HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineering [CO:NTCTOR:East Coast Alu�'tn Products.Inc. •°�WIND SPEES. .D EXPOSURE HAVE N CRITERIA; BEEN DETERMINED USING THE ADVANCEDljable Codes Re uletloro ono Standards TECHNOLOGY COUNCIL'S WEBS[TEhe th Edition(2014)Florida Building Code,specifically Chapter 16 Swdural AND GOOGLE EARTH. Design,Cb°pter 20 Aluminum,end Chapter23 Wwd 2�� 2.AA ASM 35 and Specifications for Aluminum Structures.Pan 1•A ofthe �. u- Q'. Aluminum Design Manual prepared by The Aluminum Association,Inc. Q; { O 0.. J- Washington,D.C.,2010 Editionand the Guide to Aluminum Consbucdoninhigh toto jK winda.%2010. a am O�• z 3.ASCE 7-10. - �••J. ��sI`' O V N : O_ wipa Loa., � 6-'•. . r Gj I.Building Occupancy Category,Pazgmph 1604.5•end Tabla WKS: Rbk Cateeory _ 2.Dole Wind Speed,Figme 1609C,State of Florida Debris Region&Basic Wind /i/ ( p(J Sp,ed.P-gmphl609.3.1.dT.ble1609.3.l Eq.iv.lent Basic Wind Speed VULT /// FES�IDNAL -150 MPH.VASD-116 MPH ' 3.Exposure Category,Paragraph 1609.4.3: Exposure B 4.Building Category for Aluminum Structures,Paragraph 2002.6: Cate¢.ry TYPE 1-VINYL ROOM1i:Non-Nehlleble.UpcondlNaried 10'-B� 10'-B" 10'-B'�-+h 3XJX POST Scope of Work: I _ W Does not include analysis ofexisting structure. 3X3X0.09J 2X3 2XDJ I U Roofiv°e aj A-3 POST - 4THSWALL - END OWC I.RoofTypc:MONOSLOPE w 3X3X0.093 A-3 2X9SMB A-3 BEAM 2XD J a l77 L 2.Roofhfatedal:EXISTING '!� POST INT BEAM O G 'a ad. 2X3 ° Exinlnecancretesleb.Noaddlllanaleoneretefuolina.rslabisnaulre to wbl - 2XDJ o END W LU a the 1pvde lmpmed upmp the eabtlne slab by ihennVasedcantraction lithe A'E 2XDJ I BEAM 3%3X0.093 2 ZggII yI exislfm stab b a minimum odd"thick end In.auvd condition free from EXISTING POST I O a atrucwrelcreeklne,spe111ne..raherdeterioration. RISEROOFNEL EXISTING SHED EXISTING SHED Io LU d �d I 2X3PB Specifications 27f2GIRT The following specifications am applicable to this pmjecb I TYP 1.All work shall N in accordance with the 5th Edition(2014)Florida Building Code, 4► ( I 2X4SMB and any other applicable local codes and regulation. 1X2(TYP) EDGE BEAM 2.Aluminum extractors shall be 6005 T5 Alloy.Due to quality control issues,anmanufachnersuhshrutinn is acceptable without the specifie written,signed and J scaled authorization ofSuncont Aluminum Engineering,LLC. I p 3.Screen Material:Design based on I aft 4 or 20/20 Better View.Any other material +f---S'=0" J F S must he approved Q Z hoe pp 4.Fasteners are required to be canosion resistant,minimum SAE Grade 2 or better :E 3 zinc lted to ASTM B633,or weted stainless steel series°30W,or uncoated I p _0 38, FFI[ ,d staialeaa creel aerie.^dDo". 22'-7' ST.LUCIECO t(r O Wpd5 t�jXj S.All Self Beam Sectlon are to he stitched with eithergl4:crews 6^team G1T1 MILDP;�UIYISIO\ U.Z i�iEE t ends and 24"center to center orgl2 scrcsn 6"from ends and l2°center to center. $WlE{{+ED FOR CO jA\ E ZEE 3Efa 6.Door locationshall be determined by contractor in the field IEVIE{VEU B{+ N W 7.Where— ape ffrcation era required whether in the screen enclosure scope or DATE not,by one or mom regulatory agency,the following specification am applicable: t a Coacmte shall conform to ASTM C94 for the following components: PLANS A71'D EIL IIT MUST BE EPT O�,C.- I. d PmaeCementType 1, ASTMC ISO OR NO INSPECTION WILL BE 11ADE,ii.Aggregates-Large Aggregate 3/4"max-ASTM C 33 Ill. A!...tmtnimg+/-1%-ASfMC260 iv.Waterreducing agent-ASTMC494 2X2 2%3PB 2%3PB 2X3PB 2X3PB 2X3PB v.Clean Potable water JIVINri WINDOWS SHALL BE vi. Other admixtures not permitted REMOVED O WIND ALL IN o _ 3 -- b,Mnal accessories shall conform to: EXCESS OF 75 MPH W/3 m . 2%2GIRT I.Reinforcing Ban•ASTMA613,gnde60 --- --- - SECOND-GUST--.- — -- ------:I-- _ A-2 A-2 _ IXI571NG SHED N il.Wcldcdwimfabric-ASTMAIBS .(iYPI — - _ — — ---- — -- --- --- ---- — -- -- — e.Concrete slump at discharge chute not less than 3"or mart than 5".Water W .Mod aBer bateldng is not permincd d.Prepare and place concrete per American Concrete Institute Manual of Standard Practice,Parts 1,2,and 3 including hot westhet recommendation. CONCEALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENTS ¢ g 2"', E e.Main cure m polyethylene curing permitted f.Priortoplacingr race, te,treattheentiresubsurfaceareafortemdtesin A_z A_2 124-%CKPLUMINU P) ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE Fi comp lian"withb.he pl—d M. CONTRACTOR OF RECORD rat g.Concrete stall bo placed over.polyethylene vapor be.rier. 4'-8,�' 4'-8�' 4'-8, 4'-81" 4'-8�a H _b.Allalurninum_cumponenn embedded within concrete shall be coated with a , bituminous Point itumino sPaint orepoxy. y S.All lumberand plywood.hall have grade marks and treatment Identification and Shall conform to the following: DRAWN BY a.Framing lumber shall be minimum no.2 southem yellowpine and haves THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WOM TP maximum moisture content of 153E AflE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS b.Pressure treatments shall be osmosalts,mum a k-33,womansalls or relearn, REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT DATE DRAWN as recommended for the fie condition.Pressure treated Iumher shall be MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO 04/OBM 7 impra�ated with acep soft treatment in accordance with Es.tt-w-571 and COMPLY NECESSARY CODER bear the American Woad Preservatives Institute quality mark 1p•2. - REVISION c.Wall Sheathing:APA rated Sheathing,thickness as indicated,Exposure 1. d.Aluminum members that are uncoated shall be separated from PT lumber by 300 felt Pape,.10 not polyethylene sheet°requivalent material. 9.Contract...hall provide Florida Product Approval information asto the exact . window being utilized for this p ject,including ma°afactumrs specifications,and installation methods far anchoring the submitted windows to Aluminum members SHEEP NO; and specific sizes as indicated on A•1. (� 10. Contractor shall provide any additional backing and anchors n required by the ' (' ` ) window manuashirganal—turers commendedoling procedures. bepor. LE f 11 All Onhing and wealherpmofmg shell he provided by tin contractor. � ' 12. Use ofthue plansacknowledges and ace<pn aliruitofliabdiry ratio ezcaA deri end min fee - ALUMINUM MEMBERS DI ,NSIONS '"''••.. KICK PLATEN TES: HOLLOW SECTIONS Vfi'x2'x YEXTRUDED 1. 0.024ALUM T ANGLE fi052 H32 ALLOY EA I 2 BCREWAU.CORNERS v\ vW x2:2"x x0.046' Q d O A. 2 z 3:2"x 7"x 0.050" 91DE W/(2)tl14 x 314"SMS 3. 100 B-120 B WIND ZONES INTO UPRIGHT USE YBx 5W SMS a 12°O.C. _ ;h O'•J 2 x 4:T%4,0.050" 4. 120 C•140 S WIND ZONES y 2 x5:2"x5"X0.0501, I USE YB x S/B'SMS Q W O.C. -_ T�tR Icy):a- 7_ OPEN BACK SECTIONSS. ISO B WIND ZONES - to IV.* . 0 USE 0 � • uWcav' USE Sx5RP 9M949 S°O.C. N'• ' I z2:1"X2"X0.040" . xxaxoo6 B. 160 C 6ABOVEWIND ZONES iQ}'•, ,•���;� •J.'' USE 012 x fiff SMS 496"O.C. . I x3:F0"x0.045" •4` ,.• 7. SCREWGIRT.BOTTOMRAIL %/ BOTH SIDES SNAP SECTIONS y' �`. •a•� B. MAX KICK PLATE HT•36' / 2 x2 Snap:2"x2"x O.D45" I I OPTION 2x3 SOap:2"x3"x0.050" SLABIFOOTINO • °.. ,•.tl•• « 0.G40'x11/8'x Tx11/S' 2 X4 Snap:2' 4"x0.045" SEE PLAN 4 I I PROF SIGNAL SEAL y • i OPTION I: ALUMINTER ECEMNAL TCHAN F I I ALUM RECEMNO CHANNEL EQ®i SELF MATING ISMS) •SIDE VIEW VxYx1/S"ALUMANGLE W/(3)010x3WINTO 2x4SMB:2"x4"x0.04V x0.100" W/(4)Y10 x Stir EACH SIDE I I GIRT EACH FACE 6(3) ❑ 2 x S SMB:2"X S"z 0.050"X 0.100" 010 x 3/4°INTO UPRIGHT _ _ I cr 2 x65MB:2"xfi"x0.050"z0.120" -- ---- C �j 0 2 x 7 SMB:2"x T'x 0.05T'X O.120" (2)3W DIA CONCRETE I 2x8SMB:2"XB"%0.072"z0.124" SCREW ANCHORS I I UPRIGHT _ I W d ui a 2x9SMB:2"x 9"x 0.072"x 0.124" (2114.CONC.EMBED) - - 2x10SMB:2"x 10"x 0.092"x 0.398" I Ct K1 Z _ CHAIR RAIL MEMBER I L MINIMUM FASTENER EDGE DISTANCE:12" 1'x 2°BASE PLATE G MINIMUM FASTENER SPACING:314" - ANCHOREDTOCONCWl IW I E TRUSION W. 2� a' a CONCRETE SCREWANCHOR ly Lul CONCRETE SCREW ANCHOR: IN.1 EACH SIDE SIMPSON TITEN HD OREQUIVALENT " .1 b° EACH BIDEOF P05T Z y� G • AND 24'O.C.MAX {Cuj SHEET METAL SCREWS ISMS): Ly 1�+ �p,' ITW/BUILDEX OR EQUIVALENT z6x •,•4 SLAB/FOOTING L i; fi EE PLAN '••, FRONT VIEW B 2"x 3"OR LARGER UPRIGHT TO CONCRETE DETAIL C+ PURLIN OR GIRT TO BEAM OR POST DETAIL ?J SCALE:NIB F xg A-2 SCALE NIB A-2 Q(7& Y Lu V x T O.B.FASTENED TO CORNER Z POST W/H2x 1 Irr SMS AT S"FROM CJ 6<F+ t 1!B'x YxTFMRU0E0 I TOP B BOTTOM RAILS.TYPICALLY 0 Z(''ggg4 ANGLE 5052 H32 ALLOY Y Y INTODJ3/4°SMS I I I 2{^O.C. N W 1/8-x 2-x T EXTRUDE13 ANGLE 5052 CORNER POST Ir H.a2 ALLOY EA CORNER W/(2)014 x 2" SMS INTO POST a(1)3W OIA E CO NCRETE SCREWANCHOR INTO 'T a.4 i•�; CONCRETE y (2)Y70x 11/21SM3 I i- SLABIFOOTING i a>Aiue6o THRU SCREW BOSSES' -} SEE PLAN ':d r4 MWBCE NC 21/4' 3 -WOO y0•-. _ _- - -- __-_ I. ANCHOR OMEM IA Y10x3'WOODSCREW3,8' -- -•-.�- - -- --___ _ SLAB/FOOTWO - Ism -FROM O CGIRTS®7TO.C. .'. a•••..� _ ____ _- _ SEE PLAIN •�•4•!« ' •• - 1/4'DIAx3„CONCRETE SIDE VIEW SCREWANCHOR,b" �•• W FROM GIRT C24°O.C. •SIDE VIEW • a Oj r (4)Y70x112"INTO J k SCREWBOSS 2" CORNERPOSTWl1"x2r@ (1)31a'DIA CONCRETE (I)W4x 31{°SMS BACKSIDE W Q IL y ON�1 SCREWANCHORS I I 2"x TOJ INTO POST 3 Q L- (2114'LONG.EMBED) 3Wx LENGTHAS REQUIRED FIl-1 V70 I- - -- - -I FOR 21I4'EMBEO CONCRETE __cc y`-'6-1 -SCREW ANCHORiNTO CONCRETE DRAWN BY 1"x Y BASE PLATE TxYORY%3'MOLLOW ANCHOREO TO CONC W/1/4' ... TP I SECTION GIRT ` '� �'° L CONCRETE SCREWANCHOR ••�• i"x2'BA6E PLATE ,,•� 1 e'MA%EACH BIDE OF P09T °' DATE DRAWN ANCHORED TO CONC Wl1/4° U4IO6I17 PxY 4• AND 24'O.C.MAX CONCRETE SCREWANCHOR (MIN.1114'EMBED) < •4 •,�,• �; REVISION B"MAX EACH 910EOFPOST •7• n AND 2P O.C.MA% ••6: FRONT VIEW FRONT VIEW I r� ryq C-� 1X2 TO HOST STRUCTURE DETAIL DJ-1 DOOR JAMB TO CONCRETE DETAIL ry 5 SCALE:NIB CP-1 CORNER POST TO CONCRETE DETAIL 999 Ili A-2 p_Z SCALE:NIB A-2 SCALE:NTS Y14x3/4°SMS WI FLASHINGD_ NEOPRENE FACEO _ Q �, O _ WASHER 4'O.C.NEOPRE WASHENEFACED - FLASHING ` WASHER®4°O.C. 3"RISER PANEL � i �•, •(. (�; Ld 3"RISER PANEL ���. PROF SIGNAL SEAL 3"x PANE ER J PAN PANEL !2'x 3'x Q057 EXISTING'I 0 ENO BEAM • BUILDING 0 tl14 x 3/4°SMS W/ Ld - Vx1'x1IB'ALUM NEOPRENE FACED EXISTING I O Yi ANGLE W/(3)Y12 WA6HER®4°0.0. BUILDING/I 11R'x 2 UB°x1112°x0.O6T W x 3W EMS EACH SIDE I1' (2)1f4"DIA I I 3 31B"DW ALUM RECENING CHANNEL I I LL THRU BOLTS I I (j W/(3)Y12 x 3/4'EMS EACH 2"x4'SMB THRU BOLTS SIDE OF BEAM B(2)3'B°DW UPRIGHT OR POST Yx8°fiMB THRU BOLTS INTO THE POST, I W a 3 II II SEESMT FOfl ADD'LTHRU 3/8'OIA THR U BOLT I II W MEMEBER INFO. Wx3°POST K 9 32'xe'SMB 0 x3P09T -- W d �d C S RISER PAN ROOF TO POST CONNECTION S-1 RISER PAN TO POST 4THI!WALL DETAIL S-2 ISER PANEL TO CORNER POST 0 4TH WALL DETAIL Z A SCALE:NTS A-3 SCALE:NTS I A-3 SCALE:HITS J J - J 0a a 0 Z � LZJ W 3-RISER PAN 3•x 3°x O.OW ROOF PANEL 2"x8'SMB POST 3 THRU BOLTS ELF-MATING BEAM _ —I THRU BOLTS 8• _ -— - -1-1/2'a2.1/8"xIllrrxW— _ I L 12' _ —1 __ -- x0.082'ALUM RECENWG —_ _— —_ __-_ _ _____ __ _ _ __ _—____ 1n_ _ CHANNEL WI(8)Y14x3/4' I POST ZO W -- -- SMS INTO EACH SIDE OF ••• BEAMB(OLTS INTOTHRU . BOLT8NT0 POST I I 0 W ud (4)3/8-DIA • THRU BOLTS (2)3W DUL CONCRETE m SCREWANCH*, I, (-(L(3"CONO.EMBI ERNALIEXTERRNAL WPOSTBASE WI(2)3Wrxrx0.04P UPRIGHTDIA THRU BOLTS FF-- _ .KNEE BRACEo.ow° DRAWN BY POST111rx21I8'x11(rxDATE DRAWN 0062"x 2'LOND ALUMRECEIVING CHANNEL W/1R72a314-SMS EA FACER - 04/06/17 (31012 x 3f4'INTO POST I • . '4 ••' REVISION Tx6"SMB 1 S-3 KNEE BRACE CONNECTION DETAIL S-4 CROSS MEMBER TO POST CONNECTION B-l'),3"X 3"POST TO CONCRETE CONNECTION DETAIL SCALE:NTS A-3 6CALE:NTS A-3 SCALE:NTS I• XSHEETNO: