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Creekside Lot # 97 sewer.pdf
U' ENGMEEHING SCIER-CE& 114SPECTIOIV RESULTS to ! 7 Inspection Date: V —10 Permit No. J fir— t7 Project: l r D L� ik.A..tf;o� /� Address: 3 3C6 9 Q Ot4� AAA'e Check one: XRegular Inspection: ❑ Reinspection Date of Initiallnspeclion: &-- 7 _R/ Inspection Type Requested (check): ELECTRICAL Slab Floor Rough -In Rough-in=TesiCNW m Pi ing 8 Mason wall Rough-►n Stack Pipi Piping & TJ Wall/Ceiling Ceiling Rough -in Water Pip Piping & IFraming Panel/Feeder Gas Piping. Piping &'Storm Pipiationheei Rock A liance/Equipment Fixtures& Ceiline Protection Final Building J Final Electrical J J Final Plumbing Finest nno�ti� i Other Inspection Type: Area Inspected/Code: 4/ g Sp r r ICJ C esyJ inspection Results: $AP -Approved ❑ AE-Approved with Exceptions I] DP -Disapproved Q Not Ready Conditions/Comments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7._ Inspector's Name: V Lic.#: _AN Y23 J' OFFICES THROUGHOUT FLORIDA ❑ DA-01sallowed 607 IJW Commodity Cove, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986 • (772) 924-3575 • (772) 92/ www.teamgfa.com