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Planning & Development Services Building & Code Regulation Division • 2300 Virginia Ave Fort Pierce, FL 34982 772-462-1553 Fax 772-462-1578 ASBESTOS NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR Date: g__; Contractor Name: J"ems Sig 11t1l Business Name: ki'l 5 / Address: �"/ / City: iep_ye.,o v -ec611 State: Zip Code: 3 yl 7 Re: Job Address: 2 It is your responsibility to comply with the provisions of Section 469.003, Florida Statutes and to notify the Department of Environmental Protection of any intentions to remove asbestos when applicable in cordance with state and federal law. ignature & Da e PERMITISSUE DATE 1 PLANNING & t)I.V1,1,(>PNtI';N't' �f?RVtt,l':5 Building & Code Compliance Division • - 111111,UtNG IIER1\11't• SUIT-('O,ti'"I'kA('7 f)tt AG1(EENIEN't' 7—le 9/vm b,'-49 `� `e-ve r; r;✓`S' have agreed to be (Company Name/individual Nmne) the _ P%vM h,•'n,tj Sub-contractor for kkm �i��f'h roped Sher✓;e- 1'4.- (Type ol'Tradc) (i'rimary('ontraclor) I or the project located at 20y� C I'le 1l1es / J-ense-4 6 7 (Pro,icet Street Address or Properly't•ax ID ll) It is understood that, if there is any change ol'SUIRIS regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Ugtllation Division of St, Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing ofa Change of Sub-contractor no Vi--z-Z�Xo�lw vov c. SIGNATUIlI (Q�[rra/nrer) SUll-CONTIL1C1 OR SIGNATCIO:(Qicilirie I'RIN-1 NANIF• PRINT NANIE n ST GUc/r CDv.vi Y COUN1 CI:RIIFICNI ION NIINIIIER COIlNTYCERI If-I 'AI ION Nt'\111ER Slate of Florida.Cnonl)ol2l.j n Slate of Florida,('ounl)al_`_ --L-44- 'Ilie G/re(;oing lorlrrnnrnl unN♦Igned Irefurt'Ale day of The forrvilig luslruurcul Ila%%ikoed tw(are tile,(11k_cX d:y of �h�l.�„i _ pd 111�1,fly ! 'fit L{.na (_t �L' •-K.�.k 1�1-�t11-�...._,111 fit,t,�_S �t=_rt. �ii"C�. +.tin Is personally holm or bus produced rt > _ n)lu I%perlooallti 6nouu it hdl produced It as Idcntilirnllrro. ac�Icnlltlrntluti. S'1'A1111' �_ L�. d�-:_. �C 11 .( 1� `. SLAIIII' ti11;InHure of bWfary 11a!d!r N I;nuUu'c of Nuwr>, 1'ubllr PO, MARY LEE MFlTTIS f hit S Commission#HH 089498 ► Print Name of Nolan Ihddle �, oe Expires March 6,2025 III tut�anu of MNnr� i ubllr 9lFpFr�oP Bonded Thru Budget Notary Services pp Nolrly Public 61410 of f lono.t Lisa Bollut it My Coin iass,on GG:13125 Rctisal I Itlb'2016 �wF� Ex)Hw.pSl7tliUl: Scanned with CamScanner RFRjoAT# Isslit GATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building& Code Compliance Division BUILDING PLR-%IIT Si.'H-CONTRACTOR ACRLENIEN I have ag.>Z"l to tic (f•U9ig1r�1y�ia176C:`lW}ivit�ln!'alill}IC) r tttc ��><.,`E g ( Sub-ctniTuctov for G go, ifSC�LiiG 1`�tC. (i rFr of Ttarte) [Pnm;�-a'�ofrtl'tutrn I F(u the t'►rr)Ierl JoC414�rj (f ue—Pro peri4 Ya%ID It i&understood that, if therr is aav change Of status regAMing our participa?inn with the uboyc rai:rti©ncd rroJect,;he t�uilding and Code Regut;►umv Div>s:or of St:Lucas County will he advised purstiant at the tiling Of it C'haatge ev Sutr-cnntra4-tor n(+ ` At/'T/ RR/SIGAAT IQ/�aflljk(rl//� St.WC 0At'1OkiIGNAI REIQwtNbrl !__!,ala�'�'? S/71)f�'J _ J�+r. !L f►',sir PRt*Y1 SAKI: PRIVTS41tt: 2/74?3 4-13d 6c, CO-4I'i i IN Ill ICA'tt(M P I MW-N (,'6t-41-vrvPT'► ("'411rWhI MHISR Snae er}h.rre,t euwh oI6 A: n Mite of►hh-Q,,U—nn of i'i-f 4- `+ �Iri'r!nr*ninP IoMreen"t fya alpof ttrfarY w<rYb 9,.of T-me r"fwt ra icwwtwnt at*twtf bwwv nM rk 47 at nr raw it Pe r"oef ly kar+ee—or lim 8rnrw"a �-- t�L w M h pnrrxtih know r µy;�.�t W AregvFos� _ sa ktenatAcrflrn, . �►�/l�Kl�sfww. tray,°("', MARY LEE MATTIS L�...J CO lQ �llts�Nwe pf art Pu.hpe rn11Tt>3s'1tlh HH Q Expires March 61202 9rF op� Banned Thru aadgel Ro N rvices t 1 didC tLie OF FL Se 'f•.4-,f 1-.-t lEY A- ( 1 i't�. ' .tfwr 4Mpr a '%~7 robhe - Prim flame of%,bi&ra ftfloc- PY4110� A fblllla Rs havf I t;I...`t)., ! yr GwmwrM�tK3 l7P70= lt�pp4lMTrlOt3 g$or South:Ocean Drive,Jensen Beach, FL 34957 (772) 229-2930 rc ORI P- Fax: (772) 229-9901 Email: NIBoard@comcast.net www.Nettles IslandCondo,eom April 28",2021 Larry Hastie 514 Glowood Drive Pittsburgh,PA 15227 Lat y.Hastie c@gmail.comAPPROVIb Re: New Manufactured Home—Lot 2062 Dear Mr. Hastie, The Association approves of your request for the installation of a new manufactured home,as indicated on the documents submitted with this request. The site plan complies with the required setbacks,meets the two vehicle parking space requirements and we have no objections. Please adhere to the enclosed Nettles Island Procedures Governing Contractor and Building Activity on Nettles Island and provide us with a copy of the permit prior to commencing construction. Also, please be advised that all Architectural approvals issued by Nettles Island are valid for six(6)months. If additional time is needed, owners must submit supporting documentation to request an additional six(6) months. Respectfully, ' r Howard Kick-1 t or`I o f r zgerald Nettles Islg d Board of Directors Cc: Jordan Karpinski,Asst. Mgr.,File H[JTF/ko Please be advised that,4rchitectu1•al Committee assumes no responsibility for the structural adegzloq} capacit}j or safety features of the proposed construction, alteration or addition;or for•performance, workmanship or zletality of work of arty corrtr ac#or or of the completed alteration or description and shall not be relied upon as an approval or xrarranty regarding engineering and structural design, building or zoning code compliance,feasibility or marketability for any pun pose, or compliance with applicable building ordinances, standards, or regulations. By approving the plans and specifications, neither the Architectural Committee or the members thereof, the Association, the Board, its employees and representatives assumes any liability or r esponsibilio,therefore, or for any defect in any structure constructed there from, and said persons firrther specifically e.dude fr om such approval any implied i-t arronty of merchantability and fitness for any pun pose