HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement \ ^Y- JOSEPFi E. SMITH, CLES OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAIN ",UCIE COUNTY FILE # 4298336 OR BOOK 3985 PAGE 1186, Recorded 04%18/2017 09:33:30 AM NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Paarmft No. Tax Fo(fb No. J�v State of Florida County of St.Lucle Caen 4 1 i 36'2.� a c f g®O 1 /4 S 31" 6La'6 4 The undersigned hereby gives notice that improvement will be made to certain real property,and in accordance Wth Chapter 713,Florida Statutes, the following information is provided in this Notice of Commencement Legal of Pr ety: and street-address If a(v�ailable)- q {y pe r.®,is CR� A X '13 G� RT pg ® � 48arlaral mn of Irrspr�+eartdrtt: € EROOE a i V � m ow1w irrf cx a coeitr;acw for the Improiement: mY Name Address Interest i W n Name and address of fee simple titleholder(if different from Owner listed above): i y LL. � in O corrt� s'sNalr,�: Treasure Coast Roofing Contractor Address: 1816 SW BILTMORE PSL FL 349B9 Phone Number:_7'7a��0 _ Q U P Sarr®iy(f applicable,a espy of the payment band is attached):Amount of bond:$ Name and address: Phone number: to_�'CX = m OOWO a Leaadesr Bate: Phone(lumber: LL U V U J en LU Lender's address: u.W 0 Z Q O OU N Q WO Persons within ffiweSt of F9arlda desEgrtattad by Owner upon whom notices ot¢aer daacurnentslmay be served as prwrid Eey rtn=C CA Zj (1)(9)7„lFiorlda Statute= N N H O m 0 Name: Phone Number: Address: In addition to himself or herself,Owner designates of i to receWe a copy of the Lienoes Notice as provided in Section 713•P$(1)(b),Florida Statutes. Phone number of person or entity designated by owner: Expiration date of notice of commencement: (the expiration date may not be before the completion of construction and final payment to the contractor,but will be 1 year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified) WARNING TO OWNER:ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFTERTHE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COM MENCEMENTARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 713,PART 1,SECTION 713.13,FLORIDA STATUTES,ARID CAN RESULT IN YOURIPAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTSTO YOUR PROPERTY.A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND gd3Sl D ON TiIE JOB SITE BEFD 1E THE FIRST INS:Fo-t37 A1.IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING,CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. Under penal of perjury,I declare that I have read the foregoing notice of commencement and d t the facts stated therein arq trup_tQ.the bast of my knovA a and belief. / �.:='•,���i (Signature of Owner or lessee,or Owner's or Lessee's Authorize$OfRcer/alrector/Partner/Manager 4 y (Signatory's Title/Office) • 't a ` The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ea�day of 20L ay w� 0►l as for Name of Person Type of authority(e.g.officer,trustee) Pa y on behalf of whom instrument was executed Personally known_or pr duced Identification. (Signature of -State of Florida) (Print,Type,or S m ssioned Name of Notary Public) Type of Identification produced