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off -T � RECU „; .V`a • Planning& Development Sens"ices Department' Building& Code.Regulations 2300 Virginia Ave Fort Piercef)34982 772462-1533 M"'PLICATION POR ZOSING COMPLIANCE--001ME OCCUPA:110N Date: BuSincssAddnns: :g9gQ k) lAS Ekt)q I Next 47L,�R(lcl r Description of Type of Business: PIIONE-AND OFFICE USE ONLY for, Property Tax 11)#:: /4a2V / J ©0Off'- 000- Applicant's!dame- ��l C-4-or Lea 370-�Sb Ajljpli # s Addretis;_t{a n 1 (,LS 40)s� . City. - P CP state: Zip: l,Il:Ei7EBV a4CKNO3 VLFT)(.E Ti AT TEilF AIIOVG IS CORImcT,AND AGREE TO CO.FC?Ki4i'I`tJ'I H T:I I CtC'COWNTY, ZONING SG r '3D IF iLDING CODE. ANY VIOLATION OF SECTION"fi-01.tl0 "ii,L7ME OCCUPATION"WILL BE PURSUED-THROUGH ST-MUIE COIJE E'NrOIZCF MFNT. xtpplirant's signature +@.�t�3$#ts4ti.GG.s*sttts3'^G#t#�7e#etiffitst:sti�iPe irmttst#xt#s,tst#"Get#ek:p t##iei'yt#��r####lots*Rri[stst tT£s!#A tie t^kt ltti:Fs OFFICE UE ONLY Date l.ni[i*q Subdivision block- Lot; 4trtzt�n. '`bwnsbip: Mangle. Mapji: Zoom Land lise: Ct nifzcalc nt'Corapete z�cy Ltc quirvd; Ncs Yes Number T}pe ofcenifintion: , - w_ 8''.61.02 A( l'llO RMI.ATION The fallowing liomc rta cupatious shall be permitted in any residential dwelling unit,including mobile front , provided that the home occupation compiles is ith the Cat sire:,bulk,and parking requirements of the zoning,district in^whit h the home occupation is located A...Homebound.employment:.ofa physically,mentally,or emotiomilly'handicaltped person who is unable to work- away.fromhomeb .reason.tif.his&ability; 13, Office facilities provided that no:retait or wholesale sales are made or.transacted on the premiss,wid, C Studios or laboratories. 8.01.03. IJSE I.IMfl'A-rION-.!'Olt IC MI:OCCI IP-ATI() S In addition to ui&tiug the rcyuircmentrs ofthe zoning district in which it is located every bowie occupation shall comply with the follox-ving restrictions: A. 'port o�$ttch geCul?atit)Il: B No stgd in trade shall be displayed or sold on the premises,. C. Ohly sales incidental to the homc:uccupation shall he permitted. D,.'Ilie.home occupatiou.shatl:be conducted entirely within the principal dwelling unit,and"in no event shall.catch use be visible from any other residential;struaurc:ur a public sway, E The use:of the d-velling'amit for the home.ac:cctpatioti shalt tie ineidenta(.and s tbordinatc;to its use for residential. purposes.;and no more than twenty-five'(251%)percent of the building deter area sliall be used.in the conduct ohlie home Occupation. F_ d`here shall be no outdoor storage.p(equipmgnt or materials Used in die home.occupatiom G. No more than one(l)vehicle shalt be;:used in the conduct of the home occupation. ll,.No mechanical,electrical,or other equipment that produces noise,ctec;tric<al or magnetic intert tr ni:c;vih ation, heat,glam or other nuisance outside the.residential structure shall:be used. 1. No home occupation,shall be periuitied that is noxious;a11'ensive or hazardous by rcas.0 i:orvehiet,lar traffic generation or emission of noise,vibration,sinAe% dust,or other particulate matter,odorous matter,heat,humidity, glare,rcfu e;.radiaticin,.or other objectionable emissions. J. Nq traffic shall be generated by such[ionic occupation in-greater volume than would normally be expected lit a residential neighborhood.and.any need l rr.parking generated by die conduct ofsuch home occupation shall be nict off flies street and:other than in a required.front ya d.. Applicant's Signature. Me- t;~tn�°tt�ta a�t��+tut