HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application AIfAPPLICABLE INFO,MUST'BE:COiUIP WR APPLICATION Tt)_BE ACCEPTED Pe�mlt:'N'umber Building Por_m�t:kA1plication P/on t7ng arrd'Devel..opMent Services- . Suildingnnd;�odeRegulatron-Orvision; CQr1rIt71ErfCl�i R251d.�t7f181 _ _ 23oo V400id Avenue,;,Pbrt,Pierce Pt°34982: Phone (772),462-1553 ePja x (77Z)'4,62=1578 PE R MI.TAPPLICATIQN FOR: PRQPOSEt3lt�%IP.R01lEMENT Address. 25500 MINUTE MAID,RQ Property Tax,ID M 1112441,:Om01=000-9` Site Pian Name:: BlockN" t�roiect Name:,A2P0251 S - QETAILE@ !}ESCRIPTIQt <OF 1NORK ;, 9 . ,e Mod' ,IY xistin communications e'61 ment � tele - CA2P0251.S) Ground Work a New;Electrical Meter Second`ElectricaI'M.eter COIISTRUGTiON;IiVFQFtMATION, 4' r. ....v.,. . Y ... Additional.worklo=bel performed; under this permit—check all'that apply: _ Wo /DaMechanical —.,Gas Tank Shutters dwrs _PondP ' _ Electric' Plumbing _Sprinklers _Generator Roof Pitch �. Tota)Sq,Ft of Construction.. StI: Ft:of First"Flooe,; Cost of Construction:.$:1`2-9W00 Utilities: _Sewe.r _Septic Boding Height:;: rINNERJLESSEE• x ,` t CQNTRA4TQR, Nanie•Gree010r0ves and Ranch`Ltd. Name:SteVe Nichols Address.2075.38th'Ave Company:Ericsson,,lnc` Clty:Vero$ea h Stater_ Address POO�Legac ,Drive. [ode._329.60' Fak:- Gty_Piano: StMeJX s , ,Phone-No.954-44472822 Zip Code 7504: Fax: barl.simon tower uest.corri. 352.44q-1241' { E Mail: @ . ... q Phone No stevenichols ericsson com Fill in""fee simple Title�Holder:on next page,(if diff..eren E-Ntail @ . . _. . . ... from the Owner listed`above) State or CountyLLitenseCGC9518237 . If value of construction;i5 250Q'or more,;a RECORDED Notice"of" f Cemmencement'is:regWred.; If,value of HAVGis.$7,506 or more,a,RECORDED;Notice.ofCoinmenzement is,reguired� BSI.�PPLEM �tt 'A �QNSTRuIQNIEN IwAVU tNFIlM�4T10# :� f f s,� M .DESIGNERJENGINEER:. ._Not Applicable t1tIDRTGAGE,C4MPANY x_Not' plic Name:.5A1Y1En�fleean9 " Name. - ., Address: Address: City: State* Cttyt State:. Zip Phone- zlp, Phone: X Nat Applicable BQND(N..IG IPANY` x,'Not Oplicable FEE-:SIMPLE TITLE.HCtLDER�_ _ . Name; _ Name: Address - Address: City: Clty:. Zip: Rhone;: zlp: Phone: OWNER/'CQNTftACTOR AFFIDV,IT,Applicat+on is'hereby made to.obta+n•a``perrn t"to:do:the;work and instaliat+on;as+ndtcatetl. l certify that no work or+nstaliation,has:commencedprlor to the issuaace,of a°permit. St,Lucie Count�yy makes_no representation that is granting a permit will authorize theve(ni•t-bolder to build the.subjectstructure•.., which is in.confl+ct with an}f applicable:Home,Own6rs Assoc+ation:rules;bylaws.or..and„covenants that may restrict o`r prohlbiGsuch. structure Please consult w+th your Home Qwners.Association and review your:deed for'any restrictions wh+ch may:apply. In consideration;of the granting ofahis.requested.permit,i do hereby,agree that'll will,-in.alt.respects,perform'the work; in accardan wi.h the approved pians;;the Florida:Building Go"des and St.Lucie C, ntyArnendmen ts:. The following building perinitapplications are exempt fr.b undergoing a full cdncurrency rev+ew'room add+t+oris, acm orystructures.swimming;pools,fences,walls;,signs,scieen.raoms.and accessory"uses to.anather,non"residentialause WAR ING TO OWNER:Your failure to Record,a Notice=of Commencement may res6l4' paying twice for provemerits to your property A:Notice;:of Commencecnerit ` ust,t�e. recorded iri the,public records of'St, {u ie County and posted'on the�obste.before the first inspec :Qn:!f you"intend to_abtain:financing,consult ,wi lender�iir•an attorne before cornmenc'in -workror r " r n - our-Notice<of Coni"mencement. Signature caner!lessee/contractor as-Agent f 1Owner Signa r of:Contractor(Ucense Holder .,STATE OF: Rt STATE OF.FLQRIDA 'COUNTY , COUN Sworn to(or affirmed):and subscribed before me:of Sw rn.to(or,;affirmed)'and subscribed before me.of. _Phys+cai Pr ence o O,nline Notarization 'Physical Presence or,-. Oniirie Notatization this, L day o 202Q by this: Z day.of T 4,VOrf S7 ,202t by_ � ��lltlil4l'H7tt/fJ��� . y� . Sleven Nichols Name of person making stko At ane,ofpgrso_ Making statement. Personal( Known PrcydfRy�d ldenUfic � s Personally Known OR Produced Identifica g y Type of identification a Type of Identification, —°�c : � ®o� Produced' = G 986634 Pro uced: oL a �Q S o/ 4c. Z c (Signature°of UaryoPubl oP . � \�\�V (5i natureof NofarY Pu lic-State.of Florida,)0,,'C€smmissian"N1jJr( 81}.11111\> a Gamm+ssiori No: 33`i; {Seal} < � tifi,,. REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS °VEG,ETATIQN SEATURTLE MANGRQ,E GAUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW' REVIEW '"REVIEW . _. ;RATE OttlVM DATE CfJiVIPLETEO - ev.