang,.tiepth Area Weighted.Averatie SHGC: 8. Skylights Description U-Factor:(AU.G) N/A SHGC(AVG): N/A New (From Plans) I& Wall Types(1344:0 :sgft;) insulation Area Detached a. Convete:f3lock.- Ext Insut;.E ctedoiR=4:A 1344.0,0 ft2 b: NiA R= ft . c; WA 2' ci; N/A R= fe No 11. Ceiling-Types(1722:0 sgft.) insulation Area a. Under Attic (Vented) R=30.0 17.22.00 fe 1722 b. N/A:- R= ft 0 r,. NIA R= ft2 Area 12. duds, location &. insulation level R ft� 11:747 h2 a. a. Sup: Attic, Ret Attic; AH: UTILITY '6 175 b. 13. Cooiing'Systenis kBtulhr Efficiendy fi a. Central: Unit 29.0 SEER16:00 8.065 ft 0 280. '14, Heating Systems kBtuthr Efficiency Area a. Electric Strip Heat 27:0 GOR1.00 N/A fe 9. Floor Types insulation Area a. Slab -On -Grade Edge` insulation R 0:0 1722,06J b. NIA R=' ft� c. N/A R= fta 15. Hot Water Systems a. Electric Cap 50galigns EF: 0.950 b. Conservation features None 16. Credits done I certify that this home has complied with the: Florda Energy f_fficiency Code for Building, Construction through the.above ;energy saying features which will be installed (or exceeded) in`fhis home before final inspection: Otherwisea new EPL Display Card will be' completed based�on installed Code compliant features. Builder, Signature'. _ Date: Address of New Home: Ca rt+:co� i 1�.f� Gty/FL2ip.PJL. ,(7--L. . 'Note: This is nota: Building Energy Rating. if yourIIndex is below 70: yourhome may. qualifyfor energy efficient.mortgage.(EE.10),incenfrves if you. obta)n a; Florida Energy Rating. For information about�the Florida Bt ilding;Code, Energy Conservation; contact.the•Fiorida Building.Commissfon`s'supportstaff'. "Labet required by-Sectign. R:303:1.3 of the Florida Building Code, Energy;Gonseniation, if hot.DEFAUIT. 6/1512021 1-1:1k1:1.7 AM Ene*GaugeV USA 7.0t00 - FlaRes2020`FBC Ahh Edition,(2020) CompfantSofhvar6 Rage-1 of'.I -wrights-oft Project Summary Entire House '22� Weather. Winter Oesign; Conditions Outside'& 43 'IF 'inside db 70 'F D69bp TD 2+7 `F !Vero.Beach;MunL FL, US: Heating ,Summary S Mture 1,7202 Btuh Duds .4282 Btuh Centralvent (0 cfm) & Btuh (none) Hurnidtfication 0 Btuh Piping :0 Btuh Equlprrr--nt bad: 21484 Stuh Infiltration Method :Qp6sWc1Jon quality Fireplaces S#npired Mika t Heatin OQO Areafft2 1725 112' Volume �fl 13776 13.770 Archanws/hour 038 0.20 Equiv.) . (cirri) 87 46, Heating dating EquiphlOnt Summary Make. Tr6da Model MR.I.Tef -Efficiency Heathg input Hdating,opo'ul Temperature I Ise Actual air lye rase ow ArlloW, factor. Static: pressure 'Space'them-ostat 100:EFF B . 0 kW 20311 Btuh so 0 F .1 370 :c!'M 0017 c*n6bh. 6�50: to H20 ... . ....... .......... . . . .. ... . ...................... Job:, Dtite. BY' $urnmer-Depign Conditions Outside db 91 61F Inside'db 75 'F Desn. Daffy,range L Relative . humid'. 50 % .0 Pence 59,:gft SOnsible Cooling Equiothe6t Load Sizing Structure 1713G - Btuh Duds 5560 Btuh Centralvent (0,,rim) 0: Btuh :0 -Btuh Use. manufacturers data n! Ratelswinq multiplier .0.95' EquipmenT sensble. load '21669 fth Latina Cooling Eqdi I PrOent Load Sizing St u6iure, 26W Btuh Duct L W4 Bt6h Ceh vent (O:cfm) 0 Btuh (nohd) EV00fitiqtent-bad 4326 Btuh E uipment1'bta1�Ldad:(Sqn+LaQ 25994 Btuh Rlq.ltolal Pa0a*.at 0.70,,SHR 16 ton Cooling Equiprnent Summary 'Make Rheem, Trade RHEEM Cond RA1680NINA cool RH,IT3617STANJA AHR[r,pf 79I 343 ' , EM 13�- 0 EER, 1'6:-SEER enstb2poodirig: Se%% 20300 Btuh Lqtantb66Rhg 8700 Binh' Total dbolhg, 2WOO EAuh AcWala'trV&w 967 clin Airflow factor 0.043 cft.Muh Static pressure 0.50 in ' Lojdsdhsfbb heat rallb, 034 20.zwun-io..111 too' Job: r F wright!�Oft' RighW.&WOrksheet Entire House By: I Rom namz Entse t base UTILITY gfiF 8.0: R 8.0 ft lieatft6ol 4 R.6rn Z%nob, 8.0 x 1119 A S fborparea. 1722 ft2. IAO iF Ty Construcibn U-value or Load Area . (fl Load. number M) or perineteT (ft) (Btuh) or perrileter (R) (BWh) I-Laat Colol Gross 14P1S Heat Goof Grass NPIS �Heat, ODOI 6 13A-hoes 0,143 ne: 3.80 2Z3 512 275 1 Ili 126 107 413 27_7 ,.!D-cZom 01870 ne 23.49 5938 16 0 381: 962 0 6 0 .O 0,140D 0.390 ne, IOM 11.43, '21 21 221. 240 21 21 221 240 13A-4ocs 0,143 se. 166 Z59 360 337. 1302 873 84 .64, 247 166 11 ID-c2iom 0.06 $a 2340: 27,43 - 7 1$ 0 a 0 0 10-62m: 1 1 0.870 se 23.49 - 2753 16 12 381 '446 0 '0 0 0 'L:Iak4Qcs 0143 ,.sw M 259 312 .280 Iwo 724 0 -G 'jD,2. 0.870 W 234 27,53 65 '761 8R 0 0 0 0 (1143 mq, 3M '2.59 �32 - 1131 758 0 0 10 0.870 ivi. 23AS 5538- 32 0 761 1924 0 0 0 p G P�n .!Dc2om% 0.870 - nw 23A9 5928 14 0 Mg '140 0 0. p �l '100" 6. - nw 21 �1 M 0 0 .0 0. ;0 . ISC-30ml 0.032 0.86 137: 1722 '17,22 14W 2358 1->8 128 Ili 175 F 22XIPM 1-180 31;86 0.00, im 16513 '5352 0 128 .24 765 0 c)AbDexursion .23.1.0, -4 Ehvebpe 14614 13428. 1757 '853. -12 IntAratbn 2588 782 3t0. 112 b) ftrg ventlatbn 0 0 13: Intew.1gahs:. 'Occupants, @ 230 4 !�Qo 0 .17262 17,130. 2126. bad .0 0 0 0 LL:,! ;M,,,m,1 0 0 0 0 0 14 Fbdhft�ufon "'�tot, 47202. .0 17130 212 6 9 0 16 15%) 3;M 4282 SM01' 251,"o 32%. Tplafroom bad Z1484 22660 i 26561 jll Ak,*uW'(c6m) " '1 370., ' 987. 1 1 .1 1 46 54. *Are- fi 2",0.7 F-StM101 faCeW S ......... .... ....... . ............. . ... . ..... .... .... ... UIL wirightsw Right-J@Wdr�sheet Job- rF Date- Ehifi-e House, By:. 11 name- MASTERMTK 2 Bnoin edwat r : 8.0 ft 'CLOSET 8.0 A 3 'm height, 6.0 ft.. 'healrbod. aD R heaVcool 4 in Rmdinensibns I eff X: 13.0 , ft &0 x 9D ft 5 lRop.m1afea 104.0 fF ODristructhn L I watile or IITM Area 4fm Load Area Load number (BluhftI-'F) 1.) or peft4hr (ft) (Bluff) Hapt, 00-4 Gross Npa. Heat. cool • Gross up't )-L-at Coal, 6 W 13A-4ocs 0.1 43 ne U3 2bg 0 1 0 0, 0 0 k� ID-c2om 0.870 rie 23A9 5928 DI 10 0 0 0 0 G 0 0 L0 1100 0.390 rie; 10.53 11.43 0 0 a 0 0 - 0 0 0 13A1locs 0,14.3 se, 3.86 2:59 64 67 :222 144 64.- 6d 247 16.6 -G , 'ID -clam U70 se2&49 27.53 7 7 155 182 0 0 0 ,,11 --G INc26rn 0,870 -6 .23.49 27.53 0, 0 0 0 9, 0 '0 V L 13A4occs 0.143 sw 3.66 Z59 ; 0. 0 0 :0 0 0 -GAD--26m 0.870 sw] 23,49 .27.51 0 :0 Q. 0 .0 0 13A-ices Q143 t. ny, 3S6 259 0 0 a .0 0 0 Q 0 G ID-c2ofn 06M rwf 2349 59M 0 0 0 .6 0 0 0 6 ID;c2om .0.870 nw- 23:49 59.38 0 0 0. 0 0 a 0 0 .11C0r 0-190 (wi 10.53 11A 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q. mc-1.0ml 0. , 03� 0.86 137 104. IDI 90 142 72 72 .62 1 99 F '22A-lprn IA810 31.86 0:00. 104 8 '255 0 77 'B '256 0. -2 721' 470 5t4 263 J2 lAratkin 123 37 1f3 37 RDQM Nentkitiori 01 :0 : 0 13 Internalgahs: b=updnts @ 230, 0 0 0 0 f 0 subtciWgri6s 6 b 13) 845 503 667 300 Lesse)defrialload ;0 Q .0, J0 Less transfer 0 .0 6 Redstrbitbri -b .0 14 SWbolpf 607 300 15 metbacts 210 165 32 1.71 97 ToWroombad 859 398 "ffl (04 18 29 Calc6latibrlsawroVed bvACCAth meet all reaUkeftft of.ManuafJ:8Ih'Ed. *w nvpm2021-Jun,1511111-,09 Aft. �h[,OM42021.21.0.07 IRSM8101 ...... . . . .. . ........... . ... . .. . . ..... ............ ..... . .......... . .. . . . . .......... ........ .. ..... . wr ghfsalft° Right, +�orkSheet Job: Entire douse Date: By: 2 E o grime ExpoVQsed of hVSTERSECfWMg KITCHEN 3 .Eh]ofnheErht 4 Boom dmenss bn 37.0 it a0 R hwttcao! 16.0' R 8.0 ft heatkool 5 'Rkkn area 1.0 X: 350.6 f[ 350.0. fF 1.0- x 210D 7t 210.0 w Ty Canstuctbn number U-VaLie (Btuhffe -,9:. Or rRTt1 (t3�hh1'}. Pt Area Ar pelmet (fl) U nd �a , r : ( )dr perineter {ft) (13tuh). Pleat' Cook Gloss NIPf$; kleat o3o1 Cross r4lpIS Heat Cbbl: 6 . 13A-4des 0.143 ne 3,P.6 2.59 0 0 0 '0: 0 Q 0 0 D 1E}c20rh 1100 0,870 0,394 rte ne 23.49 10.,63 59;38 11.43 0: 0 0 0 0: 0 0 0 0. 0 0 13AAocs 0;143 se 3,a6 2.59 168 152 , 586 393 0 0 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 11 1t3c2om 1E}c2or t 0.670 0.870 se se 23.49 23-49 27M 27;53 16 6 16 0 0` 391 0. . 0 0 0 6 6 ' V(I �--ti 13A-4ocs Silc2orti 0:143 w 'sw 3.86 259 12A 1i2 '432 : 446 289 0 t28 112 0 432 0 0, 289 13A-4= Q870 0,iQ3 nw 23.49 3.86 27.53 2,59 16 0 1G fl 389 416 16' 16 381 446 .0 1Dc2om 0Z70 rnv 23.49 59M 0 0 0 0 0 0` 0 0 0 0 0 0 itic2om 01]70 arx 23.A9 593$' 0 0. 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 11D0 16C3(h1 0.390 0.032. nw _. tU.53 Ras 11.43 f37' , 0 3,50 0 350. 0 0 0. 0 .0 0 A t xn 1c1EU - 31:66 O.UO 350 37 302 1179 479 0 210 210 210 '16 181. 510 288 '. 0 6, c)AEH7ezeurefon 534: 641 Envebpe.bss/gan 3260 2587 1503 I'W, al, ) Oft,mtion . bj: Roam veni� U 570 172 - - 247 74 0 0 U 0 13. Int malgabs: Oxupan(s.Q 230 480 . :0 O kppEancesfofs?cr 0 '2000 3830 3110 175D 3734 Less a)demt9d 0 ' Less.bams fwstriwtibi 0 0 ,14 15 Suhlotbf Qfctbads 0 3830' 0 3219- 0 1750 0 3739; 2510 321%11 %p 1045. 25% 32% 433 12:t3, Ted{ilroom bats ArreGu'red{ofrn), 1. 4783 4264 2185 4852 82 1$2 38 ' 21. "",�' I2�FSuioVil�Nx�2132] 21.0.4]f R°,z�lOf4i0] l'c`A,• _ OoatmanLsilhM1 aY I IVA ' Rf�(�i tiE 6JCE;irp t a =Mj8 Fr mtomr f S F alli- wrightsoft, Right -JCS Workshee'll., Job: r - Entire House BDatb:y: 1, Room name OFFICE LMNG. ROOM 2 B 21.0 ft 18.0 ft. 3 P000mm ee b"'h�tl ft heattool 8.0 ft heakooll 4 Room dimensions 15.0 x 6.0 R 1.0 x 489.0, it Fbbm area 90.0 v 489.0 fF Ty Ounstruc§311 UvaUe Or HTM Area, (fe) Load Area (fF) Load number (13tuhW-'F) Ufll) or perimeter (ft) h), 4' p6rhetEr (ft) (Btuh) tient. Codf, -Gross NPIS Heel Pcpl Gross NP/S Fbal '0001 6 13AAocs 0.143 ne, 3,86 2.59 0 0 0 0. 0 0 1 D'c2om 0.870 - ne t 23A 69.38 0 0 Q 0 0 0 a ;t2 D IIDD 0,390 1043 11'43: 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 ' Aocs 13A 0.143 sd 3.86 2.50 '0 0 0, 0 0 0'. 0 0' I '10-c2om 0.870' se 2349 2753 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 ID-c2 660 ' se 21.49 27,53 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :0 13A4ocs '6.143 sW SM 259' 48 185 124 0 0 .0 IDc_�' 0.876 my 23A9 ' 27,53 0 0 0 - .0 0 0 .0 �0' 0.143 'nw . $' 66, lzq 120 IN , 401- 144 , 109 42.1 263 1D-c2cm 0.670 m 2355, 608 16 0 381 0_562 0 0 b T�13k4ocs ID-c2om 0.87.0. m 23.49 - 594. p 0 '0 14 0 319 808 D Ito 0.390. my lom . 11-43 0 p 0 0 21 21 22I Nd c 16(—'30ml M032 - 0.86' 1.37 9D 90 78 123 489 489 422 RQ F maltpm, 1.180 4ql.86 QUO 9 ZI 6C9 9 480 18 57.3 6 d)AMmurslon 4351 363 EnvLb -a bss .p fgab ..1713 1913 1959 2363 Inflrafon 324 C-18 277 84 b RwRvermbibn 0 U 0 Q Intzmalgahs: Occupants .0 0 4pbndeAther 0 0 -*bptal(ines6loI3) 2037 2241 2236 2447 Lessextemalbaci 0 0 0 0 Usstransfer 0 0 0 0 Redistrbuthn 0 0 0 0 14, SULIOW 457 22d1 2236 2447 15 Dialoads I 251 32$h 507 7271 25% 32% 557 794 Th4alroom bad 2514 29691 2793 ""1 1271 481 PA eetall rOulrements of Wnbal:SWEd. P4.p 4 VF wrightsoft flight-J@, Worksbeet Efidre,House joh. Datk: By, I Rbom name BATH BEDROOM 2 EV%e4wal 9.0 ft. 27.0'ft 3 Rcoom heght 8.0 It heaVc661 8.0 ft heattobt ( F3ior6dhdnsbft 9.0 z 9.0 a, 12.0 x Ko it 5- Room area 81.0 fF 168.0 ff., Ty Constnictbn Uvalue or HTM Area W) Load Area Load number (13fuhANn (BtUhff)r or perkneler (ft) (Pfuh) or P06". r (ft) (136h) Heat cool .Gross 'NP)S Heal coal GNoss NpP Hat 'Choi 6. 13A 0A43 ne 3.86 269 ' 72 72 278 1816 112 96 370 248 I= 0.870 ne 23A9 .59,38 0 0, 0 0. 16 0 381 982 41m 0.390 tie 1053 IlA3' 0 0- 0 0 0 0 0, 0 m4ocs 0.143 Se 3.66 2,59 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 II IDc2om OB70 se 23,49 2W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1Dc2cm 0.870 se 23A9: 27.53 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 VL-G 13A4ms 0443 sw 3B6 .2.% 0 0 0 0 8 31 '21; ID-c2cni 0.870 sw '23.49 27M - 0 , ..o - 0 0 D ol 0 .0 13A-4om 6.143 nw-, .*3-86 2:59, 0 0, 0 0 96 6 80 308 207. 1D-c2orn OA70 my 23.49 5938 0 D. .0 0- 16 P: 381 962 ID,c26m 0.870 nw 23A9 59.38 D 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 !IDb 6�90 : m 10$� li.43 0 0 'o 0 0, 6 0. 6C-30ml 11t . - fW32 US 137 81 81 70 111, 1168 168 1145 ZM 1p .F .22A-- 1.1180 3'(;86 0.100 81 k9 287 0, 168 27 86.0 0 6 c)AE I Dmursion 2 347 gnveb.pa kr-stph 63.5 20-6 247,5 2976 Ii a). bfbabn 139. 4 . 2 416 1.26 b) Pdomventiabn 0. 0 13 lh-emalgails Occupant @ 230, 0 0 7. 230 Applabdiesl6ther .0 ol 'SUbtoral (Dies 6 b -13) 773 -338 28!0 3332 Lesswdeinalbbd 0, 0 .0 Les6transW. 0 0 0 Wd*U!bn 'a 0 a P SubloW 773 338 2811, .3332 15 Dud bads 25%1 32%1 192 110 25% 32%, 720 1681 ToW room bad 1. 447 36,11, .4413 Aklaquked (ch) L ." .1 17' 191 62 188� -Lb- wright9ofte Right-AMorkshoot J.bb- rF -Enfire House Date: By: I PA NW 2 = edwal a R 3, Rtheight heatrcoci 4 Fsonn' crme-neons 5.0 x 6.0, Fbom area 30.0 V Ty Constructbn LAID or ml'. Area (P,) Load Area Load number (BfuhW.;'F), (BtuhV.) et pefteler (ft) '(Bwfi) or perimeter f*A Cod Gross. WIS Wal C1061 Gross Rl/S Voat Cool: 6 . VL__,G 13A_40CS 0 .143 no 3,56 2B� Ol .0 0 0, 1D-c2om 0.870 m 2149 �59.'36 0 0 0 0 11D0. 0,30 w. 1053 11A3 0 0 D �13AAbcs 0.143 Z�e:, 3,86 2.69 0 0 0 0 14 ID-c2cm 0.670 se " 23.'49 0. a ID-62om 0.870 23A9 27 1 M 0 '0 0 .01 6:143 3,86 2.59 0 0 0 0 IU.2. 0.87 0 sw 2349 2753 P. 0, 0 1 1 ' OA43 nw M 2.59 0 0 0 0 ---G IDc2orn 0.870 mv, 231.49 59.38 .G 0. 0 IDIE2om' 0.870 My 23A9 %38 0 'O. 0 '01 0 --G D IIDO O-VO rwi 10.53 11A b 0 b 0 16C,30m3 0D12 0.'86 07 30 36 26 41 F 22kfpm 1.180 31A 0.00 30 0 0 0 w 6 c)AEDepuslon 0, FjmbpeossigWh 26 41 12 Irifftfon 0 0 Room veptla". 0 0 '11. bribmalgails: Occupants @ 230 0 Applanceslother 0 "total (kleS 6 tD.121) 26. 41 Less6f6rnalbid .0 0 UssVwsfcr 0, 0 Pedhtrityifbn 0 D 14 Sublotal 26 41 15 D#b?os, 25 6 13 tolalroornJoad ..... . . PW 21A07 Ik6LI68101 Clit=Mia Ffo.hlDaxfi.,=:S Duct, System Summary Job: + wrightsoft, tD dL-: Entire House By'. ?5L t I::-t- :!?q c/ 00 � pdemEil static.pressure Pressure tosses Available statue pressure Supply/ retuwavagable,pressute Lowest tic ' 6Dn rate Actual afrfbw T6tal effective length (TEL) Heating. 0.50 in'H20 0 in H2O OZO In H2O 0.25010250 In H2O 0.315 W1100ft 370 cfm tooting 0.50 iftWp' 0 in 0.50 in H2O 0:250 /0.250 in MP 0;315 W100ft -967 cfi-n 159 'It Name Design- (Btuh) Htg (cfm) Ctg (cfm) Design -,FR Diarn (in) Hx W (in) Duct' Mat Actual Ln,(ft) Ftg.Eqv Ln (ft)- Tru* c 447 17' 19 OA66 4.0 Ox 0 VIFx 17.2 90.0 st2 BMRCCM c 4413 62 188 8 OA34 8.0 Ox 0 \AFx 25.2 90.0 st2 CLO$Er c 398 15 17 OAQ.2 4;0 Ox 0 VIFx 345 90.0 so WCHEN c 4952 38, 211 0.321 8.0 U-0 VIFx 46.0 110.0 st3 L ' MNGFOW. c IWI 24, 69 0.328 6.0. Ok 0 VIFx 424 110.0 $6, LMNGROW-A c 1621- 24 1 69 0.417 1 6.0 -Ox 0 VIFx 291.9 96.0 !�stl MAMMWi G 6.72, 8,: 29� 0.454 46 . O*'X' CI MFX* 20A 30.0 st2 �MAqMBMR=i c 2132 41 .91 OA06 &0 Ox 0 \AFX 33.9 90.0 stt MASTER6WROMI-A c 21.32 91 0.386 6.0 Ox 0 \AR '39A 90.0 sti OFFICE' c 2960. 44 121- 0.315 6.0 dx 0 .MFx 48.8 ilo.o st3 FAN TW c 54 1 2 0.330 4.0 Ox,.O VIFx 41.4 110.0 st3 UTLrry c 1278 40\ OA63 -5.0] Ox 'a VIFx 18.0 90.0 st2 r . �ej_, �'Pyd - JR:ffl R 6 Irurk Htg Clg De§Vh Veloc Dfam HkW DuPt Name Type FR. (fpin) (in) (hn) Material Trunk st3 P6akAVF 106 409 0.315 521 12.0 0 x 0 VwIIFLx $0 sti PeakAVF 227 677 0.316 033 14.0 0 x 0 VinIFIx W PeakAVF 143 290 0.434 582 116.0 0 x 0 VinlFtx Wrightspft- 2021-Jun-15b:110 r- Name Grille Size (in) Htg (cfin)' Clg (cfm). TEL (i) Design FR Veioc (fpm) Diam (in) H x W (in), Stud/Joist Opening (in) Duct' Mail rb1 qx 0 370 967: 0 0 0 0 Ox 0, ViFx Trunk; wrpgh�sott" 2021�1un 151111i09 r f3F81t:�Unka 12021:2T.Q.07FtSUU6107 _Vao urmntsMOt'scIftHV\CIMERRESIOMCEruP Cac=:h418 FrcnlOoa,f : S "�2