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THIS ITEM HAS BEEN DIGITALLY SIGNED AND SEALED BY KIMANDY LAWRENCE, PE ON THE DATE ADJACENT TO THE SEAL. PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT CONSIDERED SIGNED AND SEALED AND THE SIGNATURE MUST BE VERIFIED ON ANY ELECTRONIC COPIES. BILODEAU, AMY NEW GRID -INTERACTIVE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM DC SYSTEM SIZE (I 1.34KW) GENERAL NOTES SCOPE OF WORK EQUIPMENT 1. THE PROJECT IS NEW PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM CONSISTING OF SOLAR 1. ALL ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS INSTALLED OUTDOORS, EXPOSED TO ARRAY(S) AND ASSOCIATED POWER CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT. WEATHER OR IN DAMP LOCATIONS SHALL BE RATED FOR NEMA 3R OR GREATER. 2. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE ADOPTED EDITION OF THE INSTALLATION OF THESE COMPONENTS MUST COMPLY WITH THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE AND ELECTRIC CODE AS SPECIFIED IN THE PROJECT MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. SPECIFIC NOTES. 2. ALL RACEWAYS, CABINETS, BOXES, FIXTURES SHALL BE SUPPORTED 3. IT SHALL ALSO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CITY, COUNTY, STATE AND FROM THE BUILDING STRUCTURE IN AN APPROVED MANNER. LOCAL ELECTRICAL UTILITY CODES, RULES AND REGULATIONS. 3. AT THE COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT NEATLY TYPED ACCURATE 4. THE SYSTEM WILL BE INTERCONNECTED TO THE ELECTRICAL UTILITY PANEL BOARD DIRECTORIES INDICATING ALL BRANCH CIRCUITS AND SPARES WILL GRID IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ADOPTED ELECTRIC AND THE BE PROVIDED. ALL SPARES SHALL BE LEFT IN THE OFF POSITION. ELECTRICAL UTILITY COMPANY. 4. ALL SAFETY SWITCHES SHALL BE HEAVY DUTY TYPE WITH COVER 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE LABOR FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE INTERLOCK AND HANDLE LOCK OFF PROVISIONS. SWITCHES SHALL BE ARRAY AND INSTALLATION OF ALL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT. THE CONTRACTOR WILL MANUFACTURED BY A COMPANY CONSISTENT WITH OTHER INSTALLED EQUIPMENT PROVIDE COMPETENT SUPERVISION FOR THE WORK TO BE ACCOMPLISHED. WHENEVER POSSIBLE. PART NUMBERS, RATING AND FUSING SHALL BE AS SHOWN CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS FOR APPROVAL BY OWNER AS REQUESTED. ON THE DRAWINGS. 6. THERE WILL BE NO SUBMISSION FOR ANY EQUIPMENT WITH THE VENDOR 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE ALL CEC AND MAINTENANCE PART NUMBER ON THE DRAWING WITHOUT WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PROFESSIONAL CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTS ARE MET FOR NEW EQUIPMENT AND MAINTAINED FOR ENGINEER. COMMON ITEMS SUCH AS CONDUITS, WIRE, FITTINGS, ETC. ARE NOT EXISTING EQUIPMENT. SPECIFIED BY VENDOR BUT THE SIZES CANNOT BE REDUCED. 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY EQUIPMENT CLEARANCE AND 7. THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR AND HIS SUBCONTRACTORS AGREE PLACEMENTS WHILE COORDINATING LOCATORS WITH THAT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GENERALLY ACCEPTED CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES OTHER TRADES, CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS, AND SITE SUPERVISORS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR AND HIS SUBCONTRACTORS WILL BE REQUIRED TO PURCHASING AND INSTALLING EQUIPMENT. ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE SAFETY OF ALL PERSON AND 7. EVERY STRUCTURE AND PORTION THEREOF, INCLUDING PROPERTY, AND THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL BE MADE TO APPLY CONTINUOUSLY NONSTRUCTURAL COMPONENTS THAT ARE PERMANENTLY ATTACHED TO AND IS NOT LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS. STRUCTURES AND THEIR SUPPORTS AND ATTACHMENTS, SHALL BE DESIGNED AND 8. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR AND HIS SUBCONTRACTORS FURTHER CONSTRUCTED TO RESIST THE EFFECTS OF EARTHQUAKE MOTIONS IN AGREE TO DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASCE 7, EXCLUDING CHAPTER 14 AND APPENDIX FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE 11A. THE SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY FOR A STRUCTURE IS PERMITTED TO BE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPT LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 1613 OR ASCE 7. SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE DESIGN PERSONNEL. 8. ALL CONTROLS AND SWITCHES INTENDED TO BE USED BY THE 9. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR AND HIS SUBCONTRACTORS WILL BE OCCUPANT OF THE ROOM OR AREA TO CONTROL REQUIRE TO REPAIR ANY DAMAGE DONE TO BUILDINGS, GROUNDS OR UTILITIES AT NO LIGHTING AND RECEPTACLE OUTLETS, APPLIANCE AND COOLING, HEATING AN D ADDITIONAL COST TO THE CUSTOMER. DEFECTIVE MATERIAL OR WORKMANSHIP WILL VENTILATING EQUIPMENT, SHALL BE LOCATED NOT BE ALLOWED ON THIS PROJECT.RESONABLE HOUSEKEEPING AND CLEAN UP NO MORE THAN 48 INCHES MEASURED FROM THE TOP OF THE JUNCTION OR DEVICE SHALL BE CONDUCTED BOTH DURING THE EXECUTION OF AND AT THE CONCLUSION OF BOX NOR LESS THAN 15 INCHES THE PROJECT. MEASURED TO THE BOTTOM OF THE JUNCTION OR DEVICE BOX ABOVE THE FINISHED FLOOR. GENERAL 9. ALL RECEPTACLE OUTLETS ON BRANCH CIRCUITS OF 30 - AMPERES OR 1. THE ACTUAL SYSTEM EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE LESS AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEM RECEPTACLES PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM ARE INCLUDED IN THE PV SYSTEM SPECIFICATION ON THE SHALL BE LOCATED NO MORE THAN 48 INCHES MEASURED FROM THE TOP OF THE TITLE PAGE AND THROUGHOUT THE DRAWING AS NECESSARY FOR CLARITY.IN RECEPTACLE OUTLET BOX OR RECEPTACLE ADDITION THE ACTUAL VENDOR SPECIFICATION DATA SHEETS WILL BE INCLUDED AS HOUSING NOR LESS THAN 15 INCHES MEASURED TO THE BOTTOM OF THE PART OF THE PERMIT SUBMITTAL. RECEPTACLE OUTLET BOX OR RECEPTACLE HOUSING ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR. 2. ONLY NEW MATERIAL WILL BE INSTALLED AS PART OF THE PROJECT. ALL NEW INSTALLED EQUIPMENT WILL BE APPROPRIATELY LISTED AND NEMA RATED. GROUNDING ALL NEW EQUIPMENT SHALL HAVE PERMANENT PLASTIC ENGRAVED IDENTIFICATION 1. THE GROUNDING SYSTEM SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE TAGS INSTALLED. NEC AND THE LOCAL ADOPTED CODE. ALL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND RACEWAYS 3. ALL CUTTING AND PATCHING REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION OF NEW SHALL BE PROPERLY GROUNDED. RACEWAYS AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ELECTRICAL 2. AN INSULATED EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR, IN CONTRACTOR. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED BY TRADESMAN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC CODE, SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ALL CONDUITS WITH EXPERIENCED IN WORK REQUIRED. ALL FINISHES SHALL MATCH THE EXISTING CURRENT CARRYING CONDUCTORS. ALL LUGS AND CONNECTORS SHALL BE RATED ADJACENT FINISHES. OPENING IN FIRE RATED WALLS WILL BE PATCHED IN A FOR THE CONDUCTOR MATERIAL AND THE CONDITIONS OF USE. MANNER MAINTAINING THE ORIGINAL FIRE AND SMOKE RATING. 3. THE GROUNDING RESISTIVITY WILL BE TESTED AFTER INSTALLATION 4. DRAWINGS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC IN NATURE AND CANNOT SHOW EVERY TO CONFIRM 5 OHM OR LESS RESISTANCE FROM RACKING TO GROUND. IF GROUND CONNECTION, JUNCTION BOX, WIRE,CONDUIT, RESISTANCE IS GREATER THAN 5 OHMS ADDITIONAL GROUNDING WILL BE ETC. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING A COMPLETE AND INSTALLED UNTIL RESISTANCE IS LESS THAN 5 OHMS. FUNCTIONAL ELECTRICAL SYSTEM. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL POWER OUTAGES WITH THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE IN ADVANCE. WIRING DEVICES 6. PANEL DESIGNATIONS SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS ARE GIVEN FOR 1. RECEPTACLES SHALL BE AS DESIGNED ON THE DRAWINGS AND CLARIFICATION OF THE CIRCUITING ONLY AND MAY SHOULD BE A BRAND CONSISTENT WITH OTHERS IN THE VICINITY WHENEVER NOT CORRESPOND TO THE DESIGNATIONS FOUND IN THE FIELD. POSSIBLE. 7. ELECTRICAL TESTING SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH NFPA 70E 2. ALL WIRING DEVICES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH APPROPRIATE COVER -PLATES. ANY EMPTY BOXES SHALL HAVE BLANK CONDUIT AND WIRE COVER PLATES. COVER -PLATES SHALL BE LEXAN, PLASTIC OR STAINLESS STEEL IN 1. ALL EXISTING CONDUIT RUNS ARE NOT SHOWN. CONTRACTOR SHALL FINISHED AREA. GALVANIZED COVER -PLATES MAY BE USED IN EQUIPMENT ROOMS. VERIFY EXISTING CONDUIT LOCATIONS IN FIELD. 2. ALL CONDUCTORS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN A RACEWAY AS SPECIFIED LABELING AND PHASING IN THE DRAWINGS. THE EXCEPTION IS PV SOURCE CIRCUIT CONDUCTORS MADE 1. FOR LABELING USE NUMBERED UV RATED LABELS TO INDICATE OF PV WIRE CABLE. THESE CONDUCTORS MAY BE EXPOSED WITHIN THE PV ARRAY. STRING NUMBER. 3. INDOOR EMT FITTINGS MAY BE COMPRESSION TYPE OR STEEL SET 2. AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR LABELS YELLOW TAPE MAY BE USED FOR SCREW TYPE. OUTDOOR EMT FITTINGS MUST BE COMPRESSION RAINTIGHT TYPE. PHASING 4. A PULL ROPE SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ALL EMPTY CONDUITS. 3. EACH METHOD DESCRIBED ABOVE WILL NEED TO BE PERFORMED ON 5. CONDUCTORS MATERIAL, EITHER COPPER OR ALUMINUM IN BOTH POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE AT POINTS WHERE SPECIFIED IN THE DRAWINGS. CONDUCTOR INSULATION TYPE SHALL BE THWN - 2 CONDUCTORS ARE TERMINATED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. SYSTEM DETAILS DESCRIPTION NEW GRID -INTERACTIVE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM WITH NO BATTERY STORAGE DC RATING OF SYSTEM SYSTEM SIZE: 11.34KW DC STC AC RATING OF SYSTEM 8.12 KW MAX. AC OUT. CURRENT 42.35 A NO. OF MODULES (28) JKM 405M-72HL-V G2(405W) JINKO SOLAR NO. OF INVERTERS (28) ENPHASE IQ7PLUS-72-2-US MICROINVERTERS POINT OF CONNECTION LINE SIDE TAP IN THE MSP (2) BRANCHES OF 9 MODULES ARRAY STRINGING (1) BRANCH OF 10 MODULES SITE DETAILS ASHRAE EXTREME LOW 0°C ASHRAE 2% HIGH 33°C GROUND SNOW LOAD 0 PSF WIND SPEED 160 MPH (ASCE 7-16) RISK CATEGORY II WIND EXPOSURE CATEGORY I C GOVERNING CODES FLORIDA RESIDENTIAL CODE, 7TH EDITION 2020 (FRC) FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, 7TH EDITION 2020 (FBC) FLORIDA FIRE PREVENTION CODE, 7TH EDITION 2020 (FFPC) NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE, NEC 2017 CODE BOOK SHEET INDEX SHEET NO. SHEET NAME PV-1 COVER PAGE PV-2 FIRE SAFETY PLAN PV-3 ELECTRICAL LINE DIAGRAM PV-4 ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS PV-5 LABELS PV-6 RACKING LAYOUT PV-7 STRUCTURAL DETAILS PV-8 MODULE DATASHEET PV-9 INVERTER DATASHEET PV-10 JUNCTION BOX DATASHEET PV-11 COMBINER PANEL DATASHEET PV-12 RACKING DATASHEET PV-13 ATTACHMENT DATASHEET PV-14 SEALANT DATASHEET PV-15 GROUNDING & BONDING DATASHEET VICINITY MAP E Bradley St er 1tl SI a 5110 PaImFOrt Pierce; FL 349✓8 , United Stag s 0 e' s a m WIND FLOW MAP 6ca D Orlando 0 Kssimmee 0 anal uri•e Gearwater� To a ! FLORIDA 1711 Petershur � ach so La Sl L�c� est Palm FnrL rs Be ch Fa, udo ale Min i Ever nal Park LORD & LAWRENCE ���� CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONTACT: (561) 444 8192 5700 LAKE WORTH ROAD SUITE 211 GREENACRES, FL 33463,USA FLORIDA REGISTRY# 83317 •UrbanSolar. CONTACT: 561-609-2664 990 SOUTH ROGERS CIRCLE SUITE 4 BOCA RATON, FL 33487 SOLAR CONTRACTOR LICENSE: CVC56948 CV 00 C'M M M >C'000 J O 0 LL C'M O LLJ 00 I --I LLJ 00 0 O d O Lo 0f ti O N LL SIGNATURE WITH SEAL r' N..83317 cr STATEOF ..;<oe..... G�c /��SS�ONAI EN��� Digitally signed by Kimandy Lawrence Date: 2021.08.02 16:34:18-04'00' PERMIT DEVELOPER DATE 07/08/2021 DESIGNER OSS REVIEWER COVER PAGE PV-1 11 EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION QUANTITY MODULE JKM 405M-72HL-V G2(405W) JINKO SOLAR 28 INVERTER ENPHASE 1Q7PLUS-72-2-US MICROINVERTERS 28 JUNCTION BOX SOLTECTION RJ-1 ROOFTOP 1 COMBINER PANEL 80A ENPHASE IQ COMBINER 3 1 AC DISCONNECT AC DISCONNECT 240V, 60 AMP FUSED WITH 45 AMP FUSES, NEMA 3R, UL LISTED 1 ATTACHMENT QUICKMOUNT (L-MOUNT) 61 RACKING SYSTEM IRONRIDGE (XR100) RAILS - 18" SETBACK ROOF ACCESS POINT ROOF 3 ROOF 2 ROOF ACCESS POINT 0 0 T O O ROOF 1 m CONDUIT RUN CP IACD 11UM (N)COMBINER PANEL (N)AC DISCONNECT (FUSIBLE) ROOF SPECIFICATIONS ROOF MATERIAL ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF CONDITION FAIR RAFTERS 2"X4"@24" O.C. SYSTEM INFORMATION DC SYSTEM SIZE 11.34KW AC SYSTEM SIZE 8.12 KW 0 RAP 2'SETBACK ROOF ROOF ACCESS POINT (E)MAIN SERVICE PANEL (INSIDE HOUSE) (E)UTILITY METER (OUTSIDE HOUSE) ROOF INFORMATION ROOF QUANTITY SLOPE AZIMUTH ROOF 1 04 18.43°(4/12) 270^ ROOF 2 05 18.43°(4/12) 270^ ROOF 3 05 18.43°(4/12) 270 ROOF 4 14 18.43°(4/12) 90° THIS ITEM HAS BEEN DIGITALLY SIGNED AND SEALED BY KIMANDY LAWRENCE, PE ON THE DATE ADJACENT TO THE SEAL. PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT CONSIDERED SIGNED AND SEALED AND THE SIGNATURE MUST BE VERIFIED ON ANY ELECTRONIC COPIES. NOTES: 1. LOCATION OF JUNCTION BOX(ES), AC DISCONNECTS(S), AC COMBINER PANEL(S), AND OTHER ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT(S) RELEVANT TO PV INSTALLATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE BASED ON SITE CONDITIONS. 2. SETBACKS AT RIDGES CAN BE REDUCED TO 18 INCHES IN COMPLIANCE WITH FBC R 324.6.2: TOTAL PLAN VIEW AREA = 2387 SQFT TOTAL PV AREA = 28(79.06 IN)(39.45 IN)/(144 INA2) = 606.46 SQFT (606.46 SQFT/2387 SQFT)100 = 25.41 % TOTAL PV AREA POPULATES 25.41 % OF TOTAL PLAN VIEW AREA AND IS WITHIN THE 33% REQUIREMENT. LEGENDS UM - UTILITY METER ESP - MAIN SERVICE PANEL JB - JUNCTION BOX ACD - AC DISCONNECT CP - COMBINER PANEL RAP - ROOF ACCESS POINT 0 STRING TAG CONDUIT RUN FIRE SETBACK O ❑ ROOF OBSTRUCTION LORD & LAWRENCE CONSULTING ENGINEERS go CONTACT: (561) 444 8192 5700 LAKE WORTH ROAD SUITE 211 GREENACRES,FL33463,USA FLORIDA REGISTRY# 83317 UrbanSolar. CONTACT: 561-609-2664 990 SOUTH RCZIR CIRCLE SUITE 4 BOCA RATON, FL 33487 SOLAR CONTRACTOR LICENSE: CVC56948 CV m m > co O Q� LLLL M Q ao U QW 00 O oho O CV LL. SIGNATURE WITH SEAL PERMIT DEVELOPER DATE 07/08/2021 DESIGNER OSS REVIEWER FIRE SAFETY PLAN PV-2 CONDUCTOR AND CONDUIT SCHEDULE SR. NO. DESCRIPTION CONDUIT SIZE OENPHASE Q CABLES, (1) #10 AWG THWN-2 (G) O(3) #10 AWG THWN-2 (L1) ,(3) #10 AWG THWN-2 (1-2) , (1) #10 AWG THWN-2 (G) IN 3/4" CONDUIT RUN O(3) #8 AWG THWN-2 (L1,L2,N) , (1) #10 AWG THWN-2 (G) IN 3/4" CONDUIT RUN 0 (3) #8 AWG THWN-2 (1-1,1-2,N) IN 3/4" CONDUIT RUN NOTE: CONDUIT RUN - EMT, PVC, IMC, RMC, FMC, LFMC OR EQUIVALENT AS PER NEC 1 STRING OF 9 MODULES WITH MICROINVERTERS 1 STRING OF 9 MODULES WITH MICROINVERTERS 1 STRING OF 10 MODULES WITH MICROINVERTERS (N)SOLTECTION JUNCTION BOX, THIS ITEM HAS BEEN DIGITALLY SIGNED AND SEALED BY KIMANDY LAWRENCE, PE ON THE DATE ADJACENT TO THE SEAL. PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT CONSIDERED SIGNED AND SEALED AND THE SIGNATURE MUST BE VERIFIED ON ANY ELECTRONIC COPIES. MODULE SPECIFICATION MANUFACTURER JINKO SOLAR MODEL NO. JKM 405M-72HL-V G2 PEAK POWER (Pmpp) 405W PEAK VOLTAGE (Vmpp) 40.42V PEAK CURRENT (Impp) 10.02A OPEN CIRCUIT VOLTAGE (VOC) 49AV SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT (Isc) 10.69A (N) 80A ENPHASE INVERTER SPECIFICATION MANUFACTURER ENPHASE MODEL NO. IQ7PLUS-72-2-US MAX. DC INPUT VOLTAGE 60V MAX. CONT. OUTPUT POWER 290VA NOMINAL AC OUTPUT VOLTAGE 240V MAX. CONT. OUTPUT CURRENT 1.21A ARRAY DETAILS DC SYSTEM SIZE 11.34KW AC SYSTEM SIZE 8.12 KW TOTAL NO. OF MODULES 28 NO. OF MODULE PER STRING 2@9 1 10 NO. OF STRING 3 PER FL. STATUE 377.705 (REVISED 7/1/2017) I, KIMANDY LAWRENCE PE#83317, AN ENGINEER LICENSED PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 471, CERTIFY THAT THE PV ELECTRICAL SYSTEM AND ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS ARE DESIGNED AND APPROVED USING THE STANDARDS CONTAINED IN THE MOST RECENT VERSION OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. LORD & LAWRENCE CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONTACT: (561) 444 8192 5700 LAKE WORTH ROAD SUITE 211 GREENACRES, FL 33463,USA FLORIDA REGISTRY# 83317 UrhanSolar CONTACT: 561-609-2664 990 SOUTH ROGERS CIRCLE SUITE 4 BOCA RATON, FL 33487 SOLAR CONTRACTOR LICENSE: CVC56948 CV CO co O� O� i co CO CDL / Q' 0 LLL M �WCO CD Q d W 00 O Oho Lo�r- O N u- SIGNATURE WITH SEAL PERMIT DEVELOPER DATE 07/08/2021 DESIGNER OSS REVIEWER ELECTRICAL LINE DIAGRAM PV-3 GENERAL ELECTRICAL NOTES: ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS: 1. CURRENT CARRYING CONDUCTOR (A) BEFORE IQ COMBINER PANEL: AMBIENT TEMPERATURE = 33°C CONDUIT INSTALLED AT MINIMUM DISTANCE OF 7/8 INCHES ABOVE ROOF .....NEC 310.15(B)(3)(c) TEMPERATURE DERATE FACTOR - (0.96) ..............NEC 310.15(B)(2)(a) GROUPING FACTOR - (0.8) .................................NEC 310.15(B)(3)(a) CONDUCTOR AMPACITY: = (INV O/P CURRENT) x 1.25 / A.T.F / G.F ...NEC 690.8(B) =[(10x1.21)x1.25]/0.96/0.8 = 19.69 A SELECTED CONDUCTOR - #10 THWN-2 ...NEC 310.15(B)(16) (B) AFTER IQ COMBINER PANEL: TEMPERATURE DERATE FACTOR - (0.96) GROUPING FACTOR - (1) CONDUCTOR AMPACITY _ (TOTAL INV O/P CURRENT) x 1.25 / 0.96 / 1 ...NEC 690.8(B) _ [(28 x 1.21) x 1.25] / 0.96 / 1 = 44.11 A SELECTED CONDUCTOR - #8 THWN-2 ...NEC 310.15(B)(16) PV OVER CURRENT PROTECTION = TOTAL INVERTER O/P CURRENT x 1.25 _ (28 x 1.21) x 1.25 = 42.35 A SELECTED OCPD IS 45A NEC 690.9(B) SELECTED EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR (EGC) = #10 THWN-2 ...NEC 250.122(A) THIS ITEM HAS BEEN DIGITALLY SIGNED AND SEALED BY KIMANDY LAWRENCE, PE ON THE DATE ADJACENT TO THE SEAL. PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT CONSIDERED SIGNED AND SEALED AND THE SIGNATURE MUST BE VERIFIED ON ANY ELECTRONIC COPIES. 1. THE DC AND AC CONNECTORS OF ENPHASE IQ7PLUS-72-2-US MICROINVERTERS ARE LISTED TO MEET REQUIREMENTS AS A DISCONNECT MEANS AS ALLOWED BY NEC 690.15(A). 2. MICROINVERTER BRANCH CIRCUIT CONDUCTORS ARE MANUFACTURED ENPHASE Q CABLES LISTED FOR USE IN 20A OR LESS CIRCUITS OF ENPHASE IQ MICROINVERTERS. THEY ARE ROHS, OIL RESISTANT, AND UV RESISTANT. THEY CONTAIN AWG CONDUCTORS OF TYPE THHN/THWN-2 DRY/WET AND CERTIFIED TO UL3003 AND UL 9703. THE CABLE'S DOUBLE INSULATED RATING REQUIRES NO NEUTRAL OR GROUNDED CONDUCTOR. 3. ALL METAL ENCLOSURES, RACEWAYS, CABLES AND EXPOSED NONCURRENT -CARRYING METAL PARTS OF EQUIPMENT SHALL BE GROUNDED TO EARTH AS REQUIRED BY NEC 250.4(B) AND PART III OF NEC ARTICLE 250 AND EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTORS SHALL BE SIZED ACCORDING TO NEC 690.45. THE GROUNDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM SHALL ADHERE TO 690.47(A). 4. PV SYSTEM DISCONNECT SHALL BE READILY ACCESSIBLE. 5. POINT -OF -CONNECTION SHALL BE MADE IN COMPLIANCE WITH NEC 705.12 6. UTILITY HAS 24-HR UNRESTRICTED ACCESS TO ALL PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM COMPONENTS LOCATED AT THE SERVICE ENTRANCE. 7. MODULES CONFORM TO AND ARE LISTED UNDER UL 1703.MICROINVERTERS CONFORM TO AND ARE LISTED UNDER UL 1741 AND IEEE 1547. 8. CONDUCTORS EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHT SHALL BE LISTED AS SUNLIGHT RESISTANT PER NEC ARTICLE 300.6(C)(1) AND ARTICLE 310.10 (D). 9. CONDUCTORS EXPOSED TO WET LOCATIONS SHALL BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN WET LOCATIONS PER NEC ARTICLE 310.10 (C). 10. LINE SIDE TAP DISCONNECTS MUST BE LOCATED NO MORE THAN 10 FEET FROM THE TAP POINT PER NEC 690.15(A) 11. ALL DC WIRING RUNNING THROUGH THE BUILDING SHALL BE ENCLOSED IN METALLIC CONDUIT IN COMPLIANCE WITH NEC 690.31(G). THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY TO OPTIMIZER -BASED SYSTEMS, BUT SHALL NOT APPLY TO MICROINVERTER-BASED SYSTEMS. 12. A 10 AWG CU EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR SHALL BE USED TO BOND RAILS AND OTHER ROOFTOP EQUIPMENT. THIS CONDUCTOR SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM PHYSICAL DAMAGE BY RUNNING UNDERNEATH THE ARRAY. IF THIS CONDUCTOR IS UNPROTECTED FROM PHYSICAL DAMAGE, THE CONDUCTOR SHALL BE INCREASED TO 6 AWG CU. GROUNDING NOTES: PV MODULE AND RACKING GROUNDING AS PER APPROVED INSTALLATION PRACTICE AND IN LINE WITH MANUFACTURE'S GUIDELINES. LORD & LAWRENCE CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONTACT: (561) 444 8192 5700 LAKE WORTH ROAD SUITE 211 GREENACRES, FL 33463,USA FLORIDA REGISTRY# 83317 • UrbanSolar. CONTACT: 561-609-2664 990 SOUTH ROGERS CIRCLE SUITE 4 BOCA RATON, FL 33487 SOLAR CONTRACTOR LICENSE: CVC56948 CV mm > co co CD J LL d O U Q W W_ 00 O oho ti 'M c L O N LL SIGNATURE WITH SEAL PERMIT DEVELOPER DATE 07/08/2021 DESIGNER OSS REVIEWER ELECTRICAL. CALCULATIONS PV-4 EQUIPMENT ELEVATION VIEW AC COMBINER PANEL (OUTSIDE HOUSE) SOLAR AC DISCONNECT SOLAR PV SYSTEM EQUIPPED' WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN TURN RAPID SHUTDOWN SWITCH TO THE "OFF" POSITION TO SHUTDOWN PV SYSTEM AND REDUCE SHOCK HAZARD IN ARRAY AC DISCONNECT (FUSIBLE) (OUTSIDE HOUSE) SOLAR PV SYSTEM EQUIPPED WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN FIRST RESPONDERS: THIS SOLAR PV SYSTEM S EQUIPPED WITH RAPT SHUTDOWN. TURN RAPIE SHUTDOWN SWITCH TO THE "OFF" POSITION TO SHUT DOWN ENTIRE PV SYSTEM. THIS ITEM HAS BEEN DIGITALLY SIGNED AND SEALED BY KIMANDY LAWRENCE, PE ON THE DATE ADJACENT TO THE SEAL. PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT MAIN SERVICE PANEL CONSIDERED SIGNED AND SEALED AND THE SIGNATURE (INSIDE HOUSE) MUST BE VERIFIED ON ANY ELECTRONIC COPIES. UTILITY METER (OUTSIDE HOUSE) (5 • KKK � : `I11:� MMMI VOLTAGE : 240V ( OCPD : 45 A 177"w", DUALPOWERSOURC l (`I IC?C?�nIT• A7 ZF 4 [EMERGENCY CONTACT THE MATERIAL USED FOR THE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM 561-609-2664 LABELS SHALL BE REFLECTIVE, WEATHER RESISTANT, AND CONSTRUCTED OR DURABLE ADHESIVE MATERIAL OR ANOTHER APPROVED MATERIAL SUITABLE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT IN COMPLIANCE WITH NFPA 1-11.12. LORD & LAWRENCE CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONTACT: (561) 444 8192 5700 LAKE WORTH ROAD SUITE 211 GREENACRES, FL 33463,USA FLORIDA REGISTRY# 83317 :•UrbanSolar. CONTACT:561-609-2664 990 SOUTH ROGERS CIRCLE SUITE 4 BOCA RATON, FL 33487 SOLAR CONTRACTOR LICENSE: CVC56948 N 00 C'M O') ClA % cCO LL O 0 LL M .. O W o0 Qd W 00 O d O ti Ln ti ON LL. SIGNATURE WITH SEAL PERMIT DEVELOPER DATE 07/08/2021 DESIGNER OSS REVIEWER LABELS PV-5 71 C`CTM Arl 1/ 20'-6" -- — ROOF 1 18" SETBACK `O 1 Ln i� i. 1 1 16'-7" 20'-4" 11_911 -4-ROOF 3 7 EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION QUANTITY MODULE JKM 405M-72HL-V G2(405W) JINKO SOLAR 28 INVERTER ENPHASE IQ7PLUS-72-2-US MICROINVERTERS 28 JUNCTION BOX SOLTECTION RJ-1 ROOFTOP 1 COMBINER PANEL 80A ENPHASE IQ COMBINER 3 1 AC DISCONNECT AC DISCONNECT 240V, 60 AMP FUSED WITH 45 AMP FUSES, NEMA 3R, UL LISTED 1 ATTACHMENT QUICKMOUNT (L-MOUNT) 61 RACKING SYSTEM IRONRIDGE (XR100) RAILS - THIS ITEM HAS BEEN DIGITALLY SIGNED AND SEALED BY KIMANDY LAWRENCE, PE ON THE DATE ADJACENT TO SOLAR MODULE THE SEAL. PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT CONSIDERED SIGNED AND SEALED AND THE SIGNATURE )N BOX F MUST BE VERIFIED ON ANY ELECTRONIC COPIES. N N En a 16-7" 20'-711 - ROOF SPECIFICATIONS ROOF MATERIAL ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF CONDITION FAIR RAFTERS 2"X4"@24" O.C. SYSTEM INFORMATION DC SYSTEM SIZE 11.34KW AC SYSTEM SIZE 8.12 KW �'v • ROOF INFORMATION ROOF QUANTITY SLOPE AZIMUTH ROOF 1 04 18.43°(4/12) 270' ROOF S 05 18.43°(4/12) 2700 ROOF s 05 18.43°(4/12) 270 ROOF 4 14 18.43°(4/12) 90^ q NOTES: 1. LOCATION OF JUNCTION BOX(ES), AC DISCONNECTS(S), AC COMBINER PANEL(S), AND OTHER ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT(S) RELEVANT TO PV INSTALLATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE BASED ON SITE CONDITIONS. 2. TRUSS LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. ACTUAL LOCATIONS MAY DIFFER AND CONTRACTOR MAY NEED TO ADJUST MOUNT LOCATIONS. IN NO CASE SHALL THE MOUNT SPACING EXCEED "MAX. MOUNT SPACING" 3. PROPOSED PHOTOVOLTAIC LAYOUT IN COMPLIANCE WITH NFPA 1,2018 EDITION LEGENDS ❑ - WIND ZONE 1 ❑ - WIND ZONE 1' 1A/INIn 7(-1NIG 0 LEGENDS - PV ROOF ATTACHMENT — — RAILS RAFTERS/TRUSSES 0 F - ROOF OBSTRUCTION L -JUNCTION BOX El - FIRE SETBACK LORD & LAWRENCE CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONTACT: (561) 4448192 5700 LAKE WORTH ROAD SUITE 211 GREENACRES, FL 33463,USA FLORIDA REGISTRY# 83317 :• UrbanSa[ar CONTACT: 561-609-2664 990 SOUTH ROGERS CIRCLE SUITE 4 BOCA RATON, FL 33487 SOLAR CONTRACTOR LICENSE: CVC56948 CV 00 co O') O') > Co co CD C'M LL .. O W o0 � U d W Q 00 p OHO H ti Lo O C14 u_ SIGNATURE WITH SEAL PERMIT DEVELOPER DATE 07/08/2021 DESIGNER OSS REVIEWER RACKING LAYOUT PV-6 IRONRIDGE (XR100) RAIL — — QUICK MOUNT (L-FOOT) WOOD SHEATHING � `QUICK MOUNT, L-FOOT i SHINGLE FLASHING 5/16"x4" STAINLESS WOOD ROOF STEEL LAG SCREW TRUSS TYP. Am d Span limits 0 xR10 XR100 XR1000 Zane 1/2e 0 Normaf 3- 11" (1' 7") 5' 1 V (Z' 4") 5' 11" (2' 4") Exposed 0" (0") 4' 4" (1- 9") 4' 4" (1' 9') Zone 2n/2r/3e Normal 2' 4" (1' 1") 4' 7' (1' 1U') 4' 7" (1' 10') Exposed 0"' (0") 0" (a") 0-(()") Zone 3€ Normaf 0" (0") 3' 11" (1' 61) 3' it" (1' 611) Exposed 0" (0") 0.. (0") 0" (0") System Weight Total system weight 1,6U9.7 lbs Weight/attachment 29.8 lbs Racking weight 220.6 Ib5 Distributed weight :2,6 ps# STRUCTURAL DETAILS THIS ITEM HAS BEEN DIGITALLY SIGNED AND SEALED BY KIMANDY LAWRENCE, PE ON THE DATE ADJACENT TO THE SEAL. PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT CONSIDERED SIGNED AND SEALED AND THE SIGNATURE MUST BE VERIFIED ON ANY ELECTRONIC COPIES. LORD & LAWRENCE CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONTACT: (561) 444 8192 5700 LAKE WORTH ROAD SUITE 211 GREENACRES, FL 33463,USA FLORIDA REGISTRY# 83317 UrbanSolar. CONTACT: 561-609-2664 990 SOUTH ROGERS CIRCLE SUITE 4 BOCA RATON, FL 33487 SOLAR CONTRACTOR LICENSE: CVC56948 CV 00 C ) M M >_c c~o J CD LL O W 0? Q d W 00 0 O a-O ti H Lo GG ti O cif LL_ SIGNATURE WITH SEAL I CERTIFY THAT THE EXISTING ROOF AND BUILDING STRUCTURE CAN WITHSTAND ALL DEAD LOADS IMPOSED BY THE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM AND ALL STRUCTURAL DETAILS WIND LOADS OF WITH HEEFLINGCODE.� / SPECIFIED BUILDITY IORDANCE p_7 PERMIT DEVELOPER DATE 07/08/2021 DESIGNER OSS REVIEWER EAGLE 72HM G2 390-410 WATT • HALF CELL MONO PERC MODULE Positive power tolerance of 0-+3% • NYSE -listed since 2010, Bloomberg Tier 1 manufacturer • Best-selling module globally for last 4 years • Top performance in the strictest 3rd party labs • 99.9% on -time delivery to the installer • Automated manufacturing utilizing artificial intelligence • Vertically integrated, tight controls on quality • Premium solar panel factories in USA and Malaysia LINEAR PERFORMANCE WARRANTY 25-Year Performance Warranty s ,o ,s 20 vd*�: oM za . c CE ill us L x 1 L =d LISTED • IS09001:2008 Quality Standards OHSAS18001 occupational • 1S014001:2004 Environmental Standards Health & Safety Standards • IEC61215, IEC61730 certified products UL1703 certified products BUILDING YOUR TRUST IN SOLAR.JINKOSOLAR.US KEY FEATURES ODiamond Half Cell Technology ® World -record breaking efficient mono PERC half cut solar cells deliver high power in a small footprint. ODesigned for Long Life Uses the same DuPont protective film as the Space Station, Mars Lander, and jetliners. 25-year warranty. G Shade Tolerant Twin array design allows continued performance even with shading by trees or debris. Power Boost in Cloudy Conditions A special film diffuses light, boosting performance even with shading by trees or debris. Protected Against All Environments 4ir✓: Certified to withstand humidity, heat, rain, marine environments, wind, hailstorms, and packed snow. .linKo wn n�Im Iwwmmlwun wminm IIIIIIIIIIIII 111111�111111 WWm18 IIWWIIIIII IIIIII Ilan III miuiil mmimu minllllllIS IIIIIIW WIIIIII IIIIIIIIIInI11IIIR IIIIIIRIWIIIIII mmwwmm11 mmluwmm11 Back mm n7.4-1 a �83 111 • 111 i Length: t 2mm Width: t 2mm Height: timm 1 Row Pitch: t 2mm ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE & TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE Current -Voltage & Power -Voltage Temperature Dependence Curves (41OW) of Isc, Voc, Pmax 12 30 i4o s m� z iao ;1d o 1 10 11 20 21 m 11 40 15 N •o Voltage IV) Cell Temperature (•CI ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Module Type JKM390M-72HL-V STC NOCT Maximum Power IPmaxI 390Wp 287Wp Maximum Power Voltage (Vmp) 39.64V 37.OV Maximum Power Current limp) 9.84A 7.75A Open -circuit Voltage(Vocl 48.6V 45.8V Short-circuit Current (Isc) 10.46A 8.45A Module Efficiency STC M 19.38% MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS LORD & LAWRENCE "`: CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONTACT: (561) 444 8192 5700 LAKE WORTH ROAD SUITE 211 GREENACRES, FL 33463,USA FLORIDA REGISTRY# 83317 Cells Mono PERC Diamond Ceti (158.75xl58.75mm) No. of Half Cells 144 (6x24) Dimensions 2008x1002x4Omm (79.06x39.45xl.57in) Weight 22.5kg149.61bs) UrbanSolar. Front Glass 3.2mm, Anti -Reflection Coating •• High Transmission, Low Iron, Tempered Glass Frame Anodized Aluminum Alloy Junction Box IP67 Rated CONTACT: 561-609-2664 Output Cables 12 AWG, 1400mm (55.12in) or Customized Length 990 SOUTH ROGERS CIRCLE SUITE 4 Fire Type Type 1 BOCA RATON, FL 33487 SOLAR CONTRACTOR LICENSE: CVC56948 Pressure Rating 540OPa (Snow) & 240OPa(Wind) TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS Temperature Coefficients of Pmax -0.35%/°C Temperature Coefficients of Voc -0.29%/•C Temperature Coefficients of Isc 0.048%/•C Nominal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT) 45t2*C MAXIMUM RATINGS Operating Temperature I•Ci -40•C-+85°C Maximum System Voltage 150OVDC JUL and IECI Maximum Series Fuse Rating 20A PACKAGING CONFIGURATION (Two pallets = One stack) 27pcs/pallet, 54pcs/stack, 594pcs/40'HO Container JKM395M-72HL-V JKM40OM-72HL-V JKM405M-72HL-V JKM41OM-72HL-V STC NOCT STC NOCT SCT NOCT SCT NOCT 395Wp 291Wp 40OWp 294Wp 405Wp 298Wp 41 OWp 302Wp 39.90V 37AV 40.16V 37.6V 40.42V 37.8V 40.68V 38.OV 9.90A 7.77A 9.96A 7.82A 10.02A 7.88A 10.08A 7.94A 48.8V 46.OV 49.1V 46.2V 49.4V 46.5V 49.6V 46.7V 10.54A 8.51A 10.61A 8.57A 10.69A 8.63A 10.76A 8.69A 19.63% 19.88% 20.13% 20.38% *STC: Irradiance 1000W/m2 Cell Temperature 25*C cf) AM = 1.5 NOCT: e, Irradiance 800W/mz Ambient Temperature 20*C � AM = 1.5 Wind Speed 1m/s *Power measurement tolerance: 0% The company reserves the final right for explanation on any of the information presented hereby. JKM390-410M-72HL-V-A4-US BUILDING YOUR TRUST IN SOLAR. JINKOSOLARMS Jin«O N 00 co > co co O / J �LLc? L LJ 00 Q U Q o- w_ 't O O MO Fi ram00 co / to LL r_� O N LL SIGNATURE WITH SEAL PERMIT DEVELOPER DATE 07/08/2021 DESIGNER OSS REVIEWER MODULE DATASHEET PV-8 Data Sheet Enphase Microinverters Region: AMERICAS Enphase IQ7and IQ 7+ Microinverters UL crRnriEo l To learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enphase.com The high-powered smart grid -ready Enphase IQ 7 Micro'" and Enphase IQ 7+ Micro'" dramatically simplify the installation process while achieving the highest system efficiency. Part of the Enphase IQ System, the IQ 7 and IQ 7+ Microinverters integrate with the Enphase IQ Envoy', Enphase IQ Battery-, and the Enphase Enlighten" monitoring and analysis software. IQ Series Microinverters extend the reliability standards set forth by previous generations and undergo over a million hours of power -on testing, enabling Enphase to provide an industry -leading warranty of up to 25 years. Easy to Install Lightweight and simple Faster installation with improved, lighter two -wire cabling Built-in rapid shutdown compliant (NEC 2014 & 2017) Productive and Reliable Optimized for high powered 60-cell and 72-cell* modules More than a million hours of testing Class II double -insulated enclosure UL listed Smart Grid Ready Complies with advanced grid support, voltage and frequency ride -through requirements Remotely updates to respond to changing grid requirements Configurable for varying grid profiles Meets CA Rule 21 (UL 1741-SA) * The IQ 7+ Micro is required to support 72-cell modules. n ENPHASE Enphase IQ 7 and IQ 7+ Microinverters INPUT DATA (DC) IQ7-60-2-US IQ7PLUS-72-2-US Commonly used module pairings' 235 W - 350 W + 235 W - 440 W + Module compatibility 60-cell PV modules only 60-cell and 72-cell PV modules Maximum input DC voltage 48 V 60 V Peak power tracking voltage 27 V - 37 V 27 V - 45 V Operating range 16 V - 48 V 16 V - 60 V Min/Max start voltage 22 V / 48 V 22 V / 60 V Max DC short circuit current (module Isc) 15 A 15 A Overvoltage class DC port II II DC port backfeed current 0 A 0 A PV array configuration 1 x 1 ungrounded array; No additional DC side protection required; AC side protection requires max 20A per branch circuit OUTPUT DATA (AC) IQ 7 Microinverter IQ 7+ Microinverter Peak output power 250 VA 295 VA Maximum continuous output power 240 VA 290 VA Nominal (L-L) voltage/range2 240 V / 208 V / 240 V / 208 V / 211-264 V 183-229 V 211-264 V 183-229 V Maximum continuous output current 1.0 A (240 V) 1.15 A (208 V) 1.21 A (240 V) 1.39 A (208 V) Nominal frequency 60 Hz 60 Hz Extended frequency range 47 - 68 Hz 47 - 68 Hz AC short circuit fault current over 3 cycles 5.8 Arms 5.8 Arms Maximum units per 20 A (L-L) branch circuit3 16 (240 VAC) 13 (208 VAC) 13 (240 VAC) 11 (208 VAC) Overvoltage class AC port III III AC port backfeed current 18 mA 18 mA Power factor setting 1.0 1.0 Power factor (adjustable) 0.85leading ... 0.85lagging 0.85leading ... 0.85 lagging EFFICIENCY @240 V @208 V @240 V @208 V Peak efficiency 97.6 % 97.6 % 97.5 % 97.3 % CEC weighted efficiency 97.0 % 97.0 % 97.0 % 97.0 % MECHANICAL DATA Ambient temperature range -40°C to +65*C Relative humidity range 4% to 100 % (condensing) Connectortype MC4 (or Amphenol H4 UTX with additional Q-DCC-5 adapter) Dimensions (HxWxD) 212 mm x 175 mm x 30.2 mm (without bracket) Weight 1.08 kg (2.38 Ibs) Cooling Natural convection - No fans Approved for wet locations Yes Pollution degree PD3 Enclosure Class II double -insulated, corrosion resistant polymeric enclosure Environmental category / UV exposure rating NEMA Type 6 / outdoor FEATURES Communication Power Line Communication (PLC) Monitoring Enlighten Manager and MyEnlighten monitoring options. Both options require installation of an Enphase IQ Envoy. Disconnecting means The AC and DC connectors have been evaluated and approved by UL for use as the load -break disconnect required by NEC 690. Compliance CA Rule 21 (UL 1741-SA) UL 62109-1, UL1741/IEEE1547, FCC Part 15 Class B, ICES-0003 Class B, CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO. 107.1-01 This product is UL Listed as PV Rapid Shut Down Equipment and conforms with NEC-2014 and NEC-2017 section 690.12 and C22.1-2015 Rule 64-218 Rapid Shutdown of PV Systems, for AC and DC conductors, when installed according manufacturer's instructions. 1. No enforced DC/AC ratio. See the compatibility calculator at https,//enphase.com/en-us/support/module-compatibilot 2. Nominal voltage range can be extended beyond nominal if required by the utility. 3. Limits may vary. Refer to local requirements to define the number of microinverters per branch in your area. To learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enphase.com v EN PHASE @ 2020 Enphase Energy. All rights reserved. Enphase, the Enphase logo, Enphase IQ 7, Enphase IQ 7+, Enphase IQ Battery, Enphase Enlighten, Enphase IQ Envoy, and other trademarks or service names are the trademarks of Enphase Energy, Inc. Data subject to change. 2020-01-06 LORD & LAWRENCE CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONTACT: (561) 444 8192 5700 LAKE WORTH ROAD SUITE 211 GREENACRES, FL 33463,USA FLORIDA REGISTRY# 83317 :• UrbanSolar. CONTACT"%609-2664 990 SOUTH ROGERS CIRCLE SUITE 4 BOCA RATON, FL 33487 SOLAR CONTRACTOR LICENSE: CVC56948 N 00 CIO LU �+ i CC0 (D r� J O Q LL C' O W 00 Q ()� O Q d W 00 C O (Z O L0 ti O N ILL. SIGNATURE WITH SEAL PERMIT DEVELOPER DATE 07/08/2021 DESIGNER OSS REVIEWER INVERTER DATASHEET PV-9 LORD & LAWRENCE CONSULTING ENGINEERS So litectl o n TM SO lt��cti o n TM CONTACT: (561) 444 8192 5700 LAKE WORTH ROAD SUITE 211 by vynckier GREENACRES, FL33463,USA I,y vVnlckier FLORIDA REGISTRY# 83317 RJ-1 Residential Transition Box The Soltection RJ-1 rooftop junction box with flashing provides a safe, secure, and NEMA 4X watertight solution for the Solar installer to penetrate the roof for attic runs and make the proper wire connections. The product is designed to be simple to install, minimize time on the roof, while additionally providing higher levels of protection for the point of penetration in the roof as well as electrical connections inside the junction box. Key Features • Designed specifically for solar installations • Light weight • Non-metallic ---Will NOT rust/corrode • Easy to drill/modify • Captive screws in cover- will not fall out • Minimal design, small footprint • NEMA 4X rated • All roof penetrations cover by Nema 4x enclosure C &US LISTED Specifications Enclosure Material: Polycarb blend w/ UV inhibitors UV Stabilized: Yes Impact Resistance: Yes Weight: 2.731 b Color: Graphite Black Dimensions Flashing Dimensions (Approximate): 13" x 18" Enclosure Dimensions (Approximate): 8" x 8" Total Product Height: 3.5" Cubic Inches: 224 Cubic Inches RJ-1 Features &Benefits Ground bar included in standard offering Captive screws in cover will not fall out Soltection's new RJ-1 is a junction box with integrated flashing to be used on residential solar installs with composite shingle roofing. Key Features • Cost effective • Light weight (2.73 Ibs) • Dark Graphite color- blends in with any rooftop • Non-metallic: will not rust/corrode • Easy to drill/modify • Designed specificallly with solar installer in mind • Minimal design, small footprint Fewer mounting holes equal better seal NEMA 4X —poured in place gasket Soltection by Vynckier Soltection by Vynckier Vynckier Enclosure Systems �� U�. Vynckier Enclosure Systems 271 McCarty Street, Houston, TX 77029 USA 271 McCarty Street, Houston, TX 77029 USA +1.866.227.0577 +1.866.227.0577 www.soltection.com <I LISTED J C www.soltection.com =• UrbanSolar CONTACT: 561-609-266LE S4 990 SOUTH ROGERS CIRCUITE 4 BOCA RATON, FL 33487 SOLAR CONTRACTOR LICENSE: CVC56948 CV M co co co J> o Cl? co _J U d W CD Q � p oao _ r- �ti L O CV LL SIGNATURE WITH SEAL PERMIT DEVELOPER DATE 07/08/2021 DESIGNER OSS REVIEWER JUNCTION 13OX DATASHEET PV-10 Data Sheet Enphase Networking Enphase IQ Combiner 3 (X-IQ-AM1-240-3) The Enphase IQ Combiner 3'" with Enphase IQ Envoy`" consolidates interconnection equipment into a single enclosure and streamlines PV and storage installations by providing a consistent, pre -wired solution for residential applications. It offers up to four 2-pole input circuits and Eaton BR series busbar assembly. Smart Includes IQ Envoy for communication and control Flexible networking supports Wi-Fi, Ethernet, or cellular Optional AC receptacle available for PLC bridge Provides production metering and optional consumption monitoring Simple Reduced size from previous combiner Centered mounting brackets support single n stud mounting u Supports back and side conduit entry Up to four 2-pole branch circuits for 240 VAC plug-in breakers (not included) 80 A total PV or storage branch circuits U� LISTED To learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enohase.c:om Reliable Durable NRTL-certified NEMA type 3R enclosure Five-year limited warranty UL listed Enphase IQ Combiner 3 MODEL NUMBER IQ Combiner 3 IQ Combiner 3 with Enphase IQ Envoy" printed circuit board for integrated revenue grade PV X-IQ-AM1-240-3 production metering (ANSI C12.20 +/- 0.5%) and optional* consumption monitoring (+/- 2.5i). ACCESSORIES and REPLACEMENT PARTS (not included, order separately) Enphase Mobile Connect'" CELLMODEM-03 (4G/12-year data plan) CELLMODEM-01 (3G/5-year data plan) CELLMODEM-M1 (4G based LTE-M/5-year data plan) Consumption Monitoring* CT CT-200-SPLIT * Consumption monitoring is required for Enphase Storage Systems Wireless USB adapter COMMS-KIT-01 Circuit Breakers BRK-10A-2-240 BRK-15A-2-240 BRK-20A-2P-240 EPLC-01 XA-PLUG-120-3 Plug and play industrial grade cellular modem with data plan for systems up to 60 microinverters. (Available in the US, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands, where there is adequate cellular service in the installation area.) Split core current transformers enable whole home consumption metering (+/- 2.5i). Installed at the IQ Envoy. For communications with Enphase Encharge' storage and Enphase Enpower'" smart switch. Includes USB cable for connection to IQ Envoy or Enphase IQ Combiner' and allows redundant wireless communication with Encharge and Enpower. Supports Eaton BR210, BR215, BR220, BR230, BR240, BR250, and BR260 circuit breakers. Circuit breaker, 2 pole, 1 OA, Eaton BR210 Circuit breaker, 2 pole,15A, Eaton BR215 Circuit breaker, 2 pole, 20A, Eaton BR220 Power line carrier (communication bridge pair), quantity - one pair Accessory receptacle for Power Line Carrier in IQ Combiner 3 (required for EPLC-01) XA-ENV-PCBA-3 Replacement IQ Envoy printed circuit board (PCB) for Combiner 3 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Rating Continuous duty System voltage 120/240 VAC, 60 Hz Eaton BR series busbar rating 125 A Max. continuous current rating (output to grid) 65 A Max. fuse/circuit rating (output) 90 A Branch circuits (solar and/or storage) Up to four 2-pole Eaton BR series Distributed Generation (DG) breakers only (not included) Max. continuous current rating (input from PV) 64 A Max. total branch circuit breaker rating (input) 80A of distributed generation / 90A with IQ Envoy breaker included Production Metering CT 200 A solid core pre -installed and wired to IQ Envoy MECHANICAL DATA Dimensions (WxHxD) 49.5 x 37.5 x 16.8 cm (19.5" x 14.75" x 6.63"). Height is 21.06" (53.5 cm with mounting brackets). Weight 7.5 kg (16.5 Ibs) Ambient temperature range -401 C to +46* C (-400 to 1150 F) Cooling Natural convection, plus heat shield Enclosure environmental rating Outdoor, NRTL-certified, NEMA type 3R, polycarbonate construction Wire sizes 20 A to 50 A breaker inputs: 14 to 4 AWG copper conductors 60 A breaker branch input: 4 to 1/0 AWG copper conductors Main lug combined output: 10 to 2/0 AWG copper conductors Neutral and ground: 14to 1/0 copper conductors Always follow local code requirements for conductor sizing. Altitude To 2000 meters (6,560 feet) INTERNET CONNECTION OPTIONS — Integrated Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n Ethernet Optional, 802.3, Cat5E (or Cat 6) UTP Ethernet cable (not included) Cellular Optional, CELLMODEM-01 (313) or CELLMODEM-03 (4G) or CELLMODEM-M1 (4G based LTE-M) (not included) COMPLIANCE Compliance, Combiner UL 1741, CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 107.1, 47 CFR, Part 15, Class B, ICES 003 Production metering: ANSI C12.20 accuracy class 0.5 (PV production) Compliance, IQ Envoy UL 60601-1/CANCSA 22.2 No. 61010-1 To learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enohase.com © 2018 Enphase Energy. All rights reserved. Enphase, the Enphase logo, IQ Combiner 3, and other trademarks or service names are the E N P H A S E trademarks of Enphase Energy, Inc. EN PHASE �./ 2019-11-04 LORD & LAWRENCE CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONTACT: (561) 444 8192 5700 LAKE WORTH ROAD SUITE 211 GREENACRES, FL 33463,USA FLORIDA REGISTRY# 83317 UrbanSolar CONTACT: 561-609-2664 990 SOUTH RCZRS CIRCLE SUITE 4 BOCA RATON, FL 33487 SOLAR CONTRACTOR LICENSE: CVC56948 CV 00 co Cr) CA > co CO J O ILL O LLI 00 _J U AD_ Lu 't 00 Q O d O N ILL SIGNATURE WITH SEAL PERMIT DEVELOPER DATE 07/08/2021 DESIGNER OSS REVIEWER COMBINER PANEL DATASHEET PV-11 The First in Florida In 2020, IronRidge became the first High Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ) approved solar system in accordance with 7-10 building code. We are happy to share that the Flush Mount System is now HVHZ-approved in accordance with 7-16 as well. We are committed to safe solar, even in extreme environments. The rigorous evaluation process for Florida Product Approval includes testing for resistance to high wind forces (TAS 202) and wind -driven rain [TAS 100(A)], and ongoing auditing of quality assurance programs. Our Florida Product Approval (FL#29843) covers all Flush Mount components and applies to all regions of the state of Florida both inside and outside the high - velocity hurricane zones (HVHZ), up to 100 PSF of wind pressure. The approval also lists allowable rail spans for configurations using either XR10, XR100, or XR1000 mounting rails as well as multiple IronRidge roof attachments. 2-Rail 3-Rail Standard Rack Extra Support for Configuration Module Frames ttttttttttt� FlashVue FlashFoot2 Knockout Tile Composition Shingle Composition Shingle Flat, S-, and W-Tile Roof Attachment Roof Attachment Roof Attachment .. V .... GT AP ZZ. 0 FL#29843 O * ' J — �_' 0 STATE OF °'1 i L 4 :• N � O00/1111100 ■nr.Lt T VOW UFO +Stopper CAMO Universal Mid- Hidden End Cam for and End -Clamp Superior Aesthetics XR10 Rail XR100 Rail XR1000 Rail Low -Profile Rail for Ultimate Residential Rail Paired with XR100 for Spans up to 48" for Spans up to 72" 3-Rail Configurations L-Foot + Seam Clamp L-Foot + Anchor Multiple Metal Roof Multiple Direct Attachment Options Anchoring Options Pressure Tables The following tables were prepared by IronRidge to provide a quick reference for the maximum wind uplift pressures on gable and hip roofs at different tilt angles (see full Florida Approval Pressure Tables document on the IronRidge website for official stamped version). Footnotes: 1. The pressure forces tabulated are per ASD (Allowable Stress Design) method and Florida Building Code 2020. 2. The pressure values are calculated based on the single module area of 22 sf as the maximum allowed and 25 ft building height defined as the average of the roof ridge and even height. 3. The tabulated values are based on the selected ultimate design wind speed Vult of 175 mph. For other chosen ultimate wind speed (Vult-other), the pressure shall be adjusted per the following equation: Pressure forVult-other- = Pressure from the table x (Vult-otherl175) 4. The pressures are calculated for non -exposed modules in the array as defined by ASCE 7-16 Section 29.4.4. For exposed modules, the pressure shall be multiplied by an edge factor of 1.5. 5. The table is applicable to an array which maintains a minumum edge distance (to ridge, eave, side rake, or hip) of 2xh2 (h2 is the clearance from the roof surface to underside of the module), and contains modules with the maximum dimension not exceed 80.4". Gable Roof Zones n Hip Roof Zones Notation (Per ASCE 7-16) a = 10 % of least horizontal dimension or 0.4h, whichever is smaller, but not less than either 4 % of least horizontal dimension or 3 ft (0.9 m). If an overhang exists, the edge distance shall be measured from the outside edge of the overhang. The hotiontal dimensions used to compute the edge distance shall not include any overhang distances. B= Horizontal dimension of building measured normal to e wind direction, in ft (m). p h = Mean roof height, in ft (m). 6 =Angle of plane of roof from horizontal, in degrees. I ELEUTION LORD & LAWRENCE p\��? CONSULTING ENGINEERS \\1' CONTACT: (561) 444 8192 5700 LAKE WORTH ROAD SUITE 211 GREENACRES, FL 33463,USA FLORIDA REGISTRY# 83317 • UrbanSo�ar. CONTACT: 561-609-2664 990 SOUTH RCORS CIRCLE SUITE 4 BOCA RATON, FL 33487 SOLAR CONTRACTOR LICENSE: CVC56948 N 00 co ILLI cco iCfl Q-' J M LL O �Uoo Q W_ 00 O O d O 1.4 --i ON LL SIGNATURE WITH SEAL PERMIT DEVELOPER DATE 07/08/2021 DESIGNER OSS REVIEWER RACKING DATASHEET PV-12 L-Mount Installation Instructions Reference and Tips L—Mount I Q M IL M / QMLM — � C/ 1T Installation Tools Required: tape measure, roofing bar, chalk line, stud finder, caulking gun, sealant compatible with roofing materials, drill with 7/32" or 1/8" bit, drill or impact gun with 1/2" socket. Elevated Water Seal Technology® ' • ° ' ' ' ' ' Proper Flashing Placement ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY. THIS EDGE TOWARDS ROOF RIDGE NO. FLASHING, ROUNDED CORNERS, 9" % 17' %.040', .43fT' HOLE, 5052, 1- _ MILL 2 L-FOOT,7'X3.30'FOR.438'O.D. FASTENER, 2-I/I6"SLOT. 6061- 1 T6 6005A-T61 MILL - - I I I 3 WASHER,SEALING.5/16''ID%3/4'OD, EPDM BONDED SS 1 4 LAG SCREW, HEX HEAD. 5/1e X r, 188 SS I I 1 II I I ,5 STRUCTURAL SCREW, OMPV,T MHES WASHER HEAD, S/I6�"%41/7', 1 - ❑ 12.00 8g L4=j 4 Locate, choose, and mark centers of rafters to be Carefully lift composition roofshingle with roofing Insert flashing between 1st and 2nd course. Slide I I I I I mounted. Select the courses of shingles where bar, just above placement of mount. Remove up so top edge of flashing is at least 1/" higher ( 4.20) •STRUCTURAL 3.00 3 SCREW mounts will be placed. nails as required and backfill holes with aproved than the butt -edge of the 3rd course and lower sealant. See "Proper Flashing Placement" on next flashing edge is above the butt -edge of lst course. page. Mark center for drilling. AVAILABLE ON QMLM-ST 4.50 VERSIONS ONLY 9.00 2 „ m 2.00 0.40E ® Additional tips and information for installing mounts: 2.09 3.30 .90) 1 AVAILABLE IN MILL, O ■ See Quick Tips videos on nail removal, and more at: AND BLACK FINISHES Quick Mount w #-... http://www.quickmountpv.com/Support/videos.htmi ■ It is not necessary or advisable to use nails or other fasteners to secure the perimeter of 040 —� TILE, 7— the flashing. (3.54) 4.04 QMLM $r QMLM-ST: L-MOUNT, Z- 2.75 If attaching with lag bolt uses b,"bit (Lag). Use Clean off any sawdust, and fill hole with sea lant Place L-foot onto elevated flute and rotMe L-foot to 1 /16" SLOT 'h"bit (ST) for attaching with the structural screw compatible with roofing materials. desired orientation. ■ The L-Mount is made to work with standard and high -definition composition/asphalt and wood shingle 1 QMLM QMLM-ST SRE IXfAWNBY: AAP REv Drill pilot hole into roof and rafter, taking care to drill square to the roof. Do not use mount as a drill roofs with 5"toy-5/8"courses. Iftheexposed surfaceofthe courseexceeds thismeasurem entyoumay A imm: v4—izm9 11 guide. Drill a 2" deep hole into rafter. need to use our Classic Shake Mount instead. w _A_ O_ —1.1 ■ Depending on the season and climate, size and location of seal tabs, and quality of the shingles, the sn 4 3 z ' written instructions must also b seal tabs that adhere the shingle courses together may not effectively seal the shingles to the flashings. If this is the case, simply add several quarter -sized dabs of manufacturer accepted sealant or asphalt followed by anyone modifying roofing cement, meeting ASTM D 4586 Type II, between the flashing and the shingle above. a roof system. Consult the ■ Mounts should not be installed in areas of the roof susceptible to ice damming. Water ponding under roof manufacturer's specs and the shingles can reach the bolt penetration. instructions prior to working on the roof. ■ Take care not to damage the roofing material while working on the roof. Removing stone granules and deforming the shingles in any way can shorten the lifespan of the roofing. The value of the solar array is directly affected by the condition of the roof it is attached to. u i c k Mount P V` Prepare lag bolt or structural screw with sealing You are now ready for the rack of your choice. Washer. Using a'h-inch socket on an impac gun, Follow all the directions of the rack manufacturer ■ CAUTION: Prior to installation, checkthat roper screw embedment be achieved for the necessary site P P y drive prepared lag bolt through L-foot until L-foot as well as the module manufacturer. NOTE: Make load and roofing configurations. RESPECT THE ROOF can no longer easily rotate. DO NOT over -torque. sure top of L-Foot makes solid contact with racking. NOTE: Structural screw can be driven with T-30 hex head bit. 817.2.3-44 Apr-2019 Rev6 817.2.3-44 Apr-2019 Rev 6 BI 7.2.3-44 Apr-2019 Rev 6 LORD & LAWRENCE CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONTACT: (561) 444 8192 5700 LAKE WORTH ROAD SUITE 211 GREENACRES, FL 33463,USA FLORIDA REGISTRY# 83317 UrhanSolar CONTACT: 561-609-2664 990 SOUTH ROGERS CIRCLE SUITE 4 BOCA RATON, FL 33487 SOLAR CONTRACTOR LICENSE: CVC56948 CV CO co O� CA Jco O LU 00 U d W Q 00 CD I --I to O C14 LL SIGNATURE WITH SEAL PERMIT DEVELOPER DATE 07/08/2021 DESIGNER OSS REVIEWER ATTACHMENT DATASHEE'C PV-13 - Tenacious bond to difficult substrates - Permanently flexible - Miami -Dade approval NOA 17-0329.18, 15-0520.01 DESCRIPTION 915 sealant is a one -component, smooth polyurethane adhesive capable of dynamic joint movement totaling 70% of original joint geometry (±35%). The sealant cures to a tough, flexible rubber when exposed to moisture present in the atmosphere. Bostik 915 all seasons formula has physical properties that will remain relatively stable over time. The cured performance temperature range is -40OF to 1500F. Where textured appearance is needed, please use Bostik 916. APPLICABLE STANDARDS ASTM C920, TYPE S, GRADE NS, CLASS 35 USE NT, AAND M US Federal Specification TT-S 00230C (COMB-NBS) for one -component sealants as Class A, non -sag CARB, SCAQMD, and OTC compliant Canadian Specification CAN /CGSB 19.13-M87 Miami -Dade County, Florida, NOA No.:13.0423.10, 05/24/17 Miami -Dade TAS 102- Static Uplift Resistance AAMA 808.3 AAMA100/200/300 installation requirements BASIC USES 915 is designed for applications from foundation to finish and is ideal for, sealing expansion and control joints, tilt up joints, perimeters of doors, windows, and other wall penetrations. It has tenacious sealing and bonding performance for many roofing applications, metal roofs, gutters, roof the installations, flashing and sheet metal applications. 915 cures to form a durable, flexible bond with most building materials such as stone, foam, masonry, ceramic, wood, steel, Kynar" coated metals and copper and most other metals. INSTALLATION PROTOCOL Miami -Dade County Considerations: Mateorjoin adjacentsurfaces priorto the Bostik 915 skinning and subsequent curing, to maximize wetting potential of the sealant to the substrates. Allow full -cure, typically 7 days, prior to any mechanical stress testing procedures. It is recommended that adhesion testing be performed to capture batch control qualities of proposed substrates. Joint Design: In general, more joint movement can be accommodated in a thin bead of sealant than a thick bead. Bostik 915 should be no thicker than 1/2" (12.7mm) and no thinner than 114' (6.4mm). In joints between 1/2" and T" the ratio of sealant width to depth should be approximately 2:1. Sealant depth in joints between 1/4" and 1/2" should be 1/4" deep. Joints with dynamic movement should not be designed in widths less than 1/4'. Surface Preparation: Surfaces must be structurally clean, dry (no frost) and structurally sound, free of contaminants, including, but not limited to, dust, dirt, loose particles, tar, asphalt, rust, milt oil, etc. If substrate is painted or coated, scrape away all loose and weakly bonded paint or coating. Any paint or coating that cannot be removed must be tested to verify adhesion of the sealant orto determine the appropriate surface preparation if needed. (See ASP section on next page for details.) Backer Rods and Bond Breaker Tapes: Bond breakers including, but not limited to, closed -cell polyethylene backer rods are used to control depth of the sealant bead, provide a firm tooling surface This supersedes and replaces in its entiretyallpreviouslypublished versions ofthisdocument. T1470 (Last revised on 03.19.19) MIAMI- E, MIAMI-DADE COUNTY o - PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES (RER) Miami, Florida 33175-2474 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION T (786)315-2590 F (786) 31525-99 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) www.miamidade.eov/economy Bostik, Inc. 11320 W. Watertown Plank Road Wauwatosa, Wl 53226-3413 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade County RER - Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. DESCRIPTION: Bostik 915/915RT Sealant LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement: ''Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The ]VOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA renews NOA No.13-0423.10 and consists of pages 1 through 3. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Jorge L. Acebo. V NOA No.: 17-0329.18 Expiration Date: 05/24/22 Approval Date: 05/04/17 Page 1 of 3 LORD & LAWRENCE "` CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONTACT: (561) 444 8192 5700 LAKE WORTH ROAD SUITE 211 GREENACRES, FL 33463,USA FLORIDA REGISTRY# 83317 :• UrhanSolar C0NTA2CI61-609-2664 990 SOUTH ROGERS CIRCLE SUITE 4 BOCA RATON, FL 33487 IOLAR CONTRACTOR LICENSE: CVC56948 CV 00 C'M O� CA Lli >cc~o J O 0 LL C'M - O W o0 Qd W 00 O O � 11 T_ ti C'7 ti O C14 LL SIGNATURE WITH SEAL PERMIT DEVELOPER DATE 07/08/2021 DESIGNER OSS REVIEWER SEALANT DATASHEET PV-14 /lr IRONRIDGE Simplified Grounding for Every Application The UFO family of components eliminates the need for separate grounding hardware by bonding solar modules directly to IronRidge XR Rails. All system types that feature the UFO family —Flush Mount, Tilt Mount and Ground Mount —are fully listed to the UL 2703 standard. UFO hardware forms secure electrical bonds with both the module and the rail, resulting in many parallel grounding paths throughout the system. This leads to safer and more reliable installations. UFO Family of Components .y.«.... System Diagram ------------------m----------- --- -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - H 3 __1 F --- --•-------------Q ---m---U -------- --- -- ------------------m----------- --- -- OUFO C Stopper Sleeve • Grounding Lug m Bonded Splice Ground Wire Q Approved Enphase microinverters can provide equipment grounding of IronRidge systems, eliminating the need for grounding lugs and field installed equipment ground conductors (EGC). A minimum of two microinverters mounted to the same rail and connected to the same Engage cable is required. Refer to installation manuals for additional details. UL Certification The IronRidge Flush Mount, Tilt Mount, and Ground Mount Systems have been listed to UL XR Rails 2703 by Intertek Group plc. UFO/Stopper Bonded Splice UL 2703 is the standard for Grounding Lugs evaluating solar mounting systems. It ensures these devices will maintain strong electrical and mechanical connections over an extended period of time in Microinverters & Power Optimizers extreme outdoor environments. Fire Rating Modules OGo to IronRidge.com/UFO XR1000 Only ./ N/A 1 per Row 1 per Row 1 per Array Enphase - M250-72, M250-60, M215-60, C250-72 Darfon - MIG240, MIG300, G320, G640 SolarEdge - P300, P320, P400, P405, P600, P700, P730 Class A Class A N/A Tested or Evaluated with over 400 Framed Modules Refer to installation manuals for a detailed list. LORD & LAWRENCE CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONTACT: (561) 444 8192 5700 LAKE WORTH ROAD SUITE 211 GREENACRES,FL33463,USA FLORIDA REGIS' 83317 UrbanSolar CONTACT: 561-609-2664 990 SOUTH ROGERS CIRCLE SUITE 4 BOCA RATON, FL 33487 SOLAR CONTRACTOR LICENSE: 0VC56948 CV M M LIJ M O O W 00 Q 0- W 't O CD o CM O N LL SIGNATURE WITH SEAL PERMIT DEVELOPER DATE 07/08/2021 DESIGNER OSS REVIEWER