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Subcontractor Agreement
r ,J PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES " Building & Code Compliance Division. BUELDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT i Lawt s Electric, Inc. have agreed to be (Company Narne/Individual Name) . the Electrician Sub-contractor for Wynne Building Corp: (Type of Trade) (Primary'Contractor) P \ For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that,if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project;the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub'contractor notice. I CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier). " S -CON RACT(5R SIGNATURE(Qualifier) Matthew Lyle Wynne James W. .Law PRINT NAME PRINT NAME 08898 2098 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County of \_ State of"Florida,County of_s r�JG The foregoing instrument was signed before me this d of The foregoing instrument.was signed i efore"me this d of .� ,20\1 by �`(�ra �.�:r C-f_.ta t�ti9_ � � 20 b�ytib`l��S who is personally Down_or,has.produeed a who is personally known v or hasproduced a. as ideutific as identificatio STAMP STAMP Signature of Notary Public ;Signature of Notary Public v Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public �;'Y"iB SUS AN MAGEE =3; MY COMMISSION FF 187647 `4Y PYB�., SUSAN MAGEE Revised"I1/i6/2016 �. `,` EXPIRES:February 23,2019 =xc .: MY COMNAIISSION�FF 187647 ©andedThmNotaryPubl?cUndenyrteIs +o' EXPIRES:February23,2019 uF; ° ©onded Thru Notary Public Underwriters. � J PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING'& DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division e � BUELDING PERMTI'. SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Wynne Building Corporation have agreed to be (Company Naine/Individual Name) the 'Plumber Sub-contractor for W y n ne,, B u i l d i n.g Corp. (Type of Trade) (Priinary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It.is.understood that, if there is any change.of status regarding-our participation with the above.mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St.'Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing.of a Change.(if Sub-contractornotice. a- CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) SUBCONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) William D. Brantley. . William D. Brantle,y. PRINT NAME PRINT NAME 29524. : .29524 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County 6f5� State of Florida,County of LIB; The foregoing instrument was signed before me this)SS day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this�~day of \ 20l b William r '.�, y/ D. Brantley ,z�9,tiyWilliam D. Erantley who is personally known t�or has produced a who is:personally known V or has produced a; as identific '66--, as identific ti , STAMP STAMP ignature of Notary Publi,r'. -Signat�rree of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public SUSAN MAGEE .MY COMMISSION#FF 187647 ! EXPIRES: February 23,2019 ; SUSAN MAG Bonded Thru Notary Public UndervMters �Y" EE ' MY COMMISSION e FF 187647 Revised 11/16/2016 '? C,r 4 :ia` EXPIRES:February 23,2019 i ;;(;4 t3unded Thru Notary Public Undx_iters . PERMIT# ISSUE DATE n PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT-91PRWCES u ldit lg&Ct�de Compl atuce T►ivWon • H=-0*G`PEWgF Ste-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT . Comfort Control o'f St. Lucie Cayunt.y_, _Inc.. WVeagreed'to'be (Company Nameffndivicitiat Name) the HVAC Sub-ContrC:0t6rfor Wynne bevelonment Corp. (Type of Trade) (Primacy Contractor) For the project 16cated at (PrQjwt street A:ddms or Property Tax ID It is understood,:that if there is any change of status.regarding out participation with the above mentibned.. project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant,to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONT"C'rOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier). (Qualifier) Matthew Lyl-e Wynne Ba.r erman PRINT NAME PRINT NAM 0g. $ 8288 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUI EP. COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUN WR state ofh'lorida,Goauty of S i, c,F State of Fiorida:County of ST LL4cci The fo►tigoing instrument was signed befdrie me tt&_day of i The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of P20 .20---, Jt yY&J ( • ��ty+n2ti'Vvt�(1 . who is personally,knowA or has produced a � r who is personally known or has pro dnceda as idChtificatian as identification, STAMP- �lX.a �., STANK Sigoatnreo1rNotary ' e SigoatureofNotay He o.u2oYl.1�l: ,v AASKtrJ Aw"i Af}S.C!I J Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary PubUt •S�YPVQL,, DOROTHYANN BASKIN R` i'r •, DOROTHYANN BASKIN c; MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 El °�= MY COMMISSION#GG 030i45'EXPIRES:October 2,2020. `�` EXPIRES:�/�OOF.FIQP.Bonded Thru Notary.Public Urtderiyriters RES:October2,2020 Revised 11/10016 $�:� Bonded Thor Notary Fubfic Under%dtets. L66—d ZOOOfZOOOd VLO—i 999L8L8ZLL dAoo suip in8 auuA —Wpud 91,:Z 96 —60—Zi