HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubsurface InvestigationKSM �- KELLER, SCHLEICHER & MacWILLIAM ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. MARTIN (772) 337-7755 P.O. BOX 78-1377, SEBASTIAN, FL 32978-1377 SEBASTIAN (772) 58M712 PALM BEACH (661) 8-8488 FAX (561)) 845--8876845 7445 C.A.: 5693 P.E.: 37293 S. 860 ME BOURNES UCIE �72M9-9093 FAX (772) 5SM469 September 2, 2005 Matt Taylor Donadio and Associates, Architects, P.A. 609 17" Street Vero Beach, Florida 32960 Re: Lots 1 to 5 Ocean Palms Project S.R. A1A St. Lucie County, Florida KSM ' 508028- Gentlemen: As requested, KSM Engineering & Testing has performed a subsurface investigation at the referenced site.. We also reviewed our .previous soils report, dated May 20, 2002. We have included copies of these test borings in our new soils report. Presentation of the - data gathered during the investigation, together with our geotechnical related opinions, are included in this report. A. Project Description: Two Oceanfront Residential Buildings and a Clubhouse are planned to be constructed seaward of the State Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL). The structure will be required to be supported on piles. The site had thick vegetation and therefore we were limited to the cleared areas on the site. B. The scope of our study consisted of the following: 1. Reviewed our May 2002 Soil Report performed on the site. 2. Performed an additional CPT. boring on the site. 3. Evaluated the existing soil conditions with respect to the proposed construction and provided recommendations for site preparation and foundation design. 4. Prepared this report to document our findings. KELLER, SCHLEICHER & MacWILLIAM ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. MARTIN (772) 337-7755 P.O. BOX 78-1377, SEBASTIAN, FL 32978-1377 SEBASTIAN (772) 589-0712 PALM BEACH (561) 845-7445 MELBOURNE (321) 768-8488 FAX (561) 845-8876 C.A.; 5693 PE.: 37293 S.1.; 860 ST. LUCIE (772) 229-9093 FAX (772) 589-6469 Ocean Palms Project -2- September 2, 2005 C. Site Investigation: The site investigation program consisted of. performing three (3) Standard penetration test borings and one (1) CPT Sounding on the site. The borings were terminated at depths ranging - from 20 to 47 feet below grade. The location of the borings are indicated on the attached boring logs. The SPT borings were completed in accordance with procedures described in ASTM D- 1586, A standard 1.5 inch I.D., 2 inch O.D. split -spoon sampler is driven into the soil by successive blows of a 140 pound hammer freely falling 30 inches. The number of blows required to drive the -sampler 1 foot, after seating 6 in., is designated the Penetration Resistance, or "N" value. At regular intervals the sampler is extracted from the ground and opened to allow visual examination and classification of the retained soil sample. Also, the groundwater table was allowed to stabilize and the depth of the groundwater elevation recorded from existing grade. . The records of the soils encountered,. the penetration resistances and groundwater level are shown on the attached logs. D. Engineering Evaluation And Conclusions: Based on the information obtained from this site investigation we are pleased to offer the following evaluation: The subsurface conditions beneath the planned structure area consist mostly of fine to medium grained sand including shell fragments. °N' values recorded during the investigation indicates the soil density ranges from loose to very dense. These soils are considered satisfactory for the proposed project. Please refer to the soil boring logs for specific information relative to the soil description. KSM KE.LLER, SCHLEICHER & MacWILLIAM ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. MARTIN (772) 337-7755 P.O. BOX 78-1377, SEBASTIAN, FL 32978-1377 SEBASTIAN (772) 589-0712 PALM BEACM (661) B45-7446 C.A.: 5693 P.E.;.37293 S.I.: 860 MELBOURNE (321) 768-8488 FAX (561) 846-8876 ST. LUCIE (772) 229-9093 FAX (772) 589-6469 Ocean Palms Project -3- September 2, 2005 E. Site Preparation: The proposed building area and areas to be paved, plus a minimum margin of five feet beyond the proposed -construction shall be stripped and grubbed of surface debris, including vegetation, roots and organic matter. Stumps shall be removed entirely. The building area should be graded level and proofrolled. Any soft yielding areas shall be excavated and replaced with clean compacted fill. Sufficient passes should be made during the compaction operations to produce a density no less than 95 percent of its modified dry Proctor value (ASTM D 1557) to a depth of two feet. After the exposed surface has been proofrolled, the building and pavement areas may be filled to the desired grades. Additional fill material shall consist of clean granular sand containing less than 6% material passing the U.S. Standard No. 200 mesh sieve. The contractor should review the .Department of Environmental Protection's permit to ensure there fill requirement is safisfied. Structural fill should be placed in uniform loose layers of 16 inches in thickness and compacted to at least 95 percent of its Modified proctor value (ASTM D 1557). After excavating for the footings, the disturbed footing subgrade should be recompacted to 95 percent (minimum) of its Modified Dry Proctor Value. This can be best achieved by .making several passes with a relatively light -weight' walk -behind vibratory sled or roller. We recommend field density tests be performed at appropriate times during the earth work operations in order to verify that the site has been properly constructed. F. Pile Foundation: Based on our experience with structures seaward. of the GCCL, it has been our experience that auger cast piles can be placed more economically than driven pre- stressed concrete pilings. We recommend using 16 inch minimum diameter auger cast -in -place piles (steel reinforced to resist the anticipated forces). These piles shall be installed .at least 35 feet below the scour line. This design would provide a bearing capacity of. 80 kips, an allowable uplift capacity of 40 kips, and a safe lateral load of 6.0 kips for the soil resistance for each pile. If group piles are used, then an efficiency factor shall be used to design the piling. An allowable bearing capacity of 2,000 psf may be used for any structure not required to be supported on pilings. KSM KELLER,- SCHLEICHER & MacWILLIAM ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. MARTIN W2) 337-7755 P.O. BOX 78-1377, SEBASTIAN, FL 32978-1377 SEBASTIAN (772) 589-0712 FALM BEACH (845-7445 M T.URNE (7) 93AX (561845 8878C.A.: 5693 RE.; 37293 S.I.: 860 SUCIE 72229-90 FAX (772) 589-6469 Ocean Palms Project -4- September 2, 2005 G. Pile Load Test At least one non -production pile shall be tested in" accordance to ASTM D1143 to confirm the design pile depth and capacity. H. CIosure: This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices based on the results of the borings and the assumed loading conditions. This report does not reflect any variations which may occur between the borings. If variations appear evident during the course of construction, it would be necessary to re-evaluate the recommendations of this project. We are pleased to be of assistance to you on this phase of your project. When we may be of further service to you or should you. have any questions, please feel free to call. si ent s Directee; LLC 3504 INDl ML4L 33RD STREET FORT ]PIERCE, FLOMA 34946 (772) 460-9180 800-909-7911 FAX (772) 794-3533 Client KSM Engineering and Testing Date 23-Au05 Project Ocean Dune Estates Job No 2159 Location CPT 1,. = '- W Ic ,5 T ,$ /P•E f3Y•: LC 5 ':1 � Z . Elevation Existing Page i of 2 Reid Crew DEW Rig #. 4 Depth P P+S qc FR Meters 80 160 0.413 0.2 90 95 180 0.7 0.4 70 80 140 0.5 0.6 45 50 90 0.7 0.8 35 40 70 0.9 1 42 47 84 1.6 1.2 95 105 190 0.3 1.4 20 25 40 1.7 1.6 40 45 80 0.8 1.8 40 45 80 1.7 2 50 60 100 0.8 2.2 40 45 80 1.2 2.4 40 47 80 1.3 2.6 40 48 80 1.7 2.8 70 80 140 0.9 3 80 90 160 0.8 3.2 70 80 140 1.9 3.4 80 100 160 9.6 3.6 25 32 50 1.3 3.8 30 35 60 4.4 4 80 VO 160 0.4 ' 4.2 100 105 200 0.7 4.4 70 80 140 0.9 4.6 50 60 100 1.3 4.8 40 50 80 1.7 5 70 80 140 0.9 52 80 90 160 0.8 5.4 80 90 160 12 5.6• 60 95 150 0.8 -5.8 70 80 140 0.9 6 70 80 140 0.9 6.2 65 75 130 1.0 6A 70 80 140 0.9 6.6 40 50 • 80 A#F 6.8 35 F 70 0.6 .7 12 15 24 2.8 7.2 13 18 26 1.5 7.4 12 15 24 2.8 7.6 20 25 40 3.6 7.8 32 43 64 1.7 8 35 43 70 0.8 8.2 43 47 85 _ 0.8 8.4 35 40 70 0.9 8.6 37. 42 74 1.8 8.8 50 60 100 2.6 9 80 100 160 0.4 9.2 100 105 200 0.3 9.4 100 105 200 0.7 9.6 140 150 280 0.2 9.8 100 105 200 0.3 10 55 60 110 0.6 10.2 18 23 36 1.5 10.4 6 10 12 1.1 10.6 6 7 12 2.2 • 10.8 .3 6 6 ## 11 so 111111111111111111111111! 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E■N■■■E■ 11111111111111111111111l1 NONE ME 1111i1l11i111111111111111 ■■■■�■■■ 1l1111111111111111111i11i ., ■■■■■■■■ IIIIn1111111111111111111 ■■■■■�■■ 1111111111111111i11111111 SEEN so 1111111�111i111111�111111 ■■■■■■■■ illllll lllllillll IIIIII ■NEEEEES 11i1111111i1111111111111 ■■■■■■■■ ' 111111111111111111111111! MEMO MEN 11111111111!l11111111111! SEE■E■■E 11111111111!l111111111111 ■■■■■ESE 11l111i1111111l1i1l111i1f ■E■■■■■■ 11111111111i1111111111111 , ■■■■ESE■ xsM KELLER, SCHLEICHER & MacWILLIAM ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. MARTIN (772) 337-7755 P.O. BOX 78-1377, SEBASTIAN,. FL 32978-1377 SEBASIIAN (772) 589-0712 PALM BEACH (561) 845-7445 MELBOURNE (321) 768-8488 FAX (561) 845-8876 C.A.: 5693 P.E.: 37293 S.L: 860 ST. LUCIE (772 229-9093 FAX (772� 589-6469 Date of Boring: Location: Depth in Ft. May 16, 2002 Lots 1 - 5, North Hutchinson Island St- Lucie County, Florida B-1, East Section of Lot 1 Blows/ SPT-N Description of Soil 6 in. Value -0- Grayish Tan Sand -------------------------------- 4-5-6--------- 9------- -2- Tan Sand -------------------------------- 6-6-7-------- 12------- -4- Tan Sand w/Shell 6-7-6 12 -6- 8-8-10 16 .-8- --------------------------------8-7--7 -------- 14------- -10- Tan Sand w/Lots of Shell 10-10-11 20 -12- 10-15-10 20 -14- 9-7-8 15 -16- 10-12-14 22 --18- -------------------------------20-21-24-----41------- -20- -----Light Tan S.and ----------------------------------- Water Table: 110" below existing surface Job # KSM 22275-1B K S M KELLER, SCHLEICHER & MacWILLIAM ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. MARTIN (772) 337-7755 P.O. BOX 78-1377, SEBASTIAN, FL 32978-1377 SEBASTIAN (772) 589-0712 • PALM BEACH (561) 845-7445 C.A.: 5693 P.E.: 37293 S. 860 MELBOURNE (321) 768-8488 FAX (561) 845-8876 ST. LUCIE (772) 229-9093 FAX (772) 589-6469 Date of Boring: May 16, 2002 Location: Lots 1 - 5, North Hutchinson Island St. Lucie County, Florida B-2, East Section of Lot 2 Depth Blows/ SPT-N in Ft. Description of Soil 6 in. Value -0- Tan Sand 3-3-3 6 -2- 5-5-5 10 -4- -----------------------------------4-5-6 --------- 9------ -6- Tan Sand w/Shell 6-9-12 15 -8- 7-7-7 14 -10- ----------------------T------------6-8-12 ------- 14------ -12- Tan Sand w/Lots of Shell 13-13-11 24 -14- -16- -18- --------------------------------20-25-20-----40------- -20- Light Fine Tan Sand -22- -24- 13-14-13 26 -26- -28- ------------ L ----------------- --20-20-20-----40------- Fine Grayish Tan Sand --30- -32- ------ --------------------------3=2-3---------5------- Slightly Clayed Gray Sand -34-' w/Shell -36- Fine.Gray Sand w/Shell 38-58-73 86 -38- ------------------------------------------------------ Job # KSM 22275-2B 0 A a lyl KELLER, SCHLEICHER & MacWILLIAM ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. MARTIN (772) 337-7765 P.O. BOX 78-1377, SEBASTIAN, FL 32978-1377 SEBASTIAN (772) 589-0712 PALM BEACH (561.) 846-7445 C.A.: 5693 RE.: 37293 S.I.: 860 MELBOURNE (32i 768-8488 FAX (99aP� 5-SF Boring: May 16, 2002 ST. LU 58 772 9-9093 FAXX (T72) 9-6469 Location: Lots 1 - 5, North Hutchinson island St. Lucie County, Florida B-3, Off A1A at. the West End of Lot 4 Depth Blows/ SPT-N in Ft. Description of Soil 6 in. Value -0- Tan.Sand 2-3-2 4 -2- 4-4-4 8 -4- 4-5-4 8 -6- ................................ 5-7-10------- 12----- -8- Tan Sand w/Shell -------------------------------- 10-7-7-------14----- -10- Tan Sand w/Lots of Shell. 6-7-8 13 -12- 10-11-12 21 -14- -16- -18- ---------------------------------24-25-24-----49------- -20- Light Fine Tan Sand -22- -24- 10-14-26 24 -2 6- -28- 31-34-44 65 -30- -32- -34- ------------------------------------------------------ Slightly Clayed Gray -36-- Sand w/Shell 6-6-11 12 -38- ------------------------------------------------------ Fine Gray Sand w/Shel.l 44-66-80 125 -40- ------------------------------------------------------- Job # KSM 22275-3B , leu lol ,,.�r'gR,,�gw ggdf �w­ N " Z - W4 gg Allp a?Y r t* -1 . ...... T;K 0 eO. A! .0 ,Zv 4 m P 61, 0 % -7 e i N 7 A P -surveybt,t i,,1, ry. C,, ount" ucie Soil{ oion Ser s t n �Oiya r.a ttpn vv I Z 7 '10' Ag�]` CTre, pd U cllted States I sdeA 6 6 AgI a wie offoo W1, 7 3,1 ,ems r ien'ce Depar �rsity offiorid� AgriCUJIL11 Pe U U rey.of jj�ur� anct. n DeO&t $oil name and !Hydro -I - I map symbol I logict Frequency I Igroup I ' 19r--------------- I B. None -------- I Jonathan 20-=-------------- I A/D I.None--------- i Kal•iga � I I 21--r------------B/D (None -------- I Lawnwood 1 ' I ! i ' 22;: Lawnwood=--------.!•B/D }None--------! Urban land. { i 23------- --------- ! B/D !None -------- I Malabar ! ! 1 24 ---------------- I A/D [None -------- I Myakka• !. ! } i 25----------------I B/D (None= ------- I Nettles - ! I I I ! ! 26----------------! B/D (None --------I Oldsmar ' 2------_---- --- I A JNone--------! Palm Beach I l 28----------------! A (None--------! Paola ! TABLE 17.--SOIL AND -WATER FEATURES --Continued i Duration (Months 29 - --------------I C ! None -------- I --- Pendar.vis ! 1 300: I Pendarvis--------I G (None-- ------ I --- I Urban land. I ! ! 31 ---------------- I C/D !None.--------i --- Pepper: ! i. . 32---------------- I•B/D--- Pined.a l { I * { l I Pits I } i ! 34--- -------------! A/D .!None -_------I --- Pompano: Depth 1 Kind Months, InitiallTotallUneoated (Concrete ! ! i3.0-;5.OiApparebtlJun-Octi50-75!Rippablel 1 .1 1 1 ! ! 1 +2-0 -iApparentlJun-Apr! --- I _-- i ' i • i l 1 i •i ! ! I 0-1.01Perched ']Jun-Oet120=-30iRippablei I 0-1.OlPerched (Jun-Oet120-301Rippable! I 1 I !' !. I I 0-1.0.jkpparentiJun-Novi --- { I 1 . I 1 • i i- I i I ! 0-1.OIApparentlJun-Feb! --- ! I i, 0-1.01Perehed ',Jun-OctI30-50iRippable{ ! ! i •! i I ! 1 i 1 +2-1.OIApparent{Jun-Feb! --- ! --- !. I >6.0 i i 1 I ! I ! 1 1 >6 . o--- 1' 1 12.0-3.51Perched !Jun-0ct}30-501Rippablel I 1 1 I 1 i 12.0-3.5!Perched !Jun-Oot130-5.0{Rippable! i'. 0r1.OIPerehed IJun-Oct{15-301'Rippablel i I I I I 0-1.0{ApparentiJun-Novi --- i --- i e I 0-}.0IAPpare6t{Jun-Novi --- 1 --- I I I f --- I'--- ILow ------ !High. ! ! ! ! ! ! 16-20 }24-45!High----- lHigh. ! i ! ! ! ! --= ! --- !High -----!High. ! I ! ! I I' --- I --- IHigh ----- !High. ! ! ! --- ' --- ! !High -----!Low. ! ! --- I --- !High ----- !High. ! --- { --- ! I IHigh ----- !Moderate. --- I --- I S !Moderate IHigh. --- ! --- 'Low ------ ILow. { I ' i I i ILow ------ !High. I --- 1'--- ! 1 ;Moderate IHigh. I i I !. i ! ! --- ! --- i { (Moderate 'High. --- I --- {High ----- IModerate. ! --- ! --- i I !High ----- Mow. ! ! I --- 1 IHigh ---- =IModerate. I I 8 4 r KSM KELLER, SCHLEICHER & MacWILLIAM ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. P.O,*BQX 78-1377, SEBASTIAN, FL 32978-1377 FAX (772) 589-6469 SEBASTAAN (772) 589-0712 E. 5693 MELBOURIVE (321) 768-8488 ST. LUCIE (772) 229-9093 May 20, 2002 Allen Esquenazi Terranova Corporation Re: Lots 1 - 5, A1A North Hutchinson Island St. Lucie County, Florida KSM 22275 Dear Sir. Enclosed are the permeability test results and soil profile for the referenced project. The Horizontal and vertical permeability flow rates were determined by excavating a test pit -adjacent to the soil profile and obtaining two undisturbed samples. We then performed a permeability test on the field sample In our laboratory for each sample. Both these tests were performed to evaluate the drainage characteristics of the soils for this particular test location. The groundwater table was found at 108" inches. below existing grade. We estimate the normal wet season water table at this location will be approximately 72 inches below existing grade. This estimate -is based upon our Interpretation of existing site c inditions and a review of the USDA Soil Survey for St. Lucie County, Florida. f you have any scions, please feel free to call my office. spe n d 3. er, P-E. S - A 4 -- ��:� r. L� K S KELLER, SCHLEICHER & MaCWILLIAM'ENG[NEERING AND TESTING, INC. P.O. BOX 78- t 377, SEBASTIAN, FL 32978-1377 FAX (772) 589.5469 SEBASTAN (772) 569-0712 E-8.: 5693 MELBOURNE (321) 768-8488 31 LUCIE (772) 229-9093 LABORATORY PERMEABILITY . - CONSTANT HEAD MSTUOD (ASTM 2434) DATE OF TEST; May 16, 2002 PROJECT NO, KSM 22275-Phl CLIENT Allen Esquenazi LOCATION Lots 1 - 5, ALA St, Lucie County, Florida Phl, See Attached Location Plan SAMPLE DESCRIPTION = Tan Sand w/Shell Fragments DEPTH SAMPLE LOCATION = 16 INCHES LENGTH OF SAMPLE ALONG PATH OF FLOW - 5.5 INCHES DIAMETER OF SAMPLE = 3 INCHES QUANTITY -OF FLOW 3150 MILLITERS TIME INTERVAL OF TEST 10 MINUTES DIFFERENCE IN HYDRAULIC HEAD ACROSS THE SAMPLE - 19 % ' INCHES THE RESULTS OBTAINED FROM OUR HORIZONTAL LABORATORY PERMEABILITY. TEST, WHERE K IS THE COEFFICIENT OF PERMEABILITY = 92.2 FEET/DAY K A.7 M KELLER, SCHLEICHER & MaOWILLIAM ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. P.O. BOX 78-1377, SEBASTIAN, FL 32978-1377 FAX (772) 589-6469 SEBASTIAN (772) 589-0712 E.S..'5693 MELBOURNE 321) 768-8488 ST. LUCIE (772) M-9093 Date May 16, 2002 Location: Lots 1 - 5, AZA St. Lucie County, Florida FA-1, See Attached Location Plan Depth Strata in Feet From -To Description of Soil -0- o" - 6" Brownish Gray Sand ---------------- 12011 Tan Sand w/Shell -1 Fragments -2- -5- -6- -7- -8- -10---------------------------------------------------------- Water Table : 108" below existing surface Job #: KSM 22275-HA1 KSM KELLER, SCHLEICHER & MacWILLIAM ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. P,O. BOX 78.1377, SEBASTIAN, FL 32978-1377 FAX (772) 589.6469 SESAS7IAN (772) 589-0712 B.B.: 5693 MELBOURNE (321) 788-8488 ST. LOCIE (772) 2.29-9093 LABORATORY PERMEABILITY - CONSTANT READ METHOD (ASTM 2434) DATE OF TEST; May 15, 2002 PROJECT NO. KSM 22275-Pvl CLIENT Allen Esquenazi LOCATION Lots 1 - 5, AIA St. Lucie County, Florida Pvl, See Attached Location Plan SAMPLE.DESCRIPTION = Tan Sand w/Shell Fragments DEPT4 0 SAMPLE LOCATION = IS INCHES LENGTH OF SAMPLE ALONG PATH OF F`L04i - 5.5 INCHES DIAMETER OF SAMPLE = 3 INCHES QUANTITY OF FLOW _ 2900 MILLITERS TIME INTERVAL OF TEST = 10 MINUTES DIFFERENCE IN HYDRAULIC HEAD ACROSS THE SAMPLE - 19 % INCHES THE RESULTS OBTA'N7ED FROM OUR VSlt"CAL LABORATORY PERMEABILITY TEST, WHERE K IS THE COEFFICIENT OF PERMEABILITY _ 84.9 FEET/DAY - -- -- - - .aavrroa ttv� nc� arty a.enter 1Cluj -4tILItf r d_ocaTION of 'PERMEABILITY _ TES7" SOIL PR O PI LE C"m . „. ur l J ! ttfiil J0.{Y ! , s r1wr" Jai lgamse ,� for � \ 409 tag \ i ` �ii \ o � �, ► tat z L J tK Ol� M' � .�. � •1 \ .may. � .� \ \ � o LOT 4 \ } OPAR11mM O M(fRfi ` _ _ — LOT s • y \�LOCAT/ON PLAN - V fr-- ir obvOolada r � t ; ULV ! r f APPENDIX C KNIGHT, McGUISE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Consulting Engineers and Planners 80 Royal Palm Pointe, Suite 401 (561) 569.5505 v Vero Beach, Florida 32960 FAX (561) 569.1455 joB__ 0,2eun ,ales Es a*e SHEET N0. [•Td CALCULATED BY DATE CHECKED BY DATE SCALE 'e a .�• ' • - --f -- _ z �YL"- . IpSaa�n..i`Pi'i n { i t �sad_�a, � AO r-9 I . : t —���... _.. i._,_—.a— r— L f- s- _� �! t �� -' - `1 Y��- t.. 1e- '� ? 5_- nQ -i� i I i { - ; ► ! t _ _r- -mod �1-"3 �9 i5t — , - _Y (7 �_ e— li T_.. �_ - . 33 JIU T i t t ; 1- — — i 1 j j j 1 _ I !,, i c t tp/ Ave, 1 ; A 1�tJ i + 4 ..i... _!.. -.ill...... . J. i . _. _....' _.... ._ ..._i _.. , i � f t _... - �._.. _..- ----'- _ --- 1 i ; POLLUTION ABATEMENT VOLUME ANALYSIS USING 'MODRET 4' PROGRAM Written by; Nicolas E. Andreyev,P.E. (May, 1992) ( Sponsored by; SwmMD/PSI ) SUMMARY OF INPUT PARAMETERS POND 'NAME / NUMBER ; NODE N1 -------------------- AVERAGE WETTED POND LENGTH _____________ 926,000 ft AVERAGE WETTED POND WIDTH _________________------ -------) 4.700 ft AVERAGE ELEVATION OF BOTTOM OF AQUIFER ___= _____> 01000 Pt AVERAGE ELEVATION OF DESIGN GROUNDWATER TABLE 5.S00 ft AVERAGE ELEVATION OF POND BOTTOM 11.500 ft AVERAGE HORIZONTAL HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY =___ =_> 75.000 ft/d AVERAGE EFFECTIVE STORAGE COEFF, OF SOIL 0,500 AVERAGE STORAGE COEFFICIENT OF POND ABA :_______> 11000 POLLUTION ABATEMENT VOLUME TO BE TREATED =__===_=> 0.170 ac-ft TIME INCREMENTS AFTER STORK EVENT =---=--------=> 6.00 hours No. OF TIME INCREMENTS AFTER STORM EVENT =____=__> 12.00 NUMBER OF GROUNDWATER CONTROL FEATURES =_-=_____=> 0.00 SUMMARY OF POLLUTION ABATEMENT MODEL RESULTS POND NAME / No, : NODE 91 ---------------- CUMULATIVE WATER INSTANTANEOUS AVERAGE TIME ELEVATION INFILTRATION INFILTRATION (hrs,) (feet) RATE (cfs) RATE (cfs) 0.000 13,201 1.1125 6.000 7.680 0.634 a,1551 12,000 6.910 0,1a8 0.0604 18,000 6.610 0.047 0.0343 24,000 6.440 0.029 0.0228 30.000 6,327 0,019 0.0154 36.000 6.Z50 0.014 0,0121 42,000 6.190 0.011 a.a101 48,000 6.140 0.009 0,0874 54.000 6.103 0.007 0,0074 60.000 6,067 0.007 p.006a 66.000 6.037 0.005 0.0040 72.000 .6.017 t This value (with associated time) is an equivalent instantaneous Infiltration rate to be used with a stormwater routing model ( such as ADICPR or others ). Just before this time, the infiltration is zero (prior to runoff reaching the pond), KNIGHT, NIcGUIRE & ASSOCIATES, INC. 5' • Consulting Engineers and Planners 80 Royal Palm Pointe, Suite 401 (561) 569-5505 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 FAX (561) 569.1455 gas 0ou n -ne SHEET NO, CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY _ SCALE 160 XMP DATE _ 1 • 1 I fill . I 1 I Ira 17 - j I : - t: I - , I 1 11 , .._;..__...,__--i-.__. ... _.i__..... I_`_ ! s! , ,. _... -- I I 1 , 11i ' 1 •- _-�-_....._ f _.__.f _._.....'. ' ... I ; i , ; � 1 __..j __ I -- I 1 I i f- I , 1f1 t i 1 i i : 2 POLLUTION ABATEMENT VOLUME ANALYSIS USING 'MODRET 4' PROGRAM Written by: Nicolas E, Andreyev,P.E. (May, 1992) ( Sponsored by; SNFWMD/PSI ) SUMMARY OF INPUT PARAMETERS POND NAME /NUMBER : NODE N2 -------------------- AVERAGE WETTED POND LENGTH =--------=-==-=------> 297,000 ft AVERAGE NETTED POND WIDTH =__________________ 2.500 ft AVERAGE ELEVATION OF BOTTOM OF AQUIFER =____.___-> 0, 080 ft AVERAGE ELEVATION OF DESIGN GROUNDWATER TABLE _==> 5.500 f t AVERAGE ELEVATION OF POND BOTTOM ________________> 7.000 ft AVERAGE HORIZONTAL HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY = =____> 75.000 ft/d AVERAGE EFFECTIVE STORAGE COEFF, OF SOIL ===__=__> 0.300 AVERAGE STORAGE COEFFICIENT OF POND AREA ====_===> 9.599 POLLUTION ABATEMENT VOLUME TO BE• TREATED =_=_=___> 0.086 ac-ft TIRE INCREMENTS AFTER STORM EVENT________ 6.00 hours No. OF TIME INCREMENTS AFTER STORM EVENT ==__==_=> 12.00 NUMBER OF GROUNDWATER CONTROL FEATURES =__ =_ ===> 0.00 11 SUMMARY OF POLLUTION ABATEMENT MODEL RESULTS POND NAME / No.: NODE N2 ---------------- CUMULATIVE WATER INSTANTANEOUS AVERAGE TIME ELEVATION INFILTRATION INFILTRATION (hrs,) (feet) RATE (cfs) RATE (cfs) 0..000 12.063 0.150 $ 0.10I5 (.000 6.159 0.053 010053 12.000 5.850 0.083 0.0015 18.000 5.760 Q,Q01 0.0009 24.000 5.71Q 0,001 0.0005 30,000 5.683 0.000 O.00Q3 36.000 5.663 0.000 0.0003 42.000 5.643 0.000 0.9002 48.000 5.633 0.060 410802 54.000 5.623 0.060 0.0001 60.000 5.617 9.000 0,0002 66.000 5.607 .0.060 0.0000 72.000 5.607 # This value (with associated time) is an equivalent instantaneous Infiltration rate to be used with a stornvater routing model ( such as ADICPR or others ), dust before this time, the infiltration is zero (prior to runoff reaching the pond).