HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONA看i APPLICABしE INFO MUST BE COMPしぎTED FOR APPし1CATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date:                                  Permit Numbe「: 登記凸凹③肥 『∴巴 ◎ 隠I]匹)徳一一三二一一 Building Permit Application P/。ming ond Devdapme而3ervice5 Bu〃dhg and Cbde Regu/。tion Div応/on Com mercia !      Residentia l XXXXXXXXXXX Z300 Wginia AvenuらFor[ Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 PERMITAPPLICATIONFOR:RE-ROOF PROPOSEDIMPROVEMENTしOCATION:               l Address: 6783 PICANTE CIR. FT. PiERCE, FL 34951 PropertyTax ID #: Site PIan Name: Project Name: 1 306-500-0234-000-6 」ot N0.4 BIock No. 53 DETA!LED DESCR!PTION OF WORK: REMOVE ROOF - REPLACE ROT- 1NSTALL S/A TITANルM PSU-30 UNDERLAYMENT INSTALL 26 GA METAL R○○F SYS丁EM New EiectricaI Mete「      Second ElectricaI Mete「 CONSTRUCT!ON INFORMATION: Additional workto be performed underthis permit-Checka=that appIy: Mechanical Gas Tank Gas Piping Shutters windows/Doors Pond Electric Plumbing   _ Sprinklers Generator Roof TotaI Sq. Ft of Const「uction: Cost of Construction:? Sq. Ft. of Fir§t日oo「: 5/12   pitch Ut冊es: _Sewer _Septic Bu=ding Height: OWN珊/LESS離: CONTRACTOR: し NameEDWARDGEIS Name:JOEBAKER Add「ess:6783PICANTECIR. Company:BIGLAKEROOFING&REPAIRS City:FT.PiERCE           state: Address:2699NW16THBLVD. ZipCode:34951   Fax: C時OKEECHOBEE        state:FL PhoneNo.772-359-0199 ZipCode:34972     Fax:863-763-7662 亡-MaiI: PhoneNo863-763-7663 剛infeesimpieTitieHolderonnextpage(ifdifferent E-MaiIbigiake「OOfjng@yahoo.∞m fromtheOwnerlistedabove) Stateo「Cou=tyLicenseCCCO46939 if vaIue of construction is 2500 or moreI a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required・ lf vaIue of HAVC is $7,500 0r mOre, a RECORDED Notice ofCommencement is required. ∴∴:∴∴∴∴∴:∴:∴:∴∴∴∴:∴∴∴:       ∴ ∴言∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴                 ∴∴∴一書∴∴∴子∴∴∴∴∴∴:∴:∴ ∴∴∴∴∴∴;∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴;∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴ ∴丁子∴;:壮言∴ : :::∴i∴ ∵:∴ ̄i∴ ∴: 十千十:∴:十∴∴:∴丁子∴∴: ∴∴∴∴∴∴∴:∴∴∴∴∵∴∴∴∴∴:∴∴ ∴∴∴∴∴∴∴ ∴∴∴∴:∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴ ∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴ ∴∴:∴∴∴∴∴;∴∴∴::∴∴言∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴∴ ∴∴;∴;∴∴∴∴:∴ DES!GNER/削GiN龍R:  _蛙JVotApplicable MORTGAGECOMPANY: E=NotAppIicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City:               State: City:                State: Zip:  Phone         点 Zip:  Phone:        ヘム 醒SiMPしETITしEHOしDER:xpOtApplicabIe Name: BONDiNGCOMPANY:  ENotApplicabIe Name: Address: Address: City: City: Zip:      Phone: Zip:     Phone: OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDViT: Application i§ hereby made to obtain a pe「mit to do the work and insta=ation as indicated. 1 certify that no work or insta看iation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. 薫龍三蒜態薗詣諦醗謙譲憲鵠認諾認諾蒜瑞隷謙競鵠鵠龍h in consideration ofthe granting of this requested permit, l do hereby ag「ee that l wi町n a= respects, Pe「fo「m the work in accordance with the approved pIans, the FIorida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments, The foIIowing bu脚ng permit appIications ∂re eXemPt from unde「going a fuli concur「ency review: rOOm additions, accessory structures, SWimming pooIs, fences, Wa=s, Signs, SCreen rOOmS and accesso「y uses to another non-reSidential use WA鵠:譜豊富善書豊罰鴇豊器誓無精詳豊麗菩提措招請霊。。.ds 。, S,. Lucie Co甲ty and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection. Ifyou intend to obtain financing, COnSuit with lenderoran attome before commencin work o「 recordin Our Notice of Commencement. Owner/しessee STATE OF F[ COUN丁Y OF as Agent for Owner Public- State of FIo「ida 4鵬Si〇両G6’猶185 軟P焼S時短21 Commission N Of Cont「actor/しicense HoIder 灘謂0酪そ各人 (Signatu「e of Commission N 日E相、H冨R巨DWi婦DSON MY COM潮SS10N EXPI髄S: May 21, 2022 REVIEWS FRON丁 COUNTER VEG ETAT10N REViEW SEA TURTしE REVI EW MANGROVE 円巨VI EW