HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL EXTERIOR DOORSFlorida Building Code On I l FIC BCTS Home Log In User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats a Facts Publications CentaC[ 1.15 BCIS Site Map Links Search dbpr Product Approval USER:PuUic User !u'',Aeor oval 19Application Detail FL # FL22513-R3 Application Type Revision Code Version 2020 Application Status Approved *Approved by DBPR. Approvals by ❑BPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the PDC and/or the Commission if necessary. Comments Archived 0 Product Manufacturer Masonite International Address/Phone/Email 1955 Powis Road West Chicago, IL 60185 (800) 663-3667 ssc h re i ber0 m aso n ite. co m Authorized Signature Steve Schreiber sschreiber@ ma sonite.ccm Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Emaki Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing Certification Agency National Accreditation & Management Institute Validated By National Accreditation & Management Institute Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Year TAS 201 1944 TAS 202 1994 TAS 243 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A file: N OUs Wl)rent,heilmawDeS1-top/Florida%20Building`*20Code64200nline.iilm113/212021 10:1S:56 A�\11 Florida BuiK.YCotle Dnlioe Date Submitted 11/06/2020 Date Validated 11/09/2020 Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 11/17/2020 Summary o/ Products FL It Model, Number Or Name Description 22513.1 HPC Wood -edge Steel Side -Hinged 6'-8" Glazed I/S or 0/S Single or Double Door w/ or w/o Door Unit Sidelites Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Certification Agency Certificate F nG z z NIO Approved for use outside HVXZ: Yes 4J df Qualty Assurance Conhart ExpUation Pate Impact Resistant: No 06/30/2025 Design Pressure: +50/-50 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FI J 513 Rz D F Q717 nor Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and where pressure retolrements do not exceed the tlesign on By: National Accreditation & Management Institute Ilsted. 12'-0" x B-8" maX nominal sizeWhen Impactluation LVVerIf ated by Independent TNrtl partypressures Reports resistance IS required, hnnlcane pool Ve system IS required, J2513 R3 AF G df Door top rails stampetl "HPC". See DWG-MA-FL0212 for details.ated by L ix,fident Third Party: Yes 22513.2 WOO -edge Steel Side -Hinged Door 8'-0" Opaque I/S or 0/5 Single Door Unit Unit Limits of Use Approved for use In HVXZ: Yes certification Agency Certificate FL225 a Rt CAC Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes f Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Dam Impact Resistant: Yes 06/30/2025 Design Pressure +20/-20 Other: Evaluated for use In locations adhering to the Florida Installation Instructions Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and where pressure requirements do not exceed the design F 22G 3 R3 11 L 5. df Verified By: National AccreddaBon IS Management Institute Pressures listed. 3'-O" x 8'-0" max nominal size. When impact Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports resistance is required, hurricane proteNve system no[ FUJGP R� A G 09 required See DWG-MA-FL0215 for details. Createtl by [ntlepentlem ThiN Parry: Yes 22513.3 Wood -edge Steel Side -Hinged Door 8'-0" Opaque I/S Single or Double Door w/ or w/o Sidelites Unit I Limits of Use i Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes Certification Agency Certificate F J>G13 Rz C t' Approvetl for use outside XVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Quality Assurance Contra. Expiration Date Design Pressure: +45/-50 06/30/2025 Lr.allation Instructions Other Evaluated for use in ixations adhering m the Florida FUJGn R� 1 F��� BuildingCotle, including the High Velotlty Hurricane Zone, and where pressure requirements do not exceed the design Verifetl By: National AcaedRa[ion &Management Inmate pressures listed. 12'-0" x 8'-0" max nominal Size. When impact Created by Independent Third! Parry: Evaluation Reports resistance is required, hurricane protective system not required F Jst z R AF c on on Opaque panels, but Is required on glazed siddites. See DWG-MA-FL0215 for details. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 22513+4 Wood -edge Steel Side -Hinged Door 8'-0" Opaque O/S Single or Double Door w/ or w/o SidelRes Unit Limits of Use Approved for use in XVHZ: Yes Certificatlon Agency Certificate F J c z Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Res had Yes C t0 2 Quality Assurance Contr.. Expiration Date Design Pre sure: +50/-45 06/30/2025 Installation Instructions ONe1.. Evaluated for use In locations adhering to the Florida FtnG1z Rz D F n2 G f Building Cotle, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and where pressure requirements do not exceed the design Verifietl ey: National Accrediation 8 Management Institute Pressures listed. 12'-0" x 8'-0" max nominal size. When impact Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports resistance is required, hurnome protective System not required FI> ql R: pF on opaque panels, but is required on glazed sidelines. See DWG-MA-FL0215 far details. Creacetl by Irltlepentlen[ Thirtl Party: Yes 22513.5 Wood-etlge Steel Side -Hinged Door 8'-0" 3/4-Ute Glazed I/S or O/S Single or Double boor w/ or Unit w/o Sidelites Limits Of Use Approved for use in HVXZ: Yes Certification Agency Certificate F 27G1 a R3 r CAC N1011747 0 df file:OTNseNted"t eilmrNpeskmp�Flanm96E08uiltlinp°+-'OCWe°bAnnline.F,mII+C-20JI 10.i8:SO AM Fbny Builtliog Cod,ceiioe Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Design Prea dUre: +40/-40 Other: Evaluated for use in IOcaUons adhering to the Floods Installation Instructions FI 22513 R 11 F 0 Building Code, including the High Velocity Murticane Zone, and where pressure requirements do not exceed the design Verified By: National Accreditation & Management Institute Created Pressures listed. 12'-0" x 8--0" max nominal size. When Impart by Independent Third Party: e Evaluation Reports resistance Is required, hurricane protm eve system is required. Fl- zSP R S J f See DWG-FtA2ll for details. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 22513.E Wootlredge Steel Side-Hingetl Door 6'-8" Opaque I/S or O/S Single Door DPI( Limits of Use -Pp end for use In XVHZ: Yes Certification Agency Certificate F J t� R Approvetl for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Design pressure: +z0/-20 06/30/2025 Installatlon Instuctions OtM1er: Eval-a[etl for use lnexiatloIn adhering m the Florida Ft JJSP Ra 11 F DJI Builtliog Cotle, inciutling the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and where Pressure requirements do not exceetl the design VeriFletl By: National Accretlitation &Management InsU[u[e Pressures listed. 3'-0" x 6'-8" max nominal size. When Impact Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports resistance S (lgUlRtl, hurricane protective SYetlm net F JJp i R"a pF C 08 A ff required. See DWG-MA-FLD211 for details. Created by Independent ThIM Party: Yes 22513.J WOnd-edge Steel Side -Hinged Door 6'-8" Opaque VS or O/S Single or Double Door w/ or w/o Unit Sitlelites Limits ve Use Approved for use in XVHZ: Yes Ceatlfication Agency Certificate F nSn aJ rdr Approvetl for use oubitle XVHZ: Yes impact Resistant: Yes Quality bsurantt Contratt Ez iration Date P Design Pressure: +s5/-55 Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida 06/30/2025 Installation Instructions FL22513 RI II F 0J Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and where pressure regWrements do not exceetl the design Verified By: Federal Accreditation & Management Institute Created Pressures listed. 12'-0" x 6'-8" max nominal size. When impact by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports resistance Is required, hurricane Protective system not required FI J 5P 0. qF g on opaque panels, but Is required on glazed sidelites. See DWG-MA-FLO211 for details. Created by Independent Third Parry: Yes 22513.8 Wood -edge Steel Side,Hinged Door 6'-&" "A -Lire Glazetl I/S or O/S Single or Double Door w/ or Unit w/o Sitlelites ve Use Approved APPon ed for use in XVHZ: Yes Cardfic tlonA Agency Certificate F 2an a g y Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No IO 4J 0 Quality Assurance ContractE bailor Dale Design Pressure: +50/-50 Other: Evaluated far use In locations adhering to the Florida 06/30/2025 Installation instructions F JJSiv Building Cotle, including the High Velocity Huriwne Zone, and where pressure requirements do not exceetl Me tlesign Rt I F 0 19 tlf VeriFletl By: National Accretlitatlon & Management Institute Createtl pressures listed IT-0" x 6'-8" max nominal size. When Impact by Independent Third Parry: Evaluation Reports resistance Is resttared, hurricane protective system Is required. FI JJc1 Ri pF G 00 See DWG-MA-FW214 for details. Created by [ntlepentlem Thirtl Pa rtY: Yes i .ClonartUs_. 1. seam m none.1 an awtso.mdarer orld report Under Honda law,.man aaeresees are tank revers It va 00nnot wan' your emal aee,ess,ueasee In nedoete re a p,di, oremras onx, �do not sere eke mallthe entry .proxy, larou me vale W Prone or by oaededrnl mat n voo have any 0uartary, wea. cored esone>.r 3ps.' n[onoyan ass.: nonaa seae2K, enttare UMee, 1. 2of1. a anyway uttnsa] later Chapter ass. F.s. moat mr,de me oepertment ant an.mall ade—m Giev in nave oro. Te pmoE¢Meoew,bre nedyar s Ind an aderve w�iN^oom a made avarevetotry audit. To dere,0innme 11 you any a II yaw uM�x Cntorcanny,as ol—rao�eanned, rgeutt approval Accept ®a]Wo■ xcuritr>]L3'xlf. Rle.///flUurcMmLM1eiLneNpeekeoyFlondn%20BuiIGnf+lOfotlr°o100niine.MmgPdlJ0311019 ov AMI Flmi& BmWng Cah Online file ll/C/UUNMencpeilmWpeskmyFlon�°eEOBuilGngb]OCWe%X�nline.M1unl�iPJIOlI 10:I8,Sfi AMJ P � O vX vk 0 0 � o ' w 60 20 o.. nC y o' 3 _ 3 A C ° 3 - a F a v 1 N e' _ s m 4 n i N VI z w Z� Z,�., z.G - aw o z 3 d a = m a o g p y U. ! � Y Q LcY rtj3 z3'3D m� ,Y o°8�=n3ac �g _F n s F F^032 11 a -1 ¢9 n emz e'? e ^» e e IN �3e c R] n e e > e A m r a m co a� o >P' O 3 F'm F .�N Sao W A3 e F "e m 'S pg00 i e.an 3?xAA F• .nr y : 7 m 3 O e e o A A N W O e >> NNlij o N N r :3 eU�J� ICI ICI i�' m G 00 ``' 7 ) 0 - y m ZO og n $CO)Z r 0) W N P28 vxof Z, o Or( , rm A_IZ m Vf mm mm Omly O m �m uomo m mn -RE;- m DO OA Bm Am7m m Z O O mOm O AZ ti xA OA z;AO ti_�m z m �zNz m T� v N�Oo m c cm A OS.lmml 'o z v 9 c m C� y MAX. FRAME MAX81.875"--y 63" A D.L.O. :::; ® ® ® ® �» •e O -Ni�N u I I O x O O x N k k n a cn c� Ax o n �mA r x Gni n om� Zp�-{ �a AZy n a x O N r- -i D 31" 31" 7.375" 0 4 MORE EQUALLY SPACED /� c_ m i - 5" n - I L r wzlk-Am T lw D OM- MmD�1-Z O-om-wr c) Dm mz-ioz '1 g1noZAUK op Z O0OADD IOU Z tkZz UIM � W N m OM D N O r �m:UNZ0m�DNr1N Z Dwmzo �....m In O OOAfnA32W.1J G7 _ =?mmmmo D�vm Z DOD�g0 f�*1>OTIcoZ>coNrO z MO.'[M Z,K _O Z mw D _ �7 O ,O=cDm"mv N= j Z Z Z .0 n aOm m z D Z N D Oro m c m o � O A n m Z O D ;IJ �N D Z O � O= D Z r ND r• Z J;U O{ Z N;o RN a 31" 37. 7.375' 6 ri N m "o 4 D N r Dm rM m OO;2 4Q. MORE EQUALLY SPACED o m m N 6"I— �: 41.250" --I L! L. Roberta Lomas P.E. ,as, waadrrnd en Manufacturer: Masser. LeWevWe, NC 22a23 Report N: 51401 OB 43a-dar pa Date: 1011012017 rlomax onlrl0mexoe c0 Tes. NIA Product. Pr0lyuCb Single tlwr 3'x6'8"(Wood Frame) aclloe: This analysis provides calwlations, quantities, and spacing requirements IcV Installing prudud t0 substrate, and A applies only to the product described herein. These calculations comply with requirements of the Floods Building Code. Anchor capacity in shear condition: Salld me. x/ d w/. gnp: o. With Mrcade preaser in shear plain Faster type #10 d urew (NOS 2018, ]RIZ) Nonuml dmmeter: O: 0190 in Gap. g: 00000 m Ram earner: br. 0152 in M. arm. scads in Minimum re,eared anemnion: p: 1.140 in Screw berMin "Id sfe 9 Yre ersal Ep• a0,0W psl Sidemembv: pwglI FrrLwc00.n 0) Mainmunben 5prvce1, Srde munberlhicNwxs: p= 1.e1%1 in .(G:042) Marnmemberth¢Fnett: tr LSW in 1.500., Side member danel heuriy ermeth'. F.- 4,650W Man munbvdoend bwriys}ruglh: Fe,= 3350 py Side member dowel hmriy ingeh: la= 1.001) in Moinmunherdowelbewiylergth: In= 1140 in Mode I,, .,she 1, Modell Manz Mn Mod.III, Made IV an 636.51bs/in ys= III bs/in A. 0W07 A'. OOW36 q OW10] A: 00(135 P= ]236111, P= 98a the B: ID] 8: 09 e. 05 8: Op]0 en= 2400 xa= 2.eoo C-427.674 C-253623 C'.-267,699 C: -93.6 Z.= 302the Z.= 3W has P- Mo In, Me = 468 inla;Mm= 468 irolbe Kn= ?400 P= 197 he P- 319 Ibe P= 263 the Min. bian,n slue: $= its It, Z= Is. the Ko24CO Ka 2AW Ko= 24M b... Factor'. Ce = 16 Z= 124 be Z= 133 1. Z. 110 lbs Allowable besi, VPlua ac'): Z'= IM Ibe'arrshv Fastaw type: L4 TPW Teem TaWlated.1. NCA. 16-Urs06 edge 1ya4ing CrN SubstmH: Hither Wish dkmrce 2. p0 4.Po Minimum anWedment 125 In 2.00 1 130 1 161 Acraal uye in.— 250 in 4. W 163 IN Ac1uN C To C asscllg'. 300 in Alienable Desgn Value: Z"= IN Ilswaaeha (per iweeryel tiro w needed) F hw type OIOTd— Substrvh: 18 GA, Steel Tabuldsd den, aue: Z= 1261 the Safety fatlmr F6= 4 Allwobk post. Value Caa, Z.= 316 ]be.. Miniwum anchor masnoty: 1s5 bc/mrcW note: anuwrs ead the.11 caper, ie... an, wauNmu an mraai aMhma with Ixpnwc waxr. Mchw oidindaffines, dimensions meauked anchare 36.38 Design cress.. 85 0 oar 79,25 P2 Ara 1 At A— Load list Man' Anchor Cap. Ladd Z^ne (Nc) Obs) I On) O.C. Result (In) Ob.)Qty (to.) Al 23 195 I WA I N/A 155 I 2 98 OK Az >] =6 I 600 1 18,00 155 1 5 131 1 OK R to Luis R. Lomas P.E. 1 of 3 FL No.: 62514 9/2/2020 L. Roberto Lomas P.E. 1132 Wmmmd as MandadUMr'. Masonite Lem.rv021o23 Report#: 5140108 434.633L608 n�ma3�in m o-ata: lvtoisov Anchor Locations: 36.3E 18.18 6.Oo ryP. � � 6.00 ttP. 1 � 6.W 10.26 1 6 00 \51 vt I It o�//, Luis R. Lomas P.E. 2 of 3 FL No.: 62514 9/2/2020 L. Roberta Lomas P.E. 3 of roes woo�rwe an. Manufacturer. Masonite Lew 14 W 2. Repot #. 514010B 031- 9S MI8 rllomas(alieoma De com Date: 10/10201] tO3leil.H. lnstrrrcfions: 1. FOR ANCHORING THROUGH FRAME INTO WOOD FRAMING OR 2X BUCK USE #10 WOOD SCREWS WITH SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE A 1 1/4" MINIMUM EMBEDMENT INTO SUBSTRATE WITH 1/2' MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE. LOCATE ANCHORS AS SHOWN BELOW. 2. FOR ANCHORING THROUGH FRAME INTO MASONRY/CONCRETE USE 114" TAPCONS WITH SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE A 1 1/4" MINIMUM EMBEDMENT INTO SUBSTRATE WITH 21/2" MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE. LOCATE ANCHORS AS SHOWN BELOW, 3. FOR ANCHORING THROUGH FRAME INTO METAL STRUCTURE USE #10 SMS OR SELF DRILLING SCREWS WITH SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE 3 THREADS MINIMUM BEYOND STRUCTURE INTERIOR WALL WITH 10 MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE. LOCATE ANCHORS AS SHOWN BELOW. 4. ALL FASTENERS TO BE CORROSION RESISTANT. 5. INSTALLATION ANCHORS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANCHOR MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS AND ANCHORS SHALL NOT BE USED IN SUBSTRATES WITH STRENGTHS LESS THAN THE MINIMUM STRENGTH SPECIFIED BELOW: A. WOOD: MINIMUM SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF G=0.42 B. CONCRETE: MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 2,000 PSI. C. MASONRY: HOLLOW/FILLED BLOCK PER ASTM C90 WITH Fm=2.000PSI MINIMUM. D. METAL STRUCTURE: STEEL 1SEA ENB-) FY=33KSI/FU=52KSI OR ALUMINUM 6063-TS FU=30K51 .05Z THICK MINIMUM 6. ANCHOR LOCATIONS SHOWN IN THIS DOCUMENT ARE THE MINIMUM REQUIRED FOR THE DESCRIBED PRODUCT EXPOSED AT THE DESIGN PRESSURE INDICATED HEREIN. ]. WOOD FRAMING AND MASONRY OPENING TO BE DESIGNED AND ANCHORED TO PROPERLY TRANSFER ALL LOADS TO STRUCTURE. FRAMING AND MASONRY OPENING IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD. 8. 1X BUCK OVER MASONRY/CONCRETE IS OPTIONAL. 9. WHERE SHIM OR BUCK THICKNESS IS LESS THAN 1-117 UNITS MUST BE ANCHORED THROUGH FRAME IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S PUBLISHED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. ANCHORS SHALL BE SECURELY FASTENED DIRECTLY INTO MASONRY, CONCRETE OR OTHER STRUCTURAL SUBSTRATE MATERIAL. 10. WHERE WOOD BUCK THICKNESS IS 1-12 OR GREATER, BUCK SHALL BE SECURELY FASTENED TO MASONRY, CONCRETE OR OTHER STRUCTURAL SUBSTRATE. UNITS MAY BE ANCHORED THROUGH FRAME TO SECURED WOOD BUCK IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S PUBLISHED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. 11. WHERE 1X BUCK IS NOT USED DISSIMILAR MATERIALS MUST BE SEPARATED WITH APPROVED COATING OR MEMBRANE. SELECTION OF COATING OR MEMBRANE IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD. 12. BUCKS SHALL EXTEND BEYOND WINDOW INTERIOR FACE SO THAT FULL FRAME SUPPORT IS PROVIDED. .�\pENSF'9sy A T Op •fyew,, �i4O�Fd'.'PCORIOp; ��C�: ALIENX�`� Luis R. Lomas P.E. FL No.: 62514 9/2/2020