HomeMy WebLinkAboutSchmied plansL 0 4 i? _ Page 10 1 � ���I� �� Transfer EquipmentS`3 �Cf t I+U 1 MB 23lba Wir. O .D®vcocor. Lq aP L9 3a L 04-10 9d3p� RELIANCE CONTROLS CORPORATION / 2007 YOUNG COURT I RAOINK, WI 63404 / phone: (600) W-6956 / Psx: (262) vIues Instructions for safe installation of the InterLockKit onto a pamc➢o The back plate sits securely on the face of the panel cover while allowing tlae front plate to slide between the main and generator breaker positions. The InterLockKit will only allow one of these breakers to be in the "ON" position meeting the requirements ofArtiole 702 of the National Electric Code, ANSIMPA 70, The installation of the breaker retaining strap meets Article 408.36 (NEC 2003). I ry —rF OTArr TIVAFIuNG: k`,' AZQAa u1�4 L91ipofl i�jc ssr?!L cyg C) u_p� u_r: ill This kit must be installed and serviced only by qualified electrical. personnel Turn off all power supplying the equipment where this kit will be installed before working on or inside the equipment Always use a properly rated voltage sensing device to confirm that all power is Off Replace all devices, doors, and covers after insta power to the equipment lling this kit before furring on .Always wear safety eyewear while drilling or working around electrical equipment 1"'.1 �t TuT To F,®rL ,0vv Tiu, S fifl Hilt R! alit{ T_n• l A1"}7 ii SULT ;[Bi aLkLyb�9773 .SAMc iwd�FTivu�`Ut 13u�i1Jo 7111161,LATIQ Z;3Egl[ICTIONS 1) Disconnect Power to the panel 2) Separate plates. Remove backing from double stick tape, Align back plate (P- 5011) with the top of the first and second breaker panel time) cover and under opening for main breaker. See Vslot (1,2 slot) on front igure I (Do not drill holes at this 3) .Remove panel cover 4) Relocate breakers from slots 2 and 4 (top 2 spaces of the right breaker colu utilizing piggyback breakers as necessary to create the needed spaces mn) 5) Install generator breaker in the 2,4 slot, 6) Teinporadly remove breakers from the 5,6 slots, Loop the breaker retaining strap (S-1004) around breakers 1,2,3,4 - %" from the front face of the breakers, Align the head of the retaining strap at the top righfi of the number 2 breaker and tighten the strap, See Figure g)g Cut the tail of the retaining strap approximately 2 inches long and install Notice Label (S-1005) around tail. Reinstall the breakers in the 5,6 slots, Verify that the retaining strap keeps the 2,4 breaker- h lava b attem tm to ---------_---..- p�_g--remove the breaker: _. p y-.—;...._-. 7) On suitable surface use included 11164 drill bit (11-5015) to drill out holes in the Panel oover through the predrilled holes in the back plate (P-5011) g) Use file to smooth surface around holes and remove the burrs on back of panel cover. am the hneA of the panel cover file away Paint to aillow entire screwy ineud to ,sit With metaIl to meta�i comtaet, The binder screws (H-5014) anust sit flush with the back of the panel cover 9) Insert binder screws (H-5014) through the back of the panel covers back platoa(N- binder and front plat® (P-5012). Use the binder post (H-5013) to attach to front of binder screws (H-5014). Handhold binder post (H-5013) while using screwdriver to tighten the binder screws (H-5014), The front plate should slide easily and this back plate should sit firmly, lac careful not to over -tighten, 10) Set generator and main breakers in the °`OFF" position and reattach panel cove 7F igonmo 1 Figure 1 B x) r Ira are panel cover tiranl7 in place test the Interlock to make sure that it transfers easily between posit%onERS SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO BE IN THE °`ON" '- BOTH BREATHPOSITION AT THE SAME TIME, Even with moderate pressure you should not be able to engage both breakers at one 12) Apply thread lock (H-5016) to all #bur binder post (H-5013) as par instrs, actions included with the thread lock 13)Attach labels as shown in Figure _U 14) Reconneot power to the panel . Description Quantity Part # Back plate = Drill or cordless drill Front plate 1 P=501 i . Flathead screwdriver Binder post 2 R-5013 - Metal me Binder screw 4 H 5423 - accurate voltage sensor Drii] bit 1 l/64 �T 5024 Thread loch pipette 1 �I5015 ��i�TT�CpQ�G Instruction booklet 1-5076 Main Iabel W 5017 You can oontacf us b br1NGZR label l y phone W=501 S 2445 or by fax at (804) 231 19t (D4) 726- 94 Generator label 1 W 5019 4V-5020 s lab,,] Questions or comments: -nstruciia n rquuestions(a7interlocicid� Darn 1 Wm5021 Retaining Strap ] S-1004 TO SWITCH OPERATIONFROP4MAIN TO OEItERATOI� J) Turn main breaker to the geOFFss position 2) Turn all branch circuits to the "OFF" position 3) Slide lniezLookplateup 4) Connect and start generator 6) Turn generator breaker to the ICON,, position 6) Turn on essential circuits one at a time WARMNG, Allow appliances to start before engaging next circuit ITO .RETURN TO MAIN pO W..EX REVERSE PROCETDURg Electrical equipment should be installed, operated, serviced, and maintained by; qualified personnel. No responsibility tis assumed by Gencrator Interl ock Technologies, LLC for any consequences arising out of the misuse of this mat®ri1. Tested i'or° use With TJL 67 Listed FLg3Qlbo2rds Ref. WAe Laboratories Test Report T52431-01