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TABLE 402.4(32) CORRUGATED STAINLESS STEEL TUBING (CSST) GAS PIPING INSTALLATIONS Gas Undiluted Propane Inlet Pressure 11.0 In. w.c. Pressure Drop 0.5 In. w.c. Specific Gravity 1.50 INTENDED USE: SIZING BETWEEN SINGLE OR SECOND STAGE (Low Pressure) REGULATOR AND THE 31a i 1-jjTUBE SIZE (EHD) Flow Designation i 13 16 18 1 19 23 26 30 31 37 39 Length (ft) Capacity In Thousands of Btu per Hour 5 10 15 20 72 99 181 211 355 426 301 248 216 744 521 422 365 863 605 490 425 1,420 971 775 661 1,638 1,179 972 847 50 39 34 69 55 49 129 104 91 150 121 106 254 208 183 25 30 42 82 94 164 192 325 379 583 762 30 40 28 23 39 33 74 64 87 74 151 131 177 153 297 256 344 297 528 449 698 610 50 20 30 58 66 118 137 227 265 397 548 60 19 26 53 60 107 126 207 241 359 502 70 17 25 49 57 99 117 191 222 330 466 80 15 23 45 52 94 109 178 208 307 438 90 15 22 44 50 90 302 169 197 286 414 100 14 20 41 47 85 98 159 186 270 393 150 11 15 31 36 66 75 123 143 217 324 200 9 14 28 33 60 69 112 129 183 283 " 250 300 Fnr RT- 1 1n16=7C 8 8 A r.- I 12 11 o.._._7n• 25 23 o 30 26 53 50 61 57 99 90 117 107 163 147 254 234 _ APPLIANCE SHUTOFF VALVE ----] 46 48 1 60 1 62 2,830 1,990 1,620 3,270 2,320 1,900 5,780 4,110 6,550 4,640 3,370 3,790 1,400 1,650 2,930 3,290 1,250 1,480 2,630 2,940 1,140 1,350 2,400 2,680 988 1,170 2,090 2,330 884 1.050 1,870 2,080 805 961 1,710 1,900 745 890 1,590 1,760 696 833 1,490 1,650 656 787 1,400 1,550 621 746 1,330 1,480 506 611 1,090 1,210 438 531 948 1,050 390 476 850 934 357 434 777 854 1 British thermal unit per hour = 0.2931 W, I cubic foot per hour = 0.0283 m3lh, I degree =00 01745 Ind8lumn = 6 kPa, Notes: 1. Table includes losses for four 90-degree bends and two end fittings. Tubing runs with larger numbers of bends or fittings shall be increased by an equivalent length of tubing to the following equation: L = 1.3n where L is additional length (feet) of tubing and n is the number of additional fittings or bends. 2. EHD-Equivalent Flydraulic Diameter, which is a measure of the relative hydraulic efficiency between different tubing sizes. The greater the value of EHD, the greater the gas capacity of the tubing. 3. All table entries have been rounded to three significant digits: FLORIDA BUILDING CODE - FUEL GAS, 6th EDITION (2017) 67 ,(,,, t ' !�' COpYTiBht 02017 1CC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Acceued by Ltay Silva on Jan 3o, sole s:aa.3s AM Pursuam to IJcense Agreement with ICC. No fueha reprodacilon or tLkii11 distribution authorized. ANY UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OR DIMIBUTION IS A VIOLATION OF THE FEDERAL COPYRIGHT ACr AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT, AND SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES THEREUNDER. GAS PIPING INSTALLATIONS TABLE 402.4(28) Gas Undiluted Propane SCHEDULE 40 METALLIC PIPE Intot Prasaure 11.0 in. w.c. PressureDrop OS In. w,c. Specific Gravity 1,50 INTENDED USE Pipe sizing between single- or second -stage (low pressure) regulator and appllanee, Nominal '!_ '4 1 PIPE SIZE (inch) ID 0,622 0.824 1.o49 ;..11'14 .380 1.610 1'/,�.,r 2 1= ,Actual 3 4Len th ft g ()4.026t0 pacity in Thousands of Bur 2.469 3.068 20 291 Z00 608 418 1,IS0 787 2350 1,620 3,520 6,740 10,800 19,100 39,000 30 160 33- 632 1300 2,420 1,940 4,660 7,430 I3,100 26,800 40 137 287 541 1,110 l,4 3,750 3,210 5,970 21,500 50 122 255 480 985 1,480 2,840 51110 YIu'ouu 4,030 UJU 18,400 110 231 434 892 1,340 2,570 4,530 8,000 16,300 80 101 212 400 821 1,230 2,370 4,100 7,250 14,800 100 94 197 372 763 1,1 40 2,200 3,770 6,b70 13,600 125 89 185 349 716 ,70 2,070 3,510 6,210 12,700 ISO 84 175 330 677 1,010 1,950 3,290 5,820 11,900 175 74 155 292 600 899 1,730 3,110 5,500 11,200 200 67 140 265 543 814 1,570 2,760 4,880 9,950 250 62 129 243 5 00 749 1,440 2,500 4,420 9,010 300 58 120 227 465 697 1,340 2,300 4,060 8,290 350 51 107 201 412 618 1,190 2,140 3,780 7,710 400 46 97 182 373 560 1,080 1,400 3 ,350 6,940 450 42 89 667 344 515 991 1,720 3,040 6,190 500 40 83 156 320 479 922 1,580 2,790 5,700 550 37 78 146 300 449 965 1,470 2,600 5,300 600 35 73 138 283 4 817 1,380 2,440 4,700 650 33 70 131 269 40303 1,300 2,300 4,700 700 32 66 I2 257 385 7 1,0 2,190 4,460 750 30 64 120 246 368 741 41 1,18180 �� 4,260 B00 29 61 115 236 354 709 681 1,130 2,000 4,080 850 28 59 111 227 341 656 1,090 1,920 3,920 900 27 57 107 220 329 634 1,050 1,950 3,770 950 26 55 104 213 319 613 1,010 1,790 3,b40 1,000 25 53 100 206' 304 595 978 1,730 3,530 1,100 25 52 97 200 300 948 1,680 3,420 1,200 24 50 95 195 292 576 921 1,630 3,320 1,300 23 48 90 185 2T7 562 895 1,580 3,230 1,400 22 46 86 176 264 534 65U 1,500 3,070 1,500 21 44 82 1 99 253 509 811 1,430 2,930 1'� 20 42 79 Ib2 487 777 1,370 2.800 1,700 .19 40 76 156 234 468 746 1,320 2,690 1,800 19 39 74 ISl 2 451 719 1,270 2,590 1,00 IS 38 71 146 21 9 436 - 694 1,230 2.500 , 2,000 18 3? 69 142 212 422 672 1,190 2.420 409 For SI: I inch - 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 304.8 = 6.995 652 1,150 2,350 I British thcnnal Note: All table entries have unit per hour = 0.2931 W, l cubic foot per hour = 0 0283 e1h de grey column 4 red. kPa been 3 degree m 0.01745 red. rounded to three significant digits. FLORIDA BBUUI1IL'�DING CODE -- FUEL GAS, Sth EDITION (2017) ISlJ�L 1 ' �ay:111 COPtr�t o mt7 ICG ALL RIGHTS RMERVED. Am twd br Lary Suva on 1" w, 2018 S�o0a4 AM 53 diadbuaon nuthorba ANY UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUGTtON OR DLSCR►B pnawol to Agra, t rreh ►GC. No ktha r"duttlon or AGREEMENT. AND SUe)ECTTOCIVIL AND CRIMINALPENALTIESTHERED ISAY(OLATIONOPTHEPPDEaALCOPYRIGIrI'ACrANDTHELICENSE . '1'abld 16.1(a) ulyetk leao jam} 5e - S 10.0 Plastic Pipe x in. BDR '/ in. M)R 11, 1.9 I engtlz(ft) 9.33(0.660) (0 860) x xn, SDR I 1't in �A1i 11 � (A� 1.5k -------, Q7) �Z 8A� 11 1i'r (1.0 (1.328) 1 (�, kin. .. T1Y'�Dt11�1? USE: Smug � � iveeu $#cst-9ca 30 2140 ator and Sec datap 40 tX.948j t14ew� 1840 7740 50 1�0 6w 140 20300 r 60sm i•' 70 160 2 0 10 31200 i ON mo MW ma 80 1260 2530 'ft 4560 Iwo 25000 190 1180 2370 0 7890 11900 men 1990 21400 • �'� 990 �990 �0 699�0 11200 150 897 997 3580 6200 10600 20100 3240 9360 19000 175 826 826 2980 `'620 8"o 16800 2 778 778 k780 5170 15� 250 681 681 2600 4510 72M 1, Q 275 646 6�46 2460 � �0 13W 300 617' 2840 4050 6 11 600 350 2230 6110 1100D 567 r,�ry 3860 460 495 600 ! 449a 3550 19910 3300 _ 1� � `� 468 � 3100 � �0 600 � 424 89 2930 44W 80 700 ----._-_ r 800 781 2660 7950 �.;,, •• _ 363 368 � 2440 �10 900 7kp0 3,40 1000 M 682 322 2130ism 614 6>260 2000 517 M Iron 9 933 1616 fit! N d Dimension ]Itat4390 to 1388 (2) INmmionos inft 1 are ink c5ameorx