HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONN1 APPUCABLE INFO MUST Esl: COMPL FTED FOk APPLICATION TO BE ACCEP'FEV 6-25-i Perm a N urr.her- �� LL•! C LL Y -,III- I: L Ll M1. Building Permit Application PIP NaM9 13nd 9creroPMr E n I 54F iG*4 0wiWkq wrO Code RNi,Wan INveg&n Cam r erd al _ � ��' S'4��'tiil a l 23W VOff& o AMemre, fort Pierct R 3kgW Phone! (71721 462 1559 iFax:1772p 462-IS78 CBDG Funding. PERMIT APPLICATION FOR'. RERCDF PRDPDSE D I IdMPRDVE MENT LOCATI ON _ Address- 1100 HARTIVMAN RO FT Plr=RCE PrpperW Tax I a #- , 17- 2-00 1-000_ LJL No. Stw Plan Nwrtu_ Block No ,T pFoject blame: ETAILED DESCR I PTION D F W 0 fil( INSTALL PEAL & STICK LINDEC RLAYM rENT FL-2569 INSTALL 5 HINGLE FL 18355 1 t 45TALL R LDGFVENT NOA NOL 1 J-1 1 T.03 New Elfforl"l MetigR 5etdlid EieCkrWaE Meter _ {Affidavit required) � �or���L��r1�� INFOR�IIATIDf�� Mdhtfanal work to be !p12rfarMffd ondeF this permit— 0%12d� aIil; hat apply. —jaegbanical _ Gas Tank --Gas Piping : :$ttiutters _ W"dndcwsf I3cwrs _ Pond Flumbirig ! Sprrinklers Gerwrvtor Roof 4M 2 ftmrh >rvtal 5q. R .01 C4+MStF-utU��' 3900 Sq, Ft. eat First Flow-3900 Cost of CorksuvOlon; S J 5 UTOLjbes: _;ewer ,,Wpiis gullding, Height R5 FT DI+ NERf LESSEE - Ham ruur rni a iar r i uyai+ L_L_� Address- 75D9 Citrus AVE 6ty FOB Stag 1IP Code! 34947— Phane No. E- Mail: R1 In fee simple TRIG Holde.r wn next -page IIf diffemit ibrnrn the Crwnk!F I sped above) CONTRA O FR P4ame: RCLAN D VWLEY -- Compa,ny _ _M40RELINE ROCIENG Address: 1471 qW r;i FWDAl r gMFFT Otyr: POST S7 LU CIE State Zip -Code Fax Phone -No 777•200-956 5 _ t-Marl qti ELINEROOFINC3 YAHOC).COh+I.— Mate OF C*unty LIC-ertse CCCI 331170 if vRlua ol come truttial l IS 250IJ OF rWhOrWr } RFEDRDED Notice of Ci-r—ro—pit Iy "ul*u. 0 yo Iun 01 14AV£ i� $7,540 aF nwre, ;p pFCORDED Nettle of GDrnmen c4 mont is regwired. 5IJ P MMENTAL CON MUCIION LI EN LAW 1 NFORMATION: — DESIGNERANrNINEEIt: _ Nart ApRll r 0e I ffr,4&f MPAPAW: _ Kat ApRlfcak lye a Name. rrq _ AddmNs: Zip= Phone KE SIMPLETtlU HOLDER: Name Address. Gitp,- ZI� �hrle• Address; CGty- ZIP- — P pqe- = foot Applleahle I BONDING COMPANY: Not Appikabk Name: Addra= City- zrp-Rhone! OW14ENI CDNMCMR AFFID 7. Application is hereby made to obtain a permEt to din the warx am Installarion a r, indiratnd. I crrr.Ikr chat no work or Installation h,$ caTirnentead prier to the Issua+kce ar a pmr*L. W �L[i# Caent3r makes no { 9i4nta1+4n Tina? as ►ar,Ur a Permit ,y(I aumoal�r the pef'rnit nolder w hulFd the subier si ryriurr hlch c6&M�a W& a applicable +1ameowners �5�s�iAkj�8n �Ie hyiews OF arrd rv44na�rt� thRt rri" rt Eriec 6r prohiDit Iuch Arueture. Nease consult with your Ra-emwners ALWOatian and re n rW Your derd fat any regui ions which may apply. In wnMderatlon or the lEra ono pr rhra rMuesiea pE{rri Is. I d-D herrby agrme that I *I3I, In all respects, perform the work In a"rmdpive with line approved plans, the Fkwida 6uildiq Codes and k Lucie r:.mf" A vents. 'rhe following hublding perrhir apprkations are enarnpt h-Qm Liad"61- ng a lull concurFew-v Twiww fadtn 2bddit,vLrL, MXeSSW itrKDAras, Mimmin6 Podfs, re'r•trs, wa1lr4 SIPnFFy4ydzn moms and acceix*N uses to altiP'th4r nom-ra6dantlai UYm WARNING TO OWNER, Your fallu" to Rmmrd it IYr Tim of CorpmenwmerA erratic rnsuk IFN por4 twice fi4r I rrlprawemerym to your pr-opertw_ A M06ce of Cornmemernont must be retarded in the puhl Ic racards of St. Lucy County 441d pasted on the job!5 to befpre the Ilrst inspecl� an, If Yap intortid to rbtaln financing, co-nwkt 41� L lerLdergr an attorney before f�ornmemeing work ar mcord ing Lrr' N¢tlae of [orrlmemament %ffn;rtijr- ai QWnerl Li! LweInriva .wrik6 envfcw D*P&r STATE OF PL0ItIDCOUNTY OF Swwl,tD I-orafFlr d] and pub%trFb d Mfa�e me � PhyW1 Presence or _ Online PbD'wMdln . i"Ii���datirof�_' `- ticI , zoo by Mama ok person mahmm ltskeffkwi; r ' hnrran21hy Krldwri _ OR Prodvpk IdvnfiRrAtion _ — TToe pf Id4nfifit*15Gh Prod _ �u_ f�natureoFM�+I� j�bllrr S�k� �� fir- ry EIHANDY ru1C'DF E 1 C4rr4 f4a_ { #' Fkplary Puh10-5rAt0- nr F InndN COXAMpylan it Iirl I11Mn5 - My -Gore nii W-Lin Emp' 1 = fk.Q7r� IRIFVIEyis PRONT ZON INCi SUPERVISOR PLANS I WF ETATIW4 SEA TURTLE UNTE R R EVI EW RBI EW REVIEW REVIM REVIEW IATf IECEMO - MAMa14OVE REVIEW