HomeMy WebLinkAboutTruss0 I go 39'-8' 1 12'-4' 10'-0' 17'-4' `c 14'-0" 4'-4' If 21'-4" 39'-8' 0 NI N I co RUM TO PAM FM COLNEC110N. TYPICAL 7' SETBACK CORNERSET LABELING AND SPACING PLUM VIEEe R SHINGLE ROOF 0 Total Truss Quantity = 75 Tm IS A TRIES PU1MM PLW ITS DQMM M AID IN THE DLSTALLATWN ff TRUSSM IX@FF1dL AIA AND ARDRRLRIRALS....MOE THIS OOGRFAT. Labeled End Mark EM ES UN PLM lE CM Ad TRIOS ESrd DISEMM PARKA ATLMM EN LA DATALMM IE TRUSSES Ll6 DDAI.ATS T AFtaDTEI:GIPAS fflf ff DE DIC�GA !E DIGEMMM SUPOW ESTE DOMMO 6 ILLTI�I.T ®0P6T>Ol Oa Im tM COm ALTLR 7G� v[nWr m®tr 6 1ta tsT>a �W Gtn ' ALL RDS rWL1 E PATf W 1VEIIEA OlLii IWS MO m yw Fl®r 19 1GPAlAl01 AIG E1pa: ANT 1M10 ME AAPtmm 101 M OYIm W IOr C �IFD Q31n rflIDi N F & ZW6 C Lid RAlI1S lOOiafl101r AT G1Rd1iR m1IRfGImi Q AlElan� DC ,ILL WMW Willi MT E AMNTG.T )flmm M CAM TIE URN DPam lr M TR6i m T cn A,m mAW ! 11 L ,Ym m >aPR>m flf,DmmG r1EE1i min =i0C M TIOG>a ME OR W mml TD AV® IO1Wt nm,CG01 = " IIGTD{a LAO A >OWI .N1rN aTGamlID, GAVOT maE Kf ALT LID TAimai W a GOtialm®11a W %A g ACEFrmm cmm AHIGm03 ml Al,®Imal POOWTA Pm ESQaTO r�mMN LAO PAMIM DE 09ml MM ®1 GA ®WON AUMMUNWIT PAaW LLLVAO in oVOWO a0 m m lm 1 a TIORm. T Ulm PAMn3111,11 Wa AlllPf m a aa:rALAtaa T AtDq G AtISIR mLtaml Gktca rN1 W IGWs s 1[tl@SaA ifOGOrtUON worTG ID Oilvna m m GI elwvnu mmALiGG V emAR a LnDrR T m m NIC = to LID iGl>$ a m m� P/IW L . lAa lea - General Notes 1) A pm/d dwrd b"m flat bum " Ibt ��.bpd-d p"* P*W gmm 2) N dft up. hatpwm bi �ShW m KW tam oft. 1wEA1 3) lAl trm Waft b 24' D.C. wilm otlmds 4) fir Ttuii PmL , -0 1 BC51-Bt nmtm�MaHm pa an X-b bid dw ild ba OmW d a 1ladi U qm tq 19 O.C. aoam Be apm, m ba Lrya I d ia n,m* N d w,. mch rd r m BIS-01�fiar mW odAlbtd baft ROOF LOADING SCHEDULE TCLL PSF BCLL = 70 PSF PSF BCDL 10 PSF TOTAL = 37 PSF DURATION = 1.25 x WIND SPD/TYPE= IGO ENCLOSED BLDG EXPOSURE — C USAGE — RE9IDENTLAL CAT H WIND IMPORTANCE FACTOR= 1 UPLIFTS BASED ON= 9.2 PSF DESIGN CRITERIA FBC 2020 TPI 2014 Truss nimber deliT & connector plats m designed forASCE 7-1E and maximm farces from both components, and claddiags and main wind fome nsisnng systems. • 7fiesc trusszs have been reviewed to carry m odditional IOA psfnon<a urrcnt bottom chant live load. EIT3CD LOADING SCHEDUL = PSF PSF = PSF = PSF ROOF DESIGNED FOR SHINGLE AIL REACTIONS AND UPUM ARE BLOWN ON ENGINEERING WALL KEY 0 B'-8' ® 0 DESCWPf10N INIT. DATE Ala Iiiiix AVII Omni ALL aAfE L111a lair 7A m afc rot vLw -j � 1 I CARPENTER R=N0 CONTRACTORS OF AMERICA 3900 AVENUE G. N.W. VINTER HAVEN FL13RIDA 33080 PHONE, MID 959-8806 FAX, (863) 294-2488 BUILDER D.R. HORTON STATEWIDE PROJECTCRIMMME MODEL 1828/CALT/4EBB CCA PROJ/MODEL/ALT 7A6/ 320/182ED,F/ 02 ALT DESGM 11P0A: HM T/10 III MY IL � BOT 88 LOCK A� DESIGNER RFS 1 TE 3 31 17 SCALE "=1' 334 R 1 4 Builder: Project: Model/Building: Lot Alt: ENGINEERING PACKAGE [qR HORT:0N�/�ATEW::IDE _ �7A�320. CREEKSIDE 182ED,F 02G Lot: IDE 6 Address: ............................................-................................................................................. JobNumber: N334504 ............................. __...... .............................. ........... ............................. Block: Unit: Revision Date: New Load #: ®� CARPENTER CONTRACTORS OF AMERICA, INC 3900 AVENUE G. N.W. VWINTER HAVEN, FLORIDA 33880 PH (800) 959-8806 FAX (941) 294-7934 RI01 __ PIN ,.AL. March 13,2019 Mawc6mw W. Bob. Michaelis CarO6fit6r'Cd.ritrafct6r"s of America,_ '390Q Avenue G, Northwest Winter HaVen,,:FL 33880-6201 Re: Alt.e.rnabV"e'lh'still6tions'for a single 019. carried truss with a width less than the hanger width, .and . wbod.blocking . . N. loqd"v' tape iev6 full des a1w -for face-mo.untod: hangerattadhiTi6rit.6i .'a'ofte ply n' supporting girder (Reference M61) WMM2).. Dear Bob,. For "a single ply carried Truss "with awidth le'§s than the'ha hger width you can install :a. prefabricated b racate(d) jack ck scab .truss: -for wood.filler blocking:.-Thechord sites,:c ord.grpoes, and -Al pirx.tdhhettorpl" to ly,came be the". same as t46 single truss. The Prefabricated jack trUss. (*):will have -a. minimum a .length of 4F and will have . - a . minimum pitdh.:Qf V! 2., The single ply. carried truss -shall have:g reaction of 3,-.506� or less. Attach prefEibdctited,jack:'scab:tr.uss. with. two. (2)toWa of'O.1,28"x3ff" GLin Nails at2' O-C. Pee row,_ staggered T'* SLAs*Fidutb I,MOM, -.e6fdrt61h6Sih1psq Strong -Tie C.ata) 09 C7C 2QI;9.. pqqq�16: Fl ure:0for more informatibn:.. Figure -I For -a sing .le- p lY­-&de*r'that requires wbodblocking to,adhieveJUll design load value for face -mounted -hangers -,atfach., one wood. block(*) to the back face of the single: ply girder with the: same size acid &adeas the bottom0 . 6M, of the. single -ply girder. Themood: block length qthto.-bO..'sUt:hth6tahe"W6dd blocking extends to each adj#ent pne) points :(Webs -and bottom. chord intersections): Affach wood 4 block: 3 with 0.12T x.0" 0n Nails atE> u Q.Q., per row, -staggefed. 3.0" applied to the . 67.60 Forum WjveSuite 305, Orlando; wwwAO'neitwoom ALPINE singleply-girder fac% with an additional (20) " Figure`. 0.1-287x3 'W Gun."'44s*,.eachpanel pqjntapplied 'tothe, wood. bIo6k fa0e *e belo Please refer to the.SihosdbStrohg=Tie:Catalog Cr'G,2019j -pade 216, RoPire. 1 'for more ce irif6ftnation. Figure %2,i;, The application of pt6faWbiated jack scab truss for Wood fille-rblockifigl :or wood blocking to; achieve MI. design load value for face -mounted lj.a'ngprs, Must be :approved by the. hardware manufacturer, All edge and end: distances, and -spacing .for all. nail dbnnedbons-must be suffidi6nt to prevent -splitting of "Wood., - If I can,be. of any-furtherassistance,-or if. you have any.cIpestipas, please -give me a cal . I Wiliam H i K.(1'c;k--.P-E--- Chief Eng.1heer Alpine-an-'ITW-Cp Company . Y Engineering . .1lepartm.e.ri.t. Orlando; FL of 6750 For'Um' - DdV&- Suite 305. 1:0flabd6,171-32821 - (800)'.-521-.9790 - (863) 4-22- - 8.685 A .Onl 2&.2019- Mr. Bob Michaelis Carpehter Coritrzidtort ofAtnerida, Inc. Avenue Q.; Northwest - Writer HWL-n, FL 33860-6201: Dear. Bob;. R6` Strongback bridging: on fb6f ftutitet. . I understand -there is �§oM6 concern over our bridging on ' roof of trusses: 'Stron bac bridging-fqr roof trusses is not.a requirement of 2014 rior'i it, a re - ul ment:,6f.the q re k— G.. Building. Conipbrleint -Safety InfOtmation. -(E=I),';'.lu't`.' st­r*o'ngb'ac'k'' b(idgihgt orb* roof trusses is recommended by. Carpenter Contractors htr6dt&8 of- America. -Strb'ng 4 K bridging .,seirves the following: functions: One, bridging aligns the bottom -chords after they pre- set 59.. they :are uniform. along the -ceiling lind and helos.'with",c"e.iiing:sorvioo,a:bl;li t*y. Twoj bridging reduces f6lativd deflection .of. adjacent -trusses , Stro ' ngbackbridg'ing''.doe's notior6Vent-Dr reduce -overall indiVidual deflection, especially -any. rW trusses, Off0fing-Alpf-than 114" inch. .... ........ .. ............ ... ....... .. .. emp . : bracing in t Si rongbaqk- bridging in roof. trusses does not serve's. -a '** It oraryoe permanent g and is not. .intended to .distribute. or share design loads, beNfeeh trusses. Consequently, no desigo 16ad's­have` -been accounted for'With this. detail and continuous strdhgback'bddgihd thO'uId'not bd:pfta'c'hed beitw6erl common. and girder irdpr *.trusses-.. The. use :of stron-gbac -bridging shall not: interfere with other desig n con6idefati6hs as soecifiddbk the Engihebr'.'of Record or the Bdilding*:.Desig'n'e'r. The outer -ends ofthe strongback I: . :iac I k bridging shall be. aftoched.16 awa wall or anotherzecure end..restraint; -of ap.sppcified '.by the Engineer of Record '6r'.thd Building..Desig Odr. -Stronig'b6ck bridging'shall. bo.a. minimum of 2X6 -hordinai lum-ibot. oriented with the depth- Votticalt: . Attach with -(8.) 1:6d -common nails MIBZ�x15'1 na.1.10 at.. each intersecting rhembeit. -extending a ythe- :strongbat-k bridging overlap by at -'. rfinimpm of .trusses. -.(r.The, locat on� fr strongback bridging maybe. sDecified:Wthe- Truss Mpn'Ufpdtuh5r-, Ehgihe&r, 6f Record, or Building De§idll*e'r- Please . -refer Ao- BCSI "Strongbacklhg'Provlsions ." or *tq...A'1p1ne.* STRM-1.8ki:014 deiall for more, information. The. graphic ,§hoWh (FidUrb, 1) is fbirgen.i6ric illustraitive pOrpose only. 67.6..0Forum Dfive:guite 305, Oftrido, FL 32821- (800.).5214790.- (863) 422-8685 i ALPINE Fiqu.rel.. If Lcain be of Any further assistance` or. if you'have .any questions; please; giveme a c.all.. vv E. 'STATE: 0 Chief*E-Pgiheer xx%- 2­ Atpirje an ITW.'Company Engine6rind'DO05ttmeifit N Orlando;. FL 8282 I i"roil Ii% 6%80 Forum Drive Sulte..365, Girt hdd, FL 32821 800) 521'-9.790 - (893)-.4224685- wvm.alpinoi Wm /:BRIDGING TOGETHER *wmWCM*W or fr-o(i The 0trformance. of -all floor systems -are bricig.�. _ -- by Alpine, | 'For u6(clItIonul -- ----~° --,---' _..^'� ~.~..^..~ 10 I . 1: : - PSF P iji) qU ^ G ''ME F 0 MI N OF ........... 4= cp - Rwo' AS 'Ni.l. T --TF' 0'4UXTS "OF P s,� ftuv NO, MORE -THM-`-60G# AMR. BE RLAOg-4. .49-- 015. TnWgSt-k SHOMINa NTRA TE F1 t T- N L. A IMSTAL.- C 7 t�J4,AqMl' ---'LL; T. ..'.-MAXIMUR SM-1- T- -PS14 PAL-01' W U.' 'AST �-'TSV,58: S�-- mov, p ATE8 AND. spm CPR -UTHEA jppm DATA N9T.'*SH0-W-Ik L-App, - Build, v. AL -AV ID. ff WE, THIS :NOT- MATqIIJA� :T UESU'PLIE K 2.9 lorl:*�Igi�,, I -13Y Al ek a 41, UN. it A T- A - PA A N mat".. 7 ,UAW ntc�.3960-74', Cracked or Brok This drawing specifies repairs for a truss with broken chord or web Member. n Member-: Repair Detalt Load Duration = 0% Member forces may be Increased for Duration of Load This design Is valid onlyy for single ply trusses with 2x4 or 2x6 broken members. No more than one break per chord panel and no more than two breaks per truss are allowed. Contact the truss manufacturer for any repairs that do not comply with this detail, (B) = Damaged area, 12' max length of damaged section (L) = Minimum nailing distance on each side of damaged area (B) (S) = Two 2x4 or two 2x6 side members, same size, grade, and species as damaged member. Apply one scab per face.' Minimum side member length(s) = (2)(L) + (B) Scab member length (S) must be within the broken panel, !, Nall Into 2x4 members using two (2) rows at 4' o,c., rows sta gered, Nall Into 2x6 members using three (3) rows at 4' oz., rows Nuggelieol, Nail using 10d box or gun nails (0,128'x3', min) Into each side member The maximum permitted lumber grade for -use with this detail Is limited to Visual grade ill and MSR grade .1650f. This repair detail may be used for broken connector plate at mid -panel splices. j This repair detail may not be used for damaged chord or web sections occurring within the connector plats? area. Broken chord may not support any tie -In loads, S. L -! 11 L 41 OC —ITyplcai + 0 + o:��+ 0 + 0 o + o + 0 + 0 + Stagger = Back Face 10d Box (0.128' x 3', min) Nallsl = Front Face 2x6 Mermnber - Triplee Roww StaaQere Nail Spacing Detail eaeVARN Mars READ AHD ftLLOV ALL NOTES ON T tr WIATANTO MOSH THIS DRAVDI6 TD ALL CONTRACTORS 11 Trusses require swtrens care h ►abrieatlnp, hL"IrQ, shipphInst fallow th. latest rdttlon of ]CSI 0,Adhp Corpomnt Safety in ornot', pprr•vnetkes prlor io perfor�p ibex# funcilanL Installers AMU praV', Unlna noted otherwise, top chord shall haws properly attached On y shall Aave a properly attoeFled riDld ed4+o Laeatlans shown for per shall have brapdn0 Installed psr 1 n ". 77 or 71D, as opPplle Refertoto dro l ps ltOA-2 farwitandard plots peesltis`oonA, nA Deto7t, Wled Alpha, a dNlalan of ITV RAO Components (treup Inc, shalt not be AN r1W MPANY khts drawkV. any, fosure to bullr'the truss h CaniornanCP whh ANSI, hstaClai-on L pp.�odtp of irucses. A $eal•o % tFh drawhp or over po Usthp il+Is draeing. vacates .nphrrrbespansra , solely for i dolpn shown. TYr srltabllty ta3eeLakefrontadva for any A.I.stIs t�ia ran of it luta" Destpnar per Eadh ak , MO D304S ror narw Infornailon see this ,iob•w general notes p.CCs Y ALPINE] rrr.►Idnsltr.ean. TPL vntoirrt�orol SlGr wwwebelndur Moxlmum Member Axial Force . Member. Size L SPF-C HF DF-L SYP Web Only ' 2x4 12' 620# 635# 730# 800# Web Only 2x4 18' 975# 1055# 1295# 14150 Web or Chord 2x4 24 975# 10554# 1495# 1745# Web or Chard 2x6 1465# 15854 2245# 2620# Web or Chord 2x4 30' 1910# 1960# 2315# 2555# Web or Chord 2x6 2230# 2365# 3125# 3575# Web or Chord 2x4 36, 2470# 2530# 2930# 3210# Web or Chord 2x6 3535# 3635# 4295# 4745# Web or Chord 2x4 2975# 3045# 3505# 3835# Web or Chord 2x6 43954 4500# 5225# 5725# Web or Chord 2x4 48. . 3460# 3540# 4070# 4445# Web or Chord 2x6 5165# 5280# 6095# 6660# IW TIE INSTALLERS, and broelna Refer to and I TPn and SBCAo far safety in U poshearor Maelna pr )CSL y and button eh�srd nt -Distal restroht of we i /,may plates to ead� face teat biMrvlse, onslble fora deviation from u or for handle. shlpphp, Ptanaw of professbnal use of 1Ns orating rfl 1 SrcL ihese web sltesi M) iCCr wrT.ICC2 fs,ary i HlNnun D L L Dlctonee Hlnh L Db:tnnee 8 REF MEMBER REPAIR DATE 10/01/14 DRWG REPCHRD1014 24.0' MAX �s ti VALLEY -F-"-RAkM.[N0-.&.0-f�Ab -A Lumber Size and 6rade-.-Mlnumu'm Requirr-miint's dalakehckalm- 4xisto� -w#a,s§ ia pid-Zo wuZ Ax*4CKNG- Ptft?rspAms-2dL0'#riQ0Ls' wP--qVpa 2.. TW LI& fgZ'60-sp '0WAiedieuer T ta LINDER VML-ry -FRAMING purnr./LutralbeidiNOs VXLLIi� RAFTER.0R RIDGE c1q. +Crfp0Ieb'-4'-V`1dr-30 psf (TL)A;id-26 pif (T DI Max, sp. a. loh rwstWrQn§ from -des4b. -so tki P1 matcoat .1 J, [fj td to that crtpiite (ocatiorts are staggers'between rows,, :(Typ) TO VALLEY RAFTER — ipudg BOARD axi) ,/, Haw fit' - 01 Valley -twimm PERY 14RA 9. ri - as `44zm 'Nat C-Or . --eme�Lt-� eLA VAL4 LSX-�.- ROG � PLA 4 gu u rn i f i i Fi i a. i I a i i 4 lsd'ta�l AttachMenti or-througry"p rf 3viobymi.h—) U'Fm&} '. '* ­q m !. id i..firduqfybfi4tNq1hto*purn with a emdpd:luj�gr� 6qx of,cqirin-qn-jsflp. rrlfni An�p4fi§a "bItrjPo jaif:Mcee1d&*bFrtJreFfs:oi afteqv ra 416 s qu 16, X lWYAAVel6nqasth,sfr.r'qumUer'Qf-naHsare tifter if sleepars.are.nol used,. T096ji.twing:applies -Iuttajj. b161okin.g under 016t�s'i6illipwxali gwei n' 96a�t.&sWnpaJW6men sslop8idrd -'k'U ey a iftio: hmd*db-ffaheq'tb.durrent Nmg nis.- -Max[Mum tfik).Avj'rdbY height; 30. feet 1-4 "SCF,7-16, JEUdI04", 'EXP a,4A l.-"MPhi , c. -tdffdjd. 426d toe-611s '416dUemallt ffei. bh 36 sheathln9 4. Rifjiritdlidipbf4s• IftWht. 5-16dice-nalfs MftdYtdF-.Tw0 2X6 sicepers., 426dtoe4alri S. -sweW tki-troil 4*16d td&r%afls Sl: 3 joid t6&.rWUs..ea.ch sla"r.1k ymg Aidgelabrd:tia-roof bldck 4 164 toe-nM Plmi .7. --R1d'g'-e-b4.am tcjr.wes- 4 3,C?d-t6;t.-A-4Jts 8. .-Frufliti to, (TM. A16.0tdo-nails. :Tr6sfxa.:6[bzk14t 4:164,tocrObilf 10. Tru S-to;�rlppti. 4 16 d--t a e; "I I i =-to wqw- :.ARE USED) .13. . 441Kr.,Mam toJpAdf 4 16d't01-n81I$. NOTE-, Uil:tOAS:E?' dMAMOUNA11-t WWAMM-'KQ tM* FMLO%P AM MMS V4-.'MW&VM T 46 54 P AA ACUM, Q.-v&Ts-Lmz wAt. 14 Y.p • DATE 10/�jj TC DL it ZO 7 7 'gp Y'- AL Ar .1061r. b*L 0 �.ShkiOrhg 41Y4 uq�q�m .0 0 0 D RWI3 V, V1801015 er seeitons "ws .;,a .* e: c5r- kw p H.1t hat �WQ -.C. . MEM-UH, HU Ww A �C- LL 0 .0 0 0 V* -L'i#ilf I illAtt P.GS /'�A AV d . 1. It " *T6T . ..7— so 50 LD 61. tul nw mmwv m AM A U-Z�k- OF tv -I -Qw. bog. PC—. aRgm.N.,q—;p�rs)� ABOVE H. Simpson.. .o { � l •Face -Mount Hangers - I -Joists, Glularn and SCL 6 ........ _..._....... __........... _.._............... ................... _.._............ ......................_..... _....... _._.......... -................... ............... _................. .._._....................................... _... _................................ _..... __............... _............................. _............ _................ _... ....... ................ y These products are available with additional corrosion protection. For more information, see p.15. Codes: See p.12 for Code Reference Key Chart. n ^" IUS2.56/16 - 2% 16 2 Min. (14) 0.148x 8 - 70 1,660 1,8 +5 1,805 1,425 1,555 1,555 Max. (16) 0.148 x 3 - 70 1,805 1,805 1,805 1,555 1,555 1,555 21/2 x 16 MIU2.56/16 - 29N 157/16 21/2 - (24) 0.162 x 31h (2) 0.148 x 11/2 230 3,455 3,920 4,045 2,970 3,370 3,480 U314 129A6 101/2 2 - (16) 0.162 x 31/z" (6) 0.148 x 11h" 970 1,945 2,205 2,375 1,675 1,895 2,045 HU316 / HUC316 MIU2.56/18 ✓ -' 29A6 29fi6 141/a 17?/_16; 21/2 21/i - - (20) 0.162 x 31/2 (2fi);0162111 X 31/z. (8) 0.148 x 11/z (2) 0 748 x 11h 1,515 230" 2,975 '3.745 - 3,360 4,045 3,610 4 045 2,565 (3;220 2,895 3,480 3,110 3,480� 113C, LA 21h,X,18 " HU316 % kiUC316 �„ g_ �• ✓`_29ha 14'%a 2'l" �= 20 6.162,' 1lz„� ( } ' ' (8) 0.1A8 x 1 h' ,; 1515 2 J75, 3 360ti 3,610 "2,565'� 2"895 3,110 21h x 20 MIU2.56/20 - 2a/16 197/6 21h - (28) 0.162 x 31h (2) 0.148 x 11/2 230 4,030 4,060 4,060 3,465 3,495 I3,495 21h x 22 , to 26 'MIU2 56/20 '✓ 2a/i6 197ti6- 21h "- (28) 0162 x 31z' (2) 0148 x 11h 230 4;030, 4 060, 4 060 aI 3 465 3 495 �. 3;495 29A6 x 91/4 to 26 29/�6" wide joists use the same hangers as 21/2" wide joists and have the same bads. 3 91h M1U3.12/9 3'la �" _ 9 f c 2'h = ' ^ (16) 0162 �t 31h (2) 0,148 x 1 2 230 2 305 Z615 2 820 1,980, 2,245 2;425'. x HU210 2I`HUC210 7 . "- • ✓ :�'3'la V,'.,,8134c 2'/z Max. ;. (18) 0162 K31/r z3 _r „5. 2,680 3,020,) 3 25Q`2,306` 2 6651,2,800, IBC, MIU3.12/11 - 31/s 111/a 21h - (20) 0.162 x 3'/2 (2) 0.148 x 11/2 230 2,880 3,135 3,135 2.475 2,695 2,695 FL, 3x117/ a " HU212-'2'f HUG=z2-'-' ` "• ✓ 31A 109A6 21/2 Max: "(22) 0:162 X3'/z (10) 0.148 x 3 1,795 3,275' 33 695" 3,970"2 82 3180' 3;425' LA HU3.25/121HUC3.25/12 3'/a -11314" 21h �= ,(24)0162x•31 (12),0s148x3 ,79 3570 4,030 4,335 3075 3,470 3735 HU3.25/16I HUC3.25116 ) " � " 3'/4 131M6 ` ( - 21/z Min. "(20) 0162 x 3'/2, (8) 0.148'x 3 . 1.515. 2;975 3,360', 3,610 '2,'S60' 2,890 3,105 �. . Max. , '(26),0.162 x 3'/z'' (72)`0 748 x 3; ' .r 5 "3;870 "4;365' 4,695` 3 330 f 3,755 p4,040', - 3'/a glulam HUCQ210-2-SDS 3�Y< 9' " ' 3 , =" `(12)'/a'.x 211z'"SDS (6)'/a"x21%z" S4S Z w �, 15 -,315` 4;315 3;fi00 3,T101 a7^1r1 FL HGUS3.25/10 =< 3'/4 '" 85h : ,'4 - (4% 0162 X 3'/z :.(16) 0,462 x 31/z ' 4,095 9, 00 9100E 9,10017;M 7,825 7;825" IBC, HGUS3.25/12 3'Yd" ., 1051a'. 4 - (56) 6.162 x 31/z ;� (20)"0 762 z 31h 5 040: 9;A00 9,900`��'9,400 $,085 '8,085 8,085 FL LGU3.25 SDS °"" • 3"Ya ' - 8 to 30 '4"1h - ,(16):1/a`x 2�%i' SDS (2)1/a" x 21/z' SDS' S,555 6,720 7.310 r 31r1 4;$40 5,265 HHUS46 - 3% 51/a 3 - (14) 0.162 x 31/2 (6) 0.162 x 31/2 1,320 2,785 3,155 3,405 2,395 2,715 2,930 31/2 x 51/a HGUS46 • - 35/s 47/,6 4 - (20) 0.162 x 31/z (8) 0.162 x 31h 2,155 14,360 4,885 5,230 3,750 4,200 4,500 HUS48" •' • :' - 3'OA 676h6 , , 2'-- (6);0.162x31/2" ."„(6)0.162x,31/z ., 1 :'0. 1,595 1815y1/960"1";365,}.1,555 1,680 '1/_v71% -LILD ICAO'"-, '- �O6GI "717_^�. �J� /nil\iIf iC•1'.��]l/_ ^"/01111C�1 .. '�1/_' K.^�f! Af1if1'A7711'-ICiAflI7'CiC'I'A I111CiA Ai[ IUS3.56/9.5 MIU3.56/9 U410 HUS410 HHUS410 31/z x 91/2 HU410/HUC410 HUC0410-SDS HGUS410 LGU3.63-SDS MGU3.63-SDS IUS3.56/11.88 MIU3.56/11 U414 , HHUS410 HUS412 31/zx`117/a ,HU412,/HUC41 11UCQ412-SDS ,HGUS412,; , • •' -`' ' - 35/a l .7h6-; 4 , `- ;'(36):0162;x 31/z';, (12) Q.162 x.3?h-..3,235' 7,,460, 7,460 f 7,460 :6 415. 6,415 6,415 • - 3a/e 9'h 2 - (10) 0.148 x 3 - 70 1,185 11,345 1,455 1,020 1,160 1,250 • • • - 39A6 8'Yi6 21/2 - (16) 0.162 x 31h (2) 0.148 x 11/2 210 2,305 2,615 2,820 1,980 2,245 2,425 • ✓ 39fia 8a/a 2 - (14) 0.162 x 31/2 (6) 0.148 x 3 970 2,015 2,285 2,465 1,735 11,965 2,120 • • - 3ati6 815/i6 2 - (8) 0.162 x 31/z (8) 0.162 x 31/z 2,990 2,125 2,420 2,615 1,820 2,070 2,240 • • - 3% 9 3 - (30) 0.162 x 3'/z (10) 0.162 x 31/z 3,565 5,635 6,380 6,445 4,845 5,486 5,545 • ✓ 39A6 85/a 2'/z - (36) 0.162 x 3'h (12) 0.162 x 31h 3,235 7,460 7,460 7,460 6,415 6,415 16,415 • - 39/i6 9 3 - (12)1/4" x 21/z" SDS (6)1/4" x 21/z" SDS 2,265 4,500 4:500 4,500 3,240 3,240 13,2240 • - 3% 91/I6 4 - (46) 0.162 x 31/2 (16) 0.162 x 3'/2 4,095 9,100 9,100 9,100 17,825 7,825 17,825 113C, • - 35 /a 8 to 30 41/z - (16)'/4" x 21/2" SDS (12)1/4" x 21/2" SDS 5,555 6,720 6,720 6,720 4,840 4,840 4,840 Lp • - 3% 91/4 to 30 41h - (24)1/4" x 21h" SDS (16)1/4" x 21/2" SDS 7,260 9,450 9,450 9,450 6,805 6,805 6,805 • = 3$/a (:;"=117/a' 2 (12)`i0.148AX 3 - 0 1°;420. 1;615";1,745-1°'220'� 1,390"1,485' L I• LGU3.63-SDS' E" [MGU3.63-SDS,a H,6 ,6.3 SDS W - 46 See footnotes on p.150. Simpson Strong-Tieei Wood Construction Connectors Adjustable Truss Hangers This product is preferable to similar connectors because of (a) easier installation, (b) higher loads, (c) lower installed cost, or a combination of these features. The THA series have extra long straps that can be field -formed to give height adjustability and top -flange hanger convenience. THA hangers can be installed as top -flange or face -mount hangers. THA4x and THA2x-2 models feature a dense nail pattern in the straps, which provides more installation options and allows for easy top -flange installation. Material: See table Finish: Galvanized. Some products available inZMAX® coating. See Corrosion Information, pp.13-15. Installation: • Use all specified fasteners; see General Notes. The following installation methods may be used: • Top -Flange Installation — The straps must be field formed over the header — see table for minimum top -flange requirements. Install top and face nails according to the table. Top nails shall not be within 1/4" from the edge of the top -flange members. For the THA29, nails used for joist- attachment must be driven at an - angle so that they penetrate through the corner of the joist and into the header. For all other top -flange installations, straighten the double -shear nailing tabs and install the nails straight into the joist. • Face -Mount (Min.) Installation — Install face nails according to the table, with at least half of the required fasteners in the top half of the header. Not all nail holes in the straps will be filled. Nails must have a minimum 1/2" edge distance. Straighten the double -shear nailing tabs and install the joist nails straight into the joist. The face -mount (min.) installation option accommodates conditions where the supported member hangs either partially or entirely below the header. • Face -Mount (Max.) Installation — Install face nails according to the table. Not all nail holes in the straps will be filled except for the following models: THA29, THA213, THA218 and THA413. For all other models with more nail holes than required, the straps may be installed straight or wrapped over the header, with the tabulated quantity of face nails installed into the face and top of the header. The lowest four face holes must be filled. Nails used for the joist attachment must be driven at an angle so that they penetrate through the corner of the joist into the header. • Uplift — Lowest face nails must be filled to achieve uplift loads. Options: • THA hangers available with the header flanges turned in for 35/e" (except THA413) and larger, with no load reduction — order THAC hanger. Codes: See p.12 for Code Reference Key Chart 13/a' for THAc422 11/i typical Th' for THA422-2 and THA426-2 • , c ` 2IN for THA422 -2 THA426-2 THA418 THAC422 Double 42 — Use full table value Single 4x2—� Face nails per table See Top nails nailer table pertable Straighten the double shear nailing tabs and install nails straight into the joist Typical THA Top Flange Installation on a Nailer (except THA29) THA422 Face -Mount (Max.) Installation Straps may be installed straight or wrapped over with tabulated face nails installed into top and face of heade ® Double -Shear Double Dome Double -Shear Shear Nailing Nailing Side View Nailing i Side View; (Available on Top View ( Do not some models) bend tab i 2 face nails (total) double shear nailing tabs and install nails straight Typical THA422 Top Flange Installation on a 4x2 Floor Truss THA44 Face -Mount (Min.) Installation lyNwa' ­_r Top Flange Installation fer to tnote 5 p.187 86 Simpson Strong -Tie® Wood Construction Connectors Eyyulmrm . Adjustable Truss Hangers (cont.) ® These products are available with additional corrosion protection. For more information, see p.15. 7 El 1. Uplift loads have been increased for earthquake or wind loading with no further increase allowed. Reduce where other bads govern. 2. Wind (160) is a download rating. 3. Min. top flange refers to the minimum length of strap that must be field -formed over the header. The tabulated bads for the THA29 with 11h" min. top flange are based on a single 2x carrying member; all other top -flange installation bads are based on a minimum 2-ply 2x carrying member. For 4x2 truss carrying members with double top chords, use the specified fasteners for full tabulated values. For single 4x2 top chord or nailer applications, refer to the Nailer Table. 4. Face -mount installation bads are based on a two-ply 2x carrying member minimum. For single 2x carrying members, use 0.148" x 11h" nails in the carrying member and tabulated fasteners in the carded member, and use 0.80 of the table value for 18 gauge, and 0.68 of the table value for 16 gauge and 14 gauge. 5. For the THA 2x models, one strap may be installed vertically according to the face -mount nailing requirements and the other strap wrapped over the truss chord according to the top -flange nailing requirements (see drawing on p. 186) and achieve full tabulated top -flange installation loads. 6. Refer to installation instructions regarding fastener installation into carried Qoist) member. Based on the installation condition, nails will be installed either straight with straighted double -shear nailing tabs or slanted. 7. Fasteners: Nail dimensions in the table are listed diameter by length. See pp. 21-22 for fastener information. W 4 18 Simpson Strong-TieO Wood Construction Connectors 1 Face -Mount Joist Hangers This product is preferable to similar connectors because of a) easier installation, b) higher loads, c) lower installed cost, or a combination of these features. The doubt -shear hanger series, ranging from the light -capacity LUS hangers to the highest -capacity HGUS hangers, feature inno ative double -shear nailing that distributes the load through two points on each gist nail for grew- r strength, This allows for fewer nails, faster installation and the use of all common nails for the same connection. For medium -load truss applications, the MUS offers a lower -cost alternative and easier installation than the HUS or THA hangers, while providing greater load capacity and bearing than the LUS. Material: See tables on pp. 194-195 Finish: Galvanized. Some products available in stainless steel or ZMAX® coating. See Corrosion Information, pp.13-15. Installation: • Use all specified fasteners; see General Notes. • Nails must be driven at an angle through the joist or truss into the header to achieve the table bads. " "` Not desigried for welded or nailer -applications.._-" Options: • LUS and MUS hangers cannot be modified • Concealed flanges are not available for HGUS and HHUS • Other sizes available; consult your Simpson Strong -Tie representative . Codes: See p.12 for Code Reference Key Chart m Double -Shear Nailing Top View Double -Shear Nailing Side View Do not bend tab Dome Double -Shear Nailing Side View (Available on g some models) 1' for 2x's iliis' for 4x's� e: t y H �W B LUS28 HHUS210-2 VV "- —< �MUS28 L O ,a C e O 8 dN .......... ... .�.. w r eo HUS210 (HUS26, HUS28, and HHUS similar) L-9s1o" HGUS28-2 Typical HUS26 Installation with Reduced Heel Height (multiple member fastening by Designer) 19 Simpson Strong -Tie'' Wood Construction Connectors w Face -Mount Joist Hangers (cont.) 55 SS' SSx 'Model', No: Min.` Heel Height Ga: Dimensions (tn.); ' Fasteners W ° -' H B Carrying. Member Cached ' Member , N' Single 2x Sizes LUS24;.,' , `;25A5 18 1946 1= 31/6 , 43%a , ,13/a 1 Ala {4)s0.148.x 3 _ =014$ x 3 .� {4 (=(4)°.0.148 �C 11 3 LUS26.. 41/a.' MUS26 4111AG 18 19/is 5 A6 2 (6) 0.148 x 3 (6) 0.148 x 3 HUS26 45/is 16 1 % 5% 3 (14) 0.162 x 31/2 (6) 0.162 x 31h ,HGUS26', ' - 45q6 12 1 Sjs ; 53/ 5 (20) 0162 x 31/e, (8) 0.1'62 X 31h LUS28 '` 414e' "1 18 - .19s 'fish ' `7 3/a (6} 0.1"48 x 3"' MUS28 6Si6 18 19/is 613A6 2 (8) 0.148 x 3 (8) 0.148 x 3 HUS28 61h 16 1 5/9 7 3 (22) 0.162 x 31h (8) 0.162 x 31h HGUS28 69/is 12 15/s 711s 5 (36) 0.162 x 31h (12) 0.162 x 31h LUS210'; 41/a" .'-` -".18 ' 1s -� - 71s 13✓a (8)U 148x 3­`': HUS210 8-%,; x 311z " (10) 0.162.x 37%z HGUS210, 8%,' - . 12, 15% " .91% : 5 " -(46f.0.162 x 3'lz, ] (16) 0162 >{ 14 - 1. See table below for allowable loads. These products are available with additional corrosion protection. For more information, see p.15. For stainless -steel fasteners, see p. 21. Many of these products are approved for installation t with Strong -Drive® SD Connector screws. See pp. 335-337 for more information. No:" Upliftl Floor I Snow Roof_.; Wind. Upliftt , Floor Snow Roof Wind I Upliftl,, .Floor Snow, I Roof (160) (100)' (115) (125) " (160) (160)' , (100) (115) (125) (160) (160) (10O) ,,(115) (125) 1,165 865 990 1,070 1,355 1,165 935 1,070 1,150 1,475 865 635 725 785 1,000 IBC, FL, 93 a 1,295' 1480< ' 1,560'; 1;560" a3J. ` 1,405 ; .1;560 ' 3 , 56.0` t 1L 955 ` -1;090 "1,1$0 5� `: LA 1,320 2,735 3,095 3,235 3,235 1,320 2,960 3,280 31280 3,280 1,150 2,350 2,660 2,780 2,78`l 875 , ,4,340 4;850' 5170", 539q t3/a: 4;690'° -5,220 90", 5390 "80- `,3,M _ ,3;610_ •".3,870 ,:3,98a: IBC, FL 1,165 1,100 1,260 1,350 1,725 1,165 1,195 1,360 1,465 1,73C 865 810 925 1,000 1,270 1,3 1 1,730 , 1,975 " 2,125 2,255" 1,32J ° -` 1875 = 2135 : s" 2,255 " 2 255 1. 5C Y ' 1;270 ` 1;455 '.1,575 .1,'955""' IBC, FL, LA 1,760 4,095 4,095 4,095 4,095 1,760 4,095 4,095 4,095 4,095 1,480 3,520 3,520 3,520 3,520 1;650 Z275 7,27',, 7,275'' „7,275 1,650 7,275- ;7,27&. 7,275 1,275 !f $26 , 3,670.; .3,820. 3,915 4,250 IBC, FL 1,165 1,335 1,530 1,640 2,090 1,165 1,450 1,655 1,775 2,270 865 985 1,120 1,215 1,500 IBC, FL, 245 ,-5,451 ' ,r: •.0- 5,830 "" 2;635 .. 5 95 . 7 0 ' ° ,83 z3 sit :2.220 2;"3' , 2 4L� 2;5 5 2 8 5 :; LA 2,090 9,100 9,100 9,100 9,100 2,090 9,100 9,100 9,100 1 9,100 1,545 6,340 6,730 1 61730 6,7 30 IBC, Fl- 1. For dimensions and fastener information, see table above. See table footnotes on p. 195. HHUS/HGUS See Hanger Options information on pp. 98-99. HHUS - Sloped and/or Skewed Seat • HHUS hangers can be skewed to a maximum of 45" and/or sloped to a maximum of 45' • For skew ony, maximum allowable download is 0.85 of the table load • For sloped only or sloped and skewed hangers, the maximum allowable download is 0.65 of the table load • Uplift loads for sloped/skewed conditions are 0.72 of the table load, not to exceed 2,475 lb. Acute • The joist must be bevel -cut to allow for double shear nailing side HGUS - Skewed Seat • HGUS hangers can be skewed only to a maximum of 45". Allowable loads are: p" 7� HGUS Seat Width Joist Down Load Uplift Specify angle W < 2" Square cut 0.62 of table load 0.46 of table load Top View HHUS Hanger W < 2" Bevel cut 0.72 of table load 0.46 of table load Skewed Right 2" < W < 6" Bevel cut 0.85 of table load 0.41 of table load Qoist must be bevel cut) All joist nails installed the 2" < W < 6" Square cut 0.46 of table load 0.41 of table load outside angle (non -acute side). W > 6" Bevel cut 0.85 of table load 0.41 of table load 0 z Z a 2 0 O w H U' Z O C' Z 0 m m 0 N m U 94 f Simpson Strong -Tie® Wood Construction Connectors UnTOM These products are available with For stainless Many of these products are approved for installation additional corrosion protection. steel fasteners, € with Strong -Drive® SD Connector screws. For more information, see p.15. see p. 21. See pp. 335-337 for more information. Double 2x Sizes HHUS26-2 4-516 14 3-/i6 5% 3 (14) 0.162 x 31/z (6) 0.162 x 31/z 11,820 2,830 3,190 1 3,415 4,250 1 1,135 2,435 1 2,745 1 2,935 1 3,655 HGUS26-2 49/i6 12 34ii6 57A6 4 (20) 0.162 x 31/z (8) 0.162 x 31/z 12,155 4,340 14,850 15,170 15,575 11,855 3,730 14,170 14,445 14,795 IBC, FL, LA LUS210-2 67/16 1 18 1 31A 9 2 (8) 0.162 x 31/z 1 (6) 0.162 x 31/2 1 1,445 11,83012,075 12,245 12,830 11,245 11,575 11,785 11,930 12,435 HHUS210-2 83/8 14 35ti6 87/a 3 (30) 0.16-2 x 31/z (10) 0.162 x 3'h 315550 5,705 6,435 6,485 1 6,485 3,335 1 4,905 5,340 5;060 5,190 HGUS210-2 89/I6 12 35ti6 9% 1 4 1 (46) 0.162 x 31/z (16) 0.162 x 31/z 1 4,095 19,10019,1001 9,1001 9,100 1 3,520 7,460 7,825 17,825 7,825 Triple 2x Sizes , ,ft7UJL0-J.x � ` 4'716;1 14' . F!71§ 7 /2 `,� y �, k4U) U.i�,DL x OY2, (,k81 U,IAG�(3 /2 G�4`?U 4,{54U. !ii t?UU, , 3, I U, ,4,4t1�, 4�f i15,�I IBC, FL, =HGUS28-3 61�46 12 4? 6 71/a ,"4 (36),0.762 x';(12)'0.162:x 31h 3 235 7,460' 7,4"60 7,460 7,460 2 780 `6,415 ;6;415 6 415 6,415`I LA HHUS210-3 83/s 14 4171A 87/8 3 (30) 0.162 x 31h (10) 0.162 x 31/z 3,405 5,630 6,375 6,485 6,485 2,930 4,840 5,485 5,575 5,575 FL HGUS21 D-3 813/6 12 415AG 91/a 4 (46) 0.162 x 31h (16) 0.162 x 31h 4,095 9,100 9,100 9,100 9,100 3,520 7,825 7,825 7,825 7,825 H6US212 3" `1057e'' ; 12 ' 4"Slis 103/a ;'4 (56),0762 x 31%z (20) 0.1fi2x31/z" 1; � {7 # �,045, s;1745 -9,-643 '' 1T80 ` ','71ai3 t'BC; IBC .FL, , . ,7780 LA Quadruple 2x Sizes Ill7UJLD'4, JY2,J, I4;.o7'ig :a,/ts `f, J4u)'UJU4x3Y2 0),U.IDGx3/2 ,,L,IJD 4�yU 14,03U 3,11U 3,310,1,033J 'JU" 41/U 4,44D 4,LsoeIBC, FL, HGUS28-4 71/a 12 69AG 73A6 4 (36) 0.162 x 31h (12) 0.162 x 31h 3,235 7,460 7,460 7,460 7,460 2,780 6,415 6,415 6,415 6,415 LA HHUS210-4 83/a 14 61/a 87/s 1 3 1 (30) 0.162 x 31/z (10) 0.162 x 31/z 3,405 5,630 6,375 6,485 6,485 2,930 4,840 5,485 5,575 5,575 FL 4x Sizes IBC, FL, LA IBC, FL LUS48 43/e 1 18 39A6 63/a 1 2 (6) 0.162 x 31h 1 (4) 0.162 x 31h 1,060. 11,315 11,490 11,610 12,030 1 910 11,130 11,280 11,385 1,745 IBC, FL, HUS48 61/8 14 3a/,6 7 2 (6) 0.162 x 31h (6) 0.162 x 31h 1,320 1,580 1,790 1,930 2,415 1,135 1,360 1,540 1,660 2,075 LA HHUS48 61/z 14 35A 71A 3 (22) 0.162 x 31/2 (8) 0.162 x 31h 1;760 4,265 4,810 5,155 5,980 1,515 3,670 4,135 4,435 5,145 HGUS48 67/,, 12 35/8 71ti6 4 (36) 0.162 x 31/z (12) 0.162 x 3'h 3,235 7,460 7,460 7,460 7,460 2,780 6,415 6,415 6,415 6,415 HGUS412 10346 12 3% 1103461 4 1 (56) 0.162 x 31h (20) 0.162 x 31/z 15,695 1 9,045 1 9,045 1 9,045 1 91045 1 4,900 1 7,780 1 7,780 1 7,780 17,780 HGUS414 11346 12 35/e 1123461 4 1 (66) 0.162 x 31h (22) 0.162 x 31h 1 5,695 10,125 10,125 10,125 10,125 4,900 18,190 18,190 18,190 18,190 Double 4x Sizes IBC, FL, LA FL 1. Uplift loads have been increased for earthquake or wind loading with no further increase allowed. Reduce where other bads govern. 2. Wind (160) is a download rating. 3. Minimum heel height shown is required to achieve full table loads. For less than minimum heel height, see technical bulletin T-C-REDHEEL at strongtie.com. 4. Truss chord cross -grain tension may limit allowable loads in accordance with ANSUTPI 1-2014. Simpson Strong Tie® Connector Selector® software includes the evaluation of cross -grain tension in its hanger allowable loads. For additional information, contact Simpson Strong -Tie. 5. Loads shown are based on a two-ply 2x carrying member minimum for nailed hangers. With 3x carrying members, use 0.162" x 21h" nails in the header and 0.162' x 31h' in the joist, with no load reduction. With single 2x carrying members, use 0.148" x 11h" nails in the header and 0.148" x 3" in the joist, and reduce the bad to 0.64 of the table value. 6. Fasteners: Nail dimensions in the table are listed diameter by length. See pp. 21-22 for fastener information. a 19 -HTU Face -Mount Truss Hanger The HTU face -mount truss hanger has nail patterns designed specifically for shallow heel heights, so that full allowable loads. (with minimum nailing) apply to heel heights as low as 37/s". Minimum and maximum nailing options provide solutions for varying heel heights and end conditions. Alternate allowable loads are provided for gaps between the end of the truss and the carrying member up to 1/2" max. to allow for greater construction tolerances (maximum gap for standard allowable loads is 1/a" per ASTM D1761 and D7147). See technical bulletin T C-HANGERGAP at strongtie.com for more information. Material: 16 gauge N L Finish: Galvanized .� Installation: 0 C• Use all specified fasteners; see General Notes C• Can be installed filling round holes only, or filling V round and triangle holes for maximum values M • See alternate installation for applications i using the HTU26 on a 2x4 carrying member or H HTU28 or HTU210 on a 2x6 carrying member for additional uplift capacity _.... Options:- d • HTU may be skewed up to 671/2°. See Hanger Options on pp. 98-99 for allowable loads. • See engineering letter L-C-HTUSD at strongtie.com for installation with Strong -Drive® SD fasteners. Codes: See p.12 for Code Reference Key Chart Min. heel height per table 9 Many of these products are approved for installation with Strong-DriveO SD Connector screws. See pp. 335-337 for more information. 5tanciard Allowable Loads (me MaXIMUM H HTU26 truss and carrying member HTU Installation for Standard Allowable Loads (for 112" maximum gap, use Altemate Allowable Loads.) Uap Typical HTU26 Minimum Nailing Installation Alternate Installation - HTU28 Installed on 2x6 Carrying Member (HTU210 similar) Min.` uimenslonsam.j rasteners pn.y. ulvar Anowaote"uoaas =. ( °a „ srt mr Aliowante t oaas 11 Model = " Cotle,i Heeli No Carrying Carried uplift Floar " Snow. Roof Wind Uplift Floor Snow"F Roof " "Wmd .Ref "Height U► tiMember Memher (t601 .f1001 G1151•• ° t'11251 :, fi60L " (1601- . f1001 . (11511 2x Sizes TH U4a �rviaa.), ­ ,;J 72, , • 178 n6 1 372 Icui u.ro4a P rz, ,x:uu -, � y u ru " -1,000 , c,o�u_I r, �a>, , F� 3, +oc - IBC, HTU28 (Min.) 37/a 15/e 71/i6 31/z (26) 0.162 x 31/z (14) 0.148 x l l/2 1,235 3,820 3,895 3,895 3,895 1,060 2,865 2,920° 2,920 2,920 FL, HTU28 (Max.) 71/a 15/e 71tie 3Yz (26) 0.162 x 31/z (26) 0.148 x 11/z 2,020 3,820 4,315 4,655 5,435 1;�35 3,285 3,710 4,005 4,675 LA HTU210 (Min.) . ` 37/a .' 15/a, . 91/a " 31W ` (32).0162 x 31/2'" (14) 0.148 X'11/i 1;330. 4,300' 4,301' 300 S i 1,145 ° 3;22u °3;22u ' 3.225 ^•22a HTU2i0 (Maxi 91/af,, ° 15/a= 9_Jis 31/z, '(32) 0.162,x,31h �. (32) 0.148 x' 1h 3;315 "4 705 a1 J = t 3C• 5 995 " �2,850 " 4 045;- 7ti5- - 4J301"] 5,155"'', Double 2x Sizes HTU26-2 (Min). 37/a,. '35fia 06' 31/z, (20) 0.162-x'3?h (14) 0.148X3 1,515 ,2;940. 3'K0 : �,580 . °3 910 1;305 1,850=;= 2,090 ' 2,255 2;465 HTU26 2 (Max) ;'° 5t/z : 35/i6 '•:57/�6i ;,3'h '.(2t)),0.162x3 3",'(20) 0:148;X,3 , 2;1-�5 , 2,940 3^,a80" :4,4ff0" j "1,80" 2;530•. 2,c35'S 3 ti:3855"i HTU28-2 (Min.) 37A 3!�i6 7% 31/z (26) 0.162 x 31/z (14) 0.148 x 3 1,530 3,820 4,310 4,310 4,310 1,315 2,865 3,235 3,235 3,235 IBC, HTU28-2 (Max.) 71/4 3-A6 71ti6 31/2 (26) 0.162 x 31/z (26) 0.148 x 3 3,485 3,820 4,315 4,655 5,825 2,995 3,285 .'3,71D: '4,00,5 �h>10 I_ LA NT1191n-91A'dfnl , Q7�.`a� `QS4a :g7ti. "Zt/,'�=/Z9\ n 1A9•v Rt/ ,Iid1 MdR"v`;X " ,.('7F5 : _��7lIF ; d RiF" "�d"R15 "d`.RiF I "1 F`If1 "� Z FQn;^ � Rill» -2 Rin .'4'Rin-: 1. The maximum hanger gap is measured between the joist (or truss) end and the carrying member. 2. Minimum heel heights required for. full table bads are based on a minimum 2:12 pitch. 3. Uplift bads have been increased for earthquake or wind loading with no further increase allowed. Reduce where other bads govern. 4. Wind (16D) is a download rating. 5. For hanger gaps between 'Au and 1k", use the Alternate Allowable Loads. 6. Truss chord cross -grain tension may limit allowable bads in accordance with ANSVFPI 1-2014. Simpson Strong -Tie Connector Selectors software includes the evaluation of cross -grain tension in its hanger allowable bads. For additional information, contact Simpson Strong -Tie. 7. Loads shown are based on a minimum two-ply 2x carrying member. For single 2x carrying members, use 0.148" x 1 V nails in the header and reduce the allowable download to 0.70 of the table value. The allowable uplift is 100% of the table bad. 96 8. Fasteners: Nail dimensions in the table are listed diameter by length. See pp. 21-22 for fastener information. Simpson Strong -Tie® Wood Construction Connectors Face -Mount Truss Hanger (cont.) 6 Many of these products are approved for installation with Strong -Drive® SD Connector screws. See pp. 335-337 for more information. Alternate Installation Table for 2x4 and 2x6 Carrying Member - _. 'C. tll1.1 .�• •°,':. ._. = incnror._ �,ncl uclr t.vvJ. w .(1w 1. 1 ¢.P_. 1 t .A-1U J twu), o, 1��.7J t1c0) trout HTU26 (Min.) 37/a (2) 2x4' (10) 0.162 x 31/2 (14) 0.148 x 11/z 925 1,470 1,660 1,790 1,875 795 1,265 1,430 1,540 1,615 HTU26 (Max.) 51/2 (2) 2x4 (10) 0.162 x 31h (20) 0.148 x 11/2 4,240 1,470 1,660 1,790 i 2,220 1065 1,265 1,430 1,540 -7777 1,910 (BC IiTU28' {IUlax.j " 71/4.. (2)"2x6 .(20) O.i$2 x 31h :(26)%0148 X'11h' 1,976 '2 940 ``M 2 '�8D '3;9D5' 1,695 ' '2,530 855' 3, l3U `' 3;360 `' FL, LA 1. See table above for dimensions and additional footnotes. 2. Maximum hanger gap for the alternative installation is 1h". 3. Wind (160) is a download rating. 4. Fasteners: Nail dimensions in the table are fisted diameter by length. See pp. 21-22 for fastener information. Alternative Allowable Loads (1/2" Maximum Hanger Gap) Min. Dimensions (m) Fasteners (m.) DFISP Allows _ T Model Heel No Height W H g Carrying Carved Upbft Floor Snoi Member Member {160) {100) (115 Single 2x Sizes H IULb.(MaX.)" .b%2, l:%5. b%16 i. d'h, ("LU}'U.IbZ X:i'lz (LUJ U,l4Lixl'h lLl'� Ly4U� i,;i�`iE �'.SU �yf}:;, h04b. 18'J0 `Liaw�6tb �,LS:' �L8,`- 1 .1IBC, HTU28 (Min.) 37/e 1 15/a 7M,, 1 31/z (26) 0.162 x 31/2 (14) 0.148 x 11/2 1,110 3,770 3,770 3,770 3,770 1 955 2,825 2,825 2,825 2,825 FL, LA HTU28 (Max.) 71/4 1 15/a 1 71fia 1 31/z 1 (26) 0.162 x 31/z 1 (26) 0.148 x 11h 1 1,920 3,820 1 4,315 4,655 15,015 1 1,695 2,865 13t235 3,490 3,765 b Double 2x Sizes HTU28-2 (Min.) 37/a 3-546 1 71/ia 1 31/x (26) 0.162 x 31/z (14)0.148x3 11,490 13,820 13,980 13,980 13,980 11,280 12,865 12,985 12,985 12,985 IBC, FL, HTU28-2 (Max.) 71/4 3�a 711A6 31/2 (26) 0.162 x 31/2 (26) 0.148 x 3 3,035 3,820 4,315 4,655 5,520 2,610 2,865 3,235 3,490 4,140 LA HTU2,10-2 (Min.) 37/e " - 3; a. 9Yc 31h _ { 2) 0.162 xa31h (14)'0'.148 x 3 -1;755 _ q,255, 4,255 -A,'255 ° '4,255 '• 1,510 .. 3,190 i '3,190 _3?90 , 3,19D f 1. The maximum hanger gap is measured between the joist (or truss) end and the carrying member. 2. Minimum heel heights required for full table bads are based on a minimum 2:12 pitch. 3. Upfift loads have been increased for earthquake or wind loading with no further increase allowed. Reduce where other bads govern. 4. Wind (160) is a download rating. 5. For hanger gaps between 1/a" and 1h", use the Alternate Allowable Loads. 6. Truss chord cross -grain tension may Emit allowable bads in accordance with ANSVrPI 1-2014. Simpson Strong -Tie® Connector Selector® software includes the evaluation of cross -grain tension in its hanger allowable bads. For additional information, contact Simpson Strong -Tie. 7. Loads shown are based on a minimum two-ply 2x carrying member. For single 2x carrying members, use 0.148" x 1112" nails in the header and reduce the allowable download to 0.70 of the table value. The allowable upfrft is 100% of the table load. 8. Fasteners: Nail dimensions in the table are listed diameter by length. See pp. 21-22 for fastener information. 19 Simpson Strong -Tie® Wood Construction Connectors Medium -Duty Face -Mount Hangers HU/HUC hangers may be installed on a masonry/concrete wall as described below. Additionally, HU hangers with one flange concealed may be installed similarly. HU and HUC products are heavy-duty face -mount joist hangers made from 14-gauge galvanized steel. • The HUC is a concealed flange (face flanges turned in) version of the HU. • HU is available with both flanges concealed, provided the W dimension is 25/s" or greater, at 100% of the table load. Specify HUC. • HU is available with one flange concealed when the W dimension is less than 25/16" at 100% of the table load. Specify as an 'X' version and specify flange to conceal. • For any' HU or HUC shown in this catalog, the user may substitute all face nails with 1/4" x 13/4" Titen® 2 screws (Model TTN2-25134H) for concrete and 1/4` x 21/4" Titen 2 screws (model 17N2-25234H) for GFCMU. Follow all installation instructions and use the loads from the sawn lumber or E MP sections. Material: 14 gauge Finish: Galvanized; ZMAX® and stainless steel available Installation: • Attach the hangers to concrete or GFCMU walls using hex -head Titen 2 screws. Titen screws for GFCMU (1/4° x 23/4" — Model 7TN2-25234H) and for concrete (1/4" x 13/4" — Model . TTN2-25134H) are not provided with the hangers. • Drill the 3/1e°-diameter hole to the specified embedment depth plus 1/2". • Alternatively, drill the 3/1e°-diameter hole to the specified embedment depth and blow it clean using compressed air. • Caution: Oversized -diameter holes in the base material will reduce or eliminate the mechanical interlock of the threads with the base material and will reduce the anchor's load capacity. • Titen Installation Tool Kits are available. They include a Y11e° drill bit and hex -head driver bit (Model TTNT01-RC); a 3/15" x 41/2" drill bit is also available (Model MDB18412). • A minimum edge distance of 11/2' and minimum end distance of 37/5" is required as shown in Figure 1 for full uplift load. • Where no uplift load is required, a minimum end distance of 11/2" is permitted. Codes: See p.12 for Code Reference Key Chart Concealed flanges HUC410 e2me rni. HU214 Figure 1 — HUC410 Installed on . Masonry Block End Wall Figure 2 — HUC410 Installed on Masonry Block End Wall 23 Simpson• • ••• Construction Connectorsi • . HU/HUC/HSUR/L . -Medium-Duty Face -Mount Hangers (cont.) MI ThPSP. nrnrh 1C1R qrp. AVAIhhIP. urith nrlrlifinnni n mncinn nrnt-firm Fnr mnm inf-tin, - n i F Model ". No' HU26 HU26X (4) 1/4 x 23/4 (4) 1/4 x 13/4 (2) 0.148 x 11/2 335 1,000 335 1 1,545 HU28" f HU28X { 6 °'/ax 231a "° 6ifa x 131a x81 ' HU24-2 HUC24-2 (4)1/4 x 23/4 (4)1/4 x 13/4 (2) 0.148 x 3 380 1,000 380 1,545 HU26=2 (Min) HUC26 2 {8)?%a x 23/a ($ 4 x"131a (4) 0.148 x:3 760 a. 2,OOd ;: 760 3,200 -wax HUC26 2 vx23/4 2 '/aHU26A2 " 0 95Q: HU26.3 (Min.) HUC26-3 (Min.) (8)1/4 x 23/4 (8)1/4 x 13/4 (4) 0.148 x 3 760 2,000 760 3,200 HU26-3 (Max.) HUC26-3 (Max.) (12)1/4 x 23/4 (12)1/4 x 13/4 (6) 0.148 x 3 1,135 3,000 1,135 3,950 HU28-2,r M HUC28;2 in.) a °_ (10)�1fa x 2'/a „ {i0} 1/4 x 13fa o {4) 0 i4$x 3 ° '760 "° 2500 °`� 760 ` 725 HU28 2 (Max.) HUC28 2 {Max.} (14j,%4 x 2?l4 {14} 1/4 x 1314 (6j 0148 x';33,500 ; 1;135 4;92Q HU210 HU21OX (8)1/4 x 23/4 (8)1/4 x 13/4 (4) 0.148 x 11/2 545 2,000 760 2,415 HU210 2 (Min;). , ` HUC21Q 2 (MIn) ` (14} .1%4 x 23/4""' {j4)°"1fa x-1 s/a (6) 014$ z"3 1135 3,500 ;,'' "1,135, 4;920 HU2102(Max) HUC2102{Max}°,, {1$j?I4x23/a _l (1$}1/aX1af" F(i0)0148z3 1800 4500`= 1$00 5085; HU210-3 (Min.) HUC210-3 (Min.) (14)114 x 23/4 (14)1/4 x 13/4 (6) 0.148 x 3 1,135 3,500 1,135 4,920 HU210-3 (Max.) HU0210-3 (Max.) (18)114 x 23/4 (18)1/4 x 13/4 (10) 0.148 x 3 1,800 4,500 1,800 5,085 HU212 HU212X, 7777 {70)1/a x 23/4 (i 0)1fa x 131a �6} 0148 x 11h , . ' 1135 2,50D ' 1135 2 665 _ HU212-2 (Min.) HUC212-2 (Min.) (16)1/4 x 23/4 (16) 1/4 x 13/4 (6) 0.148 x 3 1,135 4,000 1,135 4,920 HU212-2 (Max.) HUC212-2 (Max.) (22)1/4 x 23/4 (22)114 x 13/4 (10) 0.148 x 3 1,350 5,085 1,350 5,085 HU214 HU214X (12)1/4 x 23/4 (12)1/4 x 3/4 (6) 0.148 x 11/2 1,135 2,665 1,135 1 2,665 HU214-2 {M n "_ ; HUC214' 2 (Mm.j {i"8)11<° 231a. '- {18)?fax 134."(8) 0148 X_34" " 7 515 4 500 1,515 5,085 HU214 2 (Max) HUC214-2 (Max) ,., (24}.!,Atl 23/4 " "• (24)1/4 x,13ia ,q,{12) 0148 z°3 2 015 "'"' ! 015 5;085 HU214-3 (Min.) HUC214-3 (Min.) (18)114 x 23/4 (18)1/4 x 13/4 (8) 0.148 x 3 1,515 4,500 1,515 5,085 HU214-3 (Max.) HUC214-3 (Max.) (24)1/4 x 23/4 (24)1/4 x 13/4 (12) 0.148 x 3 2,015 5,085 2,015 5,085 HU216X {1$)Ya x2l4 (1} 1fax1f$8) 04 1 9 1,515HU216 2,920 HU216-2 (Min.) HUC216-2 (Min.) (20)1/4 x 23/4 (20)114 x 13/4 (8) 0.148 x 3 1,515 4,920 1,515 4,920 HU216-2 (Max.) HUC216-2 (Max.) (26)1/4 x 23/4 (26)1/4 x 13/4 (12) 0.148 x 3 2,015 5,085 2,015 5,085 14U216.3 (Min.) " '` HUC216 3 (Mm) ;`` {20)1/a x 23/4 ;. '; (20}148'"x'3 ; °7 515 4 92D 1,515 -. ^;"4;920, HU216=3 {Max) ,, HUC2163 (Max.) ,; {26)?/4 x 23/a {26)'/4 x 13/a {12) 01d8)X;3 , 2 015 HU7 (Min.) (Not available) (12)1/4 x 23/4 (12)1/4 x 13/4 (4) 0.148 x 11/2 545 2,980 760 2,980 HU7 (Max.) (Not available) (16)1f4 x 23/4 (16)1/4 x 13/4 (8) 0.148 x 11/2 1,085 3,485 1,085 3,485 1 HU9 (Min) {Not avaf)abte) (18)'/ax 2�d �. (18) �f4x j *4 A H09 (Max) (Not available} �24),1f x 23/a -; (24j 1l4 x 13/a (19} 0148 x 11h i 445 3 735' 1445 ",3,735, HU11 (Min.) (Not available) (22)1/4 x 23/4 (22)1/4 x 13/4 (6) 0.148 x 11/2 1,135 3,230 1,135 3,230 HU11 (Max.) (Not available) (30)1/4 x 23/4 (30)1/4 x 13/4 (10) 0.148 x 11/2 1,445 3,735 1,445 3,735 HU, 0 nM {Not available) " s {28)'?/a1C23ta -..-, (28)?14.x1a14 (}014$x1 /z ,515 348 r 5 �, y 1',515 `3,485' H6147(Max) (Not available) (36}.?/a x 23/4 (36} 1/4 x 1 t4 (14) 0148 x 1112 2 015 4 245 ' 2,015 4,245+ U z Q 2 0 U 0 z cc z CL a z 0 0 0 N U U STAGGER JOINTS - TYP. B/SKIf RAISED HEEL ROOF TRUSSES ROOF SHEATHING- SEE I SEE PLAN SOFFIT/FASCIA- SEE ARCH. UPLIFT/SHEAR ANCHOR—T—V — I EACH TRUSS - SEE 5/SKI PLAN NOTE: ADD'L FRAMING NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY RAISED HEEL TRUSS BEARING/" A SCALE, TITS SKI RAISED HEEL ROOF TRUSSES -SEE PLAN 0 0- w N RIBBON BOARD- SEE SCHEDULE FOR SPACING It RIBBON BOARD- SEE FASTENING TO w N SCHEDULE FOR SPACING ! TRUSSES FASTENING TO TRUSSES WALL SHEATHING -SEE PLAN j MIN. 15/32' CDX PLYWOOD OR • 1 T 1/1V OSB WITH 5d GUN NAILS �MA50NRY WALL- ' (0.131' X 2 1/29 a V O.G. TO UPLIFT/SHEAR GYP. CEILING - SEE PLAN RIBBON BOARDS ANCHOR EACH SEE PLAN a DO NOT FASTEN RIBBON BOARD TRUSS- SEE PLAN SCHEDULE INTO END GRAIN OF ROOF TRUSS MA50NRY WALL - BOTTOM CHORD SEE PLAN RAISED HEEL TRUSS BEARINI, g SCALE. NTs SKI RIBBON SCHEDULE. DESIGN CRITERIA RIBBON MATERIAL RIBBON SPACING RIBBON ATTACHMENT Vult=165 MPH (vasd= MPH) (2) 12d GUN (0.131' X 3') EXP.. B, 25<4 SPF12 24' TO EACH TRUSS, (4) ENCLOSED NAILS AT JOINTS wld:MPH is (Vas13 MPH) (2) 12d GUN (0.131' X 3') EXP. EXP. G, 2Y,4 SPF02 16' TO EACH TRUSS, (4) ENCLOSED a NAILS AT JOINTS N O I- U m �Uzd Z 0 0 Ld Q o = LLj - O O O'FW w z (L 3 U W 17 �A ma § u E ❑ ❑ SHEEFTITLE: PoBBON OEifB fOR RNSFO NEE1 NOOf INSdES SHEET INFORMATION: im NO: ]dllld UAftISSUFO: IIABId ]PAYM BT: - -EWEO BT: BI SKJ ALPINSE" 'Akfll#CbMPANK January l.Q,, 2,024 :CAtijehite tContractors oInc, 41 A enue 6' NW Wint 0800-620i ... F4,3 Dear Matt It.h4s come 'A to my attention that -some questions ons mere raised '- ,. . - concerning 5%8," diameter .Me.hfl-the chords (Widdlkilpf sy44Zgable -end trusses tallow fb.t threaded rods used for; "tiedowns If t eselgableendsare over qonAlp4qq$ r fullyv►rfth one face shed' AYMAAe�cen Meo 6ce no clese. 'h i- -- 4"', ,w ffiQu: a inagi n"g: ?%A� ,p ates'Ar veft A X.0,01 any connec -6t" iC 'W jE% narep iris-r q4krqd-.T etruss orisgporu* feet, .'TlOr, ba s-Ahd noadditional. Toad.- If you' have ariy ;,,,p ease give me a call, Sincerely; r,.e.yl;. $T TE OF Suite l05 Orlando, FL3, 82.tz-(400) -1-W90--'(863)422-,8685 WW,,w-q,jp(QpffMcq!n This dUCLp wthasboo8i9C.#3ork signed Alpine, an ITW Company Wd Seaed 009 a 01 SgrMfs. f'riOd 6750 Forum Drive, Suite 305 co&s M#X)tt w odgind SiVeArs ffW be Orlando, FL 32821 ALPINE E Phone: 800 755-6001 �ti�iecr�rgmeoti�r>�elcye�ior,. c ) n,d.k ANRYi (04viPANY www.alpineitw.com i COA i10 278 03105/2021 Ma. 74; =* STAT ' customer_ . Carpenter Contractors of America jjob,Number N334504 Job Des c tion: 7H5/320,182ED,F ,02G ,Rl01 / 1828/CALI/4EBB ELEV.D/F ,Address: z — 3o4f1[,Etlll 11�11ie3ta Design Code:. FBC 7th Ed: 2020 Res IntelliVIEW Version: 20.02.00A JRef#.- 1X3G89750040 end Standard: ASCE7-16 Wind Speed (mph): 160 Design Loading (pst):: 37.00 30ding Type: Closed This package contains general notes pages, 29 truss drawing(s) and 5 detail(s). 1 064.21.1100,22418 Al 3 064..21.1100.24293 A3 5 064.21,.1100.22028 A5 7 064:21.1100.23527 A6 9 064.21.1100:24169 A10 11 064-21.1100.24106 A14G 13 064.21 . 1100.24309 82GE 15 064.21.1100.24216 C2GE 17 064.21.1100.24513 D2 19 064.21.1100 24199 V4 21 064.21.1100.24105 EJ7 23 064.21.1100:24465 EJ3 25 064.21.1100.24467 CJ5 27 064.21.1100.24294 CJ 1 29 064.21.1100.24262 HJ3A 31 GBLLETIN0118 33 VAL180160118 Item := Dra+rig IVu safer 7 toss 2 064.21.1100.24074 A1A 4 064.21.1100.23371 A4 6 064.21.1100.24230 A5GE 8 064.21.1100.21621 A8 10 064.21.1100.23872 Al2 12 064.21.1100.22496 B1 14 064.21_11'00.22652 C1 16 064.21.1100,24355 D1 18 06421 .1 100.24512 D3G 20 064.21.1100.24527 V8 22 064,21.1100.24402 EJ7A 24 064.21.1100,22137 EJ2 26 064:21.1100.24497 CJ3 28 064.21.1100.24090 HJ7 30 A16015ENC160118 32 CNNAILSP1014 34 VALTN160118 r kt iorAa Certificate of Product Approval #FL1999' Printed 3/5/2021 11:09,33 AM General Notes Truss Design Engineer Scope of Work, Design Assumptions and Design Responsibilities: The design responsibilities assumed in the preparation of these design drawings are those specified in ANSI/TPI 1, Chapter 2; and the National Design Standard for Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction, by the Truss Plate Institute. The truss component designs conform to the applicable provisions of ANSI/TPI 1 and NDS, the National Design Specification for Wood Construction by AWC. The truss component designs are based on the specified loading and dimension information furnished by others to the Truss Design Engineer. The Truss Design Engineer has no duty to independently verify the accuracy or completeness of the information provided by others and may rely on that information without liability. The responsibility for verification of that information remains with others neither employed nor controlled by the Truss Design Engineer. The Truss Design Engineer's seal and signature on the attached drawings, or cover page listing these drawings, indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for the truss component designs and not for the technical information furnished by others which technical information and consequences thereof remain their sole responsibility. The suitability and use of these drawings for any particular structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1 Chapter 2. The Building Designer is responsible for determining that the dimensions and loads for each truss component match those required by the plans and by the actual use of the individual component, and for ascertaining that the loads shown on the drawings meet or exceed applicable building code requirements and any additional factors required in the particular application. Truss components using metal connector plates with integral teeth shall not be placed in environments that will cause the moisture content of the wood in which plates are embedded to exceed 19% and/or cause corrosion of connector plates and other metal fasteners. The Truss Design Engineer shall not be responsible for items beyond the specific scope of the agreed contracted work set forth herein, including but not limited to: verifying the dimensions of the truss component, calculation of any of the truss component design loads, inspection of the truss components before or after installation, the design of temporary or permanent bracing and their attachment required in the roof and/or floor systems, the design of diaphragms or shear walls, the design of load transfer connections to and from diaphragms and shear walls, the design of load transfer to the foundation, the design of connections for truss components to their bearing supports, the design of the bearing supports, installation of the truss components, observation of the truss component installation process, review of truss assembly procedures, sequencing of the truss component installation, construction means and methods, site and/or worker safety in the installation of the truss components and/or its connections. This document may be a high quality facsimile of the original engineering document which is a digitally signed electronic file with third party authentication. A wet or embossed seal copy of this engineering document is available upon request. Temporary Lateral Restraint and Bracing: Temporary lateral restraint and diagonal bracing shall be installed according to the provisions of BCSI chapters B1, B2, B7 and/or B10 (Building Component Safety Information, by TPI and SBCA), or as specified by the Building Designer or other Registered Design Professional. The required locations for lateral restraint and/or bracing depicted on these drawings are only for the permanent lateral support of the truss members to reduce buckling lengths, and do not apply to and may not be relied upon for the temporary stability of the truss components during their installation. Permanent Lateral Restraint and Bracing: The required locations for lateral restraint or bracing depicted on these drawings are for the permanent lateral support of the truss members to reduce buckling lengths. Permanent lateral support shall be installed according to the provisions of BCSI chapters B3, B7 and/or B10, or as specified by the Building Designer or other Registered Design Professional. These drawings do not depict or specify installation/erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar building stability bracing which are parts of the overall building design to be specified, designed and detailed by the Building Designer. Connector Plate Information: Alpine connector plates are made of ASTM A653 or ASTM A1063 galvanized steel with the following designations, gauges and grades: W=Wave, 20ga, grade 40; H=High Strength, 20ga, grade 60; S=Super Strength, 18ga, grade 60. Information on model code compliance is contained in the ICC Evaluation Service report ESR-1118, available on-line at www. icc-es. oro. Fire Retardant Treated Lumber: Fire retardant treated lumber must be properly re -dried and maintained below 19% or less moisture level through all stages of construction and usage. Fire retardant treated lumber may be more brittle than untreated lumber. Special handling care must be taken to prevent breakage during all handling activities. Page 1 of 3 General Notes (continued) Key to Terms: Information provided on drawings reflects a summary of the pertinent information required for the truss design. Detailed information on load cases, reactions, member lengths, forces and members requiring permanent lateral support may be found in calculation sheets available upon written request. BCDL = Bottom Chord standard design Dead Load in pounds per square foot. BCLL = Bottom Chord standard design Live Load in pounds per square foot. CL = Certified lumber. Des Ld = total of TCLL, TCDL, BCLL and BCDL Design Load in pounds per square foot. FRT = Fire Retardant Treated lumber. FRT-DB = D-Blaze Fire Retardant Treated lumber. FRT-DC = Dricon Fire Retardant Treated lumber. FRT-FP = FirePRO Fire Retardant Treated lumber. FRT-FL = FlamePRO Fire Retardant Treated lumber. FRT-FT = FlameTech Fire Retardant Treated lumber. FRT-PG = PYRO-GUARD Fire Retardant Treated lumber. g = green lumber. HORZ(LL) = maximum Horizontal panel point deflection due to Live Load, in inches. HORZ(TL) = maximum Horizontal panel point long term deflection in inches, due to Total Load, including creep adjustment. HPL = additional Horizontal Load added to a truss Piece in pounds per linear foot or pounds. Ic = Incised lumber. FJ = Finger Jointed lumber. L/# = user specified divisor for limiting span/deflection ratio for evaluation of actual L/defl value. L/defl = ratio of Length between bearings, in inches, divided by the vertical Deflection due to creep, in inches, at the referenced panel point. Reported as 999 if greater than or equal to 999. Loc = Location, starting location of left end of bearing or panel point (joint) location of deflection. Max BC CSI = Maximum bending and axial Combined Stress Index for Bottom Chords for of all load cases. Max TC CSI = Maximum bending and axial Combined Stress Index for Top Chords for of all load cases. Max Web CSI= Maximum bending and axial Combined Stress Index for Webs for of all load cases. NCBCLL = Non -Concurrent Bottom Chord design Live Load in pounds per square foot. PL = additional Load applied at a user specified angle on a truss Piece in pounds per linear foot or pounds. PLB = additional vertical load added to a Bottom chord Piece of a truss in pounds per linear foot or pounds PLT = additional vertical load added to a Top chord Piece of a truss in pounds per linear foot or pounds. PP = Panel Point. R = maximum downward design Reaction, in pounds, from all specified gravity load cases, at the indicated location (Loc). -R = maximum upward design Reaction, in pounds, from all specified gravity load cases, at the identified location (Loc). Rh = maximum horizontal design Reaction in either direction, in pounds, from all specified gravity load cases, at the indicated location (Loc). RL = maximum horizontal design Reaction in either direction, in pounds, from all specified non -gravity (wind or seismic) load cases, at the indicated location (Loc). Rw = maximum downward design Reaction, in pounds, from all specified non -gravity (wind or seismic) load cases, at the identified location (Loc). TCDL = Top Chord standard design Dead Load in pounds per square foot. TCLL = Top Chord standard design Live Load in pounds per square foot. U = maximum Upward design reaction, in pounds, from all specified non -gravity (wind or seismic) load cases, at the indicated location (Loc). VERT(CL) = maximum Vertical panel point deflection in inches due to Live Load and Creep Component of Dead Load in inches. VERT(CTL) = maximum Vertical panel point deflection ratios due to Live Load and Creep Component of Dead Load, and maximum long term Vertical panel point deflection in inches due to Total load, including creep adjustment. VERT(LL) = maximum Vertical panel point deflection in inches due to Live Load. VERT(TL) = maximum Vertical panel point long term deflection in inches due to Total load, including creep adjustment. W = Width of non -hanger bearing, in inches. Refer to ASCE-7 for Wind and Seismic abbreviations. Uppercase Acronyms not explained above are as defined in TPI 1 Page 2 of 3 References: 1. AWC: American Wood Council; 222 Catoctin Circle SE, Suite 201; Leesburg, VA 20175; www.awc.org. 2. [CC: International Code Council; www.iccsafe.org. 3. Alpine, a division of ITW Building Components Group Inc.: 514 Earth City Expressway, Suite 242, Earth City, MO 63045; www.alpineitw.com. 4. TPI: Truss Plate Institute, 2670 Crain Highway, Suite 203, Waldorf, MD 20601; www.tpinst.org. 5. SBCA: Wood Truss Council of America, 6300 Enterprise Lane, Madison, WI 53719; www.sbcindust[y.com. Page 3 of 3 SEQN: 250001 / COMN Ply: 1 FROM: RWM Qty: 16 6'1'7 6'1"7 Job Number: N334504 ,7A5/320 ,182ED,F ,02G ,R101 / 1828/CALI/4EBB ELEV.D/F Truss Label: Al 12'11"15 19'10" 26'8"1 6'10"8 6101 = 5X5 E �,1 110'0' Loading Criteria (psi) Wind Criteria TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II EXP: C Kzt: NA Des Ld: 37.00 Mean Height: 15.00 it NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL: 4.2 psf Soffit: 0.00 BCDL: 5.0 psf Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: h to 2h Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.97 ft Loc. from endwall: not in 9.00 ft GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.60 Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Bot chord: 2x4 SP #1; Webs: 2x4 SP #3; W3,W4,W5 2x4 SP #2 N; Bracing (a) 1X4 #3SRB or better continuous lateral restraint to be equally spaced. Attach with (2) 8d Box or Gun nails(0.113"x2.5",min.). Restraint material to be supplied and attached at both ends to a suitable support by erection contractor. (a) or scab reinforcement may be used in lieu of CLR restraint. substitute (1) scab for (1) CLR and (2) scabs for (2) CLR'S where shown. Scab reinforcement to be same size, species, grade, and 80% length of web member. Attach with 0.128x3" gun nails @ 6" oc. Loading Truss passed check for 20 psf additional bottom chord live load in areas with 42"-high x 24"-wide clearance. Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. 39'8" 9'10" 19,10" Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA Pf: NA Ce: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA Snow Duration: NA Building Code: FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. TPI Std: 2014 Rep Fac: Yes FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Plate Type(s): 9101, Cust:R8976 JRef:1X3G89750040 T10 / DrwNo: 064.21.1100.22418 TCE / YK 03/05/2021 33'6"9 39,8" 6'17 Defl/CSI Criteria PP Deflection in loc Udefl U# VERT(LL): 0.222 K 999 240 VERT(CL): 0.385 K 999 240 HORZ(LL): 0.081 J - - HORZ(TL): 0.140 J - Creep Factor: 2.0 Max TC CSI: 0.617 Max BC CSI: 0.882 Max Web CSI: 0.457 Ve r: 2 0.02.00A.1020.20 it 4� 1�rrowr•r•rrr • o. 7�08 1 r i r• r(1, { �r 1 �• of � ••r��•rruJ}j�rlrfr.�rr �1� COA $ tit 11 ei}t$A 03/05/2021 10' 1 39'8" ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) Gravity Non -Gravity Loc R+ /R- /Rh /Rw /U /RL B 1711 A /- /961 /309 /444 H 1711 A A /961 /309 /- Wind reactions based on MWFRS B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 2.0 H Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 2.0 Bearings B & H are a rigid surface. Bearings B & H require a seat plate. Members not listed have forces less than 375# Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. B - C 1490 - 3155 E - F 1130 - 2029 C - D 1366 - 2875 F - G 1366 - 2875 D - E 1130 - 2029 G - H 1490 - 3155 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. B - L 2759 -1207 K - J 2278 - 858 L - K 2278 - 879 J - H 2759 -1186 Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. L - D 541 -134 K - F 530 - 745 D - K 530 - 745 F - J 541 -134 E - K 1362 - 605 **WARNING— READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handling shipping, installing and bracing. , Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Information, by TPI an c7 SBCA) r safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI. Unless noted otherwise, top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracin installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or B10, as applicable. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Join Details, unless noted otherwise. Refer to ALPINE drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Refer to job's General Notes page for additional information. Alpine, a division of ITW Building Components Group Inc. shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, anyfailure to build the -CO -A. truss in conformance with ANSI 1, or for handling, shipping,, installat!on and bracing of trusses. A seal on this drawin or cover pa a 6750 Forum Drive listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely -for the design shown. The suitability and use of this drawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building -Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. Suite 305 For more information see these web sites: Alpine: al ineitw.com; TPI: t inst.or ; SBCA: sbcindust .com; ICC: iccsafe.or ; AWC: awc.org Orlando FL, 32821 SEQN: 250030 / COMN Ply: 1 Job Number: N334504 Cust: R 8975 JRef:1X3G89750040 T25 / FROM: ALS Qty: 1 7A5/320 ,182ED,F ,02G ,RI01 / 1828/CALI/4EBB ELEV.D/F DrwNo: 064.21.1100.24074 Truss Label: A1A TCE / YK 03/05/2021 7'11"2 12' 17'1"12 19'10" 23'8" 31'8"14 39'8" 7'11"2 4'0"14 i' S'1"12 2'8"4+ 3'10" 8'0"14 + 7'11"2 =6X6 F 39'8" 3'9"3 2'1'12 3' 6'8" 8'0"11 7'11"5 1' 8'1"1 11'W-41 14' 17' 23'8" 31'8"11 + 39'8" Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II EXP: C Kzt: NA Des Ld: 37.00 Mean Height: 15.00 ft NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL: 4.2 psf Soffit: 0.00 BCDL: 5.0 psf Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: h to 2h Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.97 ft Loc. from endwall: not in 9.00 ft GCp!: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.60 Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; T1 2x4 SP #1; Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Webs: 2x4 SP #3; W3,W6,W9,W11 2x4 SP #2 N; Bracing (a) 1X4 #3SRB or better continuous lateral restraint to be equally spaced. Attach with (2) 8d Box or Gun nails(0.113"x2.5",min.). Restraint material to be supplied and attached at both ends to a suitable support by erection contractor. (a) or scab reinforcement may be used in lieu of CLR restraint. substitute (1) scab for (1) CLR and (2) scabs for (2) CLR'S where shown. Scab reinforcement to be same size, species, grade, and 80% length of web member. Attach with 0.128x3" gun nails @ 6" oc. Plating Notes All plates are 2X4 except as noted. (1) - plates so marked were sized using 0% Fabrication Tolerance, 0 degrees Rotational Tolerance, and/or zero Positioning Tolerance. Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. ' The 5-0-0 section of Bottom Chord at 8-8-0 elevation between panel points R and N may be field -removed as required provided that all remaining plate/wood contact areas stay intact and undisturbed. Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA Pf: NA Ce: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA Snow Duration: NA Building Cade: FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. TPI Std: 2014 Rep Fac: Yes FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Plate Type(s): Defl/CSI Criteria PP Deflection in ]cc L/defl L/# VERT(LL): 0.386 O 999 240 VERT(CL): 0.669 0 706 240 HORZ(LL): 0.168 K - - HORZ(TL): 0.314 K - Creep Factor: 2.0 Max TC CSI: 0.791 Max BC CSI: 0.896 Max Web CSI: 0.765 VIEW Ver: 20.02.00A.1020.20 Laterally brace Bottom Chord above filler at 24" oc, including a lateral brace at chord ends. (Not required if 5-0-0 section of lower Bottom Chord is removed as noted (')). GE s ° COA st NAL �nds�nonw���� 03/05/2021 ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) Gravity Non -Gravity Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL B 1556 /- /- /961 /309 /444 1 1556 /- /- /961 /309 /- Wind reactions based on MWFRS B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 2.2 1 Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 2.2 Bearings B & I are a rigid surface. Bearings B & I require a seat plate. Members not listed have forces less than 375# Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. B - C 1410 - 2745 F - G 1410 - 2068 C - D 2144 - 4245 G - H 1218 - 2103 D - E 1499 - 2794 H -1 1423 - 2777 E - F 1658 - 2771 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. B - S 2371 -1107 L - K 2402 -1107 Q - M 3738 -1614 K - I 2406 -1106 Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp C - S 814 -1523 M - F 2007 -1008 C - Q 1476 - 551 M - L 1864 - 604 S - Q 2850 -1327 F - L 492 - 506 Q - D 1271 - 562 L - G 452 - 368 D - M 825 -1539 L - H 475 - 688 "WARNING" READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handlin shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Information, by TPI and SBCA) fo'r safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI. Unless noted otherwise, top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for of lateral restraint of webs shall have bracin installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or B10, as applicable. AppTy plates to each face o truss and position as shown above and on the Joint9Details, unless noted otherwise. Refer to ALPINE drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Refer to job's General Notes page for additional information. Alpine, a division of ITW BuildincLComponents Group Inc. shall not. be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSIPI1, or for handling, shipping,, installation and bracin of trusses. A seal on this drawing or cover pa a 6750 Forum Drive listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional enc�rneering responsibility solely or the design shown. The suitability and use of This drawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. Suite 305 For more information see these web sites: Alpine: al ineitw.com; TPI: t insl.or ; SBCA: sbcindust .com; ]CC: iccsafe.or ; AM: awc.org Orlando FL, 32821 SEQN: 250031 / COMN Ply: 1 Job Number: N334504 Cust: R8975 JRef:1X3G89750040 T2 I FROM: RWM Qty: 1 ,7A5/320 ,182ED,F ,02G ,RI01 / 1828/CALI/4EBB ELEV.D/F DrwNo: 064.21.1100.24293 Truss Label: A3 / YK 03/05/2021 6'1"7 12'11"15 19,10" 24'4" 4'6" =5X5 E f1' i 10' Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II EXP: C Kzt: NA Des Ld: 37.00 Mean Height: 15.00 ft NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL: 4.2 psf Soffit: 0.00 BCDL: 5.0 psf Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: h to 2h Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.97 ft Loc. from endwall: not in 9.00 ft GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.60 Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Bat chord: 2x4 SP #1; 133,134 2x4 SP #2 N; Webs: 2x4 SP #3; W3,W4,W5,W7 2x4 SP #2 N; Bracing (a) 1X4 #3SRB or better continuous lateral restraint to be equally spaced. Attach with (2) 8d Box or Gun nails(0.113"x2.5",min.). Restraint material to be supplied and attached at both ends to a suitable support by erection contractor. (a) or scab reinforcement may be used in lieu of CLR restraint. substitute (1) scab for (1) CLR and (2) scabs for (2) CLR'S where shown. Scab reinforcement to be same size, species, grade, and 80% length of web member. Attach with 0.128x3" gun nails @ 6" oc. Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. 20'8" 9'10" Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA Pf. NA Ce: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA Snow Duration: NA Building Code: FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. TPI Std: 2014 Rep Fac: Yes FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Plate Type(s): 33'6"9 J 39'6" 979 6'1"7 133 1114X4 — 5'8" 13,4" 46 54" 10 1� 24'4" 29'6" 39'8" Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs), or'=PLF PP Deflection in loc L/defl L/# Gravity Non -Gravity VERT(LL): 0.033 M 999 240 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL VERT(CL): 0.082 M 999 240 B 871 /_ /_ /610 /172 /444 HORZ(LL): 0.011 L - - N' 247 /- /- /156 f73 /- HORZ(TL): 0.024 C - H 508 /- /- /427 /147 /- Creep Factor: 2.0 Wind reactions based on MWFRS Max TC CSI: 0.961 B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 Max BC CSI: 0.737 N Brg Width = 68.0 Min Req = - Max Web CSI: 0.420 H Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 Bearings B, N, & H are a rigid surface. Bearings B & H require a seat plate. Members not listed have forces less than 375# VIEW Ver: 20.02.00A.1020.20 Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. B - C 606 -1330 G - H 246 - 579 03/05/2021 C - D 479 -1037 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp B - M 1138 - 532 K - J 952 - 498 M - L 691 - 320 J - H 484 -143 L - K 967 - 518 Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp C - M 375 - 360 K - F 885 -1188 M - D 558 -150 F - J 573 - 255 D - L 559 - 715 J - G 495 - 484 L - F 769 - 272 "WARNING— READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handlingshipping, installingand bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Information, by TPI and SBCA) r safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI. Unless noted otherwise, top chord shall have properir attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracin installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or B10, as applicable. Apply plates to each face, of truss and position as shown above and on the Join Details, unless noted otherwise. Refer to ALPINE drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Refer to job's General Notes page for additional information. Alpine, a division of ITW Buildin$Components Group Inc. shall not. be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any failure to build the nanwcor. AW truss in conformance with ANSI/TPI 1, or for handling, shipping,. Installation and bracing4 of trusses. A seal on this drawing or cover page 6750 Forum Drive listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional enpineenng responsibili(t�� solely for the design shown. The suitability and use of this drawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building -Designer per ANSI/TP1 1 Sec.2. Suite 305 For more information see these web sites: Alpine: al ineitw.com; TPI: t inst.or ; SBCA: sbcindusl .com; ICC: iccsafe.or ; AWC: awc.org Orlando FL, 32821 SEQN: 2500321 HIPS Ply: 1 Job Number: N334504 Cust: R 8975 JRef:1X3G89750040 T9 / FROM: RWM Qty: 1 7A5/320 ,182ED,F ,02G ,RIO1 / 1828/CALI/4EBB ELEV.D/F DrwNo: 064.21.1100.23371 Truss Label: A4 SSB / WHK 03/05/2021 6'1"7 6' 1 "7 12'6^15 19' zo'Q" 27'1"1 6'S"8 6'5"1 J." 6'51 :5X5=5X5 E F 39'8" 33'6"9 39'8" 6'5"8 6'17 10' 19,10"-{- Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II EXP: C Kzt: NA Des Ld: 37.00 Des Ld:: 37.00 Mean Height: 15.00 It TCDL: 4.2 psf Soffit: 0.00 BCDL: 5.0 psf Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: h to 2h Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.97 It Loc. from endwall: not in 9.00 ft GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.60 Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Bot chord: 2x4 SP #1; Webs: 2x4 SP #3; W3,W4,W5,W6 2x4 SP #2 N; Bracing (a) 1X4 #3SRB or better continuous lateral restraint to be equally spaced. Attach with (2) 8d Box or Gun nails(0.113"x2.5",min.). Restraint material to be supplied and attached at both ends to a suitable support by erection contractor. (a) or scab reinforcement may be used in lieu of CLR restraint. substitute (1) scab for (1) CLR and (2) scabs for (2) CLR'S where shown. Scab reinforcement to be same size, species, grade, and 80% length of web member. Attach with 0.128x3" gun nails @ 6" oc. Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA Pf: NA Ce: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA Snow Duration: NA Building Code: FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. TPI Std: 2014 Rep Fac: Yes FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Plate Type(s): Defl/CSI Criteria PP Deflection in loc Udefl U# VERT(LL): 0.172 L 999 240 VERT(CL): 0.321 L 999 240 HORZ(LL): 0.066 K - - HORZ(TL): 0.123 K Creep Factor: 2.0 Max TC CSI: 0.480 Max BC CSI: 0.747 Max Web CSI: 0.625 EW Ver: 20.02.00A.1020.20 : 0 p. 708 1 f • ,o :• SAT 0 ' • ��t,. COA #N.22 03/05/2021 "WARNING" READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! RTANT'• FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) Gravity Non -Gravity Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL B 1556 /- /- /963 /310 /427 1 1556 /- /- /963 /310 /- Wind reactions based on MWFRS B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.8 I Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.8 Bearings B & I are a rigid surface. Bearings B & I require a seat plate. Members not listed have forces less than 375# Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. B - C 1542 - 2800 F - G 1182 -1779 C - D 1425 - 2521 G - H 1425 - 2521 D - E 1182 -1779 H - 1 1542 - 2800 E - F 1159 -1559 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. B - M 2444 -1262 L - K 2030 - 937 M - L 2030 - 957 K - 1 2444 -1241 Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. M - D 508 -119 L - F 548 - 356 D - L 521 - 683 L - G 521 - 683 E - L 548 - 356 G - K 508 -119 ne, a division of ITW BuildinqqComponents Group Inc. shall not,be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any failure to build the s in conformance with ANSI/TPI 1, or for handling, shipping,. installation and bracing of trusses. A seal on this drawing or cover page ng this drawing indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibilit(yy solely -for the design shown. The suitability and use of This Ning for any structure is the responsibility of the Building -Designer per ANSUTPI 1 Sec.2. more information see these web sites: Alpine: alpineitw.com; TPI: tpinst.org; SBCA: sbcinduslry.com; ICC: iccsafe.org; AWC: awc.org ALPINE ANMCOMPANY 6750 Forum Drive Suite 305 Orlando FL, 32821 SEQN: 250033 / HIPS Ply: 1 Job Number: N334504 Cust: R 6975 JRef:1X3G89750040 T8 / FROM: RWM Qty: 1 ,7A5/320 ,182ED,F ,02G ,RI01 / 1828/CALI/4EBB ELEV.D/F DrwNo: 064.21.1100.22028 Truss Label: A5 SSB / WHK 03/05/2021 7'10"14 7'10"14 17' 22'8" 9,1"2 5'8" :5X5 =5X5 D E 39'8" 31'9"2 39'8" 9' 1 "2 7'10"14 10' 91101, 9.10" 10' 11� 10' 19110" 29'8" 39'8" Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA EXP: C Kzt: NA Des Ld: 37.00 Mean Height: 15.00 ft NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL: 4.2 psf Building Code: Soffit: 0.00 BCDL: 5.0 psf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: h to 2h TPI Std: 2014 Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.97 ft Rep Fac: Yes Loc. from endwall: not in 9.00 it FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; T2,T4 2x4 SP 2400f-2.OE; Bot chord: 2x4 SP #1; Webs: 2x4 SP #2 N; W1,W6 2x4 SP #3; Bracing (a) 1X4 #3SRB or better continuous lateral restraint to be equally spaced. Attach with (2) 8d Box or Gun nails(0.113"x2.5",min.). Restraint material to be supplied and attached at both ends to a suitable support by erection contractor. (a) or scab reinforcement may be used in lieu of CLR restraint. substitute (1) scab for (1) CLR and (2) scabs for (2) CLR'S where shown. Scab reinforcement to be same size, species, grade, and 80% length of web member. Attach with 0.128x3" gun nails @ 6" oc. Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) PP Deflection in loc L/defl L/# Gravity Non -Gravity VERT(LL): 0.149 J 999 240 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL VERT(CL): 0.279 J 999 240 B 1552 !- /- /965 /318 /386 HORZ(LL): 0.060 1 - - G 1552 /- /- /965 /318 A HORZ(TL): 0.112 1 Wind reactions based on MWFRS Creep Factor: 2.0 B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.8 Max TC CSI: 0.760 G Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.8 Max BC CSI: 0.755 Bearings B & G are a rigid surface. Max Web CSI: 0.989 Bearings B & G require a seat plate. Members not listed have forces less than 375# Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. VIEW Ver: 20.02.00A.1020.20 B - C 1673 - 2755 E - F 1699 - 2561 C - D 1698 - 2561 F - G 1674 - 2755 D - E 1352 -1728 �1• • • • i p • o. /�y OU 1 , w r� CONQ0 NILL A 03/05/2021 "WARNING"` READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS • drawings 160A-Z'fbr star Alpine, a division of ITW truss in conformance wits listing this drawing indict drawing for any structure For more information see It Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. B - K 2393 -1373 J - 1 1695 - 842 K - J 1695 - 863 1 - G 2393 -1352 Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. C - K 498 -448 E - I 770 -435 K - D 770 - 435 1 - F 498 - 448 in $gComponents Group Inc. shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any, failure to build the ilffP1 1, or for handling, shipping,. installation and bracin44 of trusses. A seal on this drawln or cover pagqe acceptance of professional encc��ineenng responsibility solely -for the design shown. The suitability and use of this a responsibility of the Buildingl7esigner per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. veb sites: Alpine: alpineitw.com; TPI: 1pinst.org; SBCA: sbcindustry.com; ICC_: iccsafe.org; AWC: awc.org ALPINE ANR COMPANY 6750 Forum Drive Suite 305 Orlando FL, 32E SEQN: 2500651 COMN Ply: 1 Job Number: N334504 Cust: R 8975 JROAMG89750040 T11 / FROM: RDP Qty: 1 ,7A5/320 ,182ED,F ,02G ,RI01 / 1828/CALI/4EBB ELEV.D/F DrwNo: 064.21.1100.24230 Truss Label: A5GE / YK 03/05/2021 Loading Criteria (psi) TCLL: 20.00 TCDL: 7.00 BCLL: 0.00 BCDL: 10.00 Des Ld: 37.00 NCBCLL: 10.00 Soffit: 0.00 Load Duration: 1.25 Spacing: 24.0 " �1211"15 11°4 4V2 73°754 1R2 6Y'7 1!' 1" 21Y " 23'1 26' 31'10"7 3 '8' 39'8° r 6'1"7 3�" 6'10°i 2' 2' 20°1 5'10"7 9' �8'1'1� �-tj�j 1018" -i-Z-� 5K A 21' i 5' 1 13'8" F1' t0' 9'8"4 10' 199.4 r 21'11"12 Wind Criteria Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Speed: 160 mph Enclosure: Closed Risk Category: II EXP: C Kzt: NA Mean Height: 15.00 ft TCDL: 4.2 psf BCDL: 5.0 psf MWFRS Parallel Dist: h to 2h C&C Dist a: 3.97 ft Loc. from endwall: NA GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.60 Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Bot chord: 2x4 SP #1; Webs: 2x4 SP #3; W7,W14,W15,W16 2x4 SP #2 N; Bracing (a) 1X4 #3SRB or better continuous lateral restraint to be equally spaced. Attach with (2) 8d Box or Gun nails(0.113"x2.5",min.). Restraint material to be supplied and attached at both ends to a suitable support by erection contractor. (a) or scab reinforcement may be used in lieu of CLR restraint. substitute (1) scab for (1) CLR and (2) scabs for (2) CLR'S where shown. Scab reinforcement to be same size, species, grade, and 80% length of web member. Attach with 0.128x3" gun nails @ 6" oc. Special Loads ---(Lumber Dur.Fac.=1.25 / Plate Dur.Fac.=1.25) TC: From 56 plf at -1.00 to 56 plf at 10.67 TC: From 76 plf at 10.67 to 76 plf at 32.67 TC: From 56 plf at 32.67 to 56 plf at 40.67 BC: From 20 plf at 0.00 to 20 plf at 39.67 BC: 128 lb Conc. Load at 23.21,23.79 PL: 136 lb Conc. Load at (23.27, 9.98), ( Plating Notes All plates are 2X4 except as noted. Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA Pf: NA Ce: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA Snow Duration: NA Building Code: FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. TPI Std: 2014 Rep Fac: No FT/RT:20(0)/l 0(0) Plate Type(s): 26' 129'8" ' 37W ' 39'8" 3'10"8 -I 13712 --{ Defl/CSI Criteria PP Deflection in loc Udefl U# VERT(LL): 0.106 AE 999 2' VERT(CL): 0.211 AE 999 2' HORZ(LL): 0.044 1 - - HORZ(TL): 0.088 1 Creep Factor: 2.0 Max TC CSI: 0.646 Max BC CSI: 0.645 Max Web CSI: 0.957 03/05/2021 Ver: 20.02.00A.1020.20 ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) Gravity Non -Gravity Loc R+ /R- /Rh /Rw /U /RL B 769 /- /- /504 /323 /444 AB 2335 /- /- /945 /990 /- Z 1079 /- !- /484 /352 /- T 519 /- /- l398 /219 /- Wind reactions based on MWFRS B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 AB Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 2.8 Z Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 T Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 Bearings B, AB, Z, & T are a rigid surface. Bearings B, AB, Z, & T require a seat plate. Members not listed have forces less than 375# Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. B - C 465 -1090 I - J 391 -195 C - D 335 - 815 J - K 390 -199 D - E 399 - 762 K - L 536 - 262 E - F 411 - 759 L - M 608 - 296 F - G 397 - 678 M - N 506 - 244 H - 1 377 -185 S - T 228 - 610 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp B -AH 922 -479 AA- Z 375 - 227 AH-AG 486 - 261 Z - Y 388 - 286 AG-AF 486 - 261 Y - X 388 - 286 AF-AE 486 -261 X - W 491 -156 AE-AD 486 - 261 W - V 491 -156 AD -AC 486 - 261 V - T 491 -156 AC -AB 479 -325 -Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. AH-AI 518 -256 AB -AR 304 -482 AI-AJ 555 - 273 AR -AS 445 - 568 AJ-G 519 -269 AW-Z 272 -747 G -AL 514 -933 AW- N 237 -676 AL -AN 498 -920 N -AX 683 -357 AN -AP 519 - 955 AX- X 690 - 352 AP -AC 540 - 984 X -AZ 301 - 478 AC- K 792 -505 AZ -BB 275 -472 K -AB 546 -1366 BB- S 326. -457 "'WARNING" READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! -IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handlingshipping, installing and bracing.. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Information, by TPI and SBCA) r safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSL Unless noted otherwise, top chord shall have propenr% attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached ri id ceilin Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracin installed per BCSI sections 83, B7 or B10, as applicabgle. Applgy plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Join Details, unless noted otherwise. Refer to ALPINE drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Refer to job's General Notes page for additional information. Alpine, a division of ITW BuildincLComponents Group Inc. shall not. be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any failure to build the Mmcc�wn truss in conformance with ANSIPI1, or for handling, shipping,. installation and bracinccl1 of trusses. A seal on this drawing or cover page 6750 Forum Drive listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely -for the design shown. The suitability and use of this Suite 305 drawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building -Designer per ANS11T 11 Sec.2. For more information see these web sites: Alpine: al ineitw.com; TPI: t insl.or ; SBCA: sbcindust .com; ICC: iccsafe.or ; AWC: awc.org Orlando FL, 32821 SEQN: 250035 / HIPS Ply: 1 Job Number: N334504 Cust R 8975 JIRO:1X3G89750040 T7 / FROM: RWM City: 1 7A5/320 ,182ED,F ,02G ,RI01 / 18281CALIMEBB ELEV.D/F DrwNo: 064.21.1100.23527 Truss Label: A6 SSB / WHK 03/05/2021 7'10"14 15, 24'8" 31'9"2 39'8" 7'10"14 7'1"2 9'8" 7'1"2 '} 7'10"14 c 6X6 = 6X6 D T3 E 12 6 � 5 5X5 F C _ m 0 W � W1 B G A H � 4X6(A2) = 5X5 = 5X5 =5X5=4X6(A2) 39'8" r _ 10' 9.101, 9110.1 10 1 �1' 10' 19,10" 29'8" 39'8" Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc Lldefl L/# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.159 J 999 240 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.298 J 999 240 B 1552 !- P /962 /328 /346 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.061 1 - - G 1552 !- P /962 /328 P EDP: C Kzt: NA Des Ld: 37.00 HORZ(TL): 0.115 1 Wind reactions based on MWFRS Mean Height: 15.00 ft B Br Width = 8.0 Min Re 1.8 NCBCLL: 10.00 Building Code: Creep Factor: 2.0 9 q = TCDL: 4.2 psf Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.8 Soffit: 0.00 BCDL: 5.0 psf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.913 G ing Load Duration: 1.25 TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.760 Bearings B & G are i rigid surface. MWFRS Parallel Dist: h to 2h Bearings B & G require a seat plate. Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.97 It Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.474 Members not listed have forces less than 375# Loc. from endwall: not in 9.00 ft FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver: 20.02.00A.1020.20 Lumber B - C 1807 - 2729 E - F 1827 - 2537 C - D 1826 - 2538 F - G 1807 - 2729 Top chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; T3 2x4 SP 2400f-2.OE; D - E 1539 -1910 Bot chord: 2x4,SP #1; Webs: 2x4 SP #2 N; W1,W6 2x4 SP #3; Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Wind Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C B - K 2363 -1483 J - 1 1847 -1110 member design. K - J 1847 -1131 I - G 2363 -1462 Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. C - K 394 - 358 E - 1 628 - 300 K - D 628 - 300 1 - F 394 - 358 .so,���1tt11Sltifdl/lthljjt�4 0� H. s $ i I ■ S ■ o.7,08 r �• S AT © .`,rim �' r•■■ ■ V � • `/ �^` � ONtA rG COA N`✓` 03/05/2021 "WARNING" READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handlingg shipping, installing and bracing. , Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Information, by SBCA) TPI and for safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI. Unless noted otherwise, top chord shall have proper)v attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attachetl ri id ceilin Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or 810 4 Applgy to face truss as applicable. plates each oT and position as shown above and on the JoinfiDetails, unless noted otherwise. f�efer to ALPINE drawings 16OA-Z for standard plate positions. Refer to job's General Notes page for additional information. Alpine, a division of ITW Buildin Components Group Inc. shall notbe responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any failure to build the A (0WA. truss in conformance with ANSI/ PI 1, or for handling, shipping,nstallation and bracingptrusses. A this drawing i . of seal on or cover pa a listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional en tneenng responsibility solely-6750 Forum Drive for the design shown. The suitability and use of This Suite Fos drawing for is the the BuildingVesigner ANSI/TPI any structure responsibility of per 1 Sec.2. For more information see these web sites: Alpine: al ineilw.com; TPI: t inst.or ; SBCA: sbcindust .com; ICC: iccsafe.or ; AWC: awc.org Orlando FL, 32821 SEQN: 2500361 HIPS Ply: 1 Job Number: N334504 Cust: R 8975 JRef:1X3G89750040 T6 / FROM: RWM Qty: 1 7A5/320 ,182ED,F ,02G ,RI01 / 1828/CALI/4EBB ELEV.D/F DrwNo: 064.21.1100.21621 Truss Label: A8 SSB / WHK 03/05/2021 6'9"4 13' 19,101, 26'8" 32'10"12 39'8" • f 6'9"4 '{' 6'2"12 6'10" T 6,10" i' 6'2"12 6'94 i 5X5 1112X4 = 5X5 D E F 12 6 �2X4 WS p2X4 C G W3i` 1 B H A 4X6(A2) = 5X5 = SXS = 5X5 = 4X6(A2) 39'8" 10' 9'101, 9.10" 10, i 10' 19,10" 29,8" +1'. + 39'8" Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pfin PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl L/# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.191 E 999 240 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.357 E 999 240 B 1556 A /- /953 [716 /305 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.065 J - - H 1556 !- /- /953 [716 /- EXP: C Kzt: NA Des Ld: 37.00 () HORZ TL : 0.121 J Wind reactions based on MWFRS Mean Height: 15.00 ft NCBCLL: 10.00 Building Code: Creep Factor: 2.0 B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.8 TCDL: 4.2 psf Soffit: 0.00 BCDL: 5.0 sf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.543 p H Br Width = 8.0 Min Re 1.8 g q = Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: h/2 to h TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.754 Bearings B & H are a rigid surface. Bearings B & li require a seat plate. Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.97 ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.687 Members not listed have forces less than 375# Loc. from endwall: not in 9.00 ft FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver: 20.02.00A.1020.20 Lumber B - C 2014 -2780 E - F 1973 -2289 C - D 1925 - 2523 F - G 1925 - 2523 Top chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; D - E 1973 -2289 G - H 2O14 -2780 Bot chord: 2x4 SP #1; Webs: 2x4 SP #3; W3,W5 2x4 SP #2 N; Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Wind Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C B - L 2421 -1686 K - J 1982 -1323 member design. L - K 1982 -1344 J - H 2421 -1665 Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. C - L 381 - 339 K - F 425 - 401 L - D 535 -183 F - J 535 -183 tlti►tflPtltDflrpi D - K 425 -401 J - G 381 -339 rriri E - K 585 -391 ♦ ` �egoae.o�QQ'k o. 7.08 1 a • s SAT O = . A"k, r fil�f Ate V� COA �dt! A91f4Yit 03/05/2021 **WARNING— READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handlin shipping, installing and bracing. , Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Information, by fo'r TPI and SBCA) safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI. Unless noted otherwise, top chord shall have proper)Y attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracinq installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or B10, as applicable. Apply plates to each face. oT truss and position as shown above and on the Join Details, unless noted otherwise. Refer to drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Refer to job's General Notes page for additional information. ALPINE Alpine, a division of ITW Buildinq Components Group Inc. shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any failure truss in ANSI/TPI for to build the ANR CCWAW conformance with 1, or handling, shipping,installation and bracin44 of trusses: A seal on this drawing or cover pacie 675o Forum Drive listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional en meering responsibility solely -for the design shown. The suitability and use of This Suite 305 drawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Buildinguesigner per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see these web sites: Alpine: al ineitw.com; TPI: t inst.or ; SBCA: sbcindust .com; ICC: iccsafe.or ; AWC: awc.org Orlando FL, 32821 SEQN: 250037 / HIPS Ply: 1 Job Number: N334504 Cust: R 8975 JRef:1X3G89750040 T5 / FROM: RWM Qty: 1 ,7A5/320 ,182ED,F ,02G ,R101 / 18281CAL114EBB ELEV.D/F DrwNo: 064.21.1100.24169 Truss Label: A10 SSB 1 WHK 03/05/2021 5'9"4 11' 19' 28'8" 33'10"12 39'8" S'9"4 5'2"12 8' + 9'8" 5'2"12 S'9"4 5X5 =_ 5X5 ; 5X5 D E T3 F 12 6 � 2X4 W g 2X4 o C (a) (a) G n n W3 7 10 B H A 11�8'8" = 4X6(A2) =5X5 = 5X8 = 5X5 = 4X6(A2) 39'8" 10' 9'10" 9'10" 10, 1 10' 19,10" 29'8" 39'8" Loading Criteria (psi) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc Udefl U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.213 E 999 240 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.399 E 999 240 B 1556 /- /- /940 /718 /264 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.068 J - - H 1556 /- /- /940 /718 /- EXP: C Kzt: NA Des Ld: 37.00 HORZ(TL): 0.127 J Wind reactions based on MWFRS Mean Height: 15.00 ft NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL: 4.2 psf Building Code: Creep Factor: 2.0 B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.8 Soffit: 0.00 BCDL: 5.0 psf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.934 H Br Width = 8.0 Min Re = 1.8 g q - Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: h/2 to h TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.752 Bearings B & H are rigid surface. Bearings B & li require a seat plate. Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.97 ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.751 Members not listed have forces less than 375# Loc. from endwall: not in 9.00 ft FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE I VIEW Ver: 20.02.00A.1020.20 Lumber B - C 2194 -2804 E - F 2386 -2693 C - D 2057 - 2533 F - G 2066 - 2539 Top chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; T3 2x4 SP 2400f-2.OE; D - E 2502 -2773 G - H 2184 -2797 Bot chord: 2x4 SP #1; Webs: 2x4 SP #3; W3,W5 2x4 SP #2 N; Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Bracing Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. (a) 1X4 #3SRB or better continuous lateral restraint to B - L 2448 -1855 K - J 2163 -1578 be equally spaced. Attach with (2) 8d Box or Gun L - K 2147 -1575 J - H 2440 -1822 nails(0.113"x2.5",min.). Restraint material to be supplied and attached at both ends to a suitable support by erection contractor. Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) (a) or scab reinforcement may be used in lieu of CLR Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. restraint. substitute (1) scab for (1) CLR and (2) scabs L - D 470 -71 K - F 626 -612 for (2) CLR'S where shown. Scab reinforcement to be D - K 739 -778 F - J 466 52 same size, species, grade, and 80% length of web E - K 789 -778 534 member. Attach with 0.128x3" gun nails @ 6" oc.EStiltltftllJ/frpr�� Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C �' E member design. �•+�,�1 s ���% �' ; =+ Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. 7108 s • 8 COA AL 03/05/2021 "WARNING— READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handlin shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Information, by TPI and SBCA) fo'r safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI. Unless noted otherwise, top chord shall have proper)v attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached rigqid ceilin Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracin installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or B10, as applicable. App y plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Join Details, unless noted otherwise. Refer to drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Refer to job's General Notes page for additional information. ALPINE Alpine, a division of ITW BuildingqComponents Group Inc. shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any failure to build the AN COMPAN truss in with ANSI/TPI 1, for handling, conformance or shipping,, installation and bracin44 of trusses. A seal on this drawing or cover pa a 6750 Forum Drive listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibilityy solely for the design shown. The suitability and use of This Fos drawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building -Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. Suite For more information see these web sites: Alpine: al ineitw.com; TPI: t inst.or ; SBCA: sbcindust .com; ICC: iccsafe.or ; AWC: awc.org Orlando FL, 32821 SEQN: 2500381 HIPS Ply: 1 Job Number: N334504 Cust: R 8975 JRef:1X3G89750040 T4 / FROM: RWM Qty: 1 7A5/320 ,182ED,F ,02G ,RI01 / 1828/CALI/4EBB ELEV.D/F DrwNo: 064.21.1100.23872 Truss Label: Al2 SSB / WHK 03/05/2021 • 9' 17' 22'8" 30'8" 39'8" f 9, '�- 8, 5,8„ '1' 8' 9, E�6C6 =5XD5 =4E4 =6F6 T2 T3 12 6 T W b (a) (a) W5 h B G 1 A H 1 8'8" 4X6(A2) = 6X6 = 6X6 = 6X6 = 4X6(A2) 39'8" 10' 9'10" 9'10" 10, 10' 19,10" 29'8" 39'8" Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Sid: ASCE 7-16 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in too Udefl U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.251 J 999 240 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.469 J 999 240 B 1556 /- /- /921 /720 /223 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.081 1 - - G 1556 !- !- /921 7720 !- EXP: C Kzt: NA Des Ld: 37.00 HORZ(TL): 0.150 1 Wind reactions based on MWFRS Mean Height: 15.00 ft NCBCLL: 10.00 Building Code: Creep Factor: 2.0 B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.8 TCDL: 4.2 psf Soffit: 0.00 BCDL: 5.0 psf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.939 G Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.8 Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: h/2 to h TPI Sid: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.834 Bearings B & G are a rigid surface. Bearings B & G require a seat plate. Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.97 ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.306 Members not listed have forces less than 375# :20(0) 1 Loc. from endwall: not in 9.00 ft FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) all: Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Gend Plate Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver: 20.02.00A.1020.20 Lumber B - C 2250 -2705 E - F 2239 -2478 C - D 2238 - 2478 F - G 2250 - 2704 Top chord: 2x4 SP #1; T2,T3 2x4 SP #2 N; D - E 2906 -3233 Bot chord: 2x4 SP #1; Webs: 2x4 SP #3; W2,W5 2x4 SP #2 N; Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Bracing Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. (a) 1X4 #3SRB or better continuous lateral restraint to B - K 2330 -1856 J - 1 3176 - 2629 be equally spaced. Attach with (2) 8d Box or Gun K - J 3174 -2647 I - G 2329 -1835 nails(0.113"x2.5",min.). Restraint material to be supplied and attached at both ends to a suitable support by erection contractor. Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) (a) or scab reinforcement may be used in lieu of CLR Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. restraint. substitute (1) scab for (1) CLR and (2) scabs C - K 718 -428 E - 1 944 -834 for (2) CLR'S where shown. Scab reinforcement to be K - D 940 - 832 1 - F 718 -430 same size, species, grade, and 80% length of web member. Attach with 0.128x3" gun nails @ 6" oc.�ttlrlttiil+ilt�t� r� Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&Cs� T member design. .��vr i�` �{jE se Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. 4 • ' r i • 0. 7Q8 * 0 �s S AT o er A. ••6° V�'� pA � Vim} COA FSS/®NAL V ftw msl9ti►1��1i�, 03/05/2021 **WARNING** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handling shipping, installing and bracing. , Refer to and follow the latest edition Component Safety Information, SBCA) of BCSI (Building by TPI and r safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI. Unless noted otherwise, top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attacheU rigid ceilin Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracin installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or B10, as applicable. App�y to face truss the Join Details, Refer plates each of and position as shown above and on unless noted otherwise. drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Refer to job's General Notes page for additional information. to ALPINE Alpine, a division of ITW Buildin Components Group Inc. shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any failure to build the MMCOMPAW truss in conformance with ANSI 1, or for handling, shipping,. installation and bracing of trusses. A seal on this drawin or cover a listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibilityy solely -for the design shown. The suitability drawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building -Designer per ANSINI 1 Sec.2. pa 675o Forum Drive and use of this Suite 305 For more information see these web sites: Alpine: al ineilw.com; TPI: t inst.or ; SBCA: sbcindust .com; ICC: iccsafe.or ; AWC: awc.org Orlando FL, 32821 SEQN: 250056 / HIPS Ply: 2 Job Number: N334504 Cust: R 8975 JRef:1X3G89750040 T12 / FROM: LPM Qty: 1 7A5/320 ,182ED,F ,02G ,RI01 / 1828/CALI/4EBB ELEV.D/F DrwNo: 064.21.1100.24106 Truss Label: A14G SSB / WHK 03/05/2021 2 Complete Trusses Required 7' 17' 22'8" 32'8" 39'8" 7' 10, S'8" 10, 7' =6X6 =8X8 =8X8 =6X6 12 C T2 D T3 E T4 F 6 T � T 0 7 G SZ! lB A H J_8'8" = 4X6(A1) = 8X8 = 8X8 = 8X8 = 4X6(A1) 39'8" 1' i 10' 9'10" 10, T 10' I 19,101, 29'8" r 39'8" Loading Criteria (psi) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc Udefl U# Gravity Non -Gravity TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.295 J 999 240 Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.555 J 850 240 'B 3135 /- /- /- /1427 /- BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.064 1 - - G 3136 /- /- A /1428 /- EXP: C Kzt: NA Des Ld: 37.00 HORZ TL 0.121 1 Wind reactions based on MWFRS Mean Height: 10.51 it()� NCBCLL: 0.00 Building Code: Creep Factor: 2.0 B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.8 TCDL: 4.2 psf G Br q Width = 8.0 Min Re 1.8 Soffit: 0.00 BCDL: 5.0 psf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.676 Bearings B & G are a rigid surface. Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.507 Bearings B & G require a seat plate. Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.97 it Rep Fac: No Max Web CSI: 0.760 Members not listed have forces less than 375# Loc. from endwall: NA FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver: 20.02.00A.1020.20 Lumber B - C 1424 -3094 E - F 1534 -3602 C - D 1533 - 3601 F - G 1425 - 3094 Top chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; T2,T4 2x6 SP SS; D - E 2128 -4831 T3 2x6 SP #2 N; Bot chord: 2x6 SP SS; Webs: 2x4 SP #3; Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Nailnote B - K 2752 -1257 J - 1 4769 - 2187 Nail Schedule:0.128"x3", min. nails K - J 4768 -2187 I - G 2753 -1258 Top Chord: 1 Row @12.00" o.c. o.c. BotWe Chord: 1 Row @4" Maximum Web Forces Per PI Ibs Webs : 1 Row @ 4" o.c. Y ( ) o.c. Use equal spacing between rows and stagger nails Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. in each row to avoid splitting. C - K 1287 -417 E - I 727 -1297 Loading K - D 727 -1298 1 - F 1287 -417 #1 hip supports 7-0-0 jacks with no webs.f8tttfatrtuerlr�h +r Wind Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. 5�•°�+�.+• •••ee+`�f'1��.�' Wind loading based on both and hip roof types. 1. ! S(C` +. •.;� gable �� o � i c p. 7.08 1 ,a :o S �t•, ' COA ,NAL 03/05/2021 **WARNING** READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handling shipping, installing and bracing.. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building r Component Safety Information, by TPI and SBCA) safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing BCSI. Unless top have bottom have per noted otherwise, chord shall properly attached structural sheathing and chord shall a properly attached rigid ceilin Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracinq installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or B10, as applicable. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Join Details, unless noted otherwise. Refer to ALPINE drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Refer to job's General Notes page for additional information. Alpine, a division of ITW Building Components Group Inc. shall not. be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any failure to build the AN RW COMPANY truss in with ANSIfI PI 1, for handling, bracin4 trusses. A this drawing or cover conformance or shipping,, installation and of seal on page 6750 Forum Drive listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely -for the design shown. The suitability and use of this Suite 305 -Designer drawing for any sgructure is the responsibility of the Building per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see these web sites: Alpine: al ineitw.com; TPI: t inst.or ; SBCA: sbcindusl .com; ICC: iccsafe.or ; AWC: awc.org Orlando FL, 32821 SEQN: 250039 / FROM: RWM Loading Criteria (psf) TCLL: 20.00 TCDL: 7.00 BCLL: 0.00 BCDL: 10.00 Des Ld: 37.00 NCBCLL: 10.00 Soffit: 0.00 Load Duration: 1.25 Spacing: 24.0 " COMN Ply: 1 Job Number: N334504 city: 1 ,7A5/320 ,182ED,F ,02G ,R101 / 1828/CALIMEBB ELEV.D/F Truss Label: 81 5'7"4 10'8" 15'8"12 5'74 60"12 5'0"12 1'6. 8' Wind Criteria Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Speed: 160 mph Enclosure: Closed Risk Category: II EXP: C Kzt: NA Mean Height: 15.00 ft TCDL: 4.2 psf BCDL: 5.0 psf MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Loc, from endwall: Any GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.60 Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Webs: 2x4 SP #3; Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. —4X4 D 21'4" '} 13'4" Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc Udefl U# Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.047 H 999 240 Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.088 H 999 240 Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.020 G - - HORZ(TL): 0.037 G Building Code: Creep Factor: 2.0 FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.371 TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.611 Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.232 FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Plate Type(s): VIEW Ver: 20.02.00A.1020.20 1AiA11C �i i o.708 9 ' e S AT O .� COA s �NA4. .a�. 03/05/2021 Cust: R8975 JRef:1X3G89750040 T20 / DrwNo: 064.21.1100.22496 SSB / WHK 03/05/2021 21'4" 57'4 ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) Gravity Non -Gravity Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL B 864 A /- 1529 /397 /229 F 805 P P /464 /361 /- Wind reactions based on MWFRS B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 F Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 Bearings B & F are a rigid surface. Bearings B & F require a seat plate. Members not listed have forces less than 375# Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. B-C 1190-1344- D -E 1113 -1152 C-D 1104 -1146 E-F 1201 -1351 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. B - H 1152 - 993 G - F 1161 - 955 H - G 795 - 539 Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (lbs) Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. C - H 471 - 284 D - G 394 - 335 H - D 383 - 322 G - E 479 - 289 **WARNING— READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT*' FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handlin shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Information, by TPI an c7 SBCA) fo'r safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSL Unless noted otherwise, top chord shall have proper)v attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracin installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or B10, as applicable. Apply plates to each face. of truss and position as shown above and on the Join Details, unless noted otherwise. Refer to ALPINE drawings 16OA-Z for standard plate positrons. Refer to job's General Notes page for additional information. Alpine, a division of ITW Buildin Components Group Inc. shall not. be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any failure to build the ANMCOWAW truss in conformance with ANSI/TPI 1, or for handling, shipping,, installation and bracin of trusses. A seal on this drawing or cover pa a 6750 Forum Drive listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibilityy solely -for the design shown. The suitability and use of This Suite 305 drawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building -Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see these web sites: Alpine: al ineitw.com; TPI: t inst.or ; SBCA: sbcindust .com; ICC: iccsafe.or ; AWC: awc.org Orlando FL, 32821 SEQN: 250059 / GABL Ply: 1 Job Number: N334504 Cust R 8975 JRef:1X3G89750040 T3 / FROM: HMT Qly: 1 ,7A5/320 ,182ED,F ,02G ,RIO1 / 1828/CALI/4EBB ELEV.D/F DrwNo: 064.21.1100.24309 Truss Label: 62GE / YK 03/05/2021 10'8" 4,8" 2' --{ (TYP) = 4F4 Loading Criteria (psr) Wind Criteria TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II EXP: C Kzt: NA Des Ld: 37.00 Mean Height: 15.00 ft NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL: 4.2 psf Soffit: 0.00 BCDL: 5.0 lost Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Loc. from endwall: Any GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.60 Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Webs: 2x4 SP #3; Special Loads -----(Lumber Dur.Fac.=1.25 / Plate Dur.Fac.=1.25) TC: From 96 plf at -1.00 to 96 plf at 22.33 BC: From 20 plf at 0.00 to 20 plf at 21.33 Plating Notes All plates are 2X4 except as noted. Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. Additional Notes See DWGS A16015ENC160118 & GBLLETIN0118 for gable wind bracing and other requirements. WIND LOAD CASE MODIFIED! 21'4" 21'4" Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA Pf: NA Ce: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA Snow Duration: NA Building Code: FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. TPI Std: 2014 Rep Fac: No FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Plate Type(s): 21'4" 10'8" Defl/CSI Criteria PP Deflection in loc Udefl U# VERT(LL): 0.005 R 999 240 VERT(CL): 0.011 R 999 240 HORZ(LL): 0.004 L - - HORZ(TL): 0.006 R Creep Factor. 2.0 Max TC CSI: 0.323 Max BC CSI: 0.197 Max Web CSI: 0.091 Ver: 20.02.00A.1020.20 \ ` •GE a ewmr�°�o't gf��ir� ♦4 0.70� 1 SAT O • c�ct,r COA �%7§/QNAL 03/05/2021 ♦ Maximum Reactions (lbs), or*=PLF Gravity Non -Gravity Loc R+ /R- /Rh /Rw /U /RL B* 125 /- /- /39 /48 /11 Wind reactions based on MWFRS B Brg Width = 256 Min Req = - Bearing B is a rigid surface. Members not listed have forces less than 375# **WARNING— READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handlin shipping, installing and bracing. , Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Information, by TPI an c7 SBCA) for safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI. Unless noted otherwise, top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracin installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or B10, 46 as applicable. Apply lates to each face otruss and position as shown above and on the Join Details, unless noted otherwise. F(efer to ALPINE 4 drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Refer to job's General Notes page for additional information. Alpine, a division of ITW BuildinggComponents Group Inc. shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any, failure to build the AN OWCOMVANY truss in conformance with ANSI/TPI 1, or for handling, shipping,. installation and bracin44 of trusses. A seal on this drawmg or cover pa a 675o Forum Drive listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibilittyy solely -for the design shown. The suitability and use of this drawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building -Designer per ANSIrr 1 1 Sec.2. Suite 305 For more information see these web sites: Alpine: al ineitw.com; TPI: t insl.or ; SBCA: sbcindust .com; ICC: iccsafe.or ; AWC: awc.org Orlando FL, 32821 SEQN: 250041 / COMN Ply: 1 Job Number: N334504 Cust: R 8975 JRef:1X3G89750040 T19 / FROM: RWM Qty: 1 , A5/320 ,182ED,F ,02G ,R101 / 1828/CALI/4EBB ELEV.D/F DrwNo: 064.21.1100.22652 Truss Label: C1 SSB / WHK 03/05/2021 T 7' 5X5 C 14' 7' 7' 7' 14' Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria TCLL: 20.00 Wind Stoll: ASCE 7-16 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.014 E 999 240 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.025 E 999 240 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.008 E - - Des Ld: 37.00 EXP: C Kzt: NA HORZ(TL): 0.013 E Building Code: NCBCLL: 10.00 Mean Height: 15.00 ft TCDL: 4.2 psf Creep Factor: 2.0 Soffit: 0.00 BCDL: 5.0 psf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.767 Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.503 Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.119 Loc. from endwall: Any FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): IVIEW Ver: 20.02.00A.1020.20 Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Webs: 2x4 SP #3; Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types r • a f COA 03/05/2021 ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) Gravity Non -Gravity Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL B 588 /- /- 1371 /272 /158 D 527 A /- /305 /234 A Wind reactions based on MWFRS B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 D Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 Bearings B & D are a rigid surface. Bearings B & D require a seat plate. Members not listed have forces less than 375# Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. B - C 805 - 740 C - D 807 - 739 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. B - E 598 - 542 E - D 598 - 542 **WARNING" READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handlingshipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Information, by TPI and SBCA) r satPety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI. Unless noted otherwise, top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attachetl ri id ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have brad' installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or B10, as applicable. Apply plates to each face. of truss and position as shown above and on the Join Details, unless noted otherwise. Refer to ALPINE drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Refer to job's General Notes page for additional information. Alpine, a division of ITW Buildin Components Group Inc. shall not. be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any failure to build the p truss in conformance with ANSI PI 1, or for handling, shipping,. installation and bracinq of trusses. A seal on this drawing or cover page 6750 Forum Drive listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibilitiy solely -for the design shown. The suitability and use of this Suite Fos drawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building -Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see these web sites: Alpine: al ineitw.com; TPI: t inst.or ; SBCA: sbcindusl .com; ICC: iccsafe.or ; AWC: awc.org Orlando FL, 32821 SEQN: 250061 / GABL Ply:' 1 Job Number: N334504 Cust: R8975 JRef:1X3G89750040 T1 / FROM: RWM ply: 1 , A5/320 ,182ED,F ,02G ,R101 / 1828/CALI/4EBB ELEV.D/F DrwNo: 064.21.1100.24216 Truss Label: C2GE / YK 03/05/2021 Loading Criteria (psf) TCLL: 20.00 TCDL: 7.00 BCLL: 0.00 BCDL: 10.00 Des Ld: 37.00 NCBCLL: 10.00 Soffit: 0.00 Load Duration: 1.25 Spacing: 24.0 " T 7' L 5' '1 2' _" (TYP) Wind Criteria Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Speed: 160 mph Enclosure: Closed Risk Category: II EXP: C Kzt: NA Mean Height: 15.00 ft TCDL: 4.2 psf BCDL: 5.0 psf MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Loc, from endwall: Any GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.60 Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Webs: 2x4 SP #3; Special Loads ------(Lumber Dur.Fac.=1.25 / Plate Dur.Fac.=1.25) TC: From 96 plf at -1.00 to 96 plf at 15.00 BC: From 20 plf at 0.00 to 20 plf at 14.00 Plating Notes All plates are 2X4 except as noted. Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. Additional Notes See DWGS A16016ENC160118 & GBLLETIN0118 for gable wind bracing and other requirements. WIND LOAD CASE MODIFIED! 4X4 D 14' 14' 14' Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA Pf: NA Ce: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA Snow Duration: NA Building Code: FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. TPI Sid: 2014 Rep Fac: No FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Plate Type(s): 14' 7' Defl/CSI Criteria PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# VERT(LL): 0.007 J 999 240 VERT(CL): 0.014 J 999 240 HORZ(LL): -0.004 H - - HORZ(TL): 0.009 H Creep Factor: 2.0 Max TC CSI: 0.392 Max BC CSI: 0.242 Max Web CSI: 0.142 ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs), or'=PLF Gravity Non -Gravity Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL B' 129 /- /- /40 /50 /12 Wind reactions based on MWFRS B Brg Width = 168 Min Req = - Bearing B is a rigid surface. Members not listed have forces less than 375# Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. C - D 376 -199 D - E 377 -199 Ver: 20.02.o0A.1020.20 1 Maximum Gable Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Gables Tens.Comp. Gables Tens. Comp. C - J 511 -403 H - E 511 -403 •osr�r•. r.rp•. �'''�. �• • e i 4. 7,08 1 �i pT •s � f •fir 'V4� cOArb (0)NAIL .��• 03/05/2021 "WARNING" READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handling shipping, installing and bracing. , Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Information, by TPI and SBCA) r safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI. Unless noted otherwise, top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached ri id ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections 63, B7 or B10 as applicabgle. Apply plates to each face. of truss and position as shown above and on the Joint Details, unless noted otherwise. Refer to ALPINE drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Refer to job's General Notes page for additional information. Alpine, a division of ITW BuildincLComponents Group Inc. shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any failure to build the ANMCOMPAW truss in conformance with ANSI 4PI 1, or for handling, shipping,. not, and bracing of trusses. A seal on this drawin or cover paWe 675o Forum Drive listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional enqineering responsibili�tvv solely_forthe design shown. The suitability and use of this drawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building -Designer per ANSI/TP1 1 Sec.2. Suite 305 For more information see these web sites: Alpine: al ineitw.com; TPI: t inst.or ; SBCA: sbcindust .com; ICC: iccsafe.or ; AWC: awc.org Orlando FL, 32821 SEQN:250043/ COMN Ply: 1 Job Number: N334504 Cust:R8975 J Ref: 1 X3G89750040 T13 / FROM: LPM Qty: 1 7A5/320 ,182ED,F ,02G ,R101 / 1828/CALI/4EBB ELEV.D/F DrwNo: 064.21.1100,24355 Truss Label: D1 / WHK 03/05/2021 5' 5' =4X4 C 10, 5' 12 6 el M B D a E 88 F 2X4 (A1) III2X4 = 2X4(A1) 10' f` 1 5' I 5' 5' 10, Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc Udefl U# TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.007 F 999 240 BOLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.013 F 999 240 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.003 F - - Des Ld: 37.00 EXP: C Kzt: NA HORZ(TL): 0.006 F Mean Height: 15.00 ft NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL: 4.2 psf Building Code: Creep Factor: 2.0 Soffit: 0.00 BCDL: 5.0 psf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.345 Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.257 Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 It Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.081 Loc. from endwall: not in 4.50 ft FT/RT:20(0)/l0(0) GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): VIEW Ver: 20.02.00A.1020.20 Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Webs: 2x4 SP #3; Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types 03/05/2021 ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) Gravity Non -Gravity Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL B 434 /- /- /286 /202 /134 D 434 A /- /286 /202 /- Wind reactions based on MWFRS B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 D Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 Bearings B & D are a rigid surface. Bearings B & D require a seat plate. Members not listed have forces less than 375# Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. B - C 522 - 494 C - D 521 - 494 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. B - F 396 - 293 F - D 396 - 293 "WARNING" READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! "IMPORTANT"' FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handlin shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Information, by TPI and SBCA) for safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI. Unless noted otherwise, top chord shall have proper)v attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached ri id ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or B10, as applicable. AppTy plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Joint Details, unless noted otherwise. Refer to ALPINE drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Refer to job's General Notes page for additional information. Alpine, a division of ITW Buildin Components Group Inc. shall not. be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI PI 1, or for handling, shipping,, Installation and bracing of trusses. A seal on this drawingg or cover pa a 6750 Forum Drive listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solelyorthe design shown. The su!tabiliCy and use of this Suite Fos drawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building -Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see these web sites: Alpine: al ineitw.com; TPI: t inst.or ; SBCA: sbcindust .com; ICC: iccsafe.or ; AWC: awc.org Orlando FL, 32821 SEQN: 2500441 COMN Ply: 1 Job Number. N334504 Cust: R 8975 JRef:1X3G89750040 T26 / FROM: LPM Qly: 1 ,7A5/320 ,182ED,F ,02G ,Rl01 / 1828/CALI/4EBB ELEV.D/F DrwNo: 064.21.1100.24513 Truss Label: D2 / WHK 03/05/2021 5 10, r 5' r 5' t -4X4 C 12 6 M 4aB D E _V F - 2X4(A1) 1112X4 - 2X4 (A1) 10, 5' 5' 5' 10' Loading Criteria (psi) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA PP Deflection in loc Udefl U# TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf: NA Ce: NA VERT(LL): 0.007 F 999 240 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed Lu: NA Cs: NA VERT(CL): 0.013 F 999 240 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: If Snow Duration: NA HORZ(LL): 0.003 F - - Des Ld: 37.00 EXP: C Kzt: NA HORZ(TL): 0.006 F Building Code: NCBCLL: 10.00 Mean Height: 15.00 ft Creep Factor: 2.0 TCDL: 4.2 psf Soffit: 0.00 BCDL: 5.0 psf FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. Max TC CSI: 0.345 Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2014 Max BC CSI: 0.257 Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Rep Fac: Yes Max Web CSI: 0.081 Loc. from endwall: not in 4.50 ft FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) GCpi: 0.18 Plate Type(s): VIEW Ver: 20.02.00A.1020.20 Wind Duration: 1.60 WAVE Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Webs: 2x4 SP #3; Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types ".fli s • • t ' liUtMi*04 03/05/2021 ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) Gravity Non -Gravity Loc R+ /R- /Rh /Rw /U /RL B 434 /- /- /286 /202 1134 D 434 /- /- /286 /202 /- Wind reactions based on MWFRS B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 D Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 Bearings B & D are a rigid surface. Bearings B & D require a seat plate. Members not listed have forces less than 375# Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. B - C 522 - 494 C - D 521 - 494 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. B - F 396 - 293 F - D 396 - 293 "WARNING— READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handlin shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Information, by TPI and SBCA) fo'r safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI. Unless noted otherwise, top chord shall have proper1r attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have braciin installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or B10, as appllcalMe. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Join Details, unless noted otherwise. Refer to drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Refer to job's General Notes page for additional information. Alpine, a division of ITW Build inh Components Group Inc. shall not. be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI PI 1, or for handling, shipping,, Installation and bracincf of trusses. A seal on this drawing or cover pa e listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional en_gineenng responsibilitty� solely -for the design shown. The suitability and use of ihis drawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building -Designer per ANSI/TP1 1 Sec.2. For more information see these web sites: Alpine: al ineitw.com; TPI: t inst.or ; SBCA: sbcindust .com; ICC: iccsafe.or ; AWC: awc.or ALPINE AN OW COMPANY 6750 Forum Drive Suite 305 Orlando FL, 32821 SEQN: 250057 / HIPS Ply: 1 Job Number: N334504 Cust: R 8975 JRef:1X3G89750040 T18 / FROM: LPM Qty: 1 ,7A5/320 ,182ED,F ,02G ,RIO1 / 1828/CALI/4EBB ELEV.D/F DrwNo: 064.21.1100.24512 Truss Label: D3G / WHK 03105/2021 12 3' i 7' 1 10, 3' f 4' 3' .4X6 C 4X6 D 6� T B ECJ M a F �8,8" 1112X4 1112X4 2X4(A1) = 2X4(A1) 1 3'1"12 3'1 "12 Loading Criteria (psQ Wind Criteria TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II EXP: C Kzt: NA Des Ld: 37.00 Mean Height: 15.00 ft NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL: 4.2 psf Soffit: 0.00 BCDL: 5.0 psf Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Loc. from endwall: Any GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.60 Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Webs: 2x4 SP #3; Special Loads ------(Lumber Dur.Fac.=1.25 / Plate Dur.Fac.=1.25) TC: From 56 plf at -1.00 to 56 plf at 3.00 TC: From 28 plf at 3.00 to 28 plf at 7.00 TC: From 56 plf at 7.00 to 56 plf at 11.00 BC: From 20 plf at 0.00 to 20 plf at 3.03 BC: From 10 pif at 3.03 to 10 plf at 6.97 BC: From 20 plf at 6.97 to 20 plf at 10.00 TC: 129 lb Conc. Load at 3.03, 6.97 TC: 65 lb Conc. Load at 5.00 BC: 80 lb Conc. Load at 3.03, 6.97 BC: 52 lb Conc. Load at 5.00 Wind Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. 10, 3'8"8 6' 10"4 Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA Pf: NA Ce: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA Snow Duration: NA Building Code: FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. TPI Std: 2014 Rep Fac: Varies by Ld Case FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Plate Type(s): 3'1 "12 10, 1 Defl/CSI Criteria PP Deflection in loc Udefl U# VERT(LL): 0.022 H 999 240 VERT(CL): 0.044 H 999 240 HORZ(LL): 0.008 C - - HORZ(TL): 0.016 C Creep Factor: 2.0 Max TC CSI: 0.288 Max BC CSI: 0.365 Max Web CSI: 0.059 VIEW Ver: 20.02.00A.1020.20 03/05/2021 ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) Gravity Non -Gravity Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL B 625 /- /- /- /316 /- E 625 /- /- /- /316 /- Wind reactions based on MWFRS B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 E Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 Bearings B & E are a rigid surface. Bearings B & E require a seat plate. Members not listed have forces less than 375# Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. B - C 467 - 962 D - E 467 - 962 C - D 389 - 842 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. , Chords Tens. Comp. B - H 829 - 394 G - E 829 - 394 H - G 842 - 389 "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handlin shipping, installing and bracing.. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Information, by TPI and SBCA) for safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI. Unless noted otherwise, top chord shall have propgr attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached ri id ceilin Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracin installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or B10, as applicable. Apply Oates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Join, Details, unless noted otherwise. Defer to drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Refer to job's General Notes page for additional information. Alpine, a division of ITW Buildinq Components Group Inc. shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any, failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI/TPI 1, or for handling, shipping,. installation. and bracing of trusses. A seal on this drawing or cover pa e listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibilittyv solely -for the design shown. The suitability and use of this drawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building -Designer per ANSI/TP1 1 Sec.2. ALPINE AN RW COMVANY 6750 Forum Drive Suite 305 Orlando FL, 32821 SEQN: 250045 / VAL Ply: 1 Job Number. N334504 Cust: R 8975 JRef:1X3G89750040 T14 / FROM: LPM Qty: 1 7 A51320,182ED,F ,02G ,R101 / 1828/CALI/4EBB ELEV.D/F DrwNo: 064.21.1100.24199 Truss Label: V4 / WHK 03/05/2021 Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure: Closed BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category: II EXP: C Kzt: NA Des Ld: 37.00 Mean Height: 15.00 ft NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL: 4.2 psf Soffit: 0.00 BCDL: 5.0 psf Load Duration: 1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist: h/2 to h Spacing: 24.0 " C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Loc. from endwall: not in 9.00 ft GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.60 Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. Additional Notes Valley truss connection to truss below shall be designed and furnished by others . 111"8 f 3-11" 1111,18 1111,18 12 6 = 4X4 B 4X4(D1)=4X4(D1) A C 0— 10'6"3 D f 3'11" -I 3-11" 3'11" :)w Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) NA Ct: NA CAT: NA NA Ce: NA NA Cs: NA )w Duration: NA Building Code: FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. TPI Sid: 2014 Rep Fac: Yes FT/RT:20(0)/l 0(0) Plate Type(s): Defl/CSI Criteria PP Deflection in loc Udef! U# VERT(LL): 0.004 999 240 VERT(CL): 0.007 999 240 HORZ(LL): -0.001 - - HORZ(TL): 0.003 Creep Factor: 2.0 Max TC CSI: 0.070 Max BC CSI: 0.098 Max Web CSI: 0.000 03/05/2021 Ver: 20.02.00A.1020.20 ♦ Maximum Reactions (lbs), or'=PLF Gravity Non -Gravity Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL D' 75 /- /- /32 /18 /6 Wind reactions based on MWFRS D Brg Width = 47.0 Min Req = - Bearing A is a rigid surface. Members not listed have forces less than 375# ""WARNING" READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handlin shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Information, by TPI and SBCA) for safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI. Unless noted otherwise, top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached ri id ceilin Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or B10, as applicabgle. App�y plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Join Details, unless noted otherwise. Refer to ALPINE drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Refer to job's General Notes page for additional information. Alpine, a division of ITW Buildin Components Group Inc. shall not. be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any failure to build the ANMCOWP truss in conformance with ANSI 1, or for handling, shipping,, mstalla lion and bracin of trusses. A seal on this drawin or cover pa a 675o Forum Drive listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional engsneering responsibility solely _for the design shown. The suitability and use of this Suite Fos drawing for any sgr'ucture is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see these web sites: Alpine: al ineitw.com; TPI: t insl.or ; SBCA: sbcindust .com; ICC: iccsafe.or ; AWC: awc.org Orlando FL, 32821 SEQN: 250046 / VAL Ply: 1 Job Number: N334504 Cust R 8975 JRef:1X3G89750040 T16 FROM: LPM Qty: 1 7A5/320 ,182ED,F ,02G ,R101 / 1828/CALI/4EBB ELEV.D/F DrwNo: 064.21.1100.24527 Truss Label: V8 KD / WHK 03/05/2021 Loading Criteria (psf) TCLL: 20.00 TCDL: 7.00 BCLL: 0.00 BCDL: 10.00 Des Ld: 37.00 NCBCLL: 10.00 Soffit: 0.00 Load Duration: 1.25 Spacina: 24.0 " 3'11"8 7'11" 3'11 "8 1 3'11 "8 =4X4 12 B 6 N =4X4(D1) A =4X4(D1) C 9'6"3 _T4U E D 1112X4 7'11" 3'11"8 3'11"8 3'11"8 17-11" Wind Criteria Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Speed: 160 mph Enclosure: Closed Risk Category: II EXP: C Kzt: NA Mean Height: 15.00 ft TCDL: 4.2 psf BCDL: 5.0 psf MWFRS Parallel Dist: h/2 to h C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Loc. from endwall: not in 9.00 It GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.60 Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Webs: 2x4 SP #3; Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. Additional Notes Valley truss connection to truss below shall be designed and furnished by others . Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA Pf: NA Ce: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA Snow Duration: NA Building Code: FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. TPI Std: 2014 Rep Fac: Yes FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Plate Type(s): Defl/CSI Criteria PP Deflection in loc Udefl U# VERT(LL): 0.007 D 999 240 VERT(CL): 0.014 D 999 240 HORZ(LL): -0.003 D - - HORZ(TL): 0.006 D Creep Factor: 2.0 Max TC CSI: 0.266 Max BC CSI: 0.192 Max Web CSI: 0.142 EW Ver: 20.02.00A.1020.20 o. 708 1 r r .�ow}�•; SAT (J .•' Q t 1 COA gw'V ONAttM1���N 03/05/2021 ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs), or'=PLF Gravity Non -Gravity Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL E' 75 /- /- /35 /26 /8 Wind reactions based on MWFRS E Brg Width = 95.0 Min Req = - Bearing A is a rigid surface. Members not listed have forces less than 375# Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Webs Tens.Comp. B - D 478 - 315 "•WARNING" READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handlin shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Information, by TPI and SBCA) for safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI. Unless noted otherwise, top chord shall have proper)Y attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached ri e. cAp _q Locations shown for (permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracin installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or B10, as applicable. AppTy Oates to each face. o truss and position as shown above and on the Joini Details, unless noted otherwise. Defer to ALPINE drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Refer to job's General Notes page for additional information. Alpine, a division of ITW BuildinlComponents Group Inc. shall not. be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any failure to build the ANMCOWAW truss in conformance with ANSIPI1, or for handling, shipping,. Installation and bracin4 of trusses. A seal on this drawing or cover page 675o Forum Drive listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional engqlneenng responsibility solely -for the design shown. The suitabiliCy and use of this drawing for any sfructure is the responsibility of the Building -Designer per ANSIITPI 1 Sec.2. Suite 305 For more information see these web sites: Alpine: al ineilw.com; TPI: t inst.or ; SBCA: sbcindust .com; ]CC: iccsafe.or ; AWC: awc.org Orlando FL, 32821 SEQN: 250047 / EJAC Ply: 1 Job Number. N334504 Cust: R 8975 JRef:1X3G89750040 T15 / FROM: HMT Qty: 8 ,7A5/320 ,182ED,F ,02G ,RI01 / 1828/CALI/4EBB ELEV.D/F DrwNo: 064.21.1100.24105 Truss Label: EJ7 KD / WHK 03/05/2021 Loading Criteria (psf) TCLL: 20.00 TCDL: 7.00 BCLL: 0.00 BCDL: 10.00 Des Ld: 37.00 NCBCLL: 10.00 Soffit:, 0.00 Load Duration: 1.25 Soacina: 24.0 " L 127 11 12 6 M O tI) M M V B D __48'8" Wind Criteria Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Speed: 160 mph Enclosure: Closed Risk Category: II EXP: C Kzt: NA Mean Height: 15.00 ft TCDL: 4.2 psf BCDL: 5.0 psf MWFRS Parallel Dist: h/2 to h C&C Dist a: 3.00 it Loc. from endwall: not in 4.50 it GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.60 Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #1; Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. Additional Notes Provide (2) 0.131"x3.0", min. toe -nails at top chord. Provide (2) 0.131"x3.0", min. toe -nails at bottom chord. 7' 7' Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA Pf: NA Ce: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA Snow Duration: NA Building Code: FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. TPI Std: 2014 Rep Fac: Yes FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Plate Type(s): Defl/CSI Criteria PP Deflection in loc Udefl U# VERT(LL): NA VERT(CL): NA HORZ(LL): 0.015 D - HORZ(TL): 0.028 D - Creep Factor: 2.0 Max TC CSI: 0.720 Max BC CSI: 0.507 Max Web CSI: 0.000 VIEW Ver: 20.02.00A.1020.20 fJi o. 708 1 ' SAT 0 • S10 00A flt'fg NA, NYptKpap"1194a 03/05/2021 ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) Gravity Non -Gravity Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL B 331 !- /- /249 /108 /208 D 125 /- /- f73 A l- C 174 /- /- /128 1169 /- Wind reactions based on MWFRS B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 D Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - C Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - Bearing B is a rigid surface. Bearing B requires a seat plate. Members not listed have forces less than 375# "WARNING" READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handlin shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Information, by TPI an c7 SBCA) fo'r safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI. Unless noted otherwise, top chord shall have proper)v attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall hav bracin installed per BCSI sections 63, 87 or r t o as applicable. Apply plates to each face of truss and positron as shown above and on tI,e Join Details, unless noted otherwise. Refer to ALPINE drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Refer to job's General Notes page for additional information. Alpine, a division of ITW Buildin,lctComponents Group Inc. shall not. be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any failure to build the ANR COMFAW truss in conformance with ANSI PI 1, or for handling, shipping,. installation and bracin44 of trusses. A seal on this drawing or cover pa!Me 675o Forum Drive listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional en meering responsibilitt%� solely -for the design shown. The suitability and use of this Suite Fos drawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building�esigner per ANSIrrPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see these web sites: Alpine: al ineilw.com; TPI: t inst.or ; SBCA: sbcindusl .com; ICC: iccsafe.or ; AWC: awc.org Orlando FL, 32821 SEQN: 250048 / EJAC Ply: 1 Job Number: N334504 Cust: R8975 JRef:1X3G89750040 T 11 / FROM: HMT Qty: 6 ,7A51320 ,182ED,F ,02G ,RI01 / 1828/CAL1/4EBB ELEV.D/F DrwNo: 064.21.1100.24402 Truss Label: EJ7A / WHK 03/05/2021 Loading Criteria (psf) TCLL: 20.00 TCDL: 7.00 BCLL: 0.00 BCDL: 10.00 Des Ld: 37.00 NCBCLL: 10.00 Soffit: 0.00 Load Duration: 1.25 Spacing: 24.0 " 2X4(A1) Wind Criteria Wind Sid: ASCE 7-16 Speed: 160 mph Enclosure: Closed Risk Category: II EXP: C Kzt: NA Mean Height: 15.00 ft TCDL: 4.2 psf BCDL: 5.0 psf MWFRS Parallel Dist: h/2 to h C&C Dist a: 3.00 It Loc. from endwall: not in 4.50 it GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.60 Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #1; Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. Additional Notes Provide (2) 0.131 "x3.0", min. toe -nails at top chord. Provide (2) 0.131 "x3.0", min. toe -nails at bottom chord. 7' 7' Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA Pf: NA Ce: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA Snow Duration: NA Building Code: FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. TPI Std: 2014 Rep Fac: Yes FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Plate Type(s): Defl/CSI Criteria PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# VERT(LL): NA VERT(CL): NA HORZ(LL): 0.016 C HORZ(TL): 0.030 C Creep Factor: 2.0 Max TC CSI: 0.738 Max BC CSI: 0.513 Max Web CSI: 0.000 Ve r: 2 0.02.00A.1020.20 o.708 9 9�• 03/05/2021 ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) Gravity Non -Gravity Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL A 270 /- /- /179 /71 /186 C 126 /- /- /76 /- /- B 177 /- A /132 /171 A Wind reactions based on MWFRS A Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 C Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - B Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - Bearing A is a rigid surface. Bearing A requires a seat plate. Members not listed have forces less than 375# "WARNING" READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handlin shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Information, by TPI and SBCA) fo'r safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI. Unless noted otherwise, top chord shall have proper)Y attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached r! id ceilin Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracin installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or B10, as applicable. AppTcy plates to each face. of truss and position as shown above and on the Join Details, unless noted otherwise. Defer to ALPINE drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Refer to job's General Notes page for additional information. Alpine, a division of ITW BuildingqComponents Group Inc. shall not. be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI/TPI 1, or for handling, shipping,. installation and bracinq of trusses. A seal on this drawinq or cover pa a 675o Forum Drive listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibilitt�y solely -for the design shown. The suitability and use of this drawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TP1 1 Sec.2. Suite 305 For more information see these web sites: Alpine: al ineitw.com; TPI: t inst.or ; SBCA: sbcindust .com; ]CC: iccsafe.or ; AWC: awc.org Orlando FL, 32821 SEQN: 250049 / EJAC Ply: 1 Job Number: N334504 Cust: R 8975 JRef:1X3G89750040 FROM: LPM Qty: 3 7A5/320 ,182ED,F ,02G ,R101 / 1828/CALI/4EBB ELEV.D/F DrwNo: 064.21.1100.24465 Truss Label: EJ3 / WHK 03/05/2021 Loading Criteria (psf) TCLL: 20.00 TCDL: 7.00 BCLL: 0.00 BCDL: 10.00 Des Ld: 37.00 NCBCLL: 10.00 Soffit: 0.00 Load Duration: 1.25 Spacing: 24.0 " 4"3 V Wind Criteria Wind Sid: ASCE 7-16 Speed: 160 mph Enclosure: Closed Risk Category: II EXP: C Kzt: NA Mean Height: 15.00 it TCDL: 4.2 psf BCDL: 5.0 psf MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 C&C Dist a: 3.00 it Loc. from endwall: Any GCpi: 0.18 end Duration: 1.60 Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. Additional Notes Provide (2) 0.131"x3.0", min. toe -nails at top chord. Provide (2) 0.131"x3.0", min. toe -nails at bottom chord. 3' 3' Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA Pf: NA Ce: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA Snow Duration: NA Building Code: FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. TPI Sid: 2014 Rep Fac: Yes FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Plate Type(s): N 1 cM O Defl/CSI Criteria PP Deflection in loc Udefl U# VERT(LL): NA VERT(CL): NA HORZ(LL): -0.001 D HORZ(TL): 0.002 D Creep Factor: 2.0 Max TC CSI: 0.248 Max BC CSI: 0.112 Max Web CSI: 0.000 VIEW Ver: 20.02.00A.1020.20 a 0 o. 7.08 1 O r--- XP, Coo ����lAL�;,•� 03/05/2021 10711 to SO N 8'8" ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) Gravity Non -Gravity Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL B 188 /- /- /157 f71 /100 D 52 /- /- /28 /- /- C 65 /- /- /45 /66 !- Wind reactions based on MWFRS B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 D Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - C Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - Bearing B is a rigid surface. Bearing B requires a seat plate. Members not listed have forces less than 375# **WARNING— READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handlin shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Information, by TPI and SBCA) for safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSL Unless noted otherwise, top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracin installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or B10, as applicable. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Join f Details, unless noted otherwise. Defer to ALPINE drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Refer to jobs General Notes page for additional information. Alpine, a division of ITW Buildin Components Group Inc. shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any failure to build the nN mvcornan�v truss in conformance with ANSI PI 1, or for handling, shipping,. installation and bracing of trusses. A seal on this drawingor cover pa a 675o Forum Drive listing this drawingq indicates acceptance of professional engiineering responsibility solely -for the design shown. The suitability and use of This drawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building -Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. Suite 305 For more information see these web sites: Alpine: al ineitw.com; TPI: t inst.or ; SBCA: sbcindust .com: ICC: iccsafe.or ; AWC: awc.org Orlando FL, 32821 SEQN: 2500501 JACK Piy: 1 Job Number. N334504 Cust R 8975 JRef1X3G89750040 T23 / FROM: RWM Qty: 2 ,7A5/320 ,182ED,F ,02G ,R101 / 1828/CALI/4EBB ELEV.D/F DrwNo: 064.21.1100.22137 Truss Label: EJ2 KD / WHK 03/05/2021 Loading Criteria (psf) TCLL: 20.00 TCDL: 7.00 BCLL: 0.00 BCDL: 10.00 Des Ld: 37.00 NCBCLL: 10.00 Soffit: 0.00 Load Duration: 1.25 Spacina: 24.0 " 12 C TI r�� 9r8rr4 co ti Nt LO 4"3 8r8" -� A D 2X4(A1) 2' i� 2, Wind Criteria Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Speed: 160 mph Enclosure: Closed Risk Category: II EXP: C Kzt: NA Mean Height: 15.00 ft TCDL: 4.2 psf BCDL: 5.0 psf MWFRS Parallel Dist: h to 2h C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Loc. from endwall: not in 9.00 ft GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.60 Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. Additional Notes Provide (2) 0.131 "x3.0", min. toe -nails at top chord. Provide (2) 0.131 "x3.0", min. toe -nails at bottom chord. Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA Pf: NA Ce: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA Snow Duration: NA Building Code: FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. TPI Std: 2014 Rep Fac: Yes FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Plate Type(s): Defl/CSI Criteria PP Deflection in loc Udefl U# VERT(LL): NA VERT(CL): NA HORZ(LL): 0.000 D HORZ(TL): 0.001 D Creep Factor: 2.0 Max TC CSI: 0.137 Max BC CSI: 0.026 Max Web CSI: 0.000 VIEW Ver: 20.02.00A.1020.20 i •' o. 708 1 yt SAT O I COA�ONAI. �N `+�,Worrnr,w�t+ 03/05/2021 ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) Gravity Non -Gravity Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL B 157 /- /- /140 /54 /52 D 32 /- P /18 /- A C 34 /- P 120 /26 /- Wind reactions based on MWFRS B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 D Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - C Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - Bearing B is a rigid surface. Bearings B, D, & C require a seat plate. Members not listed have forces less than 375# "WARNING" READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handlin shipping, installing and bracing., Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Information, by TPI and SBCA) fo'r safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI. Unless noted otherwise, top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached ri id ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracin installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or B10 as applicable. Apply plates to each face. of truss and position as shown above and on the Join Details, unless noted otherwise. Defer to ALPINE drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Refer to job's General Notes page for additional information. Alpine, a division of ITW Buildin$cLComponents Group Inc. shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any failure to build the AN CO-AW truss in conformance with ANSI/TPI 1, or for handling, shipping,, installation and bracin of trusses. A seal on this drawing or cover pa a 675o Forum Drive listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional en sneering responsibilityy solely -for the design shown. The suitability and use of This drawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building -Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. Suite 305 For more information see these web sites: Alpine: al ineitw.com; TPI: t inst.or ; SBCA: sbcindust .com; ICC: iccsafe.or ; AWC: awc.org Odando FL, 32821 SEQN: 250051 / JACK Ply: 1 Job Number: N334504 Cust: R 8975 J Ref: 1 X3G89750040 T34 FROM: JRH City: 4 7A5/320 ,182ED,F ,02G .RI01 / 1828/CALI/4EBB ELEV.D/F DrwNo: 064.21.1100.24467 Truss Label: CJ5 KID / YK 03/05/2021 Loading Criteria (psf) TCLL: 20.00 TCDL: 7.00 BCLL: 0.00 BCDL: 10.00 Des Ld: 37.00 NCBCLL: 10.00 Soffit: 0.00 Load Duration: 1.25 Spacing: 24.0 " 11'2"5 12 6 Cl) C1) � N M Cl) B A $,$„ D 1' 1 4'11"4 4' 11 "4 Wind Criteria Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Speed: 160 mph Enclosure: Closed Risk Category: II EXP: C Kzt: NA Mean Height: 15.00 It TCDL: 4.2 psf BCDL: 5.0 psf MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 C&C Dist a: 3.00 It Loc. from endwall: not in 4.50 ft GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.60 Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. Additional Notes Provide (2) 0.131 "x3.0", min. toe -nails at top chord. Provide (2) 0.131"x3.0", min. toe -nails at bottom chord. ow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) NA Ct NA CAT: NA NA Ce: NA NA Cs: NA 0w Duration: NA Building Code: FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. TPI Std: 2014 Rep Fac: Yes FT/RT:20(0)/l 0(0) Plate Type(s): Defl/CSI Criteria PP Deflection in loc Udefl U# VERT(LL): NA VERT(CL): NA HORZ(LL): 0.005 D HORZ(TL): 0.010 D Creep Factor: 2.0 Max TC CSI: 0.549 Max BC CSI: 0.257 Max Web CSI: 0.000 Ver: 20.02, 00A.1020.20 .• ••.Zrr �? t� ,••V Sir o. 7108 1 F'•-.� COA YWYONAl. ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) Gravity Non -Gravity Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL B 256 /- /- /200 188 /152 D 89 /- /- /51 /- A C 118 A A /85 1116 A Wind reactions based on MWFRS B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 D Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - C Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - Bearing B is a rigid surface. Bearing B requires a seat plate. Members not listed have forces less than 375# 03/05/2021 "WARNING" READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handling shipping, installing and bracing., Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Information, by TPI andSBCA) safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI. Unless noted otherwise, top chord shall have properIr attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attachetl rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracinQ installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or B10 as applicable. Apply Oates to each face, of truss and position as shown above and on the Join Details, unless noted otherwise. f�efer to drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Refer to job's General Notes page for additional information. Alpine, a division of ITW Building Components Group Inc. shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSIITPI 1, or for handling, shipping,, installation and bracin4 of trusses. A seal on this drawing or cover pape listing this drawingg indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely -for the design shown. The suitability and use of 1F is drawing for any sfructure is the responsibility of the Building -Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see these web sites: Alpine: alpineitw.cwm; TPI: tpinst.org; SBCA: sbcindustry.com; ICC: iccsafe.org; AWC: awc.org AL NE A Mco.pA 6750 Forum Drive Suite 305 Orlando FL, 32821 SEQN: 250052 / JACK Ply: 1 Job Number: N334504 Cust: R 8975 JRef:1X3G89750040 T33 / FROM: LPM Qty: 4 ,7A5/320 ,182ED,F ,02G ,RI01 / 1828/CALI/4EBB ELEV.D/F DrwNo: 064.21.1100.24497 Truss Label: CJ3 / WHK 03/05/2021 Loading Criteria (psf) TCLL: 20.00 TCDL: 7.00 BCLL: 0.00 BCDL: 10.00 Des Ld: 37.00 NCBCLL: 10.00 Soffit: 0.00 Load Duration: 1.25 Spacing: 24.0 " �- 1' Wind Criteria Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Speed: 160 mph Enclosure: Closed Risk Category: II EXP: C Kzt: NA Mean Height: 15.00 ft TCDL: 4.2 psf BCDL: 5.0 psf MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Loc. from endwall: Any GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.60 Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. Additional Notes Provide (2) 0.131"x3.0", min. toe -nails at top chord. Provide (2) 0.131 "x3.0", min. toe -nails at bottom chord. 2' 11 "4 2' 11 "4 Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA Pf: NA Ce: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA Snow Duration: NA Building Code: FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. TPI Std: 2014 Rep Fac: Yes FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Plate Type(s): C T Defl/CSI Criteria PP Deflection in loc Udefl U# VERT(LL): NA VERT(CL): NA HORZ(LL): -0.001 D HORZ(TL): 0.001 D - Creep Factor: 2.0 Max TC CSI: 0.234 Max BC CSI: 0.105 Max Web CSI: 0.000 VIEW Ver: 20.02.00A.1020.20 r., 0.708 g 060 COAt0NAI. 03/05/2021 10'2"5 rn i� N $r$u ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) Gravity Non -Gravity Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL B 185 /- /- /156 /71 /99 D 50 /- !- /27 /- P C 63 /- /- /44 /64 P Wind reactions based on MWFRS B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 D Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - C Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - Bearing B is a rigid surface. Bearing B requires a seat plate. Members not listed have forces less than 375# —WARNING" READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handlin shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Information, by TPI and SBCA) for safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI. Unless noted otherwise, top chord shall have proper)v attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attachetl rigid ceiling Locations shown for of lateral restraint of webs shall have bracin installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or B10. as applicable. Apply plates to each face. o truss and position as shown above and on the Join Details, unless noted otherwise. Refer to ALPINE drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Refer to job's General Notes page for additional information. Alpine, a division of ITW Buildin$cLComponents Group Inc. shall not. be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any failure to build the AN CO ANY truss in conformance with ANSI 1, or for handling, shipping,, installation and bracin4 of trusses. A seal on this drawing or cover pa a 6750 Forum Drive listing this drawin indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely -for the design shown. The suitability and use of g is drawing for any sfructure is the responsibility of the Building -Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. Suite 305 For more information see these web sites: Alpine: al ineilw.com; TPI: t inst.or ; SBCA: sbcindusl .com; ICC: iccsafe.or ; AWC: awc.org Orlando FL, 32821 SEQN: 250053 / JACK Ply: 1 �JobNumber: N334504 Cust: R 8975 JRef:1X3G89750040 T29 ! FROM: LPM Qty: 8 7A5/320 ,182ED,F ,02G ,RI01 ! 1828/CALI/4EB8 ELEV.D/F DnvNo: 064.21.1100.24294 Truss Label: CA / YK 03/05/2021 Loading Criteria (psf) TCLL: 20.00 TCDL: 7.00 BCLL: 0.00 BCDL: 10.00 Des Ld: 37.00 NCBCLL: 10.00 Soffit: 0.00 Load Duration: 1.25 (Spacing: 24.0 " 12 6 F7- C V Wind Criteria Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Speed: 160 mph Enclosure: Closed Risk Category: II EXP: C Kzt: NA Mean Height: 15.00 ft TCDL: 4.2 psf BCDL: 5.0 psf MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Loc. from endwall: Any GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.60 Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Wind Wind loads based on MWFRS with additional C&C member design. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. Additional Notes Provide (2) 0.131"x3.0", min. toe -nails at top chord. Provide (2) 0.131 "x3.0", min. toe -nails at bottom chord. 1, 11 "4 11 "4 Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA Pf: NA Ce: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA Snow Duration: NA Building Code: FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. TPI Std: 2014 Rep Fac: Yes FT/RT:20(0)/l 0(0) Plate Type(s): I'm co M 1 Defl/CSI Criteria PP Deflection in loc Udell L/# VERT(LL): NA VERT(CL): NA HORZ(LL): -0.000 D HORZ(TL): 0.000 D Creep Factor: 2.0 Max TC CSI: 0.183 Max BC CSI: 0.022 Max Web CSI: 0.000 VIEW Ver: 20.02.00A.1020.20 i • r • • • ■ 0 yl COA b (bi'] Al,1 NA � 03/05/2021 9'2"5 ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) Gravity Non -Gravity Loc R+ /R- /Rh /Rw /U /RL B 143 /- /- /145 /76 /45 D 11 /-2 /- /14 /10 /- C - /-15 /- /29 /33 /- Wind reactions based on MWFRS B Brg Width = 8.0 Min Req = 1.5 D Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - C Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - Bearing B is a rigid surface. Bearing B requires a seat plate. Members not listed have forces less than 375# "WARNING" READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! "IMPORTANT•' FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handling shipping, installing and bracing., Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Information, by TPI and SBCA) for safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI. Unless noted otherwise, top chord shall have proper)v attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached rigid ceilin Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracin installed per BCS! sections B3, B7 or B10, as applicable. App�}i plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Joml9Details, unless noted otherwise. Refer to ALPINE drawings 16OA-Z for standard plate positions. Refer to job's General Notes page for additional information. Alpine, a division of ITW Building Components Group Inc. shall notbe responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any failure to build the Mcc_v truss in conformance with ANSI/TPI 1, or for handling, shipping,,m Drive installation and bracing4 of trusses. A seal on this drawing or cover pa a 675o Forum listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional en sneering responsibilitrvy solely -for the design shown. The suitability and use of This drawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building -Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. Suite F305 or For more information see these web sites: Alpine: al ineitw.com; TPI: t inst.or ; SBCA: sbcindusl .com; ICC: iccsafe.or ; AWC: awc.org Orlando FL, 32821 SEQN: 250054 / HIP_ Ply: 1 Job Number: N334504 : R 8975 CustJRef:1X3G89750040 T22 ! FROM: HMT Qly: 2 ,7A5/320 ,182ED,F ,02G ,R101 / 1828/CALI/4EBB ELEV.D/F DrwNo: 064.21.1100.24090 Truss Label: HJ7 TCE / YK 03/05/2021 5'3"5 5'3"5 9'10"1 4'6"11 u 12'2"3 12 2X4 C v m � v e 3 A 0- FE -AVA Loading Criteria (psf) TCLL: 20.00 TCDL: 7.00 BCLL: 0.00 BCDL: 10.00 Des Ld: 37.00 NCBCLL: 0.00 Soffit: 0.00 Load Duration: 1.25 Spacing: 24.0 " Lumber �-- 1'5" Wind Criteria Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Speed: 160 mph Enclosure: Closed Risk Category: II EXP: C Kzt: NA Mean Height: 15.00 It TCDL: 4.2 psf BCDL: 5.0 psf MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 C&C Dist a: 3.00 It Loc. from endwall: NA GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.60 Top chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Bot chord: 2x4 SP #1; Webs: 2x4 SP #3; Loading Hipjack supports 6-11-8 setback jacks with no webs. Wind Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. (3) 16d common (0.162"x3.5") nails at top chord (3) 16d common (0. 1 62"x3.5") nails at bottom chord 9'2"2 9'2"2 Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA Pf: NA Ce: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA Snow Duration: NA Building Code: FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. TPI Std: 2014 Rep Fac: No FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Plate Type(s): WAVE 7" 9'1 Defl/CSI Criteria PP Deflection in loc Udefl U# VERT(LL): 0.049 F 999 240 VERT(CL): 0.092 F 999 240 HORZ(LL): 0.012 C - - HORZ(TL): 0.023 C Creep Factor: 2.0 Max TC CSI: 0.542 Max BC CSI: 0.670 Max Web CSI: 0.261 Ve r: 20.02.00A.1020.20 o. T08 1 • • 1 COA �,0 NA 03/05/2021 ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) Gravity Non -Gravity Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL B 326 /- /- /- /154 /- E 364 A /0 /- /84 /0 D 214 /- /- /- /177 /- Wind reactions based on MWFRS B Brg Width = 10.6 Min Req = 1.5 E Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - D Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - Bearing B is a rigid surface. Bearing B requires a seat plate. Members not listed have forces less than 375# Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. B - C 392 - 565 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. B - F 534 - 356 Maximum Web Forces Per Ply (Ibs) Webs Tens.Comp. C - F 391 - 587 '•WARNING" READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handlin shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Information, by TPI and SBCA) for safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI. Unless noted otherwise, top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached ri id ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracin installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or B10, as appltcab�e. Apply plates to each face. of truss and position as shown above and on the Join Details, unless noted otherwise. Defer to ALPINE drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Refer to job's General Notes page for additional information. Alpine, a division of ITW Buildin Components Group Inc. shall not. be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any failure to build the A" CCMCAur truss in conformance with ANSI 1, or for handling, shipping,. installation and bracincL4of trusses. A seal on this drawing or cover page 6750 Forum Drive listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional en ineering responsibility solely -for the design shown. The suitability and use of this drawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building�esigner per ANSI/TP1 1 Sec.2. Suite 305 For more information see these web sites: Alpine: alpineilw.com; TPI: tpinst.org; SBCA: sbcinduslry.com; ICC: iccsafe.org; AWC: awc.org_ — _ Orlando FL, 32821 SEQN: 250055/ HIP_ Ply: 1 Job Number: N334504 Cust: R8975 JRef:1X3G89750040 T17 / FROM: LPM Qty: 2 7A5/320 ,182ED,F ,02G ,R101 / 1828/CALI/4EBB ELEV.D/F DrwNo: 064.21.1100.24262 Truss Label: HJ3A TCE / YK 03/05/2021 Loading Criteria (psf) TCLL: 20.00 TCDL: 7.00 BCLL: 0.00 BCDL: 10.00 Des Ld: 37.00 NCBCLL: 0.00 Soffit: 0.00 Load Duration: 1.25 Spacing: 24.0 " C 12 4.24 10'2"6 B c� N A8rpOrr D 1'5" 4'2"3 4'2"3 Wind Criteria Wind Std: ASCE 7-16 Speed: 160 mph Enclosure: Closed Risk Category: II EXP: C Kzt: NA Mean Height: 15.00 ft TCDL: 4.2 psf BCDL: 5.0 psf MWFRS Parallel Dist: 0 to h/2 C&C Dist a: 3.00 ft Loc. from endwall: NA GCpi: 0.18 Wind Duration: 1.60 Lumber Top chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Bot chord: 2x4 SP #2 N; Loading Hipjack supports 2-11-8 setback jacks with no webs. Wind Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. Wind loading based on both gable and hip roof types. Additional Notes Provide (2) 0.131 "x3.0", min. toe -nails at top chord. Provide (2) 0.131 "x3.0", min. toe -nails at bottom chord. Snow Criteria (Pg,Pf in PSF) Pg: NA Ct: NA CAT: NA Pf: NA Ce: NA Lu: NA Cs: NA Snow Duration: NA Building Code: FBC 7th Ed. 2020 Res. TPI Std: 2014 Rep Fac: No FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Plate Type(s): Defl/CSI Criteria PP Deflection in loc L/defl L/# VERT(LL): NA VERT(CL): NA HORZ(LL): 0.001 D HORZ(TL): 0.002 D Creep Factor: 2.0 Max TC CSI: 0.120 Max BC CSI: 0.074 Max Web CSI: 0.000 VIEW Ver: 20.02.00A.1020.20 • o.708 i ,a ;• SAT O ; ,� cOA �s�ONAL 03/05/2021 ♦ Maximum Reactions (Ibs) Gravity Non -Gravity Loc R+ / R- / Rh / Rw / U / RL B 84 /- /- /- /45 A D 28 A A /7 A /- C 64 A A /- /48 A Wind reactions based on MWFRS B Brg Width = 10.6 Min Req = 1.5 D Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - C Brg Width = 1.5 Min Req = - Bearing B is a rigid surface. Bearing B requires a seat plate. Members not listed have forces less than 375# "WARNING" READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING! "'IMPORTANT'" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating, handlin shipping, installing and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Information, by TPI and SBCA) fo'r safety practices poor to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI. Unless noted otherwise, top chord shall have proper)% attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached riprd ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracinginstalled per BCSI sections B3, B7 or B10, as applicable. Apply plates to each face o truss and position as shown above and on the JoinfDetails, unless noted otherwise. Defer to ALPINE drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Refer to job's General Notes page for additional information. Alpine, a division of ITW BuildinggComponents Group Inc. shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing, any failure to build the MN co-w truss in conformance with ANSI/TPI 1, or for handling, shipping,. installation and bracinc1 of trusses. A seal on this drawing or cover page 675o Forum Drive listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional enpmeenng responsibility solely -for the design shown. The suitability and use of This drawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Buildings esigner per ANSI/TA 1 Sec.2. Suite 305 For more information see these web sites: Alpine: al ineilw.com; TPI: t inst.or ; SBCA: sbcindust .com; ICC: iccsafe.or ; AWC:awc.org Orlando FL, 32821 Gable Stud Reinforcement Detail ASCE 7-161 160 mph Wind Speed, 15' Mean Height, Enclosed, Exposure C, Kzt = 1,00 ' Or, 140 mph Wind Speed, 15' Mean Height, Partially Enclosed, Exposure C, Kzt = 1.00 Or, 140 mph Wind Speed, 15' Mean Height, Enclosed, Exposure D, Kzt = 1.00 Ori 120 moh Wind Soeed. 15' Mean Heinht. Partially Fnctnsed. Fxonsure D. 1<7t = 1.nn S 2x4 Brace Gable Vertical Spacing Species Grade No Braces (1) ix4 'L' Brace w (1) 2x4 'L' Brace w (2) 2x4 'L' Brace ww (1) 2x6 'L' Brace w (2) 2x6 'L' Brace X30 Group A Group B Group A Group B Group A Group B Group A Group B Group A Group B #1 / #2 3' 10, 6' 7' 6' 10' 7' 9' 8' 1' 9' 3' 9' 7' 12' 2' 12' 8' 14' 0' 14' 0' - S P F #3 3' 8' 5' 9' 6' 2' 7' 8' 7' 11' 9' 1' 9' 6' 12' 0' 12' 6' 14' 0' 14' 0' H F Stud 3' 8' 5' 9' 6' 1' 7' 8' 7' 11' 9' 1' 9' 6' 12' 0' 12' 6' 14' 0' 14' 0' p Standard 3' 8' 4' 11' 5' 3' 6' 7' 7' 1' 8' 11' 9' 6' 10' 4' 11' 1' 14' 0' 14' 0' #1 4' 0' 6' 8' 1 6' 11' 7' 10' 1 8' 2' 9' 4' 9' 8' 12' 4' 1 12' 9' 14' 0' 14' 0' J S P #2 3' 10, 6' 7' 6' 10, 7' 9' 8' 1' 9' 3' 9' 7' 12' 2' 12' 8' 14' 0' 14' 0' d r #3 3' 9' 5' 3' 5' 7' 6' 11' 7' 5' 9' 2' 9' 7' 10, 11' 11' 8' 14' 0' 14' 0' Stud 3' 9' 5' 3' 5' 7' 6' 11' 7' 5' 9' 2' 9' 7' 10, 11' 11' 8' 14' 0' 14' 0' Standard 3' 6' 4' 7' 4' 11' 6' 2' 6' 7' 8' 4' 8' 11' 9' 8' 10' 4' 13, 1' 14' 0' U _P _ S P P #1 / #2 4' 5' 7' 6' 7' 9' 8' 10' 9' 3' 10' 7' 11' 0' 13' 11' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' #3 4' 2' 7' 1' 7' 9' 8' 9' 9' 1' 10' 5' 10' 10' 13' 9' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' U u P Stud 4' 2' 7' 1' 7' 6' 8' 9' 9' 1' 10' 5' 10, 10' 13' 9' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' O I� Standard 4' 2' 6' 1' 6' 5' 8' 8' B' 10' 5' 10, 10, 12' 8' 13' 7' 14' 0' 14' 0' #1 4' 7' 7' 7' 7' 11' 0 9' 0' 9' 4' 10, 8' 11' 1' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' S P #2 4' 5' 7' 6' 7' 9' 8' 10' 9' 3' 10' 7' 11, 0' 13' 11' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' #3 4' 4' 6' 5' 6' 10' 8' 6' 9' 1' 10' 6' 10, 11' 13' 4' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' (1) D rr L Stud 4' 4' 6' 5' 6' 10' 8' 6' 9' 1' 10' 6' 10, 11' 13' 4' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' Standard 4' 2' 5' 8' 6' 0' 7' 6' 8' 0' 10' 2' 10' 10' 11' 10' 12' 7' 14' 0' 14' 0' #1 / #2 4' 10' 8' 3' 8' 7' 9' 9' 10' 2' 10' 7' 12, 1' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' d S P P #3 4' 7' 8' 2' 8' 5' 9' 8' 10, 0' 11' 6' 12, 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' LJ U I_l d 4' 7' 8' 2' 8' 5' 9' 8' 10, 0' 11' 6' 12' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' O f l Standard 4' 7' 7' 0' 7' 5' 9' 4' 10, 0' 11' 6' 12' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' X #1 5' 1' 8' 5' 8' 8' 9' 11' 10' 3' 11' 9' 12' 3' 14' 0' 1 14' 0' 14' 0' 1 14' 0' d S P #2 4' 10' 8' 3' 8' 7' 9' 9' 10' 2' 11' 7' 12' 1' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' #3 4' 9' 7' 4' 7' 10' 9' 8' 10' 1' 11' 7' 12' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' r--I D rr L Stud 4' 9' 7' 4' 7' 10' 9' 8' 10' 1' 11' 7' 12' 0' 14' 0' 140' 14' 0' 14' 0' Standard 4' 7' 6' 6' 6' 11' 8' 8' 1 9' 3' 1 11' 6' 1 12' 0' 1 13, 7' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' Diagonal brace option, vertical length may be doubled when diagonal brace Is used. Connect diagonal brace for 600# at each end. Max web total length Is 14'. Vertical length shown In table above. Connect diagonal (it mldooint of vertical web. AN ITW CO 1 \ 514% Earth\ City\ Expressway \ \ Suite\ 242 \ \ Earth\ City,\ MO\ 63045 aymm About 18' L r 'L' Brace End Zones, typ. #2 or gonal r gle 8, cut ,as) atnd, I NN `V` Refer to chart fibovei for 6ax gabl.k ver tidal le ■.VAFWNGI.■ READ AND FOLLOV ALL NaTES ON THIS URAVINGI aT • O. U0 1 wwIWI3RTANTww FIkINISH THIS DRAVMG TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. Trusses require extreme care In fabricating, handling, shipping, Installing and bracing. Ref �' Idnn$, Mow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Information, by TPI SBCA) fo w • and s�dFFeet)s •actices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bradng p, BCSL • ,less noted otherwise, top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bo m chol (o /�4 O • -. ,all have a properly attached rigid ceiling. Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint f sw ,all have brndng Installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or B10, as applicable. Apply plates to ea P11 i ' truss and position as shown above and on the Joint Details, unless noted otherwise.!fer to drawings 1f for standard pints •w /� rl♦• -` o �/ S Alpine, IT Alpine, n division of ITV Building Components Group Inc shall not be responsible for any deviotlo r Group In �0aw •• ��'m+' •• Js drawing, any failure to build the truss In conformance with ANSI/TPI 1, or for handling, shippin :taUatlon B bracing of trusses. S••nn•••* sr � A seal on this dra•ing or cover page UstMg this drawing, VAcates acceptance of professional glneeNng responsUAlty surely for the design sham The suitability and use of this drawing / k 5/05/2021 it any structure Is the responsibility of the Mdtrg Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.B �,td For more Information see this Job's general notes page and these web sites, ALPINE, www.alptneitw.coni TPI, www.tpinst,orgi SBCA, www.sbclndustry.orgl ICC, wwwjccsafe.org Bracing Group Species and Grades) Group At S ruce-Pime- fir Hem -Fir #1 / #2 IStandaEl #2 Stud #3 Stud #3 Standard Dou Las Fir -Larch Southern Plnewww #3 #3 Stud Stud Standard Standard Group Bi Hem -Fir #1 & Btr #1 Dou las Fir -Larch Southern Plnewww #1 #1 #2 #2 Ix4 Braces shall be SRB (Stress -Rated Board). wwFor 1x4 So. Pine use only Industrial 55 or Industrial 45 Stress -Rated Boards. Group B values may be used with these rades. Gable Truss Detail Notes) Wind Load deflection criterion Is L/240. Provide uplift connections for 75 plf over continuous bearing <5 psf TC Dead Load), Gable end supports load from 4' 0' outlookers with 2' 0' overhang, or 12' plywood overhang. Attach 'L' braces with 10d (0,128'x3.0' min) nails, )K For (1) 'L' brace, space nails at 2' o.c. In 18' end zones and 4' o.c. between zones. )K)KFor (2) 'L' braces, space malls at 3' o,c. In 18' end zones and 6' o,c, between zones. 'L' bracing must be a minimum of 807 of web member length, II Gable Vertical Plate Sizes 11 Vertical Length No S lice Less than 4' 0' 2X3 Greater than 4' 0', but less than 11' 6' 3X4 Greater than 11' 6' 4x4 II+ Refer to common truss design for peak, splice, and heel plates. Refer to the Building Designer for conditions not addressed by this detail, REF ASCE7-16-CAB16015 DATE 01/26/2018 DRWG A16015ENC160118 MAX, TOT, LD, 60 PSF MAX. SPACING 24,0' 'T' Reinforcing Member Gable Truss Gabe Detail For Let -in Verticals Gable Truss Plate Sizes pproprlate Alpine gable detail for e sizes for vertical studs. Engineered truss design for peak, rb, and heel plates, vertical plates overlap, use a ,te that covers the total area of Lapped plates to span the web, e, 2*2X4 2X8 rroviae connections for uptitt specittea on the engineerea truss aesign, Attach each 'T' reinforcing member with End Driven Nails, 10d Common (0,148'x 3,',min) Nails at 4' o.c, plus (4) nails In the top and bottom chords, Toenalled Nalls, 10d Common (0,148'x3',m1n) Toenails at 4' o.c, plus (4) toenails In the top and bottom chords, This detail to be used with the appropriate Alpine gable detail for ASCE wind load. ASCE 7-05 Gable Detall Drawings A13015051014, A12015051014, A11015051014, A10015051014, A14015051014, A13030051014, A12030051014, A11030051014, A10030051014, A14030051014 ASCE 7-10 g ASCE 7-16 Gable Detail Drawings A11515ENC100118, A12015ENC100118, A14015ENC100118, A16015ENC100118, A18015ENC100118, A20015ENC100118, A20015END100118, A20015PED100118, A11530ENC100118, A12030ENCI00118, A14030ENC100118, A16030ENC100118, A18030ENC100118, A20030ENC100118, A20030END100118, A20030PED100118, S11515ENC100118, S12015ENC100118, S14015ENC100118, S16015ENC100118, S18015ENC100118, S20015ENC100118, S20015ENDIOOII W19ftw S11530ENC100118, S12030ENC100118, S2 030E ajgp. b••Arl S18030ENC100118, S20030ENC100118, S20030E OL b10 See appropriate Alpine gable detail for maxliglrl eitTl•gi'cc�idgJ 'T' Reinforcement Attachment Detail 'T' Reinforcing 'T' Reinforcing Member Member Toe-nall - Or - End -nail To convert from 'L' to 'T' reinforcing members, multiply 'T' Increase by length (based on appropriate Alpine gable detail). Maximum allowable 'T' reinforced gable vertical Length Is 14' from top to bottom chord, 'T' reinforcing member material must match size, specie, and grade of the 'L' reinforcing member, eb Length Increase w/ 'T' Brace Examples ASCE 7-10 Wind Speed = 120 mph Mean Roof Height = 30 ft, Kzt = 1.00 Gable Vertical = 24'o,c. SP N3 'T' Reinforcing Member Size = 2x4 'T' Brace Increase (From Above) = 30% = 1,30 Q) 2x4 'L' Brace Length = 8' 7' Maximum 'T' Reinforced Gable Vertical Length 1.30 x 8' 7' = 11' 2' 'T' Relnf, Mbr, Size 'T' Increase 2x4 30 2x6 20 ■.nwaRTANr.:s1N°M nus`naA�vncFT°LLa°uVL �Ir"R°TES (IN THIS acsINMUDING V°'Trl°e INsraiERs_� ; U. VO l REF' LET -IN VERT Trusses require extreme care In fabricating, handling, shipping, Installing and bracing. Ref t{*,�pn$ a follow the latest edition of HCSI (Bullding Component Safety Information, by TPI and SHCA) fo salGtyw • = DATE 01/02/2018 practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shalt provide tenporary brndng peBCSL • unless noted otherwise, top chord shalt have property attached structural sheathing and bo m cholll S A� = DRWG GBLLETIN0118 shall have a property attached rigid calling. Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint f s• f'1 shall have bracing Installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or BIG, as applicable. Apply plates to e.X /A� � r [�fiLr Of truss and position as shown above and on the Joint Detafts, unless noted otherwise. i • J"� • (11_,JJV PI Refer to dray ngs 160A-2 for standard pints positions. •4• 4 Alpine, a division of ITV Bullding Components Group Inc shall not SI responsible for nay deviatio r •••• • r•• ` this draring, any in of to build the truss N conformance with ANSI/TPI 1, or for handling, shlppin •••r.•••• AN ITW COMPANY Instnllntian 6 bracing of trusses. + � MAX, TOT, LD, 60 PSF l\514\Earth\City\Expressway engineering responsthis �y ssoolelyvfor the design awn. The-sultablity acceptance us�trds wig 'l 4yV ;I}'q �yp�t' /05/2021 DUR, FAC, ANY \ \ Suite\ 242 for my structure Is the responsWity of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 SecB \\Earth\City,\MO\63045 For more Information see this Job's general notes page and these web sites, MAX, SPACING 24,0' ALPINE, wrr.alpineitw.coml M, rrr,tpinst.orgl SBCA, rrr,sbclntlustryargl ICC, •w.Jccsafe.org NAIL SPACING DETAIL MINIMUM SPACING FOR SINGLE BLOCK IS SHOWN. DOUBLE NAIL SPACINGS AND STAGGER NAILING FOR TWO BLOCKS. GREATER SPACING MAY BE REQUIRED TO AV❑ID SPLITTING, BLOCK L❑CATI❑N, SIZE, LENGTH,GRADE AND TOTAL NUMBER AND TYPE OF NAILS ARE TO BE SPECIFIED ❑N SEALED DESIGN REFERENCING THIS DETAIL, LOAD PERPENDICULAR TO GRAIN A - EDGE DISTANCE AND SPACING BETWEEN STAGGERED ROWS OF NAILS (6 NAIL DIAMETERS) B - SPACING OF NAILS IN A ROW (12 NAIL DIAMETERS) C - END DISTANCE (15 NAIL DIAMETERS) LOAD PARALLEL TO GRAIN A - EDGE DISTANCE (6 NAIL DIAMETERS) C - SPACING OF NAILS IN A ROW AND END DISTANCE (15 NAIL DIAMETERS) D - SPACING BETWEEN STAGGERED ROWS OF NAILS (7 1/2 NAIL DIAMETERS) IF NAIL HOLES ARE PREB❑RED, SOME SPACING MAY BE REDUCED BY THE AMOUNTS GIVEN BELOW: C)K)K W SPACING MAY BE REDUCED BY 50% XX SPACING MAY BE REDUCED BY 33X i J DIRECTI❑N OF LOAD AND NAIL ROWS C)K)K A A NAIL LINE C)K r100110NQI"11.9 W J Y U 0 J va A Bur B/2 )K A TRUSS MEMBER LOAD APPLIED PERPENDICULAR TO GRAIN C C)K 'A' D I D I LOAD APPLIED PARALLEL MINIMUM NAIL SPACING DISTANCES DISTANCES NAIL TYPE A B)K CAW D 8d BOX (0,113"X 2.5°,MIN) 3/4' 1 3/8' 1 3/4' 7/8' 10d BOX (0,128'X 3,°,MIN) 7/8" 1 5/8' 2' i' 12d BOX (0,128'X 3,25°,MIN) 7/8" 1 5/8' 2" 1' 16d BOX (0,135'X 3,5',MIN) 7/8" 1 5/8' 2 1/8" 1 1/8' 20d BOX (0,148"X 4,0,MIN) V 1 7/8' 2 1/4" 1 1/8" 8d COMMON (0,131'X 2,5",MIN) 7/8" 1 5/8' 2" 1' 10d COMMON (0,148'X 3.',MIN) 1" 1 7/8' 2 1/4" 1 1/8' 12d COMMON (0,148'X 3,25',MIN) 1' 1 7/8' 2 1/4' 1 1/8' 16d COMMON (0,162'X 3,5°,MIN) 1' 2' 2 1/2" 1 1/4' GUN (0,120'X 2,5',MIN) 3/4' 1 1/2' 1 7/8' 1' GUN (0,131'X 2,5",MIN) 7/8' 1 5/8' 2" 1' GUN (0,120'X 3,',MIN) 3/4' 1 1/2' 1 7/8' i' GUN (0,131'X 3,',MIN) 7/8" 1 1 5/8" 2" 1' C/2)" NAIL LINE "VARNING•.. READ AND FM-LDV ALL NOTES UN THIS DRAVINGI "IMPURTANTww FlRUQSH THIS BRAVING M ALL CONTRACT13RS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERSC Trusses require extreme care In fabricating, handling, shipping, Installing and bracing. Ref t follow the latest edition of BCSI (Bultding Component Safety Information, by TPI and SBCA' fo s, practices prior to performing these functions, Installers shall provide temporary bradng pe B Unless noted otherwise, top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bo shall have a properly attached rlgld ceiling. Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint 1 shall have bracing Installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or B10, as applicable. Apply plotes to ea% of truss and position as shown above and on the Joint Details, unless noted otherwise. I PIN I Refer to drawings 16OA-Z for standard plate positions. Alpine, a division of ITV Building Components Group Inc shall not be responsible for any devlatl this drawing, any failure to bu0d the truss in confornonce witch ANSI/TPI 1, or for handling, shipt AN ITW COMPANY Installation '. bracing of trusses. A seal an this drawing or cover page Ustb, this drawing. 6xllcates acceptance of professional 115141 Earth\ City\ Expressway engineering resporslaRity solely for the design shown The sutta Wty V use of this drawing 1\Suite\242 for any structure Is the responsibility of the "ding Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.P- \\Earth\City,\MO\63045 For more Information see this ,Job's general notes page and these web sites, w ALPINE, wwalpineitw.comi TPI, www.tpinst.orgi SBCA, www.sbclndustry.orgl ICO wwwlccsafearg let M H . o- Gr-v.'• �AI� •' 01�: S�ATA O r/s REF NAIL SPACE DATE 10/01/14 DRWG CNNAILSPI014 Valley Detail - ASCE 7-16: 180 mph, 30' Mean Height, Partially Enclosed, Exp, C, Kzt=1,00 nTop Chord 2x4 SP #2N, SPF #1/#2, DF-L #2 or better, Bot Chord 2x4 SP #2N or SPF #1/#2 or better, Webs 2x4 SP #3, SPF #1/#2, DF-L #2 or better, �OK Attach each valley to every supporting truss with, 535# connection or with (1) Simpson H2,5A or equivalent connector for ASCE 7-16 180 mph, 30' Mean Height, Part, Enc, Building, Exp. C, Wind TC DL=5 psf, Kzt = 1.00 Or ASCE 7-16 160 mph, 30' Mean Height, Part, Enc, Building, Exp. D, Wind TC DL=5 psf, Kzt = 1.00 Bottom chord may be square or pitched cut as shown. Valleys short enough to be cut as solid triangular members from a single 2x6, or larger as required, shall be permitted in lieu of fabricating from separate 2x4 members, All plates shown are Alpine Wave Plates. 3X4 12 12 Max, 2X4 X4 �--- 8-0-0 max 4X4 12 12 Max. I- 1X3 Unless specified otherwise on engineer's sealed design, for vertical valley webs taller than 7-9' apply 2x4 'T' reinforcement, 80Y length of web, sane species and grade or better, attached with 10d box (0,128' x 3,0') nails at 6' o,c, In lieu of 'T' reinforcement, 2x4 Continuous Lateral Restraint applied at chid -length of web is permitted with diagonal bracing as shown in DRWG BRCLBANC1014, Top chord of truss beneath valley set must be braced with, properly attached, rated sheathing applied prior to valley truss Installation, Or Purlins at 24' o,c, or as otherwise specified on engineer's sealed design Or By valley trusses used in lieu of purlin spacing as specified on Engineer's sealed design. Awx Note that the purlin spacing for bracing the top chord of the truss beneath the valley is measured along the slope of the top chord, ++ Larger spans may be built as long as the vertical height does not exceed 14'-0', Pitched Cut Bottom Chord Valley 1X3 (Max Spacing) \2X4 1X3 5X4/SPL _1X3 20-0-0 (++) Supporting trusses at 24' o,c, maximum spacing. Valle ISpacing Square Cut Bottom Chord Valeev SQo-G,,�¢►��rnr►n wwVARNINGww READ AND F0110V ALL NOTES W1 THIS DRAVINGI MIKPORTANTww FURNISH THIS DRAVOIG TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS Trusses require extreme care In fabricating, handling, shipping, Installing and bracing. Refer y� follow the latest edition of SCSI (Building Component Safety Information, by TPI and SBCA) for f�f practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per SL Unless noted otherwise, top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bott ch shall have a properly attached rigid ceiling. Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint o •reJ1 shall have bracing Installed per BCSI sectlans B3, B7 or 1110, as applicable. Apply plates to each�aF of truss and position as shown above and on the Joint Details, unless rated otherwise. �� P' Refer to drawings 16CA-Z for standard plate positions, Alpine, n division of ITV Building Components Group Inc shall not be responsible for any deviatlonl this drawing, any failure to build the truss In conformance with ANSI/TPI 1, or for handling, shipping, AN ITW COMPANY Installation 6 bracing of trusses. \\514\Earth\Ci 1Fx Expressway A seal on this drawing or cover page listing this drawing, Indicates acceptance of professional ty p y engineering responsIbItty solely for the design sham The suitabdlty and use of this drowYg \\Suite\242 for any structvr Is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2 1 \ Earth\ City,\ MO\ 63045 For more Information see this Job's general notes page and these web sitesi ALPINE- wwralpinettw.coml TPI, www,tpinstorgi SBCA, www.sbcindustry.orgi ICC- wwwJccsafe.org 2X4 4X4 �If Stubbed Valley Optional Hip End Detail Joint Detail mmon Tr usses • �°•i ', at 24' o,c, LL 30 TC DL 20 O BC DL 10 '0 ��✓ fief BC LL 0 0.11, w��, t TOT. LD, 60 05/2021 DUR,FAC,1,25/1,3 SPACING n I T t 2, Partial Framing I Plan 30 40PSF REF VALLEY DETAIL 15 7 PSF DATE 01/26/2018 10 10 PSF DRWG VAL180160118 0 0 PSF 55 57PSF 24-0' Valley Detail - ASCE 7-16: 30' Mean Height, Enclosed, Exp, C, Kzt=1,00 Top Chord 2x4 SP #2N, SPF #1/#2, DF-L #2 or better, Bot Chord 2x4 SP #2N or SPF #1/#2 or better. Webs 2x4 SP #3, SPF #1/#2, DF-L #2 or better, �4Attach each valley to every supporting truss with) (2) 16d box (0,135' x 3,5') nails toe -nailed for ASCE 7-16, 30' Mean Height, Enclosed Building, Exp, C, Wind TC DL=5 psf, Kzt = 1.00, Max, Wind Speed based on supporting truss material at connection location, 170 mph for SP (G = 0,55, min.), 155 mph for DF-L (G = 0,50, min.), or 120 mph for HIT & SPF (G = 0.42, min.). Maximum top chord pitch is 10/12 for supporting trusses below valley trusses. Bottom chord of valley trusses may be square or pitched cut as shown. Valleys short enough to be cut as solid triangular members from a single 2x6, or larger as required, shall be permitted in lieu of fabricating from separate 2x4 members. All plates shown are Alpine Wave Plates, 3X4 12 12 Max. (— 2X4 X4 8-0-0 Max 4X4 20-0-0 (++) Supporting trusses at 24' o.c, maximum spacing, Unless specified otherwise on engineer's sealed design, for vertical valley webs taller than 7-9' apply 2x4 'T' reinforcement, 80% length of web, same species and grade or better, attached with 10d box (0.128' x 3,0') nails at 6' o.c. In lieu of 'T' reinforcement, 2x4 Continuous Lateral Restraint applied at mid -length of web is permitted with diagonal bracing as shown in DRWG BRCLBANC1014, Top chord of truss beneath valley set must be braced with, properly attached, rated sheathing applied prior to valley truss Installation. Or Purlins at 24' o,c, or as otherwise specified on engineer's sealed design Or By valley trusses used in lieu of purlin spacing as specified on Engineer's sealed design, WAw Note that the purlin spacing for bracing the top chord of the truss beneath the valley is measured along the slope of the top chord, ++ Larger spans may be built as long as the vertical height does not exceed 14'-0', Pitched Cut Bottom Chord Valley Valle Spacing Square Cut Bottom Chord oe-naffed Valley 12 10 Max. r SQa.G�y�gusF+Tnew �s���;••��GE \ ■■VARNINGI.x READ AND FOLLOW ALL NDTES DN THIS DRAWING IJ. ! Uv I - r•INPQtTANTu FURNISH THIS DRAWING TD ALL CONTRACTDRS INCLUDING THE INSTALLER • Trusses require extreme care In fabricating, handling, shipping, Installing and bracig. Re • follow the latest edition of BCSI (Building Component Safety Information, by TPI and SB-' A--*Q epractices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracingBCSL• Unless noted otherwise, top chord shall hove properly attached structural sheathing and tam&Jrd Snshall hove aproperly attached rigid ceiling. Locations shown for permanent lateral restraof b• �7 /'Y v ° shall have bradng Installed per BCSI sections B3, B7 or B10 as applicable. Apply plates to e,�4,h e of truss and position as shown above and on the Joint Details, unless noted otherwise. • (,�/ I �I Refer to drawings 160A-2 for standard plate positions. �y �} ��� •�`�y Alpine, a division of ITV Building Components Group Inc shall not be responslbl• for any devlatl ••••••r"•*r.110 \♦ ` this drawing, any fallure to build the truss In conformance with ANSI/TPI 1, or For hnndUng, shippl �r Vv AN ITW COMPANY Installation 6 bradng of trusses. A seal on tMs drawing or cover page Ustig this drawig, Indicates acceptance of professb t 11514\ Earth\ City\ Expressway engineering resp-11,11 ty n solely for the design showThe suitability and use of this drawingifj�r~�1j\/0j/20 11 Suite\242 for any structure Is the responsiblllty of the Building Designer per ANSLITPI 1 Sec& ti< \ 1 Eanh\ City,\ MO\ 63045 For more Information see this Job's general notes page and these web sitesi ALPIND wwwalptneitw,comi TPI, www.tpinst.orgi SBCAj wvw.sbcindustey.orgi ICG w.wJccsafeara 2X4 Stubbed Valley End Detail 0 4X4 ❑Ptional Hip Joint Detail n T u e t 2 ' o, , i i 2q' r usses O.C. Partial Framing Plan :FC TIC BC BC LL 30 DL 20 DL 10 LL 0 30 15 10 0 40PSF 7 PSF 10 PSF 0 PSF REF VALLEY DETAIL DATE 01/26/2018 DRWG VALTN160118 TOT, LD, 60 155157PSF I IDUR.FAC.1,25/1.33 24,0' I - VALLEY FRAMING & BRACING DETAIL - R BC Lumber Size and Grade-Minumum Requirements GENERAL NOTES Purlins required 2'-0" O.C. in absence of plywood sheathing. Trusses without sheathing applied must be evaluated accordingly. Purlins should overlap sheathing one truss spacing minimum. In cases that this is impractical, overlap sheathing a minimum of 6", and nail upwards through sheathing into purlin with a minimum of 8-8d (0.131'W.S") common wire nails. Effects of not providing sheathing below a valley set must be evaluated by the building designer. This drawing applies to valleys with the following conditions: Spans (distance between heels) 40'-0" or less -Maximum valley height: 14'-0" -Maximum mean roof height: 30 feet -ASCE 7.05, 140 mph, Enclosed, Cat 11, Exp B,1=1.0, Kzt=1.0 -Or A Maximum of ASCE 7.10, 180 mph, Enclosed, Exp D, Kzt=1.0 TRUSS TRUSS UNDER VALLEY FRAMING VALLEY RAFTER OR RIDGE ® +CRIPPLE ripples 41-0" for 30 psf (TL) and 20 psf (TD) Max. ,e the Grippes for each row starting from the valleys or sleepers working inward to the ridge board so that cripple locations are gored between rows. ITY0 innection Requirement Notes 2x6 rafters to ridge 416d toe -nails Cripple to ridge 416d toe -nails Cripple to rafter 416d toe -nails (••) 816d face -nails Rafter to sleeper or blocking 516d toe -nails Rafter to two 2x6 sleepers 416d toe -nails Sleeper to truss 416d toe -nails Two 2x6 sleepers to truss 3 16d toe -nails each sleeper & truss Ridge board to roof block 416d toe -nails . Ridge board to truss 416d toe -nails Purlin to (Typ) 3 16d toe -nails Truss to blocking 416d toe -nails Truss to cripple 4 16dtoe-nails Truss to cripple 416d toe -nails Cripple to purlin 316d toe -nails ,,. . Rc4v,Rcv .r J�ccrcRJ MRC UJCYi 13. Collar beam to rafter 416d toe -nails CRIPPLE, BRACING, & BLOCKING NOTES NOTE: 16d (0.162"x3.5") COMMON NAILS -2x4 continuous lateral restraint (CLR) min. is required for cripples 6'-0" to 10'-0" long nailed w/ 2 -10d (0.148"x3") nails. Or 2x4 "T" or scab reinforcement nailed to flat edge of cn 3le with 10d 10.128"x3.0") nails MIS" o.c. 'T' or scab must be 90 % of cripple length. Cripp es over 10'-0' long requre two CLR's or both faces w/ "T' or scab. Use stress graded lumber & box or common nails. ,Narrow edge of cripple can face ridge or rafter, as long as the proper number of nails are Installed Into ridge board -Install blocking under rafter if sleepers are not used. -Install blocking under cripples If cripples fall between lower truss top chords and lateral bracing is not used. -Apply all nailing In accordance to current NDS requiremen Mrf Nails are common wire nails unless noted otherwise. H. • w (A) (B) *) avURKISH T erE Arm M AL- ALL TRACT Ri M ti= TMAWD .a,nrr rru+ro ftseesth This naAvatc To ALL mNIaACloits urumac nc DISTAL i M = • ' LL 20 d 30 40 54 REF VALLEY FRAMING Trusses rey.i�e extrene care „ fabrlcatbq, handling, shipping, tnstnlling and bracing. Refer to m,d folios the latest edrdan of BCSI Building Conponant Snfrty Inforiatlan, by TPI SBtJi) for ; �' : DL 10 20 DATE and caF practices prior to perform„ these functions. Installers shalt provide tenporory brocing per D unless noted otherwise, top chord shalt have properly attached •truct—t shrathlno and bottom • • • STATE OF s �C DL 0 7 7 0 10/01 /14 fl� ip shall have a properly attached rigid ce4kip. Locations shown for pernment lateral restrnht of shall have bracing installed or Ble, as Apply plates to each far$ per BCSabove sand • • Q • • 0 0 DRWG VACNV3801015 IllJlj\\\VV111 ALL. or the ss J unless no on the i ns. DetaAs, urAess noted otherslse, 'S of er to and sltlon as far s above plate xrfer w drams 160A-z far standard ptatr positions. '' �►••':c� ORIOP.••'t�� rr•�" C LL 0 0 0 0 irova�A�Pr�NY Alpine, a division of ITV Building Conporents Group Inc shalt not be responslate for any devintlon Fran this a-awlno any faAure to build the truss In conformance with ANSUM 1, or far hanmr,g, shlpdnw 'i ""'•�• �c TOT. LD.30 50 47 61 Installation 0 bracing of tra . A seat an this draving or cover page ltstlig this diawing, Indicates acceptance of profrsshano! er�F�a�p ,Dirty war th.ars�r, w,,a... The .*boo /lty and user of this draw~,; for m % S"ONA1L E� nta „. DUR. FAC. 1.25/1.15 E.dh ity,M LakefrontDriveFor EaM City, M063066 strorry r,cttir. rrsporstlhty of the aa,r,g neslprsr per AwTnP[ t S.r2 parr iifornation sew this Y t notes pa µ,PaF, wwwalpheltw.coni TPL vvwApinstorgl stick wrw.sbdrrdustryorpi DCOsem.iraafrdrp � �0 201 SPACING SEE ABOVE