HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject InformationrA13695 \ l TITLE NUMBER 4 \ IDENTIFICATION NUMBER YR MAKE- MODEL BODY T-L Bf VESSEL REGIS. NO. T26315907A 1984 TWIN HS 59' 20965279 REGISTERED OWNER DATE OF ISSUE THOMAS HENRY ERDWEIN OR .08/22/2003 MARYJO GILLESPIE ERDWEIN LIEN RELEASE 2 AZUL ! 1 INTEREST IN THE ABOVE DESCRIBED VEHICLE IS FT PIERCE FL 349 ��, HEREBY RELEASED MAIL TO: TITLE DATE i THOMAS HENRY ERDWEIN \ 4 2 AZUL FT PIERCE FL 34951-2801 SWJcFAcxrJRv P.R1'OF _c..OV ticR54P �rnv.. ., 4 t -,. En AIJt 5 i t.tl tSTrt MJtUK VtHIC_t= ems OR VESSEL DESCRIBED:BELOW IS VESTED IN THE-0WNER(S) NAMED HEREIN THIS OFFICIAL CERTIFICArE_OF TITLE IS ISSUED; i - rOR SAID-.MOTOR VEHICLE OR VESSEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER YR MAKE MODEL BODY V!T L BHP VESSEL REGIS NO" TITLE NUMBER _ T26315907A 1984 TWIN HS 209135279. .PREY STATE COLOR PRIMARY BRAND _SECONDARY BRAND::; NO OF BRANDS :;USE PREV ISSUE 30ATE P 5/Vi 01/2 1984; ODOMETER STATUS OR VESSEL MANUFACTURER OR OH USE­. �iJLZ MA7IRIAL P. DATE OF ISSUE a - 08/�2/2003 REGISTERED OWNER - _ Nu " _ I — THO A$ HENRY ERDWEIN OR LIEN•RELEASE' MARYJO GILLESPIE.'''.ERDWEIN - _ INTERFsr IN TtfE neo�E DESCRIBED vF_tfICLE IS. <, Z AZUL z = HEPEBY`RELEASED = .� FT PIERCE FL 34951 aY = ; - TITLE DATE '' I lT, 1wto win t a a a a a a } I DIVISION'OF MOTOR VEIIICLES, FLORIDA DEPARTMEN OF HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR=r JEHICI EPI I of pp-A 5 I 1 oc o oer a _ CARL A FORD _ FRED O. DICKINSON, - _pIREGTOREXECUTIVE DIRECTOR - TRANSFEW�0 TITLE'f3Y SELLER-{This se lion must be completed,at the time of-sale.)., ODOMETER CERTIFICATION'- Federal-.and state law require that>you state-the iniledge m connection with;the transfer of ownership. Failure to •complete er;proVidmg,_a false statement &-:,result m_,fines and/or.:imprisonmant ,I This title is'warranted-and cerhhed to be free from-any hens except-as_noted on the:face of:tFfs�cerb5caia-and the motor Vahrole or vessel d25cnbed is hereby.transferred to _ s "2 - 1r Purchaser yIlI1A BLIIZC�7I1Q '�J'DI�J0231C7I1 AddressQ� S:?1S '�-�'_�P RZt//I�''S,`f Ta7C'fP FT' t 7 - Selling Pnce $ - - Oat2 SofoV�[ �17_- J2._ I/we state:that this 5 or a 6 digit odometer:now roads•r❑"❑�,QQQ (no tenths) Mr . - mtles date;-load - and,.to_the besf._ui my knowledge CAUTION 1 1 hereby certify that to the best'of'.my knowledge the._odometer reading reflects the :that-ifreflects the.'actual,mi[edge:of.tfie.vehmle:described herein, unless. �DO'NOT"'CHECK amoonfofi milt;age'ie,-eitCess of,_-its`mechanical`-limits.: ✓. ono-oT the ddometer sTatemept bloc s is.checked BOX IF ACTUAL 2 1 tieeby-cetzdYzhaz the odometer reading Is:not the actual mileage, MILEAGE �: WARNING QlSOMETER:'DISCREPANCY UND€R PENALTIES_ F P�JU$Y, I ''�fjGLAHE'-THAT f'HAVE READ THE FOREGOING DOCUMENT AND TPAT' THE FACTS STATED 1N IT ARE TRUE Pnnted-Name ' -. Purchaser:. - - Purchaser; 'Signature:o _ Printed'Name - _ :Co Purchase .- � Signatu e,; ,A = Punted Name of _ t� f �/ :.� Signature of� __ - a _ Co Seller k �:i'- _ _ Prnted'Name of qq - L� "(When Applicable) _ Co Seller: a f ' - t tl I ,Selling Dealers,License Number; To z No. {'Tax Cpllected. $ 1 Auction Name Lice- - _ i sdf - l ._ __ _ _ L e ns e Number i I:._ ��—.- , A13616 i a iDENTIFIVATION NUMBER YR MAKE MODEL BODY WTI L-BHP VESSEL REGIS. NO. TITLE NUMBER ® T26315907B 1984 TWIN HS 59:' 20A8SS33 REGISTERED OWNER DATE OF ISSUE THOMAS HENRY ERDWEIN OR 08/22/2003 ® MARYJO GILLESPIE ERDWEIN 2 AZUL LIEN RELEASE FT PIERCE FL 34951 INTEREST IN THE ABOVE DESCRIBED VEHICLE IS HEREBY RELEASED BY � I MAIL TO: TITLE DATE THOMAS HENRY ERDWEIN 2 AZUL FT PIERCE FL 349SI-2801 r J 7 J J 1 J J J J J J J J J J J -OR VESSEL DESCR)BiO BELOW IS VESTED IN THE OWNER(S);NAMED HEREIN THIS.OFFICIAL(EriJFICl4TE O�TI?LF=1S ISur SUED - —. FOR SAID MOTOR VEHICLE OR'-VESSEL I• — "': IDENTIFICATION;NUMBER YR 'MAKE MODEL BODY WT L-BHP ,VESS L�REGIS NO. {' TITLE'NUMBER f T263,15907B PRIMARY 6 1984 TWIN H5 59' ' - - _ 20986533 PR FL TATE UNK COLOA RAND SECONDARY BRANLt OF:BRANDS USE-1 PREV_-ISSUE DATE t 4: PVT 01/25/1984 f ODDMETER STATUS Of3 VESSEL MANUFACTURER'OR OH USE ' = t - liULLMATfRIAi -'PROF. DATE OF ISSUE os/22/aoo3 REGISTERED OWNER - THOMAS HENRY ERDWEIN OR LIEN RELEASE MARYJO GILLESPIE ERDWEIN - = IN7e1?ssr i THE ABOVE:DESCRIBEQ VEHICLE?IS - ' _ HEREBY RE t Lt LASED FT PIERCE " FL 3495:1 r _ BY - � - r t - - - - - - TITLE � �-DATE mf 1ST LIENHOLDER } i } 3- NONE DIUI§ION OF MOTOR VEHICLES TALLAI3A§SEE FLORIDA .. OF i T A_ Y SAFET ,.DEPARTMENT AND MOTOR_wkk - -'CAR� A .FORD 4 - FRED O, DICKINSON 1111 ;'DIRECTOR: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. TRANSFER TITLE;�iBY SELLER (Ths-sa'cLom m'ust.6e completed atlthe'time of sale,) .ODOMETER CERTIFICATION—:'Federal and state law'regmre that you state the mileage ,n eonneetton wjth the transfer of ownership: .Failure'of ' -complete orprov�dmg`a false statement may result ie;fines and%ar imprisonment p .This idle is warranted,and certified�to be.:frge ftotmarry hens excep� as,noted on ilia-face ai"this certificate artd%the motorvehmle or-4essal descnbed R. arefi transferred to _o Ya PnreheserIIIt?' BLJ11' 7 fi7� [� T a f 7 nTl Addres$000='S IS : ;S`�e 402�R�t =SE"l �ele,FL 34952 r - _ - M state that this 5 or 6 d rt:ad mete now reads kr Selling Pr ce;�$ �1 ..❑ g ❑❑' ❑��© Inn tenths) f I `I. -;miles -'date.read antl-to;the best;8{ my knowledge CAUTION ,r, t ---1`hereby cart fy that to.the best'of my knowl dga-the-odometer.reading'reflects the 'that rt reflects the adtual rtiileaoe of the,vehicle descnbed herein ,unless:`DO�NOT%CHECK :.amou t f'mileage In excess of;i s mechanical,limits,;a - -one of the_odometerstatement bloLks Is ihecked BOX (F ACTUAL Z _ eitl`y that_ilia odometer reading,is.not the-actual mileage hereby c � MILEAGP �WABNING BD0111E� R DISCREPANCY _UNDER PENACf(ES OF PEf; RY f.D)=CLAF `TNAT-I.HAVE READ THE°FDRE.GOING DOCUMENT AND'T,h"A'i. THE FACTS STATED IN':�IT ABE TRUE 'ter -,5 gnatu -'of •_�. // i - Nintetf Name of Purchaser._ 1 S,gnature o �,( L,. '� Purchaser tOG�/-�' err yazl_f�r@S1d�Slt Co-Purchaser D '-. '� :. Pnnted:.NatT@'rof^' _ - - S,gnatura f F Co Purchaser Seller — _ - Pnnied:Na a of „ / »/ N av _ -Signature-of - Seller � ,y V C e W. .Co Sallar — — t - Pnntad Name of -"r -(When Applieab!)_--.. - - - Co Seffer - — Sell nq Dealers License Number" Tax'No Tax:Collected $ '--- Auction.Name ..: .. License Number:' � - & { 1 - -