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OFFICE USE ONLY: DATE FILED: REVISION FEE: LOCATION/SITE PERMIT # �alg aS S 0 RECEIPT # PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING & CODE REGULATION DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982.5652 (772) 462.1553 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT REVISIONS PROJECT INFORMATION ADDRESS: 1477,9 So,,th PJ • ) 6c_>y - P -cet e- 11 FL DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT REVIISIONS: / / D r /P c?"S o_ ,ip .P /7 ,;e—W'o r., /D /l ON 1 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: STATE of FL REG./CERT. #: CG . /SO `14/ q / ST. LUCIE CO CERT. #: BUSINESS NAME: F Conc.,ra.i-a n ruc4-%Inc. QUALIFIERS NAME: e_rem y � / /c S ADDRESS: LL4 old btx;i H wy- CITY: vexes 6ec,Gt, STATE: L ZIP: 329L2 PHONE (DAYTIME): -, FAX: OWNER/BUILDER INFORMATION: NAME: PA vi t, 11 i Porgy- Pier ct LLC . ADDRESS: C.499 -Povw wi rn-. [ZD - STE lol CITY: Fc v - - I_A ,d-rcde_ l -. STATE: FL ZIP: 3 3 soq PHONE (DAYTIME: Z50-5'2-4$ FAX: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: GOO NAME: M. F st-er - f ADDRESS: I I Zo 5 /Z rd5-e rq w K w CITY: f�o r I- P " i,r c.-c STATE: FL, ZIP: 3 4 9 9 Z. PHONE (DAYTIME): (77 Z) 3'70 - gY4y FAX: SLCCC: 9123109 Revised 06130117 RF CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION, INC. Detailed description of project revisions: Permit #2012-0558 Cover Page: • Revised conditioned area roof insulation to icynene • Revised below grade water supply. to PEX • Added sheets D a1 n M-4. Second Level Plan (A-3): • Revised door 10 and 14 Index Door and Window Schedule (A-4): • Revised door 8 size • Revised door 14/15 index Lobby Sections, Lobby Stairs (A-6): • Revised roof insulation to icynene Wall Sections, Chair Lift (A-7): • Revised roof insulation to icynene i Wall Sections, Details (A-8): 1�. G (,,, • Revised insulation @ CBS to be 1 %" thick, with icynene at roof e Foundation Plan (ST-1): • Added construction joint detail • Revised truck well dischar e to the south Loading Area & Truck Well Details (ST-3): • Reversed -loading drainage to the south Sanitary Layout, Riser, H/C Risers (M-41: M 3 • Revised hot and cold to PEX®��g( • Added entry mat drain at PEDIGRID • ��� P.O. Box 650789 • Vero Beach, FL 32965 • Phone: (772) 567-3356 • Fax: (772) 778-2142 Temporary sanitary facility shalt be maintained on site during construction. Contractor shall review drawings and on site conditfans prlar to permitting and start of construction. Additionally, contractor shall verify location of electric, telephone, water, gas & sanitary sower 0cf-000 prior to start of contructlon. If the contractor believes he, has discovered errors and/or ommtssions in the Conetructlon Documents, he shall notify the Architect In writing for clarification before proceeding with an yy work. if the contractor fails to elve such notice & obtain written clariflcation, he shall be, responsible for such omtssfon(s) and for the cost of rectifying samc. Contractor shall furnish or provide aqufpmant, operatlons, labor & materials, necessary to perform and complete the Project. Work shall be, done In accordance with applicabic local, state & fcdorat bullding and saftcy codes and with manufacturer's published tnstructlons, Contractor shall provide owner with A full year warrantee on the ehtirety of the completed improvements and additions notwithstandtme warrantees fosued upon ihdlVldual componcnts by manufacturers or sub- contractors. The i year period begins at date of acceptance by Jurisdiction. SITE PREPARATION Sac Shoat ST-1 for requfrmontc of Otto clearing & proporatfan. Allowable bearing Is 2500 PSF per SMO Report by K5M Engineering. (attached to Pormit Submfsefon) CONCRETE Conareta shalt be ready rnfxcd per ASTM C-24, Concrete oho[[ elovelop a mtnfmum strength of 4000 pat 0 2a days after ptacomcnt. Sea Concrete Teatime requirements on Sheet 5T-1. REINFORCING Rofnforclme steal shall be deformed, now billet steel in accordance w/ ASTM A-615. Grada 60 and detailed par AC1 315. 5ptfcee shalt be shall be in accordanco w/ Chapter 7 of ACI-31a, w/ a min. splice of 4,5 bar dfamatare. CONCRETE MA50Nl;:Y Concrete block units shall conform wl ASTM C-90. Mortar shall be Type M w/ a Fm of 1500 pot per A5TM C270. Lay concrete blocks In running bond w/ successive courses tapped 1/2 of a unit. Placer mont of units shalt be etraight, level And plumb and true to a tolerance of 1/6" In 101. PYOvlde DUR-O-WALL standard woleht all ealvanlzed #9 gaeo truss reinforcing at each second course, of masonry Lay concreto blacks In running bond w/ successive courses lapped 1/2 of a unit. Vertical Masonry Ralnforcemant Fill colts whore shown on Drawings w/ #5 vertical and #5 4a diamater overlap dowel to foatihe for all wells. CA5T-IN-PLACE T12.ENCH PRAIN 5Y5TEM EcorloPrafn - 5crios 12 eloped draft' system w/ #E0-0424-t- DI-APA grate - AA5HTO M306-1-1525 (50,000#) load rating. Avaftable via direct order: Multi -Prate 5ystcros - (704) 50a-1010 1405 statosvtila NC 2a625 5Tk:UCTURAL STEEL 5tructurat steel shall conform to the latest editfone of AISC specificatfons for the doslen, fabricatfon and erection of structural start and ASTM A-36, Iataet cditloh. All ffcld wolds shall be rcpafntcd w/ two coats of ruse fnhibltine paint of the same brand and type as the shop coat. PRE-ENGINEEtz.EP STRUCTURE The pre-onefncered bultdfne eystom, mezzanfne frame &deck, exterior trim, wall & roof palate shatt be daefencd, 6fgned & ccalod by of Florfda Reefstcrod Englnear. CECO 6ulidfne 5yetcros Job #17-,5-71752-1 The Intcrmceitate frames, roof puritns and framing shall be componcnts of a pro-engfnaered bulldfete structural eyetem rated for F5C 160 mph . Exposure "C". Manufacturer shall supply structural drawinee prepared, sfencci and ecalalo;Ida tigan�d�st:,ucturija a�giryeare• .� `rWALL PANEL5 1 t _GEG g c"P512-24" K ear f1 ish. Galvatumc overlap screw -dawn panel system. ' ROOF PANELS CECO 24 sago "Poubielok" 24" stancifng edam roof pane! 1 d6ys^ta- ._....,,.. — _.. _.._ — .— .._ ..._ ..... , . r .. War chouoc &, 0�Ice L3u1'C�1hie -fora St< Lucie County, Florida MISC. METALS - Install par Manufacturer's F13C 160 m h 3-second wlndzonc p Supply re aell other metals As required to complete structure and other components. mcccptance. PAINTING SCHEDULE All componcnts shalt be a part of a stnelo manufacturer's Unless otherwise noted bolow, all paint & primers shot([ be ffret grado system. products of the 5herman Wfllrams or Banjaman Moore Paint Co'e. MISC. METALS 5upply rrlfecettatnooue rnetate ae requfrcd to complete /97- - CBS, Stucco +.�....� ..r.. «..., ...r _.._ ..... ....... ... � etructuro and other components. ' (1) Prfmar - Loxon LXO2W0050 Prlmar (2) Top Coat - 2 full coats Loxon solf-ctoan(ng acrylic coating HARDWARE Prociuote Installed for this Project shall be brand, tine & ffnish per Appltcatfon shall be spry and baekrotled for salt coats. ...r� L -- Ilstine below. Contractor to submit (4) copies of Hardware 5ahcdule Interior Drywall - Bonjaman Moore "Cashmere" tine or batter proparad by an Architectural Hardware Consultant for rovIew me Primer Shop Drawings boforc rofcaefne material (1) coat fnterfor grado latex drywalt primer DOOP-5 (2) two full coats oggsholt latex Accces Poors - Hollow Metal - 0`60 gale. steal 16 gage interior HM Doors & Metal insulated door & frame, wfth APA lever handle tocksat & (1) Atkyd primer oaf sat chain. SEALANT5 (2) full coats gloss alkyd ecmf-gloss Interior wood doors IExtorfor gun -grade caulking shall be, sfng(o part poly- 1) clear sandfng sealer urethane, "511GA Cone-Gructnt ron Scala" 2 Minwax oil basod stain Low prewsura foam air-ecal : 1 "Graat5tuff Wfndow & Poor Foam Scalant 3) full coats full gloss Mfnwaxfull glass polyurethane varnish. POW Pro" (blue oontafnare) - NOT standard "Groat 5tuff" i NOTE - ALL SIX surface, of door parole shalt recolvo the samc ffnfsh. Liaufd Watorprooffne Membrane - PrctoctoWrap NOTES Contractor Lucie County call Contractor shall connect sanitary cationep "LW M 200" ehall be appilad in double coat around fntcrior window & door rough oponfng and shalt not re teary system per Site Englneerthg plans prepared by MBV Engineers. extend to exterior block surface. i Ptumblerg system shall meet Alt requirements of the FSC "Mach - PLATE TO 51-AI3 AIR 5EAL - ProtectoWrapp "Protecto Energy 1 an(oal Code", Florida ADA and local requirements, Provfde all Plato 5ealar" shall be applied to floor etab ZD Insulated dry- Permits and Inspections as required, watt portftlons.W faith to match baee-track. "#100 Primer" shalt be applied to clean floor ( / Matarlale - - - - - ^ - - - - - — ` ' ProtoctoWrap 1. Sanitary Waste ?VC 1 1.2. S5clowanitary before stab atone path of fnd sulatewalls. Allow to "tack -dry" b grade supply AND I application of of P/W Plate Liner. Pressure roll in place 3. Above grade supply - UPONOK AquaPF-X, PEXa eemt-flexible pipe with after fter tn-s lt-at-lo- n,Q e-ct..j non metallic corrections. rdir-ly- -�ta -"---""---- � 4. Cold supply, AquaPEX tinted blue. sizes per Plans, - METAL WALL & CONDITIONED AREA ROOF 1 5. Hot supply (all dlamatere abova & below stab), pro-lnsutated AquaPEX, `INSULATION - Nominal 5.5" avaraeo thickncs R-20 Icynoroe Clms(c MAX aeon coil foam polyurethane insulation. Pori 6. Protect plptrg where it enters & exits stab with DDPE pipe wrap. �+ "r r r _ _ _ _,_, a _,,, ,_,�,r - Per ICC-ES? #1a26, Soctfon 3.5. areas of icynane ins- ( HVAC NOTES not covarod by min, 5/a" gypsum drywall shalt be covered with "DC-315" (E5R 3702) fntumanscnt coating. See Sheet M-2 for adltlonal requirements. ( system shall be constructed par these plans and the requfre- SU INSULATION -MASONRY WALL IN MHVAC of A5HRAE, FSC Mach. code., Florida Energy Code and other 1SUtonts thick R-10, double rnar faced THERMAX foam board Ins- y reoulatlone as they apply. elation applied dtractty over CBS usfng mom. 1 1/2", 26 gaeo gale. "Z" furring a 24" o/a, tape all joints w/ Mylar "duct tapo", foam- I Air Condlttonthe Ductwork shall be, interior coated Fiberglas duct - real perimeter & at( outlet & switch boxes. board., spiral painted metallic duct or flexible round Installed per ! NOTE: 5hfpp(ne Area exterior walls shalt be ffntshed with Masonry ( F13C & A5HRAE requlrarrichts Watt insulation & 5/a,, gypsum drywall. Fuel Meter area exterior watts shalt be unffnfshed painted concrete block, concave Joints. Contractor shall balance eystom And adjust air balance and METAL 5TRUCTUKE ROOF & WALL INSULATION control systems as acquired for oempleto operation. lan shae shalt ba R-6, 3" vinyl faced 6ulldtng roof lnsulatshalt b complete system guarantee & maintenance for a period of one ono year from Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy, year \\\ Ffberelaes batt. .,o..„ _ _•,.• ,._ s � - .,-, -- .--...••- ,- -- •-•- -- -- -. - ---' ? STOREFRONT & FIXED WINDOWS Gomprassar and controls shall additionally carry a Elva year full costof replace-mcnt guarantec. Operating & flxad windows shall be aluminum framc, Impact resistant, ELECTRICAL NOTES Low-E. Argon f11104 Insulated C01 3500 nofnlnal 1 3/4" x 5" cleat - Ara Alzed storefront systerm see shoot E-3 for additional electrical requirements. 5TOREFKONT Doors Electrical installation and oquipmorrt shall bo In accordance w/ the requlremonts local Operating & fixed windows shalt be aluminum framc, Impact resistant, of the 2005 Edition of the NEC (NFPA #70) as amended, and all and state Low-E. Argon filled. insulated clear anodlzed. CC] Sorter, 3550. codes In farce at the time of construction. Contractor shall makoftnat arrangomentefor electrical and telophono service. EXTERIOR SAND FINISH STUCCO rtut(Iftles prior to bids. Verify transformer location and service pals for Stucco on CBS shall consist of'5 coats. Coats 1 & 2 shall be 1 part Portland Cement to 2 1/2 parts clean white sand. The rrovfdo all neoeaeary pormlts. All materfat shall be, UL approved & labeled, Contractor shalt keep the stucco moist 2 days following Application. Not lose than 2 days after the flret coat is applied. Ground system In accordancew/ Article 250NEG. the finish coat of similar ccmo6t shall be with Ilght sand textured Panolboards And loadcentors shall be Square D, ITE or approved equal. finish cost. Minimum thickness 3/4'. bond Coat 20 Masonry Welts &Pfcrs rrovfde custom engraved minimum 8" x 10" sign offfxod to each panel fdahtlfytng panel name, voltagoAnd ampacfty. AZStucco TM C-952 Comptlant, tinted 15A5F "Stucco6ond" surface apptfad Provide Atypewritten directory for each panclboard. 1 bonding agent what( be applied over poured concrete, precast llntele peffered 5ubmfs5(on5• & wfndow sills; - �... .... _ ... _ ^. _ W _ .. - �. ✓ - Automatic Ffre 5prftlkler 6yotem & calculatfOne _ . _ STUCCO e-ct550RIE5 Plastic Components, Ina. - Fire Alarm 5yetem - ULTRA -TRACK 1" x 3/4' stucco channel reveal with molded oorners - Imterfor & exterior Stairway Shop & faMoatlom & Intersections, -Weep-ecrccds, J-beads, corner rclnforcemcnt. etc. shalt all be Plastic PRODUCT SELECTION Components PVC. rroduGto{deitffiwaitnthl@5chad�dearethedirectresdtofthe productomanufacturer Indeafgning,taortif&galling INTERIOR WALL STUDS a provdfortheproductmeetingthorequfromert6oftheForidaouldingcodafSystgning&amtrngofthisdocument, Unless otherwise noted on Plane, wall studs shalt be, 20 gaga Size shown on Plane. thaivchltecttoacce nggras onAll�y for the selection of the product inmecetlhgthe requirements ofthe HorIda fortherespons$ aluminfzod steel. As $UlldingC0401;6mot Ityofthe Product; IW f. PLANS SHALL NOT 5E SCALED, USE NOTED DIMENSIONS 11 1L I`N_ 1J 1J j_J.a-. ? `a A 5 Wall 5eotfome, de-GaflS L5-1 Life Safety fllan 5E-1 5fte Lfehtfrie Photometrfco A-9 5-4 & 5, Copfine dctafle 5D-1 5fte 5ign QD 1 _, Warehouse 5tafr�Lob 5tafr'l�l . A-1 i5uf1dfrie Elevatfon5 5T-1 Foundation 1'tan, 51te Prep A-2 Ffrot Level Floor Man 5T-2 Faundatfon schedule & 5ectfona A-3 Second Level f'Can 5T-5 Loadfng Area & Truck Well Pctafto M-1 FfrSt & 5ccohd Level HVAC Flame A 4 Door & Window 5chedule M-2 Mechanical ROOM Detaft flan A-5 Keetroom, Break K000rn_Detalie �-5-5anitary Layout, Kfeer, H/C Kffeel^� A-C- Lobby 5ectfona, Lobby 5tair 1 ALV-1 Low Voltage & l.ightfng control i�tan A-7 Wall 5ectfona, Chair Lift J E-1 Power flame ----:._----`�—'---'�—_--------'' E-2 Lfghtfng flans, Fixture `reschedule . m 4* M_4____.--- Level MEP Overt- ---n_; E-3 Electrical PanetS, Load Calc & 1�f5cr y NA Proposed Warehouse & Offfceo 5ufldfheareas I (� Wolf Lube. EquipmLent, LG ( Warchouse 12,UG�C7 5F Shipping 510 5E I Mctcro/Nozzcte 4.05 5Fo 4774 5 Jenkins Road, Ft, Fferce, FL 3'4981 let Level LeveOffice,140 5F j 2nd Leval OffcCJ�•Ftce 2140 OF , 5t. Lucie County, Florida A/C 5toraec 5ro0 5F Loading Dock 600 5F Q:QDlID QaQD1D'IIIlBIL�rAN` Q:IC d Totat w._ _ 15,rd00 5F,� - Florlda Bulldfng Cade 2017, 6 th Editfotl 5paca Not Area (SF) 51a/rorson Occupants -16o mph - Exposure "C" - 3 -second burst Lobby 000 100 6 Occupancy - Mixed use, 6fnelc Occupant Cohfercmca/Dleplay* 6a4 33 21 5ectlon 304.1- ftelncee Group "B" Offices Break Room l ao 20 :a 5ectfon 311.1- Group "54, Warehouse Office - 2nd Fir. 24-15 200 12 Table 505.4"required 5eparation of Occupancies" Acc Storage, Mechanlcal a97 300 3 "Not No separation requirement Warehouse 12aeo 500 26 Type of Construction - I(B Noncombustible, iQ0% NFPA i3 compliant &prinkter Total Occupants 77Exit - 48"10.3toccu F15C Table 504.3 - Allowable Helght Above Grade Plane capacity stairs =160 or low. of recfd. 2nd ffeer egrass Exit capacity let Floor 32" /0.2/occu, .100 or 207%of reeed. Est floor egreos Maximum 76 helght -Actual helght = 32' At rfdge Minimum required number of oxfte = 2 FBC Table 504,4 - AllowaWe # of 5torfe5 Above Grade Mane Provided = 5 with 3 (60%) batne barrier fray 4 bul(dne corners & front, cantor Allowable # of stories = 2, actual = 2 ba5(G Land Factors (per rsc2oii aactren 1603.1 k) FIX Table 506,2 - Allowable Area Factor -' B" 69,000 5.f., "51" 53,500 &,f, Floor [code Area of proposed structure = 4,765 e.f, 51.1611`I12$10 sfe56, , 5 1 First Level Dead Load- 40 psf Offices ,125 psf Warohouea & 5hfpping 5ocond Level -50 psf dead load - Office 50 paf Uve load, 125 pof ruMfoatfon Prep 51 12,6i0 6.f. + Bu&fnes5 4,785 5,f. = 0.239+ 0.069 = 0.308 <1.0 Roof Loads per bullding manufacturer - Dead Load - 5 psf, Live Load 20 psf 53,500 s.f, 69,000 s.f. Internal pressure coafflcfent = 0.15 Warehouse & Off foes deefen edae enclosed structure For FBC 6505.4.2 the 6i1101e occuppancy mixed use f6 allowed, Loadfne Dock ae oppen structure, Mean bulleffn@ hofght = 30' Roof Pltch = 0.5 /12 4�Qbl``v�IIIIDQDID''I1�IV�`°'Jl�°� — Q: a..�lA.Ii1317A a�I�tC� Product Manufacturer Model # FL# t NOA Impact Att�mt cherlt R5clhoFr dowro., AOCE 10, T .5. z"led pas. t oecuro OH collfn@ door A5TA Door Model 420 FIM, 20 gage FL 15918.2 Yes v2° thru bolts to sir, framc at 12" o.c. 37.1 (-)44.5 55 055 Alum storefront GGI Windows & Doors Series 3500 Alum. SF NOA 171114,02 Yes 1/A U(tracond or 114" tbru-bolts w 14" A/C ¢1,E (-) 54.e, 9D 0100 Storefront Doors GGI Windows & Doors Series 3550 Alum, 5F NOA 171114.01 Yes tt4^ TEK soli Capping screws ®14" a/c 37.1 (-) 42.0 90 0 100 Walt Louvore Greenheck Fan Corp ESD435X FL Ga76,3 Y06 t/2" atalnlasa steel tt6hru-bolts 04, etc 41.a 044.6 200 (-) 200 Wall Panels CECD t31d'g. 5ystcros _ _ _ P6R 35' - 24 Gaga Galvalume FL 11927.5 w t2"clot avcro aapane lets 7 5 ale /washers 54 6 (-) 43,4 0 90 N/A 100 I goof Panels DECO l5td'g, Systems Doublolok 24" standing scam FL 6576,3 N/A 1/2" stainless steel thru-bolts to 4" o1c 4.1,a (-) 44.8 00 o 200 I Parapet Co to p Copthe Metal -Era En . Solutions g PouWoLok 24" standing scam NOA 16-0424.06 " N/A (3) screws x 1122" screws �W 12" stainless steel hex head o!c + (Z) fed ring -shank's 10•7 lHollow Metal Doors #3 & #4 1 Masker Door N Series,• outswing opal NOA 2"0706,03 Yea im4, Hoc thru-bolts to ateai 019' o/c 41.a * 3 60 0 eo ' "I have reviewed the abova camponants & ataddtn@ &have approved their uea ° NOAexplratton j2! in the structure. These products provide adequate resistance to the wind loads & forces specified by current code provlsions."; ( i4 uonn m. roesor - L1 U V.f µOV V � O �U ) V US Ig2L `°3s.ora 4 +' i-VA s 00 41elI �Ut6 L L o� aA 4,1si��� s 4-1 US U U 0 OsH X N L 0 fa��+UaLL 1,ii Lu�� u 30�0`0'4E,t° " L�_Itos +S Ns L L 4 pfl"gV he, i S L S X p 0 a i-%i3U0 U-I< < 0 40 IL m L L OC r u RL of nc u. 0 � un A9L Nh)N E N ^ccU� N h X IL h , 11 t o INS 4.- O 2A1015C +° ZA105C lAR$Ett"bubble" y - 2A40P>C 3 '� fire 04. cabinet O 1'(an View s #G2409 5R - 5teet cab(nat © N White satin finish Product # �} a Vertical die -cut lettering 5 4663 K b Max er2jection =11/2, FE dire Ext. Cabinet Surface Mou"it Surface Mount FE Sig+ is Kcccption/Office Publication Prep WarehouSelShipping mysafetys(gn,com Ffhtsh 5chcduieinh Nc-tecv Area Floor Baba Walls Cot[fhg Cetttng Ht. iZamsrks * V1nyt Base - carrttnuous longth vinyl Ro e. typical for drywall flnlshed walls. pp0118" x 4" "No Toe" base with mended outside corners, 120' roll stock Schluter Lobby Stained Concrete Vfnyl * DlW open bar-'ofsts * 13' 8" dryfatl "midnight blue" Pettit Conferetnce Itoom 5tatned Concrete VInYI * D1W open bar-jofsts * 13, &1 drywall "midnl ht blue" pmItit. Entry Koetroom Epoxy Concrete Schluter DiLEX- AHKA - eb{tn AL D1W - Car. Tile* P1W 9' O" * coramfc the wainscot to 48" above floor. base trim DILEX-AHKA satin aluminum sealed to epoxy concrete ffear. Select to match wall the thick - noes. file -toll w/ 90° inside corners & Warehouse Foetroom Epoxy Concrete P1W - Car. Tits * P1W Ott 9 0 * ceramic the wainscot to 48 above floor, Break $toam vtafnad Concrete Vinyl * P/W 2' x 2' Acoustic 9 D" end asps. Schluter top cap OUADEC satin atum. 'rah! f ri p P ® Sealed Concrete Vinyl C D1W YInstall P/W, pa(rrted C55 P/W 1 hour fire rated) * 121 Olt Select to match wall title thickness. w/ 90' corners & and caps. Meter / No=te Storage Sealed Concrete Vinyl 0 P/W P/W, pafritad C55 D/W (1 hour fire rated) '5 01, Shipping & Meter Storage Colifnes -605 Two Hour fire rating - lle Design 30 Gy sum Assaciatlon File # FC-2130 Warehouse Sealed Concrete N/A Metal, D/W Open to roof deck * Varies * vinyl faced insulation Office/wales Stained Concrete Vinyl * P/W 2' x 2' Acoustic 10, a, - (Mayer 516" Type "X"fire code oyppsum drywall on Hold furrine channels 024" Manager's Offfca Stained Concrete Vfhyl * P/W 2' x 2' Acoustic 10' Ott 0/0 fastened to stoat bar joist structure Data Cloeet 5tolhed Concrete Vinyl * P/W P/W V Olt suspended Acoustic Ca llfho Armstrong 2*x 24'° x 3!4" TEGHZONE wJ ,3/4 M/W l2estrooms Epoxy Concrete Vinyl Cove P/W - Car. Tito* P1W 9' 01, * ceramic Via wainscot to 46" above floor. Ultima Field rebels #1912, bovoled teoutar. 9/16' Superfine Mechmetloml iZoom Epoxy Concrete Vinyl * D/W - Car. Tito* P1W "' mount to roof purling Varies •• 11/2" hat channels, K-19 insulation above white exposed grid system. Class "A" fire rated, NXC 0.75, Humfguard + alt Stained Concrete ` Vinyl * O/W 2' x 2' Acoustic 9' O" Schluter products avallable from Floor & Decor, 0 Gatlin Boulevard, tort St. Lucie Fbffeatfan Prep Stained Concrete VfnYI * D/W 21 x 2' Acoustic 10' O" (772) 31- 01- b013 150, 01, 10 M411 20' 91X' 21161,11 211 a " 2010 " 2115 rr I I I o ' I 1 , , i , I G - - _ - - - off fan it lot 0 n. 1, v It 11 , 4 F E N k € 1{ h IE i II 1 fit F EI f tt 1 i I 1 1 1 , I 70H fan E I t , , , , , t i 0 t .ta n i n i a n iS Eiyt t63 .1 - �j nil`"-¢ N.L� o�sr ID u N L p an U 4S.0 p n 0= 4 a L 3aosrL10 R yypn JL n mIS 311W8 L m ®N=n0 Qi i non 0 S i 0 Ft994- 7Q u 43 K (r? Q i L 24' 0 211 a It m b to U bL p[ nt d :5 S fl N N 4 Loadfrie I, C I , , Ii r 41 z 1 d s= a k L O '6 ib 0 ► is IL m t L :e L K t 0 s. 1. IL 9 Q ,tW� v Q N X , �u ' V A CrVOn VoR - - - - one hour rated vertical -- - - fire � - -- platform � 18'O" �. � -----------� �.-----------, _ Iift { o _ U one hour rated P/W FE-2 (� Hall dr wall art(tfon S FE-1 +t to 51 01tpAFF, ' M partition to roof deck aq o { _ 4 r/,5rr 6' 7r5n 4. 421211 _ __ p U a �Patacfosct C+ Offi�lce --- 6 Ololl 6 10 tseoorindmito&tom 4- to & 0" AFF c9 i --- 15 0 ° ranol D 1, 2„ 20rQn 4, r6n �? 4. a>rQtr , 13 Publication r rep o C U ERu-2 �9 Manaocr'o Safes _ l�eGh '?;_ i Office (V (V AHU-2 ERUf Ai1U9 t4� CV d - - [ N t roof canopy below t 1 n i " n 1 " , n 1 11 n '. n I 1' Q" tr 1 1 l 1 " I ,, i .t 1 t t tt i It t n 99 66 15`8 66 81 0 170 190 40 170 10 81 6gs` 158 66 99 1 a n I [ r ' n ' ' rr t n i! li U C) 1 1 Ci Love[ � Plan 1 ( 5iialri - 1/8'tt .=., t r� 5 h ect 111f4 22 6 3/4 23 6 18 O " (, 20 O lL_ 18 0 ' 23 6 22 6 3/4 11114 150, 0 " t � �� �! O o 0' 51 10, 15' 20' 25' ��P 0. F0,9T t �,o s • A ®0 85 v MAY 2 4 2021 X� Rep P, .... ..... . .. .. ........... _. _..._. .. _.......... ........ 21 © EE All lintels shall be "Cant-Crcte," �` ----,T alien head L{ {'1 � � � h eel u e 3500 psi, Grade roU retnforcin@ A A c.+ d {' p l i a mt 51011 ae c Z 4� Grout flit w! 3000 psi concrete cam locks #420 FIM Windlock Impact Kollime Steel Service Door Polar White + - 55 psf rated Chainfall operated Interior look Mark Dos(ynatfon Location L H Added r cbar Rated # Actual # Kernarke Locat I om Text ° n 0-0 to u I L-1 8F16-i6/1T 12' F 5F w(ndow6 14' 6" 1' 4" (1) #5 bot (1) #5 top" 1002 425 4,1! s! ze +1 Ftrot Level r L $� L �t L-2 8F16-1511T 6 6" 5F windowr, 7' 10" 1' 4" (1) #5 bat (1) #5 top` 2661 325 L �+ 3 µ --- L-3 8R6-15ror-U.=54" 4'6' 1'4" (1)#5bot ago 275 North Lobby Conference / Die la a�s43>,41 s a 5-1 " " Window "A" 12` 8" 3 i14" p y o s a. < Hidn Liquid flashing seali� South Lobby AcccooMe Kcetroom �, s�-°" ,to �GGe55 �al�el `� Impact dated Louver 5-2 procootconcrete slll Window°c 6'6" 31/4" ends of sill toC65jambs 3 pN u v To Warehouse ehou5e RcceSs -Employees Only O - AcuDor #A5-9000 eaeketed, / Greenheck extruded aluminum louver - 4" m ° L ° o �. flush mount acce55 panel l and - Clip mount w/ 4" x 4-'x 3116" Steel angie Vertical Lift C air Lift to Second Level Offices L ° �� as �°10 5atin stanles5 Steel finish EL# 6976.3, finish to match adjacent t L ¢ ° L �-000%0.�� S . - www.acudoraccesspanel5.com building wall panels Break I�aom S off Lounge 0 � ° L h = uuv°°tas S LS x43 0 -info�lacudoraccesspanet5.com WH lgestraom AGGeSSlble igestroam F--%P u0U (888) 6ZZ-6367 3j� ° automatic 3 2� —-�IIE--p �I 3-� Shipping step Dawn to Driveway X 0 uL rite KaTIM0 Lal?et rewires - ADA Lover handle - - Birc face flush door - Automatic clo5er - Key look - Varnfshed wood - ADA Lever handle a55a e 5et o - 6t` x 30" safety glass lite - Keyed lockset p 9 (wood frame to match door) square hoodt 8' 6 ° aUtomatlC cnctosurc O p ------------------ - - ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------- - - - - -' aluminum Sill pan OP41.5 (-)44,5 Ar ott ° finish floor - Fabricated aluminum Sill pan 19' 0 II { _______________ ____ ____ __ { { _--__--_ ----- -- - --__ { O {------===-==-- --_-- - { ADA [ever 0 OP 10.0 (-)10.O (interior) push-bar/o 1l it - Tempered glass exit device R) �0 towards Hall finish floor Second Level Office Manaouer'S Office, , r 0 d° Mech Koom Ewui pment lgoom a a ADA lever t53 APA lever �4 handle fa handle lyj AGce55ible Men m m u Q W Acccooib[e Women �`°�` "4 0 o Workroom u- u- tL N Puplication Prep o Stair Rcceos StoragelPanel "A" N NN iM Frame, 5C Ditch Door HM Frame, 5C Dirch Door Hardware Notes 13 - Hardware finish to be. brushed aluminum or stainless Steel m - 3-plece Steel frame, - 3-piece steel frame, - Automatic closers shall be LCN - Birch face flush door anel - Birch face flush door panel - Locksete & deadbolts - 5chlage 2 level master keyed - Wcat;hcr!5trfp head & jambs -Weatherstrip head& jambs Thresholds - Pemko #2005AT wf �'emcote non-skid finish - Penko #2005 AT air real thredshold - ADA Lever handp le assage set - ADA Lever handle passage set - Key lock -Key lock Coordfnate Each door swimo w/ Floor Flan automatic EMI Interlock wi 41, �� " �i closer' o °�31 0 emergency lock f 3 18" wide release l safety 5t' x 20" clear { { Mass" x 30t' fire rated lite { sldelitq Safety �- �� sign{ N n. O 1a55 lite - l4 ADA lever handle \ ,< ADA lever �u t� ADA lever` �,o handle ] o , "' `a 0 Handle Z p = { o ADA (gust { o o handle < o q¢ LjX 9 i U Interlock door release Ptb wl chair left controler" o HM Frame, aC Birch Door HM Frame, 5C 5irch Door CO Min, Fire Katcd 60 Yh Fire Kated u- - 3-piece Steel frame, Curr[e5 3 lees rteel frame, Full NFPA-50 Compliance - � Full NFFA-aO Compliance - � •< � Q p - i pour rai ew rots -sawn , trc 5nut L�cr UL - ALPINE Tlre5hut" * surface mounted Fire Kathie Label rewired frarme opening = 4 3/4 o chin = 4 3/4" p _ UL Fire [gating Labe[ rewired UL Fire Kating Labe[ reoili-M v ; a counter- Shutter fire door, push-up operation - Impact rated HM - Pirch face flush door pane[ - Birch face flush door panel - lndividua[ "Firelite" vision pane[ - Individual "Firelite" vision panel * available from Treasure Coast Garage Door - Automatic closer & 5afety chain - ADA Lever handle passage Set - Automatic closer - x 1 10 =100 sw. inches - 5 x 1 10 =100 5w. inches It [ Port 5t. Lucie (772) 87,9-0487 - 3-60 6aly. door & frame - 6 x 30 5afety glass late - ADA Lever handle privacy lock - Curries welded Steel frame - Currie5 welded Steel frame - Push -bar exit device (wood frame to match door) - Birch face flush door panel - Birch face flush door panel t It - Rut t' l - Aut t' I concoaCcd closers ' futl width panic exit device, ADA pull handle O ` 1 ADA compliant threshold - DP 37.1(-) 42.0 extruded aluminum sill plate max 1/2" step-down Aluminum 5torefront & noor5 �-/ CGi Industries "5E 3550" aluminum outowing doors - VonDuprin 5crice 3347 CGI industr(e5 "5E 3500" aluminum 5torcfront syetcm concealed rod panic exit Large & small missile impact rated device Glass - Fixed Storefront - Type "Kit insutated w/ sentry- -10" ADA bottom door rail Glass interlayer, Law-E, Argon fill, light gray tint - ADA pull handle 5F doors - Glass Type "D" tneulated w/sentry- - Automatic closcr5 Glass intcrlayer, Low-E, Arcon fill, light gray tint - ADA thrcohoW - Fcmko 2005-AT 12 g 6' ro it oma (c c oser oma lc c o5e] ADA lever handle on pull Side - RDA lever handle on pull Side ------------------------------------------------------- -2------------------------------- 61 61t 3' 0 it --I `� ---' ---------------------------------------------------- ��{ - y L-3 5-1/ OP41.e (-) 44,0 Aluminum 5to6d€r,=l1o1l C - 5ee "A" for storefront & glazing - Precast concrete stepped sill - I'recast concrete l[ntel 0 ,�. V OP41.5 (-) 54.6 o aluminum Sill pan / OP41.5 () 54.6 ()t Ott ie) 141 ott finish floor finish floor Aluminum Storefront Aluminum Storefront - See "A" for storefront & glazing - 5ee "A" for Storefront & glazing - Precast concrete Stepped oil[ - Fabricated aluminum Sill pan - Precast concrete [Intel &. 1 W u scale - Y3" 0" -- automatic closer .push -bar exit device HM, Insulated - Impact rated HM - Automatic closer & safety chain G-60 Ga[v. door & frame - Deadbolt lock - Push -bar exit device - AIDA Lever handle lockset Exterior ADA pull hand F L 0 v L : m o a c� U- w A �® U L CO Sheet f MAY 2 41011 `... ....... 1 ' E 31' 11/2 pre-emglmeared, custom fabricated aluminum coping Top of 5-3 MSCI TI Panel" 24 gage '� " "+'• Galvalume parapet wall ----- "-``�` --' flashing afr-seal D/W to roof deck II N w/ gun -grade mastic all around q P 27 101/2 Top of 5-2 B-2 sand ffnfsh stucco over C155 wall (11/2" poly-iso foam board Insulation w/ 26 gage "Z"furring gA 24" ole, ..- coal over furring w/ 4" Mylar duct tape, seat perimeter & all cuts w/ tow expansion foam 13' 10 1/2" Top of 5-1 Ar.n M1 QDNrRIC�}����ylQ�uDp�JI�fL�y.. I��`I[RE 1B1�7�1uI�l���I\U���\I��Il��,A\y I 11 RO It LJQd�ll ALL Q�RDE R VQIIS art Eire 15arrier 5tellcll_T With contraetfrie color, Stencil Shall be placed 0 20' o/c along all fire rated partitions 12" below ceiling level MSCI DoubleLok 24 gage Galvalume standfng seam roof panel system 1a I I I I double II [double rT 1x4 fire- : ; r___ _ extend poly-iso the. '� acoustic gMd ceiling waU angle — block all along s . wall to roof deck ';% & drywall 20 gage metal stud horizontal ! l fire block 0 ceflfng level J l 6" Mylor duct r Rr l One hour fire rated gypsum drywall - tape - seat over i"` ""`' ' Clark Dfetrich 6",18 gage "J-5tude" 1 fire -block atl ' -: , ', f' acoustic the l 0 24" 0/0.1" gypsum 5haftifner, — around l " :.; cefifng panels l 1 a er 5/8T o X" D/W each O toyer "'yp - db% PT 1x4 side of wall - Gypsum Ase'n. File ffreblock ;•: ,';; wall angle l # Wr 7024.3 (UL V-493) all around �5/8"drywall l 5alco Area l 26 galy. "Z" furring 0 24" o/c - secure l l ; w/ SIT x 1" TAFCON concrete screws 018" o/c l K-19 fiberglass batt f h$ulatf oh w/ Kr 4" Mylar duct tape paper moisture reefstant barrier along all Joints in • insulation boards wall 1115ulation 1 11/2" poly-feo inSUlatfolh board, double Mylarfaced 15ometric NT5 % Nominal 12" CDs wall, 12" x 8" x 16" ASTM C-90 CMU (h half- s p i runnfng bond, Horizontal reinforcement: 9 gage galvan(zad Dur-o-Wall "ladder" ties 0 each second course. Vertical 4" vinyl base zSeal D/W to deck all along l� <•i 1� «I _,� <-t � 41-/. <.J l� «..>1 i.i� t..J ,ice Lt -•� L J _<, <J�1�,< 1� L.J _,� <rI -.S < /� <•<.i� <•J -..� W14x22 J! \lr W8x10 suspended G � A/C ductwork , Lobby L .FT 2x Wocking w/ VI self- tapping screws a 12" olc �D O INSULATION - MASON2Y WALL - let & 2nd Floors dp 11/2" thick f2-10, double mylar faced THEiZMAX foam board lne- ulatfoh applied directly over C55 ustng horn. 11/2", 26 gage gaiv, "Z" furr(hg 0 24" o/o, tape all Joints w/ Mylar "duct tape", foam - seal perimeter & all outlet & switch boxes, 5/8" gypsum drywat! ffnfsh 11/2" dfa. alumfhum hand &guardrails / stafnless steel cable 0 3 7/8" o/c sand ffnfsh stucco an nn no C55 wall - 3/4" thickness 11/2" x 12" slab recess in in 3 0 M for C55 wall np np u R} s O 0 ON rVC weep -screed nn n" d � O = 0 2" below finish N" "N 4" vinyl floor n q base r" 11 - - beyond West to East Thru 5ectioh 20 gaga metal stud horizontal fire block 0 floor level � I I ... j 4" x 10" "mono -tube" steel stringer 4" x 6" x 1/4" Steel tube stub -column w/ 1/2" top & bottom plate$ ------------------------------------------------- ----_--._----.-------------.....-..--------------•----- 704" 11 410tt (6) treads 011" Lo y Landing width ...................... ................. ........... ........ ............... ......................... . .... .. Non-CECO Structural Schedule 5-1 Nomfnal 12" x 24" (3 course) beam blocks fftled 3000 psf concrete & (2) #5 rebar per course i3-2 Nomfnat 12i1 x 24" (3 course) beam blocks filled 3000 psi concrete & (2) #5 rebar per course 13-3 11 5/S" x 11 6" - 3000 psi formed & poured concrete beam w/ (4) #5 rebar & #3 etfrrups 0 11 4" olc 13-4 A-36 - Wa x la steel beam, overall length =16' 5 3/4%- 1 13-5 A-36 - WS x la steel beam, overall length =19' 0 3/41' ; See 5hect A-9 for details C_1 A-36 - 411 x 4" x 1/4" tube -steel ----------------------' 32' a" 5 6 Nomfnal 8" x 24" (3 course) beam blacks filled 3000 pef concrete & (1) #5 rebar per course ,® Top C55 wall i i II I I I I I I I I I I I ib vinyl faced fiberglrot ass insulation f over Warehouse area Varico.r{r;'!{..f'r{.';{.'r{:', „.:.;; .. z,; .:r:::S.:o-::.r•:.:u:;::::.:r:' s;::i`. ;;.,.:.;. •,l.-�fY•'( J vi. .. 4e'.u'C.YYn �.C•.,(�.�.. K 0 0 f 1t:tir•: x.> { h.,'• { t,•-..':.{j`.:.� J: {fi':•:'.'ti:''` i:r, d,.;.r '.i:y�:L::wa�.,iJ:P.„ii:'i.:: �'s!�e...,�:,w"'.'✓u � _.1..: � 5.5ilcynene mom. open cell 5/6" D/W on galv. --------- seal purlin to cefifng insulation w/ intuman$cent O hat -channels 0 ti:';; w/ exterior caulking fire barrier overspray 2' O" c/o 20 gaga nom. 2x6 top track w/ (2) FIZT 2x6 top plate w/ 3/8" DO EU #10 x 1" screws 2,01 ---- bolts thru purifri 0 4 0 0! A/C duct beyond- 4y4 -, .------------------------- ---------------- i Mech 14' 0" 4" vinyl base 2nd Floor W14x22 pre-engfheered steel/concrete W' floor structure -- AIC supply >5/8" WIN on 20 gaga duct nom. 2x6 steel struct - ------ urai tracks 0 2'0" olc _r\ 51 aft KK CCg. 20 gage metal stud horfzontal fire block a floor level 5/8" D/W each side of 20 gage nom, 2x6 metal studs a 2' O" o/c 5' 3 Landing acoustic grid cefifng 20 gage metal stud horfzontal fire block 0 ce(Ifng level 20 gaga 1 5/8" x 5 5/8" galvanized steel studs a 2' o" o/c w/ (1) layer 5/8" D/W each side 31/2" m(nerat wool batt insulation 11/2" 11 alum. euardraft w/ hors, stateless steel cable pickets , 5alco Area FT 2x6 w/3/8" x 4" thru- bolts a 2' 0" c/o O 1 m ' � I Lobby r o Stair column fb L-------------- ............................... 1 O welded steal diamond welded steel diamond plate plate landing platform treads &tread supports perforated metal "Z" riser Closures between each tread ; 3' 0 r.41 4" x 12" "mono tube" 20 gage nom. 2x6 steel s 41011 steel stringer 12' 10 " track wl (2)1/4" x 21/4" eArom IWO- -1' w z J U C a <0 L i v jL_ PL LtLo O o 'D u U_ v � 63 i✓ 4 V S. cZl Q 4- V m � , U � � o�lU 0 v TAPCON concrete screws 6" x G" x 1/4" steel U 02 0 o/c ! tube stub column w/ v 1/2" top & bottom 1A �ppO oOlt plates f l! 4" vfnyl base -- L --- -- ' -- --- - - i ----- - FiFloor - UJ a gl afr seal track to lack w/ rrotectoWra typical a slab 4000 p$ ® p concrete HILTI "F5-One Max" Of loor "Energy date Liner" & #100 primer HILTI "Cr-620 Ffre Foam" > 1/2" gape i 0 HiLTI "CP-606 Flexible Ffrestop Sealant walls, roof deck ftrestop products shall have integral red caloring.'hest It i S N h 5outto North Thru ecton FireStop Index (facing North) --I--------- z f ci hg West) Tills Sheet added to 5et) 5ce Ffrestop schedule on sheet Iff of 9 ,--- _.-----.__,. A-7 for aelciftional information —� ............... .............. .... .......................... ..........-........ ............. ......................... ................-.................. ........ I'll ........ ............ ................... o <` APR 16 2021 E W 14x22 ...... ........... .............................................. ............................... ................... ...................................................................... ........ ......................... ................................ ........................ ............................ ..................................................... .................. ......... ..... HTT-4 i'irestop 1''rodw�lcts red color requtreeifor 3'10" 5(mpson5trong-Tietenslom all firestop collpanents to face. of studs tic w/(16) 5D#10x21/2to. 5eail D/W to cone. slab above w/ H1LT1 "F5-one Max" column & (1) Sfmpson IZFB 5/ Fire Kated plywood (F?,T)(5FI Ericloocd Ghair Lift (4)F,2x6blocktng 21111, --1 Vmpso,SETopo . Secure w/ ® intumnescent flrestop sealant all along de'mising walls single length lam. anchor spactn0 Simpson SET epoxy „ Ascension "'Clarity 16-C" wheelchair lift Sfmp6on"HTT-4° Scaling gaps no more than 1/2 In width. Pyro-Guard by Hoover Treated Wood Products y Ca slab Fire retardant treated plywood I ADA, A5ME A18.1, AN51 A117.1 Compliant .,. ,« ® 1-3 unratcd low -voltage cave penetration of fire rated E5K-1791 Evalulatiori Re ort 750 # lifting capacity . demising wall - Install w/ HILTI'CFS-FL. 2" Fireetop Plug p Ilft machine cabinet ASTM E-84 i`lame Spread <25 1 Floor level entry, no recess required 7 ;_..;0 23/32°ryro-Guard fire Q Multi (> 3) low -voltage cable penetration of fire rated rotardarrt plywood on T ________________,_ , 1 rt 1 hour fire rated hoistway doors '' 3sidesofl(ftshaftwaty demising wall - install w/ HIM 1 CF5-CC Fireetop Cable l 32 Offset, fire rated steel door frame ,_` w/3/6"0/Woverlay on Collar Inside of door flush w/ wall finish s FIZTpIyw°od D Dperlings over 1/2" in width shall be sealed with H1LTI Top Parapci Automatic door interloclk `' ,.; ,Z_19f(berglassbatt "CP-620 Fire Foam" -red color required. i wa[l fnsulaticn w/ Kraft e io w" „t•, paper moisture resistant -' ;�;: barrier E 5eal shaftwall and then 5/8" type X drywall to ceiling & ____�_ ___ _ 24 eCECODoublelock endwalle w/ HILTI "CP-606 Flexible Firestop 5calant" mom. 5.5 open cell ICynene ®� ® °� Platform Lift Insulation wl.intunxnscent standing seam rooffng panels ",+ yy l faced Me hour rated fire barrier ovorspray '`'' --- --- -- --- -- — ^- -� �.� ,;_ fire barrier wall fiberglass Insulator Va.rie5 i t. .. A} V, L l '• A. n S J. : 1 L L« S L. ti 1... t 3 L :.W r'.}' y -,,L•a•L:.u;x;r' J•',i•. u:0::+' �' ♦ .rt'sti..u.�ru',iaW :i'rtY:•"�^•4'•,^K::Y r;Y,i. ':,'r .. .. .. ... aw'� `G:::f:.1:1:'.L',�.�—.ir`�L �.Ll.: •. `i'�.::.w Di' ... '�•'. ..,.'�`;rf.ntWt.,.. YY..,. .:..... ............:......z .. .,...... ... Roof Ht ............,...,.. ,.. , ,. ... ..:. l ! ..,,3 r,•..3. .:. ........3. ..nJ :.•.. .I .... a.i :. .:... '1_ L(yv.,�r r•.r..LLL'..tw. i•¢=' 20�ge metal stud r _ a� ®� 5impsom"HGAM-10" j non. 5" , It-20 lcynene (nsulatfon 1 9a reNi9e to lcynene Ga, rafter (4) i/4 x fir' red fire caulk & foam { }, Vim w/ Itrtumenscent fire bairr(er horizontal fire block roof insuia�tion 11/2" self-tah"fNa _ 1 t of d k ` MN��NAINI_M_ 1 _ a— :•, follow roof level screws to ra r-----___-- wall blockfng ' A/C 2x6 blockfng duct fn wall ----------- A. 20 gage metal stud horizontal fire block 0 floor levGt K-20 lcynene sprayy foam (nsulatfon (nom(nal 5,5") 5/6' D/W on 15/6' x 53 5/8" ggalvanized steel studs 0 24" o1c - set to matoh D/W surface &a C85 wall sections CECO structural "C" header impact rated, Insulated, fixed alum. frame g CECO structural "C" slit 20 gage metal stud horizontal fire block &a floor level nomtnal 4" - 3000 pet Coro. w/ 66x1010 wwm en corru- gated steel decklme 4" x 4" x 1/4" perZter angle ' bar J°ISts , A/C ducts , I I i I I I , I , I , I , , i i I I 5/8" D/W on FT 2x blockfng - seal around Joist ends CECO structural "C" header Impact retool, Jnsulated,fixed alum. frame transon {' 1/2" drop froraffnfsh #2005-AThold Pcmko slab to exterior nominal 4' x 6' recessed 113116' Fadlerld 'I w/ drain broom finfsh, 4" - 3000 psi concrete thickened edge w/ (1) walk -- — -- #4cont. 9 _ _ 112" closed cell ,'.'•. '•::.''' `"' '. -----' expamston,Jolnt r ---- ------ •.;.:.'.'. ._ I - beyond - ---------------- Eftry 5coticti 24, I Ort -� Acous Cie 5, 1e5 1qa` ©rt 2nd door • r r Dt ()It Fin Floor _7 1f2°t 11 Oft Piedigricl "Ca-11'fi" pourecl aoralelvc �w✓ ��n &drain .............. ....................... .......................... ...................... :.............. ........ ........ ........................................................... . R-7 1/21t _ 11 Ott .......................................................... . E sea ono 1/2" "ryroGumrd" fire treated plywood shcathtng on 20 gage 15/$ x 55 55 —steel track rafters 012" o!c - secure w/ #10 x 11/2"' pan -hood sheet metal screws 0 6" o/c along all fraTI 60.00 29 ggage Galvalume "5-V" rooffng panels horizontal = roo over 30# fing felt solid track " acoustic grid cc(hng _ • 3 Galvalume PC it drip edge ceiling , ,, rt : a>a: ffberatass the, w/ -------------- 2 hour rated wall extend from floor slab to - roof ,dock see Note 0 D/IA-7 ol_; 3/8" D/W overlay on 3/4 FKT plywood wail sheathing lift maomme cabinet fly ' // i I / If 1i/ I III __==_==_========= III: ====III: Chair Lift •.s�..s-Wit.-.L.�_.s_.`...'.:�t�.,.'.+. i..1'L•G.ya4.�l.+. �r-•.r_.sr _ --s:.-_.�.... :...'.+.,1- �., .�._°. -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- :beyond E 4 . 1/1 G11_ _._ _. _ .., A lv 1 ww fol... 111,7. ,, Kraft paper moisture resistant barrier--_______-1 5aleo Area Atlas electronic _ , interlock ADA `. O� / / / / r / / / / rL,i.w.�L,J'—tii-l•.-L.i JAL.-i,n:!,L.!_.zi,i,.1,i•.✓�i.J.•.eL,Jv�t.wl�i.i•f�Lf _.!,.i J.a G,••.i CECO imazzanlne frarrl(rng & dock Lobby 2 Q ADA step `. A r as / / �t :.ter'=.s' ... �N•:. y� - --- typical 6" •..-_.._------- \-.-.__-..-..----..----.--•-_-•-- - 4000 psi concrete floor slab ` See Shoat ST-1 for `---------------- nF-4 J�.a•_riA beyond Ap,� 11Iatform Lift � latfarm LiIIIIIFt �-7 1/211 it .............................................................................................................. IZ-19 fiber Ins. w/ Kra paper moi resistant LAOm us,a� u Q3IL �41LAR +33it4 ss R_ i =Ee•o 403 43 >) s,34; 1ILIN 0 V C 41 a`�L0©� U 3 L U' V, O L QCL000 zu �13 a?�s 13 +��on r jh Fi- Ito w U 1x� W r 0) Z S_ �F 1 c' � S) d w o 20 ga@e solid s' o a track f(ra Ca floor level o R-20lcynene spray lytonmU � nauf (nominal5.5") t1 o a 2 ` > ' shaft -wall � < o support v a N A A-9 V i. f C-1 _419x4'x114" A-36 stool column OW Czza-I 111 ti C 5h�cet R-7 1/2" —1' ®yt Ai This Sheet added to Set 1 ` of —_ _ ................................................................................. R10851 APR 26 2021 MBMI raketrfm — MBMi FDK wall panels OC-315 (ntumensent _ coating on foam ins. not covered by D/W 20 gage metal stud . horizontal fire block 0 ceiling level 24' x 24" #5 rebar angle from 5-2 to floor slab a 2' 0" c/o Oil along \ 141 D " Top of D-3 131 D 11 Bot. r5K prive Nominal 8" C155 wall, 8" x 8" x 16" ASTM C-90 CMU in half-rumnfng bond. Horizontal reinforcement: 9 gagC galvanized Dur-o-Wall "ladder' ties y0 each second — course. Vertical reinforcement: (i) #5 rebar & dowete 04' O" o1c, cells filled w/ 3000 #psi concrete grout. sand finish stucco on CBS wall - 3/4" thickness _ 11/2" x 12" stab recess for C155 wall PVC weep -screed a 2" below ffnish`� floor 4 JCECO roofer o c�,urs C 5.5" open cell icymene ation w/ fntumenscent barrier overspray i duct wall angle acoustic grid coflime- db'i. N4 rT fireblock 20 gage metal stud horizontal fire block 60 floor level 5/8" D/W on 15/8" x 53 5/8" Iaivamized steel studs 04" o/c - sat to match V1W surface 0 C155 wall sections 5alco Area nominal 4" - 3000 pot cone. w/ GUM wwm on corru- gatod steel decking 4" vinyl base 4" x 4" x 1/4" part meter I W14x22 1 1 + ' bar joists l 1 1 I A/C ducts ' L5/6" D/W on PT 2x blocking - 4 seal around joist ends tl Conference p � _ _.� 11/2" thick K-10 , double "Viar faced THEKMAX foam board (nsulatfon apppplied in full sheets directly over 1 Mylar CB5 walls, top0 all joints w/ pe", foam seal all outlet JL5/6' mpl etesd tnsula� onring1W on rT 1x4 furring olc 44 U o pp O u 44 O -7 04 o _ Atl " vinyl base 44 ----------� :" ;-------- �y v CN5/Metal Wall A -a) 5Cale 1/2't - 11 011 Varies Koof Ht MBCI DoubleLok 24 gaga Galvalume standing seam roof panel system 241 Ott Acous CIO 24 gage Galvalume sill / flashing to match wall i panel color & finish - fabricate to match each openfng painted Galvalume c•- ' wall panels fold closure w/ (2) pop rivets & exterior sealant in fold slope to exterior - check for ponding or Peaks corners prior to 5F Installation 11/21,1 CIl .......................................................................................................................................................................... 6'stt (recess width) 6' 4 ,t 2 ,t (redfgrid width) Whi�oW 511H Klfoeosed Ditry Mat @ l^ixed windows / metal wall panels 5/4" wa l cap w/ ease outefoo Invert baba trlm corners all ® H1LTI "F5-0nc Max" @floor around 51 nit © H1LTi "CP-620 Fire Foam" > 1/2" gaps top of pt'n, „ ( rT 2x post "wrap" w/ eloouble 2x4 ® HILTI CP-606 Flexible Firestop Sealant", walls, roof deck 3/16" x 21/2" bugle- top plate ' head, self -tappin All ffrestop products shall have integral red coloring 21;roacs aoch did �1 - + � 1/2" D1W each side of 2xwo Fire 5t o p I h ex Post Trim -out Plan w o/ctd studs 5ee Ffrestop 5chedulc oil 5heet 3"x3"x1/6"steel A-7 for additioriai Jriforrratiorl Ofwnouwallytoend ® ® ll /00Z=20Icynene spray foam ® insulation (nominal 5.5") 141 0" ® Post flan l 2nd FIOOr 'J�YJ-._ J�M1..S J_I.S J_L L •J- i J�L.S ,.w�L.A.-i.L J� _ 1 1 I � ::,•,; ? ,; :> °" :, : C _2 rT 2x4 plate w/ 1/4" CECO mezzanine 3" Crete straws x 3" x 3/16" A-36 ; x 4 9!2" TAPCON con floor structure _ _ _ : ;.; O bar steel post w/ 6" x 8" x 16' oJc joists 3/8' baseplate 1/4" vinyl base Fire Rated Ceiling E stud morn. # 20 -t pptg l V ' ;„� stud w/ 2 #8 self-ta (n (Minfmum one hour requf(red) screws to each wall stud _ _ • it ° • u ° • ° - •_" - ;� _P_ °�«,�• Yw= _ • = -,r- --- . F(n 2nd F!'r. Two Hour fire rating - UL Dest n 0-505 Gypsum; 8" x 8" x 31$" backing plate Association File # FC-2130 - (1) layer 5/e," Type "X" fire code gypsum drywall on HOW furring I e r e rl C e channels &024"o/cfastened tosteel bar jolst =�: 5upportroot Wall5ectfoll structure w/ 18 gage tfe-wire. I` {' O ® m Nozzle/Meter 5toraoe Fa �,..����V V 5calc -11r ` 1f 04r iOne Hour Fire 1Zated Wall One hour fire rated gypsum drywall -15/8"x55/8", .. /�'{� 5alc6 Area, 2nd Level 20 gage aluminized steel studs 024 olc, (1) layer 1 518"'Ty a-X" D!W each side of wall - Gypeum Ass'n. 'r:•:: 1 5/8" x 1 File #Wr-1072, R-19 Kraft faced fiberglass insulation 3 5/8" 20 gage track 51/2" - K-19 fiberglase Batt ' + Insulation w/ Kraft paper 15/6" x 3 5/6" 20 moisture resistant barrier "° gaga bottom track "r--- 15/8" x 3 5/6' - 20 gage .m • alum(nizedsteel track topp &bottom w/(2)#8x rx- _____: metal wall 3/4" self -tapping screws stud from track to each stud air seat track to deck w/ A "•: rrotectoWrap "Energy date Liner" & #100 primer D/w to of Orr floor slab -' "vinyl base l . . . . . . Fin Floor _,_.__�----- -_..__�:1_- `: "-,,_typ(cal 6" - 4000 ps( i concrete stab 2x4 In jamb from header continuous 2x4 blocking to floor (countersink suspension hardware) N L Uar' 4'0" inun poured abralslvc o 3 SL filled aluminum rails 43 iA rva+rvM n+ is0 "'r.. EDfM cushion 'a ° 3 u sotf-lovolfMO ' aluminum ertmeter frame compound 3 a > n Ln.smn 143 �t �0, S secure per manufacturer's Installation instructions n ot� o N Q n backffil perimeter w/ self -leveling compound flush w/ finish floor slab �ta'i CI 1 CD f'1 L i a42 o = Entry Gr(d 3o+"oVia U L %L0-%;SlL n CLU °s Corletruction 5pccial(tice FcdfGrld "01-PA" Lnodm m+ an n ;,� m - Mack anadlzcd aluminum frame ° ° ° nS 0 t - ' SL-C .4S O - Poured abrals(vc rail Inserts F aa+�voU�Q 5clf-Lcvclin0 Grout - 5ikaLevel one componcnt cementitious underlaymcnt - Installation, curing t(mc & finish per Manufacturer's rcr ulrcmcnte u 0 NT5 �roGlUCts "�� 4B L PT 1x4 buck - window Note: liquid flashing within to bethru-fostened openfng only NOT on face of Into ffiled block cells concrete block FIKST seal rT buck to CB5 head &,jambs w/ exterior sealant E ! a allem edge of buck i w/ step In sill double coat of liquid appiled flashing - jambs, l head & sill I/J a seal sffl to jamb liquid flashing precast 0 jambs, head Como. slit & bucks Typical Window Elevation (doors similar) lsometrlc Fl?,5T seal PT buck to C55 head & jambs w/ exterior ecalarit. NEXT seal precast slit to block jamb w/ exterior sealant. Apply two full coats Protect �I of oWra LWM- 200 pp Y p liquid waterproofing membrane over hood, jambs, sill & bucks Fluff Appll'c� Flaohllfie 1) Verify door & window rough openfng sizes prior to laying of block walls and Installation of precast concrete sills. 2) Inspect widows & doors upon arrival on site, Look for sealant gaps or mis-alligncd welding at corners, if corner seals arc missing, contact manufacturer for remedy. 3) Prior to placcment of bucks, apply triple bead of extcrior sealant on the back surface of buck that will be in contact with masonry surface fo prevenmt passage of water behind . 4) Install PT 1x4 bucks square & plumb at head and jambs being sure to align face of wood buck with cdge of recess in precast sill. Fasten to head & jambs W/ 3/16" x 2 3/4" TAPCON concrete screws 0 12" o/c, staggered pattern. 5) Once the bucks have been attached to masonry opcning, apply a fillet of exterior sealant to to the perimeter joint and Into the joinery between the buck & masonry head, sill & jams completely filling all gaps. 6) Coat head, jambs, sill & (not exterior wall surface) with two full coats of liquid waterproofing membrane. The Interior surface of wood bucks shall be left unsealed to allow drying to the imterfor. 7) Inspect and clean inner surface of window flange, run double bead of exterior sealant along exterior edge of buck & sill recess, set window In place, level & plumb. 6) Set shims at fastcnfng points, install fasteners per Florida Product Approval for on -site wind & exposure zones, Maximum shim thickness is 1/4". Shims shall be used where space greater than 1/16" is present. 9) After all exterior sealant Is in place, air seal window & door frames from interior with low-pressurc closed cell foam to fill all gaps around window & door frames. Products Shims - load bcaring shims shall be high density Exterior sealant plastic. Wood shims shall not be allowed. TIZEMCO Dymonic FC Low pressure foam air -seal Liquid Appplled Membrane DOW "GreatStuff fro" Window & Door Foam Sealant ProtectoWrap "LWM-200" (blue containers) - NOT standard "Great Stuff" 1 HnHr Fire F5rrier m s W d � 0 z U L. d a a o ' U u � a L 0 O V IL u_ v z o t` � d t0 AC N .0 O v N P jn�41 GJ 1L ' I is CCl 0 Cr tT ILL U � � 0 Q U 13 U 0 � J 3 � oor e� er ;:0,7orIIe Ic W1+101oW Ir12;�talllaition ShcGt A-S Wall & Ceilifie ScaCe 1/2" - 1t ®1t A"S NT5 .— ; -----------� Window fnstallatfon shall be effected per FMA/AAMA 2 �� > AMR I M5 sheet added 1,0 Set "Standard Practice for In$tallatlort of Flanged Wlndow 1 Extreme Wind/Water Condltlons" of 9 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. , ............................................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................... A 0008 wc� r •... �`� APR 262021 19 1J4" 21` 8" _ 21' 20IOU 21, 5" 21' 8" 20` 51J4" 10 d 4r, . 00 psi gym, _ �" x 8" thlokanad edge 076 p 1t2'" roGess foM odor & ctlno. slab `" c W ' eTepd 9T of slab wJ (i #a cant, drop do Worror $lab 112" oioaad call ; co 14` A 1 1"` recess for doer & t7 fated drp 1/2 foam ex dro to exterior $tab �o p (r p y y ` (fatal. drop zx 1") r _ ..<_.w..-».„.. .._-"... - ., .,».1.... _ ... A,..»,»" . <,........ ,.....<..... ». ,. L.w..., wf.�,... -._:w ,.....,"-.--V ,......i_ q.,..."..m...w,w_....._..-w � ---_--- ..---J, »_ - 4» ..,ww- F r_€ I_-»---- "__`__i4 »w _ _ w_ _ 1C1 tt w - ;; 1 C y p1 ' 1 1A ` w -: - E 1Q Ft w _ F1 $lab mesh - V hit X 41011 I ptGr 0 01011 \„6 drat e'C�a( i bGllards ; � � r 3 � slops a,kxgg /" , 1/2" rooeaofor Samitary Lim pipe, lze VolpeMax. er Foot P1 Tra to Vent 11I4" 11411 t 2" 1l�•" �'r' l li From FIX-F 9017 - Tables 704.1, 909,1 s 143 L 4 ' ±s Cie_ ' >, 0-cu, UYY,, Ur u��G�cv ""`-Ls' ' 0 4� 0 e) s� 2001, wx _w ��Mw: _ a: # 51Preparation as z -� elope , I , 1 1 t F2 I #4 x 4-W 1 a/c- w 32 0 Fa 1 F18 � der K M 5ub�t�rF�ce IHve�tl �t(en I�ep�rt?reject u � #2036 9-b dated Aueuet 1. 2020 ; 1 _ _ w� w�-w-_»--•--- --- _ _ - ---_----_ __ __ - -- F )"-1t- _- _ - ! r artta bevel �. M. w__ w---. - , w_-w ww -__ _w ww _ _ s _ _.w_.-_,___ - - 1/The proposed bull me c , p u � � I _ _ .-._._._...,-..._.-..M, - , - _ _ _. _..,.,-- vs _ .. w - w_ t wa W _ _ _ a. �- - -a� -- Y- - _ -- _ End - ww_ ____- __-_w_ »-_ I b and proposed an" - _.._ ___., -- .�__w_w w .. -, iota mfm(mum marelm of 5 � c =� I ��� r` - w 3# 1. ,� otruotiom area shall ble stripped &drubbed of Q . 3 I . ,�y� -- w w 1 F3 �IX surface debrfs, vgetatlom, roots & oream(c mottarr ` _- - sulfa fj ww -- - .mow 2 5tum s shall be removed entlrel , All material •; CY ' '..F12 +-n.x.w,,,.« < ` «rr.: .nw.w «ssw„ ,wvaw ..ww ,emu .e wwwi rwa✓.+ +e•'- 4 i. f �+ I3 a 1{ 8LF"iz widoAD removed shalt betaken off site &disposed of per v � ' a 91) i1J2 �r -G p CV Q eGmpttrrt a ""- "�, i cahoVeuctfon jolnt 0 l I� [ State & Federal regu[atl an . cemterl(me of bulldjmg - 11/2 3) The butldlnrea eh[l berdecf level& proof-, sty - aervw wvemn «war+ r�naws .ame ! WSii, i P�:J«„j 1 is F10 o' Keyway Plmonsfome I rolled. Soft yelldln areas shall be excavated / 0 ale ni�leWall C 1�1 . $ - ,KK .. .w ..,��,- .._,,, ... �' �u p replaced with clean compacted aufffoiant w- # p p� dJ *IV 61'0.G,bGthw0yG, babtal, s + II passes $hail be made during oompact(am to � n�) . { „ 4"' x' x 1tq" P s tubdretaGi(GGltatt t 1 `-� F1a +3 tic 1/ brQ�adG ll.+"1 .18"xi�"xSt/2"Gt bnee"WmdiarbAeG larCG ems# producea/ 47 ir✓+ N r----Gaxr, ex tlr kieG6hGat AID for F21 , modifi de Proctor value BAST! C"- a57) to .w a -- - w _ w_-_-------_.,----. ----w----_ _-__--_-_ _........; t depth of twofe t, elopel'W L- ---_-y --__--------------- _-� -._ w_w _ w_ _I �_ -cuc� i o 4� After teot(t1 l 0 ^�OMfit m ca911paGfirah, _ - - w w w-----_--»_----w_- -.--------- - -- ------ _ -w__ - - construction area may be to filled to deelred a ; w w - » I E , slab saw-DUtS ' __,. _ ' e"soh.dOl"YC j ;• grade$ L wa,w.:...ww.�..,J L--„_-_--n-J. i _.,„,.» I dGf1HGG't8 1 1 ' o/c both ways l 51il shall be cleam, oramular $and contalmime less F't f ( F3 F3 (oee Note below) Q 1 than 10% materfal poselho throe h a U.5, 31/2`°drop to 1 5tamdard 200 slave, Place structural ffit !m 1 cxtarlor slab i { loose layers 12" In thickness, Compact each (per obave , lift to °fa 1 1x4 oxp. Joint 1 1 5) After footime and other excavAtlon wfthin the 1 flops } r . OEF"1 -1 H-1 ae c� Jw1 19 r i f foundation area, the dlsturbed suborade shall be 2 r recompac•ted to mini 95% dry Proctor utiirzino a rig, raid -- _4_W------, p21 -w w�_w�w__i p21 � � � _-__ ��-__�_wr w_' rWwalk-behlnd" vibratory $led, , � i r2{ (ry, � � � l l 501[ fi j� Te en � , r 1 L -. _ ... .. - .. -. - •. _... .. _ ail ., ., _ > .. _ _ w _ ...,...,-,. _ _ .. o i 1 our' W .y ' f l .. _ _.-...._...:w....<., ., �......,._..."..-... ,..�.... _ __s..w.,... _.,_�--_-T.".�^ .•._-_.-w........ ,...-..,,z-- e..,�-... _ '.•-. .,'...'f' "`. .. -- _ a----«ww -wow. aww a.mm+mamw mum w,a--Amour U f I a W W ,�..,...����-..-m,..�__w:.--__->"_» -.._ .-__-....-.�,...-;,__,.__w ---»-, I -___mow - _� p_.,_- _ __ _�._ -�- » wa ~° � � 1 9 Makete$ts In randomly selected acat(oms (n aocw W i" 't 1T „ w I _ _� 1112"f"iC -T!W3 o w w 0 U , I- b — I=� g r- �`•, -,--. r_ - r-`�" -, x. F24 ordsnce with ASTv 0-1 57 as follows: - iw - - to , -! '�14 - I , - i i.�' It I I , L .. <,... «.. w - w J (� , L - .. _ w, ,. - .. _ ...- t , i U. " J- r;.-+5. lopel1 w� 'r _ .�_ I `f' _ '�.""-.I , .� .°,,, wr1� , - °a^^' I `t" I i; I I air Net » s at I ,....1 UD - ° I ate „rvc e f , . 1 1 1 Fit[ & 5ackff11 1 / lift 7 2500 F' j _ 1 iw_Aw� F3 -_. F3 _www -_-_J melded l 1 : 5uberade for floor sWo 1 / lift / 2500 5F ` r,. yr! 41t2"'i'Vctow 11 a COflQpa[nk �l exte F-42'south l i ; + 1 q tar~a��ur{nal 1 Gcr�tlnuaue wall footings 1 feet every 1�?C L sm ° LIIXJ ° PVc tdwu 31, NG vTK up individual Columm Footlmee 1 teat a each footimoF1 to'Zndfloor i r r a. aGARlI M" 151,E " � � omGrete (oad,mg &ramp 1 feet per each 500 5F a 1112 I ap In CS W € iii . , l „ 'oar jol! t$ ; l 1 Tests !m the excavated footings shall be conducted ' R 10 1 2" raoe �sa 41P2 rvo „PVG ev 1 ip+ rr 14' 0" ' 1" 0, prior to lacememt of re(mfororm steel or concrete. far P'dc�grld to t av t , , p a I - 1/2" x" recess arrtrande mat , �`, "" PYc to p re fit. for storetrant 1112 i"VC r Lift$ shall mat exceed 12 ter ca rr� F gg� C F5 G to dfnk fd - $ i € J1 , t , fit Al V G F <.... <, .,.. °",", ,„_-- t FGr �...._ mop{.: _.. ,... # ; i f i 5i V sa 7 C� ! 5 cme _ _1» - 6 mow__ _......t 4---. w L w _I L-w---- -� E --w-. `------ _I __ - WJ- _____- p ; `p _ __ _------_- ---w - -- - _�- - _- - - 1 _ l Solt Statement from KSN� ?,eport ; After site prep as ,� ' cY aW detailed above, the proposed structure may be $up- �a` offset r s , ! $iopd 1if 11/2" rvr dJ (typool Qach side) i i edge of . ,W 'u• l: F1, (typical all around) kadtdards ported by comvemttohal concrete/steal reinforced 2 1/2 droptQ ; �t "ywatl 2 116ta'° ply tmtln$Id� F1 1 11 „ " p ve nr fco�tInfO designed for an allawablc soil besrlmo pressure extorlor Blab 1/2 closed to; t ('typical of A W W 24 x 24 x *2 sea foam ax . ) W Gast-tn -plea cold beam of 2500 ?F or less. w •_. w w of stab wl ('1) #3 cont. p 111/4" e t7 „ (1) 0 ,r 2V 6 " 22' to 864" 111/&° 12 ACC to oatQh baste u ltei ld at I o m 1 sad Mav ngloodrim done r 22' 6 3f�•" 2� >�" 1 0 " ar lnesai(atRah dote lad """""'• CONCKETE attled of314"x2" pourable �en,tw hC�� T- fbr Concrete $hail develop a minimum etremath of 4000 pavement 4 flexible a oxy joint filler I A p typical - l-,a rr'IEIc Pack rare �I psi at 26 days, !4" Aephatt-Fiber , pave ent W 1lhaat expanstdn olnt wl Concrete $hail be read mixed per A5TM C- 4, re -fabricated FIG?. 0 J p dxpanaGpn joint filer a9 stool orate freame ,expansion "`� p poxy aaml 18" tong #4 elmodl h dowels 16" QIG 1 a mt IM&O e e E NF0�,CIN 2 11 i w! hJbricwtted $Iwo, j6 HPG continuous 40w orst hots flQmpo Joint eeating (�) R�lS All around 11(4 end Qloarahc� r 441t1s � lkaimfarofmg steel $hall ba deformed, new billet steel _- frame dawn grata compound , __ _- _ ,, ---- 6" 4000 pa, tlanarete cats - /6" � 1r Olt Imaccordance w/ A aTM A" 15„ Grade 60 amd detailed _� _ _ w w -----_--- ___ eta r , , " ,a _ w ,+� Qfl ram r, r,,, ri rr a' t r r r'' r' " ,,; ,s ue^� es,. aveolant 4Y%double .. �,+..-..ww.,...�.,a i'• ^„ .do tacy�r Of rJ. r' - 12 _ art p 1 �. -- ---z ----z ,. � s • +.1• �a � w4NM w�; "" l d $ „. M layer of 66x wwM per ACI 315. ". to %„ (•' v . „ WhImum ref nforc(mo steel cover shall Vie. r r . 1a : r R, 6" compooted time- j ray jr� J* y* - Concrete cast mealmst earth - 3" Y. 'r r. ; `. - 12 darnparoted tlrr9d 1 x .A-ti , i.„,+ V 14 c ! e W°° °- �'ddk eubgtada t'�" - rook subgrada„- - All other cast -in place concrete - 2" 1} _ iw �` �' '; ` l ° r uiCd(m slab shall be ro" - 40001 1 F$srmesh reinforced concrete w/ G&GO wwnl ilea$ shall be Shall be lm accordance wi Chapter i of :tl r 01 4)fPedhd drain Ghannat C"`1 1.:,. `JL �� w n r ", 8 w. +`r a <F i ^ > > a n aQ catch booth � / 0' u � �n I ¢ z w. _ r x r r ac�o psi on .010 pnlyethylame vapor barrier over treated, compacted clean sand ,ill, ACI- 16, i a minimum splice F 8 bar diameters, l aTariia dray, «,oh 80 rVc �' - < < "� �? paaemanw wJ x wwM �A f ( 9 agw F • r NF r . � f r�, #F+dht+ mot rrith �"C�'y Yj{� r. �.v �'" ^ splices ( mlh. "all around n Comtral 'cimts shall ba blade (m $l J to control 4 „ for Clwalls /1 #5 vertical -1C base la J Cuts shall ba 1/ mold x 11I4 °ru-,,"" .w I( Eckvb�arad W r i - r 40?0 pet comoretei NOTE, r'a4�em ht to truck well to be 10", shrinks a cracks, r 4600 pal oomorste wr #5 mbar 01 o/c for 12 CMII wall$ (2) # s vertical 16 base leg deep lm ocatl'oms showm on Fouhdatfon Flom, 5 0 &10/c both " :' r both way$ top & bottom over 12 limerook (` " dim [ z_ ' wAys Alt' Aroaind t r „"i" Sr'�}£,: yea are,9 k1P.,'i>'S ..y •,'�- rn1n.1"�" Qr paetad 1'1 i'1 1"` * 1 1 h l R t " 1# c ° l rctc i1 Tramsuorse cuts shall be made along $lab along per 5rte mg. r $lab fo[[owlmg direction of pour, longitudlnal cut$ tmoraak bubgrad m �-'�''"----'T `shad compresslvc strength of concrete used for foumdns, atiaslab$ other comstruetlon' to foElow after all tram$verse clot$ are completed, e {r "test cuts to be made fret! 3 hours after comple�tloh �' n 3ccno[tr'aln - Merles 12 12 doped drWafrl $ystarrl w1A�A Campl(ant shall be te�tad per AaT�I CW� A minimum of cma fast ppar each 100 cubic yards�pplac d of pour, NOTE: All fralme$a. gratae$ related hardware bolt down grate _ 1 2 w1[?l - Ai A - [ 0 an one dAY shall be, ccmductad, Obtaim three "x 12" cyllmd� rs lm accordance A l M Cal 2, �� OF 8 '" y TM C 31. a$t o 1a c !(matt # 7 d $after our, two mare C 28 da °s after clar If m000ceate pieces come loose, wa 5 •o Sheet p galvanl d (1i0 ), mASi T M w 525 lamed ratingr cure er A y e y p p s� - " r`.: 1 � _m stall bit optional 1(mi$h hot dip - w _ p for nf€t trial out, Trench dralm system available via direct order: for apcep%Amca, l ,� ' ' T-1 onoi�ralm� - "` x " 4 " catch b ain wl At PA Trench drain 6 om hat �e colrlplde _ » I l ulti-Pr�tlrr 5ystemrie " (704) 506-1010 an l r1 ofmt fflicr - 1KA [Wur-5a GA �`, ��1�lll°l�t Neenah F�urldr`Y , 499tJ-hlX HD+�' Type fn accorl��nce with lnl.��retlaer � � � , ARoc- e ,r ,l cast it i, r to f jc tlon� l In t l6i tti t In trl tl n , 1405 lmdu$trial Price, Statesvjlld, NC 25 �rrrl- xtbl epoxy control joint rein ( 1 . � Www,mu1'tfl0l'r8jm$Ystl;msroorrl JUL 21 2021. 1,3 _i - r — - I -1 - -1 • �(m1i� Isar � m _....,,_. - I • a u�w° �yt " e e e e e , e l:.l. ♦. El z . e 1 • . . ♦ I e, h 21.3C 4Qatl alaoncrato hiaGa � C? /�jj�� 2f�, 14' Oil C155 wall 11 itl•"` CC36 wal4 ... 5 �.' / — -- -- -.._ m..----_..,,, wwof :Ao .sA.e a mlVww!•n west teat ��e � � �'�e � e � � f..W. Ir�Mfw" II It 1 Il to of rate w- 1� " "' a� "- " 22! 14 CJ " 1, p g 21.00' _ A/C I A/C i 21-0� 24" >� 24 x 42 deo 42 l.p oast-In-plaaa 12 trench drain w/ ACJA grate , I I a+lstln lAGecatc, b gin a ar' o: Corn 2 1 Carl .1 I p' .,� —� rt --~'"` [(near slaps hatwaah end alaywlana tap of orate C ;ta1 p' i p tap of grate ,,j IIII lI�I— r _a.VJ �T ^_ -3I a slope 12" APSto catch bsoln v I'*,* ._a_ _ rta__ _».. ___- _r_ - r- _ a, 2Q l � 12 __a m __ _� :.,: W odeMBVEn Dnaarin rCan,s _ ar _a__r___ar_a _a__a__ _ _-----__--_tar--- - a__ a__-_ -_ � �"' Y'�- aClndardmr�rn 2T.21t� _ a r _ _ ___ __r l r g -a--/ - yr� ( ` g for insl ailat cn datalg' `�- 1`� i 5i-3 (�Y) 4°' % 1�7"'' x 24" 1 I ' .-o. a.w. wow. ,.rasa aam. «an <aMw I dock burn ers ! J ! f L"r ♦ It I y� ! $ CC _ _ 1 I r —_ _ .0 .a asr r..,.__,q_ , r_._+u _._r,__—r._. a,,,s r.,a,,,__ art_re,n •,a_ +,aa s, s.u...s_r a,u »�. ,w e,q_ a _ _ ra_ __ r___rt____ _ _ a__r _a_a __ __r r rt_ ,._ e ay st n baltardffi r___-___ __+., ., _ .. .. ., - - i i aft Gall , ! .,�,_ � y to I „T ,�.' -sea ba w as -� 19,30» 7 5/6 widelevelcurb along adee of retainlma Wall �%. q 6" x 1 ,1 x Ihll q 1 ' III tM 2V ' mat ga / dock bunaparg pavement a"-t'} t^2C? W f 19 a LF 12"" wide 1�a°'thiCkx O"w(da traffic rated [ranch -grata thlokanad,odes of u--L_,I _�__u_a_ ' l 410 : �: ' 6l o C p slab w/ #5's 0 &" c/o ° ! , tap I& bottom i 301 0. It ° !35 � grata slaw, 4 C,� ! '..� � M1C7• 2-4" x 561t deep oil across%. ; wo to catch baslm { �r for pumpE �-- 21.30 ! w/ 2 f(Gx hoes to 20. 5 1i { dlschar a lima ua U _.I I..___ 11. 51F5 wide aurb I a Iruakw�sllslab_air_,a_;_a___ I g 17.tr;, i :f` F18 flow lima _a its'" thick. (P ht broom ffnlgh , 4q�?C? Gsa o °w Interior floor cfavotton ° 20,50 p2p cohcr rl a ab w/ double layer of # __ 21 b 193 dg12"a/obCthwayg-axtandto 5a _,-r--la_ __ _ p19 ll .64 l ,,, _ e a-__a__a(21,355)_.r_r 2-- - wa--=w---�� i icMding dank wall i i i 4 l °! fop a p(r ttlp d per" L----_ --- _ _a__m____r_rt__ rasa _ -__ ---m-----»_r_a_ _.,_ ----- - "r--`---------- -a- -_ -----------a-a _- » ------------ I'll- °, _ y ,- .-- I17 I I F' '.r ''A' ', F r r i' r. r A I e a'. . f'• R. �, r r e e r r a t:J U . r J r rl ' r i 23eV4/ 6a x el thrUwwall �11 �" �r1 __-__--a-aa-_---_a_-- r_ _--a_w____---a-a__-r__a-_---_..___-a_--_a____ a ---_---- SCHEDULE aO rV'C ! � � goad ar eu slab lave x J �- J p p I If buildfng boyond rar_aaaaa_____a_ , ---- .- _ _ pion �b 0 ___a__ _»__a _________»__a____a_____ -- d(echare l(nc°'-' tap of wall fllied catllsabove w/ 1 i (2) #3 olawels - 20" reveree discharge pro,jeotlon Above Blab dfrootlon direct to „ ,,,.,. \ retentfoh area astna Ni columtyl ...... .......................... Truck VV e 1 i aawapy column C� „ • „„ .. -;--" bGyomd Mlles 1/A II 11 III 1 1/2" die alum] I hamdrolls both ; bulldlmg wall downspout sides ; beyondd , ,, „ . . CII CC5 wrn „ .. ................ �II CC�a wirn • r P aanrcal as .. wail'bG o wall b on _ _ _ 2`"hta 1 1 �, Ni i 1 U ht. C55 stub -wall g �, a � I � 1 � uardrall •' r � �,?, ,�. , conarlatsfglad 8r" x 1/4't = (; l 1/Cz" CI°r5 stul2 i —: _ i i i 1 dlomatertubestool II wall a' ulldin In building beyond 21 3 i o - x. ry p� : g i drivawa level ' ' l I i ' e bollard atntwF 20-96 II • 11-,------------__a _ a *r-__ � , _r-----_------ma --»a_ _, a_ r�, _ a -a_. °9 u u I l I?Gyand WI 11 „ ., ..,. 1 i S- a} tkustaldun /k8r44 _ u . ' 11 a .!. ' ;. ,. ' ' I 1 Gw • ., ,.: ....— N ---• ,. -.tl.. I, / epoxy safety allow ....:.... . ..... ,.... ,..., „ ,. ,,.. � am».. r _rM�r :��.. -- :��.._ •aa-rr-- ," a +.r_d.:,..:,r a--rrm .rim,::r':rd.a'm-a mra rrarrmr r- Willi yY WTM,nrw,_unm _a_MMr:r, w,wnma,wmmr_- rtM li FIL , __rr_mrr 0 LF 4R✓q o r_. __,. «• �,...• �13 L�` 4;7°% 1Q thick. II ht broom finlalw a 4CJC�0 ffii ,` ,1 u gQ (� 1 1� conareta BIMb w/doubts layer of #5 a ^/y rty4 J� µ ' ` � l l 1 .�' :a •.:•.'J•. .�.-.•,aa, 012 a/c both wayG r � � � 24" dig. oonaretG sk ; t gratoelov' 6 fr (2)#4x It d 1 d'rr m 1 I c a, „ d &4oeFRe Y!wyem.N. 4• -r , a 16 tMlak x in wide + m� �- J _ //w/y k , I ,�,w.�p ��q/��p » thrwgtoaltwbe rm 1aa 1 n r C Q A w "4wMww r+i,:.. '.3• ..5 :. :, I C— W Ld" / , J /� It I 11 (mod " I. _,4.,,,,_,, thlakanadodgaofll 12 compacted'. .-.•..M.a, _ LJ Vr+"' I +,/' glob w/ # o a 8 0/0 19,30 i ' 1�4 l(rnaroak base ., Q •.. b� 'lop & bottom � e coo sap,p h n c slope stucco a away smooth stucco stucco Safe[ Pattern p an G55 wall slope to roar ( 5tanat( all aarass loading dock odga 36"" ,high Alumin em fanco ' ^ a fram truck well " ' 61 of Oullding , ,t a r a product' itust gloum AS-31Cgt? 5ysti w/ Pickets a / s_ r+ . 1 1 0 5 6 1 0, p k g o>a install s / u Q filled boom I butldtn horn, „ rotyamine Convartad Epoxy » Anti- Michgg�ototirs south. All wall "` r 1� oauraa of namfnal r g a treads 011 each hers >>>>> 5tip" floor costfms - Color #AW44 66 LF - start 24" i from each and � a-_ .. tin lock w/ (1) #5 + -' wait projecttan - m v,. proyectlon 5afaty'Yellaw" m, sg 1 #5(1) #5 � fA2 8 0/0 mammal I"'J x 5' 1 zaaft 21/2'" ee' r�r�i I I" butldtn .wall - 2 aalursos of narnP al ° x 1 CMr! fn half 1 U aaeamaax r «e °. " 23.3 w! 12" horz, top a A "I I a Nn running band i all as t #5"ffi alohait 0 x AA x i6 GMu wi #B dawela r. *5 dowels W 2 b o/c - to a/o, •#5 in to course, all calls fill" o 'filled Dolls w/ 1 R2" hl alum guard t0 of wall top of wall a ° 1 It p p b u 1 NO Way plastic p 6 , 4tltl0 waf cons, slab w/ rrdn: t3 abawa curb wl4C1C3C1 psi vonarate a (1)#5vartFd 1 rellwrlpiokotam4"olc ahainacroaaloadng I.a76� '�12'IthlG�C,40<�C3 eioanCr4ta 6x 6WYNMontra#ted d a ;il 5 dowels to 1 r- n ,, ES/8 wide level owrb slang , bs 1 brsoWtowallwlmin. dock dock level w ', retsitil g wall w/ # vertical aampaotad alaan sand fill ;'u oritiro north ramp odga t rg II fasting I , ;.• 0 2 $ olc & #5 6 horizontal slope away �u 20.60 , 21eia 1 11/2" Clearatandoff 101weep-scrood i OVr "round bars 1a d' �12°`a/C fram, odga � ""l slope*WAYfrom °° 2" above slab ° ale a 110 KgO1 11/2" die, wgldad a6un+< t/ S harz„ a." 1.3 p. desk edge 12 top of +gate � p, FFE a0 °4 a i p hendratl & wprights �P 12 ale ox , 10(ht ax t R :M vw Aa', of t�, r• A' J.r1 3 J,. top of fist 1" �aa---- w4, MndY ma ,amm , . � I all era p � 11'I du **of i II 1 II tt ° ,aJ ,„._._,...a, "dly* sue,-.a,.4 all �,+�' a. 1 eF '6.'^ q}•w, '.A%rk a:'N'. for • q Y °I i ' i 0 �_a.r' w A eaoh ♦.. ' , , ,.. a r as + /,°I ,r`• el,, + . 'a , ." b °. �•T w.wv,. d°`' � • • •�'y ;-a:G,N 9^ :r°; "r . r', e r 3 a ,.✓ J' A , } a' LL 11 II YI i • � a^ • •' J •" y f. , �*r 'i ±{te� a _ _ a y yy�F �1 jL .. • , Y'r . .. • • /j R // \. • , I.. t ,J %' f a ,,( / /.. T^','•x ^ TW,. . . F.•ecgr Mao, .,.^,..,•,•. .. /// / ;..' b b O `al a1 WI A • .^..•.a , �' x,.i..J ,•'� \ /' w' .k'.•. •.• ',• r*;. .+Mf,t,. a "i "°'.r "'} . a" 3 e w XaX..: 1".( "'y �. N 9 K . f. �.L��: • • , • ,' � •k roadway vr"r�.+«.w. , : • p 1i �\ , J . J'jll° \\' . + . e e '4 r. '�' ..... p Niq 1 r ry ''9. pavamont M 5 a• a.IfA, .`r`di, \l�.F�/� \ .,,..,°�J',\"rl/,/F:J".r. �.✓,X/s'�J.': ` \ i�. . A,' %1ia N1 daGkYU rawi ty °, ° l l r •a �/e an leg '\ X. ° isG n id i. 'Y /F /' i ,� \ /� .✓. < ,/ a. ,/ sr r b x 1 V 6 "I iia �\ �t\ Sf 41 �Ir' //"✓. ' ' `' J` ! �.. ✓ lb"b!6 > E ttadHoad sits °ach 5 1/2 a t n oa I "frequired „r.ty p Xs /rr' S2 0/0 •.'f�, a � ,r✓ �r ' �." � �*,,fi°m �� � ,• , r a - �fr , #a. a c/o NOTE,�indrR�ff i yF X 12 trench ./ ,'\ / • . - V" ,.141... �i'.. keyway all Alan. /'t iGatq' F X , i', JR a \, •q F•' \. `�^��. r'R, a a.; •a' ,/. J.t�t`.ly, � ,e,m. " i, r: .r, 11�.'e ,Xr,X Oy �'` ®(Yp / •^.'r. al '"/% R ,gMl .^ �� � `� � 1tY \.t �� � .4 , .l r ASdNvloffi1E o/aFr>In,3x drain b and al: \ dr n ?r ozz aY rt' for 51"H sides of stair 17.C1 1 slurry at f « • r!/. �" 3" `` , aw m iW rw '\a `\ 3. 1 ; •, �, , • #4 arose bars ,.,_,,.•„.,„,,_ � ro aatlon above rallndaifan ,, ar: /1 lux y co o XypaM ✓ \, ; . °,t %for � .•�%/i, �r'',r �,i"✓� ,J�/✓, ��/� /i .'''a-" � " r'• '..a r water raafin r'�° �. , e : JUdlx° f,,+: rX fX r/ ,/ E/ <�3 F, `4.'. a a`. •r r. p ® `�. Varies %/, , p. ] /� , , Mom, 14 M /a ,�, ,,,..� two nmw ,w�e•,:� ,uxu.e wewv wMm wou w+kw rww .axr. mar, ..way w amb. was c+am saw a.tin ,»ww .ww �pwy, " fff////// f ,0'/�jF/ \ \ (///f/f// �xt'� J///ff♦ \\'� A'//,If/ ffJJ// , •JY % \ I``J X/ .,. //.!/X'r /\ 5. T,r.'iF•• J" °r'^'` p' 17.4 y r/� .' . a P ,51 O all across 1 10 i Q \ \ 1�.•; •» :E 2611M6 .Inal. / j. 5 V .r•. ill.. a ./.r t^'M A\'\\ \\\ '.'1M a,. �pr�pQ' tap of Ft'g, �� A ^.x . • 7r64 .'''�a /f, C19 �4 too t : rb °/ ,r top of 'pit ,"J'.,I'3 .� °�__--" �`',:\ •„° J•• ,. M 0" - ate en t to of Ft A'• ,'\�'\\,. .. p 9• _ ,I r:\`'�\\, AAtrHTa 9a Hg2Ps 0r I s h p t$ \ a� !%, �r + }. •li' ix� 4F i.1(.i' psi aanarete . r . .'+ ''j r\ 4` 'also. a . ew e1°�3 �n'a ,►'A °F m °/ , " ^ •✓ �/ 4 aCxna°ec-tw--- \ \ ,,«� ..%«t!•dr•' .11. """R: 6T-1 �` % N,,N {{ /l •� t J e a r x' a• r° r` 3 J \+ a_ rt , y� r •.il•• `1'•' ill •.! .II!• , / m °"r:., -". •'�• •r'' a a w ar " �a,' ' as ieTanold-I +an _ n ¢:;{ t°i 4�k'` ', �+`•. , a' M3 ,may ,y ce / ,^1, .,;•' ',,, is �\ � / �wei' •�t- gip. �p ,�'/ ', >r r"'>h=�" Jrft,r'y3.3�``.`, �, `\\ Construction '{ •�t'r � �. �� �''•e'j1.. �!l ,_ '�'`•: elaWNx pl a:'. .P:�.i, ,.a wa.,..w:pd.> .A'.J.e.r'r \1n � �wy.•et«},k>f•' f' n S', �. \. ewi 4 U ♦ �� � ,' i ,V L ' F G � i" •+P r ' <'., "a `wr x r'A" /i �lr r; 'Yq•S.aiyr�i•tl.. rk e. • '�`., , r'"4'9'. i';iF , 1"s ''? : ir:°fi ."SF. A' •::. "�:11':" •:'; .J. ...:�.r: \ Xc � E .,, u magrlt Area �7h1 p / O , ,a•. ,�I� a / toClr friar # M Chi valve - Sl a / 1 Chock ate //. \ � / ••M •wit ` 'w` , w r}a`I�• Al +•.r '';la ^'jI` (� �,{�g jl�tO`l' fn s1,,iy��,yi ,yl �r a I V l �I ," Fe n L area) \ r1 2 compacted lima "t� p c, 6 "ACiCGr� pai an mih 4 •2 dt;M, ftaxtble discharge hose � l X,�\ �� � •" 'ar • c �� „ a �. [slab w/ \/✓✓ // y ar . raak base course "� 4 p. w/ 2 NWTthreaed aannaotars each and •X/ 'X. rX " °'.' . t f sl under rem 66x66 1M1/W tv1 pn [taxis Goal It p4 Ypc p) q connpaictoolI clalwn Matnl rill 1" soli-levollhg grout in 16" x Is" x 51/2" � � � �� ` "d1 cast fn recess in bottom of catch basin y'' 31 61aan15 reinforaemamt i a'. z'I Soh 8o tool ellocharge l - - calrrpaotedfltl ; n n vA &keywayffi C/1.1 t' lfna to retantton area (j 21/211x6"aaetrecesstnsteps gat % basin ,our mrea �okrra Waw"A:' NOTE:ElGctrlcal upp(y handrail posts w/ EM60 expandfhe .`\ `� • #5 0 pa" a/a bat � " � � grout \\i `� w milsrounb to pump hot shown �. w. maw, a.a """"l ww saw we ,ww ww w a wr as awe w, d- . c 'related hardware r5/!� WaCC cc lc rl `ruck W CC Crane 5cci 11111`1'0 E onoDr'alrl Products 9hallbeap`rFimaii&ilil�sf,htdip gslvali(RIDO) C.oa hie Dock cotiom 1/2"�1"�I° � L«a dfrl Dock r utidfni ectfo� 1/ "t�,1III 1/ ,t jr _ r ,� a1 _ !° T pock burr ersm ULf rle H-15a5 � -1 X ex "Concentrate" comentft(aus cr stalir►o g pump tarfcls 12, 12 Eloped dralfm ylstcrlrl w/ADA a 1 p p y 2 5T 3 C� Load(n dock a ector um ftc�ralnar Pit Bose 1172V Trr✓nch 120 volt dew tering pump, "dlecharge wl optional check ampp�lf tit belt down orate a � C -1 -�G�1 A17 , - H t Imeli w/ (4)1/ 11 x 6" HDO KedHoad bale concrete waterprooffn� c AAS Ii'4 M506-fool load ratfm Depth -112" to 12 1/ ,"" 1 n a 2eW lbl per a�, yard brush applfcat(on of valve, AvallaHo from Amazon or 5fte brattier Pumps, p pence - tpecKi Mf je Storrs Corrirnarcta( -1/16" slurry coat co rye 16 5eba6o Street, Clifton, NJ, Ecomopralfm m 24" x 24"` x 30'I catch l Ioslf h w/ ADA 3-ra(l deel r1 pre-ffhl�hcdA 61t�51.5 alumlriurn •o con Ilan[ Nccm�h oum!dr # y49 1�-HX HpC Type "' hi x 6t` sect(ome - Color - black - Mix arts powder to one part pat ble water (W) 726-2060 eitedra(ncr,com a1 la p y y fa Ava(loble from Coattaf Conatructfon Products, Qrlando 0 ca1s1< from grate From Pence Depot ( O) 760-5170; felico dopotacom 5U511. 5 McLeod Ind. ,Orlando, l"lM 3611, (4C►?} 49-1717 AF ................ ..........I.... ..... ..... „ .:,.... ,. „ . uJ 1, tM M.aa •4a1 'rAls *a,wl ".4 w.IF Ewa, "tom JUL 21 ZOZ1 l:i svue��ei iar ��� cast roll -up door II Aic ' I I Comp 2 I I� `I I �_II A/C T—___T_r---70 0F HFI 1 --- ----- __ --- — 1__ _-1----� _ 1 _1____�___ I I 1 'I !: I ! I! T I � 111i o o ! I ! ! 11 Ii L-----1----_1 --- ___.:__l_ 1 OH fam OH fan 43 1 I` ! tl i f l � n� •° y°- i 1 , ILIL g S rfo, LV power & control (fries I1 N O 11F, 11 O - i 21 U ?A - h •' - a fm -12" X. Gohlferef�lce/bfoplay 3' , 1 l''_ Wit =_ _ 1 L ri J yl L L J.x,1 1 1� 1t' relocate izA duct in room'o 12" x 36" 12 x 22" r,A 607 ofm 14" dfa.-_ _w,a 1 r-� Logy : > x 10' 4 ''r - linear grille Ilk l^r-P7`�-l�r'r-rr^,-rr-r^r?"r-r-,Tr^r'r�rT-r-Y-r "1^rT ^r 7' r r-rTrr-r-, -cYrTr r7r >• _ " rr relocate XAi r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r, t r r r r r r r r r f r r r r r r r f. r r+ r r r r r r r r r r r r -r r r - r 'r LJr Srrr Li J..4JL�r L.r-Lt Jrrrd Jr L.Lrl.-L.j,-yL3-. r_.L-r_L1J-L.L rr_�j_(�L1,_L.}J J,..Li (rI..L.{rfy rlr 7 'tiiT 'C?J (3) S" x 15" ITT duct 9" east 2 / r Y-I YG) P_I ..+ �x�+ 02 cfm each 12" d(a. \. 14" dia. ? �^7-7-r-.� 1rf r�-t-7-rr,..,..f�rl Tr.. rr.�,.t _rrT.rr,r i'�••i?:r 'i''?+.�'r..r i.. r.7 R.r� T3_r T`r^i'i ^� r'}'rT rrT rrr r7`r^?"•'t^r-•r't'rTR^l`r t-r4-tfr Trr.`7' rr T"i.Tr. - .I I MI f11MUM YCf1"Gf l,OVOft P,.A'tCO Prom FSC "M�ch" 2017 ` T�bl� 403.3.1.1 5paoc Net Area (5F) SF/Person # P / Ffxt CFM Each kcut'd. O.A. .06 /5F Inlet Exhaust Lab by 009 100 IS 5 30 35 Conference/Disp ay* 6a4 33 21 5 105 41 . 5reak 12.00m 180 20 9 5 45 11 $ales/Office - 2nd Fir. 2415 200 12 5 60 145 iZcstroams * 5 70 350 Tout€ 240 232 Total EXU 1 & 2 Warehouse/5hlppfng un-aonditloned space 12800 7F8 EP-2 800 101.�"a lntermfttan-t operation, not cncludeci in total V* c till TOx31" up (supply) dry -well up to min(- split AHU s It II 11 if m� 24" x 24" 131 cfrn �`` rig &control • - __ lfnes runthru bar-_}}oiste, up rf'o lines up In wall 24" x 24" KA to AHU-1 & 2' to mint -split AHU s/ 150 of in Mech. room up to bar- 12" x 26" joist space_` — 211 x 30 up (recur ri) (2) 3/4" PVC cond. drafn-- m (4) v FVC up to cefl(Me up to H-splft AHU's �- thru floor to Mcch lZm. A �— (2) v PVC cone. drain dry -well --- from each AHU 11 e_ t� ScaEtm - r` = �` DIt . r, an (supply) C q 94 Of See Sheet M-2 for Moch Room Details �� U � L43 r� S_ � 43 L L U Q .h P < r to to Cq L �M NLa t. rw t t1 V ,s � r q 1 •rr>i MAY 2 4 2021 v wait mounted tankleos water hooter A5551070 compitant external temperature control 'valve tempered hat _ _ _ Winter sWpply pre"(nsulated AouarEX hot water lunicln$ diatributtan lsolattoh valve$ 5amltary L f ry ripe l7 eMAX, D(st, Size Petgat Try a Vent 11 1/4If 11 4 1/PR Fi Prom PAC-P 2�717 - T�ble� "r�,1, ��1� p,�✓y R X 6w a W p r Soh 80 f'VC i�t to SLC eanftary cvi $trvtrrt ` FT7 ERA 2 gallon thermal expansion chamber 2'4" V Z_—.1--lead-free 50 A `'p±p p A NEMA17iType M rlgld copper w/ atnte Weer heater $halt b,e; blWe A ur X eWppty 9l2" cold tefbel-Eltroh DHCµ. water supply 12"TLC 12 KIN tartik- C ' � f waterE11heater loll w/ wl �, 70 valve kit 1/2" x 5" roots for threshold Salsa " 1" PEX wator supply in wall from alai below., OE 23 _._ f. r 11121, rvC in watts \ AM ►f11 �' k, 1, 0 - ___-^ 0 f i I I FpAA I o EWC w v air lnlat ' ttt���JJJ ,r valve enelaead �.. 3" PVC VTR up chair lift to 2nd floor 11/2" Pvc in wall to Lev III urinal 11/2" loop in barJoloto 3" rVC to WC - �''"a" PVC 41,PvC x ..,.v , .a PVC 11/21, PVC ° I 3" PVC N, 21, r'VC in floor to i av w( to WC to moEdod air In valve '1 112 "+ map sink Ire f y e "K Cudomestic Ytoatf0 1° domestic water i l l/2" PVC \ ; t(t p supply up to EMean. I to sink water supply uldor slab ! room o C" F r c V4 Molded mop efnk 251414 261 a '1 -i CIL I� ijJijJ u E 4 ILI, XMA 0L � as i fbox0 )�� of L, 0 1,u Z XLxy qt lk it i II 7 ° s q;SP dos, stool ad o of,-" see I ?or En In 0 rrng siopa 1,. drywal ( _ _ 51 {? �. r 1 bollard$ pavement drawings far E;4� da rlelle r 1 , p water our ply � _ 52 9 24" x 24" x 42" doe � u i, it 23'a /A 111/aF" ra gy10 ° , cast -In «plats catc bapin (y 111/411 22' 3/ ,r e 3` 18 V " 2C+ Q +' 140 0 ., 22' 1e Apt tea i3 oh baalM (sap Mpy, En lnoorfng Plans Ri Ua is 150 W or for Instalist�am data a � i 6F 6 6 6 0 r'>zX potabls water c tstrlbut(on ehalU be manufactured by S fj Uponor P MIdtng SystemsF • $U l I In '"A uaP"EX" rVa crossltnked En 1e-method pp y p p � - � , � to FrtJA dameet{c X "vTi A Ttv1 F-Wro'Stalndard $ectftoatlan for Crass"linked Poi HammHood er ore water p y- water aervlcd ethylene rips" (rgx), seml-flextble pipe, sizes per rlans, hamrratr artstor � air Inlot valve P Cola supply AdjuaF°EX GlrrGed blue , stzeIper rlalnsI shut - " � walls PVC to shut-off � /�• pax under � � walla to Lava h�tet supply, 1/2"' pre"(rlsu{ated AgWarEX. 34, water 3/ 'lead', free Tub(rvg ccnnactians - P't�PTEX Er (engtneercd polymer, non- slae supply a!r inlet valve motor ate, oMaok valve <1" w ash �a rYC 11/2" PYa�"'" �` meta(dtcl fitting$ per A aTIYI F-1c�. to %C ssmtary loop ( - MantfoW dletributtorn & water heater valves shmh be Uponor " , 3/A'" rEX aarvtao lse PYC to , �) 3/4" ov H & C e,, each WC p t P X full -pert lead-free pcsta6la water ball valves, flop valves shall Fie Uporor FK01'EX lead-free„ size per Man. baakflow d l tf9V RIP 11/21' PYG - ProvWfo Fltr band & 90° drop supports. size to match supply prauontor "- support to alit, efnk- y f p p.n{ 411 PycP__ 3" rye up to 2nd Floor ` Hot eU ! rrill dlameGer� above below l b r (llsul led A l P 1" Fox under +, , . p� y l » ..,�,. �, » ,�..» � p �,�,> � �, "� B {a) 31�F load- 12 t3Y s 411 PVC -�"- 11/21, Pvc � Protect PEX piping where it enter$ & exlte elab with DPPE pine wrap.lit LOWY .At S scab supply � tree bait values ! ri � , Wc's a >.a,�'s air lnlat 116 fronds to 1" main �"' 9 valve #x e)��I!1/211pyclhw*ll r,«��y } s l� r building ouppty shutoff valve 1" FEX uo < t i Lao L ri T I c ! E 4� ! , .�. in wall fr 1 i/2" PYC in wall '. ° 1 rex under, 3/aF rEX t ^"` sold liras 3/4" FEX Ik10 toUNinal ela,b supply Tarktosd water heater - see abava i/2" PEX 1/2 rEX . ", »* sold water llrre „ r Uponor 1" x 4 3/4" Er flow• Ma water lines " r` 2" ?VC to wail �) 5/4" rdd- loading „ ,,. � thru multi port manSfeld � �, Gta��Proe rvG s 3" PYC t� Uponor 1/2" x (3) WWI Er multi ^m 1r2'" G3V's a oak vs va head eat, ad �yt o urinal, WC `+. 3" PVC to port too P"I.UM151NO NOTES 9t✓' PRP & Loy 3/�i'EX 3/41 NEx shoos dbek " WC Uponar l/2" x 2)1/2" EP multi- r1urrlKh s stern shall meet all r ulroments of the F13r 2020 FlumWm Code, �� sear rVC to stir inlet ( 0 y g suprort �" c valve port tie g ardllosal ru(remapnts, ravldc all Permits and Inepoatlans as required, under slabv 11/2 rvC leap - �i r" IBC i }IZ PYC P"laattc en MOA sold -water dlstrtb>,ltttn Verfy laCalitait of sailftAr autfall 5/41' *Y In $err Joists + to EWWC valve alone - wall mount shave manifold a 1/2" ("la 's 0 Material* counter dirk in wa rYC "" „ Plastic angravall hot-water yo manjf old 1> 5anitar waste - Py C / to wal 2 PVC trap it valve al ns wall min ant above mpnlfold g flecN to molded � ,�, l3alow grade supply At�St� to elm 2" CYC " mop oink 5. Akrove ,re duppty- UrOW0 Aquas" M Mat dtrnl�laxibla pipe with 1/2" Wo a & C PVC trop,im e i non-rnatol to connections. awC &l sv 311#1 Mx 1/2" v oorto rnarailod North Hose 131bb Shutoff 4, Cold supply, AquarEX tinted blua , alzao per Mans. rnop Mink. ' EWC V2" 0V w/ voouum �. 1/2" Ovid w/vacuum brosker 0 molded "Dultding huto'ff " mop detnk molded rrrap sink nor �veydy rla tic Valve, T`A 5 (�(f fillrMt,iM 1Z 11 511 C im 3 x � ) V it iP V v v v Q v Vy v v i7 Ci C7 © © 0 v I I I ! I t i i 1 i •• 11, [ I t I i I is roll Gotifof ehGe - �J /" \V.. 10141, -- —.—_----.-----«------.--------- _ --- _—r— ««_r«--..—_-------- _ ._nr.nrr-- ----- --r_ _ —� A• r---- _-- r-......_r «_L-4__-...-._•.-_... _;. _--__--_.. .4 . r«_r-........-_--.... _ _-_ -r r.__rr --.. -. __r-_- -_ - - - -- _ _ -_ __ �- _ -___- _--_ -- - ••- I - ,� .- _ r r-i r i 1 .i ►. I«�rY -------------- Lit, I 1 i i 1 I i I I I I I i 1 I i I 1------------------------------------------------' EF iCvcrh,+iy .f J Scale - 1/4" = 1' O" OH fire sprfnk(er lfncs I W `4JA 03 0 U U d o s a 0 � o i 0 V IL S— go ID �1 A . < < 1ID � � N IL i t i ,Yy i W V•. l J