HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Worksheets ' l 0 r•o„` - I .: ter_ a r_ .: :. ° r r_ ' •` 7! • —'!E "'%! i ! � �' � � i�'' i -t� ! •r � �Si73iI]<F77_![7'�IrT� EMS s�-�m�_� ..1 O• J•o - � it►[s�iC�'i•�rt:TiC:�_1 ! i ■ ■. ! ■t!■■■t■■i■■iil/■■/■ti■il�!!�■llit■■■ ■ii/■i�i�■■1���1�IQ��//r��l■/l��i�t0 ■■//■■i//■■■/■iilQt■it■■1■tali■■/■■■ - ■■i■■■■t/■i■1■■i■i■Q!liii■i■■■■■■■/■ !■■ii!/i■i!■!■!i!/!■/i//i■i!!!/its/■ ■■ ■!■�ti!■■!!!!■iti!!//!!!■■/!i■!S■ OWN %��%%i��t�t����o%��t�%ice%1��ltt��Iv - • • i•.-. •_ , :_ - i I • _ � PERMIT WORKSHEEC I p8g _ = PERMIT NUMBI=fir Site Pr Iron POOKET PENETR0MffMTES Debris and organic matarto YAoved _ The pocket penstrometerteds are ro wn to psf Water drainage:Natural �/ Swale Pad Oifyer or check hemAb declare t 0t�lb,soiil!Vt hvtit testl?rg. • Fastwanq MUM wide unitss X X X TYpe-Fastener.— ta Walls: Type Fastener. Lensith:POCKET PENEMOMEI t3T 7>±.MG METHOD Roof; Type Fastener. Longth, � qFor-used homes a 30 gauge,E , akvanlzed m' j` jp` i. Testihe perimeter of the home at 6 loc�tlorrs: - wgI be centered over the beak of the•roof and fastened Wr h gate. roofmg nails at 2"on center on both sides of the centetfr1% _ 2. Take the reading at the depth of the footer. —, -- - ,�--:--:- ----• -- - Gasket S. Uring SW lb.Graremarns,take the lowest reading and round down to that IncremenL I understand a properly Installed gaAd Is a rsquirerrrent of al newand used . _ homes and that condensation,mold,meldew,and budded marriage walls are a result of a poorly Installed or no gasket being Installed. I understand a strip X X _X of tape wig not smva as a gasket. irislaJler+s�iltfals stalledt The results of the torque probe test F Inch pounds or check- Pa.A ��U 1 Between Floors Yes - here g your are decWing s anchors without testing - A test - Between Wags Yes showing 275 inch pounds or less will require 5 foot anchom Bottom of ridgebeam Yes Now A state approved lateral arm system Is bdM used and 4 IL anchors ere allowed at'the sidewall lo�nsr, i urideramd 5 ft Weaumrprootnq _ &=mss are required at all centwilne tie poh*wh®re the torque test reading Is 276.or less and Where the miobile home manufacturer may The bottomboard will be repaired wWor taped Yes PM requlras anchors with 9; Y• Siding on units Is installed to rnatwfac turees spec fhmtkm Yes ittistailei's:fnitlals Fireplace chimney installed so as not to allow intrusion of tart water. Yes M ALL TPSTS MUST BE P84F R Eb BY A L CEMED INSTALLER Name ianeous - Installer me Sklrtfng to be installed. Yes No Dryer vent installed outside of sldrtlrig. Yis W :1AateTasfed:,' Range downfiow vent Instalfed•outslde of ski _Y - Drain fines supported at 4 fobt Intervals. Y Electricalcr'+ossoversproteded Pest _ 'Electrical *nnpd electrical conductors between multi-wide units�but not to the main power oume. 7his-1nFludes the bonding wire,between mutt-wide uri@s. Psi- Installer verifies aA information given vrrtfr this permit 1Ycrrlkstreet PW-brna . Is accurate and true based our the vnned all Sewn.drams to tsn mdstkrg smear tap orS�� P� manufacty IlaNan I c ttd oa Rule 750-i &2 onnect all potable water s�PIY Piping to an misting water ureter,water tap,orother Installer SJgnetui e Daie':> �� rdependent water supply sysla rm Pg.