HomeMy WebLinkAbouttermite certPlanning & Development Services building & Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Ave f9vt Pierce, FL 34982 772_462-2172 Fax 772-462-6443 CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT PERMIT #: MS — J jL4'1I Jq6 ADDRE S; BUILDER/CONTRACTOR: �c —� �'r� 6, / �r T PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR: EVICT-A-B C( TERMITE & PEST CONTROL INC. PEST CQNTR0L LICENSE #: JB175775 We, the undersigned, hOreby certify that we have pretreated the above described construction for sNbterranean termites In accordance with the standards of the National Pest Contro) Association. Sgwre fgt if area treawd; _ st Chemiol6 UWA; (Y, aL Pgraentq;e of solution; _ ._ • DS O Tgtal galWng w* _ 30 :Date of Treatment; _.. ,� Tim of Treatment; Footing _Slab l' Treatment 16, Treatment _Re -Treat ___,Re -Treat Driveway _Pools V._1� Treatment 1s Treatment Re- rept �e-Treat Othzr o r b _—Perimeter for Final Inspection / Re -Treat ent 11'1/L71 Signatur of Extermingtor Date Y Note: There must be a completed form for each requ/ied treatment or re-Ireatmentand drls form mustbe on Hie job site to be plow up by the /nspectorat time ofeao7 inspection or the scheduled lnspecrion w//1 fall and a re-Inepection fee charged, FnC104,16CertificateofPro&vfiveTreatnentforpreventionoftermites Aweather reslstantjobsiteposting board sha// be provided to receive dupl/pte Treatment LerVficates as each requlred protectve &Wonent is completed, providing a mpy for the person the permit is issued to and another copy for the building permit fi/es; The Treabnent Certificate shall provide the product used, ideR&Y of the app/Icator, time and date ofb9e treabment site location, area OWWd, chemical used, percent concentration and number ofgalions used, to establish a vedfiable record of protective treatment If the soli dmmlcal bardermethodfor termite prevention /s used, final exter/artreabnentshall be completed prior to final building approval, St Lucie County requires for the final inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the electrical panel box cover, listing all the treatments and dates of applications. AMSeu irZ4rzvi4 • Termite Inspection Termite Pretreatment �e • Pest Control • Rodent Service • Fire Ant Lawn Service • Whitefly Treatment Licensed & insured Lie. J6175775 t is gX 772-323-7921 -8u0Tull free.1-877-395-9909 Termif2 PestContrEmail: 772-240.5090 Fvidabug@gmail.com Inc.4293 $W High Meadow Ave, Palm City FL 34990 Notice of Preventative Treatment for Termitgs ° (as required by Florida Building Code (FBC) 104.2.6, 105.10 & R310,1 and Proward Cogrlity Chapter FBC 108.2,2) PEST PREVENTION , I FIRE ANT SERVICE I TERMITE SERVICE I RODENT EKCI_USION A 13FMOVAL I WHITEFLY TREATMENT DATE QF SERVECE �- /i; ( TIME .. _ � �% DEVENAME(PROJECT) -. TRACTOR'S NAME CGNTACT PERSON LOPMENT S Co�fem, STRUCT RE ADDRESS(LOT/SLOCK) _..... CITY „STATE -. NTY Pelee rCuerE NOT- - -_ _....._ _ _. _.- ZJP/LADE TREATMENT TYPRABFe - • FLOATING q 040W JTHIC :)OATIO 0 GARAGE W RrVEWAY 0 STEM WAU./FOOTERS 0 ADDITION 0 CUTOUTS 0 FOOTER 0 FRONT ENTRY 0 RETREAT 0 BORA CARE TREATMENT 0 PLUMBING CUT OUTS 0 SIDE-yYALKS TAMP & TREAT 0 TREAT ONLY 0 FINAL 0 POOL DECK 0 OTHER —_ PRODUCTS O BASELINE .DOMINION 21,ACTIVE INGREDIENT © TERmloOR SC 0 BORACARE ❑ PREMISE ® TALSTAR 0 OTHER ACTNE INGREDIENT.——— _., "JOACLAPRIO W BIHENIHRIN LJ 016ODIUM OCTWRATE TETRAHYDRATE CONCENTRATION 0 .06% ❑ .1 % 0.121Y. ❑ ,25% �.05% CJ 23% 0 9% ❑OMSOTHER GAU.APPIJED dy l SQUARE FOOTAGE nLz LINEAR FOOTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE VERIFIED XJ YES ❑ NO )(MEASl1RED OR VERIFIED PER PLANS JOB READY CONDITIONS 'kYES LI ND DETAILS "Certificate of Compliance" As per 104.2.6, 105,10 & R318.1 FBC - If soil chemical barrier method for termite prevention is used. Final exterior treatment shall be completed prior to final building approval. Certificate of Compliance; The building has received a complete treatment for the preyen bon of subterranean termites. Treatment is in accordance with rules and laws established by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, (Per the Florida Building Code.) If this notice is for the final exterior treatment, initial and date this line FINAL STICKER ❑ ELECTRICAL PANEL 0 WATER HEATER 0 OTHER .♦ Pawnent Terms: Payment U°e atlime of service, \ \\ll Dale AMXali L (EWA 8u9 fm* and pig CanU0l. W) 36 d Date Custorrxr iProperlir Owner orAgerd) 1:4'if: �1 Y1`nl; d110+1b11U YI 11