HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION i i AIFAPPLIGABI E INFO MUST WCOMPLETED:'FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED " Date: Permit Number: _ � U I S)YQ 1,u V`f� ' h ate * BW141-og Permit:Applicatton f " Planning and Development Services Building,and Cade Regulation Division Commercial _ Residential: f 2300 Virginia Avenue,Fort Pierce.FL 349$2. Phone,(772)462-1553 Fax:(772j 4.62-1578 i l PERMIT AFFI fCATIOfV FOR: " " Fence Installation I7R0 OSED ( P,( 11E I�f II l0 IOf' a h Address -ii_ I,b� 'j�' " PropertyTax,1.0#. 1'fit �: t�t�Ty" DOT DO i Lot Na., _ - '"T Site Plan Narrie: ("S -Block,N0. E Project Name:. x „ md'$u'.^3.,, ,� i,. �� 3.` 'yP �`...�;,1ka s,"i ,3. x*wx QETCLI;D SC E I RfI?TO y..s � t l New Electrical Meter.. Second Electrical'.Meter t CO � :�'�. ` 3#" r s.. i�' •' f.,r' ��' q.�;,...�'� � x � ' �" - arpy'�2 ,,` � i r? �.�z ,���" ,.i ,nu INFQR�Iti11AT1OIV. Additional workao.be performed under this permit—check all that apply: _-.Mechanical _Gas Tank Gas Piping. Shutters _UVindoyv.s/Door's Pond Electric _"Plumbing _Sprinklers _Generator Roof Pitch Total Sq.Ft of"Construction:; Sq. Ft.of First Floor: Cost of Construction:$. Utilities:. _Sewer _Septic Building Height:" ; ,t' *�� � $i a 7r -� �:;>� •^'y,�. �sy.£ - OW1ER LSEE COI IAC 'OR Y � , S«,'� >;` .4:7.@.., ,akx:3 <rxs a ,7ses�" .,d,. „i„,,`,r• "4. �,»�, ,i, z,3- a:,a '� Name U Name Todd M Paroline Address: �.� '�'"- _ i Company Superior Fence and.,Rail pf Brevard County Inc city: I State: . i,Address:27.78"N Harbor City BI,•Vd#102• Zip Code:.. f y " Fax: City' Melbourne State;FL Phone No: .. Zip Code: 329a5 i Fax: 321-638-0086 Phone No 321'-636-2829 Fill In fee.simpleTitle Holder On next page(if different . E=Mail spacecoast@superiorlenceandrail com from the Owner listed .above). I State or County,License 313,37 i. If value of construction is 2500 or more,a RECOROED Notice of Commencement,is required. If value of HAVC is; 7,500 or more,;a RECORDEt);Notice of Commencement is required.. ��-�J 1l) SDI 3 S B I I L-cr�0 t : I ' 1 1w L ar # 4 > i. ,UPPLEM1ENff1WU ONST�CIGTtON L EN G4U1/ 1Nft RMA It7f 1 €E aa,t?YTT DESIGNER/ENGINEER: Not Applicable iltl{}RTGAGE COMPANY: _ Not Appllca6ln Name- Name:. am ,. e — . f; Address I i - Ad dress: 'City. State: City:: _ State: ZJp ' 'Phone Zip:, Phone:, I FEE'SIMPLE TITUE HOLDER: Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY. _Not`Applicable - Name: Name: { Address: Address: City:. _ - Ctty . Zip: Phone: Zip: " Phone - OWNER/CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT:-;Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and mstaNationas indicated. G certify that no work or:.installat on has commenced'prior to the,issuance of a permit; St.,Lucie County makes no representation that is:granting.a permit will.authorize the permit holder fo build the subject structure. ` which is in confl ct,with any applicable Home Owners Association rules,bylawsor and covenants that may,restrict:or prohibit such structure.Please consult with your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. 16 consideration of the granting of this requested permit,I do-hereby agree that I will,in all respects;perform the work in accordance with the approved plans,the Florida Buildi'ngCodes and St.Lucie County Amendments., The following building permitappRcations are exempt from undergoing;a full concu.rrency review!room additions, accessory structures,swimming pools;fences,walls,signs,screen rooms and accessory uses to-another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER:Your failure to Record a Notice of Gominencement may "result in.paying twice for improvements to:your property. A Notice:of Commencement must:be recorded in the public records of.�St. l Lucie Cou _°`y a.nd'pos d on the jobsite before the..first inspec `0� If you.irate" Qto obtain.fin,arrcing,consult wi a or.an.a me before comme:ncin work or r r I v r No ' of Commencement. Sig ature of Owner(Lessee/canteactor as Agent,for Owner signature of Contractor/license Holier STATE OF FLORIDA STATE OF.FLORIDA COUNTY OF COUNTY OF . '�VLt, ;Sworn i to.(or affirmed)and subscribed before me of ' Sw rn to(or affirmed)and subscribed before me of yslcal Pres ce or. Online Notar t• ysical Pr" ce r Online Notari7, this day of -w y t is day of %by Todd M Paroline Todd Partline Name of person making statement, 1 Name of person making.statement. ' I Personally Known OR Produced Identification j, Personally Known, OR Produced Identification Type,of Identification. Type of Identification P ,duced_� duced -- N { g a ur of ( n e f.Notary Public-Stat f Flonda) �ctex a�`.. STc2HANJURo0kS Notary Aubnc. Ste ri<fa £3RooStS. f o mission` �I C mission.Na:. J 5ii j ct�rE' 55tor.x G 3,120 3 o ubiic State df Florida aRfl My comet.ExpiresApr5,2623 z Notary f GG a —Boudedthcrg#t Na" • "` GommSsstari 312 93 �— - oc,. µY LotnTii'spY"Apr-. :2t}23 I . REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATIO $� h'N tiosxatNotarYAssq COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW EW REVIEW DATE RECEIVED " .DATE "COMPLETED . Rev.