HomeMy WebLinkAboutResidential or Commercial Checklist5 p RESIDENTIALICOMMERCIAL BUILDINGPERMIT CHECKLIST Site Location: l... i-`f O.S Permit Number: Technician: ..9C_T_:........, General: Application completely filled out with notarized signatures Yes r r Sub Summary List with contractors' names and county & state Yes r No No r N/A certification numbers N/A Sub Agreements with original signatures X r r Yes No N/A Owner Builder Affidavit t^ Yes No N/A Owner Builder Electric Affidavit l- Yes Nor N/A Filled Land Affidavit Yes 1- No C" Geo,or recorded warranty deed r r N/A Recorded Notice of Commencement Yes r No r N/A Yes No NIA Utility Agreement or Payment Receipt r r r Vegetation Removal Permit f Yes (- No r IAA Non Conforming Lot of Record r. I,es r No AdfA Yes No 1 44 Plans. Calculations & Attachments Q copies corrmercial/Z residential) Complete set of plans with engineer/architect raised seal ' Yes 'r" Truss plans reviewed and approved by engineer/architect r. r No 1` N/A Landscaping and parking plan f Yes r No. pd¢A 3 Copies of approved site plans r Yes r No r 1 2 Sealed surveys o plot plan with dimensions, finished floor Yes Yes r No N7* elevation an c s No N/A Health Department approval stamped on survey and floor plan r Yes r No i Health Department food establishment permit stamp on floor plan r Yes r r Manual J or Manual N calculations r r No IAA. Signed Energy Calculations r Yes r, Nor r Sealed Wind Load Compliance Certification r Yes r No Product Review Affidavit r Yes r No l Yes No Pape 1 of � _ t RESIDENTIALICOIi AIERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT CHECKLIST Site Location: Permit Number: Technician; I _ .. Other: Health Department permit paperwork F. Yes r No r A CD for Fire Department if commercial or multi -family r Yes r No N/A DEP, SFWMD or Army Corp of Engineers Yes r r o N/A Pool Barrier Affidavit r' Yes No 7 N/A Ground sign landscape affidavit r' es r No r N/A Burn rate for sign cabinets r� Yes r- MnN N/A R V and Mobile Home Tie Down Only (2 copies) Permit Worksheet (Tie -down diagram) r Yes r ' Nor /A Manufacturer set-up and installation manual r Yes r No N/A Manufacturer blocking diagrams r Yes r o r N/A Signed penetrometer test 0 copy) r Yes r No r N/A Stair details Y s r No N/A Mobile home inspection report for relocation r Yes 1- No N/A Copy of Title for relocation -- Yes r No N/A Class A approval from Growth Management g ment ' c Yes r No r; N/A Comments: J Name: Signature: Date: Reset Clear Form PaaP I of") �1