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Report of Subsurface Exploration & Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation
REPORT OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING EVALUATION SAVANNAS PRESERVE STATE PARR EDUCATION CENTER IMPROVEMENTS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA AACE FILE No.12-147 ANDERSEN ANDRE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 573 SW Biltmore Street Port St. Lucie, Florida 34983 Ph:772-807-9191 Fx:772-807-9192 www.aaceinc.com -I TABLE OF CONTENTS REPORT OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING EVALUATION SAVANNAS PRESERVE STATE PARK - EDUCATION CENTER IMPROVEMENTS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA AACE FILE No.12-147 PAGE # 1.0 INTRODUCTION.................................................................. 1 2.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................. 1 3.0 SITE AND PROTECT INFORMATION ................................................. 2 3.1 Site Location and Description ............................................ 2 3.2 Review of USDA Soil Survey ............................................. 2 3.3 Project Understanding.................................................. 2 4.0 FIELD EXPLORATION PROGRAM .................................................... 3 5.0 OBSERVED SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ............................................... 3 5.1 General Soil Conditions .................................................. 3 5.2Measured Groundwater Level ............................................ 4 5.3 Estimated Notmal Seasonal High Groundwater Table ...................... 4 5.4 Double Ring Infiltrometer Tests ......................................... 5 6.0 LABORATORY TESTING PROGRAM ................................................... 6 7.0 DISCUSSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................. 6 7.1 General................................................................ 6 7.2 Single -Story Addition - Site Preparation Recommendations .................. 6 7.2.1 Clearing........................................................ 6 7.2.2 Excavating..................................................... 7 7.2.3 Densification................................................... 7 7.3 Foundations........................................................... 8 8.0 PAVEMENT AND SIDEWALK RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................... 8 8.1 Flexible Pavement Section ............................................... 8 8.2 Sidewalk Construction ................................................. 10 9.0 BOARDWALKAND OBSERVATION DECK ............................................. 10 10.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE............................................................. 11 11.0 CLOSURE....................................................................... 12 • Table 1 - Field Exploration Program ................................................... 3 • Table 2 - Generalized Soil Profile ..................................................... 4 • Table 3 - DRI Test Results........................................................... 5 Table 4 - Short "limber Pile Capacities ................................................ 10 • Figure 1 - Site Vicinity Map • Figure 2 - USGS Quadrangle Map • Figure 3 - USDA Soil Survey • Figure 4 - Field Work Location Plan • Sheet No. 1 - General Notes (Soil Borings, Sampling and Testing Methods) • Sheets No. 2-3 - Soil Boring Profiles _ Appendix I - LBR Test Result • Appendix II - Project Limitations and Conditions ANDERSEN ANDRE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Geotechnical Engineering Construction Materials Testing Environmental Consulting American Consulting Professionals, LLC 243 North Hamilton Street, Suite 2 Dalton, GA 30720 Attention: Ms. Anna Peterfreund, CWB AACE File No. 12-147 September 4, 2012 REPORT OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING EVALUATION SAVANNAS PRESERVE STATE PARK - EDUCATION CENTER IMPROVEMENTS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA 1.0 INTRODUCTION In accordance with your request and authorization, Andersen Andre Consulting Engineers, Inc. (AACE) has completed a subsurface exploration and geotechnical engineering analyses for the above referenced project. The purpose of performing this exploration was to explore shallow soil types and groundwater levels as they relate to the proposed construction, and restrictions which these soil and groundwater conditions may place on the proposed development. Our work included Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings, hand auger borings, soil infiltration testing, laboratory testing, and engineering analysis. This report documents our explorations and tests, presents our findings, and summarizes our conclusions and recommendations. 2.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The following summary is intended to provide a brief overview of our findings and recommendations, however, the report should be read in its entirety by the project design team members. The majority of the site was found to be underlain by a thin, shallow layer of organics (organic sands) with organic contents ranging from 10 to 15 percent. These soils are not considered suitable to support the proposed education center addition and we recommend that they be removed and replaced with well -compacted granular materials. Shallow foundations can be used if the organics are properly replaced, with the foundations proportioned for a maximum bearing stress of 2,500 pounds per square foot (psf . For foundations designed and constructed as recommended, we expect maximum settlements less than one-half inch. The settlements due to the dead load of the structure should occur rapidly as it is erected and should have virtually ceased by the time construction is completed. Similarly, the areas to be improved with a flexible pavement section should be demucked. Alternatively, consideration can be given to leaving the encountered organic soils in place and incorporating one or more geogrid reinforcing layer(s) within the new pavement section. Such geogrid layers will help by resisting settlements and reflective cracking due to decay and compression of the underlying organic soils. Following either of these alternatives, a typical pavement section consisting of an asphaltic concrete wearing surface atop a calcareous base, followed by a stabilized subgrade on compacted natural soils are considered appropriate for the project. The encountered soils are considered suitable to support the proposed concrete sidewalks, provided that they are provided with construction joints at a suitable frequency. 573 SW Biltmore Street, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34983 Ph: 772-807-9191 Fx: 772-807-9192 www.aaceinc.com SAVANNAS PRESERVE STATE PARK - EDUCATION CENTER IMPROVEMENTS Page -2- AACE File No. 12-147 Site preparation procedures will include clearing, stripping and grubbing of all surface vegetation and organic topsoil, removal of underground utilities, etc. (if any), demucking of the proposed addition construction area (and the areas to be paved unless a geogrid reinforcement is utilized), followed by proofrolling of building and pavement areas. The encountered soils are further found to be suitable for the support of the proposed wooden boardwalk and observation deck on timber piles. Pile sizes, embedment depths, and corresponding capacities are provided herein. The groundwater table was encountered at depths ranging from about 3.5 feet to 5.1 feet below the existing ground surface. In general, fluctuations in groundwater levels should be anticipated throughout the year primarily due to seasonal variations in rainfall, and other factors that may vary from the time the borings were conducted. 1 3.0 SITE AND PROJECT INFORMATION 3.1 Site Location and Description The Savannas Preserve Education Center complex is located at 2541 Walton Road in Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie County, Florida (within Section 31, Township 36 South, Range 41 East). The site currently features a single -story building and a covered picnic area with associated concrete sidewalks/walkways, - unpaved parking and driveway areas, trails, and miscellaneous educational exhibits. The location of the subject site is graphically depicted on the Site Vicinity Map included as Figure 1, and on a reproduction of the 1983 USGS Quadrangle Map of "Ankona, Florida" presented as our Figure 2. The USGS Quadrangle Map depicts the subject property as being relatively level with an average surface elevation of about 15 feet NGVD. 3.2 Review of USDA Soil Survey According to the USDA NRCS Soil Survey of St. Lucie County (1980 Edition), the predominant surficial soil type in the area where the site is located is the Waveland fine sand (Map Unit No. 50). The approximate location of the subject site is shown superimposed on an aerial photograph obtained from the USDA Soil Survey, presented as Figure 3, which also features a brief description of this soil type. 3.3 Project Understanding Based on our conversations with representatives of American Consulting Professionals, LLC (ACP), and our review of the forwarded "Preliminary Conceptual Design Plans" prepared by ACP for the project (dated April 25, 2011), it is our understanding that the project includes the construction of an approximately 5,000 SF single -story addition to the existing education center building. Additional components of the project include the construction of concrete sidewalks, a wooden observation deck and boardwalk, and improvements to the existing unpaved parking and driveway areas. The latter improvements include paving of the existing and proposed bus and car parking spaces, a revised entrance driveway alignment off Walton Road, and the construction of a shallow drainage Swale. We have not been provided with any specific structural information for the proposed addition, however, we expect that it will be supported by load -bearing masonry walls and isolated columns, with expected maximum loads of 1-2 kips per linear foot (walls) and 100 kips (columns, if any). SAVANNAS PRESERVE STATE PARK - EDUCATION CENTER IMPROVEMENTS Page -3- AACE File No. 12-147 The proposed access road, parking areas and internal driveways are preliminarily anticipated to consist of an asphalt wearing surface atop a calcareous (limerock) base course, followed by compacted, stabilized subgrade. The proposed wooden structures are expected to be relatively lightly -loaded, supported by timber piles, and constructed within 3-4 feet of the existing ground surface. Details of the site plan provided by ACP have been reproduced as our Boring Location Plan, Figure 4. 4.0 FIELD EXPLORATION PROGRAM To explore subsurface conditions at the site, the exploration program summarized in Table 1 below was completed: Table 1- Field Exploration Summary Boring/Test Type Number ASTM Depth below grade [feet] Location Standard Penetration Test 2 D1586 25 As per Figure 4 Hand Auger 10 D1452 7 As per Figure 4 Double -Ring Infiltration 1 D3385 N/A As per Figure 4 Our field work was completed in the period August 13-15, 2012. The boring and test locations shown on Figure 4 were determined in the field by our field crew using tape/wheel measurements, the provided site plan, and obtained aerial photographs and existing site features as references. The locations should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method of measurement used. We preliminarily anticipate that the actual locations are within 15 feet of those shown on Figure 4. Summaries of AACE's field procedures are included on the attached Sheet No. 1 and the individual boring and test profiles are presented on the attached on Sheets No. 2 and 3. Samples obtained during performance of the borings were visually classified in the field, and representative portions of the samples were transported to our laboratory in sealed sample jars for further classification. The soil samples recovered from our explorations will be kept in our laboratory for 60 days, then discarded unless you specifically request otherwise. 5.0 OBSERVED SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 5.1 General Soil Con&trons Detailed subsurface conditions are illustrated on the soil boring and test profiles presented on the attached Sheets No. 2 and 3. The stratification of the boring profiles represents our interpretation of the field boring logs and the results of laboratory examinations of the recovered samples. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between soil types. The actual transitions may be more gradual than implied. In general, the following general soil profile was encountered in the borings performed for the project (Table 2): SAVANNAS PRESERVE STATE PARK -EDUCATION CENTER IMPROVEMENTS Page 4- AACE File No. 12-147 Table 2 - Generalized Soil Profile Approximate Depth Below Existing Grade (feet) General Soil Description 0 to 0.25-0.5 Topsoil (sands with varying amounts of organics and roots) 0.25-0.5 to 5-7 Intermixed layers of loose to dense fine sands (SP), organic fine sands (SPA, and slightly silty fine sands (SP-SM) with varying amounts of hardpan [hardpan -type] 5-7 to 7-8 Moderately dense fine sands (SP) and slightly clayey fine sands (SP-SC) 7-8 to 25 Loose to moderately dense fine sands (SP) Note to Table 2: (1) As noted on Sheets No. 2 and 3, the 6- to 12-inch thick layer of organic sands (SP) was encountered in 10 of the 12 completed borings and was typically found between depths of 1 and 4.5 feet below the existing grades. The above soil profile is outlined in general terms only. Please refer to the attached Sheets No. 2 and 3 for individual soil profile details. Itis noted that the borings performed within the existing, unpaved parking and driveway/walkway areas (borings 1H[A-3, HA-5, HAA6 - HA-9 and HA-10 encountered a few inches of surficial rock fragments. 5.2Measured Groundwater Level The groundwater table depth as encountered in the borings during the field investigations is shown adjacent to the soil profiles on the attached Sheets No. 2 and 3. As can be seen, the groundwater table was generally encountered at depths ranging from about 3.5 feet to 5.1 feet below the existing ground surface. In general, fluctuations in groundwater levels should be anticipated throughout the year primarily due to seasonal variations in rainfall, and other factors that may vary from the time the borings were conducted. 5.3 Estimated Normal Seasonal High Groundwater Table The groundwater table will fluctuate seasonally, primarily based on rainfall. The normal seasonal high groundwater level typically occurs during the rainy season in Southeast Florida, typically between June and September of each year. The water table elevations associated with a 100-year flood level (or during an extreme storm event) would be much higher than the normal seasonal high water table elevation. The normal seasonal high groundwater table can also be influenced by the presence of relief points such as canals, lakes, ponds, swamps, etc., as well as by the drainage characteristics of the in -situ soils. Based upon our field exploration, our observation of recovered soil samples and on review of the USDA soil survey, and our review of groundwater levels on this site reported by others, we estimate that the normal seasonal high groundwater level at the boring locations likely is within 1 foot of the existing ground surface. It should be expected that rainwater will perch atop the shallow hardpan -type stratum after periods of intense or prolonged rainfall events at depths shallower than the normal seasonal high level. It should be noted that the estimated normal seasonal high groundwater levels do not provide any assurance that the groundwater levels will not exceed these estimated levels during any given year in the future. Drainage impediments, storm events or other such occurrences may result in groundwater levels exceeding our estimates. SAVANNAS PRESERVE STATE PARK - EDUCATION CENTER IMPROVEMENTS AACE File No. 12-147 5.4 Double Ring IhMtrometer Tests Page -5- As requested, in order to estimate the vertical infiltration rate of the shallow soils at the proposed drainage swale within the existing "median", one (1) Double -Ring Infiltrometer (DRI) test was performed at the location shown on Figure 4. This test was completed in general accordance with the procedures recommended in ASTM D3385. We note that we have not been provided with an anticipated depth of the proposed drainage Swale and, as such, the test was performed from the existing ground surface following removal of the upper approximately 3 inches of topsoil. Below is the general information of the DRI tests. Inner Ring (IR): ► Diameter = 12 inches ► Area = 113.1 in' Annular Space (A): ► Area = 339.3 in2 Outer Ring (OR): ► Diameter = 24 inches ► Area = 452.4 in2 Height of ring = 24 inches (seated 6± inches in ground). In brief, a constant head of approximately 6 inches of water was maintained in the rings throughout the duration of the test. The volume infiltrated during timed intervals was converted to an incremental infiltration rate, and the following equations were then used to calculate the average incremental infiltration velocity, equivalent to the vertical infiltration rate. 1) VIR = OVIR / (AIR X Ot) 2) VA = OVA / (AA X Ot) where: V = incremental velocity of inner ring or annular space [inches/hour] AV = volume of liquid used during time interval to maintain constant head in either the inner ring or the annular space W] A = internal area of inner ring or annular space [in2] At = time interval [hours] (mil denotes inner ring; rAj denotes annular space) A hand auger boring was performed near the test location to a depth of about 5 feet; visual descriptions of the soils encountered and the results of the DRI test are presented in Table 3. Table 3 - DRI Test Results Depth [in] Soil Description Groundwater Depth [in] Infiltration Rates [in/hr] 0-3 Light gray fine sand (SP), traces of roots (topsoil, removed prior to test) VIR — 11.7 3-36 Light brown fine sand (SP) 36 36-42 Dark brown organic fine sand (SP) VA = 14.9 42-48 Dark gray weakly cemented fine sand (SP) [hardpan] 48-60 Brown fine sand (SP), traces of clay ASTM D3385 recommends using the rate of the inner ring as the vertical infiltration rate if the rates for the inner ring and the annular space differ, since such difference in rates likely is due to divergent flow. SAVANNAS PRESERVE STATE PARK - EDUCATION CENTER IMPROVEMENTS Page -6- AACE File No. 12-147 6.0 LABORATORY TESTING PROGRAM Our drillers observed the soil recovered from the SPT sampler and the augers, placed the recovered soil samples in moisture proof containers, and maintained a log for each boring. The recovered soil samples, along with the field boring logs, were transported to our Port St. Lucie soils laboratory where they were visually examined by AACE's project engineer to determine their engineering classification. The visual classification of the samples was performed in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System, USCS. To assist in the engineering classification of the encountered soils, moisture content tests (ASTM D2216), organic content tests (ASTM D2974), and fines content tests (ASTM D 1140) were performed on select samples. The encountered organic sands were determined to have organic contents ranging from 10 to 15 percent, and corresponding natural moisture contents ranging from 37 to 57 percent. The soil classifications and other pertinent data obtained from our explorations and laboratory examinations are reported on the soil profiles presented on Sheets No. 2 and 3. Additionally, one (1) Limerock Bearing Ratio (LBR) test was performed on a bulk sample of the existing parking lot soils, obtained near the location of our boring HA-5. This test yielded the following parameters (also included in Appendix I): LBR value: 32 Optimum Moisture Content: 9.2% Maximum Dry Density: 121.1 pcf 7.0 DISCUSSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ZI General Based on the findings of our site exploration, our evaluation of subsurface conditions, and judgment based on our experience with similar projects, we recommend the removal and replacement of the organic soils underlying this site to allow the support of the proposed addition construction on conventional spread foundations. A backhoe or similar equipment can be used to remove the compressible soils within the addition building area plus a perimeter area extending 5 feet beyond the edges of the building. Soils above the organics can be stockpiled for possible future use as fill. Approved backfill material is to be placed in level 6- to 12-inch lifts individually compacted with a vibratory roller. It is noted that we did not observe the organic soils in the single boring performed within the proposed building footprint (TB-1). However, borings performed in the immediate vicinity of the addition area (i.e. HA-6, HA-7, HA-8 and HA-9) did encounter the organic soils and, overall, the organic soils were found in 10 of the 12 borings completed for the project. As such, it is likely that these organic soils are present within the addition area in areas not explored. We recommend that a few test pits be performed within the addition area immediately following the initial clearing and grubbing efforts to further assess the extent of these soils; a representative of AACE should be present during this work. Following are specific recommendations for site preparation procedures involved in the demucking option, the design of foundation systems, and the design of pavement sections. Z2 Single -Story Addition - Site Preparation Procedures 7.2. 1 Clearing The building areas within lines five feet outside building perimeters, and the areas to be paved, should be cleared, grubbed and stripped of all surface vegetation, trash, debris and topsoil. Stumps should be removed entirely. SAVANNAS PRESERVE STATE PARK - EDUCATION CENTER IMPROVEMENTS Page -7- A10E File No. 12-147 7.2.2 Excavatin In general, it is desired to complete the excavation and backfilling operations in as short a time as _ possible to avoid open excavations. Consideration should be given to proceeding with the demucking/backfilling operation in stages across the site so that no deep excavations remain open overnight. Such gradual approach may also reduce dewatering and slope bracing needs. I The building area plus an area extending 5 feet outside building perimeters should be excavated as needed to remove the organic soils which underlie the site. The overburden soils above the organics may be stockpiled for possible later use as fill. Care must be exercised to avoid mixing the overburden soils with the organics. The organics are to be disposed of away from the building area as directed by the Owner. When the excavation reaches areas near the existing building, the slope of the excavation may have to be protected with a bracing system. The contractor is to be responsible for the integrity of the existing, adjacent structure, and for implementing all necessary safety measures. Once the bottom of the excavation is inspected and approved, backfill can be placed to a height of 1 foot above the water table. Dewatering measures may be necessary to facilitate the removal of the organic soils, allow the inspection of demucked areas, and allow the compaction of the backfill. Again, the contractor should consider demucking and at least partially backfilling small segments of the site at a time to reduce dewatering needs and discharge flows. 7.2.3 Densi fication Once fill has been placed to a height of 1 foot above the water in the excavation (if any) and leveled, the fill is to be compacted with a suitable -size vibratory roller. Any soft, yielding soils detected during this g P roofrollin should be excavated and replaced with clean, compacted backfill that conforms with the recommendations below. Sufficient passes should be made during the proofrolling operations to produce dry densities not less than 98 percent of the modified Proctor (ASTM D1557) maximum dry density of the compacted material to depths of 1 foot below the compacted surface. In any case, the area should receive not less than 10 overlapping passes, half of them in each of two perpendicular directions if possible. The initial passes may have to be given without vibrations, and then with the lowest possible vibration setting so as to allow the traffic of the vibrating roller. An additional six inch lift may be added to the initial lift if the traffic of the roller is made difficult by high pore pressure conditions. We recommend that the site preparation contractor closely monitor the vibrations produced during the proofrolling operations and subsequent compaction efforts so that they do not adversely affect any -' nearby structures (such as the existing education center building). After the excavation area has been proofrolled and tested to verify that the desired dry density has been obtained, the building area may be filled to the desired grades. All fill material should conform to the recommendations below. It should be placed in uniform layers not exceeding 18 inches in loose - thickness. Each layer should be compacted to a dry density not less than 98 percent of its modified Proctor (ASTM D1557) maximum value. - Note that after completion of the general site preparation, when excavations for the construction of foundations are made through the compacted backfill, the bottoms of the excavations are to be tamped -- so as to density soils loosened during or after the excavation process, or washed or sloughed into the excavation prior to the placement of forms. A plate tamper can be used for this final densification immediately prior to the placement of reinforcing steel, with previously described density requirements to be maintained below the foundation level. SAVANNAS PRESERVE STATE PARK - EDUCATION CENTER IMPROVEMENTS Page -8- AACE File No. 12-147 After foundation forms are removed, backfill around foundations should be placed in lifts six inches or less in thickness, with each lift individually compacted with a plate tamper. The backfill should be compacted to a dry density of at least 95% of the modified Proctor (ASTM D1557) maximum dry density. Z3 Foundations After the foundation soils have been prepared in accordance with the above recommendations, including demucking, the site should be suitable for supporting the proposed single -story addition on conventional shallow foundations proportioned for an allowable bearing stress of 2,500 pounds per square foot [psfJ, or less. However, to provide an adequate factor of safety against a shearing failure in the subsoils, all individual column footings (if any) should have a minimum width of 24 inches and should bear at least 18 inches below final grades. Based upon the boring information and the assumed loading conditions, we estimate that the recommended allowable bearing stress will provide a minimum factor of safety in excess of two against bearing capacity failure. With the site prepared and the foundations designed and constructed as recommended, we anticipate total settlements less than one-half inch, and differential settlement between adjacent similarly loaded footings of less than one -quarter of an inch. Because of the granular nature of the subsurface soils, the majority of the settlements should occur during construction; post -construction settlement should be minimal. f of ng b wring conditions -are consistent°w fli expectations. ound`a ion cof cxete s ould not be cast over a ouridation surface-containin topsoil -or organic soils, trash of any kind, surface made muddy by rainfall runoff, or groundwater rise, or loose soil caused by excavation or other construction work. Reinforcing steel should also be clean at the time of concrete casting. If such conditions develop during construction, the reinforcing steel must be lifted out and the foundation surface reconditioned and approved by AACE. After the ground surface is proofrolled and filled, if necessary, as recommended in this report, the floor slab can be placed directly on the prepared subgrade. For design purposes, we recommend using a subgrade reaction modulus of 200 pounds per cubic inch (pci) for the compacted shallow sands. In our opinion, a highly porous base material is not necessary. We recommend to use a minimum of 10 mil polyolefin film as the main component of a vapor barrier system. 8.0 PAVEMENT AND SIDEWALK RECOMMENDATIONS We have not been provided with traffic loadings for this project and consequently, we have included two flexible pavement designs for alternate traffic volumes and types. In addition, recommendations for a rigid pavement design are presented for use in delivery areas and dumpster pads. The flexible pavement designs are based on structural number analyses with the stated estimated daily traffic volumes for a 15-year pavement design life. If loading conditions differ greatly from those presented, additional pavement design analyses should be performed. 8.1 Flexible Pavement Section We recommend a pavement section consisting of an asphaltic concrete wearing surface on a calcareous base course supported on stabilized subbase over well -compacted subgrade. Such a pavement section will require either A) removal of the encountered organic soils or B) the incorporation of one or more layer(s) of reinforcing geogrid in the pavement section which will help by resisting settlements and reflective cracking due to decay and compression of the underlying organic soils. SAVANNAS PRESERVE STATE PARK - EDUCATION CENTER IMPROVEMENTS Page -9- -- RACE File No. 12-147 Since the organic soil layer is relatively thin and mostly present above the (current) groundwater table, it appears that a demucking operation would be relatively simple and cost-effective. However, demucking efforts may provide a nuisance factor to the education center operations and, as such, we recommend that potential benefits and challenges, including costs, of both options be closely considered. If demucking of the areas which are to support a flexible pavement section is desired we refer to the methods recommended in Section 7.0. However, should it be desired to avoid demucking and rather strengthen the proposed flexible pavement section with a geogrid layer, it would be beneficial to consult with a technical representative from the chosen manufacturer so as to optimize the geogrid solution. It is our experience that, for instance, GlasGrid (Tensar) and PetroGrid (Propex) is installed immediately atop the tack -coated limerock base course, whereas other reinforcing geogrid types are incorporated into the subgrade and/or base course levels of the pavement section. We remain available to assist in the selection of a suitable geogrid option. Regardless, after either the completion of demucking efforts or the selection of a geogrid solution, the surface should be compacted to a dry density of 98 percent of the modified Proctor (ASTM D1557/AASHTO T-180) maximum dry density of the compacted soil to a depth of one foot below the surface. The subbase material to a depth of twelve inches should have a minimum Limerock Bearing Ratio (LBR) value (FDOT FM 5-515) of 40 and it should be compacted to at least 98 percent of its modified Proctor (ASTM D1557 or AASHTO T-180) maximum dry density. The surficial fine sand (SP) on this site does not appear to have the required LBR value and may require mixing. Consideration should be given to including the existing surficial rock fragments in any mixing efforts (refer to Section 5.1). As noted in Section 6.0, one LBR test was performed on a composite sample of the existing surficial parking lot soils, which yielded a LBR value of 32. The base course may consist of crushed limerock or coquina and should have a minimum LBR value (FDOT FM 5-515) of 100. We recommend a base course at least six inches thick for standard pavements and a base course of nine inches for heavy-duty pavements. The six-inch base course may be placed and compacted in a single layer, however, the nine -inch base course should be placed and compacted in two layers. All base course material should be compacted to at least 98 percent of its modified Proctor maximum dry density. We recommend an FDOT Type S-1 asphaltic wearing surface. It should have a Marshall stability not less than 1000 pounds. We recommend a wearing surface 1.5 inches thick on standard pavement and 2.0 inches thick on heavy-duty pavement. The two-inch wearing surface should be placed and compacted in two layers. Care must be exercised to place the asphalt over dry, well primed base material. The above recommendations should provide high quality pavement. If greater risk of more frequent pavement maintenance and repair is acceptable, then the above recommendations could be relaxed somewhat. Typically, in order to reduce the potential for premature roadway distress, including base deterioration or failure, a minium separation of 18 inches should be maintained between the estimated normal seasonal high groundwater level and the bottom of the limerock/coquina pavement base course. SAVANNAS PRESERVE STATE PARK - EDUCATION CENTER IMPROVEMENTS Page -10- AACE File No. 12-147 8.2 Sidewalk Construction Based on the findings of out site exploration, our evaluation of subsurface conditions, and judgment based on our experience with similar projects, we conclude that the encountered shallow soils underlying this site are generally satisfactory to support the proposed sidewalk construction, following typical site preparation procedures as outlined below. Due to the rigid nature and the relatively light loads exhibited by the sidewalk and associated pedestrian traffic, the presence of the previously discussed organic soils is not considered to have an adverse effect on this sidewalk construction. In general, the limits of the sidewalk construction should be cleared, grubbed and stripped of all surface vegetation, trash, debris and topsoil. Stumps, remnants of former foundations, underground utilities, etc. should be removed entirely. Following clearing of the sidewalk alignment, the natural soils should be compacted with a light vibratory roller or a jumping -jack tamper to a dry density not less than 98 percent of its modified Proctor (ASTM D155) maximum value. Any fill material needed to raise any portions of the proposed sidewalk areas should be placed in uniform layers not exceeding 6 inches in loose thickness, with each such layer being compacted similarly. We recommend a four -inch thick concrete section of unreinforced Portland cement concrete with a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 3,000 psi. The subgrade surface should be saturated immediately prior to concrete placement to provide adequate moisture for curing of the concrete. We recommend that construction control joints should be cut every 4 feet transversely across the length of the sidewalk, with these cuts being at least one -quarter of the thickness of the concrete. They should be cut as soon as the concrete will support the crew and equipment, typical between 8 to 12 hours after placement. 9.0 BOARDWALK AND OBSERVATION DECK Based on the findings of our site exploration, our evaluation of subsurface conditions, and judgment based on our experience with similar projects, we conclude that the soils underlying this site are satisfactory to support the proposed wooden boardwalk and observation deck construction on timber piles. We have not been provided with any specific structural information relative to the proposed wooden structures, however, we expect them to be constructed within 3-4 feet of the existing ground surface. Further, we do not anticipate any scour effects from moving water in this area. We understand that 6-inch to 8-inch straight timber piles with relatively shallow embedment depths are preliminarily anticipated for the project. For such piles, the following embedment depths and capacities can be used in the design (Table 4): Table 4 - Short Timber Pile Capacities Pile Diameter (in) Pile Embedment Depth (ft) Compression. Capacity (tons) Tension Capacity (tons) 6 6 1.5 0.3 8 2.0 0.8 10 2.5 1.3 12 3.0 1.5 8 6 2.3 0.5 8 3 1 10 3.5 1.7 12 4.5 2.0 SAVANNAS PRESERVE STATE PARK - EDUCATION CENTER IMPROVEMENTS Page -11- AACE File No. 12-147 We remain available to perform pile capacity computations for additional combinations of pile diameters and lengths, if needed. We reiterate that the above capacities are based on the provided embedment depths; additional pile length to reach the elevation of the superstructure should be added to the embedment lengths. The allowable pile capacities were estimated using a factor of safety of 2 to account for the inherent possibility of variations in the subsurface conditions within the construction area. The estimated lateral Pile capacity for fully embedded vertical piles is based on the analysis of a free-standing single pile. The actual lateral pile capacities will depend on the rigidity of the pile/superstructure connections. Preliminarily, we recommend limiting the lateral pile capacity to 1 kip pet pile. All piles should be obtained in slightly longer lengths in case the piles need to be driven deeper than - anticipated. The actual cut off depth of the piles should be dependent upon a suitable Dynamic Driving Formula. The ENR formula can be considered for use. Due to the relatively short lengths of these piles, we only anticipate a slight difference in butt and tip diameter. In any event, the piles should have a uniform taper throughout the length of the pile of no more than 1 inch in 10 feet. A straight line from the center of the butt to the center of the tip should lie entirely within the body of the pile. All piles should conform with the specifications described in ASTM D25-91 "Standard Specifications for Round Timber Piles". As a minimum, the piles should be pressure treated with coal tax creosote or similar preservative materials conforming to American Wood Preservers Association (AWPA) Standard P-13. j The piles should be fresh cut on the butt end just before placing them in the leads for driving. To prevent splitting and brooming of the butt end, we recommend strapping the piles with a 1-inch tensile strap, placed about 18 inches from the butt end. Since the piles will be installed through layers of loose to moderately dense sands, we do not anticipate the need for any steel shoe reinforcement of the tip of the piles. The piles should be installed a minimum of 4 pile diameters (center to center) from a previously installed pile. An average of butt and tip diameters may be used to determine this minimum distance between piles. 10.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE Materials testing and pile installation inspection services should be provided by Andersen Andre Consulting Engineers, Inc. An experienced engineering technician should monitor the excavation of unsuitable organic debris, as well as all stripping and grubbing, on a fill -time basis to verify that deleterious materials have been removed. The technician should observe the proof -rolling operation to verify that the appropriate number of passes are applied to the subgrade. In -situ density tests should be conducted during filling activities and below all footings, slabs and pavement areas (if any) to verify that the required densities have been achieved. In -situ density values should be compared to laboratory Proctor moisture -density results for each of the different natural and fill soils encountered. Finally, we recommend inspecting and testing the construction materials for the foundations and other structural components. - - The balance of this page left blank intentionally - - SAVANNAS PRESERVE STATE PARK - EDUCATION CENTER IMPROVEMENTS Page -12- RACE File No. 12-147 11.0 CLOSURE The geotechnical evaluation submitted herein is based on the data obtained from the soil borings and test results presented on Sheets No. 2 and 3, and the assumed loading conditions previously described. Limitations and conditions to this report are presented in Appendix H. This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices for the exclusive use of the American Consulting Professionals, LLC and the City of Port St. Lucie for the subject project. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. We are pleased to be of assistance to you on this phase of your project. When we may be of further service to you or should you have any questions, please contact us. Sincerely, ANDERSEN ANDRE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Certificate of Authorization No. 26794 Peter G. Andersen, P.E. Principal Engineer Fla. Reg. No. 57956 PGA/DPA:pa David P. Andre, P.E. Principal Engineer Fla. Reg. No. 53969 (0 A (I(f ANDERSEN ANDRE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. www.aaceinc.com �. .. i q- ��� 'r�iASrr �, - 1. r _ ,} � '• ' �\ 1 � I `, zjj All 1'tt 2 ��...��jw J 2.• r 7�Ly�h�7���t . � ), � ri��•� �, L�0 � f 1 I f Fi , � � � r . , � � � 'rc Yti r •S ,`i �r • F4 � ,� � �,Ti\ :;r, , '1 i �` r��l /ter • ANDERSEN ANDRE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 573 SW Biltmore Street, Port St. Lucie, FL 34983 772-807-9191 www.AACEinc.com Certificate of Authorization No. 26794 SITE VICINITY MAP Drawn by: PGA Date: 08/22/2012 SUBSURFACE SOIL EXPLORATION SAVANNAS PRESERVE STATE PARK Checked by: DPA Date: 08/22/2012 EDUCATION CENTER IMPROVEMENTS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA AACE File No: 12-147 Figure No. "Pak I Cf y 7- SITE��` 1 _ I\��1 Park ��•b�. '. v WALTON RD o i k Sr'av Z -' 1-rr64` !1 •t si. I ,i�a�oa'1 lo... + uo L - ,1 r- N Source: mapcard.com 1983 USGS Quadrangle Map of "Ankona, Florida" W E ...within Section 31 Township 36 South s Range 41 East N.T.S. ANDERSEN ANDRE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 573 SW Biltmore Street, Port St. Lucie, FL 34983 772-807-9191 www.AACEinc.com Certificate of Authorization No. 26794 USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP Drawn by: PGA Date: 08/22/2012 SUBSURFACE SOIL EXPLORATION SAVANNAS PRESERVE STATE PARK Checked by: DPA Date: 08/22/2012 EDUCATION CENTER IMPROVEMENTS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA AACE File No: 12-147 Figure No. 2 s�, r� y fFa c''it ,..*:.§,... 't ,qs �'�<� s .. < � *• +irg�•'�4 t '.9� ,f��. f yt `°); t�s'``y f. £'c, �' ■ E fltisi,d�34. f I , "4r,., 1�.y''.t`"'�41+++ t:r�ic++�,t•.�`2x .�.� �,;<tt C 397 ,�`*;' t >•, °. StT�r � x•, 4Q >it��p��. ., `n, t + •; ,✓ � t, ,�, � „w .j �+ r _ r i r ie n x r 1h. . ? �' �r ra a'4' " i� .,,,. , � sa M nLLrr i S e s '� � � i ' r�it tr ° �� ,4hl, t • ° s n� i► i �n t +(j. t tYl S Q1Ft J4,y �i3r ' y4 -� y ,� �;� ..wL .h �,• ',� R �r� 51 'j �Yi baF�T `$' Y?.4% It 5 a 'r��A�. `,t 1:. t+ t - tt r ,-_ � t' � �, r a t ,s-. •� r, ,<' !1 r�� 4y � .:. 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Yl� ,.. .r. _ ._a �.s F wee.3C : �. ,,t s,it + i u e .�• �>�i USDA SOIL TYPES ON SITE: Source: USDA Soil Survey of St. Lucie County (1980 Edition) 50 - Waveland fine sand "A poorly drained, nearly level soil in broad flatwood areas. Typically, the surface layer is fine sand about 8 inches thick. It is black in the upper 4 inches and is dark gray in the lower 4 inches. The subsurface layer is 24 inches thick. It is grayish brown sand in the upper 9 inches, and light gray fine sand in the lower 15 inches. The subsoil extends to a depth of 53 inches. It is black loamy sand in the upper 8 inches and black sand in the lower 13 inches. The substratum to a depth of 80 inches or more is sand with pockets of loamy sand and sandy loam. It is dark grayish brown in the upper 4 inches, grayish brown in the next 9 inches, and olive gray in the lower part. The natural water table is within a depth of 10 inches for 1 to 4 months and within a depth of 40 inches for 6 months or more during most years. It is perched above the subsoil early in the summer rainy season and after periods of heavy rainfall in other seaons. The water table recedes to a depth of more than 40 inches during extended dry seasons." N w E ...within Section 31 Township 36 South S Range 41 East N.T.S. ANDERSEN ANDRE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 573 SW Biltmore Street, Port St. Lucie, FL 34983 772-807-9191 www.AACEinc.com Certificate of Authorization No. 26794 USDA SOIL SURVEY MAP Drawn by: PGA Date: 08/2212012 SUBSURFACE SOIL EXPLORATION SAVANNAS PRESERVE STATE PARK Checked by: DPA Date: 08/22/2012 EDUCATION CENTER IMPROVEMENTS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA AACE File No: 12-147 Figure No. 3 LEGEND: T Approximate Standard Penetration Test (SPT) Boring Location HA-# Approximate Hand Auger (HA) - Boring Location FDR111 Approximate Double -Ring Infiltration (DR]) O Test Location N �5L W E S APPROXIMATE SCALE [11x17]: 1"=200' 0 50 100 200 FEET }+ i NOTES: Shown and noted boring and test locations are approximate. All field work locations were determined using wheeVtape mesurements, the provided site plan, and obtained aerial photographs and existing site features as references. The shown boring and test locations should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method of measurement used. Figure 4 reproduced from Site Plan provided by American Consulting Engineers of Florida, LLC � 4 � � r ANDERSEN ANDRE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. SOIL BORING, SAMPLING AND TESTING METHODS (abbreviated version for project specific methods and soil conditions) GENERAL Andersen Andre Consulting Engineers, Inc. (AACE) borings describe subsurface conditions Representative split -spoon samples from each sampling interval and from different strata are only at the locations drilled and at the time drilled. They provide no information about brought to our laboratory in air -tight jars for classification and testing, if necessary. Afterwards, the subsurface conditions below the bottom of the boreholes. At locations not explored, surface samples are discarded unless prior arrangement have been made. conditions that differ from those observed in the borings may exist and should be anticipated. The information reported on our boring logs is based on our dtiilers logs and on visual LABORATORY TEST METHODS examination in our laboratory of disturbed soil samples recovered from the borings. The Sod samples returned to the AACE soils laboratory are visually observed by a geotechnical engineer distinction shown on the logs between soil types is approximate only. The actual transition from or a trained technician to obtain more accurate description of the soil strata. Laboratory testing is one soil to another may be gradual and indistinct. performed on selected samples as deemed necessary to aid in soil dassification and to help define engineering properties of the soils. The test results are presented on the soil boring logs at the The groundwater depth shown on our boring logs is the water level the driller observed in the depths at which the respective sample was recovered, except that grain size distributions or selected borehole when it was drilled. These water levels may have been influenced by the drilling other test results may be presented on separate tables, figures or plates as discussed in this repom procedures, especially in borings made by rotary drilling with bentonitic drilling mud. An The soil descriptions shown on the logs are based upon visual -manual procedures in accordance accurate determination of groundwater level requires long-term observation of suitable with local practice. Soil classification is performed in general accordance with the United Soil monitoring wells. Fluctuations in groundwater levels throughout the year should be anticipated. Classification System (ASTNI D-2487) and is also based on visual -manual procedures. The absence of a groundwater level on certain logs indicates that no groundwater data is available. It does not mean that groundwater will not be encountered at that boring location at some other point in time. HAND AUGER BORINGS Hand auger borings are used, if soil conditions are favorable, when the soil strata are to be determined within a shallow (approximately 5-foot [1.5m]) depth or when access is not available to power drilling equipment. A 3-inch (/5mm) diameter hand bucket auger with a cutting head is simultaneously turned and pressed into the ground. The bucket auger is retrieved at approximately 6-inch (0.15m) interval and its contents emptied for inspection. On occasion post -hole diggers are used, especially in the upper 3 feet (lm) or so. Penetrometer probings can be used in the upper 5 feet (1.5m) to determine the relative density of the soils. The soil sample obtained is described and representative samples put in bags or jars and transported to the AACE soils laboratory for classification and testing, if necessary. STANDARD PENETRATION TEST The Standard Penetration Test (SPT) is a widely accepted method of in situ testing of foundation soils (ASTM D-1586). A 2-foot (0.6m) long, 2-inch (50mm) O.D. split-barrell sampler attached to the end of a string of drilling rods is driven 24 inches (0.60m) into the ground by successive blows of a 140-pound (63.5 Kg) hammer freely dropping 30 inches (0.76m). The number of blows needed for each 6 inches (0.15m) increments penetration is recorded. The sum of the blows required for penetration of the middle two 6-inch (0.15m) increments of penetration constitutes the test result of N-value. After the test, the sampler is extracted from the ground and opened to allow visual description of the retained soil sample. The N-value has been empirically correlated with various soil properties allowing a conservative estimate of the behavior of soils under load. The following tables relate N-values to a qualitative description of soil density for cohesionless soils: Cohesionless Soils: N-Value Description 0 to 4 Very loose 4 to 10 Loose 10 to 30 Medium dense 30 to 50 Dense Above 50 Very dense Cohesive Suits: N-Value Description (Qu 0 to 2 Very soft Below 025 tsf (25 kPa) 2 to 4 Soft 025 to 0.50 taf (25 to 50 kPa) 4 to 8 Medium stiff 0.50 to 1.0 tsf (50 to 100 kPa) 8 to 15 Stiff 1.0 to 2.0 tsf (100 to 200 kPa) 15 to 30 Very stiff 2.0 to 4.0 mf (200 to 400 kPa) Above 30 Hard Above 4.0 tsf (400 kPa) The tests are usually performed at 5 foot (1.5m) intervals. However, more frequent or continuous testing is done by AACE through depths where a more accurate definition of the soils is required. The test holes are advanced to the test elevations by rotary drilling with a cutting bit, using circulating fluid to remove the cuttings and hold the fine grains in suspension. The circulating fluid, which is bentonitic drilling mud, is also used to keep the hole open below the water table by maintaining an excess hydrostatic pressure inside the hole. In some soil deposits, particularly highly pervious ones, flush -coupled casing must be driven to just above the testing depth to keep the hole open and/or prevent the loss of circulating fluid. After completion of a test borings, the hole is kept open until a steady state groundwater level is recorded. The hole is then sealed by backfiding, eitber with accumulated cuttings or lean cement. THE PROJECT SOIL DESCRIPTION PROCEDURE FOR SOUTHEAST FLORIDA For use with the AS11I D-2487 Unified Soil Classification System CLASSIFICATION OF SOILS FOR ENGINEERING PURPOSES BOULDERS (>12" r300 MDB) and COBBLES (3" [75 DIIvfl TO 12" [300 MNIO: GRAVEL: Coarse Gravel: 3/4" (19 mm) to 3" (75 ram) Fine Gravel: No. 4 (4.75 mm) Sieve to 3/4" (19 ram) Descriptive adjectives: 0 - 5% - no mention of gravel in description 5-15% -trace 15-29% -some 30 - 49% - gravelly (shell, limemck, cemented sands) SANDS: - _ COARSE SAND: No. 10 (2 mm) Sieve to No. 4 (4.75 ram) Sieve MEDIUM SAND: No. 40 (425 Am) Sieve to No. 10 (2 ram) Sieve FINE SAND: No. 200 (75 Arri) Sieve to No. 40 (425 Arri) Sieve Descriptive adjectives: 0 - 5% - no mention of sand in description 5 -15% -trace 15 - 29% - some 30-49% -sandy SU.T/CLAY: < #200 (75/.tND Sieve SILTY OR SILT: PI < 4 SILTY CLAYEY OR SILTY CLAY: 4 < PI 5 7 CLAYEY OR CLAY: PI > 7 Descriptive adjectives: < - 5% - clean (no mention of silt or day in description) 5 - 15 % - slightly 16 - 35% - clayey, silty, or silty clayey 36 - 49% - very ORGANIC SOILS: Organic Content Descriptive Adjectives Classification 0 - 2.5% Usually no mention of org. See Above 2.6 - 5% slightly organic add "with organic fines" to group name 5 - 30% organic SM with organic fines Organic Silt (OL) Organic Clay (01.) Organic Silt (OH) Organic Clay (OH) ANDERSEN ANDRE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 573 SW Biltmore Street, Port St. Lucie, FL 34983 772-807-9191 www.AACEinc.com Certificate of Authorization No. 26794 GENERAL NOTES Drawn by: PGA Date: 08/22/2012 SUBSURFACE SOIL EXPLORATION SAVANNAS PRESERVE STATE PARK Checked by: DPA Date: 08/22/2012 EDUCATION CENTER IMPROVEMENTS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA AACE File No: 12-147 Sheet No. 1 Or A: w 10 rn —1 m w 15 20 k 25 L TB-1 TB-2 08/13/2012 08/13/2012 N __ LT. -GRAY -FINE- SAND-(SP)_____________ _ N LT.-GRAY.FINE-SAND-(SP)._..-_-_._.____._.__.__________._.....__..__.._ W _ W. ROOTS/ORGANICS [TOPSOIL] 5 - W. ROOTS/ORGANICS [TOPSOIL] MC: 37 -.-'GRAY FINE SAND (SP) - a GRAY FINE SAND (SP), T/O ROOTS oc: to ':,,DK. BROWN ORGANIC - c ...- FINE SAND (SP) z----- - a ---- _ _____ TAN FINE TO MEDIUM SAND (SP) 3� ---DK. BROWN FINE SAND (SP), T/O ROOTS, SILT _ - 4' � AND HARDPAN FRGMS [HARDPAN -TYPE] 17 -- - DK. BROWN SL. SILTY 7_ - M13 --WEAKLY CEMENTED BROWN FINE SAND (SP) - FINE SAND (SP-SM) [HARDPAN] 1 U _ GRAY FINE SAND (SP) M2oo 5to TAN SL. CLAYEY FINE SAND (SP-SC) 16 ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- i ---- -------------------------------- ------ ------------------- GRAY FINE SAND (SP) a TAN/LT. BROWN FINE SAND (SP) - GRAY FINE SAND (SP) _ 18 ..... 15 -- . .................... . .. -..------------ ..-------------------------------------------------------...--------.........----------------------------------.._ EOB ® 25' BLS EOB @ 25' BLS LEGEND: ■ TOPSOIL El FINE SAND (SP) ® SLIGHTLY. PAN SILTY LHARDPAN- TYPE] SLIGHTLY CLAYEY FINE SAND (SP-SC) NOTES: TB STANDARD PENETRATION TEST (SPT) BORING (ASTM D1586) N SPT RESISTANCE IN BLOWS PER FOOT Z GROUNDWATER LEVEL MEASURED ON THE DATE DRILLED EOB END OF BORING BLS BELOW LAND SURFACE SP, SP—SM, SP—SC: UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM (USCS) USCS GROUPS DETERMINED BY VISUAL CLASSIFICATION, EXCEPT FOR NOTED LABORATORY TEST RESULTS. MC NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT IN PERCENT (ASTM D2216) OC ORGANIC CONTENT IN PERCENT (ASTM D2974) —200 PERCENT PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE SIZE [PERCENT FINES] (ASTM D1140) SPT DATA: SPOON I.D. = 1.375" SPOON O.D. = 2.0" HAMMER DROP = 30" HAMMER WEIGHT = 140 lbs. HAMMER TYPE = MANUAL/SAFETY CREW: CL+AACE to= 15 110 115 120 J25 HA-1 HA-2 HA-3 HA-4 HA-5 08/15/2012 08/15/2012 08/15/2012 08/15/2012 08/15/2012 0 ,_ 1 B 1 B -ROCK FRAGMENTS 18 -ROCK FRAGMENTS 0 T/O CLAY T/O CLAY Ld OCc 15 1A -- 2C [ORGANIC] 28 __ 2C [ORGANIC] 2B © 2B L. -- qp 3'8 4D 0 2C [ORGANIC] Mc: as oc: to MCc 38 2C [ORGANIC]_ 28 _ 4-6 2C [ORGANIC] a.2' � 2B V) 5 m — 3A s•1 4.1' y 5 3A 3A 3A 2A x w EOB ® 7' BLS EOB ® 7' BLS EOB ® 7' BLS EOB CAD 7' BLS E08 ® 7' BLS 0 �10 10 HA-6 HA-7 HA-8 HA-9 HA-10 08/15/2012 08/15/2012 08/15/2012 08/15/2012 08/15/2012 p _ -ROCK FRAGMENTS -, 1 B -, 1 B -ROCK FRAGMENTS -ROCK FRAGMENTS 0 2B 2B 2B Li 28 28 O[ORGANIC] t - [ORGANIC] 2C - §K�_-OFORGANIC] - 2C [ORGANIC] ^ 5 .......-- ...... 3 --- --- ------------------------- -- 5 m I 3A R w EOB ® 7' BLS EOB @ 7' BLS EOB @ 7' BLS EOB CAA 7' BLS EOB ® 7' BLS 0 110 10 LEGEND: O1 SAND W. ORGANICS/ROOTS (SP) [TOPSOIL] O2 FINE SAND (SP) 3O SLIGHTLY CLAYEY FINE SAND( (SP—SC) ® SLIGHTLY HARDPAN TFRAGMENTS [HARDPAN -TYPE] AO LIGHT BROWN TO BROWN OB LIGHT GRAY TO GRAY © DARK BROWN O DARK GRAY NOTES: HA HAND AUGER BORING (ASTM D1452) S GROUNDWATER TABLE (GWT) MEASURED ON THE DATE DRILLED N.E. NOT ENCOUNTERED EOB END OF BORING BLS BELOW LAND SURFACE SP, SP—SM, SP—SC: UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM (USCS) USCS GROUPS DETERMINED BY VISUAL CLASSIFICATION, EXCEPT FOR NOTED LABORATORY TEST RESULTS. CREW: AACE APPENDIX I LBR Test Result ANDERSEN ANDRE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 573 SW Biltmore Street Port St. Lucie, Florida 34983 Phone:772-807-9191 Fax:772-807-9192 www.aaceinc.corn LIMEROCK BEARING RATIO (FM 5-515) PROJECT: Savannas Preserve Education Center FILE NO: 12-147 REPORTED TO: American Consulting Professionals REPORT NO: 1 CC: WOESSISHEME ��'�i' CCwww ww..wwwwwl. '�wCwwwwwlw wwwwwwwww Qww wwwwQ�ww wwww■�iww wwwwwwQ">•i' ww wwwww wwCwwwwwwwwQQwwww wwwQwwwwwww.wwQiiwwwww i■Q■iQQQ■iQQQiiiQQWON NNOXIMENNE ��iIQQQQQQQQQQQiQQQQQ■■■Q MEN so MMNMMMMEMMMMMMM MENOMONEE ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■ ;11111 _����111 �111111 1111111 mossommossion monsoon on ■■■■■■■■■■��■_■_�.�■■�c�.i■iiiiiiiii nisi '■■■■■■■■■■■i■■■■■■■■■■>r7■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 10011111001110■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■ .looms ■■■■■■■■■■■■. ■■■■■■■■■■■ .■■..■. ■..■..■.■.......■ ..■■.■■■... ■■■■■■■■■■ �■■■■■■■.Q■■■■■■■■■■ .�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■loom■ ■ ■■■■■■■■■■ Nilsson ■■■■■■■■■■■■lmomi■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■o■■■■■■■■■■■o■■monsoon .■■■■■■■■■■ SAMPLE NO: 1 SAMPLE LOCATION: SWC of Existing Unpaved Parking Lot DESCRIPTION: Brown fine sand with traces of clay and gravel stone (0 to 12") PROPOSED USE: Stab. Subgrade (12") DATE SAMPLED: 08/21/12 BY: SM Peter G. Andersen, P.E. Fla. Reg. No. 67956 i A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES, ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS AND AUTHORIZAIIC FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS, CONCLUSIONS OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING OUR REPORTS IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL .APPENDIX II RACE Project Limitations and Conditions ANDERSEN ANDRE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. (revised January 24, 2007) Project Limitations and Conditions Andersen Andre ConsultingEngineers, Inc. has prepared this re ort for o c gin p p p our bent for his exclusive use, in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made herein. Further, the report, in all cases, is subject to the following limitations and conditions: VARIABLE/UNANTICIPATED SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The engineering analysis, evaluation and subsequent recommendations presented herein are based on the data obtained from our field explorations, at the specific locations explored on the dates indicated - in the report. This report does not reflect any subsurface variations (e.g. soil types, groundwater levels, etc.) which may occur adjacent or between borings. The nature and extent of any such variations may not become evident until construction/excavation commences. In the event such variations are encountered, Andersen Andre Consulting Engineers, Inc. may find it necessary to (1) perform additional subsurface explorations, (2) conduct in -the -field observations -of encountered variations, and/or re-evaluate the conclusions and recommendations presented herein. We atAndersen Andre ConsuldngEngineeis, Inc. recommend that the project specifications necessitate the contractor immediately notifying Andersen Andre Consulting Engineers, Inc., the owner and the design engineer (if applicable) if subsurface conditions are encountered that are different from those presented in this report. No claim by the contractor for any conditions differing from those expected in the plans and specifications, or presented in this report, should be allowed unless the contractor notifies the owner and Andersen Andre Consulting Engineers, Inc. of such differing site conditions. Additionally, we recommend that all foundation work and site improvements be observed by an Andersen Andre Consulting Engineers, Inc. representative. SOIL STRATA CHANGES Soil strata changes are indicated by a horizontal line on the soil boring profiles (boring logs) presented within this report. However, the actual strata's changes may be more gradual and indistinct. Where changes occur between soil samples, the locations of the changes must be estimated using the available information and may not be at the exact depth indicated. SINKHOLE POTENTIAL Unless specifically requested in writing, a subsurface exploration performed by Andersen Andre Consulting Engineers, Inc. is not intended to be an evaluation for sinkhole potential. MISINTERPRETATION OF SUBSURFACE SOIL EXPLORATION REPORT Andersen Andre Consulting Engineers, Inc. is responsible for the conclusions and recommendations presented herein, based upon the subsurface data obtained during this project. If others render conclusions or opinions, or make recommendations based upon the data presented in this report, those conclusions, opinions and/or recommendations are not the responsibility of Andersen Andre Consulting Engineers, Inc. CHANGED STRUCTURE OR LOCATION This report was prepared to assist the owner, architect and/or civil engineer in the design of the subject project. If any changes in the construction, design and/or location of the structures as discussed in this report are planned, or if any structures are included or added that are not discussed in this report, the conclusions and recommendations contained in thus report may not be valid. All such changes in the projectplans should be made known to Andersen Andre Consulting Engineers, Inc. for our subsequent re-evaluation. USE OF REPORT BY BIDDERS Bidders who are reviewing this report prior to submission of a bid are cautioned that this report was prepared to assist the owners and project designers. Bidders should coordinate their .own subsurface explorations (e.g.; soil borings, test pits, etc.) for the purpose of determining any conditions that may affect construction operations. Andersen Andre Consulting Engineers, Inc. cannot be held responsible for any interpretations made using this report or the attached boring logs with regard to their adequacy in reflecting subsurface conditions which may affect construction operations. IN -THE -FIELD OBSERVATIONS Andersen Andre Consulting Engineers, Inc. attempts to identify subsurface conditions, including soil stratigtaphy, water levels, zones of lost circulation, "hard" or "soft" drilling, subsurface obstructions, etc. However, lack of mention in the report does not preclude the presence of such conditions. LOCATION OF BURIED OBJECTS Users of this report are cautioned that there was no requirement for Andersen Andre Consulting Engineers, Inc. to attempt to locate any man-made, underground objects during the course of this exploration, and that no attempts to locate any such objects were performed. Andersen Andre Consulting Engineers, Inc. cannot be responsible for any buried man-made objects which are subsequently encountered during construction. PASSAGE OF TIME This report reflects subsurface conditions that were encountered at the time/date indicated in the report. Significant changes can occur at the site during the passage of time. The user of the report recognizes the inherent risk in using the information presented herein after a reasonable amount of time has passed. We recommend the user of the report contactAndersen Andre Consulting Engineers, Inc. with any questions or concerns regarding this issue.