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Residential Stern Sizing Calculation 8401 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE FT. PIERCE. FL Summary Project Title: SYNERGY BUDNICK 2801 6f1W 1 lLombort for weather data. Fort Pierre. FL - Defaults: Latitude (27.48) Altitude(25 ft.) Temp Range(L) Hurniidkdata: Inter& RH 50 Outdoor wet bulb 78F Hu m iid ity difference62 r. Winker design bemperature(TMY3 99%) 40 F Summer design ternperatur TMY3 99%) 91 F Winter setpoint 70 F S-urnmer setpoint 75 F Winter tem erature difference 30 F Summer tem erature difference 16 F Total heaUnq load calculation 47289 Stuh Total cooling load calculation 41919 Btuh Submitted freaking capacty % of (alc Btuh Submiltted cooling capacity % of coic Stub Total (Electric Strip Heat) 65.5 31000 Sensible (SHR = 0.75) 108-2 34125 Latent 109.6 11375 Total 108.5 455DO WINTER CALCULATIONS V6r.nt.r W..ti lr1 I ri.4 rfrrr 9A-D& srf*% Load comppnent Loa Window total 4-8a sgft 3923 huh Wadi total 2483 se 8460 Btuh Doortotal 60 sgft 828 Btuh Ceiling total 2824 salt 2722 Btuh Floor total 2824 sgft 10797 Btuh Infinration 94 clan 3099 fth Duct Ives 17460 133uh Subtotal 47289 Btuh Ventilation 0 CfM 0 Btuh TOTAL HEAT LOSS 47259 Btuh] SUMMER CALCULATIONS Summer Coolino Load Ifor 2824 Load com gpenl s Load 41 kxr ow total 485 sgft 6007 8tuh Wall total 2483 sgfl 5632 Btuh Door total 60 sgft 8,% Bt%jh Ceiling tota l 2824 sgft ' 2722 E tuh Flom total 0 81uh Infiltration 70 cfm 1239 Btuh Iniemal gain 6240 Btuh Ouch gain 8756 Etuh Sens- Ventilation 0 cfrn 0 Btuh Blower Load 0 Mull Total senalble gain 31543 Btuh Latent gain(ducls) 5807 Bich Latent gah(infiftration) 2969 Btuh Latent gain(ventHatian) 0 Btuh Latent gaiin(intemsll000upanWaffier) 1600 Mull Total latent gain 10376 Btuh = TOTAL HEAT GJUN 41219 Bash 0 811, Ediflon 4—K5.9ty 4Y�1tl0�[S3Ti] ilYsH�{13.�7C} cf1i o" 4 ngSi.4i Do 0rS{Z.0%) -nti.{t0.09G} Winda�rs(148l�) t]uexs(34-7%i EnergyGauoSysaztt� SPARED B ; DATE: EnergrUuga8 i USRCZB v7.0.00 idvd ing3-9%) System sizing Calculations -, Summer Residential Load w Room by Room Component Details Project Title: 8401 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE SYNERGY BUDNICK 2801 FT- PIERCE, FL 5ft12021 Reference City_ Fart Pieroe, FL Temperature 0ifferer»e: 16.OF(TMY3 99%) Humidity difference- 62gr. R140W 1 - 2 3 4 5 R3 7 fi 9 1 R} 71 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Welts 1 2 3 4 6 Doors 1 2 Ceilings 1 Floors 1 Tyke" POMS SHM U InSh 2 NFRC 0.15, 0.26 'No 2 NMC R}.15, 0.26 No 2 NFRC 0.21. 0-30 No 2 NFRC 0.29, 0.31 No 2 NFRC 0.24. 0-26 No 2 NFM 0-15. 0.26 No 2 NFRC 0-15, 0.28 No 2 NFRC 0,21, 0.30 No 2 NFRC 0.21, D.X No 2 NFRC 0.19, D.31 No 2 NFRC 0.19, 0.31 No 2 NFRC 0.21, 0-30 No 2 NFRC 0.24. 0-26 No 2 NFRC 0.21, 0.30 No 2 NFRC 0-21, O-3O No 2 NFRC 0 19, 0.31 Nu 2 NFRC 0-19. 0-31 No 2 NFRC 0.01, GAS No Window Tatal Type Overhang Window A m(sgff) HTM IS Omt Len Hgt Gass Shaded Unshaded 9t+ade4 Urahaded No N 1,0tt 0 8ft 5J 7 05 ryl).2 7 19 No E 1-011 O.Bft 213 18-7 2.6 7 8 No N 10 0. OR 33.3 0-5 32.7 9 25 No E 32.0f 0. M 33.3 33-3 0.0 11 13 NO N 12.OF 2. OR 33.0 310 0.0 9 27 No N 12,Of 5.5R 1011 W.5 "13 7 19 No N 12.0( 5.5fl 400 22.3 17.7 7 19 No E 1,0ft 0,81t 12.0 12.0 0.0 8 10 No E 1,OR 0.8ft 4.7 4.7 0.0 9 10 No 5 1,0R 0-8ft 23.6 0.4 23.3 9 23 No S 7,Oft 3-Qft 16.0 8-9 7.7 9 23 No S 21.0f 0.5rt a.0 8.0 0.0 9 25 No E 7" 0.5ft 16.6 1fi-6 0,D 9 11 No W 1 Ail 0.811: 4-7 0,0 4.7 9 9 No W 1.Ofl 0,9ft 43 0.0 4.7 9 9 No W 1.0N. 4.811 16-6 0.0 16-6 9 9 No IN 1.04 0,9d 16.5 0-0 18.6 9 9 No 5 21.01 2.DB 50-7 50.7 0-0 3 4 Concrets Blk,Hollow - Est Concrete Blk, Hollow - Ext Concrete Blk,hollow -Ext Concrete 13M,Hollow - E)d Frame - Wood - Ad1 Wall Total Type Insulated - Exterior Wood - Garage Door Total Type Cclort urfar-e Unvenled Altic/LighVShingle Ceiling Total Type Stab On Geode Floor Total 488 _ ft) U-Value R-Value Area(sgft) HTM CavlSheaO 0-12 B.M.O 256.5 2.4 0-12 6.0M.0 864.1 2.4 0.12 6.0f0.0 160.4 2.4 0.12 6.OM-0 928.0 2.4 0.09 13.010-0 241.3 1.4 2483(sgft) Area (sgfi) HTM 40.0 14.3 i4-Q 14.E 60 (sgft) U-Value R-Vaiue Area(sgft) HTM 0-241 0-Ma-0 2824-0 0.% 2824 (sgft) R-Value Size HTM' 0.0 2624 (A-i:*Hrmtvr) 0.0 284-0 (ft) Zone Envelope u5tofal: Lead �3 Shah ,so awh 829 stuh 371 Milli 307 Btuh 1256 stuh 496 Biuh 112 Stuh 44 B#uh 548 Btuh 2181 Btu h 74 Btuh 155 stub 44 131uh 44 Btuh 150 Rtuh 150 Utuh 157 Stuh 6097 Bkuh Load z45 E#utr 2039 etuh 355 Btuh 2190 Bluh 343 Btuh 5632 Btuh Load 570 Stub 265 Stuh 856 Btulr Load 2722 Stuh 2722 Btuh Load 0 Btuh 0 Btuh 15305 Btuh Energy6auge0 f USRCLB w7-0.00 Page 1 Manual ,J Summer Calculations Residential Load - Component Details (continued) PrajectTi0e: Climate:FL VERO—SEACH MUNI IPA A 8401 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE SYNERGY BUDNI K 2001 FT. PIERCE, FL Inflttration Type Natural Internal gain Wholehouse A H 0.16 Occupants 8 Duet load Ayerage sealed, Su"lvft.0-Atti:}, R*tuNR6X4Wk) Volume(cu t) Wall Ratio CFM= 26263 1.M 70.8 Btuhloccupant Appliance X 230 + 4400 Sensible Envelope Load: (DGM of 0.384) Sensible Zone Load 811 f2021 Load 1239 8tuh Load 6240 Btuh 22787 Btuh 8756 Btuh 31543 Btuh Ene,gyG-eugev! US RCZB v7.0. 00 Page 2 Manual J Summer Calculations Residential Load - Component Detains (continued) Project ThisCfimate-F HERO Br -A N MUNI )PAL A 8401 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE YNERO1' BUDNIC' ( 2801 FT. PIERCE, FL Whole House Totals for Cooling LI � EClUIPMEI+fI' 1_ ntrai Unit Sensible Erivalope Load All Zones Sensible Duct Load Total Sensible Zone Loads Sensible ventilation slower Total Sensible gala Latent infiltration gain (for 62 gr, humidity difierer) LaWnt ventila#on gain Latent duct gain Latent occupant gain (8.0 people @ 200 8 tuh per person) Latent ogler gain Latent total gain TOTAL GAIN 'Key VValdpw types (Panes -Number and type of panes of j;IagS) (SHGC - Sfiad!09 Coafirrcienl of glass as SHGC n+imeflcal value) (U - Window tl-4--aclor) (InSh - Intarl r shading devim: norw(No), Bilndy( ), Draparas(D) of Roller Sha(Jes(R)) For 81inds, Assume medium Co4or. half crowd For Draperies: Assume medlum weave, NO clawed For Roller shades: Asaurne translucent, haK dosed (IS - Insect Ween: none(N}, Full(F) or Hall(%)) (OfM - =MpaSS WierrtaWrp ) 51112021 ' I 22787 Stuh 8756 Btuh 31543 Btuh 0 Btuh G Btuh 3i43 Btuh 2969 Stuh 9 Btuh 5807 Btuh 1600 i Btuh 0 B#uh 10378 Btuh 41919 Btuh 4550t ihh E nergyGaugeS i USRCZB v7.0.00 page 3