HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnergy CodeI 93 1 VLal. L;PUIIUII ly r-V1.IVI1-I.I0II1,1Z IVICLIIVU FVI <1U11111IC11d C11 L3UIIU11ly.7 I i Sho Desc: Office Building Description: 1521-Office Building Owner: Aero Shade Addressl: 3104 Indust al Avenue Three Ci : Ft. Pierce Addressl: State: FL Zip: 34946 Type: Office Class: New Finished building Jurisdiction: FORT PIERCE, ST LUCIE COUNTY, FL (661100) ondi oned Area: 7800 SF Condi oned &Unconditioned Area: 7800 SF No of Stories: 2 A a entered from Plans 3900 SF Permit No: 0 Tonnage 0 If diffe nt, write in: 2 `z3 z� EnergyGauge Summit® FIa/Com-2010. Sec on 506.4 Compliant So ware. Effective Date: March 15, 2012 ° Page rt Technologies, ri ty ti ti re Max re PROJECT SUMMARY C ti ft 3/24/2015 1 of 7 ti ft 3/24/2015 1 of 7 Component Design Criteria Result Gross Energy Cost (in $) 4,259.0 5,173.0 PASSED LIGHTING CONTROLS EXTERNAL LIGHTING HVAC SYSTEM PLANT WATER HEATING SYSTEMS PIPING SYSTEMS Met all required compliance from Check List? PASSES No Entry PASSES No Entry No Entry No Entry Yes/No/NA IMPORTANT MESSAGE Info 5009 -- -- -- An input report of this design building must be submitted along with this Compliance Report EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2010. Section 506A Compliant Software. Effective Date: March 15, 2012 3/24/2015 Page 2 of 7 CERTIFICATIONS I hereby certify that the plans and sped ii ons covered by this calculation are in compliance with the Florida Energy Code Prepared By: SR +doers LLC Building Official: �7 Date: - 2q - IS Date: I certify that this building is in compliance with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code Owner Agent: Date: If Required by Florida law, I hereby certify (*) that the system design is in compliance with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code Architect: Reg No: Electrical Designer. Reg No: Lighting Designer: Reg No: Mechanical Designer: Reg No: Plumbing Designer: Reg No: (*) Signature is required where Florida Law requires design to be performed by registered design professionals. EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2010. Section 506.4 Compliant Software. Effective Date: March 15, 2012 3/24/2015 Page 3 of 7 Project: Office Building Title: 1521-Office Building Type: Office (WEA File: FL_ST LUCIE_CO_EWL.tm3) Building End Uses I)Proposed 2) Baseline Total 274.80 414.90 $4,259 $6,467 ELECTRICITY(MBtulkWh/$) 274.80 414.90 80514 121556 $4,259 $6,467 AREA LIGHTS 8.40 89.70 2450 26276 $130 $1,398. MISC EQUIPMT 117.00 117.00 34285 34285 $1,814 $1,824 PUMPS & MISC 0.00 0.10 13 22 $1 $1 SPACE COOL 80.60 136.80 23611 40087 $1,249 $2,133 SPACE HEAT 0.60 19.70 186 5780 $10 $307 VENT FANS 68.20 51.60 19969 15106 $1,056 $804 Credits Applied: None PASSES Passing Criteria = 5173 Design (including any credits) = 4259 Passing requires Proposed Building cost to be at most 80% of Baseline cost. This Proposed Building is at 65.9% EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2010. Section 506.4 Compliant Software. Effective Date: March 15, 2012 3/24/2015 Page 4 of 7 External Lighting Compliance Description Category Tradable? Allowance Area or Length (W/Unit) or No. of Units (Sgft or ft) ELPA CLP (W) (W) None Project: Office Building Title:1521-Office Building Type: Office (WEAFile: FL_ST_LUCIE_CO_EWL.tm3) Lighting Controls Compliance Acronym Ashcae Description ID Area Design Min Compli- (sq.ft) CP CP ance 1 st Floor 16 Office - Open Plan 2nd Floor 16 Office - Open Plan 3,900 2 3,900 2 2 PASSES 2 PASSES PASSES Project: Office Building Tide:1521-Office Building Type: Office (WEA File: FL_ST_LUCIE_CO_INTL.tm3) System Report Compliance Ron 5ton Constant Volume Air Cooled Single Package System < No. of Units i Component Category Capacity Design Eff Design Eff Criteria IPLV IPLV Comp- Criteria fiance Cooling System Air Conditioners Air Cooled Single Pkg < 65000 Btu/h Cooling Capacity Heating System Electric Furnace Air Handling Air Handler (Supply) - System -Supply Constant Volume Air Handling Air Handler (Return) - System - Return Constant Volume 60 13.00 12.23 8.00 60 1.00 1.00 1750 0.80 0.82 1500 0.80 0.82 PASSES PASSES PASSES PASSES PASSES EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2010. Section 506.4 Compliant Software. Effective Date: March 15, 2012 3/24/2015 Page 5 of 7 Plant Compliance Description Installed Size Design Min Design Min Category Comp No Eff Eff IPLV IPLV fiance None Water Heater Compliance Design Min Description Type Category Eff Eff Design Max Comp Loss Loss fiance None Piping System Compliance Category Pipe Dia Is Operating Ins Cond [inches] Runout? Temp [Btu-in/hr [F] .SF.F] Ins Req Ins Compliance Thick [in] Thick [in] None EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2010. Section 506.4 Compliant Software. Effective Date: March 15, 2012 3/24/2015 Page 6 of 7 Project: Office Building Title:1521-Office Building Type: Office (WEA File: FL_ST LUCIE_CO INTL.tm3) Other Required Compliance Category Section Requirement (write N/A in box if not applicable) Check Report 506.4.2 Input Report Print -Out from EnergyGauge F1aCom attached Operations Manual 303.3.1, Operations manual provided to owner ❑ 503.2.9.3, 505.7.4.2 Wmdows & Doors 502.3.2 Glazed swinging entrance & revolving doors: max. 1.0 cf n/ftz; all ❑ other products: 0.3 cfrn/ft7 Joints/Cracks 502.3.3 To be caulked, gasketed, weather-stripped or otherwise sealed ❑ Dropped Ceiling Cavity 502.3 Vented: seal & insulated ceiling. Unvented seal & insulate roof & ❑ side walls HVAC Efficiency 503.2.3 Minimum efficiencies: Tables 503.2.3(1)-(8) ❑ HVAC Controls 503.2.4 Zone controls prevent reheat (exceptions); separate thermostatic ❑ control per zone; Ventilation 503.2.5 Outdoor air supply & exhaust ducts shall have dampers that ❑ automatically shut when systems or spaces served are not in use. Exhaust air energy recovery required for cooling systems (Exceptions). ADS 503.2.7.5 Duct sizing and Design have been performed ❑ HVAC Ducts 503.2.7 Air ducts, fittings, mechanical equipment & plenum chambers shall ❑ be mechanically attached, sealed, insulated & installed per Table 503.2.7.2. Fan power limitations. Balancing 503.2.9.1 HVAC distribution system(s) tested & balanced. Report in ❑ construction documents. Piping Insulation 503.2.8 HAC and service hot water. In accordance with Table 503.2.8. ❑ Water Heaters 504 Performance requirements in accordance with Table 504.2. Heat ❑ trap required. Swimming Pools 504.7 Vapor -retardant or liquid cover or other means proven to reduce ❑ heat loss on heated pools; Time switch (exceptions); readily accessible on/off switch. Motors 505.7.5 Motor efficiency criteria have been met ❑ Lighting Controls 505.2, 502.3 Automatic control required for interior lighting in buildings >5,000 ❑ s.f.; Space control; Exterior photo sensor; Tandom wiring with 1 or 3 linear fluorescent lamps>30W EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2010. Section 506.4 Compliant Software. Effective Date: March 15, 2012 3/24/2015 Page 7 of 7 Project Name: Office Building Project Title: 1521-Office Building Address: 3104 Industrial Avenue Three EnergyGauge Summit® v5.00 INPUT DATA REPORT Project Information Orientation: South Building Type: Office Building Classification: New Finished building State: FI, No.of Stories: 2 Zip: 34946 GrossArea: 7800 SF Owner: Aero Shade Technologies Zones No Acronym Description Type Area Multiplier Total Area lstl 1stl 1 1st Floor 1st Floor CONDITIONED 3900.0 1 3900.0 2 2nd Floor 2nd Floor CONDITIONED 3900.0 1 3900.0 3/24/2015 EnergyGauge Summit® v5.00 1 Spaces No Acronym Description Type Depth Width Height Multi Total Area Total Volume [ft] [ft] [ft] plier [sf] [cf] In Zone: 1st Floor 1 1st Floor 1st Floor Office - Open Plan 65.00 60.00 9.00 1 3900.0 35100.0 ❑ In Zone: 2nd Floor 1 2nd Floor 2ndn Floor Office - Open Plan 65.00 60.00 9.00 1 3900.0 35100.0 ❑ Lighting No Type Category No. of Watts per Power Control Type No.of Luminaires Luminaire [W] Ctrl pts In Zone: 1st Floor In Space: 1st Floor 1 Compact Fluorescent General Lighting 20 20 400 Manual On/Off 2 ❑ In Zone: 2nd Floor In Space: 2nd Floor 1 Compact Fluorescent General Lighting 20 20 400 Manual On/Off 2 ❑ Walls No Description Type Width H (Effec) Multi Area Direction Conductance Heat Dens. R Value [ft] [ft] plier [sf] [Btu/hr. sf. F] Capacity [lb/cf] [h.sf.FBtu] [Btu/sf.F] In Zone: 1st Floor 1 1st Flr S. Wall Metal 60.00 9.00 1 540.0 South 0.0920 1.072 19.38 10.9 ❑ siding/2x4@24"+Rl 1Batt/5/8"Gyp 2 1st Flr W. Wall Metal 65.00 9.00 1 585.0 West 0.0920 1.072 19.38 10.9 ❑ siding/2x4@24"+Rl IBatt/5/8"Gyp 3/24/2015 EnergyGauge Summit® v5.00 3 1 st Fir N. Wall Metal 60.00 9.00 1 540.0 North 0.0920 1.072 19.38 10.9 ❑ siding/2x4@24"+Rl 1Batt/5/8"Gyp 4 1st Flr E. Wall Metal 65.00 9.00 1 585.0 East 0.0920 1.072 19.38 10.9 ❑ siding/2x4@24"+Rl 1Batt/5/8"Gyp In Zone: 2nd Floor 1 2nd Flr S. Wall Metal 60.00 9.00 1 540.0 North 0.0920 1.072 19.38 10.9 ❑ siding/2x4@24"+Rl 1Batt/5/8"Gyp 2 2nd Fir W. Wall Metal 65.00 9.00 1 585.0 West 0.0920 1.072 19.38 10.9 ❑ siding/2x4@24"+Rl 1Batt/5/8"Gyp 3 2nd Flr N. Wall Metal 60.00 9.00 1 540.0 North 0.0920 1.072 19.38 10.9 ❑ siding/2x4@24"+Rl 1Batt/5/8"Gyp 4 2nd Fir E. Wall Metal 60.00 9.00 1 540.0 East 0.0920 1.072 19.38 10.9 ❑ siding/2x4@24"+Rl 1Batt/5/8"Gyp Windows No Description Type Shaded U SHGC Vis.Tra W H (Effec) Multi Total Area [Btu/hr sf F] [ft] [ft] plier 1s f] In Zone: 1st Floor In Wall: 1st Fir N. Wall 1 Window User Defined No 1.2500 0.82 0.76 3.25 5.25 4 68.3 ❑ 9,10,11,12 In Wall: 1st Fir S. Wall. 1 Window 1,2,3,4,5 User Defined No 1.2500 0.82 0.76 3.25 5.25 1 17.1 2 Door 1 User Defined No 1.2500 0.82 0.76 6.33 7.15 1 45.3 8 In Wall: 1st Fir W. Wall 1 Window6,7,8 User Defined No 1.2500 0.82 0.76 3.25 5.25 3 51.2 ❑ In Zone: 2nd Floor In Wall: 2nd Fir S. Wall 1 Window 13-18 User Defined No 1.2500 0.82 0.76 3.25 5.25 6 102.4 ❑ 3/24/2015 EnergyGauge Summit@ v5.00 00'SA (pnuwnS allnu f)ajaua STOZ/6Z/£ pEd iaggni pue ;adagio 'aoog ❑ £L'£ ££'£II 00'ti£ I89Z'0 0'006£ I 00'99 00'09 a;aaouoa'Iios •}{ I IIdIoZOad I J001A;sT :auoZ uI [i4g/3'3s'gl [3a/ql] Ij [3 3s Us] Jagd [;31 fail anleA-g •saa(l •deb;sag •puoz) saJV !;inW (aa33g) H g;p!M ad l uouduasaQ off SJOOI:1 U0og uI :auoZ uI US] f3Sl IlA IlA [33s Jq/nug] ea le;oL vmV Jagdpiny� (aaT1� g M sueAI•s!A 39HS fl adgl uoRduasaQ oNj S:t4611tiIS ❑ £'OZ 6b'6 b£'l Z6170'0 00'0 0'006£ I 00'99 00'09 6I2I/30oURPIE IN 3oo2I I JooTg puz :auoZ uI [n;g/33s'gl [3a/qll [3 [3 3S '=Wnagl [$ap] Us] Jagd [;3l fail an1sA-H •suaQ dej;sag •puoa ;T{y saiv RIniv (3333a) H g;plM ad3l uouduasaQ off SJOOU ❑ S8'Z 00'0 00'0 1709£'O S'IZ I SI'L 00'£ om gsnU woo p!IoS aooQ';xg I 119M *K JlJ M :HztA nI Jool3;sT :auoZ uI [n3g/3 3s'gl Ld '3s/n;gl [3a/qll Ld '3s 'Jq/njgl [3s] Jagd fail h3l anlsA-g -dsj;sag •suaQ -puoj eaJd ulnW (3033) H g;p!M LpapegS adil uouduasaQ oM SJOOQ In Zone: 2nd Floor 1 PrMo2F12 1 ft. soil, concrete 60.00 65.00 1 3900.0 0.2681 34.00 113.33 3.73 ❑ floor, carpet and rubber pad Systems 5ton Ron Constant Volume Air Cooled Single Package System < 65000 Btu/hr No. Of Units 1 Component Category Capacity Efficiency IPLV 1 Cooling System 2 Heating System 3 Air Handling System -Supply 4 Air Handling System - Return 60.00 13.00 8.00 60.00 1.00 1750.00 0.80 1500.00 0.80 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Plant Equipment Category Size Inst.No Eff. IPLV Water Heaters W-Heater Description Capacity Cap.Unit I/P Rt. Efficiency Loss EA -Lighting Description Category No. of Watts per Area/Len/No. of units Control Type Wattage Luminaires Luminaire Isf/ft/Nol M A 3/24/2015 EnergyGauge Summit® v5.00 5 Piping No Type Operating Insulation Nomonal pipe Insulation Is Runout7 Temperature Conductivity Diameter Thickness [F] [ Btu4n/h.siF] [in] [in] Fenestration Used Name Glass Type No. of Glass SHGC VLT Conductance Panes [Btu/h.sf.F] ASHULSg1C1rAh1 User Defined 1 1.2500 0.8200 0.7600 ❑ Frm Materials Used Only R-Value RValue Thickness Conductivity Density SpecificHeat Mat No Acronym Description Used [h.sf.FBtu] [ft] [Btu/h.ft.F] [lb/cf] [Btu/lb.F] 187 Mat1187 GYP OR PLAS No 0.4533 0.0417 0.0920 50.00 0.2000 Li BOARD,1/2IN 178 Mat1178 CARPET W/RUBBER PAD Yes 1.2300 ❑ 265 Mat1265 Soil, 1 ft No 2.0000 1.0000 0.5000 100.00 0.2000 1:1 48 Mat148 6 in. Heavyweight concrete No 0.5000 0.5000 1.0000 140.00 0.2000 ❑ 23 Mat123 6 in. Insulation No 20.0000 0.5000 0.0250 5.70 0.2000 ❑ 4 Mat14 Steel siding No 0.0002 0.0050 26.0000 480.00 0.1000 ❑ 271 Mat1271 2x4@24" oc + RI 1 Batt No 10.4179 0.2917 0.0280 7.11 0.2000 ❑ 94 Mat194 BUILT-UP ROOFING, 3/81N No 0.3366 0.0313 0.0930 70.00 0.3500 ❑ 3/24/2015 EnergyGauge Summit® v5.00 6 Constructs Used Simple Massless Conductance Heat Capacity Density RValue No Name Construct Construct [Btu/h.sf.F] [Btu/sf.F] Db/cf] [h.sf.FBtu] 1055 Metal siding/2x4@24"+R11Batt/5/8"Gyp No No 0.09 1.07 19.38 10.9 ❑ Layer Material Material Thickness Framing No. [ft] Factor 1 4 Steel siding 0.0050 0.000 ❑ 2 271 2x4@24" oc + R11 Batt 0.2917 0.000 ❑ 3 187 GYP OR PLAS BOARD,1/21N 0.0417 0.000 ❑ Simple Massless Conductance Heat Capacity Density RValue No Name Construct Construct [Btu/h.sf.F] [Btu/sf.F] [lb/cf] [h.sf.FBtu] 1056 Mtl Bldg Roof/R-19 Batt No No 0.05 1.34 9.49 20.3 ❑ Layer Material Material Thickness Framing No. [ft] Factor 1 94 BUILT UP ROOFING, 3/8IN 0.0313 0.000 ❑ 2 23 6 in. Insulation 0.5000 0.000 ❑ Simple Massless Conductance Heat Capacity Density RValue No Name Construct Construct [Btu/h.sf.F] [Btu/sf.F] [lb/cf] [h.sf.FBtu] 1057 1 ft. soil, concrete floor, carpet and rubber pad No No 0.27 34.00 113.33 3.7 ❑ Layer Material Material Thickness Framing No. [ft] Factor 1 265 Soil, 1 ft 1.0000 0.000 ❑ 2 48 6 in. Heavyweight concrete 0.5000 0.000 ❑ 3 178 CARPET W/RUBBER PAD 0.000 ❑ 3/24/2015 EnergyGauge Summit® v5.00 No Name Simple Massless Conductance Heat Capacity Density RValue Construct Construct [Btu/h.sEF] [Btu/sf.F] [lb/cf] [h.sfXBtu] 1058 Solid core flush (2.25) No Yes 0.35 2.9 ❑ Layer Material Material Thickness Framing No. (ft] Factor 1 279 Solid core flush (2.25") 0.000 ❑ 3/24/2015 EnergyGauge Summit® v5.00