HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL EXTERIOR DOORSI-Ionda Roldtng Code OnIinr .:..:...... . BCIS dome Lay In jser iieqstra[,on :tot Submit Surcharge Sots S Fa[ts Publrcabons Contact Us 8els Site Map links Search dbpr ' product Approval USER Public user PI Search > Annircat+❑n ust � Application betail FL It FL22363-R6 Application Type Revision Code Version 2020 Application Status Approved "Approved by DBPR. Approvals by DBPR shall he reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission if necessary. Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method Certification Agency Validated By Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Masonite International 1955 Powis Road West Chicago, IL 60185 (800) 663-3667 sschre i ber-P m a so n ite.com Steve Schreiber ssch relber@mason ite- cam Exterior Doors Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Certification Mark or, Listing National Accreditation & Management Institute National Accreditation & Management Institute Standard ASTM E1886 ASTM E1996 ASTM E330 TAS 202 Year 2013 2014 2002 1994 hnp: rrl+lr rhl.atipi?paratn ��•ill-.L'\Qwtl7yi-:1.1i+rnB"e?t}:7i�F'C]ti7RnR�[1HkgfIE.tRHS'Eipy()dl4'o�io14'1'[;ng°e:d°a d[IZ�:S1::Si_'f31-JF:?I pA1J 11-6Iruxamg cmo Or' — Product Approval Method Method I Option A Date Submitted 11/20/2020 Date Validated 11/23/2020 Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 11/29/2020 Summary of products FL # Model, Number or Name 11363.1 Fiberglass Side Hinged Door Unit Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside RVRZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design pressure: +60/-65 Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and where pressure requirements do exceed the design pressures listed. Y-0" x G-8" max nominal size. Hurricane protective system required in HVHZ, but not in the Wind Borne Debris Region. See DWG-MA-WL0182 for details. 22363.2 Fiberglass Side Hinged Door Unit Limits of Use Approved far use in HVHE: Yes Approved for use outside HVH2: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +60/-60 Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida Building Code, Including the High Velocity Hurricane Zane, and where pressure requirements do exceed the design pressures listed. 3'-0" x 6'-1 max nominal size. Hurricane protective system required In HVHZ, but not In the Wind Borne Debris Region. See DWG-MA-WLO182 for details. 22363.3 Fiberglass Sure -Hinged Door Unit Limits of Use Approved for use in MVMZ: Yes Approved for use outside RVRZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design pressure: +501 Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and where pressure requirements do exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0' x 6B" max nominal size. Hurricane protective system required In HVHZ, but not in the Wind Bome Debris Region. See DWG-MA-WL0182 for details. 22363.4 Flberglass Side -Hinged Door Unit Limits of Use Approved for use in MVMZ: Yes Approved for use o rtaide HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design pressure: +401-40 Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida Building Code, Including Me High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and where pressure requirements do exceed Me design pressures Ilstetl, l2'-0" x 6'-B" max nominal size. Hurricane protective system required In HVHZ and one Wind Berne Debris Region. See DWG.MA-WL0189 for details. Limits of Use Description 6'-8" Opaque US Single Door Certification Agency Certificate t - 36:i 0.y� - NC l [,j1A1.pQt Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/31/2025 Installation Instructions Fl 27363 R6 11 -FI (i ndf Verified By: Nabonal Accreditation & Management Institute Created by Independent Thirtl party: Evaluation Reports FL22363 R6 AL 514010B not FL22363 96 BE 514014B no Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 6'-8" Opaque O/S Single Door Certification Agency Certificate FL22363 R6 C CAC NI013712. 12-R4_ntf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/31/2025 Installation Instructions Verified By: National Accreditation & Management Institute Created by Independent Thlnt Party: Evaluation Reports FL22363 R6 AE 514010e.odf Created by Independent Third party: Yes 6'-8" Opaque I/S or O/S Single or Double Door w/ or w/o Bell s Certification Agency Certificate FL22363 R6 C CACNI01 21J ill-R4 odf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/31/2025 Installation Instructions Verified By: National Accreditation & Management InsMute Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Parry: Yes 6'-8" Glazed I/5 or O/5 Single or Double Door w/ or w/o Sldelites Certification Agency Certificate FL2)363 R6 C CAC N1013717 03-Riodf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/31/2025 Installation Instructions FL22363 R6 II_ F10189-ml Verified By: National Accreditation & Management Institute Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports F J2363F 22363 Ffi FL22363 R6 BE 514012E odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 6'-B" 3/4-Lite Glazed 1/S or O/S Single or Double Door w/ or W/o 51dentes Certification Agency Certificate allpn —1—drbwll,,xi'n:P rW At arp��lW 3.a�MSXNhIR4y1N1RgHLMHYBpMlVoNoAVYCng'hld%3tllIIa0202014121 I',411 11-d. Bnxdugi cons ri Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +50/-50 Other. Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and where pressure requirements do exceed the design pressures listed, 12'-0" x 6'-8" max nominal size. Hurricane protective system required in HVHZ and the Wind Borne Debris Roger. See DWG-MA-W LO193 for details. 22363.6 Fiberglass Side -Hinged Door Unit Limits of Use Approved for use in Il No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Procure: +50/-50 Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida Building Code, excluding the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and where pressure requirements do exceed the design pressures listed 12'-0" x 6'-B" max nominal size. Hurricane protective system not required in the Wind Borne Debris Region. Sae DWG-MA-WW195 for details. 22363.7 Fiberglass Side Hinged Door Unit Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant No Design Pressure: +60/-65 Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and where pressure requirements do exceed the design pressures listed. 3'-0" x 8'-0" max nominal size. Hurricane protective system required In HVHZ, but not In the Wind Borne Debris Region. See DWG-MA-WL0188 for details. 22363.8 Fiberglass SideHingedDoor Unit Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +60/-60 Other: Evaluated for use In locations adhering to Me Blonds Burning Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and where pressure requirements do exceed the design pressures listed. 3'-0" x 8'-0" max nominal size. Hurricane protective system required In HVHZ, but not in Me Wind Bome Debris Region. See D W G-MA-W LO188 for details. 22363.9 Fiberglass Side -Hinged Door Unit Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +50/-50 Other: Evaluated for use In locations adhering to the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and where pressure requirements do exceed the design pressures listed 12'-0" x 8'-D" max nominal size. Hurricane protective system required in HVHZ, but not in the Wind Rome Debris Region. See DWG-MA-WLO188 for details. FL22363 R6 C CAL N101371704-R3 ndf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/31/2025 Installation Instructions FL22363 R622 611 -F 019 pdf Verified By: National Accreditation & Management Institute Created by Independent Third Parry: Evaluation Reports Created by Intlepentlent Third Party: Yes 6 -8" Impact Glazed I/S or O/S Single or Double Door w/ or w/o Sidelltes Certification Agency Certificate FL22363 RG C CAC N1013]S7o5-R5 odf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/31/2025 Installation Instructions Verified By: National Accreditation & Management Institute Created by Intlepentlent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Tturd Parry: Yes 8'-0" Opaque DS Single Door Certification Agency Certificate Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date OS/31/2025 Installation Instructions FL22363 R6 II-FLOIBBUalf Verified By: National Accreditation Or Management Institute Created by Independent Third Parry: Evaluation Reports FL22363 R6 AE 514009B.Ddf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 8'-0" Opaque O/S Single Door Certification Agency Certificate FL22363 R6 C CAC N101371718-R3 vdf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/31/202S Installation Instructions Fir 22163 Rfi 11 410188. odf Verified By: National Accreditation & Management Institute Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports FL22363 R6 AF S14009B.Mf FL22363 RG AE 5140138.odf Created by Independent Thtrd Parry: Yes S,dc l Opaque I/S or O/S Single or Double Door w/ or w/o Sitlelltes Certification Agency Certificate F 12361 R6 r rAr N10137] 18-R1 ndf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/31/2025 Installation Instructions Fl 21161 Rfi IT -FLO R8 odf Verified By: National Accreditation & Management InsBMte Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 22363.10 Fiberglass Side -Hinged Door Unit 8'-0" Glazed I/S or O/S Single or Double Door w/ or w/o Sldelltes Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Y6 F ?2363 R6 C CAC NI01 t]i ] 08-1120df me flod0ffiui16ogary Wir aMdtl Wx9W=-w EV%Q NsIM6 W.2a8x v7RogvOHRgHFRHYBp10aIVONUAVYGng%3n d[12/30602014121PMI 1'Innde paidlnr ('ride lid Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +40/-40 Other: Evaluated for use In locations adhering to the Honda Building Code, Including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and where pressure requirements do exceed Me design pressures listed. 12'-0' x B'-0" max nominal size. Hurricane protective system required In HVHZ and Me Wind come Debris Region. See DWG -MA- WL0190 for dereils. 22363,11 Fiberglass Side Hinged Door Unit Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: +40/-45 Other: Evaluated for use In locations adhering to the Florida Building Code, excluding Me High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and where pressure requirements do exceed Me design pressures listed. 12'-0- x 8'-D" max nominal size. Hurricane protective system Trot requiretl in the Wind Rome Debris Region. See DWG-MA-WLO196 for detalls. 22363.12 Fiberglass Side -Hinged Door Unit Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outride HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: +45/-40 Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida Building Code, excluding the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and where pressure requirements do exceed Me design pressures listed. 12'-0" x 8'-0" max nominal size. Hurricane protective system not required In Me Wind Borne Debris Region. See DING -MA-W W196 for details. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/31/2025 Installation Instructions E1.22363 Rfi L-FL0190 Ddf Verified By: National Accreditation & Management Institute Created by Independent Third! Parry: Evaluation Reports FIJ2363 R6 AF 514002B of FL22363 R6 BE SI40llBndf Created by Independent Third Parry: Yes 8'-D' Impact Glazed I/S Single or Double Door w/ or w/o Sidelites Certification Agency Certificate FV 2363 Rfi C -AC NID1I'll "-R4 be, Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/31/2025 Installation Instructions F 22363 R6 11-1`10196 ndf Verified By: National Accreditation as Management Institute Created by Independent Third Parry: Evaluation Reports EI.22ap3 Be AE 51400ZILpell F 22363 R6 AF S140E1Bodf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 8'-0" Impact Glazed O/S Single or Double Door w/ or w/o Sidelites Certification Agency Certificate EL22353 Rfi C CACN1013717.09-R4 odf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Data 05/31/2025 Installation Instructions Verified By: National Accreditation & Management Institute Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports FL22363 R6 AE 514007B.rvH R22363 Be AF 5140llRndf Created by Independent Thlrtl Party: Yes 22363,13 HPC Fiberglass Side -Hinged Door Unit 8'-0" Glazed I/S or O/S Single or Double Door w/ or w/o Sidelites Limits of Use Certification Agency CertiFicats Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes F1 22 361 Rfi C LAC NWl 3712.02-R2.any Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 05/31/2025 Design Pressure: +42/-42 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL22363 R6 11-EL0192 odf Building Code, Including Me High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Vented By: National Accreditation & Management Indicate where pressure requirements do exceed Me design pressures Created by Independent Third Parry: listed. 12'-0" x W-0" max nominal size. Hurricane protective Evaluation Reports system required In HVHZ and In the Wind Borne Debris Region. F122363 Rfi At 51400B.otlf Door top rails stamped "HPC". See DWG-MA-WLO192 for Fl 2 161 Rfi details. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 22363.14 HPC Fiberglass Side -Hinged Door Unit V-8" Glazed I/S or O/S Single or Double Door w/ or w/o Sidelites Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +50/-50 Other: Evaluated for use In locations adhering t0 the Florida Building Code, reducing Me High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and wnere pressure requirements do exceed Me design pressures listed. 12'-0" x 61 max nominal size. Hurricane protective system required in HVHZ and Me Wind Rome Debris Region. Door top rails stamped "ll See DWG-MA-WLO191 for details. Certification Agency Certificate Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/31/2025 Installation Instructions FL22363 R6 11-FLD191. odf Verified By: National Accreditation is Management Institute Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports FV2363 R6 BE 5140O8B.ndf R?7191 R6 AF 51401 B otlf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes hap"www. floidebnildingoWMn unit dll Vxa amwGF.VX(f DgOM6mT2MRXPIh2RA01IRgHFSIT�N[VoNoAVYGnati dII2,10'E0201:41:21 PMl NOTICE OF PRODUCT CERTIFICATION a M Company: Masonite International Corporation Certification No.: N1013717.03-R3 1955 Powis Road _ Certification Date: 01/12/2017 West Chicago, IL 60185 Expiration Date: 05/31/2025 Revision Date: 07/27/2020 kAE Product: Fiberglass Glazed Inswing or Outswing Door w/ and w/o Non -Impact Rated Sidelites (w/Wood Frame or Worldwide Composite Frame' unless noted) Specification: TAS 202-94/ASTNI F.33M2 Glazing: Insulating Glass (Tempered) The "Notice of Product Certification" is only valid if the NAM[ Certification Label has been applied to the product as described within this document. 'Ihe certification label represents product conformity to the applicable specification and that all certification criteria has been satisfied. This product has been approved for listing within NAMI*s Certified Product Listia at www.Namicerdfiration.cum. NAM I's Certification Program is accredited b The American National Standards lostimte ANSI . Inswing Gll Structural Water Missile lest Report Number Configuration or or Maximum Design iesf Impact Itr:rn in_Number& '-�r�mu nl-m 17 % Single VS Glazed 3'(1"n fi'A" 1404J0 Do mf ]'D Single 1 xla ysf`'Psl" ., 71mr' 1 SX I'S GIvcA 6'0"x 6'8" N0 -40 OMf Co A]l.N('(Idd9 INC In IIsL In Uaubk - N'I S. blaelmum acne sore AM01-hirIA fles.. lWli-NA1 11:W-191 XX 05 Gl:Did 6'0"x AB` -JIV-0II N�gs('fiaryf= A'p A T I AfLNl; lltl]MaximmInnei hze3 I-IB68 N'.lili Dnuble x _v rsf' R ]5 avl' Max m P Ace x 6a- nmmer 82901uwA D A- NN Y(l'OX VS (ilwed 6'0"\ ('8" -JN-JO op:r An. n1-InA 1`1NCw -I In tiingla•la>SidClilc I ,dehl-N \iJelite-No lSa9 8 S.&yub Sluvmnmednel Ara ]Ir'v88l in"vn R' nMryerllambnWlb\1diLalRa l' FIAm X0fix Os (II.d 60A68' -40,40 171 ItIn 11 If Don,-Nn All N(A7901 A ATI M IVI]nl -Id W-191]W.IV] Singh w5iddliw N`.'Il'I Il \idelite-No M—n IIT lied S,, I':1' v M1' N"'%Ill 3'11 a6R" II(W. 'ANC O I5S GuraJ fiA•JQVn Dill ,(IuIW-lIn AllNC nIJRN11. tinblaWsidelims I90"s SdelimsNa 81. I ei sin Aa8`S,dllw]'n"cn'R" r\mryar IXUIM-0WGW\{L0I&- CIXO (J'S I'll ')'D"x FX- -40/40 ]95PnY'nOprP Mor-Nn 191 A I I NCn9i901-IBAItYC )Olin)-Inw.lxl: W-IYII single I:Sidelilo N 21 llff' 911 pIf' \idelllef-NU Muvmnm Panel s— 111", 5'8"Sldal:le I , 16'9- Am$n,ll mbJIW(i-MA-f I1111, 17 0XX0 Vti Glued 124 , 68" -JO]-JII 011.1' Daur-No All NC' aR'9phlnAl'LNC 1011 LI-In Double 1V,SidsIli,, 1 del 1 ,,h" M P 1 4 1 's it d lutl 1' e-8- A to lhl 1 UµC MA f.'IWI- II OXXO (IN (ilmcd L'J"cG8" -40/4II 11alel`nUryf° Iballo All V11nil 1 n AIIA(I ll II WI81 'W-I8J3 Double u/Siddilx, R'_. mf'9 i!Int' Si nlvnmum?—ISn f v R SWe1:m rn'.FR- AnoM1o,Deod,UµG-M1IA-I IMs. l7 I uemw M." Ouueinr ThmM1a1,11 I-0enutn/. s"w, 11 a .Rleml.nld tin Dam M:winr II—l-ld aµ-Ien}Wadd.kk Pm TO lb-1416-Deemn HPOmnxlnR Tameold National Accreditation & Management Institute, Inc.14794 George Washington Memorial Highway/Hayes, VA 23072 Tel: (804) 684-51141/17as (804) 684-5122 �"`t� NA.MI AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: rl)l MASONITE FIBERGLASS DOOR UNIT "' D WSLE DOOR WITH / WI OUT SIDEOTES i.EN(?fy�hiT fl' R fpR JEF DG D S WEEP N6 G E OP W 5 0..1 D .`11 PRE55 PE W RE LNrS A4 DEIEPM ED 8. CM UESxN Jq5 DP BU Ip S.wU DMER SMUCNRES, rots XDf [ E[p We pESLx PPFs !B6 [�srtp EP BWrN.0 N L mxm xLxRawx[ za[ f�Z„ � NUPFlGxC RaRCME 'fY (sxM[P51 5 PLW!RED. MSi j PP N LME $YT'p1 (SFMER51 6 Rpr!RII � j O RCYNWL LWC sP P Of Sp p SYJ E MYELp p NDEY pl Pp III T. I. L.P m L.S xs rts1 -IT EWPC uIE rPW[ s GM p r ASN 51BPY ] )sz f []0 )w T a psp T MR Of BDAIYL �Y pBY i l C56 SApN[ Mx5!IY �N J$HS S1K ]Yi 1ENSLF SfPENETI• A41Y pLM A tlf '�i DiF E. GVS'iC5 1L81NL pf xVPLpYIpF COYPoSIIE fRIY[ (MNERE DYp). 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RE CFEI ENOI.CH d'0 x 8 ASFiHOARG9AL -'/5 T H ROB d10 2-I/2 T a'lA4 ASTRAGAL RETAINER B(r STRWE PtTE TO F,"UE AS 5HCWN. /B !,j vvQ�� � pEca_y,_p 1 sex' I vs• i �� �n 4 1 - 1 T RI J'- iHRE$Y 9 "I" 'Aq ^/ 'YR -H^' id 0'< T-4R'aHQLE .w.�w / Yam ]YP52 - NYl: 2'flSIS{L`SA� ® BLtfY=x'r c • l 6 I I SEE Dnu. =HT a - o • .6 '_SEE M..ew CETUE fA/Nb� I Y sJ' R j A AC''.M:NT.. J�LJAIL ANCHDP ANALYSIS FOR LOADING CONDITIONS PREPARED, _- Y SEE o[Tm � V T. i T 10 . I SGNEO AND SEALED BY ROBERTO LOAAS PE TN1s IFLORDA #62514) WITH THE LOWEST LEAST) _ FASTENER RATING FROM THE DIFFERENT FASTENERS BEING C_NSID RED ICE USE I"" EAD AND THRESHOLD FAS ENFRS ANAL ZED FUR THIS JNII B10 WOOD SCREWS 1/4 TAECON AN9 X1U TEK SCREWS. A PHYSICAL SHIN EIRC1'�a"S7TiTE SHIM SPACE AT EACH ANCHOR _OCATIOV. TAPCGN EDGE 0 STANCE MIN 2-1/2 . WOOD SCREW CODE DISTANCE MIN 3/4'. TEK SCREW ECGE DISTANCE WIN 1/: 2 ANCHORING INTO STEEL STRUCTURE MUST BC SUFFICIENT '0 ICi.INE 0 THREADS MINIMLM BEYDNO STEEL INTERAR SIIRFACL 3 THE WOOD SCREW 5'NGLE SHEAR DESIGN VALJES COME FROM ANSUI NDA G SCl LIERN PINE L MBER AND ACHEIVEN OF 1 1/2- MIN N M EMBEDMENT TH- TAPCON MUST ACHIEVE I,. MINIMLM EMBEDMENT OF —1/4' a WOOD SI,CKS BY OTHERS MUST BE ANCHORED PROPERLY TO BANS ER LOADS TO STRUCTURE 5 VIN,MLIM DESIGN VALUE STRENGTH DF ANCHORS 155 LBS. YPICA'. MASONRY ANCHOR WSTAIIAT10 IN , -, 1- I II f- I 1 II a e•-I II I fl - II II 11 1. KWIKSET SERIES 400 GRACE 3 CYLINDRICAL LATCH AN' SERIES DBO GRADE' DEADLOCK HARDWARE TO BE INSALLED AT 5-1/2' CENTERLINE 2 A- X 4' FULL MORTISE BJr HINGES. -_ —,' T/s' CgMNWlE9 1192- . uRex ]`90N ERCH MR O nm EACY, ENO ADS 5' 4Nc z PC AND Iz' x us, "C17Ex T C IL', uIn CL 1 IS BJCK MASONRY COMBINATION WOOD COMB.NATIDI WOOD ANIn R LU STnLLPTION MOLLICH 13p%CD) MIILLJN IROyrO) TYPICAL WOOD BUCK ANCHOR INSTALLATION SCRC115 VGH END N�CDE 9EYEM5-. M, END m <g It- T.S '11 PIN, AN SWS •. l l 'NTEGRAL WUCD INTEGRAi- MUL.I04 L. Roberto Lomas P.E 432 vAwmam a0 nlani aaurer MaWnits lewmwe uc 21023 Repoll fi'. 514005B Data lW102017 No a samomasce cOm Test ReplMt WA v duct IlouNe DoorwltbaWwlthoutsldelite512'K68'Iwoptlf2 I $tore: Tibs analy is pmvdm wa vallans, qua aaaa and aoiION axIo emeMs for installing protlllct to Substrate, and it applies only to toe pmdud OeurpW baron Tbeae ralW ddn I mmgy wan redunementa of gle Florida Building Lytle )Ib adl0on (2020). Anchor capacity in sheer corMition: Selitl WM6en n/ A w/M gap" a. WIIF In. pewnt In v—, Nme Gutrnv type: 910—d evan No,,1016.TW2) Namlml tlienno: 0. It in bap: g: .000) Pml4imnles Or. 0152 m Memenl arm'. 00000 in Mmrmum"'..perena- p: tIQ. Xrv.1 geld 5l 1e , Fp= Bp,MA py SiEe taf oaaW F-I-cF(1:O Y) MaenmrGv. Spuee-Pi. Pe (6:042) 5rh mempee 11K.' a: 1.= 1000m I= IWO.n 1r,a manCvC al bmrvg inrl r: F. 9Moi Mein munW penal Gneiy it'"Oh 1- 33%pa Sh iremLV End—,"o, 1.= I... Main munt—..II burly kylF'. Iw. IIQ •n Mah 1, Moot M4aa6 MaOe3IL M. [[[. MOEn Ill Mn= 636516e/m 4s= BB4 b✓n .., A, OWW6 OOOIW - 0=35 P: 72561 Its P= - Y4 qr B'. IW a. 052 0. 05 B: OW0 Itn: 24W Ya• E4Y LQ1614 G -il 6W L: 2iil1. t 93A L: ads M Z.= w p P: 331 on Me= .1 le-IM MT: 46. in-Ipa ,: 24W p - 29) It, p: 31916t p= 263 It, Mrrt Oesiyw w6a: L- Ito ka Z• IM6 Yy= E4W Ca: 2AW Ko zZ40a 0wtion Fact- Ln= 10 Z= IbM 4 1. E 11016s Fulmer type'. 1143 Tq TOWkleE alas NOA. 16-122306 SWslmle Ntlbn bM[e Mrnlmlm smpWmenl. IE5m : Aorrm rest eatm[e zso �n furl C TO Cnz-,: 3W .n Allenebk peryn Value 15] ros/ancFa (pr In rFelotien wnm netlep] sye Ao6rce o W[ iXIJ ZW 4.M 5, 00 130 161 • m zpz SupilMe: 10 SA 3ud TeCuhlrG hagn-1., 2= 12Y !a Saleryla[eon Fn= AYsik CeLgr valve 2FsJ'. Z'= 316 ros/ercM rvmum eve er enp[iry. 155 bs/arcFm Nan, AnMon nlla pn 1[as� eyvuh a uaN In[akubtlan q prNyxMn vM N9Mv [yv[XY 3630 3630 �T925 EM 72.75 37W 3630 36.30 37 W Y_I Y Y Y )9.25 M M !- 14).)5 Design prewrt: WO psf 2 Aeu (fe) Imd (es) IM. (M) Mea. OM ArcAr Keept Ch) Qty IILmE A 33 130 N/A WA 155 1 130 OK it T) 463 6W 21W l55 5 93 q( A Z) 463 WA WA 155 3 15! OK peslan..w 600 bpf ArNM Latl (bs) TN. (w) Mdr. O.C. (A) Arclw WMAt (f1) Call, o5s) QtY 1�- A 24 146 N/A WA 153 1 10 OK Aa ).9 473 6C0 21.00 iS5 5 % 95 A )0 460 N/A WA 155 4 CK OK 23 130 WA WA 155 1 Hs 130 OK J) 463 WA WA 155 3 154 " Luis R. Lomas P.E. FL No.: 62674 1 014 9/2)2020 L. Roberto Loss P.E rnz woo rm Manuaaumr Masonite 1. xc 2111 Rep 4'. 514008B - Date'. 10I10=11 rllumaS�l Ipmasce cy Doub W E 2 of \5 R 11. . �.,•*\OENSF 9s TTAAATTE OF :& S�ONAl1,e: Luis R. Lomas P.E. FL Na: 62514 9/22020 L. Roberto Lanes: V.E. W2 WWbrtl. MPnuFPG9w M3g de �e.awe uc iron RepOrl p'. 511 8 avPee.aeos pate'. IWIM0V tlIOmBSGilItlOTPSCB LOm Double J *th tl lftn 1 3 of tw � L 5 RI I II0//�,/i * 0 51 *= AAOF �'oF•'c OR1O, --.!I - . !I 1tiNGr`"• Luis R Lomas P_E. FL No.: 62514 9/2/2020 L. Roberto Lomas P.E. HRwmuae ne Mwulxturer Maselvle Lenswe Nc )1o2J R"WIV 514MB Date: 1VIO12017 nromes alno��a Ins I MO Finah FOR ANCHORING THROUGH FRAME INTO WOOD FRAMING OR 2X BUCK USE WOOD SCREWS WITH SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE A 1 tld" MINIMUM EMBEDMENT INTO SUBSTRATE SUBSTRATE WITH 1/2' 2. FOR ANCHORING THROUGH FRAME INTO MASONRYICONCRETE USE III TAPOONS WITH SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE A 1 1/4' MINIMUM EMBEDMENT INTO SUBSTRATE WITH 21Z MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE. LOCATE ANCHORS AS SHOWN BELOW SCREWS WITH SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE 3 THREADS MINIMUM BEYOND STRUCTURE INTERIOR WALL WITH In' MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE. LOCATE ANCHORS AS SHOWN BELOW. 4. ALL FASTENERS TO BE CORROSION RESISTANT 5 INSTALLATION ANCHORS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANCHOR MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS AND ANCHORS SHALL NOT BE USED IN SUBSTRATES WITH STRENGTHS LESS THAN THE MINIMUM STRENGTH SPECIFIED BELOW A WOOD MINIMUM SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF G=0.42 B CONCRETE MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 2.000 PSI C MASONRY HOLLOWnLLED BLOCK PER ASTM CM WITH Fm=2,000PSI MINIMUM. D METAL STRUCTURE STEEL 18GA (0481 FY=MKSWU=52KS1 OR ALUMINUM 6063T5 FU=WKSI 052THICK MINIMUM 6. ANCHOR LOCATIONS SHOWN IN THIS DOCUMENT ARE THE MINIMUM REQUIRED FOR THE DESCRIBED PRODUCT EXPOSED AT THE DESIGN PRESSURE INDICATED HEREIN T WOOD FRAMING AND MASONRY OPENING TO BE DESIGNED AND ANCHORED TO PROPERLY TRANSFER ALL LOADS TO STRUCTURE FRAMING AND MASONRY OPENING I$ THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OE RECORD 8. 1X BUCK OVER MASONRYMONCRETE IS OPTIONAL 9. WHERE SHIM OR BUCK THICKNESS IS LESS THAN 1-1? UNITS MUST BE ANCHORED THROUGH FRAME IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S PUBLISHED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ANCHORS SHALL BE SECURELY FASTENED DIRECTLY INTO MASONRY, CONCRETE OR OTHER STRUCTURAL SUBSTRATE MATERIAL 10. WHERE WOOD BUCK THICKNESS IS 1-la OR GREATER. BUCK SHALL BE SECURELY FASTENED TO MASONRY. CONCRETE OR OTHER STRUCTURAL SUBSTRATE UNITS MAY BE ANCHORED THROUGH FRAME TO SECURED WOOD BUCK IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S PUBLISHED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. 11 WHERE IX BUCK IS NOT USED DISSIMILAR MATERIALS MUST BE SEPARATED WITH APPROVED COATING OR MEMBRANE. SELECTION OF COATING OR MEMBRANE IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD 12. BUCK$ SHALL EXTEND BEYOND WINDOW INTERIOR FACE SO THAT FULL FRAME SUPPORT IS PROVIDED 4 of 2/ X1f IL1r.Rf# 11 11 111 t" Luis R. Lomas P.E. FL No.: 62514 92/2020 L. Roberto Lomas P.E. len Mn[J.MFE Mao,,fam,ar. Masonita [eMa.+e. Mc 2>on Reoong 5140128 4J46aeamy Dare: lWlDQ017 rllomas®Irbmewewm Tast Mpea: NIA P3oCuce DouUe Door oath am' out salates 12 WE (wml3osae loam•) 3 is an a1Mly ThisWdettsdoeolh sin au650ate,a1M11 aPPlias wtyIn 51e or inalallingpilclog vatoo,oreaaots of ralwlaaore wnply mipl re0ulremenl5 of iha FloaOa Bulltlng Cafe ]Ik BjiliOn (3030). ]e0 Tbalionaw[amom C o ah case capecl shear conNeon: Mot. c.,oa Ain SIlid S IiJ memb•rt a/ a m/wr oWort .Will,t6:mtls p•wM In sMm 0— No— Rlp w•6 Mos o6. TRz m.maanrtO0I9in t bop'. y'. OO in Rmt baMty Or O IH �: Mn: OOXODDO in m:n:mum ryxr[q pe,etneun P: IIV in 4FI x,a 6[Mirg vnI srysv— ytn: FP. SiJcmuvbv: wC manor Fl,(1 m : spay Pnm-Fir (bNA3) S:h member eFirMex['. t.• IOyOm n. veM1i[Mff. ISWn SMe mnrdv morel eeming s,"h Fa= I0p04 pn Main membv.1 b—, M:agM: F- 3]rA pn Slh menpv Ewn-1"'1 I,: 1000. Ab..—u Eew•I bmrna kgfb. I,• It«'m .a.4 Mete I, A a Mnee $• Np6sIII, MNe IV yT= 63651bt/d If: 19091b✓in Ow]5 A 0000,6 A: 0000502 A' 000105 Kp: 1409 Yy• 1M C: -6.1711 C: -25362] C: -52162. C: 9]6 Z.• 3RM Z• MM p: 510 it, Ms= 4651rv1bs Mm: ba i". [ 1. 1= 3N lb, p: 52a IM p: 2" lb, .I 0etige.du. 2- 1251W Z• Z126f Ko= 24w I(p• 2. Ke= Efw owfinn Fan-: Co: 16 Z= 135 W Z• RI Y 2• 1D M AnaM61e o-MIm v.a. ¢Ca, > . 1« ..I — — ..A N.A. 16-1t.06 eJpe ape (W S moo[. flIt .1 }.qwn 300 I am Mmmxrn m.6eGmu:f: I.. i.W 1]0 1 61 f-1 • Jiat-ee. ta0 in I M 163 1 .2 A[ lC To 4fp[:1, 3w :n Aasyk IfvYAn VN: L"- 155 Wmelw (p•r IMeepYatleb wM1.ubJj Fan-c.rye: MO typYgw IralalaT-.12.11 AtI.-0 1, Mewl,-1.M 1.55) Nxnaa xee tlm:ety. 0: 0IM A. 00151 W Anwl edge vin-w m tall, is 5[ro IF —anorak nreefn. F. 540 ps W toek ]32 If .1. steel Corn—l—. uM E61kn sM[ msmMe n-ICYI: law wC Ww wnMe.1: 6063-T5 !mien TCW 1, 0.a52 in VMimk l—LI—a,lm F., 14 M[i VMnahfeniknwgiF. F- 224r N111ivl nevginpv Mwng(-b manmY. Zb t 2W.l1 pnt: s]ZO Ib (E9J 5-12) Nomimistrvgtb pv6mrrrg (morn mm:6r.} I. 2Ot,F,.,[ bS. 4351M (E3 J512) miwlstr tM1 pv.Any: an Al R^• 4"1. (E93"1) Nmwl[new.-I st-Wh: an .111]O Rn• 6N Ib 1E9 J 114, Snfetylrctw: n. 3 AbnepY YUM utl WMq tyxrtK: I• 14a 6Y-CM Fnnw type. llO blf l:«K w 2011) A.i51.I wWal6w[ vl�eer. O- OIW A:a a1 IursM 9AfIFX kn Ftt,4 a rat a, a51 p([vokve6bkfgJq3 2pve1 f6 E&ly51,.mv6,tNc MMn ms.6a rlMk1: Mafal 6'«aa O1bmTe.wda m-9ro.. Fn 1p,' vnlnmt-1f11e eerogi4pee nlneg reFw I. Iw116. (E9 EI3l-t) (E 43: I1.. Ioa,O Wm:misrug.npvbm.ng (nae membnl I. ETopFa knl• 71621M IEI E43l-z nM -4)\J\ • •� // Nam:wlnn-gf. p- horny pram 1—f,l I. 2.3ol', tt: ow 111 tERE433-3. 5) ��,,•��GENS�•9iPi Wmiml I—. sM1.r Il"IM Rn=Af„It25 I. 6N IM I.,., f.o, n= 3 * p 5 e AILMk war a:.1 teary egaciM.. P. 216 b/xW •� Y-Mnn is [ybeitY: Ih 6d-1eM 4 WF "k� TATE r w.. An.. .na n. MaMl1 «,-„em a,.M[.. mwmn.l[«n «m1balm,C e'.. �An•- OF .IA, Luis R. Lomas P.E. FL No 62514 1 of 4 9/2/2020 L. Roberto Lo s P.E. lag VM/oid Re Ma9uhd.11 M..oft Lsnwe. MC 27023 Re n N. 5M128 oaAeedePP Oate. 1W1013017 nioma6eidwnesce MehwukuMlona. minlmum raauveO ancM1ors 3638 3638 CuignPrcinnr. 600 PO �. 11925 i ]2]5 nW 36M 36.M 3750 r�--rrt i Y Y _Y _Y >925 14775 Anobw Loudo88: Double door im Arm (f✓) IaW (b) (y�m 61aa. O.C. N Al MUM CuP. a City �, Lme A, 23 I38 WA WA 1A5 1 138 30 Olt Ar 7.7 463 6.00 21M 1-5 5 93 M A 1 >] 1 463 1 WA WA 145 ♦ 1 116 1 M b ' Pre+Ura. 6 ..0 wf zae Aron (N') IaN (Mr) Td. Pq �. O.0 Alrhee e (m7 cn (3s) A 24 146 N/A N/A H5 2 73 Q[ Ar 19 {]3 600 2100 165 5 98 q( Ar >S {6B N/A N/A I♦$ { 11> OK A. 2.3 138 WA WA 145 1 138 qt A » ♦63 WA WA N5 ♦ IW O[ x.x 3WTVP. ee.x 8.W T- MA,r L 1- 2 of O�i'//" 11111111„ Luis R. Lomas P.E. FL No.: 62514 9IM020 L. Roberto Lomas F.E. leax w000vomrse. Manuleaurer. Ma.orllle lewwe. xc zron Report #'. 51e012B axL96om5 ome'. 1WIM017 rllmnasfidlrbmascew own. aoo.w .i das Tew J_ .ao 3 of \J\g II�II IL,O�// °r8125� '1t� ff III11`" Luis R. Lomas P.E. FL No.: 62514 sf2no2a L. Roberto Lomas P.E. r 4J]WmSwa Rtl Manuh urer. Mawnile r.w.ev HC l)o1J Ree # 514012B rNfiaB �'f Dale, IWOW17 rllommi lrl M.wl~ in#rvCtlp1S: 1. FOR ANCHORING THROUGH FRAME IWO WOOD FRAMING OR 2X BACK UK 010 WOOD SCREWS WITH SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE A 1 114- MINIMUM EMBEDMENT INTO SUBSTRATE MN 12 MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE LOCATE ANCHORS AS SHOWN BELOW, 2 FOR ANCHORING THROUGH FRAME INTO MASONRY/CONCRETE USE 1ME TAPCONS WITH SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE A 1 11C MINIMUM EMBEDMENT INTO SUBSTRATE WITH 21IZ' MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE. LOCATE ANCHORS AS SHOWN BELOW 3. FOR ANCHORING THROUGH FRAME INTO METAL STRUCTURE USE N10 SMS OR SELF DRILLING SCREWS WITH SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE 3 THREADS MINIMUM BEYOND STRUCTURE INTERIOR WALL WITH IZ MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE. LOCATE ANCHORS AS SHOWN BELOW 4 ALL FASTENERS TO BE CORROSION RESISTANT. 5 INSTALLATION ANCHORS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANCHOR MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS AND ANCHORS SHALL NOT BE USED IN SUBSTRATES WITH STRENGTHS LESS THAN THE MINIMUM STRENGTH SPECIFIED BELOW A. WOOD- MINIMUM SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF 3=042 B. CONCRETE MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 2,000 PSI. O. MASONRY. HOLLOW FILLED BLOCK PER "TM CW WITH Fm=Z.OWPSI MINIMUM D METAL STRUCTURE STEEL 18GA (Us-) FY=33KSMFU=52KSI OR ALUMINUM 6063-T5 FU=3OKSI 067 THICK MINIMUM 6. ANCHOR LOCATIONS SHOWN IN THIS DOCUMENT ARE THE MINIMUM REQUIRED FOR THE DESCRIBED PRODUCT EXPOSED AT THE DESIGN PRESSURE INDICATED HEREIN t. WOOD FRAMING AND MASONRY OPENING TO BE DESIGNED AND ANCHORED TO PROPERLY TRANSFER ALL LOADS TO STRUCTURE FRAMING AND MASONRY OPENING IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD. 8. 1X SUCK OVER MASONRYICONCRETE IS OPTIONAL 9. WHERE SHIM OR BUCK THICKNESS IS LESS THAN I-17 UNITS MUST BE ANCHORED THROUGH FRAME IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S PUBLISHED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. ANCHORS SHALL BE SECURELY FASTENED DIRECTLY IWO MASONRY, CONCRETE OR OTHER STRUCTURAL SUBSTRATE MATERIAL. 10. WHERE WOOD BUCK THICKNESS IS 1-17' OR GREATER, BUCK SHALL BE SECURELY FASTENED TO MASONRY, CONCRETE OR OTHER STRUCTURAL SUBSTRATE. UNITS MAY BE ANCHORED THROUGH FRAME TO SECURED MOD BUCK IN ACCORDANCE NTH MANUFACTURER'S PUBLISHED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. 11. WHERE IX BUCK IS NOT USED DISSIMILAR MATERIALS MUST BE SEPARATED WITH APPROVED COATING OR MEMBRANE. SELECTION OF COATING OR MEMBRANE IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD 12. BUCKS SMALL EXTEND BEYOND WINDOW INTERIOR FACE SO THAT FULL FRAME SUPPORT IS PROVIDED 4 of Luis R. Lomas P.E. FL No.: 62514 9/2/2020