HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONr< H APPEECA INFO T49 7 BE COMPLETED FOR ARpI.FATPON M BE ACCEPTED Date: 0 i. Purmil Number_ Building Permit App l icatio 1 Fanning aa-d &9v6apvn&3r Services au i; vnd Cow, urarrm Dfv 2_[X] Verginia Avenue, Fort FE F4992 PhmT - (772) 462-1553 Fax: j 4Ei?-I57,3 Corn r ner-cial CBDG Funding Ridentia I P E R MIT APPLICATION FO R; -- I P{ROP0SED } P-VEM—F-NF W TION: Address: Property Tax ID # - G bite Pfau Name: Proj«L Name: DETAILED DESCWTION OF WORK: Afevr Eleddiml :Mfater Second EIemicai Metre } CC NSTRUC 10 N I N FORMATION; Additional work to be perform, ad under dik permi#— check an that appiwL {Aff-u3,a•Y i requirec:l Block Na m _WX:F aniicai —Gas Tanis — C33s Pipin _ Shutters _ Wi rt&rws/ Door s _Pond /11luctric _ Plumbing _ SPRipl, a'N i3ererator Ruud EiL4:h Tatal 5q_ Ft Of COrknMC60TE Cost of Conic#ion: $ 1O6 00 5q_ FE_ of Firs! "-]ox}F_ Utilities: _ 5ewur — Septic Building Height: Lace: ZIP Code: _.._ Fax: Phone No, E- FVEaiI:-- •- Fill in fee simo� ! Title HoWer -an next page {if doerera #ruin the Owner lined above} Na m E,: - - - ._...- r Company: :1A City: Zip Code: M Fax: _ • State or Cwnty License If vaWe of construction is 2WO or more, a RECORDED ISE lke of Corrnnenrenvni is requFred_ - M %Wue of HAVC is S7r5W or morr, a BECORDE) Native of Eomm,erxemerrt is required. E?E5IGN f E E l 1 EER= Not Appl ica bye M RTCA E COPJLPMY: Nit A 110-a ble Na me Address_ City; Zip, Phone FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: � Ncrt App licab6e Ka me, Address; Cit : Zi p; _ Phonp� PP Na me, Addre.%,v City- State: Zip:� Phone BONDING COMPANY: Marna: Address: - ZiP. P1= _Not Applicable OWNER/ CONTRACTOR r4FFtD iT: A Ncation is hereby made to obtWn * perrWt ko dv the w•orkanit insta®at cm as Mdk tad_ i twti€yr that rw work c r instal�atbn has mmmetzoM prior to the issuance of a permt Sr- Luoe Counter makes no repre�errtmiim that es rantin a perm t will autharke the permit h00er tv build the sub*t mucture rrf which c43Kls with �Iuppi abic Hun euwnersAsso�ia�on rules, byLa4 or arpd w%mznants U at may, restrict or prohibit such strueEur , P(� cares t with your Homeowner.s odarion arW reuww your deed far any restrictions which + sppL�. -wr*ideration of the granting of this requwstPO prrr:rit, I Rio herebw agree that I well, in all' respem, pprf *em theT work in accordance with the appdWyeA plans, the Florida Building Codes and st. L �-OUr+ty AmRndments� he #M1c,%veng building permit appikatiorrs are. ~. -mpt burn un-dea;oi rig a full concurrenW review: room a nions,• ao: eEmaq =7iCt].Ires, &wimN-dip, pr y FerKes, walls, signs, screen rooms SrA a ir* uscn� ko another son -residential use WARM N G TO OWNER. Four fa�fur4� to Rewrd a NoVce of CGmMencer and rMy result in Paying twice for i mprOUffne ltS to your p r*petty,,, A N otice of Cam t noamEnt mvst be recorded i n the publ c records Of St, Lux;,e County and posted arL the jobsita- before the f first i nspection. If you intend tv o btain fins nci ng, co nsuft with ienvde r n r a n a `torn-y before comme icing work or recardi ng your N ti-ce of Co m mencl!nkent_ =-C)F erf 1�s antrafrw AgentforCh�.re 1 RI'DA UNTY OF '�P LICAe.' Sw4arn tia ' r #r1ii�l and su sC3lbed. before nl a of ZP skat Pceser�r_e or C RIMe NOT21i2 of iaS7 this .ay cf 5 .. - by NaFne of person making s rr�n#. I r Pero Known mt' Ft Juced Id ntifimtion Tel I ntilicaRion P'Todured L - 4 4 i r�' �df Notary F1u'Sk-, Static mf F]andaj ,114fjn No. � i eaII R'EViEws FRONT COUNTER DATE RECEIVE DATE -- EC MPLETED =•' '` AM AM sT YICTOR '` M1lvSay �� llr Stale 4 � { Comrls.�on �vG-M:8 WM #or�Jrd ghraL i NLLivlW Nock Am- ZONNG 0 in