HomeMy WebLinkAboutVegetation Removal Permit Application.1 Ni ,• r l ,_ ST. LUCIE COUNTY'. NOTICE ORVEGETATION REMOVAL s APPLICATION . Please complete the: requested information and submit to iW.'St; Lucie County Environmental Resources Department or Building &.Zoning Departments For.additiorial information, please.contact the Environmental Resources Department at (772) 46272526.. Filing• dih application. elves not result in: an :aullrorization ed '. commence any vegetation removal ot• alterdtion:. . Ineomplete:applications will not.be.accepted in accordattoe:with. section 11:05.06 (c) of.the.St. Lucie -County Land Development Code, Within twenty (20) days Aber an applicatioti:has been determined to be complete, the Etivironinental:.Resources -Department shall. review the application and: approve; approve :with conditions, or'deny the.applicaUon, based on the standards set -forth in Section 6:Q0.05 of this Code. Applications: requiring a concurrent building permii wiil'be processed within the same twenty (20) day fimeframe, howevdr will not .: be. rcleased.until the building permit is also approved. Per:Section.lI:OSa)6-b. 6. of the St: Lucie County Land..Developme.it Code,-the:filing.'ofan applicati6n;shall be deemed to extend.permission to the Environmental resources Direetor,,or designee,to:inspect.the subject - site. for purposes of evaluating the, application: Please list, any specific information such as a gate code or the . necessity of. 24 hour notice due to cattle grazing, controlled burns, outside pets; .etc. In the event that it is determined that any federal or state protected species is. resident on or dependent.upon.the subject parcel, all development work which might aduersely -affect that iiidii idual species shall cease and stop. work. The applicant shall immediately notify (he:Florida Fish. and Wildlife Conservation Commission, U.S. . Fish and Wildlife Service; and,thc County. Appropriate protection.to the satisfaction of All partiesshall be. provided by'the-applicant. prior to resuming development: PROJECT .I N F.ORMATION, OWNERS NAME::Florida Department of Environmental Protection. :. DOWNERS ADDRESS 3800'CorbmohWdalth,BodleVatd Tallahassee,, . FL 32399 PROJECT LOCATION/ADDRESS: 254.1 Walton Road CITY: Port'St.' Lucie:.*STATE:'. FL ZIP:.34952 .. CONTACT PHONE(S) #: 850-2457,2720: PARCEL-SIZE:14.63 PROPERTY TAX •1D.#: 3414-501-3203-000-2 GATE CODE (IF APPLICABLE):.: EMAIL ADDRESS: anna.peterfreund@acp-ga.com CONTACT •PHONE NUMBER FOR PERMIT PICK UP: (700) 523=2520 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION• (IF. APPLICABLE): St. Lrtcie County Code and Compiled Laivs re4uires that this type of tiVork be done by a licensed contractor ; Ij applyingfordhis permll under 1he.d►vner/builder exemption, see Disclontre Statement on page 4. LAND CLEARING CONTRACTOR NAME:•. Not yet determined -ADDRESS:. - .. PHONE N>3MBERi FLORIDA REG/CERT l# : ST LU.CIE CO: CERT. #.. BUILDING CONTRACTOR ADDRESS.'.. P[IONE.NUMBER: ] UPDATED 4/26/2012 COMPLETE.EITHER-PART L OR71.BELOW: . .PART [•= EXEMPTION Any person ..who intends to remove or caase, the, death of any yegetation pwsuant too any of the.Tollowing exemptions must .first • fill out. Part .1. of this: form. The burden of proving entitlement to . any ..particular exemption shall.lie, at allun tes; with the person or persons claithing.the'exentption.'. PLEASE CHECK ONE OF THE FOLLOWING:. : The minimal removal of vegetation necessary for the clearing of a path:noi to,exceed 4' in width, to ' provide physical •access or view necessary to conduct a surveyor site examination OR' LO' in width -to provide' vehicular access hcoessaryto conduct soil tests,: for the'preparation.of bona'fide site development -plans or vegetation inventories; provided such:clearing or reinoval-is conducted under the direction df a Florida registered surveyor or engineer.: Fee: $55 n 2. The removal of vegetation:in.a utility easement;.drainagc easement, storm water management tract or - facility; of right-of-way provided -such`work.is- done.byor under the control ofthc operating utility. . company: and that company has obtained all necessary licwnses'or permits to provide utility, service thtbugh the easement; Fee: $55 3.. The removal ofveget Mon -Which has been•determined:{o be.a safety hazard; destroyed or damaged beyq d.saving by. natural causes or.causes not covered. by other sections.of thischapter., is infected . :with disease or.is infested ivith insects, or which constitutes immediate peril to life:pfoperty or -other trees. Fee: $55': . ❑.9.. The removal of native vegetation, upon any.detachcd single family residchiial lot or parcel of - land haying an area of one (I),ad or less. This exeniptionIs; however, subject to the following conditions: Fee: $55' A) Nothing m this exemption• shall exempt "any person from the :landscaping Tequirements. set forth in Section 7.09:00 oftbe St.'LUcie`County:Land'Developriieni-Coda; B) This exemption .shall -not, be construed ,to allow the removal or -alteration -of any protected . vegetation without a Vegetatjon.-Removal Permit on any lot or- parcel. by,rts:$ubdiVider unless .the subdivider intend's to construct a residential unit or.units upon the.lot or parcel of 1'and prior toils sale. C). No .native. vegetation, twenty-four. inches (24" ); or greater,: dbh : shall 'be removed from any, residential.'.parcel .(including _those in the AG-5, ACr2 5- AG=1,, AR=1z RE-1,, and, R!C zoning .districts), regardless of 6 del: size, ".without. an :approved Vegetation Removal Permit and. an approved mitigation plan. El5.,' The removal of any non-native vegetation. Fee: $55 .which wilt. be waived for removal of invasive exotics Only for Single: f&nlily- homeowner or- property owner'sassociation removing exotics._ 6.. No iegetadoq to be. removed. Fee: $55 :7: The following activities do'not require the application of a:Notice of Vegetation Removal; however may require Building Permit .approvat.or otheCSUch:authorization: 'Fee: None A)' • Preserve and Parks, Management Activities.- Vegetation removal. activities assoeiated'with.an adopted;managcment plan ffitgovernment .maintained parks, recreation- areas, wildlife management areas, conservation areas and. preserves. The purpose of the vegetation. removal activity shall be to protect and preserve -the natural values and functions of the ecological communities.preseni, such as, clearing for iirebreaks,.cmriducting prescribed Burns, or cbmtruet)on offences. 13) ..Existing Agricultural Operations; Vegetation removal associated with subsequent harvesting activities, except within required preserve areas or. deeded conservation•easements, which are ,part of the.On-going activities'of the kisting operation shall not require a permit: Initial clearing of a ' site is not an exempt:activity: Bona.lide•a' cultural activities include coinmercial,'nursery, tree .. farm; aquaculture, rancho or similar operation, C).-Routine_Landscape Maintenance: Trimming or pruning ofvegetationwhich js not intended to result in the.eventual death.of the vegetation, mowing ofyards or lawns, :or any other landscaping or gardening activity which is commonly recognized as routine.' maintenance, replacemenfor re- landscaping: 2 UPDATED.4/2612012 . :PART .11-VEGETATION RE,EMOV.'AL PERMIT. "Fee Scheduler- $100'per Single FamilyHome.tot/BuHill ng: - s100 per Multifamily Home Lot�Building: - $209 per. Non"-Residential'Buildiug Please complete ALL of -the 'requested" information. A Vegetation Removal .Permit shall only be issued if . sufficient evidence demonstrating that at least one ofthe following criteno has beeri satisfied: .. MI" The applicant for.vegetation removal permit.shall demonstrate'whypreservation of the exrsting.natrvo vegetation is not practically feasible and prevents the reasonable development:of the site. n2: The: removal of _the native :vegetation . is -the minimum necessary. in orderto implement .a "Final. . Dev"elopment Order (i.e.; approved site plan or approved building permit).. - 03. A Fiiral Development Qrder has not been :issued; or is •not required. by this Code for ibe intended .. non-agricultural use of the'Iand.and vegetation removal is the minimum necessary to Allow for the.: " coristruction of the intended use orimprovement:' "ADD1T[ONAL SUBMITTAL.REOUEN IREMTS FOR'VEGETATION REMOVAL PERMITS: L Site'Plan/Construction'Plan The.plaris must accurately depictthe location of.'all "proposed buildings; structures, driveways, septic tanks; and otherinproveinentsc 2. Tice Survey. Tfie survey •must accurately :depict the individual locations, species naindabd common name; and "sizes of ; all County' protected trees to be•removed and, if applicable, the -individual, locations,. species name. and . common: nAme, and sizes. to be preserved or'relocated. - 3. Vegetation Removal Plan The;vegetatioor- m al:plan"must illustrateahc existing vegetative conditions'on•the pipject site, including• . .. an identification of what areas will be-impaetcd'by the.pmposcd. development activity'and-what areas are proposed for preservation or: replanting:. .4.- Mitigation .. All native vegetation ;shall be proteoteif on site to the greatest ;extenrpossible:if ittipact i unavoidablt, mitigation, shall be provided throiigh.one oftbe mitigation iriethodologies outlined in Land Development Code.Section 6.00.05:D, Provide mitigation calculations per• Land Development Code'Section.G.00.05.D and include a' mitigation • ' plan outlining proposed mitigatiop method tin Oe tree surrey and/or- site. plan, ' 'if sufficient mitigation c4inn6t be accommodated on -site and Additional inches oferedit are"required I?ased : on calculation; an offsite mitigafion.pinn shallbe:attaehed for review.and approval ofMi"Direetor .. (Land Development:Code Section"': Prior. to the issuance of ariy authoriiation-forcommencementof permitted developmentactivity, the replacement vegetation Shall be pcesecved, relocated.or planted, or. the.appropriate mitigation fees. shall be paid to the County. As part of the issuance of aoyperm trequiring " itigafion, the property owner shall, subinit to an inspection of the planted/relocafed/preserved materials`l8 months after the: issuance ofa: Certificate ofOccupancy or other use authorization: iirnarED 4tW20t2 PI:EASE HAVE.THE'FOL'LOW.ING ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS NOTARIZE): i CERTIFY THAT: (CIJECK•ONE) ,'OOA. IAMTHOWR DAEDESCRIBED PROPERT.Y:AND.WILL BE.CONDUCTING THE WORK AS-OWNER/BUILDER. Drsdosurc+ Statement State./aiv �equlies corrslroct/on to be done 'by /icensed roribactnrs You have appred for a•penrilt under an exemption to That law The exemption allows you the. owner. of your property, to act as }!obr owii confrdctor witir.crrta/n restr/ca6ns even though. you do' not have.• a license, you roust provide. dlrU4 'on re supervisJon .of thi aonstructlon: youiseif. 'You. may. bu1ld or. /tnpioi!e a:one faml/y. or lrtio tamfly.residence or'a famf outbuilding. Yau.inay a/so - . )arid or improve a cmm�ierr/al bulld/ny, provided,goof ca is do qot exc el 000. The'bul/ding; or iesldencie must. be foi yoGr'vwn.useoiocrupancy ltinaynotbebui/torso)smnBaUylmprovedforsafeorfeaase.:IfyouW..orkia ea&Mdingyou, . (rave built pr suhstantiaUy improved.yourself.ivithln, l year:aRerthe mnsbuction is corripletg; the /a"w.wlll presurire ttiat god: •. b�il(t ar subsfanda/fy imptived Jt for. sa/e or tease, whlc�!i •is a violation nf't/rls. exempt/ori. You may'nat-hire an unlicensed -person' to act as your rontractor or hi supendse peap% wonFlrrg on.yourbtillding.' It Js your responsibllrTy to make. sure that . people employed by yoq have //reiues required by sfate:Yaw and. by, crounty or'municipal licensing ordinances You may not. delegate the respors/b!%ty forsuperylsrng work io: a licensed coritrador. who is not licensed tic perform thework being done Any person workiirg on your:lrWldins r4ho, is not /irensed must work Lgder your direttsupdrvis:+on. and musttie employed by.. you; wh/c1i means that you. must deduct FI.GA: and witJ►ho/ding tax and ptnvlde monikers rompensationfor that employee; ail as.prescribed by taw.. Your.con;trucbori must.'comply..widr al/.appl/cable laiys; ordinances, byMing codes, and zoning. regu/atioris. .. $: ' ):. i AM NOT THEOWNER AF RECORD OF THE ABOVED. DESCRIBED l?RQPERTY;'HOWI'sVER; IHAVE AUTHORITY TO. ACT AS AGENT FOR THE,OWNER OF.'RECORD..(St. Lucie:County Code and Compiled bifvs'regrr$•es that this. type ofivorkbedone'bydlJcensedconlydct6 QLEASE.YROVIDE DOCUMENTATION).: I CERTIFY THATALL iNFORMATION-SUBMITTED: WITH THIS APPLICATIOM IS TRUE AND. CO ...' T To THE 4F.ST OF MY KNOWLEDGE: GENT SIGNATURE CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE STATE. E OF FLORIDA-,-FLO � ._STATE OF FLORI COUNTY OF P 3t'awG ; COUNTY OF ST. LU 1. . The_foregoing i1 stiumerii was acknowl�ged The for•egoing'inWument Was ackngwledged - before.• me this ]. da �I'; 20f ' before me this . - day; of , 20 by G#�l who is by .who is :. personally know to mc' r has prodilced personally'. knoW to me'or has prpduced as-idendfieation.. as -identification: . Signature, of Notar . Signsitute of Notary .hrZ: Typc.or.Pdnt_NartieofNotary . Type-oi•Print.Name.ofNoWy Title Notary Public . ✓ Notary Public. -,,Title . ..CO mrnission Nurimber: �P,ere„q OEBflA`O. SCHWARZ Notary Public State of Florida (SEAL):. My Comm. Explres May 10 2015 Commission g EE'2788 Bonded ihrouph National Notary Assn.' ssa*sass*i**�irasss*»e�r�*>r�r�Kptao►*s*a*a►trs**sods+rest*ssi�*sss*waao*�srWi«*rsi±�+s*a OR O IGaE IJ a APPROVED DENIED. REVIEWED/ -APPROVED BY: MS ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCESDEPARTMENT • DATE' '. UPDATED 41262012 : Environmental Impact Report Savannas Preserve State Park. Education::Centerlmprovements The Savannas Preserve State Park Education Center Improvements:project involves the. construction of�a 3,000 square::foot additiorto the'existing education center building: In:addition,'the entrance road and: parking lot will be paved with concrete. A 9-foot; wooden boardwalk.and an approximately 11 foot by.30. foot observation -deck over the wetlands within 'the state park -.will be constructed. Other amenities. include bicycle- racks, pavement of sidewalk, -and .landscaping of .parking lot median. The first floor elevation of the building addition will match the existing education. center. The :habitats within the Savannas Preserve .State Park. in .the areas where improvements will be made consist of pine flatwood, palmetto prairie and freshwater marsh/graminoid prairie marsh. The state park.is. not located on the coast and no beaches are present: The parcel'the existing education center sits on as well- as,"the.proposed .improvements is 14.63 acres, in size..Of this, 4.2 acres comprise the palmetto prairie,. 7.0 acres comprise pine flatwoods'.arid. 1.0 acre ,comprises the .marsh. The remaining.acreage comprises the education center facility.and entrance road. In addition, runoff-is from the existing parking lot directed to 4 the center .island within the parking lot. Asa result, wetland.vegetation has been recruited in this area: The pine flatwood and palmetto prairie. is. not located. within a 100=year floodplain. No documented 'flooding has occurred in .the location of the education center.'"`"' and its. facilities: A habitat. map using Florida Land .Use . and. Cover. Classification System (FLUCCS) codes. is: attached. Location .of proposed education center expansion Minimal trees are located within the .� construction. areas. As shown in the: picture to the right, approximately 10 slash pine trees -that would need :.to be removed from the site to accommodate'construction. Additionally, a few pine trees may need to be removed to pave the existing Glass Lizard Trail to the proposed overlook. All other trees within the 14.63 acres will be preserved. „Attached .is a rough sketch of the trees located on the property. As the project is located within a state park, disturbed areas were utilized to the .extent possible and the overall foot: print of the . project has been Existing Glass Lizard Trail minimized to reduce impacts to the natural environment. To offset impacts to native vegetation, a landscape plan has been developed. As the property is a state: park, it is the,. preference of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to limit, planting to the extent possible and to only use those -plants that could naturally occur in the.habitats.found on site. The landscape plan shows that the two islands found within. -the parking lot.will be landscaped. As previously mentioned,.the larger island is .consistently saturated and has recruited wetland plants. Therefore, wetland: plants were identified in the landscape plan for this area. The smaller island is an upland island, containing two slash. pine trees, that will remain. Other. herbaceous and .shrub vegetation is proposed for this island: The Florida Department. of Environmental Protection.conducted afield review of the.Savannas Preserve State Park .in ' 2010 -(attached); in conjunction with a. second project ' located elsewhere. 'The DEP concluded that. they had. no :issues with the construction proposed.. site. Additional wildlife surveys .. 1 were conducted -during field. reviews by American Consulting. Professionals LLC in August 2010 and January 2011..Two.g6pher tortoise .burrows were. observed within the footprint of the proposed improvements.. An additional gopher tortoise survey vuill. be conducted closer to construction and all gopher tortoises .within 25 feet of the- proposed irnprovements will be permitted through'the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and relocated to an approved mitigation site: No other. listed species were observed. The project "is within the 18.5-mile core foraging area of .one wood stork colony. In addition, the project is within the -consultation area for the crested caracara,.West Indian. manatee, Florida scrub jay, piping plover, red -cockaded woodpecker; and snail kite: Impacts to these species are •not anticipated. .